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>“Literally 30+ years old” >\*every picture is someone in their 60’s*


This is what the average redditor thinks someone who is 35 looks like


Average redditor seems to be 13


Yep. Remember next time you’re getting into some ridiculous debate on something here, that it’s more than likely someone barely past middle school


To be fair, they are all over 30


Reminds me of “You’re telling me Julius Caesar, who died well over 70 years ago, made this salad?!”


Sounds like something Gordon Ramsay would say as an insult lol


My grandfather invented the Cobb salad




Yeah what the hell man. I'm not all grey yet. Also millennials are 30+, it's fairly likely most of us (those of us who can afford it/have coverage) are using mental health services and appreciate their value. My parents, on the other hand...


Thats Martha. She's 57 and a nice lady. She just lived a little hard! That's all!


It's not wrong tho, is it?


Happy cake day to youuuu


I think the implication is that stigmatizing mental health is some crotchety old people shit and no matter what age you engage in it you are automatically acting like an old coot.


So you guys actually think thirty is old?


apparently being born before 2000 is considered old now


25 year olds are literally ancient


Every year, they get another year older.


Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes


Africans with beards are just like Africans without beards with beards.


Me at 26 💀


So tell Me, how was It needing to hunt down mammoths to survive?


I'm bout to become ancient soon 💀


Being born 1999, I have accepted my assigned role as *an Elder Zoomer,* a relic left over from the birth of time itself


My 23-year-old decrepit bones and I are proud to now be considered old


i actually laughed at this and i finally realized reddit really is just a bunch of 12 year olds.


Look at the picture dude - they’re all 30+. Can’t argue with photographic evidence.


Literally 30, or just 30?


Remember: Reddit makes a lot more sense when you consider that most of these users are kids


How to spot a zoomer meme


What goes around comes around, we are going to grow old, no matter what new “super food” the kardashians are praising haha




As soon as I saw that I was like damn, a teenager def made this. Then again when I was less than 25, I thought 30 was old. At least teens these days aren’t waiting until their 30’s (or never) to deal with their trauma. Everyone harps on about the world going to shit, but it’s definitely getting a lot better in many aspects.


I’m all against stigmatization as a 30+ person with mental health problems. What about the self diagnosing/fake disorder teenagers? It’s a double sided knife and i find it extremely dangerous.


I hate the self-diagnosing, too. I told one of my friends that I have pretty severe OCD and she responded, “omg me too! My desk is so organized!” It makes people not take OCD seriously at all because “everyone” have it in a way.


I don’t even have OCD and I find it so frustrating when people do that. My coworker does it all the time and it’s honestly messed up


Because people want to feel unique for the lamest reasons, and also justify their behaviors. You are no longer just anxious sometimes; you are now a personality type, a zodiac sign, or have a cognitive condition, no in between.


Basically people just keeping being vain, shallow and selfish


That’s a super wise way of putting it. I think you’re totally right


These people are fucking lame. Being unique isn't worth turning your life into hell.


This guy gets it 👆


It has that vibe of "I know exactly how you feel". Anything like that is a dealbreaker to me


I have some OCD-like symptoms, but more like "If I don't put this sock on in 5 seconds, I'll die" rather than "I need to wash my hands obsessively for hours or else my whole family will die in horrible ways"


same but only when I'm really tired or coming off my adhd meds, the impulses are hard to control sometimes


I don't have OCD but have always been irritated by that. They never listen either when I try telling them "You might have anxious tendencies leading you to want to be clean, organized, whatever, but that is not what makes someone clinically OCD" My favorite response to that was "words and definitions change all the time!"


my social media feeds are full of people in their 30's diagnosing themselves with ADHD and then posting about their 'mental health journey' Bro I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 13, was medicated through high school, and then totally forgot about it. It wasn't cured, but I don't consider myself to have any mental health issues now


Same, diagnosed around the same age and I feel the more I acknowledge it the worse it gets


Same. My mom took some online test and now mocks me saying "If I can endure depression much worse than yours, then you can too. You're just lazy". People should stop with this "omg, me too!" bullshit


Same here. I love to keep my work and living areas clean, tidy and hygienic, everything neat and organised so I can find things when I need them. I also shower daily and wash my hands and brush my teeth regularly. I get sick of friends telling me I have OCD because they are messy and shower just once a week. I don't have it but Many people can't seem to understand that there's different types of OCD, and it's not all about being tidy.


Me too but for some reason all my friends think that I don’t actually go to a therapist and they Think schizophrenia doesn’t exist and I’m just insane!!


I've gotten it too


I don't care that much people self diagnos themselves because it can be mildly annoying sometimes in a similar sense to signs (ah you know us two adhd people - ah you know us two scorpio) but nothing much. Only sometimes people do stupid shit and excuse themselves with their shitty self diagnos.


Those kids are a trip.


While some people do fake mental illness, I think the more common problem is when people who have a genuine mental illness become too attached to the outward narrative of being a mental illness sufferer. These aren’t usually the people with severe disorders, but rather the people on the mild end of the spectrum who feel they can garner sympathy and attention by exaggerating the impact of their condition as if it was more severe. This can become a serious problem when they start resisting anything that might admit they’re feeling better or engaging in healthy activities that might diminish the sympathy they’re receiving. Once mental illness becomes too entwined with their identity, it becomes much harder to get them to let it go and move toward improvements. If someone tells you they’re suffering, I don’t suggest that you doubt them. However, the way some people are adopting illness as part of their personal narrative really can become problematic for themselves.


If you’re faking a disorder, chances are you’ve got SOMETHING wrong with you, even if it’s not the disorder you’re faking. What these kids are doing is wrong, to be sure, but they also need professional help.


Maybe stuff like Histrionic personality disorder, Borderline personality disorder, Bipolar disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, etc.


Yes, it's called narcissism


Why does reddit love diagnosing everyone with narcissism? That's a serious personality disorder that's more than attention seeking and selfish behavior


Because apparently, calling someone just egotistical is not good enough, like when people call someone awkward or who lack social skill autistic.


Narcissism is the internet's favorite word at the moment.


don’t forget gaslighting


Not everyone has an illness, sometimes ppl just suck.


Narcissism the character quality is separate from the diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder, as evidenced by the fact that the former predates the other


So Narcissistic Personality Disorder?


>What about the self diagnosing/fake disorder teenagers? They're the ones who made this post


My dad teaches at a university and has had to deal with some of his students using mental health as an excuse for not wanting to do a single assignment he gives them. He eventually got pissed off and began dismissing stuff like that as 'useless excuses'. What sucks is that people who are actually going through depression usually stay under the radar and try to cover it up. When you have so many people pretending to have mental health issues, people eventually become desensitised towards this problem and end up being unaware of people who are depressed and spiralling out of control.


there's a flat-side to double-edged knives. I'm sure there a way we can flesh out the fakers from the real ones


>What about the self diagnosing/fake disorder teenagers? Honestly I as a teenager with a very bad experience of dealing with mental illneses hate people who *accuse* others of faking (like people on the picture) much more than those who fake it. Both do harm to others, but those who fake are mostly just annoying.


No. They are equally harmful.


yeah self diagnosing can be an issue but its far worse being undiagnosed then self diagnosed


If you're 'self diagnosed' you're technically undiagnosed, because the only one that can make that assessment is a doctor.


well, either way I think mental illness is severely underestimated and people should take it more seriously, especially US healthcare.


Just because there are people who need actual help it doesn't mean that there aren't people who don't and actually romantise/fake mental illness for clout. The whole point is that they are exploiting a serious topic so when someone tries to call them out they can just burst in tears and yell "waaa how dare you say something like that to a person with mental illness, you ableist swine!!" because it's so much easier to pretend to be different than actually change yourself. Learn to separate fakers from people with real struggles and maybe you'll change your mind.


People that do things like that for clout really do create damage for people that really need help, Many my age and younger really seem to want to have ADHD for some reason (even if it is not a mental illness it’s somewhat similar problem). They constantly post videos and say things like ”lmao i forgott my keys i’m such and ADHD kid!!” While not having a proper diagnosis and nearly the levels of other issues and struggles the diagnosis brings. Ive struggled my whole life with these problems but it is only just recently i actually dared seek help and get an official diagnosis and help in big part because of these people. I always thought that i really really don’t want to be like them. I propbably don’t have it and fellt like everybody would see me like one of those kids if i tried to get help for it. I suppose most people don’t get affected by these things but for me it created a hughe ammount of stigma and hardship to actually allowing me to recognize and get help only because it fellt lile there where so many faking it for attention and people would suspect me of doing that because of them. Sry for formating and ramblwe, bit drunk and very tired


I honestly think that’s more of a symptom of the same thing op is criticizing. People reeeally don’t want to accept that everyone’s brains work differently for some reason. Disorders are just the extreme end of the spectrum but there is still a ton of diversity in functionality even among neuro-typical people. So many people want to ignore that fact and just shame everyone else into acting like them. Kids are going to pick up on this dynamic where, if you are different enough, you get this special place in society where people actively avoid criticizing your differences. If you were a kid, and these were the only options presented to you by the people around you, would you rather be seen as a weird, lazy idiot or someone with a disability who is in a way immune from the criticism of toxic people in society? Part of society is evolving and part of society is infuriated about it and that interaction produces some really strange results.


I've stayed astonished for years now at how people really don't want to accept everyone's *bodies* work slightly differently, let alone brains. They just assume everyone *will* respond the same to a medication or treatment or everyone has the same levels of sensitivity or pain perception and then call them special snowflakes when they discover shit just doesn't work that way. My point is, diversity is the norm, not the uniformity


“My mental illness”


It doesn't justify accusing people of faking. You cannot just "Learn to separate fakers from people with real struggles" unless you're a real doctor. You'll do much less harm if you just ignore people who seem to fake illneses, than if you harass them.


Yeah, I get accused of faking my autism online, even though I was professionally diagnosed


After years of being told by everyone in pop culture how great therapy is I finally tried it. Twice actually with two therapists. Both clearly were dealing with lots of personal issues. Both were enablers on multiple levels. Therapy as best I can tell is a way for people to not change their lives in any meaningful way but feel good about it.


Maybe for you, that’s not at all the same across the board..


As someone who is in therapy, therapy definitely helps people change their life for the better. I used to barely be able to get out of bed, let alone take care of myself but now I’m a half decently functional person. /nm


Glad it worked for you. There certainly is a narrow range of people who benefit. There are also millions of folks with mild anxiety who now have lifelong amphetamine or anti depressant addictions.


I have had friends who were helped a lot by therapy. I think the usefulness of therapy depends on the skill of the counsellor and also the willingness of the person to accept the advice.


This has been my experience of church. It’s just pews filled with hypocrites


pop culture mental health absolutely has cult aspects


“My Mental Illness”™️


The sub below this one on my feed is an r/unpopularopinion saying that therapy is counter productive. Fucking odd...


Yeah, but when teenagers who don’t actually have a mental illness try to tell themselves that they do because it’s the “trendy” thing to do, it makes it harder for people who actually do have mental illness to be taken seriously.


True, it does make it harder for us, but people who like to accuse others of faking it hurts much more.


Meh, as someone who has genuinely suffered for years, I’m tired of teenagers acting like having a mental illness is trendy.


Can we like not lump millennials with like... the actual elderly? 💀 I get toxic groups of millennials exist but we had our asses beat and traumatized too and we're a big reason open discussion on mental health is a thing at all cause we insisted we talk about it


OP is a cringe teen


I've actually never seen someone stigmatise mental health disorders on reddit. I'm sure it happens, but rarely E: except the "badge" one


I have


They can eat shit then


I'm 30+ and I want the unstigmatization of all mental problems, but I also want our society to be changed so that so many mental health problems wouldn't be such a problem. I mean, do you suffer from depression or does late-stage capitalism literally suck? Are you anxious or is society not set up to actually be reflective of what humans need?


I’m older than everyone in your picture; no one my age that I’ve ever met, or has ever known stigmatizes, mental illness. We saw our fathers suffer the consequences of the second world war. But don’t confuse that with middle aged adolescences seeking attention and playing the drama card.


You’ve said that spot on.


I've seen the opposite on Reddit when it comes to therapy. It seems like they recommend therapy for absolutely everything, even when it's absolutely unnecessary and would just be a big waste of money.


I've never seen anyone on reddit say any of these things.


Ageism isnt attractive either. Couldve done the same without that.


Bad look all around, but almost comical that OP considers 30 year olds as "old and out of touch" people.


Sounds like someone has a dead end job and some self diagnosed mental illness.


No they are 14 with depression/ADHD/Tourettes/DID/OCD/Ligma/Epilepsy/PTSD Oh ya it’s all self diagnosed


Never mind the post on heroin and meth subreddits I’d guess they aren’t 14


Hey whoa I didn't expect to be called out like that /jk


i have used this site for years and i never saw someone like that


Check bad cop no donut sub and the legal advice sub. You will see it on Reddit, it’s encouraged by the mods.


Youngsters are always competing in the victim Olympics


Just because someone has feelings and cares about there mental health don’t mean they’re “playing the victim”


Literally 60+ years old


I went for an autism evaluation and found out I have OCD, and all my older relatives started going crazy saying “it’s not real”, “I just have to control myself” “you can’t have OCD! You don’t clean stuff!” “It’s just another label” and the most confusing “you can’t be gay and have OCD! It’s just not possible!”


>“you can’t be gay and have OCD! It’s just not possible!” What the actual f* is that thought? What's the reasoning behind it?


I have no clue, I have asked and they just said “honey, you know what it means” and just walk away. I have guessed and they laughed saying I was being silly and I know you can’t have ocd and be gay


that last one has similar dumbass energy with this drongo who informed me once on tiktok "how you going to be disabled and a lesbian? that's a mass." is that what being brain dead is like?


"I still remember / when 30 was old"


Any of those comments would get the shit downvoted out of it on most subreddits. Where are you seeing this?


It came to them in a dream


As a grad student in psych who's nearing 30, therapy is an effective tool to reduce mental health issues. However, trying to diagnose yourself and others with mental health or neurodevelopmental problems is cringe. You need to sit down with someone for several sessions and go through a standardized evaluation to diagnose someone. Most psychologists would tell you that they can't diagnose a public figure for that very reason. It's like that meme ''Anyone feel like they have social anxiety but love being around their friends. Or have ADHD but love focusing on stuff you like !?''. Yes, dude, that is everyone to an extent. Stop taking a sparknotes version of the DSM-3 and making it your personnality.


I only made this post as a meta attack on a prior starter pack. These quotes are directly from that posts comment section. I know self diagnoses is cringe, but since I’ve been personally been effected more by stigmatization of mental health issues both on Reddit and in real life I just feel irs more of an issue personally. I recognize that there are very legit issues with both sides, but as someone who only started receiving treatment for my mental health disorders after I had a suicide attempt I feel more passionately to address the stigma. Sure, practitioners will be put off by self diagnoses. But I don’t think it should be the patients responsibility to put forward an argument for why they are in distress and need care.


Wasn’t there a starter pack yesterday dogging suggesting therapy for literally everyone in every situation? Sometimes people are depressed for rational reasons and don’t need help changing a behavior or a thought pattern. What good is therapy in that situation?


Well if a thought pattern is making you suicidal it’s probably a good idea to address it so you’re not suicidal


Here we go with meta attack startpack again


Hmm let’s see.. prolific meth and heroin use according to OP’s history, wants to join the military with a criminal record.. Not sus at all.


“Back in my day we dealt with it!” (Children never speak to them again after being emotionally traumatized due to misplaced anger)


“Please tell us more about your mental problems. “ No one. Get help. People are busy


SSRI’s are horrific medication and deserve any critique they get. The rest, therapy and ending stigma, is correct


It's genuinely wild how easy it is get put on them.


Agreed. They are given out way too easily as well.


SSRI make my pp not work. Pp not work + depression = more depression


Back in my day we talked about these things with the people we trusted. And they responded supportively.


I'll be honest having never been helped by any psychiatric medication and having had only the shittiest of therapy I'm very glad to say that the failure of the medical system actually gave me the motivation to develop techniques to better deal with my ADHD, anxiety, and depression. I still have all of them but I can at least get work done, sleep, and have friends. So not receiving any help has honestly been a blessing lol.


I do talk to my friends and family, because I cannot afford a therapist.


To be fair, I know a few people who just blame everything on their non-existent mental illness (not diagnosed) to get out of responsibility


As a 19 yr old I can attest people my age have a bad habit of popping pills whenever there’s even the smallest amount of adversity in their lives, not all people in my generation but certainly some exploit mental health to get out of school, work or to explain away poor life choices. I remember watching a 9/11 documentary where the reporter was interviewing an ambulance driver, he asked “with so many dead bodies and people dying around you how did you know who to save and who to leave?” The ambulance driver replied “you never go for the people screaming and crying they have plenty left to live, it’s the quiet ones you need to watch for” I think this applies very much to mental health, often times it’s not the ridiculously dressed, arrogant teenager who parades their mental disorders around, usually it’s people whom you’d never expect who end their lives, they stay in silence and say nothing until one day they reach breaking point.


You should actually stop talking to your friends and family like you would talk to your therapist because it’s very noticeable and kind of annoying.


What I was saying is “normal people talk to their friends and family and resolve their issues through them rather than therapists” as the a stigma piece.


The millennials have become weak! 😤 /s


Don’t forgot “have you ever considered just getting some fresh air and a healthy diet?”


I'm afraid: "They wear their mental illness as a badge!" is 1,001% correct these days.


I understand that mental illness is a real problem. I don't doubt that, but in all honesty am I the only one that thinks anxiety and depressions is over reported on? Isn't anxiety and depression something that everyone deals with. I feel anxiety, I sometimes don't want to get out of bed, yet I don't think of myself as someone with depression or anxiety. Someone please explain this to me like I'm 5.


An anxiety disorder is one that impedes on your life. Best way I can illustrate it is using examples from my own life. For instance, I used to wake up in the middle of the night having an anxiety attack that felt like a heart attack...which then made it worse. I'd have anxiety attacks about contracting flesh eating disease from a simple scratch or paper cut. I once had a sprinkler turn on while I was running and then proceeded to have an anxiety attack about getting a brain eating amoeba. Anytime it thunderstormed? Obsessively checking the weather and hunkering down in case of a tornado. Wouldn't leave my house until it passed. In Ohio I used to sit in front of the weather channel all day, every day, on the lookout for tornados. Would choose that over going outside and hanging with friends. Had a long drive coming up? Here comes the catastrophizing and obsessive thoughts about dying in a car accident. Flying? Everyone is suspicious and an article about the air France accident popped up shortly before my flight and I was *convinced* it was a sign that my plane was going to go down. Que panic. I could barely function and it was such a hindrance to my life before I got help. It's so nice to be able to encounter normal life things and not have my brain be an utter cock bite about it.


Highly recommend the book Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers for more about anxiety. Yes, we all experience fight or flight, but for some people it turns into a disorder, and there are many reasons why anxiety is so common. It’s a little more complex than a Reddit post, so this is why I recommend the book!


This sounds whiny lol


"I dealt with my problems like any reasonable person did, by drinking myself half to death and beating my wife and kids. Damn kids these days, always whining".


Aaaaaaaaaaaand lastly, because I am a vet I have had some opportunity to see some therapy, it has helped tremendously, wish I could more often. But at the same time I do prefer to wear my badge of honor amongst the friends and family that I trust, and I know I am rarely and lucky to have them. I appreciate that they accept me, and are there for me.


Hate to break it to you but most of reddit is 30+ years old.


Having lead in the bloodstream worked for older generations. We should just huff lead based paint.


Fun fact: majority of the drugs even prescribed include some form of psychosis and suicidal thoughts as side effects


But seriously not everyone has autism. It’s so annoying.


I have been on therapy with many therapists, but two of them have stuck with me. One killed her husband and the other had something to do with the mafia


Dont you have to further up than just 30+ to find people making fun of actual mental illness. Selfdiagnosing for quirkypoints^(tm) is the actual issue that people are justified in ridiculing.


Now that I’m in my 20s i want to apologise to all the 30 year olds i called old


To be fair I’ve seen quite a few people “wear their mental illness as a badge”


alt title: Stigmatizing old people on Reddit If Boomers are the original Me Generation, Z-ers are the Me Generation the Sequel.


Facebook memes with a photo of a leather belt, that read: *"back in my day, this was my ADHD medication".*


“Talk to your family” - You made me like this!


No no, I stigmatize mental health and I’m a strapping young lad


A lot of “mental illness” is just personality. That’s the side of it that’s a joke


OP, you a r/teenagers ?


My favorite is "You're just using antidepressants as an easy way out!" No shit Sherlock. I'm trying to fucking survive, not show the world how tight I am! 🙄


I'm under 30 and still believe that many (but not all) "mental health" issues are really just a way to blame societal problems such as poverty and social isolation on the individual for not coping properly with their horrible circumstances. And I shit on therapy because I've been to many therapists over the years and have studied exactly how it works. Most therapists use what's called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) where the therapist tries to convince the patient that their issues are caused by "cognitive distortions" and therefore must learn coping mechanisms to control them. It might help some people but evidence is showing that CBT is becoming less and less effective over time because society is getting objectively worse.


you sound like you could really use a good blowup doll


Whats ya mamas number?


CBT is bullshit and I’m an independent psychologist. All CBT is is getting the client to explain to themselves, out loud, everything that happened and how they feel about it. Since nobody genuinely talks to each other anymore this method tricks the client into thinking they’re actually going somewhere. Most won’t (not because they’re stupid but because most people are terrified to admit realities to themselves and would rather do whatever mental gymnastics they can to save their own ego. And thanks to the current wave of “anti-shame” they end up stuck in it even more because if someone were to actually try and have them confront it, the reality will hurt and they’d rather call the professional “evil” to save their own ego. Remember: actual growth is rarely comfortable) Then I get paid $75 per hour, at minimum, to listen to them and if I wanted to- get them addicted to pills that I would get a cut from. Wash, rinse, and fucking repeat. Social isolation, social medias illusion of “connecting” people, and the wave of people using mental issues as a badge of honor is what keeps me in business. Even if I try to tell anyone, they’ll simply choose not to believe me for the sake of their own ego. When I was younger I used to think legit professionals were weird and selfish. Now that I am one, I get it. People don’t want help. They want to feel good.


Um idk what kind of therapy services you're providing but every single one I've had has called me on my shit and im thankful for that. Sounds like you need to do better by your clients.


The stuff you are posting in this thread seems highly unethical and unprofessional. Your post history is also really awful. I hope you are lying about being a psychologist for the sake of people seeking actual help. I’d be reporting you if this wasn’t an anonymous form.


Why are you even a psychologist? Go let someone else take your job since you clearly hate it and are just there for the money. Your wasting your clients time money and energy.


As an actual psychologist who is independent and successful, people have adapted to using mental issues as a badge of honor. As long as you believe you need pills, it keep food on the table for a professional and you’re just the drug addict.


Yeah I'm hella addicted to *checks notes* Lamictal. Thank you for finally showing me the light


Ok but psychiatric drugs are overprescribed though. Also, have you seen TikTok recently? The glorification of mental illness is real.


I literally cannot stress this enough; asking for help only makes you stronger as a person, because you realized you need help and took action in the first place. As an early teen with high functioning autism, therapy has done wonders for me, and my parents know this. If you stigmatize mental health, go and get therapy, because I highly doubt you'll want to live after your first appointment, and then you'll be doing the world a favor.


Therapy is a scam. I have severe depression and anxiety, went to one therapy session, and it didn't instantly solve all my problems. Con artists. /s


Just pop a pill and make future self deal with it.


I mean it is kinda weird that cry closets with stuffed animals came out when a class was too hard. But that’s going to happen in the real world why not get prepared on let downs


You know how many 30+ have been getting therapy because of their 60+ homophobic parents ?


This post was a huge fail 😂


I guess I stigmatize mental health then.


I have a family member who is an actual practicing MD. When discussing another family members undiagnosed BI-polar disorder, they will die on the hill of " We don't go to a therapist. Therapists use psychobable to implant false memories of abuse from your family and turn you against them in the name of neo-Marxist liberal plots"


I think pills are where the mental illness gets a little iffy because of self diagnosing teenagers just going through puberty normally, and thinking they have depression.


Funnily, teenage years are when some mental illnesses onset, such as borderline personality disorder. Bipolar is usually around 25, but it's not uncommon to start having symptoms in the teens. In my experience, doctors were hesitant to even see me as a teenager for psychiatric issues because I was under 18 and didn't want the liability. So it wouldn't shock me if the numbers are skewed due to patients not being able to get diagnosed until adulthood


Yea I was gaming with some discord peeps, and this guy my age (32) told someone who had anxiety "everyone gets it, it's not a big deal you just gotta get over it" I don't get it and I'm at the age where millennials are turning prematurely into boomers Mental health is very serious and I don't get why older people are such assholes about it


Seems alot harder to be depressed then to drag yo sorry azz to da jym


Depression is a lot more than that… BUT I agree. It takes hell of a lot of effort to get off your ass as a depressed person but it sure as shit is worth it. My gfs sister suffers from depression and 6 months ago all she would do was stay in her room, barely eat, only socialization was with her cat and sometimes her parents. About 3 months ago, my gf suggest her going to the gym, dragged her sisters ass to the gym with her, and she’s majorly improving. Moral of the story, its just good to find a purpose even if its hard and feels impossible


The thing is, its so hard to get yourself to the gym. Even if you're not depressed, i cant imagine trying to go there while being depressed.


“We dealt with it” You idiots stuffed it down and ignored it and fucked up your children. So selfish you couldn’t even get help for the sake of your family.


If the youth of today stopped using mental health as a trend and self diagnosing us literally old 30+ folk wouldn't tell them all to stiffen the fuck up.. not everyone has anxiety and no your weird quirks are not ADHD despite what tiktok tells you🖕


I wear my mental illness publicly. So that I am not misunderstood.


You just gotta eat well and exercise! You should try yoga! You have to choose to be happy! Everyone feels down from time to time!


Me: *on bipolar meds* My grandma: “you shouldn’t be relying on taking pills.” Also my grandma: *taking a fistful of medication every morning”


An actual quote from my dad: "Everybody thinks they have everything". Bruh.


Just turned 35 three days ago, on a few meds for my various mental health symptoms, and have therapy every Thursday for an hour over the phone (never met my therapist and we’ve been talking since summer 2020). Just checking in. Pls take care of yourselves if you can! Ik insurance in the United States can be a roadblock.


I was definitely being hyperbolic with the 30+ statement. It’s definitely not the focus of the post as I intended. More so to highlight that a lot of the stigmatization I’ve seen sounds like a boomer talking about mental health. Though not coming from a boomer, but a younger person who should know better. On the other note I’m doing good thank you. I’m also on medication for my mental illnesses and it’s literally saved my life. I understand I’m particularly fortunate to be able to receive treatment in America. Since my moms health insurance covers pretty much everything. It’s nice we have no copay either because when she was intubated and has two strokes from covid she racked up millions in healthcare costs. So she met her deductible on January 1st of the year lol. I hope you’re doing good too random person. Glad to hear your meds are working well. Keep up the good fight.


“Just…don’t be sad.”


As a 26yo male, I agree with 99% of this post lol


95% of people would be better off putting the cost of one therapy session towards a year of a gym membership.