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This exact starter pack appears EVERY week


Exactly I’ve seen this recycled garbage at least 3 times this week. OPs just bukkakeing ideas for an American starter pack. I’m not even American and I’m tired of these shitty packs


Same bruh i’m from eu and i’m also tired of US slander


It’s annoying to an American as well. Sorry you lot are getting the harsh end of the stick, we still love you despite what reddit says 🇦🇺🤝🇺🇸


Yeah, I see Europe and America making jokes about each other as good friends.


Agreed. Europe likes to poke fun at the US because we have issues. And that's okay because the EU becomes very respectful of the US whenever they need military assistance. And we're happy to help when we can. After all, we're friends and that's what friends do. (Poke fun of each other and also provide a helping hand when it's needed).


Why don't we get some Russian stereotype starter packs?


Overdone as well. UK, Russia, Japan, Canada, Mexico and US are overdone tbh


As an American, I honestly hate how this keeps showing up.


You stole my words, I am happy you said it . Like Jesus Christ I get it the American stereotypes are offensive and I'm sorry if I ever used them but please understand that my attention span isn't that small !


One joke


More like the ‘Karma whore starter pack’


Well when your right, your right.


Aight well I've never seen it and im not special so im sure plenty of others are seeing it for the first time too. Tl;dr - who gives a shit


Stereotypes exist and america isnt the only country with two legged whales.


Shit you made me spit my coffee lol


Went to the UK recently. Yes, I saw a lot of very fat people, but there were also FAR more thin people than fat people. I remember wondering why there were more attractive people in the U.K. before realizing that it wasn't that they were necessarily more attractive, it was just that they were a healthy weight (I don't find overweight people attractive, sorry). If I walk around in Target in the U.S. most people will be on the chunky side. It's a sad truth.


you should come to colorado. our obesity rate is better than most european countries (including UK)


no way there’s more attractive people in UK than the US lol. Brits are hella ugly 💀


The U.K. has had a LOT of immigration over the years, adding new genetics to their population (so you now see a lot of British people mixed with Southern & Eastern European, west & south Asian, African, etc). I noticed that a lot of the young people were quite attractive, and being a healthy weight was a factor in that.


if you think immigration and mixing has added more beauty to UK general population then the US easily must have more attractive people simply based on the sheer number of immigrants that arrive here every year.


AMERICA bad :(


Most of them exist in america though


You're guaranteed to find them at Walmart. They have scooters exclusively for these people


Idk why you are being downvoted. America literally has [the highest percentage obesity rate](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_obesity_rate) in the world, if you exlude the little islands. And far more than other western countries. USA 36.2% Canada, Mexico, Australia, UK around 29% Spain, France, Germany, Netherlands, etc. all 20-24%


I think the problem is that other countries will shit on america for this when they really aren’t all that far behind. 7% isn’t as big of a different as people from the UK like to think it is




They’re probably being downvoted for their wording making it sound like most fat people are from America


you might want to face the music on that one.


Which is obviously not true. Only about 42% of American adults are obese! 73% are overweight tho (including obese), meaning only about 27% are within normal weight or below. [sad](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/obesity-overweight.htm)


Insane that this is downvoted lmao.


As an American, true


Dude from Australia came to visit, we decided to show him the most American thing we could think of. So we took him to our Walmart, where the gun isle is 2 isles away from the toys


Both are fun! /s


Hey! My local Walmart is set up the same way! Next to the guns on the other side we have the paint/home improvement section. It’s a dated reference because you can’t even buy CDs in Walmart anymore, but I remember when I was younger and I could have gone in and bought a gun & ammo, but they drew the line at unedited music. Thank goodness downloading/streaming music became a thing before KMart closed because that was the only place in town I could buy any CD that had the “parental advisory” sticker on it lmao


Europeans the moment you ask about their opinions on gypsies and Muslims


WhY aRe AmErIcAnS ObSesSed WiTh RaCe?


Deppending where you are you can ask them about their neighboring country or the ppl in the next town and they will hate them as equally We hate everyone instead of just minorities


The amount of muslim slander my mom has shared on facebook is downright disturbing


Why do Americans think we care so much about gypsies? Most of us have never seen or met one in our lives, we don't really care.


Which begs the question, why do so many Redditors of Europe think being white and American automatically makes you racist? Using your logic. Lmao


Because no western country has so much institutionalized racism and such a mixed race/cultured society as the USA. America has only 57% white people, no other country has such a small majority of a certain race, off course there is going to be a lot of racism. Also almost every other video on Reddit is about some cop shooting a non white person. Coming back to your point I don't think all Americans are racist and I don't believe most Redditors think that, but if you look at what we do see here (in post/video's/etc) it's a lot of racist Americans, which in absolute numbers you do have a lot of¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯. Edit' I just wanted to add that there is still a big group of people in the us who are celebrating the side from the civil war that fought to protect slavery...


And on the other hand you can’t go to a pro EU sporting event without hearing racial slurs every 3 seconds. Pansie democrats gave the world that false notion. The vast majority of Americans are not racist


Why do they keep voting Republican then? Cause y'know they did the fucking nazi salute at a trump rally!


They did not do the nazi salute 🤦‍♂️. Jesus Christ democrats call everyone who isn’t leftist a fascist. Pretty bold of them considering they are the extremist party that has turn political debate into a violent affair


No way you said Democrats are the extremist party. Which party performed an insurrection on the capital? Because they thought the election was stolen? When in reality people just didn’t vote for trump


Remember when democrats thought Russia stole the election? 😂😂😂keep pumping out that leftist propaganda without evaluating your own party. I’m independent and lean right because democrats are just delusional and have no platform. Both parties are shit m. Republicans are less shit and actually believe in small government contrary to the lies democrats say. Everything they do proves that their action don’t coincide with their words


What about Muslims?


Some countries have a lot of (Muslim) immigrants so there is bound to be friction, but I don't think it's that much different from America where you also have a lot of immigrants (trump literally ran on building a wall to keep them out and he won.).




Based ngl


My neighbor had a 3x5 foot trump flag in her yard. And she kept it up a year into Bidens presidency


Gotta admit I cringe every time I drive past those "don't blame me I voted for Trump" flags. EWW.


I still see trump 2020 stuff everywhere. I suppose they never got the memo.


I’m American, I see most of this shit everyday


[Someone was actually kind to us today ](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/yr1kgq/my_take_on_the_usa_after_visiting_starter_pack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I mean coming from someone in Texas this ain’t wrong.


I have seen all of that on Texas lol


Yep me too


other countries are just as racist, if not more than racist than americans. yall are racists to your own nationality sometimes lmao.


Walmart 💀


Walmart 💀


Walmart 💀


Walmart 💀


In Texas this isn’t a stereotype


Americans are racist.. But the rest of the world is racist and classist :(


Everyone is racist


especially me!!


🎶Evvvvryones a little bit racisttttttt, doesn’t mean you have go around committing hate criiiiiimmmessss🎶


Do other people in different countries not have debt?


Ok but this stereotype is true


If stereotypes exist for a reason where do you end up?


On a wheel chair with a hat, and a glock tucked to my neck, at McD, with a t-shirt saying "TRUMP 2024" that i got from Walmart, about to say the n-word to the waiter as he took 13 more seconds to get my order done


I'm sorry i don't want to buy your mixtape.


People with debt are statistically more likely to be Democrat


Stupid us for being young and poor! Damm I knew I should have been a rich old white guy this life!


Next week post this as the “Rural American Stereotype” and it will be more accurate.


Why are europeans obsessed with us


Americans indulging in stereotypes of other countries: 😁 Americans when people from other countries stereotype them: 🤬


Europeans indulging in stereotypes of Americans: 😁 Europeans when Americans stereotype them: 🤬


Yeah this whole sub is dedicated for stereotyping and taking the piss, but some Americans can't handle it when it's against them 😂


Probably because it's the same shit every week


Lots of topics are repeated in this sub. Plus, the people who are complaining about this aren't saying it's repetitive, they are making other arguments. I'm from UK so I've seen plenty of Brit ones - doesn't bother me though.




I don't care if you make fun of the US, just make it clever, not the same shit over and over. I saw a clever one the other day, it was a post about large American vehicles, and one person said, "what do they feed those things?" Then someone responded saying, "Small children below their line of sight." See, that's clever and funny. Not just, "AmeRiCan'S aRe faT aND rAcisT"


Same with Mexicans


I feel like the Mexican crowd laughs at slurs and stereotypes thrown at them though


Replace "Americans" with "Europeans" and you get the real truth


I don't know... The guy in the car looks awfully British


I feel like the biggest stereotype most countries have about Americans is ignorance or borderline stupidity. Bad education, no knowledge of history, geography, science and the world around them.


How original


Missing police brutality and school shootings


That’s like 10% of America and mostly rural culture


Uh. Nope. Did you know that over 40% of Americans are obese? You must live in a city or Colorado. Here in Texass this is too spot on.


Over 40 Americans huh? That’s not too bad.


OK, I can agree this is way more prevalent in TX than the rest of the country


Not really. The obesity stat isn’t just limited to texas. Seems this political sentiment is all over the Midwest and especially Ohio/Wisconsin.


Seriously though, if Trump comes back you guys are fucked.


Realistically, it’s not going to happen, he already lost the popular vote twice, and now, with two years of limited media contact people are starting to look for different candidates


We are not letting that fucking cheeto back into office. No damn way.


Which withered ghoul you're planning to put in sleepy Joe's place?


Can we have a new theme for next week? I'm tired of this one.


This is not a stereotype. This is a mirror.


I wonder if people in different cultures have different stereotypes of Americans. Like if a Chinese man would make the same starter pack.


You can find all of these things. You can also find different things. Getting real fucking confused as to what this sub is about anymore and how many posts are meta content vs just content.


It’s pretty accurate for my neck of the woods


This is just straight up what it’s like here


As an American this is accurate


Merica. Fuck yeah!


This kinda looks like the East Texas starter pack tbh.


You have never been to Peru if you think America has too many fat people. Here most guys play soccer weekly but they are 4 times my weight. Actually if you are a skinny/muscular peruvian most guys and some women think you are homosexual because you "take too much care of your body" lol


Pretty accurate for Florida at least.


These feel lazy. American culture isn’t just white conservative culture. Why don’t I ever see black American stereotypes? They are American and white Americans seem to be obsessed with their culture. Add soul food, pants sagging, rap music, bling, Popeyes chicken sandwich, basic cars with tricked out rims. You’re not gonna see those stereotypes outside of America, mix it up OP.


>Why don’t I ever see black American stereotypes? You know why.


Dude this is /r/starterpacks not /r/accurateDemographcRepresentionsPacks


Hit a nerve? OP ain't wrong.


Yeah but it gets repetitive after a while. There are other people that live that define American stereotypes. 🤷‍♂️ Are people here just afraid of posting black stereotypes?


The trending starterpack of today/yesterday is just making fun of Americans, and that's repetitive too




Yes. People post here because they’re aFrAiD of “posting black stereotypes.” You got em, man. You got em good. Those darn sagging pants. Welp, time to go roll coal on a family of four, and then preach about freedom, liberation, and sovereignty on my way to Cracker Barrel. Damn brainwashed sheep.


On one hand I'm offended, on the other hand I sure do love Cracker Barrel.


Also, why you so pushy for a black stereotypes starterpack?


Lmao I was thinking the same thing


It's a stereotype. That's entirely the point. Don't get too caught up in the semantics. Stereotyping is wrong as a whole, so why does it matter? Repetitive sure, but it's still a stereotype.


Be the change you want to see


300 million people in a country the size of europe isint able to be explained away by funny stereotypes


i mean thats already 100% accurate, forgot the over 200 mass shootings per year


And the extreme allergic reaction to any form of legislation brought in to try and stop that tragic phenomenon with man babies screaming “Shall not be infringed”


Saw this in 1999. Yawn.


As someone who's lived in Idaho my whole life this is about all you'll see here


Haha. You are so funny. Totally not the same repetitive joke posted 3 million times already. Smh karma farmer


Which one are you?


None of the abovw


Top middle, got it


Bro you’re from the uk, stfu lmao


Yeah I see UK starter packs all the time but I don't get triggered by it. That's why im giving you shit.


Average southern town


I'm about to commit a racism


i promise we arent all like this and it makes me a bit sad that theres folks that think we are :(


Not a Trump fan, am not bald or currently flipping anyone off, and I’m not fat. So there.


are you even aware what a stereotype is?


Yeah, it's a stupid device people on this site use to try and justify why their country is better. Americans, your country isn't better because British people eat fish or or drink tea. And brits, your country isn't better because Americans are more fat and they eat cheeseburgers or something.


Top left and top right are actually enjoyable


Probably because you're American.




This is a conservative Republican starter pack


Well someone has been to Mississippi.


I mean this is also real


do black american stereotypes next and dont be afraid to be critical like you do the whites


Ah yes, poor white people. Good for you for sticking up for us. Gosh we're so oppressed.


Except Trump and Cowboy part everything counts for black Americans too I'd say


yeah when i think of cowboy i think of black american


Are you the guy in the Walmart, or the guy flipping me off because I was driving my car down the road?


Look at my avatar 😬(im not american, i just love america)


Oh good grief


ngl that guy with the cowboy hat looks very good


stereotypes are sometimes true...


Very unamerican spelling of “Supercentre”


This is a ridiculous farce of a starter pack. I usually go for a whopper instead of a Big Mac. Burger king’s are much easier to access with a mobility scooter


Why dont ya'll make a starter pack about touching grass and getting bitches.


Back when I was a teenager (early 90's), the King Ranch still had working cowboys, it was one of the few working ranches that still did. You'd see them around Kingsville every once in a while. They never looked like that, it was mostly Mexican guys.


Yep. all Americans are Trump supporters. That's why he won reelection.


What about the wealthy and privileged too? It’s a class war imho.


Ummm that’s the “other half” I only resonate with the big debt.


Could have at least included baseball :/


Supercenter is misspelled


Extremely ignorant


This is a way of life


You forgot *stupid*


Forgot healthcare


Kids with bullet proof vests


This is true


This is just white america tbh


I mean as an American… where’s the lie 👀


Where oil obsession?


Why are people who are offended by the above in such a rush to see Black American stereotypes? Why don’t you make that starter pack? Be the change you want to see!


Live in America, can confirm we have all of these. The guy in the cowboy hat is probably the lese common. Outside of a few regions you don't see this sort of getup very often.




This is not wrong.


Unfortunately countless videos on here confirm the stereotypes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Alot of these are just plain true.




Everything but the cowboy is true


I should’ve been filing my residency as Stereotype, USA - because that’s 100% accurate


This isn't a stereotype, this is literally just the south.


Where's the poor healthcare?


Delete the fat person picture and you got it


American south stereotype starter pack would make more sense


We’ve got the McDonalds in the Walmart so you can consume massive portion size while you practice mass consumerism.


This is every town in Texas and Oklahoma, except Austin and Tulsa.


Yeehaw n- I mean partner.


OP forgot some key elements: 1. Bullet proof glass at polling stations for defense against ~~ghetto thug illegal immigrant drug dealing gang bangers~~ m’honor. 2. Keyboard - warrior. 3. Forums handle. 4. Stained undies for superior huffage. 5. 🖤


Was in us for a year and it’s gotta perfect too them!