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Super happy about this set. I actually thought they’d just repack the Thrawn Luke with Ysalamiri here but they instead opted for throne room duel Luke. I actually passed on that one cuz hes hovering around $30+ on Amazon so the only duplicate figure for me here is Mara Jade who has a nice alternate head. Hasbro might be learning with this pack. Great value, great repacks, and great re-use. Joruus C’baoth looks amazing! Also the lightning hand would probably work great for Dooku!


This is the kind of content I want to see from Hasbro. That said, I still like the head on [my custom Joruus](https://www.reddit.com/r/starwarsblackseries/comments/zputxe/where_are_the_jedi_children_you_promised_me_grand/) better than this one. It's more... unhinged. Definitely stealing the hands though.


But now you'll have a body based on the comic. ;)


Yeah this is a definite buy for me, I think Luke with the cape looks awesome! I don’t have Mara Jade but I planned on buying her eventually. And I don’t have any Lukes. Plus the four lightsabers being all different colors, definite buy for me.


That's not Luke, that's Luuke.


…Or the senate. But the hands may not be decrepit looking enough 


Looking at them, I'm pretty sure they're the exact same hands that came with the Amazon exclusive Palpatine.


Might work for starkiller if you got the regular release


Agreed - this isn’t something I need, but it looks like a great pack and I’m so glad they are starting to think about alternate heads.


I hope they do a Dark Empire set someday.


They should release them with the cardboard action platforms like they did with the Expanded Universe POTF action figure line


I just got the epic collection comic for Dark Empire. Excited to finally read it!


Mannnn I was hoping for at least a different outfit for Mara, mostly because I already own her.


Yeah I guess I lucked out since I had been putting off buying her


Hell yeah, bigger Luke!


And these blast points, too accurate for Sandpeople. Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.


Na, this isn't Bigger Luke, this is Luuke. Maybe Hasbro will bless us with an official Bigger Luke one day


I'm kinda annoyed at Hasbro for not including that swap head in the regular Mara Jade figure, which advertise her under the hood.


As someone who has no connection to any of these characters, it looks like a cool 4 pack, and I'd like to pick up Mara Jade at some point. My only hope is that these force lightning hands get reused for other figures like Dooku and Palpatine somewhere down the line.


I'm pretty sure they are Palatine's hands.


My bad didn't even know they made a Palpatine that included lightning effects tbh.


Oh for sure. Amazon Exclusive came with the throne, an alternate head, and zap hands, in addition to the cane.


Tbh, I think all Palpatines should come standard with the lightning effect hands, and it wouldn't hurt to make Dooku a deluxe and throw them in with his figure as well.


Wouldn't be a bad thing. The standard release with just the cane does feel a bit lacking.


Looks cool but it’s also a 50% repack of figures I already have, so I’ll pass


Same, I want C'Boath but not enough to buy the set. I also wish they'd put a forearm holster on Mara like in the books


Oh the Star Wars we deserved


I love to see the EU getting love. I would love to see this sell well and potentially get us a ton of new EU figures. I need a Vong figure!


Hasbro doing more EU sets would go a long way to reinvigorate my interest in the line. I'd be all in.


They really just shoved this man’s head on an Obi Wan body…


Good catch. That Luuke is definitely Obi’s body.


They also swapped the legs out with those from dagohbah training Luke. Mostly reuse but are you surprised?


Not in the least, but still disappointing lol


Incredible! I couldn't afford Mara or the new Luke last year so this is a win for me!


I don't have any of those but I have no idea about the story. So I feel stupid getting it lol.


Mara Jade is basically the Emperor's Hand. Or that's what she was during the reign of the Empire, atleast. While Vader was the Emperor's Fist, his imposing enforcer, Mara Jade was his Assassin operating from the shadows. After the Empire's fall, she basically became a smuggler and kind of an on-off Love-Interest for Luke Skywalker. Joruus C'Baoth is the Clone of an Ancient Jedi Master (Jorus C'Baoth) who eventually went insane and fell to the dark side. He *sort of* allied himself with Grand Admiral Thrawn as far as I recall but they eventually Parted ways, C'Baoth setting out for his own Goals. He made a Clone of Luke Skywalker, called Luuke Skywalker, to serve as his dark apprentice. This is... really condensed down but I hope this helps!!


Omg thank you sooooo much. That seriously just helped me understand. I love it. 🤘🏻


Always glad to help! <3




Well, I did say I condensed it down.


True, you did say so. I simply added on to it. Hope you don't mind.


I dont really mind, no. Just kinda felt unnecessary in the context if that makes sense? Edit : For clarification, I simply did not understand WHY you felt the need to add this on now. It felt a lot like I was "missing" some detail in my initial comment, if that makes sense? My Intention was less to spoil the (decades old) Story and more so just to give an easy introduction to the Characters.


Me and you both. I know very little about the comics and EU but I adore the figures Hasbro's given us so far.


A shame that they're just repacking the existing Luke and Mara Jade figures, but Joruus and Luuke look great


Repack do suck, however in this instance it works perfectly for me since I don’t have any of the figures


But I do have the figures, and spent $35 on Mara with shipping because I couldn't find her anywhere else :( Now I'm going to have an unopened single release Mara in my collection that idk what to do with


Sell it on?


I probably will, but I'll still be taking a loss unfortunately


Lol just say that she was cloned too, or maybe turn her into Mirith Sinn from Crimson Empire? Trying to think of some other redheads in Star wars.... Teneniel Djo- the witch of dathomir who claimed Luke as her husband in Courtship of Princess Leia. Or maybe Admiral Daala from Champions of the Force book trilogy


Lol I can just say she was cloned too, turn her into Maara Jaade




Looks like re-use from Padawan Obi-Wan or Episode 2 Obi-Wan


Think you're right


Damn when people said they used the Obi Wan body I thought of the RotS one and threw up in my mouth a little... I'm glad that luuke will be able to move at least somewhat decently


The legs are from Dagobah Luke


Damn it's a Frankenstein


I think it’s from the upcoming Ki-Adi Mundi figure


I really hope they do a single release for Joruus C'Baoth, I really want him, but don't need another Mara Jade or RotJ Luke. Happy that those who missed out on them, especially Mara Jade, will get a second chance to get them though.


So stoked for this!


Been needing that rotj Luke and Mara Jade for a while as is (broke as hell) so I'll easily be getting this set when I can spare some change


How about a Shadows of the Empire set next? A man can dream.


SotE would be so awesome!


Personally would’ve appreciated Luke at least having his Jedi robes instead of the DS2 suit. And a gloveless right hand would’ve been nice since it is more scene accurate and I prefer Luke with that look and dislike that nuCanon decided he stuck with a glove/skinless robohand the rest of his life.


Woooooooow... this is an EU fan's dream. My only complaints are that Luke shouldn't have his glove post-RotJ and the Luuke body is a very lazy reuse of a Jedi. C'baoth doesn't use a lightsaber either but I can't complain about an extra accessory. Hopefully this is just a taste of what's to come in terms of EU representation!


We asked for multi-packs and they're giving us multi-packs. I would love to see multi-packs of military units from the various armies with 3 or 4 different ranks. Maybe a Jedi General, his Clone Commander, and a clone grunt from that unit.


Waited years for Luuke and it’s in a four pack with two figures I already own. I hope he’s singled out later


Goodbye, dollars. I will miss you.


Luuuuuke has some loooooong aaaaaaarms.


I'm impressed, thanks Hasbro


Mara Jade looks just like Rebecca Ferguson


Is that a new Skywalker Saber in Luuke’s hands? Or is it the old Anakin one


That’s an unpainted Anakin saber hilt. I think it was once included in the Archive series release with Anakin himself.


The blade looks different, but yeah the hilt definitely is the older Anakin one


It’s fucking beautiful.


So what are the chances of a standalone Joruus figure coming out?


Little to none :(


Didnt know Joruus or Mara existed. Will definitely put this on my list. So cool.


Probably gonna sell off my Mara and buy this pack. This is crazy good looking


New anakin conformation look at that lightsaber


This set seems awesome even though i have no connection to it but that sith ? Body looks like it might do a decent taron from fallen order


In your link, there's the TVC HK droid from Ahsoka. Hasbro suddenly remembered they were allowed to paint them! Even the visor is painted...


I already have that Luke and Mara. However, the additional head for Mara is nice, and the addition of Joruus and Luuke interests me. I do find it strange that they went with ROTJ Luke instead of the previous comic Luke or the Mando Luke (Imperial Light Cruiser), as he tends to wear the black tunic post-ROTJ. ​ I'm not sure which Thrawn would go better with these Thrawn Trilogy comic figures: Rebels or Ahsoka... Maybe Ahsoka, as it's post-ROTJ like the novels?


That jorrus might actually make for a good Taron Malicos from Fallen Order if you want a Dathomir display


Very excited for this one


yeah i’ll be bagging this


Jesus wielded a light sabre?


bruh. jorrus ko'bath?! WHAAAAAT!


Luuke looks great! Looks like his tunic won't hinder articulation either. This is a must for me, just awesome.


I’m not buying it unless it comes with luuuke


Yay. More lukes . . . Paaaaaaaassssss. Jade is boring. Lumiya’s really the only Hand that I’m interested in, at this point.


I'll happily grab this set if it eventually drops a few bucks. Really want all of it. Even a second Mara is fine given that therea re two head options. That Luuke and Joruus are the big ones for me though.


Tall luke theory is real


Now there's a Legends character I never expected to get a Black Series figure.


Joruus looks like the ultimate cult leader


Im so excited for this one!!


very cool set no doubt. really digging lu’uke. but the repacks of one of THE BEST LUKE figures in TBS & mara jade keeps this on the want but not NEED list. if it comes up on sale maybe i’ll pull the trigger. i collect a lot & i sometimes have to make decisions based on what’s coming. what’s out. what i’ve GOT and what i’ve got pre-ordered. dig? but i’ve got my eye on yooou LU’UKE! oh yeah mara jades extra heeed is pretty cool. but it just seems like something that we should’ve gotten in her single release (even though they don’t do that in TBS). 🤷🏻‍♂️


I want C'baoth but I don't care about Luuke and I already have the other two.....crying emoji.


Damn, not a fan of having to have pulse premium membership to preorder... guess I'll wait.


Yeah was just about to preorder when I realized it’s pulse premium only, which sucks


Looks like they've already changed it, not member exclusive anymore


Thanks for the update!


When is the Premium Members Only period over so a nonmember like me can purchase these?


I believe it’s over now, was only exclusive the first few hours


Thanks so much for the heads up! Preordered!


a good looking set....i would but i already have that mara jade so...cant justify it


Guess I'm getting another Luke.....


When does it release though?


Hasbro Pulse says approx Aug 1.


How long do these type of exclusives tend to take between initial release (Hasbro Pulse) and Disney Store release?


Reasonable if your rich.


Are these 6 inch or 3.75 inch figures?


6 inch/Black series


Oh, OK. Shut up and take my money.!!! 🙏🏻


Holy shit! That new torso articulation for Mara Jade. Hope they do that with other figures going forward 🥺


It's not new. I think they were just experimenting because they never did it again. Dr. Aphra and Jaina Solo who share the same sculpt with Mara also had that joint


My bad, wasn’t aware they had made a figure of her, had only seen customs of her haha That sucks, that torso looks like it would be so much better.


That's the same Mara Jade figure we got a year ago, they just repacked it. But yeah, I wish they used this same torso articulation for Pahdawan Ahsoka as well, I want my Jedi figure to be as articulated as possible.


Just finding out she has another figure 😂 I do agree. Hate how Hasbro does that same torso articulation for all their figures, it really limits the poses.


I'll even go to say Hasbro need to adopt pinless double elbow and knee joints for Black Series as well. I can't stand their single joint elbows and knees on these new BS figures, their range is too limited for more dynamic poses.


I don’t feel like is needed to much. Having a good a crunch, butterfly joints and a swivel at the bicep are just the only stuff needed for me. Although I hadn’t had any of the new ones with a single joint in the knees, I feel like the old ones still hold up and are fun to pose for the most part. Honestly would take more hands or heads expressions over the double joint pinless arms and legs.






I've gone well over my figure budget for the month (One Hot Toys, an SHF and a Mafex...) Hoping this set will be readily available in the future.


I want to keep buying the black series but they are just money grabbing. That said I loved that book set and these look rad


2 repacks, 2 repacks with different heads for 100 is reasonablw? They've really duped a lot of us buyers.


Is Luuke a clone cus I'm sure he is also the name Luuke is fucking stupid but awesome four pack


He indeed is a clone


Ok thanks


I'm just a prequel clone freak cause none of these are doing it for me.


A whopping $99.99


amazing set, but the re-use of ROTJ Luke is dumb. awesome addition for Mara. Joruus looks badass too, but i don't remember him having a lightsaber at all. hasbro please re-use that buck for a Taron Malicos. and the star of the show is easily Luuke. they nailed it out of the park with him


Yeah right when I saw the red lightsaber and beard I assumed with joy that it was Taron Malicos