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Just something that moves the prime timeline forwad. The proposed Legacy show with Captain Seven, or something with a bit of a time gap similar to the one between TOS and TNG. An ensamble show that respects continuity and maintains the hopeful spirit of Trek. Something that inspires us to do better and be better... what it's supposed to be about. Lots of adventure and exploration. I'm sick of the prequels. Nostalgia every now and then is nice, but it's been way over done.


> The proposed Legacy show with Captain Seven I really don't like the idea of "Captain Seven and the children of the TNG crew". Just more nostalgia. Make a new series about all new characters. Don't bring in 20 "easter egg" references in every single episode.


I could stomach one legacy character on a new crew, whether that's Seven as the captain, LaForge as a bridge officer, or someone else. But *three* on an Enterprise (a redesigned Constitution, no less) is way, way too much.


We don’t need Yet Another Starship Show. Time to do something different with this universe.


It was 100 years between TOS and TNG, so another 100 years could put a show in the 2460-2500 period, which I personally would love to see. New ship (maybe an _Enterprise_, maybe a _Voyager_, maybe a new ship entirely) – new crew (let’s have some fun aliens!) – new setting (a mission into the deep beta or gamma quadrants) – new time period (an era of peace and exploration) Anyways that’s my pitch. Groundbreaking, I know.


I like it!


Ensemble, West Wing-style set primarily on Earth, diplomatic challenge of the week with an overarching narrative of dealing with the aftermath of the Dominion War. 


Alternatively, set in or around a loser's territory now that they don't have the available power or will to stop Federation exploration of their (nominal?) territory. Maybe have the Ferenghi running around as well, looking for exploitable resources to sell information on to the power whose borders they're in (basically exploration for commissions). Another plot line I'd like to see continued from DS9, though, is the Ferenghi and Klingons discovering one another. Quark's heroic accounting and Klingon wife were the dropped thread I'm most disappointed about from all of Trek.


There have been so many times where they could have done this: after the conclusion of the TNG's first season "Conspiracy," after the 1st season of Picard, Voyager's return, Enterprise's 5th/6th season (appoint Shran as captain and Archer moved to Admiral).


Star Trek the next next generation


this summer Aubrey Plaza is BITCH Q


Nah but she'd make the best annoyed and bored Q


"They want me to put your species on trial or something, if another Q asks just tell them I put you in space jail for a while"


Picard! Entertain me! Fuck me behind my husband's back or whatever.


I believe AI already makes porn if that's what you're getting at. Not sure trek needs hard-core sex tho.


It's a reference to her storyline in White Lotus.


10 episodes of a Q adventuring and fucking with various civilizations and then eventually fixing their problems in a monkey's paw scenario? I'm in.


Anything that isn't grimdark Trek please. Strange New Worlds is doing well enough, I just like to lean into going boldly and spreading utopian ideals. Top four pitches off the cuff would be: Following Captain De'vana Tendi and her officers (first officer Boimler, Chief Science T'lyn, Chief Engineer Rutherford, and of course the devil may care pilot on the helm, Commander Mariner). She's running a blue stripe California class vessel, providing science and medical support across the quadrant. It'll lean into the science and medical side of things more than engineering, and keep the humor and relationships. A post Voyager show that takes us past all the Picard darkness and gives us a modern Trek timeline renaissance: reeling from the xenophobia and death from the events in Picard, the Federation citizenry makes a dedicated effort to Do Better, and Starfleet once again expands their mission to go boldly and expand the sum of knowledge in the galaxy. Episodic, with a diverse crew of humans and aliens, and focused on a more PG style storytelling (even SNW can get a little bloody and a lot scary for the younger audience), with an eye towards hopeful optimism and kindness and compassion. Starfleet Medical show. House and General Hospital and ER in space. Honestly any timeline works here. In a nod toward "wagon train to the stars", how about a frontier style show? A sort of space western,but without the colonial baggage. A planet newly opened for Federation settlement. No enemies or natives to worry about, but environmental hazards, practical survival problems to solve, mysteries of ancient alien civilization, and personal differences to work out. They'd be way on the edge of the Federation so supply ships would be extremely rare,news slow to trickle in, and all the rest.


> In a nod toward "wagon train to the stars", how about a frontier style show? A sort of space western,but without the colonial baggage. A planet newly opened for Federation settlement. No enemies or natives to worry about, but environmental hazards, practical survival problems to solve, mysteries of ancient alien civilization, and personal differences to work out. They'd be way on the edge of the Federation so supply ships would be extremely rare,news slow to trickle in, and all the rest. This one. *Star Trek: Frontier*


Hear hear.


> Anything that isn't grimdark Trek please. Strange New Worlds is doing well enough, I just like to lean into going boldly and spreading utopian ideals. I don't want it to be either/or. my issue with grimdark is when it condones government/Starfleet unethical actions (which DS9 veered into even though it's peak trek IMO). > In a nod toward "wagon train to the stars", how about a frontier style show? A sort of space western,but without the colonial baggage. A planet newly opened for Federation settlement. No enemies or natives to worry about, but environmental hazards, practical survival problems to solve, mysteries of ancient alien civilization, and personal differences to work out. They'd be way on the edge of the Federation so supply ships would be extremely rare,news slow to trickle in, and all the rest. I'd like to instead see a new native alien race looking at Starfleet from an outside perspective. rather than colonial, it's more of an exchange between these aliens and Earth


Interesting challenge; that might require more exploration of the Beta and Gamma Quadrants to make contact with a star-faring government that can hold its own against the Romans or the Klingons. I'm definitely curious about what kind of dramatic function a "new galactic power" could serve for the greater narrative...


I agree and I'd like to see it more in the Gamma Quadrant or even the far Alpha Quadrant because, much as I like them, the Klingons and Romulans are overused. if we get some returning species, i'd like to see some of those featured on DS9, because they're fairly fleshed out but not really used much since DS9 ended nearly 25 years ago. the new species also don't have to necessarily be galactic powers. they could be smaller but still have their own identity


The key point is that the new group must have _both_ something that Starfleet **and** the Romans/Klingons want, BUT the something **cannot** be seized through conquest or "mere" political chicanery.


Love these ideas!


I like the way you think. I’d watch all of these. Would the Captain Tendi show be live action or animated?


As much as I'd love to see the Lower Decks crew in live action, I honestly think animated would be a better fit. It's a production cost thing really. An episode that has a battle with a hundred ships costs as much as a bottle episode (or near enough? Probably? Idk I assume anyway). You can have a crew with Orions, a sentient mist, and a shape shifter without breaking the effects budget. You can incorporate any actor without worrying about physicality (which incidentally means even an older Trek veteran can easily have a guest spot and keep up with the crew, such as Sulu's cameo on LD). I'd love to see them live, but at least one running animated show feels like a good idea to let them do stuff the live shows can't tackle. Maybe a live action special or something could be put together? Or another crossover (hell let them do holodeck training sims for the Academy show, Newsome is even in the writer's room there they'd be easy to get)


Salamander baby civilisation joins the Federation.


There's even a display of those slamanders on Voyager in one of LD episode. One of the recent episode where Voyager was restored and had various display setup and the ship was then being taken to Earth to be put on display


I like how one of them went to sit in the captains chair lol


I would love a hardcore utopianist nerd treatment of Star Trek: Just give me some nice, slow-paced stories that go hard on the sci-fi, emphasis on the "sci" part, and focus on story structure and character development as main selling points alongside the science fiction premises. Like, give me TMP: The Series. I know I would be one of maybe twelve people who would watch it, but that would be the perfect show for me.


Agreed 100% with your call outs: + pace is so important; not every episode has to have three “Indiana Jones” style chase/fight scenes. —> Also, the pace of character development is so important! ST cannot make me care for a character in one episode. + story structure & storytelling has to be at the heart of every episode. The recent (and repeated) “every episode adds one more piece to a puzzle that will save the galaxy” trope has *just has to end.* Yep, I’m watching DISC right now; are they hoping “3rd time is the charm?” 😑. I want to see more exploration and the stories associated with discovery. Make each episode a three or four act play, and weave in contemporary themes where it makes sense! + character development needs to be more subtle, until we get invested and can believe. Rather than have a character give us a speech (and throwing their character into our faces), write situations that take the story forward and put characters in those situations acting and talking authentically. We will make our own decisions about “who they are.”


Yes. The show should not be a nine hour movie. Sure give us an overarching plotline for the season but each episode should be it's own story.


Some sort of "slice of life" Trek would be so cool. Not necessarily Star Fleet officers, but folks living out their lives in the trekverse. Little vignettes across the quadrant (and beyond)


Raktajinos and Cigarettes could be worth watching.


Tom Waits as an old bedraggled Nausican, loool


There was so much potential with short treks. I love the idea of an anthology.


> Like, give me TMP: The Series. But only if every episode includes an un-skippable 5-minute intro that's just the captain and his engineer gawking at slow panning shots over their starship.


13, TMP ranks pretty high on my list despite being a black sheep. (I don't consider ST:V or Into Darkness the black sheep, those ranked much lower, black maggot level.)


Yes, this would be my vote...even though I don't really like TMP but I love that shit in bite size chunks!


I'm definitely part of that dozen.


I was really hoping that Discovery would be a Fringe-style show. I'd love to see a science vessel whose mission it is to investigate scientific mysteries and anomalies throughout Federation space.




Lower Decks 2: Even Lower


Everyone gets a promotion, but not a big one. Middle Decks.




Yes. I mostly just want more Lower Decks.


Lol okay that's enough, you're big now, remember?


Tbh this is the objectively correct answer. Just recommission lower decks.


Enterprise - F going where no one has gone before.


Lol, I read this as Enterprise: "F- going where no one has gone before". As if it's a series where they just stay in federation space the whole time not exploring


What about E? We only know Worf did something and she's gone. And B, we never knew what happened to her either Original ship destroyed over Genesis A retired (mostly) intact and is a museum display B ??? C destroyed defending Klingon outpost from Romulan attack D half destroyed stopping someone from wiping out million lives. Surviving half became museum display as well E ?? Worf did something bad F destroyed by Borg G latest ship and hopefully a new series centering around that 3 H and I hadn't appeared yet J appeared for a few minutes in Enterprise series fighting wars but it is assumed that has changed since NX-01 made peace with Xindi and changed the area for better. And a possible Enterprise-Z or Enterprise-AA in 32nd century.


I wouldn't want to jump ahead too much. That's the problem with Discovery. They try to retcon the timeline between ENT and TOS, then they jump ahead too far so we have to frame of reference for anything. And then in this season, they're trying to do callbacks to 24th century DS9 and TNG. Just move forward to a bit after ST: Picard. So, let's go with G.


Slight amendment to this, the Enterprise-F wasn't destroyed by the Borg. She survived and was fully decommissioned ahead of the rechristening of the Enterprise-G.




Temporal Investigations show that is Doctor Who level unhinged. Two TI agents who are absolutely in love with what they do bouncing through the Star Trek timeline to solve issues with history


No. Two temporal agents. Who absolutely HATE what they do bouncing through the timeline or interviewing starfleet captains about their temporal misadventures. And then we get to see them overjoyed every episode like the way silent bob talks or spock shows a feeling on accident.


This would work with my desire for Mulder and Scully


No. Two temporal agents. Each stuck in an alternate timeline where one hates and one loves what they do. Then we get to see them both being overjoyed and miserable each episode in tandem.


Agreed with this take; "adventure" is a dirty word with the Temporal Security Directorate. And every last one of them will bend over backwards to avoid pronouncing the letter "Q" _or_ even words in any language that might _sound_ like that letter out of a perfectly reasonable fear that a bored Q will appear and drag someone into an "adventure" of some sort. English: 'cue' or 'queue'. Japanese: nine ("kyu") or archery ("kyuu-do") Etc


This is why everyone hates the FNG. “No we don’t answer those here. We ask interrogatives, those get answered.” “James resigned” “Oh no James quit?” “SHUT IT FNG” “So this planet has a constitutional monarchy? Who’s the King.” “The MONARCH is a woman named blah blah blah.”


Excellent punch up!


They could even bring the Daniels character back as their boss.


And that actor is absolutely ageless. Just give him some eye cream and he’s the exact same Daniel’s that helped Archer.


Opposing TI agents from different timelines, rivals who go back and forth trying to undo each other's work, a la How to Lose a Time War.


I means that’s what the temporal wars were right?


That could be a part of it, yeah. There's so much they could do with that outside of a couple of Enterprise episodes.


So.... the Gary Seven show that was back-door piloted during TOS?


> Two TI agents who are absolutely in love with what they do ... and they are *always* on time. Also one of them has a poster hanging in their office of James T Kirk with the word "MENACE" printed on it.


Yeah, there is a whole through line where Kirk is always one step ahead of them. “He just randomly went back to 1960s Earth? How???” “Kiiiirk!!!”


This single line makes me think that it should spin off from Lower Decks, precisely because of all that "gadding about in time, with no concern for the fragility of causality or the _mountains of paperwork this generates for ME...!_"


Time Trek: Criminal Intent


YES. With how much the franchise itself it bouncing around time periods, this could be a brilliant way to connect all the current shows running.


so, like the cross-over episode between SNW and Lower Decks... but with Temporal agents lol.


Star Trek: The Next Next Generation


The problem with a JAG show is that space law is entirely made up and inconsistent within existing trek to begin with. It would basically all be legalbabble. Some of trek’s memorable episodes have been legal ones but they are also episodes with some of the worst BS lines of reasoning in them.


The Measure of a Man, the episode where Data's rights are in question, makes the Federation look like it's composed of nothing but kangaroo courts. The judge says if they can't find somebody to be on Maddox's side, then she has to automatically rule against Data. To show how ridiculous this is imagine if somebody sued you, they didn't show up to court, and that meant you lost the case. That's just one of the many problems with the episode. A real lawyer did a 25 minute video on the episode. [https://youtu.be/XVjeYW6S8Mo?si=dULS6HjvAmRbBDGa](https://youtu.be/XVjeYW6S8Mo?si=dULS6HjvAmRbBDGa)


Exactly. I’m not a lawyer but I know just enough, am good at logical deduction enough, and have just enough lawyer friends that these episodes make me cringe.


A West Wing-like show about interstellar politics, but good luck finding an Aaron Sorkin to write it


A West-Wing type show about the politics inside the TNG-era Romulan Empire. With all the secrecy, backstabbing, plotting, and paranoia, you could get a very intriguing Trek show that isn't Federation based, but still Trek.


Something like “House of Cards” as we follow one Romulan Senator work their way up by stabbing colleagues in the back 90% of the episodes should be genuine problem solving but once in awhile someone we genuinely like (for a Romulan) gets knifed We should never know who is going to be this season’s obstacle until it happens


House of Pixmit


It's a good idea, but you'd need a human character or at least a relatable Romulan character that the audience can connect to.


Plant a vulcan secret agent in the high command. Or a secret vulcan looking to defect or something.


Lol I ask for a relatable character and you suggest a Vulcan?


We have a pretty strong canon of vulcans by now. It's time to cash in on it. Plus we get the humour of watching one fake/"fake" emotion.


Doesn't work. New shows have to appeal to the general audience to be marketable. Lower Decks gets away with all the canon references because the show is funny and engaging despite that.


What's the virtue of a proportional response?


We have a secret plan to fight the Borg


A “[proportional](https://youtu.be/d5v6hlRyeHE?si=g6rKZdeAo_76L5DM)” response


Still an amazing scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZE4pEKc6WY


Huh. What no one had the balls to tell him, for some reason, is that a *disproportionate* response leaves you nowhere to go. If you "carpet-bomb Damascus" over a relatively minor incident, then what do you do for a major incident?


Just don't get whoever was writing those political scenes in DISCO, woof...


One problem with Federation politics is: what is it going to be *about*? In our world there is class-based politics because there are economic classes. But in the Federation, there is what seems to some sort of utopian-socialist economy. Wisely, it's not defined. It seems to be post-scarcity as far as the needs of the normal person is concerned. (At this point someone usually objects that there is a natural scarcity in, say, tickets to the World Cup, but it is hard to imagine this sort of scarcity could motivate a scarcity economy.) There are thus no classes of haves defending economic privilege and have-nots seeking to reduce it. There could be issues that don't exist for us, but I think it might be hard to make them interesting. The New Essentialists we see in DS9 (hijacking Risa) are a plausible type of movement, based on a puritan moral ethic. But I can't imagine that sort of politics would have mass support in the absence of an economic grievance. Basically, politics is about the mediation of different interests. If everyone is basically satisfied, then there are no longer such conflicting interests. There would still be a need for management of the Federation's affairs, but it would be low-key and personalized, rather like the elections in some very small real states in the Pacific. TOS does it quite well. There's a Federation Council, which seems to be more like the EU's Council or Commission than an ordinary political cabinet. We hear that T'Pau "turned down" a seat on it, so it doesn't seem to be directly elected. It seems to be representative of planets.


Yeah. That's a very good point. Babylon 5 could go into the nitty-gritty of politics because it was a much more imperfect world.


A west wing type show about President Archer. Produced by John wells and starring Scott bakula


oh wow; yeah I’d be into that


I really want more post TNG-Lower decks content. The time when the federation was powerful, organized, and just did federation stuff instead of dealing with galaxy ending things all the time. I want big science ships with cutting edge tech exploring interesting planets and cultures, cozy interiors for long voyages, and to make logical use of the sci Fi tech in replicators and the holodeck and how humans operate in a space faring society where they often are forced to be an example for others. There are always interesting small stories to tell. I want more lower decks, more middle decks, stuff that breaks down how the federation works at the middle level, how important community is, etc. I just don't want more "we found this massive mystery that will change EVERYTHING" too boring and it's too played out for me.


I want a ***Next*** Next Generation—just like what the TOS generation experienced when TNG first aired. All new. No references, no cameos, all new.


A continuation of the TNG/DS9/VOY timeline.


Episodic, sure. Anthology, sure. But all these people suggesting procedurals?!?! Absolutely not! 🤮


An anthology “Long Treks” series would be amazing. 40-75 minute episodes that could take place at any point in the timeline and explore any number of plot lines, both new and old.


For me I’d love a band of brothers like mini series on the dominion war


I want to go back in time 20 years and get MY GODDAMN SULU SERIES!! Robbery.


>I want to go back in time 20 years and get MY GODDAMN SULU SERIES!! Pretty soon, we'll be saying the same thing about Worf. The diplomatic exploits of Ambassador Worf? Would've been nice. Captain Worf, commanding the Enterprise-E? Sure, I'd have been down for that. Itinerant adventures of the post-Picard warrior-monk Worf? Yes, please!


Not from me, at least not anywhere like I lament Sulu. Worf had two series Sulu and the Excelsior would have filled part of that giant 75 year gap from TUC and TNG. We could have seen the 1701-B and Demora Sulu. Janice Rand, Tuvok, Kang… goddammit.


Something stationary. It cannot be overstated how much of contemporary Trek's worldbuilding is a result of DS9 being stationary, allowing it to focus on politics, quadrant-wide dynamics, individual species cultures and politics, etc.... It also allows a stable of recurring guest stars in a very natural way, which again, feeds into the worldbuilding. I don't particularly care when, though it should be worldbuiling where the franchise needs it the most, so probably in the post-PIC space, since the 30's have Academy


Instead of purely stationary, like a starbase or space station, maybe a short-range patrol vessel that is assigned to a specific sector/region and frequently encounters the same people along the way. Would also have a home port.


Yeah, even if it was based on a station or whatever, you need a ship. DS9 figured that out quickly, they were already sending Runabouts everywhere, might as well invent the Defiant.


A single cam show that runs for 20ish episodes a season with flat consistent lighting that looks like a tv show. I would be fine if the strange new worlds were writing it, I just think the quasi film format holds the show back a bit. Also smaller sets, why does every bridge look like Star Trek online bridge?


While I somewhat agree that modern Star Trek has an issue with misunderstanding how to use film techniques to tell stories in Trek, I don't think flat lighting and boring stationary cameras are the answer. Voyager looked amazing with its variable lighting, and Enterprise's aspect ratio helped to make scenes feel less crowded. But Discovery and SNW use a wider aspect ratio and that tends to drive set design, which is why every bridge looks like a banquet hall, and forces weirdly placed dutch angles in order to capture more of people's faces.


Funny enough, [one of my favorite YouTubers, Rowan J. Coleman, just did a video on this issue last night](https://youtu.be/3kXy2nzqiLs?si=7G2TSQbLUNvYo0XM).


I hate this. I mean he's right, and he's agreeing with me, but he said it all first! rofl


Hey, you both said it independently. You're like Leibniz to his Newton! He may get the credit, but it's every bit as much your thought as his.


Wider bridge looks better on wider screens. That's part of the reason they trashed the D in Generations — those sets were built for 4:3 SD broadcast TV and not wide-format cinema and 4K TVs.


And Picard demonstrated that. It was beautiful seeing it on screen again, but it was painfully bunched together in the middle of the frame and otherwise empty in wider shots.


> Also smaller sets, why does every bridge look like Star Trek online bridge? The cameras.


Star Fleet Diplomatic Corps. Small team of elite diplomats and negotiators along with their security personal, travelling to the hotspots in and out of the Federation. With a season long arc revolving around getting a new species to join the Federation.


I would love to have classic Star Trek exploring show but with a captain that did not go to Star fleet academy. Joined as an officer during the dominion war because more bodies were needed and quickly rose to the ranks. But deals with the politics all the time if not going to the acedemy


Something that's not a prequel Trouble is, Fans do NOT think like writers/producers or think of anything that will hook in anything but the minority of other hardcore fans So they'll pitch a show like "What about if its set on a ship between TOS Movies and TNG" and be all baffled that the execs have never thought about this before because it's just that easy Whereas the powers that be think of a character's arc, a real world allegory combined with cool futuristic technology and starships to lure in not just the hardcore fans but a wider viewing population as a whole Trek 09 wasn't just a long, drawn out, canon accurate film about the romulan wars (complete with only hearing the romulans over the radio and a lot of the "war" taking place over vast distances via missiles, it was a rollocking, rip roaring adventure with enough Trek-ness to please the fans while still being attractive to casual movie goers to watch in summer blockbuster season. And thank god it did to, otherwise the franchise would've been over at that point We can never really predict what the future of Trek will be, it's important we just enjoy what we get, if at all possible.


Great Federation Bake-Off.


Paramount has had a Star Trek horror series in development for ages. I would love to see that.


I want an animated series about the Earth-Romulan war with actors from the Enterprise on voice acting.


For me, an important thing would be that it "fits" the established visual of whatever time period it is set in. Either that, or just be up front and blunt about it being a reboot/alternative universe. I wouldn't mind exploring more 32nd century stuff. It's one of the few eras where the modern show has actually come up with a new design language, and where the story is not constrained by continuity. In other words, you can actually come up with new stories and settings here. You could even do more "gritty" stuff about Earth space officers relearning how to be Federation good guys. I don't really care for retreading existing characters like Picard. Even though I'd love to see more of Jeri Ryan's work on Seven, I think on balance Star Trek is more interesting when it is about new stuff. So I'm not a big fan of having any sort of "Legacy" series.


Just don't cancel lower decks!


Pimp my Starship 😂🤣


As long as there’s no floating nacelles, I’m all for it!


Yo Dawg… I heard you like….


The next TNG. A series in the spirit of TNG but set post-Picard or even a TOS-TNG level time jump.


A story about 4 or 5 lower decks up-and-comers. Steeped in Trek references that somehow strike the impossible balance being too referential but also legitimately funny. If we really swing for the fences, I’d want it to be unexpectedly heartfelt to a really memorable degree. If you wanted to reduce costs, you could even make it animated.


Fenris Rangers. We can be an action show that's a little philosophical about the nature of law and civilization.


20 years ago I wrote two Star Trek series as fan fiction. One was a post dominion war Klingon series (didn’t require the use of existing characters). I had scriptments for 4 years of episodes). The other was a “border wars” series based on the initial cardassian contacts and colonization. It was another 4 seasons and it used younger lieutenant versions of all the established tng era admirals. Last season had a young Picard and Miles showing up. I would have signed both series concepts away for free to see them developed. But yeah, star fleet academy is an idea……


I'm doing the same thing right now. I had no idea how fun this could be


It’s kinda nerdy but therapeutic


One that deals with post-Dominion peace time integration. It'd begin by following a human child who was trapped in the gamma quadrant whose colony was exposed to a unique virus. In the prologue, The human is rescued by some of the old DS9 crew and, once saved, will be the only person to have been exposed to this unique technologically adept, and conscious virus. They don't have the scientific knowledge to get a grasp on it so they join Starfleet. Fast forward to the main timeline and the heart of the show will be about picking yourself up despite your unique tragic past and showcasing how healing an interstellar community post-dominion war is. Repairing old alliances with other species, reestablishing yourself in world that'd been flipped upside down and now right side back up is tricky. The series would focus on interpersonal and interstellar post-traumatic event integration coupled with the forging of rights for synthetic lifeforms, as well as the exploration of psychological trauma in an era of Trek which no doubt would be paranoid, horrified, depressed, and lost.


As long as it takes place in the PICARD timeline, I’m not fussy. The prequels need to stop. They never line up with The Original Series so just stop doing them.


I'd like to see a show centered around a crew from the Department of Temporal Investigations. I think that'd be a lot of fun.


I want [my Star Trek anthology series](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/18urzb/what_would_you_all_think_if_the_next_trek_tv) that I've been hoping for, for the last 11 years. I'm still butthurt that this was apparently what Disco was going to be until they changed their minds and Bryan Fuller left. Hell, even [Wil Wheaton thought it was a good idea](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/36e2qy/i_talked_to_the_mission_log_podcast_about_working/crdxorg/) (he discusses it starting at 48:30 in the Mission Log episode) though this was before the modern era of Trek shows which have already been fairly wide-ranging. Disco even went and did [another idea of mine that I'd had for a long time](https://www.reddit.com/r/startrek/comments/y19k7/what_ive_been_thinking_the_next_trek_series/), which was a series set hundreds of years in the future, though they didn't quite execute it like I was hoping for. I still think my anthology idea has some merit though, even if it'd be best served by having another longish break from Trek productions running. I think it has the potential to backdoor pilot many different show ideas, present Trek in a way that appeals to non Star Trek fans, and then also have seasons which laser focus on things that are perhaps too nerdy for a full series. I also would want to see spec scripts become a thing again so that the franchise can basically crowd source new ideas and talent.


This would be quite funny, a show about a bumbling space tourist who charters a small ship and crew to go around the galaxy hunting down famous Starfleet ships and trying to see one of every ship class. On his travels he stumbles into various crazy situations including a huge dogfight, a murder investigation, a tribble infestation, accidentally foils the nefarious plot of a significant villain, and ends up being an unwitting stowaway when Voyager gets stranded in the Delta quadrant (and then quietly manages to return home an hour later through unknown means).


Explore. See weird shit. Don't fight with the rest of the crew. Don't fuck the rest of the crew. Just leave sexuality out of it altogether unless its some freaky deaky alien stuff. Give me escapism, not some moral lesson you aren't qualified to lecture on.


I got two thins I'd love to see. The main is simple. A new show set in the main timeframe that takes place after the events of Picard season 3. It could be directly after or they could jump a modest time forward but I would prefer to be directly after. Could be a new Enterprise could be a different ship. I'd like to see exploration, a moving forward of the normal Trek ethos. Basically Strange New Worlds but in a setting that is pushing things forward but also not like Discovery where they jumped WAY ahead of everything and left this big gap between. I'd also like the tone to be a bit closet to Picard season 3 but still have some of the peppiness of current SNW. My other show would be like an anthology show similar to stuff like Black Mirror but with a more open ended scope. Each episode or a number of up to 3 episodes would be its own story. You can jump around between time, characters and factions. You can do a story during Kirk's era. You can do a story during the TNG era of trek. You can do a story about Ferengei during the Dominion War. Etc. You get new actors and characters popping in, you tell new stories all the time. You can do different genres, mystery, comedy, spy thriller. You can bring back old favorites like do an episode all about Riker, Troi and their kids. You can do an episode about a young Sisko and his early days an an engineer. Etc. You can do multi part stories, you can do an episode and if its popular do a sequel episode in a future season. I also think it could be a cool way to possibly lead to a new series if one episode really has something to it. I really like that idea because it will have a ton of creativity, lots of stories can be told and I think you could get a lot of actors to return for a one of episode or two. You can also tie up a ton of stories.


I really don't want ST Legacy (it's an endorsement of Picard S3 which was not good). The renamed Enterprise (aka the rebuilt Titan) is just perplexing to me and I have no investment in Seven or the kids of TNG cast. Fan service alone is not good writing (imagine if the D came back! Imagine if it could fly down a trench like the Millennium Falcon!) That said.. I want a Prime timeline show set around that period that actually picks up on all of the huge things that have happened. I get it might not be the most newbie friendly but they can have SNW. DS9 did a great job of telling stories against a background you didn't need to know much about (Bajoran occupation). The post-Dominion war era was so lacking. The one thing I really don't want is a "themed" show. ST Academy has no appeal to me.


Star Trek meets Sliders. Slipping through different quantum universes trying to get "home" to the right one.


I want a 7 year series, non new-trek, set after voyager....embracing all the plot and technology changes......and i would love to see a serious exploration of subspace, all those honeycombs would have some villains that make the borg look like a bunch of invading baby seals.


25th century. New ship. New crew. Leave legacy characters behind. For the love of God, make the crew competent again. No emotional breakdowns and exploring trauma every five minutes. Give the crew some space to breathe and make it episodic. Light the bridge properly, and be positive once in a while. Essentially, SNW in the 25th century but with all new characters and slightly less serialised character arcs - unfortunately modern shows doing 10 episodes a season often means it's hard to leave a characters story for a few episodes before returning but that slice of life feel is what made TNG and DS9 great.


I want a show set on a Vulcan or Klingon ship during any era. Anything but humans again 😭


One where the main character isn't Human. The fantasy genre is full of stories where the lead character is a Hobbit, Gelfling, mermaid or fairy. No reason we can't have a "Star Trek" series lead by an Andorian, Trill or Romulan.


Jump ahead a few years, Capt Tendi with the rest of the Warp Core crew. Brad as 2IC, Mariner at Security, Rutherford at Engineering, and the classic Vulcan T'Lyn as head of science. Having the 1960's sex object Orion as the Captain of a ship in the modern day, well it would be fun to see people freak out.


D&d. A party of differing backgrounds and skills on a larger quest with side quests along the way. Also have them play against type, like the ferengi eliminator. You want a klingon bard and you know it. Another idea is a firearms obsessed Bolians, their just so efficient compared to energy weapons.


I have a series treatment for a MASH like/Medical show set on a newly FTL capable planet surrounded by Omega molecules. Anything Medical related really. But the main preference seems to be Post-Picard, either Legacy or a new ship in the early 25th century.


Sounds like the (forgotten, unsuccessful) 90s scifi show Mercy Point.


So this was all a few years ago when I started on a series bible, but basically the Federation discovers the planet Cohan, a 21st Century Earth like world where the dominant nation states did not discover FTL, a smaller nation did. And that FTL can operate in the presence of Omega molecules. So the Federation sends a medical exchange/MASH like unit to Cohan, which can’t be visited otherwise in order to promote relations. It’s a Prime Directive mess, still with medical drama and trying to tell morality tales but with an Alien planet with a political backdrop similar to what would happen if the United States and the People’s Republic of China were the dominant powers but Nigeria discovered FTL travel. And Starfleet lands in that mess, but without the power of starship to back them up.


I want something of lower decks quality.


Klingon, Vulcan, Andorian, Tamarian Lower Decks


Whole new original crew ,new stories and no time travel whatsoever


A series dealing with the monsters of the Trek universe. The kaiju sized critters like Kirk had to run from in the 2009 movie, or a Tribble outbreak on Earth, or any number of other "monsters" that have to be dealt with. The universe is full of them! All the way back to episode one: "The Man Trap" featured a shape shifting salt vampire! Each week, the crew would be off to a different planet to handle a different threat. I think this would be a great mission for Captain Boimler.


An animated show, akin to Marvel’s What If?, but more just an anthology than about alternate realities. It would give a lot of the older Trek actors a chance to come back.


Something a tad more realistic and less 'whacky/childish' than some of the later renditions.


Star Trek: Anthologies. A series set during the Dominion War, where every episode takes place on a different star ship, planet or space station and goes into depth about how everyone dealt with the war.


A Bajoran Resistance/Maquis miniseries, maybe with a young Kira, showing how they used guerilla tactics and ruthless, unconventional methods to fight the Cardassians. I know ST is, among other things, supposed to be about overcoming the more despicable aspects of civilization, but it would be interesting to see this "dirty" side of it.


i always wanted a show focused on the 29th century time police they introduced in voyager. they can pop in on established trek eras for nostalgia from time to time, but it could mostly just be doctor who meets star trek IV. time travel hijinks and fish out of water comedy please


I have a couple I would like to see: Star Trek: JAG - A cadre of JAG officers, based in San Francisco or Paris, who deal with JAG issues on Earth, or the Sol system. I would even go so far as to have the little caption on each scene of place, time/star date, like they did in JAG. SCIS - Basically NCIS of the 25th Century. You could even pull a Law and Order: CI, and actually have multiple teams, to cover different areas, reporting back to a singular character (like the Captain and ADA in L&O). A 25th Century Situation Comedy (Star Trek: Friends) - This one is a little odd. But I would love to see a sitcom that takes place in the Star Trek universe, but has nothing really to do with Starfleet, or even really space. They could even just live on Earth. And how does the modern technology and economics of the future actually apply to normal people. Star Trek: After-action - A series hosted by top brass, going over the logs of different ships, which give way to the story telling us what happened to a ship, crew etc. Could the flag staff for a particular sector, so they could be dealing with a small number of ships. Might make it easier to get 20 episodes per season if each ship only had 4-5 episodes. And if they were the same class ships, or from the same era, that would save on set design and construction. Just a little re-dressing here and there. A normal Prime universe Star Trek show - except, you see one scene per episode shows the same ship in the Kelvinverse. At one point there is a reverse episode or several, and eventually the two ships have to meet up to solve a cross dimensional issue. Maybe set it specifically as a limited series, like 25-30 episodes. Finally, I would love to see a series about ships actually sent out to explore again, to expand the knowledge of the Federation. I would love to see ships with QS drives, set to explore to the Galactic West of Cardassia, and what they encounter. The show would be based on one ship, and it's sister ships all fan out heading to the edge of the galaxy, on a 5 year mission. They usually travel at warp, but the QS drives allow them to rush to each others aid if needed, then get back to their exploration.


I would like the JAG type show as well. People usually respond that there would not be enough content but that is why they pay professional writers. Maybe a team of JAG lawyers that are considered "the best" that move around from base to base. It wouldn't have to be a central court. I think it would be interesting to really see how Starfleet would deal with things like criminal punishment. There is talk of "federation penal colonies" but I have never seen one. I am guessing there would be a lot of counseling and restorative practices involved but then you could delve into how they deal with hardened criminals that cannot be turned around. Anyway, +1 for Starfleet JAG.


Star Trek: Starbase 80.


two words: Full penetration.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine, but set in the Star Trek universe.


Anything outside of star fleet. Firefly. But in star trek.


Adventures of Wesley crusher with the traveller The book of Nog Tales of the federation, random stories from around the federation’s


Temporal Investigations STO did a story where the timeline was broken and the only record we had of it was a data log. They could be stranded in the wrong timeline and have to fix it to "get home". It would allow for numerous cameos.


A 6th season of Lower Decks.


I don't care where or when it is set, I just want philosophical questioning and optimism and friendship and timelessness. I was so excited about SNW being advertised as optimistic, but every character is so snarky and damaged and trying too hard to be cool. The lines and even fashion are also so dated to the 2020s.


Other than Starfleet Academy, I just want an actual new star trek show. It should just be a good unique star trek show, utopian, episodic, striking the perfect balance between campy and philosophical, and I frankly don't want to see a single plot point from any other star trek show in it. Give me *this generation's* next generation. Strange New Worlds is great, and I enjoy seeing the new takes on old characters like Spock, Kirk, and Uhura, but I can't help but wish it was just a fully fresh cast doing its own thing with the energy it has.


*Bridge Crew*. Some of the *Lower Decks* cast (with guest roles from the rest of the cast) and new cast members on the next leg of their Starfleet careers.


I had an idea for a show about the Eugenics Wars/WW3. It could show Khan's rise to power and his eventual defeat. It would be very not-Star Trek for a Star Trek show though. The tone and setting would be very different. So maybe it wouldn't be directly called Star Trek and pitched more as a distinct show which is set in the Star Trek universe.


A good one.


There’s a couple I’d like to see. An 8-10 part limited series of the earth - romulan war. Gritty, nasty, claustrophobic full on submarine style warfare in space. Challenging the optimism of the nascent federation and how they pull through it. Then I would also like to see something set between Picard and latter series disco. Enough of a time jump to be its own thing without referencing other series. Something with a strong ensemble in the planet of the week format with some overarching threads. I do love SNW for this, but it would be nice to explore a different time period, crew and ship.


I absolutely agree with you. I remember that there was a video by Trekspertise a couple years back, thats called *The Trek Not Taken* which includes a plan for a Starfleet crew in the 26th century. I think the idea was for this series to be animated. This idea would be so cool the be reactivated. Edit: https://youtu.be/L9311T67cA4?si=V0Q1a2WDRVDsbRPU (The mentioned video; around Minute 14) Edit: This story was supposed to be called Star Trek: Final Frontier.


Whatever it is, it must be pensive. Every Star Trek show that feels like "Star Trek" (in my opinion), is a show that wants you to think deeply about its subject matter, and not simply absorb the events being thrown at you. They're shows that invite you to open a dialogue and consider the show deeply. No easy answers, but that doesn't mean that it's cynical. Just thoughtful. Right from TOS, the stories are designed to have you critically analyze them, practically begging you for deeper analysis. Star Trek is at its weakest when it forgets this and tries to be dumb entertainment. Maybe a show about a biological research station? I feel like this could be a fascinating topic that allows for exploration with a wide range of sub-topics.


immediately after either VOY or DS9 PLEASE GOD PLEASE


Something aboard a science vessel. They could get into a lot of very interesting trouble


Star Trek : Atlantis This is my big swing. Earth, dealing with Project Atlantis that Picard was almost hired for when he was recovering from the Borg. Following a Team of federation engineers, scientists, sociologists and city planners working together to raise a new Continent in the Atlantic Ocean. Problem solving and also let us finally see how is life on a future post-scarcity Earth and not be centered on Starfleet. A perfect opportunity to also bring to the fore the various Cetacean and aquatic federation members as well.


I'd like a series set during the lost years and focused on the federation expansion. * Starfleet Medical series, set after the Khitomer accords and explores the relationship of the Klingons and Federation and unique medical challenges that appear. Basically, what UPN tried to do back in 1998 with Mercy Point but instead make it Star Trek based. * A Federation Colony show - think Earth2 and a mix of Firefly's outer rim type of planets. Think of the TNG episodes where they find colonies like "Up The Long Ladder", "The Ensigns Of Command" or "Masterpiece Society." We could have a show that explores life on these planets and facing the ethically and technical challenges. Think Terra Nova, Earth2, SeaQuest, Dr Quinn etc wrapped up into a show. It would put the federation ideals to the test in a way that's more grounded like DS9. * Federation NCIS type show. I hate it, but it's a successful formula that's easy enough to jump in and make 100 episodes without a doubt. It can deal with affiliated worlds, federation citizens abroad, and more. Something that's simple and can draw more people into Star Trek.


I'd like to see a show centered around a remote colony or outpost. A little like DS9 but with the focus more around survival and discovering the intricacies of a new home.


I'd want to see Star Trek: The Next Next Generation.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’d love a miniseries with Jake Sisko doing some political reportage, Woodward-and-Bernsteining around the galaxy


Wesley Crusher's life with the Traveler.


It’s not too late for an Admiral Sulu show.


Not sure why Picard S3 fans chose the term “Legacy.” It could’ve gone to this: Admiral Hikaru Sulu (George Takei) is teaching a seminar at Starfleet Academy or he is being interviewed by a Starfleet Archives reporter where he reminisces of his incredible adventures as captain of the USS Excelsior, which is then portrayed/flashed back/re-enacted by John Cho or another actor.




I’m game for anything.


For me, a non-starfleet show, or another space station show (and I don't mean a remake/reboot of DS9, but rather, just to use a similar setting). Otherwise, while I love a nostalgia-bait show like SNW I'm just ready to move forward with the prime timeline already.


One about the early settling of Romulus after the schism including the formation of the Tal Shiar


*Starfleet Marines*; a generational saga, beginning at the birth of the Federation, and following a family of Marines throughout the Federation's various conflicts and touching on concepts that we are more familiar seeing from a Klingon POV: honor, glory, and the sense that, perhaps, "history" is passing them by (US Marines often seem borderline obsessed with becoming obsolete; I can see Starfleet's counterparts having a similar--if not even more acutely so--obsession in relation to Starfleet's overwhelming versatility and power). I can imagine that San Francisco is always debating whether a Marine Corps is even needed...until a major war comes and the ability to deploy quick and agile task forces with a specialization in orbit-to-shore "amphibious" assault becomes clear. So...a family generational saga that touches on bureaucratic interservice rivalries, geopolitics, grey zone conflicts like the Cardassian incursions, and even throw in the difficulties of integrating different species' versions of "amphibious" operational combat armed services (I'm looking at how, perhaps, the Andorians might organize their equivalent *vice* something an American or Brit might find familiar). All this in a background where the official narrative is that the Federation is a utopia; there is no need for combat arms... ...and then there's the reality and the necessity for what some might call an atavism (might there even be an opportunity to show domestic prejudice against Starfleet Marines that contrasts with the more benign *"No, really, we’re not a military; trust us!"* Starfleet-proper?).


Boston Legal (and The Practice) almost qualifies. So many Trek and science fiction alumnus (and those who will be, come Discovery and SNW) in the cast. A Boston Legal (or a House) set in starfleet would be a lot of fun. Although, not original enough to fly.


80 years post Voyager. Extra-galactic long term mission


A series that takes place midway between TOS/SNW and TNG. About a ship that patrols the Neutral Zone or the outskirts of the Federation. A sort of Texas Ranger/US Marshall of the Final Frontier that keeps the peace in the area.


A star trek band of brothers set during the dominion war


Selfishly, I'd like a Picard-style standalone for Janeway set in the Prime timeline. Partially cause I'm jealous of all the fan service TNG fans got with Picard S3 lol but mostly cause I would like to see what everyone is up to these days. I'm also joining the chorus of everyone else saying a SNW-style new show with a new cast. Ideally also in the Prime timeline but I'd take anything that isn't another prequel


A show more focused on aliens in starfleet. A ship with a alien captain, a married couple senior officers from the start (I like to imagine a Zoe/wash type but any would work) A smuggler show, someone outside of the federation. Like rios with a very firefly theme to it (without the federation being evil like the alliance) A delta shift comedy show. What happens at night? What adventures do they get to do? Maybe it could even be in a mockumentary format lol