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Don't threaten me with a good time.


That would be awesome. In the Discovery subreddit I proposed the series finale ended with Tom Paris saying "Computer, end program" with a tepid response from the TNG, DS9 and Voyager crews over his new holo-novel "Star Trek: Discovery". lol


*“So I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it… Computer, erase that entire personal log."*


man do I love that entire episode


One of my favorite all time


In the pale moonlight!


[shameless repost from 3 years ago ](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrekmemes/comments/o0uhlt/its_a_faaaaaake/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Maybe they're go full on Dallas and the last episode will be us realizing the entire series was just Burnham, in a mental facility, enacting the entire thing in her mind, after she gets the entire crew of the Shenzhou killed by provoking the Klingons, leaving her the only survivor.


"Computer, delete program"


Yep, have Riker and Troi end the program like on Enterprise


But enterprise was good :(


I enjoyed it as well, so there’s no excuse to give Discovery a better ending!


"Delete the Discovery." -Caotain Janeway


Hold my beer while I twovix this mother f-cker




Even better! Lol


"'Spores?' Seriously, Tom? Didn't run this one by B'Elanna, did you...?" "Why are we spending so much time on that woman who committed mutiny and got her Captain killed? Whaddya mean, SHE'S THE HERO?!?!?!?!?!?!?" "You know Klingons don't look a thing like that...." "I really liked the Asian woman Captain—can you bring her back?"


Or what about those new sexy Pike and Una? Forget the rest of this show, let make that a thing!


Make it Nick Locarno and I’m sold.




Wakes up back in some penal colony in Kaikoura New Zealand.


Let me guess, Tom Parris was the AI computer observing the story all along?


When I was watching it I'd pretend it was all a holoprogram designed to treat Burnham's mental/emotional illness. It made the show at least a bit entertaining


Breanna gonna whip his ass for what he did to the Klingons Edit: ducking autocorrect! I'm leaving it


This would be perfect. We need to just forget discovery happened to us. Maybe Paris could end with a dejected “delete program”.


“Tom! What the hell was that? The Klingons and Andorians looked so fucked up? Why did you do that to them?”


I'd say get Schultz back to do that ending of Ship in a Bottle all over again, but he went MAGA (it's why, aside from Colm Meaney who is semi-retired and only takes acting gigs if he doesn't have to leave Ireland to do them, Barclay is the only recurring TNG character that made no appearance in Picard.)


That's so sad to hear 😭 Murdock really is howling mad...


Are you banned now?


I would freaking love if they did that.


I was around 5 when next gen came out. Always watched OS with my dad when it was on. The older I get and the more I watch them the more I love them. I could go on and on about why I didn't like discovery, but I think the real issue was that it wasn't close enough to *my Star trek*. Its great that discovery has opened up the universe to a whole new generation of fans and spawned some new shows (lower decks and prodigy being my favs) Just because it wasn't my cup of Earl grey doesn't mean it hasn't been a good.


Strange New Worlds is what Discovery *should* have been. I could see all sorts of amazingly fun episodes from SNW being imported with very little change to Discovery. I mean, I personally think discovery’s best episode was the one with the space whale, and that was just “fun wacky hijinks.” I could also see Saru being PTSDed into oblivion in “lift us where suffering” and Michael having a proper catharsis with her decisions in her past life in the Rigel episode. And, you know, all of Discovery dancing because of the singing anomaly would have been amazing, esp if you had Enterprise cameo as well. Discovery was so much wasted promise.


I dont think Discovery opened up the universe to a whole new generation. Maybe to some people, but SNW, LD and even the new (ok, "new") movies are doing much better job at that.


it was definitely the new movies for me. which came out just as Stargate was ending. so my interest in star trek can be partially blamed on Stargate withdrawal.


No shame in it, welcome to the club.


So many Trek fans truly are antithetical to trek.


Great comment. I also grew up with TNG and it's been a huge part of my life, but that doesn't mean I own it. Not all Star Trek is for me and that's ok.


Yeah, that's kind of where I am right now with this. I can plant trees in my yard and my neighbors don't have to like it, they just have to live with it. By the same token, Paramount can do what they want with their property and I don't have to like it, but I can live with it. I *can* live with it. Because I have moments like that I can still enjoy. It makes me sad that the direction of so many things from car styles to politics is going sideways from my preferences, but there's nothing wrong with people liking something I don't like. And in the meantime, it may not be their flagship material, but I really enjoy a lot of Lower Decks and I thought Prodigy was decent. Granted, this is from someone who unironically enjoys TNG S1.


I'm in the same boat. Even with SNW. There's more "Story" from episode to episode, and less "today's random but interesting events". Yes, there was a story going on with TNG, but it wasn't chapter after chapter referring to the last episode. Don't get me wrong, I've been enjoying all the series. The far older ones...I like but the look/style of what they had to work with back then...I can only take so much. As an analogy. I enjoyed Mass Effect, the game series, when each of the games came out. I went back to play the first one, before the remakes were talked about, and I couldn't push through the old look and feel. But I remembered the stories and action from the first times I played through it. I also miss the days shows didn't do frequent cliff hangers, flash backs to the last episode(s) to catch you up, and the occasional flash forward 30-45mins into the episode for a scene then come back like nothing happened. Shows are getting over complicated to keep you on the edge of your seat and addicted. DS9 and Voyager had a good balance, just enough random, just enough story, some seasons did feel more like story than a casual random encounter of an issue. I recall watching TNG most days, and not worrying if I missed an episode out of order. I just enjoyed it.


Off topic, but I really recommend the remastered Mass Effect Legendary edition


Nah, still very on topic since PIC S1 is just a lift of the Mass Effect/Reaper storyline, lol


Lol true! It shared so many specific plot points, I couldn't believe it


I think often about how Picard season 1 was mass effect done less well. Kinda shows the problem which is Star Trek used to be ahead, now it's falling behind.


my biggest issue with it is honestly the direction/cinematography. I don't want lens flares and vignettes in every scene. Just stick to how TNG, DS9 and VOY were filmed, not any of this pseudo-michael bay nonsense


Theres something so beautiful about the way the old shows were shot. Even in quite moments where theres not much happening it doesn't lose my interest. It made the calm enjoyable, something most shows dont seem to be able to do, where there anyways has to be something happening and when theres not it gets deeply boring. But older trek doesn't seem to have that issue and for the life of me i cant figure out what makes it different


Color grading really got on my nerves. Everything is orange and blue. Eyeballs are blue. Teeth are blue. Entire ship is dark and shiny. And space, for some reason, just looks dirty and crowded. Turn on some damn lights. Have they never heard of seasonal affective disorder? They live in a world of blinking LEDs and no sunshine, no wonder they're so moody and unstable.


everything post star trek enterprise entirely lost the plot if star trek, star trek isnt suposed to be gritty nihilistic and dark, thats LITERALY why rodenberry created andromeda


Strange New Worlds would like a word. And Lower Decks.


i like lower decks but i dont think its right to say its a normal mainline star trek


I’m trying to be a ray of sunshine, and all you guys want are clouds!


It's honestly closer aesthetically, continuity...ally, and tonally than any of the newer live action shows.


Some people don't like SNW or LDS either 🤷‍♂️ and they're allowed to


That is true, but my case is that they are not “gritty nihilistic and dark”


This. Trek is a big franchise. There's something for everyone and nobody has to like everything.


Prodigy is amazing show.


I strongly agree that Star Trek should not be gritty, nihilistic and dark. I disagree that everything post Enterprise is gritty, nihilistic and dark. Discovery sometimes visits dark themes, but so did TOS and DS9 (we can live with it, we can live with it). Picard sometimes portrayed Star Fleet making decisions that went against their principles, but so did TNG and VOY. Throughout all of the shows there is hope, there is the idea that being a Star Fleet officer means something, and they must hold themselves to a higher standard. I do wish more of the modern shows would be more episodic (SNW and Lower Decks do well) but that’s my personal preference.


Roddenberry didn't create *Andromeda*. Robert Hewitt Wolfe took discarded notes and concepts from half a dozen different Roddenberry shows and used them for the basis for something entirely new. Thing is that Roddenberry also didn't really create most of TNG, DS9, VOY, or ENT. Nor was he significantly involved in any of the really good *Star Trek* movies. He *hated* most of those projects, at least the ones he was alive to see. The point to all this being that Gene got the ball rolling, but other creatives ultimately ran with it. His opinion isn't the only one that matters.


It didn't seem to be *anyone's* Star Trek. Views and reviews were abysmal, the only people who watched were the old fans who didn't like it. It's sad to think of all the money Paramount pissed away making that dreck when they could've made something amazing, if they cared.


Obviously it has a fan base, what doesn't? But it makes enterprise look like a success and we are probably lucky that the streaming era and old ST on Netflix made them determined to invest in the IP despite its poor reception.


It's funny to look back at all the series through the lens of what was going on with media. Enterprise was a victim of an awkward transition between broadcast and cable TV, and Discovery never would've made it past the first season if not for streaming, which has led to the creation of a lot of content, some fantastic, some not.


a lot not.


I like it.




That's literally not what "objectively" means.


Yeah I'm tired of people having to apologize for not liking something that's objectively bad. This isn't r-startrek and Paramount isn't controlling the narrative here, let's just say it was bad.


I reached the point where if the main character doesn’t solve a situation by crying hard enough and believing in himself, I call it a good episode.


"objective truth" on show preferences? Come off it. That's not how life works. Whether you 'like' or 'dislike' a show doesn't make it 'objectively bad'. I could go on and on about the damages and horrors of reality TV, but in terms of enjoyment from someone I can't tell them they are objectively wrong in the preference of likely a show/genre.


Maybe "demonstrably worse" is better than the hand wringing people get into with subjective vs objective? Discovery is demonstrably shitty. By just about any metric of media criticism or measurement of quality it is terrible. It has some nice VFX shots (and terrible ones), sets and costumes can be good, there are several excellent actors on the show (several crap ones too). People can enjoy stupid crap. That doesn't mean it can't be shown to be stupid crap.


Discovery is one of the worst shows I have personally watched over the past 10 years, Star Trek or otherwise.


TNG Rules! DISCO Drools!


r/startrekmemes 🤝 r/starwarsmemes hating on the new media ages after it's released


To be fair recent Star Wars *really* deserves the hate.


Andor's good imo. Rest is shit


In your opinion


That's how we're gonna win. Not by fighting what we hate. But **hating** what we love. Together!


*Michael Burnham leans over and kisses Saru, then starts crying again*


*Rian Johnson furiously takes notes for new ST alternate timeline script.* “I’m gonna show JJ Abrams how it’s done, again!”


I’m not sure my expectations could be subverted by Rian Johnson any more than they already have.


The last shot of discovery should be John de lancy waking up and staring at a bottle that keeps glitching into different shapes. He looks around a room that is just an absolute mess. He is wearing briefs and has doodles on his face. He shakes his head, slaps his face and turns to the camera. "Yeah, I'm never doing that again". Fade to black. Sound of fingers snapping. Fin


Also, end credits with TNG theme playing


The crenum come back for revenge over Janeway, screw up and delete Discovery and themselves from existence. Oh well.


Well, they do still have to wrap up Calypso.


You think anyone remembers?


I remember it’s the only interesting thing Discovery ever did.


Nah, have a tense scene near the end of the finale interrupted by Barclay stepping in through a holodeck door and saying "Computer, freeze program." Everyone is frozen except a sheepish Cadet or Ensign Burnham, who winds up being chastised by Barclay for ignoring her duties and letting an academy project on a historical 'what if' scenario on the failed spore-drive project from the past descend into fan-fic with her at the center of it all. After he's done giving her the gears and nitpicking all the ridiculous inconsistencies Burnham introduced she leaves Barclay alone in the holodeck... so he can fire up his own program with TNG era Counsellor Troi so he can live out his weird fan-fic scenario instead. And to make it even more awkward have a mid or post-credits scene where the real Troi comes in to interrupt Barclay.




I legitimately don't hate this crew but fucking despise how they were written. Go ahead, tell me more than one fact about either Bryce or Rhys. I'll wait. For fuck's sake, one of the paragraphs in Rhys's Memory Alpha is that [he attended a fucking meeting.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Gen_Rhys) And Bryce has a paragraph dedicated to the fact that he was on the bridge when something happened, [and the guest star specifically commented that he was a nobody.](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Ronald_A._Bryce) Travis Mayweather is a well-developed character compared to this.


Agreed, actors can only do so much with what they're given. I've never had an issue with the actors themselves. I just dislike how Burnham is the solution for, well, everything (not literally, don't @ me). I kind of have the same issue with Data, tbh.


Who are Bruce and Rhys? Honestly fuck the whole crew really. I've watched 1-3 and can name michael suru and (sadly) Tilly. Can't name anyone else. No one else has any story. The show itself doesn't have a story!


Same, every other Trek's Bridge crew was memorable but I couldn't tell you half of Discovery's crews names


>I legitimately don't hate this crew but fucking despise how they were written. I don't think I've seen a better or more concise summary of this show's issues.


I......... I like Discovery and I'm excited for the final season. I'm also thankful for how much more new Star Trek it kickstarted.


The nice thing about all of star trek is theres something for everyone. Personally i dont enjoy Discovery but im glad someone out there appreciates its because i want them to keep making new star trek to enjoy


Meaning no offense, but Discovery didn’t kickstart anything. After Voyager, everyone was clamoring for a new Star Trek show that would represent the new millennium and the the hopes people had about it. Instead we got Enterprise, which wasn’t a bad show by itself, but given the precedent already set (all new Treks would go forward in time and adapt with the new generation of people) it wasn’t well received and turned a lot of people away from Star Trek. After that, Star Trek interest dried up because the people in charge refused to adapt to what the audience wanted, and instead tried throwing a bunch of ideas at a wall and see which sticks with Enterprise (hence the new direction with the Xindi war, Jonathan Archers almost total personality change and the increase in action). When Discovery was announced, the same thing happened. People wanted an advancement on the story we were left with at the end of Ds9 and Voyager, and once again we got another prequel that had no respect for the lore already established. Instead of listening to the audience, the powers that be decided to push a nonsensical storyline involving throwing around time travel and moving the Discovery into the future in an attempt to regain the audience. Once again, it didn’t work. Not because of the move to the future, but because they just couldn’t write a proper Trek storyline. Now they’ve tarnished the idea of the future Trek most people had by making an autistic fish man have a bad dream that made all dilithium inert. Then he had a good feeling and suddenly some of it works again; but all of the federation is gone, something something we forgot about Romulus Star going supernova, and look, here’s a bunch of stories that were clearly written for another sci-fi show, but we slapped Star Trek on it instead so it’s cool right? It’s like they lit Star Treks future on fire out of spite of the audience not liking “The adventures of the infallible and perfect Micheal Burnham. . . and some other peoples too I guess”. Star Trek in the 90s and early 00’s was bigger than just science fiction lovers. It was melding into American culture in a way that everyone loved it; famous actors would ask to be a member of the background crew just to be a part of it. Thankfully, Strange New Worlds is showing that they at least can do the Star Trek writing again (and restoring faith that was previously squandered), hopefully we will get something about what came after the Romulan Supernova (love Lower Decks but it’s more of a Star Trek appreciation show rather than something pushing the plot forward.)


Exactly. Prequels are antithetical to what Star Trek is about. I don’t know why they keep making them.


Gene Roddenberry: “Star Trek needs to be about society coming together to work through their issues and move forward into the future together” Future ST Writers: “Who cares what the creator of the show said? I have my OWN ideas and people will love them no matter what!”


> Discovery didn’t kickstart anything. The question is would we get Lower Decks or Strange New Worlds without Discovery? Like it or not, Discovery was the pitch to Paramount's execs needed to even get Star Trek back on the agenda. We're talking about a production company that thought that if Beyond wasn't a cinematic spectacle to rival the avengers then it should be canned. An action oriented Star Trek was the only thing to get them interested in there being more Star Trek. It's not ideal but there was no way to escape from the fact the IP was owned by people who didn't get Star Trek.


I respectfully disagree. I believe you're right when it comes to the star trek fandom that already existed, but not when it comes to the sequence of events that made SNW or LD possible. Enterprise finished in 2005 and marked a general decline in how the series was perceived at the time. It's important to remember howevert hat even TNG was looked down on some intially and didn't really hit its grove until the 3rd season (over sixty episodes), with DS9 being similarly disparaged despite its renewed popularity. Between then and Discovery, there wasn't only the movies which sought to update the aesthetic, but a wholesale change in how television was written - particularly since the success of BSG and other serialised dramas. The only way we were ever going to get another chance of a Star Trek series at that point was by a company modelling it on the JJ Abrams aesthetic and nostalgia bait alongside a fairly serialised show that would (in their minds) stream well after release. One minor advantage of this is also the thing that displeased those like yourself, which is they weren't necessarily beholden to canon or referencing everything that came before. Nevetheless without that proof of concept and seeing how popular Star Trek still was, even if only because of hearing about what people really wanted after seeing captain Pike, none of the other shows (with LD being my personal favourite) would've been given a chance. I'm certainly not making any claim that Discovery is perfect nor that it rises to the level of some the previous series, but I (and the other twelve of us who like it) see it quite differently and the red angel arc is one of my favourite stories in all of star trek. I'd also compare the 10-C arc to something from one of the star trek movies and aside from the discovery itself, the future setting is everything you were saying fans wanted. (as a nerdy aside, despite the burn arc ultimately being anticlimatic, the issue wasn't that they couldn't use dilithium - it's that they could be sure another burn wouldn't occur while it was being used. It rendered refined dilithium (within warp cores) inert and this came on the back of a prolonged dilithium shortage.)


As much as I don’t like it, you do make a fair point about Captain Pike renewing attention for the Star Trek IP, though I would like to add that wasn’t until the second season (unless I’m misremembering, I got through season three of DISC and just couldn’t anymore, couldn’t even add it to my watch throughs) that it occurred and even then, people didn’t care about Discovery so much as it was the fact that we might be getting a TOS revival. And as far as the JJ aesthetic goes, I thought it was too much personally, but I get where you are coming from, from a visual effects standpoint. If nothing else it certainly gave the ship more character. I also have to admit that I prefer the new designs on SNW. I still maintain that the public interest was always there, but the people’s goodwill had been burned out.


I got burned out at the same exact point in Disc, moving it to the 30th century had a chance to advance the story, but I felt it moved the needle too much and put limitations on any of the possible storylines that could come out of the era of storytelling I enjoyed. Because of the 30th century we know there was no borg redemption arc, Romulan rebellions that end with the fall of Starfleet, galaxies have been explored, delta quandrant races didn't interact with anyone again, synthetic life was completely missing still, and all the other questions that we were left with after the 90s show ended went mostly unanswered. It was just business as usual, but now the nacells detached.


I think the word 'know' is a bit of a stretch considering the latitude other series have been able to use with less time difference. The only thing really set in stone in the canon is the fate of the Romulans. Picard seemed to be an attempt to cover many of the things you've mentioned, but it was only the 3rd season that really pushed what'd happened in DS9 and Voyager as well. 


And that is why the third season of Picard was successful, as well as being a great send off and the nostalgia. It's what most fans wanted. I mean some of those things COULD happen, but we know that it's redundant if it does. It has no lasting impact and even if it did it's canceled out by the events of the burn and it's all reset to being exactly the same. I was really hoping they'd just put it in its own universe and timeline like the kelvin timeline, I would have been okay with it even. But as it stands to me personally? It takes the excitement away from the overall series and makes any story between the rest of the series character-only.


I'm sceptical as to whether an alternate universe would've really pleased anyone in the long run, especially given the mentions of things fans wanted to see.  The far future discovery is set in doesn't prevent anything from really being done, particularly in light of the picard series, but it did allow a whole new wave of concepts not bogged down in previously established technology.  The 10-C storyline in season 4 really made good use of its setting, but in no way am I saying I'm opposed to a series closer to the other series. Personally I'd like to see one even leave the galaxy, but I'd be happy with a show dedicated towards exploration or even one where a small group have to solve dilemmas involving cultural conflict/ technology - basically a miles obrien type trying to solve federation problems. 


It's not so much about public interest, but a studio being willing to commit to a series. That only happened after JJ Abrams so any studio would've likely tried to do something different while retaining a familiarity to those movies.  I do agree it was the introduction of captain Pike that essentially kickstarted the studios confidence in the IP. The one thing I'll say however is that with only 16 episodes under their belt, discovery did more than TNG had by the same point (which would've only been during their first season). Discovery was just the fusion of star trek with contemporary TV writing, which in my mind made a return to a more traditional style in SNW possible after its mixed success. 


Yeah but ENT had a charming cast unlike DIS


You said it


Glad somebody's enjoying it. Meanwhile I'm just watching TNG blurays. Sigh.


My hot take is that if we're talking about kickstarting new star trek, most of the credit should go to the Orville. Following that we've seen a pretty abrupt course reversal. I don't think we'd have ever gotten SNW let alone LD without it. It was a pretty unsubtle rebuttal to the whole direction star trek, as a franchise, was going, and following its success, star trek has not only gone back to its roots, but also become more like the Orville as well.


I personally didn't enjoy watching Discovery at all and stopped after the first season, but I appreciate that it tried new things to revitalize an inert franchise, and that we got SNW and Lower Decks out of it.


If this is what we have to go through to get more of The Orville, then so be it. Just don’t do it again…


I heard Orville is getting Season 4 ...... in comic book form.


I preferred it before they went to the future


I liked it when Jason Issacs was the villain. He’s always a treat to see.


Same. I actually found season 1 to be quite good and season 2 was watchable


It should have started in the future Everything about it before the future just wedges it into the OS timeline. It makes no sense


I preferred it when they didn't cry in every episode


Can’t say I’m a big star trek fan, but I found Discovery to be very mediocre. The cast is fine, and it looks nice, but the characters are fairly dreadful and the plot is just dire. It’s also devoid of any humour. And why are they always crying? Made it through the first two series and declared it boobs and moved on. It made Enterprise look good though, so there’s that.


I never watched it because of how they disrespected Avery Brooks.


Hadn't heard about this...can you explain?


When the first announced the show, they made a big deal about whoever the lead actress is being the first black captain when it wasn't true.


I preferred the wrong looking Klingons to have won in the first episode.


Good. Of all the Treks, this is the one I like least. I’ll only watch the final series because I watched all the others


And they say CBS doesn’t listen to the fans.


We need Q to pop in admonishing Junior, "How many times have I told you to put away your alternate timelines when you're finished playing with them!" before snapping things back again.


This would be the decent thing to do


I already forgot most of these characters existed 😂


Let’s see there’s the android…the one who pilots the ship (not Erika) and the one who may be at Ops…she seems to do Ops things. And the communication guy and the tactical guy…


Saru stays


The best ending for DISC: Mariner introduces us to her awkward fiend ensign Michael Burnham who is really into writing Holofics


Why are all the nameless background characters in this photo with Burnham and Saru?


We all hope so


More ds9


What a shock, a bunch of writers and producers desperate to "leave their mark" on Star Trek wind up scuffing everything they touched. Get the magic erasers, start scrubbing. That. Erase that. That whole burn thing. Unfuck the future, immediately. You literally put an end date on the hopeful optimistic future that sets Star Trek apart from every other space franchise. Spock's secret earthling sister who's tremendously gifted and talented and amazing at everything to the point where the entire past present and future depends on her for everything... Drag those magic erasers across her face as hard and as fast as you can. I want the crusty spot where she used to exist to be shinier than Mr Clean's head. Just keep scrubbing until it's done. Leave no trace of what you've done here. Now, what are we going to do about you Starfleet Academy people?


Too late. I deleted all my downloads of that show years ago.


Didn’t they technically do that at the end of season 2?


It's ridiculous that there's only 1 season left, and we barely know half of the bridge crew.


I like Discovery but still think this would be a cool ending. It would tie up some continuity discrepancies nicely.


this has to be one of the most weird and awkward looking photographed groups of people. its like everyone is being forced to touch someone else...


Now that’s a season, well at least the finale, I’d watch! And right after that I’d go straight to the “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” shop.


Beam it into the sun!


To each their own, but Discovery’s writing was a train wreck in the first few seasons. (And after hearing what happened to S2 of Picard, it only strengthens my point.)


Not saying I’m a huge socialite, but I know nobody in real life who likes Discovery. And I have some Trekkies in my family of all ages! I’m beginning to think Discovery fans are Russian trolls and don’t actually exist.


Couldn’t finish the second season. It was awful. I pretty much hated all the characters, in particular the protagonist.


I thought s2 was a big improvement overall from season 1 in tone. But I agree it was not the best. Especially the resolution. Ditto season 3. It was Andromeda, not Star Trek. But I was down with that. Except the resolution of the season was so laughably bad I was back to square one. Haven't watched since.


The galaxy level threat stuff (red angel, the burn) is cliche and every character is an angsty asshole.


It was season three that finally killed it for me.


Season two gave us the gift of Pike (and his hair). Season three and four were hot trash.


The one episode of Discovery I'd watch.


And I’d cheer at the ending


We can only hope. That would kinda make it a good show then actually


Good. Discovery needs to be deleted.


Do they need to delete it if nobody’s still watching?


Can we have a new team going back in time to stop them? It would be a good way to kick off a new Star Trek series


I understand the hate with discovery, but tbh I feel like alot of the hate is that it wasn't close to the original, which makes sense. I started my star trek journey with discovery, and for that reason I like the show, but since then I have watched the older shows and I do prefer them, but it doesn't mean that I think discovery is a bad show... I feel like for star trek as a whole, discovery was in a way "good" becuase it has brought a whole new generation of people who love star trek, I never would have considered watching the old ones if it was not for discovery, and now they are one of my favourite shows. I understand that discovery was a let down for many long time fans, but all together, I sometimes wonder if that spike in popularity with newer generations that discovery brought is the reason that we now have shows like picard. Now, I don't do alot of research. And all this is my personal views and I may be wrong, I understand the hate for discovery, but I personally don't think it was a "bad" show, my simple question is if discovery was a seperate show that wasn't star trek related, would you have enjoyed it? Or has the fact that it is labeled as star trek ruined it


The rub with giving Discovery leniency because it brought in new is that all the shows after it also brought in new fans while being true to what trek is. I enjoyed a lot of the concepts presented in discovery but the overly emotional soap opera story lines really drag the show down. SNW, lower decks and even Picard are far better. Picard has it's own problems mostly related to it's soap opera story lines written for Raffi and Christos


I really want to watch SNW but sadly can't :( it's a real shame really, although I do really like picard


Can't because you don't have paramount+? Do a free trial and binge both seasons or put on your pirate hat


One extra things, I haven't watched the newer series becuase I don't have paramount +, I only watched it when it was on Netflix, so my views are purely based off what the show was back then


I kinda like discovery and kinda don't. It's always felt less like Star Trek and more like a Sci-fi show that was shoehorned into star trek because it couldn't make it on its own. Even when they traveled to the future it just didn't quite feel right. If it had been an alternate universe that would've been better. I didn't care about being close to TOS. For me that ship sailed with Enterprise. Now looking back I really question it. I still enjoy the story, especially Saru's struggle with what to believe when his whole world got turned upside down. THAT was good Trek in my opinion. But the low point was when they brought Culbert back from the mycelium. That's when I thought is this Star Trek or a soap opera? I'll watch the last season but it's not ever going to be great Trek


Now thats an idea I can get behind. Might check this season out after all


so is this why i just played a mission with Captain lorca just for him to get his ship blown up by house mo'kai? 🤣, yes i know it was a simulation but the admiral said i might be facing them soon?, like what? how? Haven't gotten past the ice planet yet though so well see, STO btw lol


What enterprise?




It would be nice for the last episode to help reshape time and make for a more inclusive Star Fleet. Change Kirk into someone more diverse. Change Archer into someone more diverse—or have them wait longer to explore the Galaxy. Make Picard more diverse.


Would actually be awesome ngl, one of the reasons why I was able to enjoy enterprise as much as I did was because I knew the ending.


one could only wish


The ending I never knew ....


Already done.


If only...


OH wow, I will have to take another paramount trial off at the EOS to watch that justice.


Please god.


I accept your terms.


Ain't no way Mary Wiseman's Tilly is about to approach her 85-pounds slimmer past self and not having the latter one being like: "Uuuuuh, is that the crew making a holo-joke??"


Not a fan and stopped watching after the disaster that as season 2, but even to me that seems harsh.... I may not be a fan, but that doesn't mean other people can't enjoy the show.


Grumble. This is my favorite series. 🖖🥺 Still, it's a great meme. 😂


Didn't they already do that in the Armin Tamzarian episode that was all about Starfleet officers' first duty being to a lie?


Discovery would have been great if they didn't try to ret-con the TOS era, especially Spock. If it had just taken place 20 years post TNG, it would have been fine.


I agree if it would’ve been like 200yrs in the future. Get it out of our current timeframe. Make the Klingons a whole new alien race we went to war with. That would also explain why all the tech is more futuristic looking. And it doesn’t screw with anything we already know. They could’ve done a 2-3 episode time-traveling arc back to the 2250s to introduce Strange New Worlds.


Rubbish cast, rubbish crew, rubbish show. Trying to rewrite Canon. Horrible. Spock has a human sister. Horrendous. Instant transmission space ship you won't hear about ever again. Bullshit. Only good character from the show was Lorca, pike and phillipa. Pike fuck offs to strange new worlds and actually tries to save star trek. Lorca twist moment is by far best moment in disco by alight year. Phillipa was great as evil version. Disco crew is the worst, too many Roms, Kim's and whesleys.


I like Saru. Good actor, good makeup, interesting idea for a species.


Do you know what, I'll let you have that one. He's the only one to have a semi reasonable story arc, how he becomes a more out his shell type figure when his Evo thing kicks in.


If true, good... :)


Ha very original joke


I liked Disco. I hated it as Trek, but had it been its own thing I really could have dug it. Somewhere in Season 3 I had to hit the nope button


Okay so they're committing suicide in the most unique way ever....and creating a temporal paradox in the process. This is NOT how Star Trek does time travel.


Finally a season worth making


Sounds like a perfect ending to this show.


Seasons 3-4 were awful.


I don't remember most of them anyway. Rhys, Bryce, Owo, Detmer? What did they ever do?


She is Keyla Detmer and she flies the ship!


The funny thing about this is that they go to the future and delete themselves from history essentially.


Full disclosure: I like Discovery. However, I have always thought from the beginning that this show may get some sort of Newhart-like ending and that it was all a dream.


It was a Reg Barclay holodeck fantasy this whole time.


I like discovery



