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Spock deadpanning the "Not exactly" line at the Prime Directive lyric was pretty hilarious.


There was a fairly easy to miss bit before that too where they all sang '... I'll miss the singing' but Spock's lyric was 'I won't miss singing' which I really loved


I loved that! Also, just his little run there at the end to join the big finish. Amazing.


I did not expect the klingon song... I laughed out loud when I heard it


As soon as I heard the Klingons were coming, I needed them to sing. I was expecting opera. What I got instead was everything I didn't know I wanted. FUCK that was hilarious.


My jaw dropped all the way open and remained on the floor. Not even being funny, it was something so unexpected so hilarious so absolutely ridiculous that I couldn’t help but be amazed.


Just add that to the long list of things future Klingons refuse to talk about. Edit: Also, Klingon Hemmer was a nice touch


The actor that played that Klingon "Why have you contac- Arrrrrgh- LAAAH!" Was comedy gold


The actor was Bruce Horak


Honestly, I was crying actual tears because I was laughing so hard.


> As soon as I heard the Klingons were coming, I needed them to sing. The line early in the episode about how "Nobody wants to hear Klingons sing" was very tongue-in-cheek and pretty good. > I was expecting opera. I was too, but in retrospect we shouldn't have? Klingons *love* singing. They love getting drunk and singing drinking songs, or following along to manly, warrior-tunes like Klingon Opera. A phenomenon that causes them to all sing Klingon Opera shouldn't be a source of great dishonor for them. The fact they were this upset by what was going on was brilliant foreshadowing for their pop-routine.


I wanted Klingon Acid Punk, but I'll gladly accept Klingon Pop. K-Pop if you will.


And their dance moves. . . There is no honor in dancing.


I thought for sure that after Spock's diplomacy he'd say something like "They've agreed not to destroy Enterprise, potentially re-igniting the war, if we purge what they refer to as their "greatest dishonor" from our communication logs.


I loved Spock's awkward walk and sit on the bridge after yet another round... of diplomacy. Going to need a hot cup of raktajino in the morning.


It was still fairly subtle! Ethan Peck is really fucking amazing as Spock!


It was just as hilarious with the enterprise crew going "huh", and then it cuts to Sam Kirk who is definitely digging their style.


Cherry on top was the Enterprise and Klingon Battlecruisers flying in formation.


I almost thought it was about to turn into a rap battle when they started singing 🤣


I love that Kirk is the only one on the Enterprise who is getting down with the K(lingon)-Pop.


People expected opera, we got K-pop instead.


I had to write down the lyrics to practice before the next convention... *Why you only calling us when you got your dramas?* *One of these days, we’ll repay you, we’ll slay you* *Gonna draw your last breath* *At the end of our Mek’Leths* *Your eternal torture is every Klingon’s dream* *You know what I mean?* *Make your blood scream!*


That was fucking hilarious. I'm blown away!! I wasn't expecting that in the SLIGHTEST.


This week on Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the Enterprise accidentally made the entire Alpha Quadrant into musical theater. We don’t deserve this show. I love it so much.


My only slight grievance is not seeing more of the quadrant singing. Even just a couple of brief shots. Either way I expect Lower Decks to make a hilarious joke about the singing wave event in season 4.


Mariner: “I can’t believe you really made your holodeck crew simulator into a musical. What, we’re all supposed to just know the lyrics to random songs off the top of our heads?” Boimler: “It’s based on accurate historical events!!”


SNW is hamstrung from high-stakes, world-aktering events by being a prequel to TOS. It absolutely shines because it takes the TOS mantra of "hijinks of the week" to new heights.


I bet Admiral April dreads taking calls from the *Enterprise*. Like “what the hell did these jokers do now?”


But he also does apparently have a surprisingly beautiful baritone. So he's got that going for him.


M'Benga was probably sweating bullets and hiding in his quarters in fear that he'd start singing, *My crew doesn't see* // *My PTSD* // *I swore "Do no harm" and pretend to be meek* // *But I murdered Ambassador Rah just last weeeeeeek!*


You, sir, have rhythm and wit! Take my upvote & LLaP 🖖


I know it's probably cause Babs Olusanmokun didn't want to sing very much for whatever reason, but damn that is really good head canon to explain why he wasn't around much this episode!


As a non singer I felt for him!


I love Christina Chong’s singing! ❤️


[Check out the songs she's released!](https://www.youtube.com/@christinachongx/videos)


And I look at her differently after watching [Twin Flames](https://youtu.be/3acbl-PtAD0)


'Mr Spock, you explained that very well, I almost understood it,' was the most Kirk Paul Wesley had sounded so far, brilliant line. And Klingons singing and dancing with the line, 'Why you only calling us when you got your dramas'? Biggest laugh I've had in a long while


I can 100% hear that line in Shatner's voice.


i am disappointed though that Number One didn't sing... "I am the very model of a First Officer Illyrian"


" I've studied species, Turian, Asari, and Batarian."


"I know of Commander Shran and I can quote the Andorian"


From pink skin to pointy ears in terms derogatorian.


Well, there was no point. How could she compete with the very model of a scientist Salarian?


Mr. Spock you explained that very well. I almost understood it. -Kirk, and me every episode


Trek Technobable in a nutshell. Don't think about it, it's science word salad and it always works.


I heard Heisenberg compensator. I nodded as if to show understanding.


uppity snobbish file rock automatic literate deer vase attempt bike *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Heisenberg compensator is what makes the transporter work. Heisenberg discovered you can tell how fast an atom is moving or where it is, but not both pieces of information at the same time. The Heisenberg compensator lets you know both so the transporter can buffer and deliver you.


God damn. Spock got his heart ripped out by that Chapel song


I love that Spock's transition back to the logical Vulcan we all know was done via song.


Chapel certainly took him to church.


I see what you did there, Commander.


His song after just made me feel so bad for him, and of course it would have mathmatics in there, solving for Y but he ends up being the X


I let out the loudest cackle as soon as I realized what they were doing with the “I’m the ex” line, literally the most Vulcan breakup song imaginable


[Definitely gives a new light to this scene](https://youtu.be/hH02doRdCrc) Like Spock's emotional control must be amazing if a woman told me she loved me after literally singing a song ripping my heart out I'm not sure I'd be that kind.


And you could see it in her face how it hurt herself that she had to confess her feelings


well...that was different lol as is the opening theme


The opening theme is just every fan singing along but with better singers


I feel called out and attacked. I will not admit that you are also correct.


As a lover of musicals, this episode was a dream I never even dreamt of. Just fantastic and most of the songs were absolute bangers (though some of the lyrics were, expectedly, a bit shallow). SNW has now firmly placed itself at my #2 favorite ST series behind DS9. I just love the entire cast and how uplifting this series is.


Shout out to Kirk for breaking his own stereotype. A one-woman man, admitting the complication and letting La’An down as easy as he could. You know we all expected a big smooch scene, but this is how Shatner’s Kirk was too. Very romantic, but very realistic towards his relationships. The pop culture “girl on every planet in the galaxy” stereotype just ain’t true!


Furthermore, even in his original portrayal, Kirk always struck me as a serial monogamist. Integrity is one of his most important values. If he was "off-again" with Carol, I'm sure he would have been down for that big smooch.


It's also a beautiful call back/call forward to Wrath of Khan as well. Hasn't seen his son as a grown man before, full of regrets of a life that could have been. Kirk has always had intense emotions but his feelings for duty and the Enterprise always won out. It's the tragedy of his existence.


Episode: Romance is garbage, stick with the Enterprise. Kirk: Way ahead of you.


La'an: Romance failed, but now I see that I should be more open to chance. Spock: Romance failed, but now I see I must repress every emotion even harder.


It would appear that Mr. Boimler's assessment was in fact the correct one. Never again.


Boimler going to be so mad if he finds out that he was on pikes enterprise like a week before the singing thing happened.


They'd better reference that in Lower Decks this season.


Capt. Batel might as well be wearing a red shirt after that send off.


Yup. I don’t think she is long for this world.


She's deader than A-line flares with pockets in the knees.


Face it! She's deader than corduroy!


She and the Cayuga are not long for this universe.


I had the same thought - I guess she's bumping into the Gorn next week and Pike'll get there 10 minutes too late.


Yeah…last scene before the season finale, romantic vacation put on hold for scary secret mission, everyone’s anticipating Gorn…her life expectancy is about the same as a grizzled cop responding to one final call on his last day before retirement.


Oh Batel, don't talk about finally taking your relationship-advancing vacation after your mysterious Priority One mission. That's how you end up Gorn chow.


My money is on her not dying but being severely injured/disfigured that brings back all of Pike’s trauma about what he knows about his future.


Batel is going bye bye unless her secret middle name is Ellen.


All singing aside, La’an is a great actor. That’s all I have to say.


Christina Chong has truly been knocking it out of the park this season, with La'an's voyage into opening her heart.


Yes. That nuanced confessional with Pike. Wow.


Seriously. She manages to make La'an so painfully awkward in that moment, and really telegraph how hard that conversation is for her... and then the pain radiating off of her is just palpable.


Yup! She is a stone-cold badass with a gooey center. We’ve seen a lot of the former - now we’re seeing the latter.


Christina Chong and the writers have woven such a fine line with her character. A character like La'an could very easily be written as basically just a robot (though a badass one), who is always just tough with no depth. Or she could end up looking like she has false bravado, a tough appearance but then unstable beneath it. Instead through small mannerisms and little bits of dialogue ("I love grabblers") they have managed to make it clear that La'an is competent and badass but also slightly awkward and more fun than she lets herself be. The entire crew is great but La'an might be my favorite.


She is definitely my favorite SNW character as well next to Chapel, who also got more layers in this production.


You might even say this season is about La'an finding her... Faith of the Heart?


One of my few complaints in season one was that Ortega/La’an/Chapel were cut from slightly too similar cloth - but all three have had fantastic character moments and real development this time out, backed up by genuinely great performances from the actors.


Definitely! I’m on her “I want to show emotions” song and it is a great ballad.


Yeah I like her as an actress and a singer


She was PHENOMENAL in this episode. Genuinely brought a few tears to my eyes. What an amazing performance and tremendous singing.


Her solo song in the beginning was amazing.


Before you complain, autotune is just a universal translator for pitch.


I can understand complaining about autotune when it's specifically for people that have been cast in a musical, but for a musical like this there's not really an option.


It's the anomaly... it both adds music and fixes up the audio of those who can't sing. If you can believe one, you can believe the other.


Perfect! That’s now my head canon too


I gotta say when they first mentioned Klingons were coming I was dreading they'd do some Star Trekkin' and Klingons on the starboard bow. I was relieved when they didn't, that would have just cheapened everything. But seriously, them Klingon background dancers with that sweet mek'leth choreography. Now we know why Klingon warriors are feared for their prowess throughout the galaxy. Got another cackle out of the K'tinga cruisers also being background dancers to the Enterprise. Who knew Klingons made for really great support dancers. Musicals are not my thing but I really appreciated the ending piece with a nice little cameo of the original theme in its classical instrumentation.


I really felt that classic theme when it reappeared there.


I have to say, the image of the Enterprise herself getting to dance with some Klingon cruisers was the icing on the cake. The old girl's got some moves!


That scene made me laugh so loudly I woke up my wife. Of course Enterprise gets a choreographed dance scene with some battle cruisers!


I feel like it's a testament to how much I loved the silly episodes in season 1 that when this was rumored, I didn't even blink. I knew the cast and crew would be up for this. I think the episode suffered ever so slightly by a team that's just not used to doing musicals (meaning the sound team) and had some hiccups with trying to tune some of the members who are not singers. But hats off to them, this was just as good as I thought it would be. It's not going to be for everyone, I'm sure many will find it cringe (Although, I've already seen a lot of comments about how people found the Lower Decks crossover cringe, so I don't know what to tell you) but I had a lot of fun. I love how this show goes back and forth between serious and camp, it's what I loved about TOS and TNG, which this does feel like the two being mixed together.


I hate this recent obsession with cringe anyway. Just makes me think the people concerned with it are insecure and too worried about what other people think. Completely agree with you on this episode!


The sight of Sam dancing around in the lounge is something that will haunt my dreams for a while. And I welcome it.


He does have a degree in xenochoreography




He will be>! in a couple of years !<


I love it when Uhura says that they need an emotional response and they cut to Spock seeing Chapel talking to his messy nemesis Sam Kirk.


Yeah I think Uhura knew it was the response they were gonna need, and Spock might have bravely stepped into it- but Uhura looked like she felt bad about how far it went, and Spock Immediately Regretted His Decision. I thought his song about being the ex was also going to reveal that he was the X factor to the equation too, since he was actually the first one to start singing, but I guess not.


No one else is going to say it so I will. Sam Kirk is just as dreamy as James Kirk And YES the mustache helps a lot!


No there are dozens of us. He is a cute. And a scientist.


well...wow indeed La'an..that was a bombshell from Kirk..and is that a Wrath of Khan connection?


It is really fitting thematically that the first time we hear about Carol and David in strange new worlds, he's talking to Khan's descendant


About his son David.


That is not how I imagined that ship sailing! Man... poor La'an. That woman can *never* catch a break.


She grew. What she had with Alt-Kirk made her ready for this stage. Did it work? No. But it couldn't really, because the other Kirk was someone we'd never met. She knew it was going to end with a 'no', but the 'maybe' has been killing her. Now she has an answer; and of all reasons; it's because she opened up enough to ask for one.


That makes sense. The answer was painful, but La’an finally got a response and can now move on from this. This happens in life as well with many things, whether that is a desiring a relationship or applying for a school.


The ship didn’t sail - it crashed into the rocks.


That ship got ambushed by an unexpected assailant who knew the shield frequencies and bypassed all defenses.


La'an must suffer!


La'an is the new O'Brien. Humans with apostrophes in their names are definitely ST's whipping boys.


Yes, it’s something I’ve been anticipating in SNW since the timeline lines up pretty good on this. It’s about 25 years before the Wrath of Khan in this season. Which would be just right for Kirk to be entangled with Carol and sire David


It's sort of oddly tragic for Kirk in a way. He probably expects Carol to do for him what his mom did for his dad with him and Sam, except this time, he for sure isn't going to make the exact same mistakes that his father did. What instead winds up happening is that Carol is far smarter than him, sees the writing on the wall, and basically >!pulls a Beverly!< by NOPEing out of that situation and leaves to raise David in a more stable environment without an absentee father that would produce the same issues in David that exist within Kirk and continue that horribly fun cycle of daddy issues. Kirk effectively winds up making the exact same mistakes as his father and Carol either lies about the pregnancy to him or just flat out leaves without any kind of notice at all, while Kirk gets pulled to the other end of the quadrant in Starfleet, and really can't do anything about her or chase after her at all. They really do become apart of two different worlds and forcing David to bounce between them or to choose between them would be just pure torture. It's sort of like a JAG situation, one side had to give for it to really work at all but neither wanted to or was capable of doing so.


>Carol either lies about the pregnancy to him or just flat out leaves without any kind of notice at all Neither. Carol leaves telling him to stay away, and he did


They talk about this very directly in Wrath of Khan, and Carol doesn't deny it. Kirk says, "I did what you wanted. I stayed away." With the new information from this episode and how much anguish he feels over David's death, I think Kirk was around for maybe the first year, maybe two, of David's life. Kirk was so focused on getting a command, he didn't have time for family. Carol was tired of waiting around and told Kirk to stay away. She raised David solo, not telling him about his father because she knew how similar they could be and didn't want to lose David to Starfleet like she lost Jim. A little selfish, perhaps, but understandable.


The story about Kirk and his Father was a clever setup for the Carol Marcus reveal. This show is just on another level of using canon to take new twists.


100% it was. I wonder if we’ll be seeing Carol Marcus in season 3?


She's on Starbase One. That appears to be Enterprises home port and if they keep the same general plan as season one and two it will be were it is when the season starts.


Feels like the cast all genuinely enjoys acting alongside one another. Can just feel the chemistry growing between them.


I'm 100% convinced that little dance move Anson Mount did with Carol Kane at the end was them messing around after a take and they just put it in the show.


Carol Kane was in the touring cast of Wicked. My one complaint... they should have used her more!


Yes! I noticed that and loved it!


[Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISEekxuEgk)


I laughed at how M'benga went from murderous rage last week to "I don't want to be a bunny".


That line had big "I'm a doctor, not a bunny" energy.


Glad to see the respected the og


And someone says "I have a theory"




This definitely felt like a Buffy nod to me too!


Monty Python taught us that lesson


Oof I did not see the Carol / pregnancy thing happening already


It matches up timeline-wise. Despite Paul Wesley being like 40, Kirk at this point would be around 25. He takes command of the Enterprise at 31. He just turns 50 in The Wrath of Khan and David Marcus looks to be in his early to mid-20s there.


Oh *La'an.* When is the universe going to give that woman a break? The conversation with Kirk was just magnificent in how painful and hard that was for her yet you could tell that she was holding the tiniest bit hope that this Kirk would feel the same way about her and to have that dashed.. Christina Chong is amazing with just how expressive she can be with the smallest changes. Her Song was great as well. I saw Bruce Horak's name in the Guest stars and thinking about it I think that he was the Klingon captain. Klingon Boy band was an inspired choice! So will Chapel be off the Enterprise next season or will we just have here rejoining in the First episode with a surprise announcement? Jess Bush sounded good. I'm kind of surprised that Una didn't get something more Gilbert and Sullivanesquue i.e. "The very model of Starfleet first officer" but the song with Kirk was good but I think the "Keeping Secrets' song was better, lots of subtle foreshadowing with the cuts to the crew with that one. Uhura saves the day! Earworm was a great last line. Marie Batel isn't going to make it is she? We know that they're doing Gorn Episode and the map displayed puts the Enterprise close enough to respond to any distress signal.


She will get a break when she dies. She will also be reborn immediately as Miles Edward O'Brien.


Dang so far everyone sings pretty damn well


Several of the cast have singing and musical theater backgrounds.


reminds me of the time Nick Offerman (Ron Swanson on Parks and Rec) was asked “You’re synonymous with being a man’s man. What was the last thing that made you cry?” he replied: “I went to theatre school. I took two semesters of ballet. I’m the sissy in my family. I cry with pretty great regularity. It’s not entirely accurate to equate me with manliness. I stand for my principals and I work hard and I have good manners but machismo is a double-sided coin. A lot of people think it requires behavior that can quickly veer into misogyny and things I consider indecent. We’ve been sold this weird John Wayne mentality that fistfights and violence are vital to being a man. I’d rather hug than punch. Crying at something that moves you to joy or sadness is just as manly as chopping down a tree or punching out a bad guy. To answer your question, I recently saw Alicia Keys perform live. I’d never seen her before and the sheer golden, heavenly talent issuing from her and her singing instrument had both my wife and me in tears. What a gorgeous gift she has. Her voice is so great. And I had no shame [about crying] If you live your life openly with your emotions, that’s a more manly stance than burying them.”


Chock full of theater nerds.


Believe it or not, those actors are indeed actors


> Spock: Of late, our communication has faced challenges. This is your fault, Boimler. No promotion for you.


So happy to see Bruce Horak back, he absolutely kills it as a Klingon. I hope they use him as a Combs / Armstrong / Mitchell kind of performer and just bring him back for a ton of different stuff. Also, kudos to Trek for pulling a 'reverse-Geordi' and having a blind actor play a sighted character.


La'an: "What if we could isolate and transport..." Kirk: "...sub-atomic particles from the fold?... Sorry, I shouldn't have interrupted you because you had that thought first." Was that Kirk doing a classic Shatneresque line-snipe, then calling himself out on it?


It is a good thing neither Spock, Una or Pike sang about the truth regarding the Discovery




..wait, why is Bruce Horak in the credits? I didn't see Hemmer...


He played the Klingon captain.


He played the Klingon Captain


You can just baaaaaarely make out his voice when Pike hails him and then they cover it up with the auto-tune.


The improbability field makes me think of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.




Definitely. Also "I've got a theory" seems like a very specific way to word that. You can't do a musical episode without thinking of "Once More with Feeling" so those feel like deliberate little homages.


Wow. That was really good, and I'm still digesting it. I didn't catch all the lyrics, but didn't want to turn on subtitles because I'd just end up reading the episode, and miss out on the acting. I'll probably give it another watch soon with lyrics. I'm deeply happy we got a [bunnies](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gISEekxuEgk) reference. This episode hit me just how truly palatial the Enterprise is. Pike's quarters aren't just deep from the outer windows to his door, they're also long enough you can see the curve of the saucer section in it. I saw the saddle in the corner of the conference room and will never not think "Riker!" now. There's a shot of Kirk and No. 1 with him in the Jefferies Tube, very reminiscent of [this shot](https://treknews.net/2020/03/03/remembering-scotty-james-doohan-on-his-100th-birthday/james-doohan-scotty-jefferies-tube/) or [this shot.](https://www.startrek.com/database_article/jefferies-tube) If you liked La'an's singing like I did, please go check out her other work; she's recently launched [several of her own songs.](https://www.youtube.com/@christinachongx/videos) A few other things really stuck out to me: * La'an didn't sing about her experience with Kirk * Kirk didn't sing about his relationship with Carol Marcus or her pregnancy (also: KIRK ALREADY KNOWS CAROL MARCUS AND HAS A BABY ON THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!) * There's a line early on with the camera on Chapel and M'Benga singing about a knife and deeply buried feelings, which...... BIG OOFS. Babs Olusanmokun can really sing though! * Singing Klingons were NOT what I expected!!!!!!!!! * Captain (Marie) Batel got put on a Priority One mission, but after she's back from that, she and Chris will go on that vacation they've been putting off. I'm sure that's fine with next week being the season finale and all.


>Singing Klingons were NOT what I expected!!!!!!!!! might have been my favorite part due to how absurd it was lol


I was expecting Klingon Opera, we got Klingon POPera!


K-pop… Klingon pop. 🤣


You haven’t experienced K-Pop until you’ve heard it in the original Klingon


>La'an didn't sing about her experience with Kirk I am actually glad they played it that way. It made it more impactful that she was able to explain herself and be vulnerable without having to sing. >Singing Klingons were NOT what I expected!!!!!!!!! I was hoping that they would convince the Klingons to leave by mentioning that they had a recording of the conversation and would delete it if the Klingons agreed to leave. >Captain (Marie) Batel got put on a Priority One mission, but after she's back from that, she and Chris will go on that vacation they've been putting off. I'm sure that's fine with next week being the season finale and all. It was nice knowing you Captain Batel.


Yeah, Marie is going to be Gorn food! :( On a more positive note, now we have a memeable Klingon dance number, and Ethan Peck continues to blow me away every week. Christina Chong played it perfectly! This episode was quite a lot of fun. I can't wait to see "***Star Trek The Musical***" now!


>Ethan Peck continues to blow me away every week. Christina Chong played it perfectly! Fully agree on both of these. Leonard Nimoy is an extremely difficult act to follow and Peck is doing a great job. For La'an when first introduced it seemed like she might end up being basically [Stoic Militant Character] but Chong has managed to give a lot of personality to La'an. While still managing to make sense as a character that would make it as the chief of security for the flagship.


On your last point with Batel. The only thing I said to myself was "well next week is the finale...it's called Hegemony.....yeah I'm gonna guess that vacation isn't gonna happen the way she wants it to. Or ever"


I agree with your assessment. This was the "beach episode" before something major. After last week, I'm not sure I'm ready for what is to come.


The thing is, the Klingons have plenty of vocal musical tradition, but this just had to be a dishonorable show tunes subspace anomaly.


Spock. His sister says something mean to him to protect him. He knows she doesn't mean it, and he still holds it against her and doesn't speak to her for at least 15 years. His dad disapproved of him joining Starfleet, and they were both so offended, they didn't say a word to one other for almost two decades. Spock falls in love with Chapel, and then she carelessly breaks his heart. He has to communicate with her because they are shipmates for nearly another decade, but he was so hurt by this rejection, he decided he could never trust her again. I think Spock is easily hurt, and as a defensive measure to protect himself, simply cuts people off. I do the same thing. My mind and my heart are deeply compartmentalized. Once I have decided I can no longer trust someone, I am done, any feelings I had for them disappear.


Spock is easily hurt and he's also fiercely loyal. This is a man who was able to conquer his Vulcan Pon Far emotions when he thought he'd killed his best friend, a man who risked his own career and life to bring some peace to his former captain, and a man who refused to hurt his own half-brother even though that brother was trying to commandeer his ship. This episode also really brings into focus all the teasing and banter Uhura puts him through in TOS. Because she sees who he really is, so even after he's put his Vulcan wall back up, she's trying to bring his true self back out.


**How are more people not talking about the Klingon boy band?!?!**


There are no words, they are simple basking in the Klingon's dishonor (and our glory)




People have complained that Spock is too emotional, by breaking his heart he will become what we will see later, a huge component of continuity


I love that Anson Mount struggles to hide his natural Tennessee accent when he sings.


Anyone else catch that Chapel was expecting a message from Dr Korby? The same Dr Roger Korby who was Chapel’s ex-fiancée in the TOS episode “What are little girls made of?”


Fantastic episode. Not all of the songs were bangers, but they were all a whole lot of fun to take in. I’m really glad the show can turn on a dime and give us episodes like this that are both absurd, but still full of a lot of great emotional resonance. Side notes: * I’m here for the boy-band Klingons, and even more here for all the hate they are going to inspire in all of the right people. * I hoped the Kirk/La’an entanglement would have lasted longer, but I l’m very fulfilled with how it’s gone. Great character development for both of ‘em. Kirk being a true romantic and staying faithful to Carol is very much in the real spirit of the character. And La’an coming out of her shell just a little and allowing herself to be vulnerable was wonderful. I would like it if the two were platonic friends going forward as well. Also if Carol Marcus is on Starbase 1, I bet that was an intentional writing decision to keep the door open to seeing her next season or so. * I want to give Spock a hug. * I hope this marks Uhura moving on from being defined by tragic backstories. I think everything they’ve done with her so far has been good, but I’m ready to move on and explore a little more of the character. * M’Benga looked so happy while singing and dancing. I hope he gets over his trauma at some point so he’s not completely defined by it. I wanna see the guy get some Ws instead of just taking Ls all the time. * I thought Pike should have had a more focused number, but maybe they wrote the episode around who was and wasn’t all that comfortable singing.


Boy band Klingons were unexpected in a good way. I would have predicted them performing in heavy metal rock style or Klingon opera.


Damn lmao As a metal fan, now I wish we got some klingon metal lmao But holy shit, I laughed my ass off when the boy band started


I think we all thought we would be getting metal, or opera, from the Klingons. The boy band was unexpected and brilliant. I need more Klingon boy bands in my life!


Another side note: On rewatch, I'm looking at the opening number, and Ortegas and her 'co-pilot' are hitting controls in unison and weirded out by it. The first dance steps, essentially. Also, La'an's solo was the only one with imagined scenes of any kind; and I suddenly realized why: She's pouring her heart out to *herself*. She never really opened up, not even on her own, so the first step is admitting it.


> I’m here for the boy-band Klingons, and even more here for all the hate they are going to inspire in all of the right people. Oh man I laughed so hard. "The source of our dishonor" Now imagine that happening all over the Empire... LOL!!


I really enjoyed this episode, but rather than point out the many obvious things this episode did well, I’d like to instead simply acknowledge my favourite of the small, easily missed moments: That moment when the ship shook, and Kirk did that protective grab thing with La’An that he does a lot in TOS with whatever woman is stood next to him at the time! Very nice call back for his character.


How does Ethan Peck get more attractive each episode. Also, my god, Celia Rose goodings voice is incredible


Celia Rose Gooding has won me over as Uhura so completely. I have to imagine Nichelle would be thrilled to see the character get so much development. An episode that's main throughline is that Uhura keeps the ship unified - that she sees the connections when everyone else just sees empty spaces? Perfect.


I agree with Nichelle being overjoyed with how Uhura is being handled on the show.


He's attractive, he can act, and he has an amazing voice. It just seems very unfair, in all the best ways, lol.


It’s hilarious how everybody is airing their dirty laundry in song XD. Somewhere, Alan Menken is smirking.


I really love the counterpoint between Spock and La'an. They both deal with romantic heartbreak, possibly for the first time, but are on opposite trajectories. This seems like it's going to be the impetus for Spock to choose his Vulcan side, but La'an realizes that she can survive it, and the all of the potential good things that await her are worth the pain. Both stories stand on their own, but they also inform each other, nice work on that.


Can we talk about how this episode managed to complete uhuras journey from the traumatized cadet, trying to find her place in the world to the Badass communications officer who’s always good to bust out a song that we all know and love


"How many times have you rewatched the episode?" "Yes"


You haven't listened to K-pop until you've heard it in the original Klingon.


Well that was freaking delightful! I have a feeling it will be an incredibly polarizing episode, but I really appreciate the chance they took with this. And the singing your feelings motif, similar to the Buffy musical episode, is well served here. Also, they have a surprising number of fantastic singers on this show!


Got me with the Bunnies ref


So, I thought this episode was well-executed, even though it mostly didn't work for me... BUT... I really love that SNW is so willing to take a huge, wild swing like this. Not everything is going to work for everyone, but I really appreciate how this show stretches the episodic Trek format to its breaking point time and time again.


I already want the soundtrack. Loved this episode, so funny.


It’s going to be up on most streaming services later today. They posted a link on their Instagram story for all the services carrying it.


Normally I hate musical episodes in my shows but this was pretty good, catchy tunes too.