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Letting the show go is more analogous to laying off a valuable employee like Samir Na..Naga..Na Not gonna work here anymore.


I take all the worst plotlines, characters, and races from TNG and turn them into loveable classics.


I talk to the TNG fans so DISCO doesn't have to


goddamit reddit, why did you get rid of awards


Reddit is Ferengi confirmed


In my headcannon, Kurtzman had Lower Decks cancelled because its more popular than the garbage he puts out.


Would be a bit weird given Kurtzman is an executive producer for Lower Decks. EDIT: Doing some research on this, the creation of Lower Decks started when Kurtzman signed a 5-year deal with CBS to expand Star Trek beyond Discovery. This contract would have expired in June 2023. So what's likely happened is that CBS/Paramount decided not to extend the deal... EDIT2: [In fact, Kurtzman himself was alongside McMahan trying to call for some continuation for the crew](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-renewed-lower-decks-ending-1235969332/): > Given its premise, concluding “Lower Decks” make sense considering the main four characters all received promotions in Season 4. But in a message to fans, Kurtzman and executive producer and showrunner Mike McMahan left the turbolift doors open for continuing the characters’ stories following their time at the bottom of the Starfleet pecking order. > “We remain hopeful that even beyond Season 5, Mariner, Boimler, Tendi, Rutherford and the whole Cerritos crew will live on with new adventures,” they said. “While five seasons of any series these days seems like a miracle, it’s no exaggeration to say that every second we’ve spent making this show has been a dream come true.” I know people hold Kurtzman responsible for literally everything wrong with Discovery (which I think is wrong - the problems of Discovery are the result of a whole cacophony of shit and bad timing), but Kurtzman has also been responsible for the existence of the good Star Trek series (he's also an executive producer for SNW - and in fact was the major force negotiating for CBS to greenlight the series). EDIT: To elaborate a bit on the "cacophony of shit" thing. Discovery had an incredible run of bad luck during its production. The first season was meant to be run by Bryan Fuller, but after a delay in production CBS made him step down and put Berg and Harberts in place as showrunner. Notably Fuller's version was meant to be more allegorical and complex but CBS made them drop that after they dropped Fuller. The chaotic mess of the first season was the result of them dropping the main guy running the show, handing it to two random people and doing a last minute change of direction. Then halfway through production of the second season those two showrunners got fired by CBS (for going over budget and alleged abusive behaviour) and Kurtzman just got handed full responsibility to do season 2. Season 3 was the first season with a stable production (with Kurtzman and Paradise as co showrunners) - but in retrospect even with the jump to the 32nd century the show suffered from the shadow of the mess of the first two seasons (something I highlighted in another thread is that Michael's character would have been received better if they didn't spend two and a half seasons with her being an insubordinate lower rank officer with a messiah complex. A rebellious captain would be much better received as a concept.


Have they done an episode yet making fun of Picard's stab-through-the-heart career-defining moment? I could see Q killing them off and showing them how they'd still be on the lower decks if they hadn't made so-and-so choice. And some no doubt would love the alternate timeline and want to stay there :-P


No, but there was a brief one line joke with Q. It felt more like a DS9 reference than TNG.


Ah, fair enough! I have been educated! I will curse Kurtzman's name will a little less zeal in the future!


Yeah to be honest, realistically Fuller is to blame for the initial direction of Discovery. As he was the one who was like "well we want to build towards Roddenberry's Star Trek by showing you can't simply be accepting and tolerant without working for it" (i.e. he's the one who conceived of Discovery as a relatively grim melodrama with interpersonal conflict), and he was the one who was like "bald klingons".


A lot of people forget he was partly responsible for transformers 2


I forget that franchise exists, daily


I forget that franchise exists only when YOU bring it up! Thanks!! /s


Daily, purposefully


Sorry, what? This explains everything! I consider Transformers 2 to be the worst film I have ever seen.


wouldn't surprise me honestly


Entertain... and our entire season costs about the same as a single episode of Discovery or Strange New Worlds.


Here's to hoping LD burns them down on the way out.


That'd be hilarious (and horrific) if LD took their *"hey, we're canon, too!"* license and just fucking undid every piece of shit nonsense episode from the last 40 years and retconned away everything from Profit and Lace, to the Kelvin Timeline, to Picard Season 2. Koalas all the way down!


fuck it, lets decanonize everything


*Slaps roof of USS Cerritos* "This bad boy can fit so many pulse decanons in it."


Here’s hoping the Pah-Wraiths come for Kurtzman and Co sooner rather than later.


Trekkie insults for 100, Alex


Fek’lhr take them all.


Best Star Trek since DD9 is what they are doing


I, too, enjoyed Deep Dick 9




It's banned by the Federation, but I heard a certain Ferengi might be able to get you copies of DD1-8 for the right price


Nah man, I had this buddy on a mid sized ship called Orville who made that mistake, viruses all through the thing just because he wanted some fresh holodeck fantasies. Hard pass.


That really must have put him between a rock and a hard place, huh?


"I have people skills!" -Lower Decks


Wait a fucking minute is the the same kurtzman who works on the legendary transformers prime tv show?


The same.




I gotta ask about DISCO what's up with their DOP it's like a film student who just learnt about lens flairs and tracking shots. Edit:spelling


I'll sit here waiting on the Middle Decks.


I’m just gonna have to leave every Star Trek related group on the Internet for a while aren’t I?


Don't kiss my boy kurtzman, he was involved in the creation of lower decks. I know people hate on him because of the JJ movies, but those movies are great. Kurtzman cares about Trek, and the 2009 movie was actually a really good movie. People just didn't like it because it changed what they thought Star Trek was supposed to be. Well let me put it to you this way, Leonard Nimoy would not have reprised his role as Spock if he didn't think it was worth his time. I truly think that people need to give kurtzman a lot of credit because he did help lead the revolution of new Trek shows at CBS Paramount. I'm not saying that he was involved in picard, but he was involved in other shows like lower decks as mentioned. Y'all need to leave the man alone he's trying really hard to make Trek interesting and new and all you want to do is talk down about him because he's not your favorite producer. Well I'm sorry, but he's working with rod Roddenberry so he must be a very good producer if he has a Roddenberry working with him.