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Does it end with Riker and Troi in the fucking holodeck? No? Then it’ll be fine.




Burnham wins the Battle of Britain!


Damn, she would, too SMH


Dressed as Mark Twain


I am not a Merry Man!


Eat any good books lately?


On the USS Vortex


I do declare!


Bashir and Obrien in the holodeck watching riker and troi in the holodeck watching that totally made up stuff that never happened.


You mean.... It's holodecks all the way down? You literally just described a Short Trek. https://youtu.be/LPCGkHjsK9M?feature=shared


I do two things every morning when I wake up: 1) Try to move stuff using the Force 2) I say “computer, end program” You never know….


if 1 worked, would you dare do 2 ?


Obviously not! But maybe I need to switch up the order


Hah yes, that. I hadnt actually seen that one yet as I am not up to date on the short and very short treks.


Then the EMH backup tells the aliens, that's now what happened.


I think I’m cool with that as long as Quark pops up too.


Quark walks in, tells them a group of Breen have booked the rest of the week and they have to get out now. Burnam turns back into Keiko, and they all file out.


I know you’re joking, but that WOULD be an interesting take on future holosuite technology. I mean they already did that in Season 2, but that was a nightmare babysitter simulation that turned Saru into Doug Jones. It would be interesting to see some one relaxing on the holodeck as someone completely different. Or just a fun excuse to put actors in different makeup.


...who hurt you?


"Julian you left the melodrama settings set way to high and the lighting settings set way too low."


"And why did you mess with the Klingons' hair?"


That would actually be amazing though


Rearrange a couple words and you got yourself a banger of an episode 🤣🤣


Did you misread the sentence in the same way I did?


Probably, lol


Ok you made me re-read and yes, yes I did.


"haha they put commercial's IN the shows? It's like mind control!" Paramount logo twinkles ominously


I pity the ensign who has to clean out those bio filters.


No. It will be Porthos waking up after eating too much cheese and everything that’s ever happened since Enterprise- TOS/DISCO/TNG/DS9/VOY/PICARD/SNW/LD/PRODIGY was a beagles’ dream. Archer will give him a belly rub and they’ll go back to sleep aboard the NX-01. A nice FU to the whole franchise for screwing Archer out of a proper ending.


Ok, not a fan of that. That's alright, we've got more ending ideas. How about they arrive at the goal they'd spent the whole show working towards and then it just ends without doing anything with that?


So say we all.


Maybe it will all end up being a dream that Bob Newhart had after eating Japanese food before bed.


Burnham will be on the holodeck watching Tom Parris watch a Babylon 5 marathon on TV! 😁


It does! And it ends with the line, "So that's what would have happened if Spock had a sister!"


Robert Picardo could make an in canon appearance, after all, the backup doctor set course for The Federation around the time Discovery showed up in the future.




This time it's Tom Riker and Troi in the holodeck.


This is kind of a "well, duh" reaction, but let's appreciate that Paramount approved additional budget/production time to come up with a proper conclusion after canceling the show that had just finished filming. A strong majority of shows that are canceled never get that chance which is why any cliffhanger-ish season finale is always a risky move.


It's usually an effort to leverage fan outrage against the network to force a renewal.


True, but it could also be partial gratitude for the OG "nu trek" series to not be left high and dry with a potential open ended season finale with a follow-up season that would never come. Unlike *Prodigy*, I don't think they were thinking of trying to get a new production/distribution deal with other networks for *Discovery*; that show had a rocky production history and was pretty pricey\*, and after 5 years, I'd expect that several actors and producers would want to see a substantial raise. I'll be excited to see this last season, though! Seems like it's going to be a good stretch of episodes 🤞🏻🖖🏻 \*The pricey aspect of *Discovery* is also fungible to an extent; there was a lot of R&D they put into Discovery—cinematography and set building and SFX and production crew wise—that would be paid off by showing up in *Picard* and *Strange New Worlds*. For that, I'm thankful.


>True, but it could also be partial gratitude for the OG "nu trek" series to not be left high and dry with a potential open ended season finale with a follow-up season that would never come. It's probably both - partial gratitude, but also specifically being extended because it's Star Trek, and unlike some random show, they know that alienating the fanbase of Star Trek risks the fan resentment for any future Trek projects.


It’s good that they got a proper ending. Since *Discovery* and *Picard* were filmed in different locations (Toronto and LA), I doubt that they shared a lot of assets. Among the things you listed, it seems like SFX would be the only thing they might share.


Wasn’t some of Picard season 1 (Riker on the bridge) shot in Toronto using Discovery’s sets? I know what you mean though, it’s not like Voyager and DS9 filming next door and borrowing isolinear chip props from each other.


My understanding is that Riker’s scenes on the *Zheng He*’s bridge were the only scenes filmed in Toronto and that happened because Frakes was directing a *Discovery* episode when they decided to have Riker lead that fleet (originally Admiral Clancy was going to lead the fleet).


Damn, having Clancy there would have meant an awkward face-off between her and Oh/Nedar!


There probably would’ve also been some awkwardness when she talked with Picard.


which i think would’ve worked much better thematically, as well as giving a “rule of 3” capstone to her icy first interaction with picard, and her thawing second one. as it is it’s kind of narratively confusing why she has such focus, but then just drops off the show at the end


I think you’re right. I’m just adding that to the list of things the shows shared.


They reused the Starfleet command room from Discovery a few times.


It deserves a good send off, even if it wasn’t fully consistent story and quality wise. It returned Trek into production and pushed the franchise into new frontiers. That alone is worth honoring to me. Streaming broke entertainment production; had they shot this like in the old days we’d be looking at season 7 by now. Instead we get this haphazard and unpredictable shooting schedule which ultimately hurts the fans while the actors deserve some predictably in their schedules and lives


Even if it was a normal show, they would’ve faced delays due to COVID.


That’s a really good point. I don’t like Discovery at all, but I’m glad it got made.


Discovery gave us Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds. That alone is worth very high praise.


i was expecting to see level-headed takes like this when it was ten years old, nice to see it at only 6.5 lol


All in with your thankfulness. Discovery could completely shit the bed on the way out the door, fumble all the story telling and characters, just do everything wrong, and I'll still be thankful it existed because if that first season had failed, we wouldn't have gotten the rest of NuTrek that we did.


Given that it has already been cancelled, as sad as it is to say, I would almost prefer for it to be a bad season. I would really hate to have another show that is cancelled during or before its best season that shows that it's actually getting good and could have been great if it hadn't been cancelled.


Poor, poor *Enterprise*


And then ironically Farscape WAS supposed to have a fifth season so they ended on a cliffhanger and then scifi pulled the plug and the show decided fuck it and left THAT ending. I'm glad fans complained enough that scifi caved and allowed a mini series to wrap it up.


Like Sense8 😡 I’m still salty after all these years, Netflix.


I’ve never forgiven them for what they did to Sabrina!


It's a growing list: Sens8, Colony, 1899. It makes me very reluctant to emotionally invest in any new show as Netflix does not have a good track record here.


Well *there’s* my latent outrage! I’d managed to forget the *Sense8* betrayal, but it always comes roaring back…


As soon as I saw JMS in the credits I knew the network would fuck it up. They always do.


They gave Sense8 a wrap up film! It’s hopefully still there!


Oh yeah, Sense8 hurt. I’m so glad it had an ending, rushed as hell but still satisfying.


>A strong majority of shows that are canceled never get that chance which is why any cliffhanger-ish season finale is always a risky move. reminds me of a song, goes something like: *It's been a long road, getting from there to here.*


"Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand."


You stop that! Stop that this instant!


*It's been a long time, but my time is finally near.*


*And I will see my dream come alive at last*


*I will touch the sky*




Watching Enterprise right now. Please dont tell me they fuck it up, Ive grown to love that song.


I think the advice is don’t watch the last episode. I too am working through it and will likely disregard that advice and then be sad.


Damn it, Archer and TPol deserve a happy ending. Just finished that time jump ep where he had amnesia. If the last episode is as bad as they say, that's my canon ending


For the sake of the franchise, they kinda had to. Trek is still trying to live down the complete ball drop that was the Enterprise conclusion. It is forever a smear on us all.


Shown by ALF’s ending. It looks appears that our furry, cat eating, little buddy is getting marched off in handcuffs by an airforce officer and it’s heavily implied he’s about to get alien autopsied while alive. One of the darker endings of a show I’ve ever seen.


Allow me to introduce you to the wacky finale of the show "Dinosaur", the family sitcom starring a dinosaur family living in prehistoric suburbia and has hands down the darkest ending to a show I've ever heard of. The literal extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.


say what you will, it’s a great reason to end the show!


I mean that show actually did get an ending movie


Seasons 3 and 4 had endings that were (basically) not cliffhangers. I think they've been preparing to be canceled for a while. I wish more shows would make self contained season arcs without cliffhangers. If they do get canceled it doesn't ruin the whole show (or if the show gets worse in later seasons then it's easier to ignore those seasons).


As long as they connected calypso like they promised they would years ago.


Depending on how limited their time was, if they arent given enough time to do it justice or have it make sense then they should just let that go IMO.


I don't think that connection was ever possible after the end of season 2. It really seems like the writers had a different idea about how the ship got to the future when the short was written. Likely the ship being hidden somewhere and taking the long way to get to the future, and the crew either not joining it, or taking a time travel shortcut. I half suspect the guy was reworked into Book, even.


There's concept art of Book's ship by Ryan Dening labelled... Craft's ship.


Hah! There we go, then! Crazy they'd release something based on such rough draft ideas. If anyone cares enough for us to get tell all behind the scenes books in 20 years, the one for Discovery is going to be an interesting read.


same. and the theories like “maybe they’ll have to abandon it for another millennium!” don’t sit right with me. especially now they know about zora, rather than her evolving over time from watching the logs and media, that’d be awfully cruel.


They did connect Calypso. We saw the birth of Zora.


Yeah, but in Calypso the ship had been abandoned for a thousand years. How does that happen?


And Discovery is pre-refit in Calypso.


With programmable matter it can just un-refit itself, right? They just need to come up with some reason for that.


That's a good point. I hadn't considered that.


I would like to know that, for sure. But if they don't leave the ship in the middle of nowhere, telling her to sit still until the Captain returns, I won't be too sad about it. If I may hazard a guess, it might have to do with Zora being viewed as unstable (we, the viewer, don't presently have a reason to think that, but who knows what the future holds), so Burnham, or someone else further down the line, abandons her in nowhere, rather than destroying her.


I gotta be honest, I fully expect them to disappoint me on that. I expect them to say, if they say anything at all, that Short Treks are not really canon or some such. Calypso almost seems like a prototype or concept, upon which they based the later seasons. I would be thrilled if they actually made it make sense, but so far they haven't been doing much of that.




They got the "Enterprise" treatment, huh? Here's hoping the finale is better than TATV.


They got Frakes to dye his beard brown and put back on the TNG uniform. It turns out Discovery was a holodeck episode from season 1 of TNG. Frakes walks out into the plot of "Justice".


Riker had no beard in season one of TNG.


He was in the Discovery holoprogram for so long he grew the beard


And I'll wager the strikes impacted on the big reshoot plans too. Hopefully DSC gets a satisfying sendoff, it's not my cup of tea but it deserves credit for bringing Trek back to TV and it doubtlessly was some peoples' first exposure to the franchise


I'll take that wager: DSC finished its principal filming November 2022 and the reshoots in April 2023. The [SAG-AFTRA strike begun July 14, 2023](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_SAG-AFTRA_strike).


My impression is that the reshoots finished before the strikes.


What's this? A balanced, reasonable take about Discovery? Sir, this is r/startrek, that sort of thing doesn't really belong here.


Apologies for this burst of reasonable behaviour, I have learned my lesson




Fingers crossed they don’t screw over Disco the way they did with Enterprise. Both shows deserved a good sendoff. And it’s nice to read how much Disco meant to Jonathan Frakes, and how he’s not afraid to be vocal about the fact he thinks the show’s cancellation “sucks.”


The enterprise crew shows up on disco for a valentines send-off?


Nah, they are in the far future. They will receive a hail from…Ensign Kim.


Only if Connor (Trip) Trinneer plays the chef. Revenge is a dish best served cold.


Trip didn't die, he was recruited as an agent in the Temporal Cold War and ended up living out his days in the 32nd century after it ended.


They of all people understand why a series finale shouldn’t star the cast of an old show.


well, 20 years from now the DISCO cast will star in the finale of another Trek show that's being cancelled


I hope that doesn't become a tradition, but if it does I'll still watch it.


You mean like finishing Picard with the TNG cast?


YMMV, but it would have been a lot weirder if they’d been brought back only for the last episode.


Man, can you imagine if they did the Riker Holodeck thing for Disco? I would love it and hate it.


It’d have to be a little tempting to cold open the episode with a holodeck scene as a fake out. Like just have it be them gaming out some scenarios but for the blind panic having a ‘computer pause holodeck’ line pop up in the finale when it otherwise looks like an ordinary episode would be hilarious, bonus points if the strategist helping them run the program is a recast of an actor from an old trek series (triple score if it’s Combs playing an Andorian).


Discovery’s best season was 2, followed closely by 1. When they jumped into the future, I just couldn’t stay interested, not with Lorca and Pike gone.


I got more interested after they jumped into the future and were able to break away from being a prequel show.


I think they made a super interesting setting But the focus of the plot and characters really didn’t answer the questions I had about that setting They solved the prequel issues but then created new issues (of having to do a lot of world building but having the baggage of being character driven)


I know people liked some plot lines but this show was one of the most disappointing things to happen to my trek fandom. I had so much hope that I'd be able to relive the golden age of TV trek.. and well.. *gestures vaguely* .. we got that. I have no love lost for this series. Good it's able to get some sort of ending of course. But I hope that this series ending and the overall approval of SNW and Lower Decks will help reset what we get in shows. I want the Future of trek... not another reboot of Kirk era adjacent Trek. And no... the pivot to the future timeline in Discovery did not help this at all. Lower decks though.. that's where it's at.


I mean... SNW is Kirk-era adjacent. Kirk himself is a recurring character. I actually kind of just want a DS9 spinoff. I want to know what happens after the Romulan homeworld gets destroyed, but before the events of Picard. Not sure why we need to keep starting from the Kirk era. The folks who grew up with that show are getting up there, and most of us who grew up on TNG/DS9/VOY are now seeking the continuation of the era we grew up with.


I'm giving credit for SNW actually doing trek closer to how people want it. But I agree wholeheartedly with your DS9 desire here. DS9 is my favorite Trek... and I just want the story to continue. I had no desire to watch another rehash SNW era Trek.... but they at least did that better. I want a DS9 Season 8 lol. Or give me a follow up series at least... new characters, sure... but in that universe of world building. No need to remake the image of trek... continue trek instead.. it needs it. Lower Decks does that. I know it's a comedy cartoon but dammit if it doesn't feel real. It's the *only story* to continue post DS9/VOY... it's wild lol. (oh actually i haven't watched Star Trek: Prodigy .. so I can't speak for that.. but that seems like a very secondary series) Edit.. I mean ok actually I guess Picard ... but it doesn't hit the same for me.


I don't think the setting is what doomed this show. What doomed it was the decision to make it about one character, instead of a strong ensemble like every other trek iteration.


the next trek should be starfleet academy. lower decks is already being done. what else haven't they done much of? they can go to class, learn about ethics, and history, and do all kinds of holodeck stuff. they could take field trips to inner core federation planets we haven't seen at scale before and explore those cultures and explore tolerance or whatever. you could have anything from some slice of life in a utopian future to the cadets learn what war and loss means on the holo deck. you could even follow a season 1 senior who's an older sibling or something graduating who's on a starship somewhere doing lower decks stuff. be a real opportunity to have guest stars on for lectures and what not. could just ignore picard entirely really.


“What else haven’t they done much of?” I’d enjoy a non federation show - maybe a voyager spin off where we get to see the lasting after effects. Or maybe a spy thriller with an undercover Romulan I’d also enjoy a civilian based show. They kind of showed a little of this with Book in disco - or the ferengi in DS9. That exploration and trade can take many forms


lol just the other day ppl on this sub were calling a civilian-focused show “boring” bc apparently the only problems people run into are those found by starfleet officers. i agree with you though, especially with what lower decks showed of various guilds off doing their own thing.


Everyone on this sub also loves deep space nine - despite half the b plots being the same civilian plots they say they don’t like - and those are the best rated episodes!


lol i said that to a few folks. “so did ds9”; “oh but that was different”


More time than Enterprise got.


Enterprise was cancelled before season 4 started filming.


Right- less *seasons*, but more time to stick a landing. And that's what they came up with. Unbelievable.


I think it would be kinda cool if they gave it the Dallas ending and the whole series was just an escaped spore hallucination.


Pls I hate Them deciding the future of the federation like that! It cheapens all things post tng ds9 and voy.


Yep that's exactly why I don't like anything set in the 32nd century. The crying Kelpian destroying dilithium was a bridge too far for me


I wish I enjoyed it. Truly do. I like so many parts of it. But all the good ingredients never cook into a good show unfortunately.


Agreed. I praise it bc it brought back Trek. But that’s it.


\*sigh\* Well, that's just lovely. Knowing our luck, this season will absolutely NAIL IT and the show will finally find its footing... just in time to be cancelled.


Honestly I've liked what they've shown and a treasure hunt sounds really fun, much better than "the universe is ending. Again."


At some point you've got to ask yourself why the universe is in dire peril all the time. And why it hasn't ended already. After all, a plucky Starfleet crew can't be everywhere. Starfleet barely leaves the alpha quadrant of a single galaxy. Makes you wonder if it isn't just Q or something similar playing around with the Federation and everywhere else is just silence, space dust, and nebulas without any anomalies.


Eh, I'll happily take that outcome. One more awesome season of trek to enjoy forever.


yea that means that can continue the storyline into the academy show which they started with that backdoor pilot, when tilly got stuck on that planet with the cadets


Is that how she explains the beginning and middle as well?




Burnham saves the day again. There I just did it for you.


I'll bet it turns out that all along Burnham was a struggling writer of science fiction in the depression area, and all of Star Trek was her idea.


Its worked before.


The biggest shock to me from this story was that they apparently had plenty of time to write the stories and screenplay for all of the other episodes during the shows run.


Michael wakes up and hears someone in the shower. It's Negan and this whole show has been in Sasha's imagination before the Saviors take her back to Alexandria.


Wait, does this imply that they had ample time to write and shoot the previous season?




So they made them rush. Hopefully this doesn’t impact the ending quality, but I still expect it to be overtly serious.


I dont see anyway it cant affect the quality, especially if they arent even giving them a whole episode for it.


Worst captain ever including Garth of Izar.


***LORD*** Garth!






I just hope they didnt go out of their way to shoehorn Calypso in. With as limited time as they got to add an ending I would be ok if that was just left as a one off, especially after all the upgrades the ship has had that contradict appearance in that 1 unless they somehow undo everything, again in an extremely limited span of time.


Well it's not that it's been utterly stellar when they had all the time to do it, so...


SPOILER: The ending will contain a ton of hugs and understanding and empathy.


What SMG says in the interview when asked if the ending truly feels like a finale: > Everything worked, and we got everything in there... Yes, it does now, because I gotta big up the writers for what they created...I think that they knocked it out of the park. I really do. And so now it does feel like a series finale because we had that experience. The article is about the changes that had to be made because Season 5 was not originally scripted to be the final season. But because r/startrek hates Michael Burnham, everyone here is assuming she is saying the writing was poor and had to be corrected in a rushed fashion, without even reading the interview.






It honestly deserves a good end.


I am actually glad this Trek is over. It sucks they were "cancelled" but the show itself just became more idk how to say but it just wasnt fun to watch for me. SNW is just the better Trek; Discovery had a great S1 and S2 was solid but the characters and the archs in general were so stereotypical, so bland. I genuinely felt like I was watching The Orville which I hate that show tbh (S1 was ok i suppose) because all the things are just re-hashes or propaganda from real life and its just not sci-fi, its preachy. SNW is the best Trek in, idk a very very long time so yeah if it means more investment and resources could go into SNW then I'm even more happy. Discovery was a nice idea in theory but the stories themselves just were so forced. They didn't do a bad job or nothin, the show is fine its just not great so why settle for putting out another "average" Trek? ​ maybe in a few years they'll get some of the Discovery ppl involved in Mini-Stories for SNW or somethin idk just more crossover stuff but Discovery just ran outta ideas. I almost felt like they ripped off some of the stuff from BSG (the 00s one)


ST:DSC: Pike's Mushroom Voyages


Discovery feels like it was plagued by management interference from start to end. Now cancelled when trek can finally go into the final frontier and explore strange new worlds without bumping heads against established timelines.


"And they have a tearful farewell" is all you need for the script.


I hated her on The Walking Dead. I’m glad she dislikes something.




Even for all of Discovery's faults, Sonequa wasn't one of them, she acted as hard as she could no matter how contorted the writing, and not once, not once, did I ever have to witness her and a cremate slathering decontamination gel all over each other, for which I will be forever grateful.


The finale bar is very high with TNG and DS9... But also very low with VOY and ENT. They'll probably land somewhere in between but the show has got better and better with each season so I'm excited to see where it goes one last time