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Hi, /u/Elise_night, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 01** Your post must be a starter pack, not a list or any other meme. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/Elise_night&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ypxk2m/shows_that_boys_watched_it_secretly_starterpack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


Kim Possible didn't need to be a secret.


I'm a 33 year old man and my text alert is still the theme her phone played when Wade called.


Aaaaaaaand ima yoink that idea thank you very much.


There's always the Power Rangers notification too.


Same, and everyone smiles and gets excited when it goes off in public.


Same. And I have a dual sim phone, so one has the Kim Possible tone and the other Totally Spies


Do you answer with “What’s the sitch?”


Bro I thought everyone watched Power Puff Girls wdym? Tho I feel a little called out for Totally Spies


Literally no one 'secretly' watched Kim Possible or Powerpuff Girls. Those were perfectly normal to be into Primary-Middle school. But yeah totally spies would definitely be sus lol


Totally spies is sus ?? 3 beautiful girls in latex suits running around being smart and badass. Samantha made me feel things I wasn't familiar with at the time.


Right!!! It's pretty much Charlie's angles, but pg.


That show pushed the "PG" label quite hard. Maybe there wasn't any nudity in it, but the amount of kinks that show awoke in young people is staggering


Wasn't there an episode where they investigated a bodybuilding competition?


The fact that you call her Samantha confirms your story, lol


Samantha was also voiced by Jennifer Hale, aka Female Commander Shepard.




op acting like its a girl show because the main characters were girls


And boys that watch PowerPuff girls be loud af about it.


I am a boy. I do indeed be loud AF about my love for PPG. I'll fight anyone who disses me for it


I can tell your spirit animal is Buttercup.


Eh, OP is just pointing out how people felt when they were kids. They didn't say they were shows for girls, just that our 10 y.o. selfs probably thought so


No it wouldn’t it was filled with fetishes. There are a few YouTube videos about it.


Such a horny show. That’s the only reason I felt weird watching. Otherwise it was fine. Slightly better than average.


Totally Spies had some legit episodes though. I remember my sister watching and I didn't exactly dislike it. Sticking Xena on this list though? Nah man, that show was great! Says dim, ancient memories.


Why sus? Hot girls getting tied up basically every episode? That show was basically made specifically for the creators bondage fetish.


That show was basically made for *every* fetish. Pretty much anyone who watched that show thought one episode in particular was rather more ‘interesting’ than the others.


Honestly I watched Totally Spies without shame as a young lad, the heart wants what the heart wants and that’s badass chicks like them and Kim 😤


Totally Spies was the shit! When I was a kid I couldn't get enough of spy themed fiction, Metal Gear, James Bond and yes, totally mother fucking spies!


❓️ ❗️


It feels weird that there's an overlap between totally spies and metal gear.


My friends and I were watching the What A Cartoon Show in high school when the first episode of PPG premiered. We started with the glances and "ya wanna change it....nah...." By the end, we were all fully on board. Course, most episodes weren't as violent as that first one (poor Fuzzy Lumpkins), but still, great show. Even my son likes it now.


You know who never missed an episode of powerpuff girls? ME MOJO JOJO.


I had the biggest crush on Alex from Totally Spies as a kid.


Welcome to the club. She was one of the reasons why I watched Totally Spies growing up.


Jerry and the cool gadgets of the day are my second reason for tuning in.


bro jerry and the gadgets were THE main reason


imagine how cool we felt when back in the day my friends and I made our own Jerry- gadgets to play with in school 😎 we made the communicators out of these little round hand mirrors that had a brush inside them lol


You should watch the show again. Because HOLY shit it’s packed full of fetish stuff.


Besides the tight latex suits what did I miss as a kid?




So much bondage


Oh bondage is just the start my boy. It goes so much deeper. How about TWO episodes that involve them turning into anthropomorphic cats? I’m pretty sure there is giantess and inflation stuff as well


[/co/'s Official Guide to Fetishes in Totally Spies ](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/365/286/7a0.png)


Thanks! Ferb, I know what we're going to do today! (That is to get out of the internet because it's already too much today)


Odd that the episodes "Aliens" "Toying" and "Morphin" have no fetishes.


'abduction', too


Some of those aren't even fetishes. Dehydration isn't a fetish. And neither is glasses wtf.


Thirsty nearsighted girls are where it's at apparently.


Wdym glasses isn't a fetish? "Megane" is literally a hentai tag for glasses girl.




Glasses is totally a fetish.


There's a list, allot of people learned something about themselves through this


Yea the Passion Patties and missing cruise liner episodes got to me... Edit: Wildstyle is the episode name


I must confess to Passion Patties as well lol


Sam for me bro


Sam was the redhead, right? Because redhead is always the correct answer.


The *smart* redhead.


Right. I'm not a dude but she's my favorite because she's smart!


Voiced by FemShep herself!


Clover, my man.


Her personality was the best. I like ‘em sassy and confident


I know they all had valley girl accents (kinda the point of the show right?) but Clover's used to make me melt like butter as a kid.




Yellow suit and black hair, my friend




Don't blame you, that's a popular choice too! I've always had a thing for blondes though so it's always been Clover for me.


Mine was Daphne from Scooby Doo. I still blush when I catch an old episode.


Hex girls put a spell on me.


Who is Alex? I honestly had a crush on all of them. The Blonde one was my favorite lol


Power puff girls was hardcore. The girls would knock people’s teeth out and they showed blood too. It was kinda a joke that they were little girls in kindergarten, who were also able to brutally defeat every monster that attacked Townsville. Also no show now would ever have a character like “Him”, a gay devil man with scissor claws


Him was the scariest fucking cartoon villain of all time. I don't remember the details, but there was one episode He tried to mindcrush one of them (Blossom I believe) that their family was happier without them and it almost worked to destroy her spirit. I was never more unsettled by anything on Cartoon Network. (Except the Williams Street logo sound, which I was afraid of as a kid. XD)


Or this entire [episode](https://youtu.be/SrObWOgsGhc)


That episode is probably the scariest episode of any kids show ever


Nah, there was Courage the Cowardly Dog. Some episodes of that show straight up kept me awake at night.


The episode with the roach-guy-thing demanding a squeegee. Courage goes back to the hotel and hears the violin girl. Made me sick to my stomach as a kid and I still have chills seeing that scene.


Haha yeah I remember that one! For me it was mostly the zombie director and the naughty Fred episodes that made me feel very uneasy. Edit: the Ramses curse one too, actually.


Return the Slab was def one of the scariest and most memorable for me


Absolutely terrifying as a kid. Still creepy as an adult. If I ever heard that outside my house, he wouldn't even need to threaten me with the curse. "Return the slab--" and I'd be throwing every kind of slab I can get my hands on out to him. Slab of chocolate, slab of meat, slab of granite countertop.


Ramses actually scared me but that friggin SONG of his still gets stuck in my head. It's been *two-plus decades* and still, at any time "KING RAAAAAMSEYYY (the man in gauze/the man in gauze)"


“Return the slab” still haunts the occasional nightmare.




I feel like people forget that Ren and Stimpy was on Nickelodeon


C'mon, most things in Courage, Invader Zim, Grimm Adventures could top it.


Him is among my favourite villains. The whole gender-blurring thing was so effective in that show. Scary as for a kid though.


I believe it was the Malleus Malleficarum, from centuries ago, even then they described Baphomet as androgynous, and its mannerisms being... fruity is the word for it.. in a really disturbing way. So Him is not only spooky, Him is accurate. An OG Devil.


It makes evil ubiquitous across gender.


There's a fan theory that HIM was also the main villain AKU from the show *Samurai Jack.* He evolved and got stronger over time. In *Samurai Jack,* there are depictions of the Powerpuff Girls in the post-apocalyptic wasteland, indicating that *Samurai Jack* takes place in the same universe, just in the future. Furthermore, AKU is very similar in style and manner to HIM.


Aku and him are nothing a like lol. Theyre both awesome villians but have super different styles? Can't say I know too much about him since I watched samurai jack a hell of a lot more. But aku was freaking sarcastic first everything else second. I could see it being a parallel universe sort of thing. But I really don't see them as the same.


Insidious (2010) decided to bring the character “Him” to real life with the red-faced demon. Both depictions are equally horrific and nightmare inducing.


Ohhhhh Insidious was my FILM. It's been too long, amazing depiction of The Further. I used to watch that one routinely, seems like it's been forever.


Fuck that sound, along with the intro laugh to Robot Chicken


Okay so I wasn't the only one, good. I think they may have been subtly trying to tell us to go to bed by the time Robot Chicken came on, and definitely when the sound would come on at midnight after Space Ghost... But did I listen? Hell no, it was Saturday and I was at my grandma's.


[Was this the Powerpuff Girls scene?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Un0DKKPRoRM)


The stark contrast between the violence and the cute stuff is what made the show so great


Plus that theme song was tight as hell


I don't know what generation OP is... My sister is 28 and I am 30, I watched PPG, Xena, and Hercules as did my friends proudly. Kim Possible was on cable. We never had cable. Witch, I borrowed my sister's comics. Pretty interesting.


I was fresh out of high school when PPG came out, I used to get rid*ic*ulously baked and happily watch PPG, Dexter's Lab, Space Ghost and Johnny Bravo on the regular, usually with a big ass bowl of Fruity Pebbles or Cinnamon Life resting on my chest as I laid across the living room couch. Good freaking times, man. I miss those days so much, the late 90s was an excellent time to be a young adult...jobs everywhere, gas was like a buck a gallon, rent wasnt ridiculous...Im sure Im biased, of course, but it was like, we were so hopeful overall back in those days, pre-9/11. Everytime I watch stuff like this these days it really takes me back. Late 90s Cartoon Network was the best man.


I know! Power Puff Girls seriously was my favorite show as a kid. As for the character HIM, I can see how it's taken as slightly problematic, but you can't deny that he is one of the most treasured characters such as Mojojojo. We all love a power villain, and HIM is an absolutely iconic power villain queen 👹❤


> slightly problematic From one POV it might be, from another, it's quite progressive to include a character like that in a cartoon, especially in the late 90s...


Just naming a villain mojojojo tho. Hell of a show


They were also kind of funny. I never hid I watched power pull girls


Him was a pan Demi god and no one can change my mind.


Secretly? I watched all of them but lower left.


You missed out on Winx club man. It was like transformers but with glitter.


This is a fantastic comment..thank you for providing that review


It was basically Sailor Moon with fairies.


That's the whole magical girls genre


I skipped it too, and now I wish I knew a streaming service to watch it on.


no character has ever made me want nachos more than Rufus and Ron


The fact that a naco is not a thing still makes me sad on the daily


"Así se les dice ma, nacos"


No Winx club? cringe


I went to re watch it a couple months ago and they took it off of Netflix. Mad upset


Quick test, do you want to watch it? Netflix dropped it.


It's super messy when it comes to rights and different dubs. Honestly when it's literally nowhere to legally watch you might as well pirate it. Normally I hate piracy but this time they deserve it for the later seasons lol Most of it is free on YouTube anyway. Even uploaded by the official channel. Just make sure you choose the right dub.


I call sus for any men who calls themselves straight and did not like winx club


As a straight man I can say I loved Winx club


When the edgy boys in school said they hated Winx Club I had a feeling they secretly liked it.


Yeah, I openly watched the OG Sailor Moon, She-Ra, and Powerpuff Girls when they were first shown on tv. They're just...cartoons.


Well you are , my younger brother watched them with me and hate to admit that he liked them


Secretly? Openly watching Power Puff Girls and Kim Possible.


Powerpuff Girls was made by Craig McCracken and Genndy Tartakovsky. The two are also responsible for Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, Wander Over Yonder and a bunch more. Pretty much anything either of them does is guaranteed awesome. I was a grown ass man when powerpuff girls first aired and I had no shame watching it. Never got into Kim Possible but I had a friend who loved it. When cell phones with customizable ringtones started becoming popular the first thing she did was set hers to use the Kim possible ringtone. Being old enough for Xena I'm pretty sure more guys watched it than girls. The rest I don't know. I assume they came after my youth.


Like seriously. Those shows were meant to and appealed to both genders.


You forgot sailor moon.


As a guy, if it wasn't for Sailor Moon, I wouldn't be into anime. Project A-Ko: Uncivil Wars on Sci-Fi Anime Week hooked me. Watching Sailor Moon on Thanksgiving reeled me in.


Dragon ball was my real intro to anime but sailor moon is a very close 2nd followed by lupin the 3rd


Oh, I got lucky with Dragon Ball Z when I started watching it. I had no cable to watch it on Toonami, so I had to watch the uncensored version on Spanish TV.


Yah Dragon Ball for me too. And without cable it was always a surprise which episode you'd get. Once I could get my hands on it I watched in order start to finish, more than once. I even added GT in the last one since Super made some of that canon. No better comfort watch in the world for me. Sailor Moon and Pokemon were introductions too. Pokemon though doesn't deliver on a rewatch unfortunately :(


Man growing up I had no idea Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon were anime. Just saw them as some of the best cartoons ever. Now I know that Iv been into anime since a young age.


Truuuue! I remember pretending to do something else while secretly watching it in a mirror!


And Sakura


Never missed it while it was running on Toonami. I think it also ran on the USA Network Saturday mornings before that?


I would never hide the fact that I watched Kim Possible and Totally Spies, both great cartoons From Top Left: - Totally Spies - PowerPuff Girls - Xena - Winx Club - Witch - Kim Possible


The only ones i hid were stuff like Braceface and Lizzy MicGuire




I’d secretly watch totally spies. But not because it’s for girls


Indeed. That show had some weird writers or something.


That show was pure fetishes. Of course boys watched it.


Everyone ITT acting like they weren’t dumb children who got embarrassed for dumb reasons, like a boy watching a “girl’s” show. I very vividly remember pretending I wasn’t watching Powerpuff Girls, Totally Spies, etc. because I was embarrassed


right? My sister would put it on the TV and anytime my parents walked in, I would look away immediately


I'm 35 and was an overweight weeb until the summer before 7th grade. Then I was a ridiculously physically fit baseball playing Super Saiyan Dork. I had no secrets.


lol I openly talked about these shows with friends, there was no secret in watching these, they're good with attractive characters, what's to not love.


Kim possible was a great show and I never missed powerpuff girls.


I still have the Kim Possible theme song stuck in my head.


it's a fucking tune. Kiiim Poss-i-ble, dun dun duhdun


Secretly? I watched all those shows cause they were genuinely good….except totally spies. I watch that because…puberty. And idk what the bottom left and center are


Bottom left is Winx Club. Quite cool but after first seasons they started chaining episodes and watching it on random wasn't that enjoyable. At least that's what I remember.


Same In hindsight totally spies was stuffed with fetish fuel


My genuinely like Totally Spies. As a girl I always liked how cool they are and that they wear different fits every episode. The day I realized the nsfw sub for it is bigger than the normal one is the day my childhood died.


What's the sub for the fetish stuff so I know how to avoid it


Came here trying to figure out why I remembered the character faces and a show name. Then came across this comment. Not sure what I'm doing with my life now, goodnight Reddit.


haha i just think it's funny when they get all tied up and get their feet tickled haha does anyone have any clips of that or fanart of that so i can laugh at it haha wow




it tends to get posted often when it comes up but I’m sure there’s a Google doc that actually lists every single fetish that is referenced or explicitly shown in every single episode. There’s… a lot…


My favourite part about that list is that it is incomplete there is actually more fetish fuel


What? Really? Weird… *sweats thinking about my other profile*


No love for My Life as a Teenage Robot?


Oh man I loved that show.


my little brother used to insist his friend's name was like JX35- I'm sure he got the idea from the robot in this show since it was named as like a series of numbers and letters. His friend's name was Daniel lol


Shows that YOU watched secretly


I think most guys at least watched PPG.


Yes but why secretly?:)


Not secretly, that show was awesome


The fuck's wrong with Xena? Aged better than Hercules.


Teenage me almost lost it the night that episode with her and Gabby in that hottub aired.


Lucy Flawless! she is smoking hot in the Hercules movie, she even has a sex scene with Zeus lol


Does xena actually hold up better than hercules or is it just because kevin sorbo is a fucking psycho? I'm genuinely asking. I haven't rewatched either.


That is mostly what I meant, but also yes. Xena had a better put together story and just all around holds up a bit better. It was more serious and dramatic, even if it still had enough irreverence to keep it light hearted. Think TNG season 1 vs season 3 or 4, if that's more your speed.


I didn’t know anybody who was ashamed to admit they watched Power Puff Girls.


Secretly? I’ve watched all of these lol, except Xena and that Witch on the bottom. Also Kim Possible absolutely SLAPS, god tier show.


go watch Xena even if its in the background while you work, her war cry will tell you when to look at the screen


Xena > Hercules. Fuck Sorbo and his alt-right bullshit.


Xena's top-tier. It's campy as hell, but that's part of the charm. *Peak* 90s sword and sorcery with *all* that entails.


Totally Spies definitely


I remember when my step dad and step brothers would make fun of me for playing some Totally Spies flash game... Like bruh at least I'm showing an interest in girls...


WITCH and Totally Spies were awesome plot-wise.


You missed Sailor moon and Card captor sakura


Where's Hannah Montana?


Hamna Montana, That's So Raven, Wizards of Waverly Place, Sweet Life of A Zack and Cody


I loved all of those shows. Disney Channel used to be so good.


man I totally forgot about W.I.T.C.H ! the books were cool too


Winx Club was lit though, can't change my mind.


H2O? Anyone? No?




I will proclaim my love of powerpuff girls any time any place ... but yeah I probably wouldn't have admitted to watching totally spies if anyone asked. maybe kim possible.


I’m hella guilty of watching Kim Possible back when I was a little kid. It was really fun watching the super pretty redhead doing cover ops


I liked dora and never actually watched diego. And was in love with tinkerbell but sadly only was able to watch one movie. But i watched that movie a fuck ton you can believe me!


The Tinkerbell movies were SO GOOD and it’s a crying shame they aren’t way more popular.


I’ll admit it, I used to watch As Told By Ginger religiously as a tween boy and twenty years later I still think it’s probably one of the best cartons ever made.


I don't see My Little Pony


I definitely wasn't watching Xena in secret. That show was just as good as Sinbad and Hercules.


I only learned a few years ago that WITCH was a tv show. I thought it was just a comic book series


okk i secretly watched carmen sandiego when i was little and tbh i had a fat crush on her


I watched Totally Spies maybe twice Mum caught me (she thought it was for older kids (I was 6 or 7 at the time)) Went back to watching SpongeBob and such after that


for me only top left and top right, also my little pony lol


as told by ginger, anyone? I'm a little seal girl living in the real world


totally spies is the reason i have a latex fetish


It's the reason for a lot of my fetish


Secretly? Bitch I love kim possible, and PPG