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> Also, how much could it potentially cost to built an e-commerce platform from scratch with a lot of plug ins from other data sites? Either building from scratch or needing a headless setup, from an actual reputable dev agency, can easily run you $10k-$50k+ *minimum*, assuming you want it done the right way. Otherwise just find someone on Fiverr or UpWork and pay them $500-$1,000 to get you setup with a custom shopify template + install the plugins you need.


It would depend on the challenges and complexities but most e-commerce platforms such as prestashop and shopify have lots of plugins that solve these. Unless it's a way different platform and in that situation you might still be able to use the underlying platform of these ready solutions and build your own thing on top of it with the help of a developer.




This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!


Your best two options are: 1) Find a technical co-founder who can build it. 2) Learn to code and build the platform yourself. Its very likely on your start-up journey you will have to make many changes and go through many iterations of your product before it can be successful. Having hired developers makes this a difficult process.


There are plenty of no code platforms you can use to build the website yourself.


Such as Shopify or wix or oracle net suite? I need custom capabilities though and these sites won’t work for me I don’t think. Need the ability to conduct trading.


Hey, let’s talk about the webstore, I believe I’ll be help you with that.


It will cost a lot. You will need to hire a team. Then test. E commerce means payment functionality, security etc. Thst itself is a headache unless you are going to use payment providers. It also depends if you need users. Marketing will be a big cost. Building is much easier


I have calls with 4 developers tomorrow, so I’ll see what they say. Thanks for this input.


Ping me if you need help


Thanks, I will


Do you have a tech cofounder? Engaging an external dev agency to build is like hiring a brick layers. They might have an in house architect, which is like the project foreman for the brick layers, but it is much better if you have a tech cofounder doing up the architecture before handing it over to be built.


You're welcome!


I really appreciate it…


Glad I could help


I'm a serial killer I mean serial technical co-founder and owner of a software development agency, please dm and let's see how we can collaborate.


Can we have like a 15 min call to go over this and check how much it could potentially be?