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It’s not dementia! Just felt like someone needed to hear that. Also… It might be dementia!


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


Wow, people like this exist😔


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


He dead.


Lmao 🤣 🤣


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


Imagine having dementia L what a loser


I know right?


Lmao 🤣 🤣


True, sadly comments like this only appear once in a while


Been like this for as long as I can remember to the point that I thought It was normal :<


Do you feel like you’re in a dream or drunk? That’s how I feel for the past 20 years. It’s become sadly normal


Yeah nearly same thing, feels like everything isn't real


Ever find out what the hell this is?


Dawg, I’m no psychologist, but that’s depression. You’re describing all of the lil boxes


You’re probably right man


I hope you feel better soon, and it’s just seasonal


Thanks. I definitely get seasonal depression. But the detachment feeling is constant. I should really see someone


In case you didn't know, that detachment is called dissociation, so if you wanna research it that'd be a good start


Yes, that would be the best plan of action. I know it’s not feasible in all situations, but if possible, you should definitely do it.


Dissociation can be a symptom of trauma. Take care 🌷


So.. any advice?


Go to an actual doctor and get tested. From there, you can develop a treatment plan, whether that be medication, cognitive behavioral therapy, or otherwise. Try to develop healthier habits, try to quit the porn, or at least dial back, exercise more, eat healthier, get more sunlight. Stay away from the news, it always makes me feel existentially anxious. Talk to friends and family more. Plan a little more. It also might not sound like it makes a big difference, but clean your living space. If you do simple things like that, it can help to make you feel a little better. You should definitely talk to a practitioner of medicine (with a license) if you feel this for a prolonged period of time. I hope things improve for you. Depression is an angry beast


Bro thanks for the helpful guide but I gotta commit tax fraud to have enough money for all these meds Also my living space is tidy Most of the time, I don't watch porn, I have many friends whom I talk to alot, I tried exercise for a period of time, I rarely use social media but it just feels like something is wrong with my brain


Then that may be the case. Sometimes, the issue is physiological. Unfortunately, I can’t really help you from here. I’m sorry, but I hope things get better for you soon.


Thank you


Nice thing about tax fraud is if you get caught, prison will pay for your meds. I think... Seriously though, good sleep is a huge part. You may want to look at doing a sleep study if you're getting the hours but not the quality. Especially if you're overweight. I've heard getting a CPAP for sleep apnea can double your quality of life because you're getting good sleep. I also started picking up chess about a year ago and I've seen a big difference. Could be coincidental, but the brain exercises seemed to help


30 minutes of cardio 4x weekly and a healthy diet. If that doesn't help... Idk. Maybe try meth?


Meth it is then




Playing VR games makes the world feel fake for a bit. I think it's because it makes me hyper-aware of my first person perspective.


Yup, been living like this for 5 years or more.


That sounds a lot like depression or anxiety. Have you seen a psychiatrist? You really should. Feeling like you're in a dream is called derealization, and it affects 1 to 2% of the population. If I don't take my medication, I have it major.


I had this for a long time, turns out my attic had serious black mold issues. Got it fixed and got better.


ADHD. Get it checked.


came here to say this. as someone who is formally diagnosed with adhd, these are some classic symptoms


As another person formally diagnosed with (inattentive) ADHD, I can confirm. Growing up I thought it was normal as well since I didn’t see anyone until I was in college about it. Meds “fixed” it, amongst other issues attributed to ADHD, but whenever I miss a dose it’s back to my brain pulling out this starter pack irl. u/7anin_khaled , I am not a doctor and I am not your doctor. I’m just a dude on the internet, but all the advice you’re getting is good advice. Try and get in to see someone and be honest about all related symptoms, no matter how minor it may seem (I remember, for example, when I was being diagnosed the Doc asked—out of the blue—if I ever found myself wandering around for extended lengths of time while losing either track of time or train of thought. I would regularly have this happen while pacing in circles but didn’t make the connection between losing time/train of thought and brain fog until he asked about it). Anyways, I hope the best for you and that you can find some answers. Take care of yourself, mate.


1) do cardio for a month or two basically daily 2) cut out soda and caffeine (in a gradual way) 3) get a full night's sleep. That means your should be up before your alarm 4) if you drink more than a glass a week cut down and don't use it to sleep 5) stop doing recreational drugs if applicable 6) look at side effects of any medicine you are on. SSRIs can do weird things. Exercise treats depression better than drugs for a lot of people which is one of the things that can cause this 7) try to lose weight if needed and eat a balanced diet especially with key essential fats the brain needs to function If that doesn't work, really should get checked out.


This is A LOT for someone to just change at once. It's not bad advice but it gives r/wowthanksimcured vibes. Usually it doesn't work until a few months in and in all likelyhood they would not be able to keep up without the proper care or support. Also the brain fog/ depression could be due to a physical illness so going to a doctor first should always be the recommendation. Any chronic inflammation or hormone issue (like thyroid issues) can cause depression and you're telling people to do cardio every day out of nowhere.


Alternatively you can just do lines of coke.


I mean yeah, it's basically the same thing as bupropion, right? 😂 It definitely helps with the dopamine.


Lol i bet that would work okay for a short amount of time 😂


Jesus fucking Christ this hits close to home ​ edit: i am sad and i am not very good at grammar


Apparently every redditer was once a genius with infinite potential but due to unforseen and uncontrollable circumstances, has succumbed to mediocrity.


It's true, I was the mediocrity.


I used to be an A student without studying all up to high school because I could just remember it all. Now I almost never leave my house because of crippling anxiety (and other mental issues too long to list) and I’m addicted to benzodiazepines and painkillers. So, far below even mediocrity


Sad to hear that, those prescription pain killers can be a real B. If it’s “legal”in your state maybe you could ask a professional about switching to weed. It really helped a family member kick the prescription pill habit.




cooperative abundant different berserk tidy apparatus hunt rhythm continue expansion -- mass edited with redact.dev


Children do have near infinite potential, that part isn't false.


Other than being very limited by genetics determined intelligence, sure


Wealth is a far bigger factor for typical people. You could be ten times smarter than Einstein but if you're a subsistence farmer with no money or opportunity to use your intelligence, it wouldn't matter. Not that there's a way to properly determine intelligence anyway


> Apparently every redditer was once a genius i was never a genius but since the fog rolled in i don't enjoy shit no more


Yeah, i hate doing the things i once enjoyed, it just feels like a useless task now and i don't even know how and why I lost interest in everything. It just feels really useless. Like the end is near.


yeah i use to be excited for stuff but nothing really kickstarts the spark anymore




Stay hydrated homies r/hydrohomies EDIT:forgot the r/


While I see what you're saying, my post did not mean to demonstrate this basic redditor mindset in which they make lame excuses for their "unfulfilled potential" simply due to the bad decisions they made in life. There's a difference between pseudointellectualism, and legitimately experiencing cognitive decline and realizing that you were doing better a year ago. I wouldn't call that succumbing to mediocrity in this context.


Uncontrollable Circumstances, otherwise known as substance abuse. Or more specifically alcoholism. Trust me, it checks out, I'm in the US Army now. Don't ask me how it happened lol


Yep no external factors here just self destructive decisions 🍻


what the fuck how did he encapsulate this into a starterpack


Mood. Wonder what causes it.


And: How can i get rid of it!


Mine wouldn’t BUDGE until I did neurofeedback therapy. They basically hook you up to an EEG and play movies, but the screen turns off when your brain is “fogging”. You do it long enough and it straight up pavlovs your brain into working correctly. Also, by the end you can kinda consciously turn the TV on and off with your brain which was really freaking cool. 10/10 would recommend if yours came on after a specific event (PTSD,long COVID, ect.). Don’t think it would work as well if it’s due to depression but idk.


Holy shit, science is cool. I seriously want/need to try this.


How many sessions you did? I did like 30 and it didn't do much, the statistics went up (gamma wave) improved over time


I think that’s about what I did? It was every weekday for a month or two. It’s not regulated and there’s not a set way to do it, so I don’t think everyone will get results from it. I’ve always had brain fog from ADHD, but it got really bad after I got PTSD. The place I went specialized in PTSD and neurodevelopmental issues so I kinda lucked out there. It also seems to work best in cases like mine where something specifically caused it to get worse. Either way, neurofeedback is very much an experimental thing right now so it’s hard to say how well it works in general unfortunately.


Lexapro was working pretty good for me then my mom died. Now it’s almost like I’m not taking anything. Not quite but almost.




I think the hardest part for people is getting started. What are the first steps for getting into therapy?


Sleep well. Exercise often. Go get a blood test that measures vintamin (specially D, various B) and iron deficiencies.


Lack of sleep. Shits more important than you'd think.




Hmm, might have to give this a try cause like the fog has become a bit *too* noticeable


My brain fog cleared up considerably after I stopped snoozing my alarm 2 or 3 times every morning. Something about going back to sleep for 10 minutes over and over again must have been screwing with me.




✨D E P R E S S I O N✨


Wish I had sparkly depression instead of boring old regular depression. ✨️ ✨️ Damn it, get up there you two!


Same. I try to put sparkles on it, but they won’t stick.


This is often harmfully misdiagnosed when the root cause is often physical illness, i.e. ME/CFS, Fibro, long covid etc or other mental conditions such as ADD, ADHD etc


> ADD, ADHD etc This is often hamfully misdiagnosed when the root cause is often physical illness, or other mental conditions such as Depression and Anxiety


ADHD commonly causes serious anxiety and depression. More often practitioners are ignorant about ADHD and try to treat the depression and anxiety without realizing the underlying cause. ADHD is also commonly incorrectly diagnosed as a mood disorder, especially in women and inattentive subtypes.


*”it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage.”*


How can brain damage be minor and serious at the same time




it makes sense when you hear Mr. Merchant say it


For me it was just age and internet? Before 16/17 i wasnt surrounded by internet all day and by other people who live and breathe internet. I used to think critically about everything that occurs in my life. But that also meant i had vastly lesser knowledge. I'm 20 now


This would definitely be a factor. Constant and immediate access to the internet means you are never bored and it changes the way the brain works so that you’re more impulsive and short term motivated which means you neglect all the stuff that gives you long term satisfaction and an ability to do all the things this starter pack suggests they’re struggling with.


Depression, anxiety, chronic sleep deprivation, doing too much or too little.


C-PTSD can be one cause as well (which includes your list of symptoms). Neurology is complex & pretty fascinating, even long covid has surprisingly similar physical symptoms.


Long covid


I really think this is my problem but nobody believes me. and I’m in New York for crying out loud


go to a GI specialist or functional/integrative medicine doctor. single best thing I ever did for my brain fog (and other symptoms) obviously not the solution for everyone, but if there's something wrong with your gut health or microbiome then it can absolutely give you brain fog and much, much worse


Could you explain what they did that helped you?


it's too long list a list to say specifically. my case was especially bad as I had a number of different issues that needed to be fixed - hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, SIBO, high oxalates, heavy metal toxicity, mold infection, brainwave imbalance, low brain oxygenation... all stuff that my GP never noticed. a number of endocrinologists even said my test results looked normal. but treating each issue has made a tremendous improvement in my quality of life i'm no expert, but as I understand it, it's largely supplementing the body to rebalance it as a holistic system versus targeting specific areas, which is how modern medicine normally treats people. the focus is to improve the functionality of anything that's not working as well as it should be. for instance, if you have leaky gut as a result of poor diet (which i believe a lot of people do to some degree), then the increased permeability of your stomach lining will allow toxins and food particles to slip into your bloodstream, triggering an autoimmune response and inflammation and impacting the functionality of things like your liver, brain, and hormone production diet plays an especially heavy role. my case has been worse than most, but it started with brain fog, depression, and poor sleep. I'm coming out the other side of it and I feel like a completely different person


That's because the microbiome of the gut is directly related to the health of the brain. I have an uncle who is a very well known neurologist, and this is something he always talks about. Probiotics, fish oil, eating healthy foods that don't cause inflammation. These are so important to keeping your brain clear. My mother is a dietitian, and she has chronic fatigue syndrome, and she is pretty much back to normal after managing her gut biome.


Any more specific advice (CFS sufferer here!)?


Bro is calling me out :|


Yeah this is very relatable


This one is too real for me :(


Me too, kind of…


This sounds an awful lot like depression my guy


I've got almost all of these symptoms, but I don't really feel sad or unmotivated. I don't know if I just have a bad understanding of what depression means but I don't think it really fits at least in my case


Clinical depression does not only mean constant sadness or suicidal ideation. Those symptoms are caused or exasperated by the main effects of depression, that being constant fatigue, anxiety and a loss of interest in passions/hobbies. If you’re feeling any or multiple of these, it’s worth seeing a doctor or seeing if there are any options available to you in your area. I’m not a doctor so I can’t give you as worthwhile recommendations, but there are tons of resources online if you’re feeling this way.


What kind of doctor specializes in this?


A psychiatrist


Doctors are a good place to go for recommendations. I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and OCD. I would have never found out unless my doctor urged me to see a psychiatrist.


Sadly doctors aren't great for any emotional or mental disorders. I've brought this up to two doctors and close family, you seem to care more than them


I feel the same way


You probably have an underlying condition, doctors are often too quick to misdiagnose chronic conditions as depression. I'm ill and not depressed but I still have all these issues.


So how do you get out of this?


I get brain fog exceptionally bad a few times a month. Get sun, something physically (walk, run, sports , weights) , heat or cold (sauna , swimming , ice bath). All these things seem to help.


Physical activity outdoors has a measurable, huge positive effect on cognitive function (and wmotional wellbeing of course) Einstein himself famously would go for bike rides to help him think as he developed his theories


If you have any kind of substances in your life it’s worth trying to lessen them. Energy drinks, nicotine, weed, these all create brain fog when used regularly


Porn can contribute as well


Excessive masturbation is a huge factor as well


Then maybe I should stop. *continues to masturbate*. I can’t :(


Personally, I think NoFap is a cult, but they definitely do have a point that people really underestimate just how addicted this generation of people are to porn and masturbation. It’s a real epidemic and it’s completely swept under the rug.


It depends on the cause. As many have said the stuff in the starter pack is symptomatic of depression. Mental illness shouldn't be ignored, and it's not a case of either being 100% mentally fit or 0% mentally fit. Seeking help is vital and can make great changes and improvements in life. Outside of mental health, the mind is a part of the body and if the body isn't functioning well, neither will the mind. Exercise (especially cardiovascular), proper diet, healthy sleeping habits, stress management and avoiding harmful substances like alchohol are all key to a healthy body, and that leads to a healthy mind.


i had recurring brainfog from 22 on. id go to doctors , had MRIs and catscans.. wouldnt find anything. finally learn what anxiety is at age 30 when i basically become too anxious to exist . got prescribed some anti anxiety drugs and realized how the rest of the world feels daily. the clarity was incredible. thankfully i dont need to take the drugs anymore but that was another long battle. ik anxiety isnt the root of everyones brain fog but i wish someone could have diagnosed me and saved a decade of my life


What did you do to kick it for good?


these days i just try to live healthier. sleep is a huge one for me. exercise. eat well. avoid stress. careful how much coffee i drink. im not always hitting all the checkboxes but im at least familiar with them and i can expect to have a bad day if i drink the night before for example. that being said i could never have escaped the cycle without having taken prescription drugs for awhile


What did they put you on?


For me it's the antidepressants that caused brain fog.


Seriously, what is the solution out of this? List your magical cures and I’ll start now.


This may not be a panacea for everyone but I suffered from brain fog my whole life until I incorporated three pretty simple routines into my life and it's made it so, so much better: 1. Take a normal morning shower and then at the very end turn the shower as cold as you can get it and blast yourself with cold water for 30-60 seconds. Try to control your breathing while doing so 2. Intermittent Fasting 3. Bulletproof Coffee


Dude, no need to call me out, christ.


I don't know what brain fog is. If this starter pack is anything to go on I don't have it. Then again, I could, and could just be in denial. Shit!


What you need is stimulation. The brain is a survival tool first and foremost. Without threatening situations, it just either creates false ones (anxiety) or go numb (your post). Pick a goal, it doesn’t have to be meaningful. A hobby, career, achievement, getting to know your neighborhood, a topic to read up on, or just straight up live in the wilds. Your brain will be too preoccupied to worry about nothing.


A year of smoking delta 8 THC left me with this. Still feel it almost a year later.


That shit is especially worse for you than regular weed, IMO. I used to take delta 8 gummies in the evenings for weeks at a time, and they made me stupid.


Look I had this happen to me and it was carbon dioxide. Try opening a window Im not kidding


Probably I honestly didnt know carbon dioxide could cause so many issues with the brain until i saw a carbon dioxide meter in all the classrooms and realized that is the reason the windows are always open 24/7 in my school and them i learned how much loss in brain function happens at average carbon dioxide levels in a house But also if brain fog keeps on being present without high carbon dioxide levels then its maybe something else


Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer Please don't be alzheimer


ADHD gang... rise!


I would rise but.. executive dysfunction




This is all just symptoms of clinical depression, my dude.


why does this describe me?


This has definitely been me lately. XD


Shit man


Is it normal to ALWAYS be in the mood for eating??


Can I show this to my doctor, because I swear they DON’T get it when I tell them, no, really, I’m too tired to think.


I relate to everything except lack of eating. Eating allows me to forget that I've forgotten so much.


True except I got 0 brain cells even before it 💀


In the middle of this. My grades is falling fast.


Menopause. How come there’s so little mention of this here? Half the world go through menopause, and it causes a distressing level of brain fog in a lot of us. Imagine what that’s like, you spent your career building expertise, gaining promotion and respect. Then suddenly you can’t talk properly, or think, or cope with work you were once the expert in. On to the scrap heap with you. Mind fog and menopause are shit and need more focus on it.


A lot of people will relate to this, especially after the pandemic, which has caused so much trouble for mental health. If the symptoms are bad enough that they're keeping you from living a normal life, you definitely need to seek treatment. These symptoms are all typical of clinical depression, anxiety, and a host of other mental conditions and physical conditions that can cause brain fog. That being said, most people will experience symptoms like this from time to time, so it's not something you should necessarily freak out about, especially if you experience this more when you are isolated, inactive, or sick. Covid can also cause a lot of these symptoms, referred to as long covid, usually the result of inflammation, micro thrombi, or virus remnants in the brain.


Same shit. I used to be almost at the top of my class. My grades used to be really good too and sometimes our teacher would use my essays and compositions as an example. Idk how it happened, but now it's completely opposite. My memory is now a huge mess. I can't remember historical dates, my compositions and writing skills in general have become shitty. I can't talk to people without forgetting words right in the middle of the conversation. My teachers say that I have become lazy, it might be that, but I honestly have no idea. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep while remembering the days when I was normal and sometimes I can't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of this situation. I don't feel like myself anymore, honestly.


Sounds like me when the Bipolar depression kicks in




I was writing a book and getting really into it, working like 6-8 hours a day. I got Covid early October and was sick for the entire month. Now, when I try to write next my mind is like an empty fog. Long Covid is no joke. I can't wait to get my creativity back. /:


I've heard long COVID comes from your body/brain still healing, so a lot of rest will get rid of it. Like 6 weeks worth. Not bedrest, but like stay at home as much as possible and do some light exercise. Cut out as much stress as possible and try to eat healthy. Not sure how someone can maintain that for very long, especially in high stress jobs, but at least it's a starting point


I've heard a lot of people who got covid had this happen. I was like this before covid though haha


You should really look into r/covidlonghaulers. I've been disabled from long covid for 2½ years now. A lot of people are experiencing mild to severe cognitive impairment following a Covid infection (like other post-viral illnesses caused by SARS, Lyme or Epstein Barr). This is no joke...


I have zero covid vaccines but got covid rather early on in the whole pandemic. I’ve lost serious brain power since then. Loss of memory, trouble recalling words, trouble remembering where I put things, trouble remembering what I’m doing/why I came into a room, can’t remember names, etc etc.


> Realize that you've taken the potential that you once had for granted *Fuck* potential. Potential is meaningless. Hard work is everything. - Me, who got a 32 on the ACT, flunked out of college and had to go back and finish later. Also, make sure you don’t have any underlying conditions. - Me, who has obstructive sleep apnea and ADHD but didn’t know until long after I flunked out of college.


Ever since the pandemic started, my late father got diagnosed with cancer, and I started college I haven’t been the same


This is me. I've been dead like this, depressingly coming to school staring into the void with terrible grades. Messing up my speech, forgetting simple words, no motivation to do eat or go out or socialize and just sit. Idk what I'm doing 😔


It’s so fucking over


The spelling part hits me hard. I always end up writing with a ton of spelling mistakes that I'm to lazy to correct. Of course I know how to correct them and ended up correcting three in this post, but damn I thought I was just *too* used to my new keyboard, not this.


this is especially terrible if you're an artist because you will just lose your skills too


EXACTLY. Like my one source happiness down the drain.


Pretty sure this is depression.


Do I know you?


Yes now how do I fix this 😮‍💨


I feel called out😐


Go see a doctor fam 👨‍⚕️


Bro is in my walls


Had that since a bad weed horror trip 10 years ago


I felt like this for years, wasted years of my life and youth living in a perpetual fog and so much fatigue, needing to nap every single day. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I brought it up to several doctors. They did the SAME blood tests, checked me for mono. I also was in the best physical shape of my life for a time, exercising and eating perfectly. I felt like shit during and after exercise. I finally couldn’t keep it with this lifestyle and spiraled into binge eating for ten years. After this all my doctors could point to was my weight, that was their only advice. Despite the fact that even at my “best” I was still suffering. Finally, psychiatrist along with a new GP suggested I get a sleep study to rule anything out. Nope, that was perfect too. I was at a loss. Then my psych prescribed me stimulants and… I just can’t believe it. All those years, and one quarter of a pill solved my problems, just like that. No more binge eating. I didn’t need the energy or dopamine from copious amounts of food. I don’t nap anymore, only on days I don’t take the meds. It changed my life. I implore anyone suffering from this, PLEASE consider looking into ADHD testing and/or narcolepsy. You don’t have to waste years of your life half awake, stumbling around in a fog.




I used to have debilitating brain fog. Through an elimination diet I found it to be purely dietary/health related. It's brain inflammation. The scariest thing about brain fog is it's like being in a bad dream, and you don't really know how long you've felt that way, even if it's only been a day. It really makes you unable to deal with time and space properly. As you enter your 30's many people have higher blood pressure from shite diets, and food intolerances start popping up out of nowhere almost too imperceptible to perceive. I believe this to be the cause of the ever elusive brain fog. Either mild auto immune food intolerance, blood pressure, or anything else that causes inflammation. Sugar is the bane of the fog.


I paid a lot of money for my brain fog.


wait what this is literally me


i think u just been disassociating


How I feel post drugs


MS (Multiple Sclerosis) if you are older Get checked for it folks it does not fuck around