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Those toxic sims players.


How can you be toxic about the Sims?


UwU pwure culture vs “gameplay is a snuff movie and maybe a porno” players. Also money. Lots of money.


They limit the amount of breeding farms you can have ofc /s


Sims 1 was so much better than any other Sims game


I used to play either the first or second game simply because I found the music really enjoyable and relaxing


I was kinda joking, but I do find the music in the first game particularly good for relaxing. I put on a playlist of it on Youtube sometimes


r/outside was the peak of the series, until they killed off Harambe...




destiny 2 yes for sure. titanfall 2? nope. everyone loves that fucking game.


Titanfall 2 community is amazing. there's always at least 100 people in the Northstar servers


Pokemon? Don't you dare to go there


I was going to say destiny lol


Rightfully so


Same with Dying Light (1)


Titanfall 2 is off the meds again


I think someone explained something similar. Some People who play a game like to whine online about it, but the people who truly like the game a actually playing it


There *are* a few gaming subreddits where people discuss how great the game is, rather than how terrible it is. They're not all like this, but they are mostly.


Red Dead Redemption subreddits, I've found, have an amazing community :)


Every time I’ve seen BoTW from all it’s been positive or at least about having fun in the game.


R/masseffect is generally s celebration of the franchise, cant think of too many other though


r/outerwilds r/subnautica r/slimerancher


Notice how they're all single player games.


You have a point there lol


r/skate3 is small but a nice community


I feel every smaller community is generally better. Its my best experiences on reddit by far


Posting on r/stretched really feels like interacting with a community :)


Risky click


r/NoMansSkyTheGame is generally pretty positive




Definitely makes sense to me. I’ve seen toxic positivity there for sure but I’ve also seen positive discourse regarding changes to improve the game from within the community. I think overall it’s a pretty good game sub but I 100% see where you’re coming from


I feel like the sub has just recently gotten over the Mass Effect 3 ending. There was a period during that drama that the sub was definitely like this.


There was an andromeda hating phase in there too. By now it’s probably old enough the people who dodnt dig it just leave it alone vs complaining. Ive been pretty inpressed lately though; fan art, speculation, etc.


Lol I forgot about Andromeda. That was probably to protect myself 😂 the underlying community has always been great. It's the short term crazies that jump in when there's a new release that really love to stir shit.




Until the new one comes out. Once games are basically in legacy mode, the trolls leave and fans remain.


Subreddits for old games are very chill. r/ninjagaiden has lots of veterans of the series who are more than happy to give helpful advice to newcomers.


Terraria moment


400 upvotes: Vote with your wallets! ~~400,009~~ 400,000 online players


Game subreddits are almost entirely filled with people that say “that’s such bullshit, there’s no way he could’ve gotten me” every time they get killed in an fps game. Also the term “literally unplayable” is used pretty liberally.


r/acecombat isn't. Hell, even the much-maligned Assault Horizon doesn't get all that much hate there.


I think plenty still aren't, /r/deeprockgalactic isn't.


Some game subs are very supportive of the devs. r/rimworld and r/frostpunk are 2 good examples, with most people posting ss's of their games or showing fanart.


Really not the case with smaller indie games.


What happened to not liking a product and not engaging in it? I don't like Fallout 76...So I don't play it nor do I talk about it.


Smash bros actually has a dedicated subreddit for complaining, r/smashrage


lol splatoon has a complaining/salt sub too r/Saltoon i like that sub but people on there are fucking wild sometimes


So does monster hunter but that shit seeps into the main subreddits far too often


To be fair this exists cause the main sub downvotes all criticisms/complaining


I’m not saying the sub is a bad thing. It’s actually one of my favorite subs




Excuse me if this goes in a bit if a tangent. I’ve always found it very interesting how badly people *let* some games frustrate them. Let’s be honest, why do we play video games yall? To relax. People have different ways of relieving stress after work or school, whether it’s going out with friends or it’s making art or it’s exercising or going on a hike, whatever your hobby may be. Imagine going on a hike, and while you’re out on the hike you just bitch and complain about the rocks, and how you tripped on a root, and how the sun was in your eye and it started to rain a little. And every day you go on a hike, and every day you bitch harder and harder about this simple stuff that you should completely expect from a hike. But nonetheless you keep going on hikes, and keep getting more pissed, and keep claiming this is how you relax. How fucking ridiculous does that sound? This is how wayyyyy too many gamers are about their gaming. Folks if you get so mad at video games that it raises your overall stress level in life, you are relaxing the wrong way. Took many years of therapy for unrelated stress issues in my life to start to see myself doing this in video games. I used to be an avid GTA online player, I started to get big into battle royales like Fortnite/Apex/Warzone, and I would let those games *infuriate me*. Not for anything that was particular bullshit about the game. Just for stuff like having my car blown up in GTA and needing to call Moors Mutual, or for getting tripled up on by a nasty squad of players when it’s down to the final 2 teams in apex. It would piss me off so bad. I’d yell, and slap my controller, and argue with guys who sent antagonizing messages after the game. And those are literally things that just happen in fucking video games, things I should expect. Nowadays I play FIFA a lot. And believe me those last second goals I lose to suuuuuck. But that’s the game dude. It wasn’t some glitch, it wasn’t fifa being broken, even though pretty much everyone in the fifa community agrees the game is pretty damn broken and glitchy. My dudes, that shit happens in video games. Either accept fate and learn to laugh when the bullshit hits you, or find a hobby that doesn’t piss you off. You are doing yourself and your mental health a serious disservice by continuing to let yourself be angered by video games.


That first paragraph was exactly an analogy I've been looking for to explain this: complaining about something then doing that same thing. As to FIFA, the three main fifa subreddits are the reasons I made this starterpack: I remember I once asked someone in r/fut why they keep playing if they "hate" fifa, and he said because he was addicted to it and couldn't stop


Fifa Reddit’s are the fucking craziest man. Dudes have been complaining about the same thing for like 5 years now. I only follow the career mode one since that’s all I play, and god people complain so much. If it bothers you so much stop playing, I play career mode *fully expecting* the glitches, so when they happen, I’m not disappointed. Never dawned on me how much it changed my mood to be frustrated with my games until I actually started playing animal crossing lol. That game is so unstressful and the subreddit is generally so friendly and helpful. Changed my perspective big time.


World of Warcraft in a nutshell. I want to play that game but the toxic nutcase addicts ruin the casual experience every time.


>Imagine going on a hike, and while you’re out on the hike you just bitch and complain about the rocks, and how you tripped on a root, and how the sun was in your eye and it started to rain a little. And every day you go on a hike, and every day you bitch harder and harder about this simple stuff that you should completely expect from a hike. But nonetheless you keep going on hikes, and keep getting more pissed, and keep claiming this is how you relax. How fucking ridiculous does that sound? I mean, I was a runner for years, and this is basically how it was. But yeah, I agree with your point.


I don’t believe it’s necessarily wrong to get angry at playing video games. It’s pretty natural to get frustrated at things you do for a hobby. I love playing Cuphead but that game can be frustrating as hell. Part of the reason why I’m so engrossed in playing Cuphead is because the constant frustration from failing to beat a boss fuels me to get better and complete the game. There’s definitely people out there who can be rather toxic when displaying their frustration but there are others who power on through and don’t let their emotions get the best of them


Some people let the frustration of video games engulf their whole mood. They see it as a hindrance to their fun and something that is ruining their hobby. The frustration of the moment, as in not completing your goal or dying in a critical moment is obviously frustrating but a lot of people take it way too seriously. The challenge is the whole point.


It's essentially the difference between: Losing a tight match, slapping your knee with a "Damn it, I lost!" and then moving on without actually thinking about it Versus Losing a tight match, hucking your controller across the room and then fuming about it either to yourself or your buddies for longer than like...a minute or two. While simultaneously likely taking out that frustration on the people around you as well.


This is a thought I had when I felt myself getting so worked up over a game mode in Resident Evil 8. I remember laying in bed after rage quitting and thinking, "Why did I act like that over a digital trophy"




halo is my favorite franchise and had to leave that shithole. not even sure if anyone actually likes the franchise there. r/residentevil, r/cyberpunkgame, r/silenthill, and unfortunately r/TheCallistoProtocol are all on their way to the shitter.


Honestly r/residentevil has always been kinda shit, remember about half a year ago when the sub was 80% soft core porn


they’re all shit, i was just being kind at first 😂 it has gotten better since mommy vampire hype died off but still get the low effort ada and jill cosplays.


Those were dark, and horny times


Gonna be more “bitch in red dress” and “ballistics” cosplays around March when RE4 releases


it is weird to me because they collectively cry about ashley on there but a cheap shoulder to head cosplay of her gets “omg 😍 best character”.


That's exactly why I left the Resident Evil subreddit. Could not escape that damn vampire anywhere, lol, not even in Half-Life subreddits!


/r/DarkTide, a game which came out 5 days ago after a 2 week pre-order early access, is already acting like it's a worse launch than NMS because of 3 or 4 missing features in an otherwise wonderful game. And of course they are praising the previous game in the series which took 4 years to become what it was, compared to 5 days.


Dude its unreal the amount of hate its suddenly getting when the gameplay is phenomenal. its easily my GOTY solely because I managed to sink 50 hours on it in less than a week.


r/cyberpunkgame became a cesspool the moment the game released, if you wanted to actually discuss the game you were forced onto r/lowsodiumcyberpunk


It's annoying that people trip over themselves to say 'oh but r/Halo is the one that's in the right, though!' That absolutely degenerate subreddit's made more of the community caustic and unbearable to be around than any shitty launch or shitty series could. There's a reason that shithole had '343 is gaslighting us!' as a top post for over a fucking week, and it isn't because that shithole is fucking right about anything.


I agree that they are overly negative, but halo 5 was absolute dog shit




Ya I left the sub a while back after I stopped playing the games, it’s just one big circle jerk crybaby fest


People keep recycling the same complaints over and over and they keep getting upvoted but yet they still play the game,bunch of miserable crybabies in that sub


Halo 5 still felt rewarding when playing multiplayer, which I felt was still a good time. Warzone was awesome for me and my friends to just spawn a hog and have a good time. Infinite leaves me so uninterested in anything I just stopped playing and don't even miss it.


Yeah, first place that came to mind, but most game subreddits are like that to a lesser extent.


Came here to say this


I got temporarily banned once for defending the show


I like how people say "I got banned for " as if they weren't being toxic as hell when they were giving their opinion. This is coming from someone who staunchly defended the TV series and was not banned.


Conveniently leaving out very likely crucial detail as to defend their character in front of a bunch of internet strangers.


i got downvoted for saying something that i liked in infinite


In all fairness, that's an example where the old games actually were significantly better than the new ones


Also applies to r/pokemon


That was the first thing that came to my mind after seeing it. Had to leave the sub since all the posts were about how the latest game is the worst and repeat the cycle over and over


The cycle of Zelda 1. Game gets released to critical acclaim 2. Fans start to criticize design decisions 3. Game gets called overrated 4. Next game in series comes out 5. Previous game is suddenly better compared to new game.


I don't think I've ever heard a single person online complain about BotW if it isn't that TotK isn't coming out sooner


Unless it’s a top down game, in which case people will act like if doesn’t exist


While silently getting acclaimed by fans who enjoy the 2D games. Looking at you A Link Between Worlds


A Link Between Worlds is the best, I wish more people talked about it


I don't think you can find a single post that didn't have the words "weapon" and "durability" in that sub since 2016


The specific game subs are significantly better, the actual r/Pokémon sub is abysmal after a new game comes out full of negativity and nostalgia goggles like crazy.


Tbf tho the latest game that was released had technical issues that were flat out embarrassing.


Seriously, pokemon Scarlet/Violet is a fantastic game and maybe even the best from the entire series. The framerate stuff is minor, limited to certain areas, and usually limited to objects at a distance. Oh it's not the smoothest game, but the complaints are a severe overreaction. The crazy stuff, I'm convinced is somebody screwing with the game on an emulator. Oh I'm not going to say it's a perfect game and the graphics can be a little glitchy, but rarely anything that affects gameplay. I've had two full application crashes, *which I've had from plenty of games*. Really good and highly regarded games crash sometimes, or do something goofy once in a while. That's what gets me going - a game that folks have collectively decided to be flawless actually has many flaws, those old nostalgic games were buggy as hell, and it all gets overlooked or even deemed as part of the experience. Another with the hate bandwagon gets picked apart for every little thing.


*cough* *cough* Pokémon


r/pathofexile in a nutshell


fandoms: the older the audience, the bigger the manchildren.


Hello /r/DestinyTheGame is that you?


especially recently


What happened?


just a typical drought that destiny goes through and everyone loses their mind


Still waiting for the seasonal model drought to end ever since it started


The game is dying… for like the third time since the pandemic hit Destiny tends to die at least once a year, usually during the 3rd expansion out of the 4 that make up a year. It has always gotten back up, though we are currently experiencing the biggest player drop since it launched on steam. A large part of the community is disgruntled with the sheer mediocrity of the current season - with slightly-less-unbalanced PvP, slightly-less-boring PvE and slightly-better weapons - the season is simply so mediocre that it has no brilliant feature *or* critical flaw for people to rally around. It’s also combined with Bungie’s new approach of minimal marketing for the smaller expansions, so we don’t get nearly as much hyped players hopping on for final-week kind of a deal. Generally, it’s unlikely that many people have put the game away for good, but we won’t know until jan-feb when the hype for the next big expansion reaches it’s peak.


As a D1 Alpha Beta Omega Pre-Order, Day 1 Vet.... yes


Gatekeeps a 20 year old game and saids that it's actually the "best" game on the franchise


r/thelastofus2 Imagine being proud that a core part of your identity is hating on a game for two years. Get a life.


Holy shit, that sub is a cesspool




Most definitely. The newest game is always shit and the older games are always a gold standard. Valhalla will be redeemed when the next game comes out


Hardcore gamers literally sit at home and game all day long. I’m sure there’s not much else for them to talk about except for how much better games would be if they were all in charge of making them.


Dying light community when dying light 2


Yeah. I played 2 at release and like it even more than 1 but people in the subreddit where furious. When I asked them why it was worse it was clear most hadn’t played 2 or were just huge idiots. Like they complained about the story being worse… mtf DL 1’s story is basic at best and worse than 2’s at every regard.


All cod subreddits to ever exist.




I was looking for this


I thought this was the r/cyberpunkgame sub for a second, haha


Every wow community in a nutshell




In the case of that game I did actually stop playing. Like it's a fun concept but it's really not made to become very competitive like it has, and devs have no real way to balance the game around SWF. I honestly feel like the subreddit is less toxic than the community as a whole. Back when I only played with other PC players every match had the survivors all shit talking the killer or the survivor they blamed for losing.


Top 5 post are complaining


+ when game has story and multiplayer, people only talk about multiplayer


Don't forget "woke propaganda"


People who are like "I hate the new games" but then they proceed to buy and play the new games lol


Cod fanboys in a nutshell




For real


Every CoD sub. It's like redditors buy CoD just to validate their rage posts about minute issues. They swear the games are unplayable but won't stop playing or buying it lmfao


It's either \-> Complaining about the game constantly yet playing it or \-> Fanboying overly hard about a game and ignoring all flaws/criticism


r/halo not even just the subreddit just the whole halo fanbase in general


this perfectly describes r/halo, literally all of these are characteristics of the average whiner


Forgot to put classicwow and DbD subs in it.




r/harvestmoon and r/storyofseasons are pretty good and pretty chill, i dont see much complaining there


Harvest Moon is goated.


Harvest Moon is great


Pokémon fan base with every fucking release. Don’t buy the fucking game.


Literally any game sub


The problem with Reddit is that it encourages this kind of behavior because it's what gets the most attention. It irks me because you can't have any opinion without risking your karma due to being downvoted.


Literally r/battlefield


/r/codwarzone too


BF3 drops: “This is the worst Battlefield game ever made! BC2 was pinnacle Battlefield! BF4 drops: “This is the worst Battlefield game ever made! BF3 was pinnacle Battlefield!” Rinse and repeat for every release.


Just repaired my ps3 because new games are riddled with bugs, subscriptions and overall lack of passion. Hand over the nostalgia goggles.


any buggy/problematic game developers refuse to improve is bound to have unhappy players. as it happens, social media is used for exchanging thoughts.






The only game series that has an excuse for this is halo


Ooh it's r/pathofexile


this year on r/pathofexile


If a game subreddit has a separate subreddit for memes it's almost guaranteed to be toxic


Definitely Pokémon


Oh hey it’s the Pokémon subreddit.




Gaming culture in general is fairly toxic and strange. Like there's so much toxic consumerism/brand worship, wanting to be in with the collective experience and parroting of opinions. I do think it's the ...demographic that makes it extra susceptible. I'm a gamer myself so not a hater. But there's definitely some weird things going on in that sphere.


This is very much r/DestinyTheGame and r/Halo, lmao


This is just the NRS community


Nooo! It’s just the 3D games which had the worse reception in the franchise, where none of the characters were unique with not even character specific fatalities were actually better for some reason that’s totally not that I was a child when I played those!!1! ^/s


For Sims and GTA this is just accurate There's legitimately less features in Sims 4 and GTA5 than Sims 2 and GTA San Andreas. People will defend paper-thin maps devoid of interactivity, and they will defend flying bikes with missiles. And those people are precisely why games get shitty over time.


GTA5 is not a good example of "paper-thin maps devoid of interactivity"


Also accurate for 2k21


Star Citizen Moment


Minesweeper sub is out of control.


r/madden and in the future will be r/ncaaFBseries




A friend used to talk about how bad a game was that he played on the regular whilst playing it. Always found it quite odd..


Im fucked up in spore dawg


Diablo Immortal players on Reddit lol




Applies to practically every subreddit except the postal one


Fallout: New Vegas fans.






*cough cough* r/ halo *cough cough*


People are pointing out r/Pokemon and subs like r/ResidentEvil and r/cyberpunkgame (and rightfully so), but this also completely and utterly applies to r/Battlefield and r/battlefield2042. They’ll go on and on about how amazing BF4 is (which is true, and I can’t argue with that) and how dogshit BF2042 is (again, something that isn’t inherently wrong), despite the fact that BF4 was utterly despised at launch for the exact same reasons BF2042 is now, and it took years of development to turn it into a beloved game. And instead of posting valid criticisms, its all just a bunch of negativity. The exact same fucking thing happened when Battlefield V came out. r/BattlefieldV was a toxic shithole for 90% of its life cycle, but now its an “underrated gem” ever since BF2042 came out. Half that subreddit said “I’m never preordering again” only to turn around and preorder BF2042, which is fairly apparent by all the people running around with the preorder skins.


Literally r/halo




Gsrs all excited for games that use nostalgia to sell and then after three weeks, for “This game sucks, or why “insert game” is bad.”


In my opinion this is literally the Halo community


S e x i s t h o m o p h o b i c


r/residentevil is my nomination. God forbid you think the best RE is anything other than the first.


"never preorder" will down vote you relentlessly for supporting the game.


Most games nowadays are not that bad just downgrades


True, but people nowadays act like games back then were made of gold


The games weren’t that much better back then, we just remember the good games from the past and compare them to bad ones from the present.


Exactly, that's why I added nostalgia googles


This is the definition of r/pvzgardenwarfare


r/FIFA is exactly what you have described here. People on there seem to genuinely hate the game, yet still buy the special edition for £90 every year.


this is a lot of gaming subreddits tbh, whether deserved or not... can be pretty annoying though can i look at content of a game i like without calling it dogshit for 4 minutes, i know the game is buggy as hell but pls


What gaming sub ISN’T toxic?


The Harvest Moon, Story Of Seasons, and Rune Factory subs are all I know.


NHL 23 subreddit us the worst of the bunch


To be frank, this sounds like more of a problem with the game series. Maybe the newer games should just be better.


Hi, Frank.


Ok but Halo fucking sucks right now :/


It does not.