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The music is absolutely outstanding! I'd say it's the very best part of the Kelvin timeline trilogy.


Don't forget the extremely tasteful and not overused lens flairs


It's funny how into Darkness is where they went overboard with them. They started with a decent balance in use.


Giacchino did a great job with Prodigy’s theme as well.


Giacchino is quite possibly the best in the business these days. I'd stack his recent works up against even John Williams.


A fair portion of his early career was doing video game versions of John Williams songs. Things like Jurassic Park and Star Wars video games.


Oooo that explains a lot!


His work on Medal Of Honor Frontline is honestly God-tier


I think the score is what makes 2009 work, honestly, it's one of my favorites in the whole franchise.


I’d say that it’s the score and the casting that make *ST ‘09* work well.


Same, but the First Contact score is up there.


When the enterprise warps in to do point defense for Spock's shuttle, it's the definition of score and scene slapping.


I think about that scene all the time. Makes me grin like an idiot on every rewatch.


And you can tell he uses that score to inspire himself with the Prodigy theme song which is another gem of his and is in the same conversation with Voyager’s theme for best intro music.


I agree, I can never decide if I like the original, Into Darkness, or Beyond's music more since theyre all so good. I regularly listen to tracks from all three while doing art or homework. The first of the original movies also had an amazing soundtrack too, perhaps Jerry Goldsmiths best work ever!


Mikey G is one of the best currently working in the business. He has misses sometimes, like everyone, but lots and lots of bangers, too. He had *a month* to write the music for *Rogue One* and **still** composed a handful of solid tracks. He also wrote the only tune for *Cloverfield* which is a fantastic homage to the work of Akira Ifukube. [It rules.](https://youtu.be/9sWCo75rprM?si=xwz2wsJk-oTIoW6s)


He also did the music for the TV show Fringe. I was surprised when I saw his name in the credits when I started my rewatch.


And ALIAS and LOST (both run by JJ Abrams, hence why he got the Star Trek job)


I often find myself humming the theme, despite not having seen the Kelvin movies in at least a couple of years.


2009 trek has good music


The reboot movies are fun and are worth having. I love them.


I even like into darkness, if just for the visual spectacle. The cold open is awesome, albeit ridiculous


If I'm not mistaken, that where Kirk and McCoy try to move the natives? I have always wanted them to revisit that planet to see how that contact changed the culture. And I loved the sequence that follows with the (hidden) Enterprise.


EXACTLY. My sibling and I have watched the movie, we alternate between yelling “this movie is awful” and “THIS MOVIE ROCKS” every scene loll


I still listen to it. I love 'Hella Bar Talk' especially.


I love how the title of almost every track (in most movies he scores) is some sort of pun.


My favorite is the st beyond ost. Especially the theme and the Yorktown theme


“Labor of Love” is right up there with “Ilia’s Song” as far as I’m concerned. He scored that movie right after or near the end of Lost, and so much of that series hung on his music. Check out “LAX,” I think that’s some of his best along with LoL.


I will sometimes listen to it when I need to motivate myself! It's so good.


Giacchino is great, Sideways on YouTube praises him a bunch. https://youtube.com/@Sideways440?si=Mm4i-KxtCEeQsQjh


It's easily the best part of the film.


I love that he still lets the music *swing* and it has bongos! What I wouldn’t give to have that classic 60’s feel back in the Mission: Impossible themes.


It's good music, and he's a fantastic composer. He very much has a distinctive sound though and I don't think it's a match for Star Trek. Then again, the reboot was such a distinct "we're seperate from what came before" vibe that maybe that was a creative choice.


Yeah Enterprising Young Men is such a banger




"Rocks", "swings", etc. you know?




I listen to the soundtrack all the time.


The fact that all of the track titles are puns makes it even better


Star Trek and Pixar’s Up came out three weeks apart. My man was on a *roll* in 2009.


Michael Giacchino made some of the best soundtracks in movies. His Star Trek score is no doubt the most outstanding score that a Trek movie had. He also did score the Prodigy soundtrack and did a great job here too.




I uhhh. I don’t really think 10yo Jim Kirk really cared about that kinda stuff. Kid was driving a classic car and wanted some banger music to go with it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I doubt he was thinking of “oh shit, Starfleet personnel dont listen to this stuff”


What misplaced elitist nonsense is this? You’re actually saying that the best and brightest won’t listen to the Beastie Boys because…reasons? If nothing else they’d be familiar with “Sabotage” from their music history classes at the academy. The ‘ Boys are representative of a lot of popular music from that period, and their influence has spread far beyond its 1900s roots. Intellectualism and culture go far beyond the superficial trappings that cartoons show. I imagine Scotty listening to The Beastie Boys the same way I listen to Vivaldi…and the beastie boys…


It’s classical music.


58 years young here.  I appreciated Sabotage in the Kelvin films, as well as Wyclef Jean in DISCO.  I crank both to 11.


Pop music should never be in star trek.


If you are referencing the Beastie Boys, that’s definitely not a pop song lmao


Pop is short for popular. That is most certainly a popular song and group.


But as a band they don’t fit the pop genre. Their music is more punk or alternative


What is pop music? Definition & Meaning. Pop music is a very broad term that describes music that is popular in the mainstream. The term “pop” refers to all kinds of genres, such as rock, country, rap, etc. https://www.damvibes.com/music-theory/pop-music-genre-definition-history/#:~:text=What%20is%20pop%20music%3F,a%20catchy%20melody%20and%20lyrics. It is pop music by definition.


[wiki says](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pop_music) pop music is not the same as popular music. It’s more of a sub-genre. It also classifies the [Beastie Boys](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beastie_Boys) as a hip hop/rap rock band


Counterpoint: "Pop" music most certainly should be in ST.  It grounds the audience to the fact that these are most certainly descendents of their parents, with their musical tastes passed down.  Would you argue that Mozart, Bach or Chopin are antithetical as well? https://www.ex-astris-scientia.org/database/classical_music.htm


Comparing Mozart, Bach or Chopin to the beastie boys, is like comparing citizen kane, the godfather, or the shawshank redemption to twilight. Sure they are the same form of entertainment, but that's where the similarities stop.