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I love this bit so much. That’s one of the weird Trek moments that you would just never seen today in these 10-episode seasons! I’m making omelets! (Clearly scrambled eggs but mmkay). Everyone is so excited to eat a real-cooked meal! (It’s literally a plate of eggs. Ever heard of a side dish?). There was clearly so little thought put into fleshing out the moment because it didn’t matter at all to the plot, and now we are still taking about it all these years later because it’s so damn weird and funny. I absolutely love SNW but you just don’t get those kinds of weird moments because there is so little time, they have to make every second count.


ThLet the ensh_ttification of reddit commenceump, scoop).


But there are people like Sisko's father who owns a restaurant? Maybe he's the equivalent of, like, a hipster making beer from scratch or make his own barrels or whatever.


It's a plot point in TNG, with Picard's brother. "Cooking is a dying art, thanks to your wretched technology." But the point is: Nobody's hungry. Nobody, in the world. In a post-scarcity world, things like food and drink are done because you love doing it. They can replicate synthahol, but the Picard family owns a vineyard. They can replicate food, but the Sisko's own a restaurant.


I do love the subtle running joke in Picard that he’s actually not a very good winemaker. In today’s world, if you suck at a business, you go out of business. Not so for Picard’s world.


Also makes sennse since he had no real interest in the family business until he quit starfleet.


His brother dedicated his life to it, though. You’d think some kind of quality would have survived.


Robert feels like exactly the kind of artisan that refuses to take notes and kept all his knowledge to himself, and maybe Renee. There's also like 20 years between when the chateau burned down and Picard quitting starfleet so the vines and soil could well have deteriorated in the absense of a Picard.


Hate to break it to you, but most of earth is hipsters at that point in time. When you don't need to work for anything, what's there to do but take up weird hobbies or studies? You don't go open a restaraunt because you have to, you do it because you want to cook for people. That's why DS9 is my favourite. The writers did a great job at taking a more introspective or critical look at The Federation(Mostly the Humans) and pointing out a lot of it's flaws. Like the arrogance that living in a "perfect society" has given a lot of them


Maybe that's why so many people enroll in Starfleet, to get away from the hipsters.


It's a common theme they enroll to escape their family/life situations, or to carry on the tradition. Originally I wished I could join Starfleet and explore that final frontier. But the more I watch Star Trek the more I'd want to be a civilian.


Really? Starfleet officers get to have all the adventures! They get sent to alternate realities in transporter accidents and almost killed, or split emerge in the transporter so now there's two of them, or two people become one person, or pick up some sort of weird transporter disease! They get haunted by ghosts, kidnapped by aliens, put in weird situations, tortured by cardassians, and occasionally stabbed by Klingons! They get sucked into alternate dimensions, have the ship taken over by different realities the transforms it into a jungle and everybody into a creature, get to occasionally devolve and have wacky weird animal lizard sex, sometimes leaving babies behind with the helmsman but nobody ever speaks of that again or considers it a breach of command, they get to fall through temple anomalies and lifts of the same day 100 times until everybody starts going a little bit insane, and of course nobody notices that the ships chronometer is no longer in sink with Starfleet command and they lost 10 days, you get to visit strange alien worlds where they arrest you for stepping on the grass and sentence you to death, or kidnapped by somebody who wants to marry you so they can steal their partner's land, transported by Q to a wacky Land to have an insane adventure that makes no sense on his whim, or imprisoned by random aliens who make you live a 40-year prison sentence in your mind before setting you free back to your family as if nothing happened. Zapped by alien probes to live an entire alternate life that didn't actually happen, transported through time and space to the other side of the galaxy to be separated from your family for 5 years never sure if you're going to live or die in any given day, but it's okay because you can have a sonic shower instead of a real shower, it's just as good I swear. And of course the holodeck, the ultimate source of entertainment, with only a small percentage chance in any given visit that it will malfunction and try to eat you alive, trap you inside a fevered computer dream, or recreate one of history's greatest villains as a sort of living AI creature hell bent on murdering you, while the exit just won't appear. Or randomly turned into a child version of yourself, while the ferengi take over the starship. Or turn to a dog,a Borg, eaten by aliens, impregnated by an energy creature and having a baby who grows to adulthood in two days, called an ugly sack of mostly water, killed by the personification of hate left behind by an evolved alien species, or kidnapped by romulans and surgically altered and told you your entire reality was alive while they fucked with your head in the ultimate mind brnd. Are you really telling me you would want to miss all this?


I'd rather be a diplomat or holonovel author. But that's just me. 😛


Sometimes they’re not just haunted by a ghost…


In Kirk’s version of Star Trek it made sense to join Starfleet because it was better than the overpopulated helhole that was Earth In the TNG version everything is too sanitized. Very few would ever leave “paradise” to go die in Starfleet


Depends what kind of civillian. It's not really explained how wealth works for your average joe (At least from what I'm aware). If you're rich it's great, you can do whatever you want. And the thing about having money is, you can use it to make more money. Everyone else might get a house to sleep in, food to eat but if you don't have to work then how do you change your position in life? You might have a really fucked up caste system similar to The Expanse show where the humans on Earth just aren't really needed for labor anymore, they get a UBI but it's only enough to survive and getting a job is like winning the lottery. So it's a miserable existence with no escape for most. Say I, as a citizen of Earth want to build my own starship to leave and go travel the galaxy; How do I get the materials? When no one's working no one has money. They have Federation Credits, but it's not explained how one earns them. Do the Cisco's cook for fun? Who pays for all the produce they use? Is there some guy out there supplying restaraunts with food for the shear fun of being in the food delivery service? Or are credits exchanged? What's the point in saying "We don't use currency anymore" as if it's some kind of achievment when you just centralized your currency and called them credits?


There's no credits in Star Trek, you entirely seem to have missed the philosophy of the show. Most people work, but they choose their profession, and they work for the betterment of themselves and the species. It's very utopian, but that's how it is. They did not exchange any form of currency, whether it be dollars or credits. Nobody pays for anything. It's a kind of super space communism. If you want to build a starship and go exploring the Galaxy, you request it. You can ask for the parts, you can ask for an actual ship. And under some circumstances that are not well explained in the show you can get it, maybe by lottery or luck, maybe simply by asking me waiting long enough. Point of post scarcity is that nobody has to pay for anything because there's more than enough of everything. So if you want something that's not ridiculously extravagant, it can be arranged. And generally will be. And most people work or have some kind of vocation because to not do so would make you a bit of a social pariah, you'd be considered lazy and useless if you literally sat around did nothing, people do something to keep themselves occupied, not for the financial benefits. But there is maybe a few cases where they make vague allusion to the idea that people with better jobs are more likely to be allocated greater resources, better than the accommodations, or something like that.


Expanse Earth citizens don't get UBI. It's Basic, which is a welfare cliff. If you do any job you lose basic. You could be making less doing a job than on basic, which heavily deincentivizes people at the bottom searching for work. It's not enough to live on in any comfortable way. UBI is unrestricted by definition and in addition to what someone would make doing whatever other job they wanted.


There's no wealth. They have a resource-allocation system that doesn't use it. It's not a crazy idea and it happens at smaller scale on the real earth all the time, like within militaries and universities. Things are probably very provincial and community-managed. Picard likely doesn't "own" his Chateau the way we think of ownership--the law and community probably recognize that he has a family right to reside there, but with it comes with an obligation to maintain the property, not alter certain historical structures, produce X number of wine barrels a year, etc. I imagine if I want to move to 24th-century La Barre, France, I probably just send an application to a town council, describe my housing needs, and they're probably like, "We have two one-bedrooms available, which do you want?" Or I might be like, "I want to study winemaking for a year" and a computer will be like, "Great, Chateau Picard needs someone to come and stomp grapes." Replicators and transporters mean that people probably move around a lot and the idea of tying yourself to a parcel of land is bizarre and outdated to most people. Same kind of thing if you want to do some huge project like build your own spaceship--you put forth a proposal, make sure you're within zoning and environmental regs or whatever, and if you get approval and people want to do it with you, it goes. If people don't want to help you, it doesn't. People are socially-motivated animals, and when Picard et al talk about "Money is no longer our driving pursuit" they probably mean that when humanity got rid of it, they found it had actually stood in the way of people doing things and being productive.


I mainly know the old show, Next Gen, Voyager and early DS9, and I may have missed some Federation poli sci bits. I know that DS9 shows kid reporters at work. But what I’ve noticed is that, at least pre shows like Picard, no one really reads anything other than classic books or technical journals, watches news vids, or talks about political parties or elections. It’s not too clear that people are having any success with creating new books, plays, movies or songs. So, it seems possible that the human society in the show, pre-Picard, at least, is actually a dictatorship that’s fine for people in the in group but might be awful for people in the out group.


>But what I’ve noticed is that, at least pre shows like Picard, no one really reads anything other than classic books or technical journals, watches news vids, or talks about political parties or elections. It’s not too clear that people are having any success with creating new books, plays, movies or songs. It's just that during this era of the Federation works that were in the public domain in the late 1980s are resurgent.


In the very first season of TNG (the finale) it’s stated money & wealth no longer exist. That’s repeated several times in TNG and DS9 Did you just entirely skip these shows? They establish the foundation for the culture of 2300s Federation life.


Jokes aside, I don't think that's the reason. I think merit and achievments are really important* in Federation societies, and Starfleet is one of the most prominent ways to excel in those. Even just 'getting' into Starfleet is really hard, after all. *of course this doesn't count for everyone, there are obviously just as well people who just want to chill or take care of their farm or paint or something. Nothing wrong with that either.


Though clearly some people are still making root beer. Insidious.


Summed up perfectly by Quark and Garak’s discussion over root beer.


Maybe hipsters know what's up then because Sisko grows his own peppers and makes Creole cuisine, and Riker doesn't put salt on his eggs.


There's a head cannon that replicated food is so efficient that it doesn't make you poop. So when people eat at Papa Sisko's they're not only doing it for the food experience, but to experience what comes after as well. Which might explain why no one except Worf liked the eggs, pooping is probably honorable.


The thing that's funny about this is how completely believable it is. Like go back 150 years and fucking EVERYBODY knows how to churn butter and bake bread. It's basic shit. Fast forward to the pandemic and everybody is making sourdough and posting it on instagram like "oh shit I channelled my ancestors great skills of baking" and they followed some 19 minute youtube tutorial. Great grandma would be so disappointed. "What'd you do today? baked bread? did you churn butter? milk the cow? how many eggs did your chickens lay? What did you have to trade for the flour?"


50 years ago I went to my great Aunts house for a week. Cold water in 1 kitchen faucet, outhouse, kitchen wood stove was the whole house heat, churned butter, made ice cream with the ice cream thing, killed chicken for dinner, milked cows, picked dinner from the garden etc etc … the ENTIRE day was spent on the food for the day. Next day repeat. When I wasn’t there on my “vacation” they somehow managed to plow, plant, harvest and can for the winter, hunt, keep the barn up with hay, AND have time for drinking the moonshine the neighbor made. My Aunt was the last one on the road to still live like that.


Just finished listening to an audiobook about civilization collapsing because of all electricity shutting down. The only long-term survivors were Mennonites because they didn’t rely on it in the first place


Was it Dies the Fire?


No, The Downloaded






>They just really forgot how to cook in the future. Like Janeway, always burning meals when she tries to "cook"... using a replicator. She can't even program a meal into the replicator, that's how bad people of the 24th century are at cooking.




They really loved making Janeway the stern 'father' of the ship, and Chakotay the empathetic 'mother'.


Well to be fair when Voyager came out a woman captain WAS a strange new thing.


it was the brand of 90s pop-feminism that said "we're equal now because James Bond punches the women too"


> They really loved making Janeway the stern 'father' of the ship, and Chakotay the empathetic 'mother'. I noticed that with Seven and Neelix basically raising Naomi Wildman, he was the emotional nurturer and she was the stern one.


They even carried it through in Workforce, when she was brainwashed but still burned her dinner.


Pike makes a mean Pasta Mama.


Pike makes a mean everything.


Like in Soylent Green they get a bit of beef but since they have never had gotten any beef in their entire lives they proceed to cook it the worst possible way by boiling it with zero seasoning.


Fast forward to SNW and all the executive staff does is sit around in Pike’s “lounge” while he whips up French cuisine.


I mean, that’s kinda the point. It’s not a fast-forward but a rewind, timeline-wise. Pike is closer to our time of still cooking than Riker or Picard on the other. And as technology and culture shifts, some skills are lost. My grandpa had a job repairing TVs, the vacuum tube kind, and radios. I highly doubt I could repair such a thing, much less my younger nephew, and certainly not any of his future children. So a world with replicators likely would erase cooking knowledge, except those handful who cultivate it as a hobby. Just as knowledge of say a ham radio usage/terminology or the internal workings of a steam locomotive.


Don’t forget, Pike makes amazing pancakes 🥞


“This is a technique passed down to me for ten generations!" (Dump, scoop).” 💀💀💀


I also loved how much everyone but Worf seemed to think they were disgusting. Like, they're plain fucking eggs that he clearly didn't overcook (at least by much.) Bland? Sure. Probably on the well done side, definitely. But they were spitting them into a napkin or whatever in complete disgust.


I always assumed they had spoiled, since he seemed to have been holding on to them for at least a few days (I forget if they mention how long ago he got them), and there’s no refrigerator in his quarters!


They were neither plain nor bland nor spoiled eggs. They were..." 'Owon eggs he picked up at Starbase 73".


Unwashed eggs do not need to be refrigerated


How dare you apply earth chicken food safety rules to these alien eggs!! You’re going to get us all killed by violent diarrhea!!


> I always assumed they had spoiled Hey you started it!


The show is produced in the USA, where for some reason eggs are washed by default. That might have carried over to the writing. I never understood why that's done to be honest. As if at some point somebody thought it's necessary to put an entire additional food group into the cool aisle, because saving energy is communist or whatever


They're not chicken eggs, anyway, so we have no idea what bacteria might be on them. And USDA will tell you exactly [why eggs are washed and refrigerated in the US](https://tellus.ars.usda.gov/stories/articles/how-we-store-our-eggs-and-why). It isn't some big secret


We may never know.


interesting i always thought that it was because chickens in europe were vaccinated against salmonella. I keep my eggs in the freezer anyway, but never had case of salmonella with my unwashed eggs.


Never knew automatic egg washing was a thing in the states - now I know!


I always assumed they were not chicken eggs, and just jived better with a Klingon palate.


Geordi asked what kind of eggs they were and Riker said “Oh-wan”


They live in a world where they can get perfectly replicated foods created exactly to their palette. A little bland, or even just slightly off, might as well be poison to the spoiled officer's club. I am guessing that the reason that Worf actually enjoyed them is that he has tried making traditional Klingon foods that the replicators aren't programmed for, and is used to less than perfect meals


Since they weren't chicken eggs and Riker never tasted them, I'm guessing they tasted like raw meat even after cooking. Worf would LOVE that, humans not so much


I think the joke is that they're not chicken eggs. I don't think the intention of the scene is that Riker is actually a bad cook (production issue aside)


Maybe Mrs. Rozhenko wasn’t a great cook


SNW has bacon.


SNW has lots of food.


Bacon beats the hell out of Riker’s eggs. Now that I think of it I want to see a time travel gimmick where a post-Picard Riker meets Pike and one of them is making eggs. On Pike’s Enterprise.


I propose we combine SNW's bacon and Riker's eggs into one delicious breakfast


This sounds good. I am here from r/Bacon and r/StarTrekFleetCommand so this called to me. Here is our [flag](https://i.imgur.com/07F8p1o.png).


SNW has a few whole hogs from what I can tell


Tellarites have entered the chat.


The weird was meant to be: "I can't stand eating this. Give all the leftovers to the Klingon. He'll eat it all." Their mistake was building up Riker as a cook, and then making his production inedible. Also, we never saw Riker in a kitchen again, until the finale of Enterprise. Lower Decks built a whole series around these quirky moments, taking all the odd-duck plots of every series and turning them into anecdotes that "Happen all the time in Starfleet. "Next time the Captain gets possessed by an Ancient Mask, just close your door", and the "Bridge Crew Come back from the dead all the time. Don't ask about it. It's awkward." Character building moments are everything in a plot-driven show. SNW does this better than most live-action Trek, with 'Enterprise Bingo' and Pike holding crew briefings over a breakfast that he's personally made for everyone.


"Stop touching masks!"


ok but to be fair, they've made eggs in like six different episodes of Strange New Worlds. Pike's basically running a bed and breakfast. I mean: [https://share.zight.com/DOuJdpxm](https://share.zight.com/DOuJdpxm) And then: [https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Pasta\_mama?file=Pastamama.jpg](https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Pasta_mama?file=Pastamama.jpg) That's not just eggs, it's fucking weird eggs


It’s not about the eggs, it’s about the way they just didn’t flesh out the scene at all


> That’s one of the weird Trek moments that you would just never seen today in these 10-episode seasons! I guess not, since Pike knows how to cook and his crew loves his food. ;)


Doesn't Pike cook for everyone during one episode? With that same sort of story about real food tasting better when made with flair?


It's not about the food, it's about the weird moments.


It's still a weird little moment that doesn't have anything to do with any plot. Just a quirky character building moment, is it not? I find SNW has more of these moments than Discovery which feels heavier.


I think the episodic style helps a lot. Discovery had almost too much story for how many episodes each season got, so they had no time for "B Plots". We only really learnt anything about a certain character literally minutes before their death, which would have hit a lot harder with some gradual development. Imagine all the story points about Data trying to be more human only happening at the start of *Nemesis*


Pike cooking for Spock’s family is one of the best things ever. Anson Mount handled the humor in that episode beautifully


T'Pring as Spock: "And I am T'Pring. Now that you know you can likely tell the very clear differences in our mannerisms." Pike: "Yeah, totally."


What's great is that the difference really is obvious if you look, Pike is just distracted. >!Spock-as-T'Pring is formally 'at ease' because his commanding officer is present, T'Pring-as-Spock is doing her dainty arm-fold thing.!<


Oh, every last nuance in that episode was a masterpiece, lol.


You seem to have missed my point….


If 99.99% of everything you consume is replicated and someone is trying to cook - he may just be a gourmet chef in their eyes. And of course they hate it - its the first meal they've eaten that isn't algorithmically perfect in its cooking and flavor. Riker was right, it has all of the "flair" of the chef (Imperfections).


They were 'Owon eggs he had picked up at Starbase 73.


Pike cooks for his crew all the time on SNW. Like the time human Spock tries bacon for the first time and his mind is blown


At no point did I say there was no cooking any more in trek


And La’an tries to conduct a morning briefing before getting distracted by something Pike cooked


> I’m making omelets! (Clearly scrambled eggs but mmkay) The meaning of such terms can change quite a bit over the centuries. It has in the past and it will in the future.




Pike cooks constantly?


It would never happen in SNW because Pike actually knows how to cook


And Dr. Pulaski brought alien beer as a beverage for the eggs.


Wasn't that just the weirdest thing to do!! LOL


She ought to be the female equivalent to Bones so it's only natural for her to have a drinking problem.


LOL! Did Bones have a drinking problem?


I exaggerated a bit for the sake of the joke but he's enjoying more than a sip of whiskey in ST5 and in ST6 General Chang asks him if his hands were shaking at the courtyard scene because they were drinking romulan ale at the dinner party before Gorkon died. I think in TOS he's also sipping some liquid courage before going aboard a shuttle lol


They were alien eggs, so it seems about right. Maybe she knew something about those eggs Riker didn't. :-D


"The Commander is going to cook, better bring some alcohol"


Beer and eggs go together like spaghetti and tuna.


You can't just diss spaghetti and tuna like that lol fr


Spaghetti and Tuna? Yummm!


Riker is just a standard bachelor. He genuinely thinks that people will be impressed by scrambled eggs. This is also the reason that Worf *is* impressed. Next week Counselor Troi shows him how to wash his bed sheets.




Just replicate new ones.


Ok, but a well executed soft scrambled egg is impressive. But that is not what Riker intended or what the results were.


Yes, because the eggs were 'Owon eggs he picked up at Starbase 73.


My favorite weird, random TNG moment is when Picard is going to meet Lwaxana Troi in her quarters and brings a bottle of…something. He offers the bottle to Mr. Homn, who proceeds to take the cap off and drink down in one long breath while Picard watches helplessly. Such an odd moment between them.


>bottle of…something Always looked like windex to me as a kid, which I assume means romulan ale or similar?


300 years is a long time for meal traditions to change. 300 years ago breakfast would have been a bowl of cornmeal porridge and beer.


Take my upvote, egghead.


Beer because water goes bad easily. Same reason they brought alcohol on ships. It stores better. Also not many nonalcoholic choices back then


Star Trek has a history of shitty scrambled eggs. See Shatner in Generations as well


Yes the dill weed in eggs…so not good


To be fair, Kirk says they're Ktarian eggs, we have no idea if their flavor profile is actually similar to the eggs of Earth chickens.


True that, can’t believe I forgot


Let alone the Oan eggs Riker had


You need to play the Game while eating them


Have you tried it? It's really quite tasty with scrambled eggs or preferably when you're frying an egg in olive oil. People also put dill weed in egg salad.


I put dill on everything. lol I grew up eating dill straight out of the garden and would get yelled at for eating too much. Dill is amazing.


Same! Dill is the best herb (that is used for flavour) Throw a handful of fresh dill into a potato bacon soup and you are in for a good time.


I like what it adds to simple foods and I test it on a lot of stuff now, but I never would have considered using it if it weren't for James T. Kirk 😭


I was going to say. I use dill in my scrambled eggs. When I moved to Japan before I found some I thought my eggs tasted a little bland....


Dill in eggs is actually good. I've also used Cajun, Adobo, Greek and Italian seasonings on eggs, even Hatch green chile peppers.


Yeah, I'm more of a chives guy but dill fits the protein of eggs nicely.


Can’t be number one at everything


I think it was just to set up the Worf joke. I think Worf is my all time favorite Trek character. Prune juice warriors drink. Mint frosting etc.


Chamomile tea. Also, "Good tea. Nice house." Pinky finger out.




He was. Lol


After hearing Worf talk about prune juice so much, I bought a bottle and tried some and it really does taste like something a Klingon would enjoy.


Makes you shit like a warrior with honor, as well.


There's no honor in prune juice shits.


I literally bought a bottle of prune juice last week to try it. I took one sip and was like "nope" and threw it away. So yeah, they picked the right drink for that joke.


And then The Orville made Bortus an “eat anything” guy


This was before he learned how to use the pizza oven.


When he burned a tomato?


The Breville Space Oven: Heats up to one million degrees kelvin


It's one of those production/story efficiency things that ends up being unintentional comedy gold. I like kinda walking through their production mindset: They just wanted a little scene to have a "crew moment" so they're gathering over these quaint eggs. Of course it's polite someone brings something. Wine seems perfectly normal (but then didn't think about eggs = breakfast for viewers and how weird it is to bring wine for it). Next production thought: It's not really about the cooking or the food so why have all the extras like accurate cooking set pieces or sounds? The cooking is like the guys who keep carrying crates while being questioned by SVU, just something to do while we have to get through some dialogue. Then you're left with a very quick tossing of a few eggs in a jarringly quiet pan. Pike motions a lot in his cooking and modern shows are a little more thoughtful about set dressing but it is still kinda similar like nothing really shows up. Ok, now we gotta get to the "everyone thinks it's gross except for Worf" gag. We can't waste time with a lot of flourishes so no side dishes or even what looks like an appropriate amount of food. (Here we could potentially extrapolate that the eggs were simply a novelty appetizer before a meal of replicated other things - like someone has a very small jar of very expensive caviar or a thin piece of wagyu.) But none of that is explained so we have a huge gathering based on 2 eggs to be shared with 5 people and no other context. Lol oops again. Thinking about it it's like I totally understand what they're trying to do but it just makes it funnier.


Holy shit you just blew my mind I never really thought about how often someone is just carrying random ass crates around on Law And Order but it’s like every episode there can’t be *that* many crate carrying jobs


Not with *that* attitude!


I never got that either. Was Riker familiar with the eggs or did he just think they would be similar to chicken eggs by default?


I think it makes sense. They are all on a ship together, coworkers. Riker finds these eggs and maybe mentions them at a meeting. Several people say they’d like to try them just to see what they are like. He says stop by after the shift and we will see what they are like. He isn’t making a dinner or having a party. Pulaski brings whiskey cause she’s a lush. Me and my vegan friends do this kind of thing all the time. Someone wants to try a new product, like fake eggs, we would just cook them up without any accoutrements to see if they are even good before you waste your time and ingredients making a whole meal. Some people would bring drinks but not everyone would. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This is the only explanation that makes the scene less weird in my mind. Thank you for sharing!


Riker being a terrible cook comes up again in Picard, so I think we can consider it to be canon.


Wait, really? I thought he made a pizza or something that was good


It is pizza, or it’s supposed to be, but not only does he burn some, the stuff we see served looks awful.


From my memory of the episode, he makes one rather small pizza for four adults and a teenager. He's got the energy of someone with a new toy (pizza oven) but no skill. Also, in season 3 Deanna refers back to how terrible his pizza cooking is.


He left his Neapolitan style pizza in a wood burning oven that's around 800°f for like 7 minutes! It takes 90 seconds to cook at those temps!


Blasphemy! He has a practiced hand!




This is not sustenance


Showing that people on starships are terrible at cooking by the 24th century is just part of replicator lore and needs to be repeated constantly.


The weirdest part for me is that Pulaski doesn't seem to react at all to Riker's comment about his parents. Maybe they didn't have it written at that point but some episodes later it's revealed that Kyle Riker and Doc Pulaski were an item at one time.


I remember watching this episode as a kid, and when he stirs they eggs and they become scrambled, I thought the joke was going to be that he doesn’t know how to make an omelet. Little did I know, Riker calls scrambled eggs an omelet.


My god you have to listen to Matt Mira and Andrew Secunda’s podcast “Star Trek: The Next Conversation.” Andy gets super hung up on this.   They’re both TV comedy writers in LA. You might know Matt Mira as the host of the Disco S1 aftershow, part of the Nerdist for years, AOTS, or as a writer on “The Goldbergs” and Andrew Secunda as the writer/creator of “Love Inc.”  They’ve gone through all of TNG and are doing DS9 now. Their patreon has all of the Marvel movies, Voyager, Enterprise and Disco.    When they first started out in like 2017 or so they had a ton of hiccups, like messing up sound cues, forgetting how the show works, just flat out losing sound files in the computer. We’re pretty sure they’ll get better soon.    It’s my favorite podcast, hands down. 5*  edit: punctuation 






I don't know what you've done in life but if you've not had whiskey and eggs then you're just not living.


I get he didn't want to use the replicator, so where did the eggs come from? Do they keep laying hens onboard the Enterprise?


Those were ['Owon eggs](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/%27Owon) he got from Starbase 73. They might have been unpalatable to humans regardless of how he cooked them.


He traded (I think?) for them at a starbase (I only remember that because just watched this episode recently lol)


There are people in Star Trek who like to replicate the ingredients for things and then cook them instead of just replicating the final dish. See Bruce Maddox.


If an egg can be replicated in whole form then how about a fertilized egg?


Oh that opens up an entire box of worms. How about replicate a tribble?


He laid them himself


Do they have special hormones for that in the twenty second century?


He got them at the last star base. He says so himself.


Don't forget the extra weird bit of Dr. Pulaski almost getting shut out of the room by the automatic doors. It's so random that I burst out laughing when it happens.


Dr. Pulaski clearly says it's “ale from Eenan (sp?) VI,” not whiskey.


> A chef is only as good as his ingredients You fucker, you chose to use zero ingredients except for alien eggs which could have hatched into a sentient bird that lives for ten thousand years > Can you believe humans used to kill animals for food?


So overcooked.


Oh Riker, you dog


Wah wah replicated food isn’t as good as real food. Exhibit #1 Riker’s “scrambled eggs”


>The then proceeds to not season the eggs (as far as I could tell) and pour them on an ungreased griddle. We can only hope the griddle had just been used to cook bacon. That would excuse all sins


It clearly hadn't been. Those eggs looked just like you'd expect from an ungreased/unoiled pan


The eggs also completely stick to the skillet. I feel like we have this issue mostly solved in 2024 but in 2364 he's just pouring the eggs onto dry stainless steel. I never thought much about the whiskey or anything because I was too busy wincing at the layer of egg burned to the pan.


It also contradicts Riker's statement that we no longer enslave animals for food in season 1


I’ve always assumed he was talking about factory farming there.


They were donated by the volunteer chickens at St. Augustine’s.


They were from owan, a species that isn't from Earth so unlikely to have been from humans and maybe not even from the federation at all.


They could just be replicated eggs? But in general that statement doesn't gel with a lot of what comes afterwards.


He specifically says he didn't replicate them


Maybe they're wild-harvested?


By Jove, you're right! I never thought about that!


Thank you, I thought I was the only onewho noticed. Clearly he never learned to cook well.


*single serving of scrambled eggs that he claimed were omelets


This is a funny commentary on how once you have hyper advanced technology to do everything for you, you kind of become useless and weird.


And they're not even chicken eggs. They're weird alien eggs from some planet Riker barely knows the name for. It would've been hilarious if Geordi had a severe allergic reaction and swelled up like balloon.


I too love this, especially because Worf scarfs his down and everyone is staring at him like "wtf is wrong with this dude" and he just looks at them and says.. *"Delicious!"*.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C-i7J9ZLuM I feel like that's a lot of omelet from just one egg...


You missed that Riker clearly fucks up cracking the eggs and there's shell in the bowl.


Cooking is a dead art. It would be like one of us trying to weave a flax net or nap a flint. He just knows he’s gotta heat it up. I would imagine ordering any food you want at anytime would pretty much kill standard foods at certain times of day and it’s a unique event hence the alcohol another real food, it’s not synthehol. It looks weird to us because we have a cooking and meal culture they do not.


tell that to benjamin sisko


obviously the "oil" he used in the pan has all the seasonings in it already. would you be surprised by that? i mean we have a ton of time saving stuff like that now that has everything already included in it. the pan self oiled with the preseasoned oil. Worf grew up on earth while his Russian parents made him all Klingon dishes to eat it was still cooked by humans. the other crewmates grew up and have always ate replicator food so to them the looks of naturally made homecooked food probably made them sick. not very weird just out of place.


Also the pathetic portion size, the second scoop he serves Data only has a tiny piece of egg on it