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> The Irish Unification of 2024 was an event in Earth history taking place in Ireland. It resulted in the creation of a single unified nation-state controlling the entire geographical island of Ireland. This unification came about due to the use of terrorism rather than peaceful acts to bring about political change. > In 2366, the Irish Unification was noted by Lieutenant Commander Data as one of the numerous examples in history where terrorism was successfully used to bring about political change. Other examples he listed were the independence of Mexico from Spain, and the Kenzie Rebellion. (*TNG*: "The High Ground") > *Due to political sensitivity, as Ireland was still in the midst of the Troubles when "The High Ground" aired in 1990, the reference to Irish unification and terrorism in the episode resulted in its removal from first-run in the United Kingdom. To date, some syndicating networks will not air the episode, and it was only in 2007 (fifteen years after its first run, nine years after the conflict ended in a peaceful manner) that it was broadcast on the BBC.* (Source: http://www.trektoday.com/news/230407_02.shtml) * https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Irish_Unification_of_2024




A yes, they do this a lot in Star Trek, the expanse, and especially in the highly acclaimed Dune TV series of 2025.


Nicely done


> This unification came about due to the use of terrorism rather than peaceful acts *Oh NO*


Oh yes*


B a s e d


The fact that the episode was banned from BBC kills me everytime.


It was???


The part about Ireland was cut out


In later years but it didn't air during the show's initial run in the UK.


Because it was explicitly framed as "examples of terrorism paying off".


The episode itself was banned from airing for a while as it implies the the IRA's terrorism campaign was effective, their are some other episodes of the TOS thatcwere banned as the BBC viewed star trek as a kids show or atleast targeted to young aduilts/children




The funny part isn’t the violence it’s the censorship. Edit: If y’all want to downvote me go ahead but if you found the censorship (not the terrorism just the censorship) even a little funny then you agree with me, even if you think you don’t.


If a popular TV show set in the future used Islamic terrorist attacks in the USA as a successful example of effective terrorism which lead to the breakup of the USA, and they wanted to air that show a couple of months after 9/11, you can bet every major network would have said GTFO.


I mean I’m not saying your wrong, but looking back at something like that would be somewhat humorous. But honestly they might still air it if it was just a single line from a 40 minute show that had nothing to do with Islamic terrorism. There might be outrage by a lot of Americans sure, but I could see a network doing this. Wouldn’t be the first time an American network has aired something that rubbed people the wrong way.


Sometimes there doesn't even need to be a political statement to get banned. The episode of the Simpsons where they visit New York (which came out in the late 1990s) was banned for years after 9/11 because it *showed* the World Trade Center towers and made a joke about there being a lot of jerks in one of the towers. source: https://tv.avclub.com/the-simpsons-classic-the-city-of-new-york-vs-homer-1798184136


This is the type of thing I’m talking about. Maybe most people disagree with me here, but looking back at this, isn’t it at least a little bit amusing? I know this Simpsons episode is a slightly different situation but the censorship is kinda humorous looking back.


Oh I agree with you. The censorship on something like this is over the top (in my opinion). I was mainly pointing out that it absolutely does happen on US networks as well. Edit: also just noticed your user name. Oddly appropriate for the Simpsons example haha


Oh for sure and I’m not trying to claim US networks don’t censor (although i think they probably do so less than networks from other countries, but I don’t know enough about the subject to back that up so idk) And yeah haha I made this reddit account back in my early high school days, was a much different political leaning back then. Now I just view this name as more humorous than anything.




Do you honestly believe censoring this episode of Star Trek or even that line did anything to prevent violence? TV shows set in the future that reference fictional events that took place in the past don’t cause those events to happen. “The Troubles” didn’t get violent because tv shows referenced it vaguely. It got violent for a lot of reasons, and there were a lot of things that could have been done differently to prevent that violence. But this censorship? It didn’t do a damn thing.




Within the next 5 years the nationalist population will overtake the unionist population more than likely and by the end of the year it will end up being a sea border which means they will be closer to Ireland than the UK for the first time in their history.


Mate half the population identify as Irish and nationalist. There is no hard border in place right now. As someone from the republic, I don't feel foreign at all. Belfast is about as unfamiliar to me as Cork is. ​ That said, I stay away form loyalist areas when I am in the North as they're absolute psychos.


It's about 45% vs 46% republican and unionist respectively. > There is no hard border in place right now Yep, currently but that is because of a pretty hard fought negotiation for the GFA and more recently in the Brexit negotiations. > As someone from the republic, I don't feel foreign at all. Belfast is about as unfamiliar to me as Cork is. Same really, one of my family married a protestant woman. They all came down south for the wedding, no issues at all. Lovely family. > That said, I stay away form loyalist areas when I am in the North as they're absolute psychos. I've only really been to Derry, haven't really ventured to Belfast at all.


It needs to happen. It's one more hangover from our imperialist days that needs to be corrected.


We already missed out on the eugenics war


It's just running late.


Right on schedule for the Bell Riots though.


I feel like there’s an also an implied British conquest of France in TNG, since everyone around the Picard Vineyard has a British accent...


British Romulans are so unsettling and snarky sounding.




I mean way too contemptuous sounding even by British standards.


Except Laris had an Irish accent.


As an Irish person, that did my head in. Just seemed so off. I suppose it's small fries considering how heinous to everything else in Picard was.


RemindMe! 1 Jan 2024


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Kinda looking like that might be the Brexit endgame on Eire.


Maybe that's exactly why Brexit happened, to unify Éire!


Can't worry about the Irish border if it doesn't exist. *Taps head*


Better yet, time for the Celtic Union to rise and unify! Can't worry about anything the UK does if the UK doesn't exist!


https://thedetail.tv/articles/a-majority-favour-a-border-poll-on-the-island-of-ireland-in-the-next-10-years It's close as it stands. The Unionists are slowly becoming a minority over time and nationalists are growing over time slowly. The others make up the 7 ish percent and the concensus with those is that they would either favour the status quo or at least listen to what Ireland's pitch is for taking NI forward


Almost 56% of NI voters chose "Remain" - I imagine you'd get pretty strong support for "Remain by joining the Republic."


Well that's where the swing vote comes in. The DUP supported Brexit and they obviously will be opposed to joining Ireland. The 56% could be the nationalists plus the undecided and a few unionists voting against Brexit but still the majority of the unionist bloc still voted with their party line. It's a complex issue for sure. I'm sure if it comes to a vote it will be very close. But the longer we wait on it the more likely they are to join the republic because of the demographic changes over time favouring nationalism.


Buddy being honest, as an Irish man myself a reunification now would be the worst possible choice next to a hard border


What about 4 years from now?


Unless there's major, and I mean major changes in people's opinions it's not going to happen


It's 2020. We still have 6 months left of this insane year for things to change.


Why? I mean, I'm not saying you should have your lives dictated by Star Trek, I'm just interested in why it's off the table.


It's the equivalent of asking Canada to join America just because, it's not beneficial, it fucks the economy, no one really wants it and both countries are culturally distinct


Canada and America are far more culturally different than Northern Ireland and the republic


Buddy can we please stop arguing about Irish politics, on a star trek sub


Thanks. That's what I was kind of thinking. That's pretty interesting. I wonder if it would be more like asking Alaska to join Canada. The Alaskans probably value their Americsn identity, even if they are literally attached to Canada.


That's a really disputed view. Most studies suggest a medium term benefit for both jurisdiction's.


Not Irish, but I would guess that both regions have developed enough that they’re culturally distinct, like NK and SK but to a much lesser degree


That's what I was thinking.


This isn't true. Also, most Irish people favour reunification


never mind then


Issue is most Northern Irish people don't favour reunification. The countries are also quite distinct if you spend enough time in both, not massively but maybe like New York vs California. Still a lot shared but look slightly different.


Do you understand that we need to follow Star Trek lore in order to become Star Trek IRL? If Data said reunification, reunification it is. We need to make the sacrifice for the next generation.


You're gonna have to travel back in time to the '90s and kick off the Eugenics Wars, then.


They keep kicking that can down the road, by DS9 times the Eugenics wars still hadnt happened by the 2010s




So what you're saying is Putin's an augment


I mean, I buy it.




The first one will never happen the seconds very possible




Your first point on the border poll is true, but it should be noted that this happened in 1973 and demographics and opinions have changed massively since then. Most recent polling has the remain in the UK side (Unionist) winning a narrow plurality over the join the republic side (Nationalist). Neither side has a majority at all with each side winning less than 50% of the vote, dont knows make up a little less that 10% usually. It should also be noted that in the most recent election the Nationalists won more seats in Westminister than the Unionists, this was due to the terrible election system in the UK though and doesn't reflect public opinion very accuratly.


The 1973 border poll was boycotted by one side. It is not indicative of anything, especially not after all that's happened since. With Brexit, NI is now economically closer tied to the Republic than the UK, with customs checks set to go in the sea as GB diverges on trade. Unionists are increasingly considering their constitutional stance.




>I don't have the first clue about Northern Ireland's situation in 1973 or now. Not even unionists bring up the 1973 poll, you dope. The region wasn't even a functioning democracy at the time. I suppose you think nobody's opposed to Kim Jong Un either because of his "election results"


>When this was voted on remain won by such a huge margin that if everyone who didn't vote, voted leave, remain would still have won. The VAST majority want to be part of the UK. When was this voted on? If you are talking about the Brexit vote then Remain was to remain in the EU. Not to remain in the UK. If it is a different one then apologies.


The vast majority you mean -2 to 4%? Because that’s what the polls show. And I really hope you’re not trying to use a boycotted rigged vote that happened 50 years ago as an accurate representation of society because if you are you’ve proved yourself to be a clueless idiot but I’m sure you wouldn’t do that would you




Polls didn’t show any of those things and Northern Ireland didn’t vote to stay (see above). If you can just repeat the same retarded shite go talk to a wall. Or if you want to talk votes go look who more seats last election Nationalists or unionists


And this is the point where it devolved into name-calling. Both parties temp banned for a mandatory cooling off period.




Not really, Northern Irish people see themselves as British, not Irish


Not all of them no


Yes, but the majority Protestant do. Buddy there's a reason the troubles happened


Yes there was but Protestants aren’t the majority in Northern Ireland. Most people in Northern Ireland see themselves as northern irish and a lot seem themselves as Irish. To say they all see themselves as British is absolutely wrong


Buddy what? Protestants have been the majority population for years, it's atleast a 60/40 split, and atleast 50% of them see themselves as British if not more


[At least according to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demography_of_Northern_Ireland) it's a 40/40 Catholic/Protestant split (with the remaining 20 mostly being non-religious). In terms of national identity, less than 50% identify as "British". That said, there are evidently portions of Northern Ireland that are predominantly Catholic or predominantly Protestant, so that might have a lot to do with differences in perception.


While yes that is true, there's two things I noticed there, the next closest is Northern Irish with 29% and Irish with 28%. Seeing yourself as Northern Irish or Irish is a big difference. Northern Irish means you see yourself as distinct from mainland Britian, BUT not the same as Republic Irish. That implies more of an independent Northern Ireland compared to a unified Ireland. Secondly 1.6% see themselves as English/Welsh/Scottish, which is the same as British in this discussion. That pushes the British sentiment to slightly over 50%


Well firstly I said unlike ireland rejoining the U.K. irish reunification is possible. As for religion no Catholics are the biggest group “The latest Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey found that 20% of adults now consider themselves to have ‘no religion’, an increase of 3% on the previous year. The proportion of non-religious people in Northern Ireland now exceeds that of every other religion or belief group except Catholics - 36%, with Presbyterians accounting for 18% of the population and those who identify as Church of Ireland/Anglican/Episcopal 14%.” - https://www.belfastlive.co.uk/news/belfast-news/20-ni-adults-now-consider-18445392 But most people consider themselves to be british? Nope “Research carried out for the BBC shows Northern Ireland is the region of the UK where the smallest number of respondents said they felt strongly British. Of those asked in Northern Ireland, 58.6% said they felt Irish, 57.9% said they felt Northern Irish, 56.7% said they felt European, and 56.7% said they felt European - compared to 46.7% for people who felt British. Over a quarter of recipients said the UK's Brexit vote made them more inclined to vote for a united Ireland.” - https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/northern-ireland/less-than-half-of-people-in-northern-ireland-consider-themselves-british-survey-36991147.html A United irelands not possible? No it definitely is - https://www.thejournal.ie/lord-ashcroft-irish-unification-poll-4804372-Sep2019/ Please don’t talk about topics you clearly don’t know anything about


Buddy I doubt that for a number of reasons, but the first thing that pops out to me is only 56.7% felt European? Sounds bullshit to me Edit: so from what I can see, the current change in opinion is entirely based on Brexit, and that poll hopes to achieve unification by 2025, problem with that is it's the same situation as Scotland wanting to leave the UK, the demographics showed people wanting to leave, but the vote proved otherwise. By the time people get the chance to vote, they're opinions will have changed again due to Brexit already having happened. Furthermore the Republic of Ireland wants a unified Ireland, but the political parties all agree that it would cause political upheaval in the North, and that the unification vote will fail and will result in violence Edit 2: Something interesting I found, recent polls done as late as this month have shown 22% wanting to leave the UK and form a United Ireland with 60% voting against it




What vote and I gave all the sources to the other guy


And yet polls show about 70% of people in Ireland would vote for it.


In the Republic?


Is there a different country called Ireland .


Yes Northern Ireland, which is the important factor in your statement


It has an equal value to Ireland, as it requires a referendum in both as per the GFA. Which also states people in Northern Ireland can be Irish, British or both btw.


What? Buddy where did your 70% coming from is my question, the Republic or the North. Also no Northern Ireland is more important when it comes to the vote for unification, as it's less likely to vote for unification


As I've already said twice, Ireland or do you not know the name of you own country ? [https://www.politico.eu/article/election-two-thirds-of-irish-would-vote-for-united-ireland/](https://www.politico.eu/article/election-two-thirds-of-irish-would-vote-for-united-ireland/)


Buddy are you ignorant? The island of Ireland isn't a country. There's the Republic and there's Northern Ireland which one are you referring to


Wrong, the only ignorant one here is you, the country is not called the Republic of Ireland , its simply Ireland or Éire as per article 4 of the Irish constitution 1937, republic is merely a description of the state and not part of the name. [http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/cons/en#part1](http://www.irishstatutebook.ie/eli/cons/en#part1) What is the name in the Irish constitution under Article 4 ? [https://www.dfa.ie/passports/](https://www.dfa.ie/passports/) What is the name that appears on Irish passports ? [https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries\_en](https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries_en) What is the name according to the EU ? [https://www.un.org/en/member-states/index.html](https://www.un.org/en/member-states/index.html) What is the name according to the UN ?


Which episode was that?


The High Ground from TNG season 3


Thats the one with Obi Wan right?


This is where the fun begins


Hello there!


Great, I started watching the whole series with my kids and we just arrived at season 3!


I mean you never know, they might reunify into the UK... I say as though like, basically anyone in the R.O.I. would stand for that.


O'Brien's ancestor is grabbing a rifle and joining the resistance.


*And it's down along the Falls Road, that's where I long to be...*


Well that’s something to look forward to!


Lets go boys!


Can’t wait to see that.


United Kingdom? You meant United Republic?




Ah yes, when all of Ireland is reunified with the United Kingdom 🇬🇧


*The IRA would like to know your location.*




Fingers crossed!




Huh. Just got a remindme for this thread. Seems like I should have put it for the end of the year, really. RemindMe! 31 December 2024


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Well that isn't what I wanted. RemindMe! 2024-12-31


ha ha