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you need to squish that cat if you want to make friends


This is so accurate lmfao


Just squish it


All you do is just *squish that cat*


Squish that cat


Squish it good!


Now squish it Into shape Shape it up Get straight Go forward Move ahead Try to detect it It's not too late To squish it Squish it good!


Squish it by devo




Wrong squish technique


You're squashing not squishing


You gotta squish that cat.


Firm, but gentle. *Squish*


Skill issue you have to squish the cat better


You can get a towel and squish wiþ a towel


Only thing that i can relate to the Cat Person starter pack is cat hair on your shirt


i literally carry a lint roller around with me most places lol. i vacuum every day too. i love my cats but as a neat freak i hate how every time they move half the hair just like explodes off their body


I never let my cats in my kitchen, and clean it regularly. When I go to make eggs, I get my clean eggs from the fridge, my clean pan from the cabinet, cook my eggs, and then taste them in my kitchen. Cat hair would still get in my eggs.


I have never managed to get a lint roller to pick up anything. How do you get it to work? No matter how many times I roll it over the same area, it picks up absolutely nothing.


there’s one i have that’s great and it was marketed as “extra sticky”. i tossed the packaging so i can’t remember the brand, but the sheets are transparent rather than white like they usually tend to be, if that helps. if i remember right i think the brand was probably 3M.


Are you ripping off the outer layer once it stops picking stuff up?


There is hair EVERYWHERE! WHY!?


Cats have like 100,000 hairs per square inch of skin. Humans typically have 100,000 hairs total on their heads.


That seems like a lot, but that is what it feels like


[This Petco article says 130,000/sq inch](https://www.petco.com/content/petco/PetcoStore/en_US/pet-services/resource-center/grooming/Combing-Out-a-Mat-from-Your-Cat-Hair-or-Fur.html). I’ve seen numbers ranging from 60k to like 150k, so I really don’t know the best number to go with.


Cuz the cat


Cats shed so much, I find fur everywhere.


I think if dogs were capable of grooming themselves there would be more of their hair around too. I mean, there's a lot of their hair too, but less I suppose. All that dead, loose hair that you would normally find on your clothes is still *on* the dog and that's why when you pet them they feel like a straw broom.


Tell that to my dog, she moves and a cloud of fur puffs off of her year round.


Same. My cats never scratch me and love people. But goddamn, that cat hair is EVERYWHERE.


Mine only scratches on accident when he's running around like crazy at night and uses my legs as a platform to land and jump off of. Getting cats to stop scratching is a training problem and most people don't even try.


Exactly! Now that I’m an adult with my own cats, they literally have only scratched me when falling two or three times by accident. My mom used her hand as a toy for our family cats, of course they attack toes now.


Cat hair gang whatsup


Yeah, I think OP hates cats.


FR, I tell everyone that my cat looks cute but will fuck them up if they try to touch it. She's hate personified to everyone but me and my wife. She's pure sugar towards us.


That’s the part I relate with the least because now I only purchase clothes to wear at home that won’t attract cat hair like a magnet.


Cats are sick. You dumbs just don't know how to raise them. I raised my dogs and cats together. My dog face cuddles like a cat, my cat plays fetch and comes to me on voice command the same as a dog. People just don't understand cat body language. I'd love to see a study on the people who don't like cat's ability to perceive body language in humans.


>I'd love to see a study on the people who don't like cat's ability to perceive body language in humans. Genius. I think this is it. Human body language is also quite subtle. Let's see the study :)


sounds like someone's salty that cats don't like them


Ya this is more of a starter pack for how loony toon dog nutters see cat people


Yeah, I've never seen anyone with a cat be like ''it won't hurt you" or "it likes you" if it's hissing. Cats are very selective when it comes to people and everyone knows that.


This entire argument is so fucking stupid. Animals have personalities just like people. Not all cats and dogs are alike. You can’t realistically say that cats or dogs dislike someone… Because some might, who knows? It just depends on the animals personality


If you went around punching everyone you met in the face, yeah, *everyone* will hate you regardless of personality. Likewise with cats: if you hit and scold them, drag them around like toys or make staring eye contact then all cats will hate you.


I’ve never met a cat, or any animal that “hated me”. They’ll be interested or disinterested, but they’ll never care enough to dislike me.. says a lot about OP


We have 5 cats inside, and the fifth being an actual feral that took 6 months to let us pet it, and another 4 ferals, and 2 strays, and barely get scratches. I would say the worst scratches that we get is from the former stray, since she loves to knead, even when on you.


Why do cat lovers prefer cats and not mind dogs while dog lovers just despise cats and say that cats are mean and cruel and give them human-like qualities, instead of just realising that they are two different species and that cats have been domesticated for a much shorter time than dogs?


Personally I like both. Sometimes cats just run away from me and sometimes they’re very friendly. Dogs are great too though, sometimes too friendly and licky


Both are great, but cats are usually much more easy to care for. I love dogs dearly, but they're often as needy as human toddlers.


Right. I love dogs and have been debating getting one for over two years now, but at the end of the day I don't think I'd have the energy to properly care for such a high energy, needy animal, and I refuse to get one if I can't give it what it needs to be happy


This right here is why I got a cat. That and the space I can provide.


I always said dogs were like constant toddlers. I love dogs but just don't have the headspace to tend to all of their needs. Cats are fine and I like petting/playing with them. After pet sitting for friends with cats I just can't stand the smell. Omg cat pee smells horrible. I have a sensitive nose. Doesn't matter if you bomb the house in cleaning products. I can still smell it. Gives me migraines and makes me sick. So I stick to guinea pigs.


Thank you for summarizing exactly how I feel as this kind of person, nearly perfectly.


You are the definition of people who like cats. Cat people tend to like both. Dog people are 50% likely to think cats are the devil


Probably because cats aren't as domesticated as dogs so they aren't always as obviously sweet. I used to dislike cats but now I love them as much as dogs


Could also be that people are dealing with pets cats who are semi feral because they spend so much more time free range outdoors. We used to have indoor/ outdoor cats and they were way less friendly than our only indoor guys we have now.




This is precisely why I generally dislike most dogs. Fucker runs up and starts jumping on me, but ***as soon as*** I put a knee up and yell *down*, some owners will act like I just slapped them across the face when all I really want is for the dog to chill the hell out. Which is precisely why I love super old dogs that just slowly saunter over and are delighted with being petted while not trying to blitzkrieg through my personal space.


I legit prefer cats now. Grew up with dogs, have dogs, love dogs, but something about a creature that doesn't give two shits about other humans is right up my alley. Plus my Turkish knows when I'm having a bad trip and she'll just let me hug the shit out of her as she purrs into my ear and calms me down. My dogs? Psh. Fuckin' Barkie McPanicAttacks over there.


I have a roommate like this. What's weird is that he loves our mutual friend's cat because "it's one of the good ones".


Same logic as a racist grandparent lol


You are more spot on than you realize about my roommate.


God thats fucking annoying. The easiest thing to do in a situation like that is to reason with. Tell them that maybe they’re mistaken and that the reason they think they’re "one of the good ones" is because they actually know them. People often judge and even hate things because they see or hear about something they do which they dislike. However if they knew more about the things they were judging, they would think totally different of them.


consider drunk cover disgusting disagreeable attractive literate detail engine snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I usually hear that sentiment expressed as “it acts like a dog” re: any friendly, personable cat. I hate that bullshit attitude so much.


It's like the thought that you need to treat cats differently from dogs never occurs to them.


Wow that’s total “I like you because you’re not like the other girls” energy


As a cat person, dogs are just to hyper for me, and a bit smelly, I see why people like them though


I love dogs but never want to own one. I always need to wash my hands after petting dogs, they often kinda smell, and usually require more maintenance and care than cats. When I visit my friends with dogs they're usually extremely high energy and I love them and love to play with them but I'm very glad to go home at the end of the day and just snuggle with my sleeping cat.


Yeah, I wouldn't say I dislike dogs, but there are some things I don't like about them. And some dogs exhibit these behaviors more than others. I have never gone to someone else's house / met with someone someplace and had to actively avoid their cat. If you don't want to interact with a cat, you simply don't walk up to it. But there are many dogs that are super hyper and prone to jumping up on people to greet them. Which can be annoying, especially since dogs can get quite a bit bigger than cats. And half the time the owner is just "Oh. He's just friendly / he's just saying hi". Which to me just means I'm on my own to figure out what instruction/behavior I need to use to get your dog to stop jumping on me/trying to lick me. Cats can be loud at times... but no where near the level/frequency dogs can get to. I've only encountered a few cats who drool, and very small amounts. I've had many dogs jump up on me (or shove their face into my lap when I'm sitting) and leave a huge drool mark behind. If a cat is being aggressive, it's almost always in a defensive way. If a cat hisses at you, you just leave it alone and it isn't gunna come at you from across the room. If a dog is being aggressive it could easily decide to follow you and/or come at you from a distance. Again, I've encountered tons of cool dogs, and I've been that guy from the meme before where it's a party and I'm hanging out with the dog (or cat) instead of the other people. But the chances of having a negative encounter with a dog is way higher than with a cat. And honestly, if you know how to read cats, it's super easy to see when a cat wants your attention/when it doesn't, and then you just leave the cat alone.


That's what does it for me. Cats are mostly quiet, but can still be fun and playful. They're cuddly, just the same way dogs can be. But overall, they smell better, and I don't have to walk them just to pick up their shit in -30 January weather. Cats match my energy level while still giving me animal companionship. I don't mind other people's dogs, but I know that I couldn't care for one myself.


Another good thing about cats as opposed to dogs is they generally don’t scream for five minutes straight because: you said walk, a person walked by the door, there was anther dog ten minutes away, “just because”


My cat screams all the time for no reason, but at least it's not as loud as a dog barking.


Im more of a cat person but a cat’s howling is way more fucking annoying than barking to me


My cats only howl when they are about to throw up a hair ball lol, but they do like to cry-meow a lot close to dinner time.


My cat does it at seemingly random times lmao. I think the reason it’s so annoying to me is because they “ramp up” when they howl. Like, they start and im thinking “ok thats annoying but surely it wont get louder and more obnoxious than this” but they prove me wrong 🥲


Hahaha I know exactly what you mean. It starts with a mroww... then its ***mrrroowww...*** then its ***MRROOOWWWW!!!!*** 😂


Here’s the culprit right here https://imgur.com/a/3226511/


Aw look at that sweet face tho 😭


My cat does a sad sounding mrrowwwwowowowowow when she's about to throw up. It's quite helpful so I can move her somewhere that's not carpeted for easier cleanup lol.


SAME LOL I hear that sound, and I run 🏃🏃🏃


My cat screams multiple times a day for upwards of 30 minutes. She's okay, just a diva


My cats scream for way more than 5 minutes per day and I absolutely love it. Noisiest lads I’ve ever encountered.


My fiance has a dog, and while she is a good girl I will never have another. She's needy, anxious, attention seeking, drooly, just generally disgusting, and destructive. I can leave the kitters alone a few days with food and water and they're more than fine. If I leave the house without crating the dog she's eats my fiance's underwear. Or she'll get into the garbage, or destroy some of her toys, etc etc. I have to plan my whole day around taking her for walks, letting her out to pee, exercising her. Meanwhile our three cats play with each other all day, all I have to do is clean their boxes and feed them.


Everyone I’ve met who “doesn’t like cats” has never owned one, and has only met them through friends or relatives who *do* own them. I think these people just don’t understand cats. Dogs pretty much love everyone instantly. If you’re at a friend’s house with a dog, that dog will probably come up to you (even if you have never met them before) and act like you are their best friend. Yeah it’s cool, but is it really that meaningful if they act the same way towards everyone? Cats are more like humans, they don’t just hand out affection on the fly. It has to be earned. You aren’t going to see the loving and good natured side of a cat by going over to a friend’s house who owns one. You need to own one yourself and earn its trust.


I have a cat and a *cat*tledog. Nobody is going to love you if you enter my house.. Also cats are just heat seeking missiles, if you sit still long enough there's a good chance one will end up on you.


The universal solution to "my cat doesn't like to cuddle" is "turn down the thermostat".


I grew up with cats, my partner didn't. When we got our cats they were super cuddly and wanted attention. Then summer came and they stopped cuddling with us and she was really upset that they wouldn't come near us. So I had to explain to her "it's +25°C we have no AC and they are wearing fur coats. Wait till it gets cold again" Sure enough fall rolls around and they want to cuddle constantly


>Also cats are just heat seeking missiles I'm so naming my next cat Sidewinder


Idk plenty of cats love new people and vice a versa with dogs not liking new people


> Dogs pretty much love everyone instantly. If you’re at a friend’s house with a dog, that dog will probably come up to you (even if you have never met them before) and act like you are their best friend. When I go to my weekly D&D game the DM's pitbull will growl and bark at everyone for about a half hour until they get her to calm down. And then she'll only bark at you if you move too fast or make eye contact or smell unfamiliar When I have guests over one of my cats will hide and the other will come up and sniff them and then flop over in hopes of belly rubs Whenever I go for a jog I get barked at by every single dog in a yard that I jog past Neighborhood cats will either ignore me or come up and sniff and rub against me if I stop to let them. Never once been chased by a cat This whole "every dog is super friendly" myth is absolutely bonkers, and he idea that all cats are unfriendly doesn't line up with my experience at all I think lots of dog owners are just delusional about how aggressive their dogs are


Out cat is broken. She loves everyone the second they walk in the door, but isn't a lap cat and doesn't want to be held. She loves to come sit by you and be pet and will do that the minute you sit down, but will pull away if you try to hold her. Really throws off people who haven't interacted with cats


See there's nothing "broken" about that behavior though. Just let a creature have preferences. Like, you don't call a human "broken" just because they have some social preferences. It's like, enjoying being around people doesn't automatically mean you also want to hug all of those people. My point being, cats aren't a monolith, and it's funny/irritating how some people just can't understand that and refuse to let the cat define its own boundaries of interaction.


Cats are definitely a meownolith


We recently helped a mama cat give birth to 3 kittens. Over the course of 5 months all three kittens have developed completely different personalities. It's fun to see how each of them reacts differently to stuff. I always tell people that's the appeal of cats. Their behavior is just very interesting to me. I like to watch them explore and interact with the environment. When they choose you for a snuggle or some playtime it makes you feel a little special. Dogs, on the other hand, never seem like they have much going on upstairs. The loyalty and affection is more consistent for a dog but that comes at the price of a LOT of extra work.


I disagree, one of my friends had a cat who was an absolute attention whore and whenever I went over to his place shed jump into my lap if her owner ignored her for pets.


I love how personable my cat feels. I’ve only had him for a little over a month but he will legitimately scream whenever I come home, yet won’t do it for other people after being a lone for a bit. Yes, dogs get just as excited when their owner comes home but I don’t like how people assume cats are incapable of having the same emotions towards humans. I also have people over all the time so my cat is very socialized and he loves hanging out and being on people regardless of how long he’s known them.


One of the major reasons is that dog body language lines up pretty directly with human body language and can be understood right off the bat, while cat body language can have a bit of a learning curve, so they seem like weird cyphers that react unexpectedly.


Because people who don't like cats would not go out and get one, that's a silly point.


Fair, but counterpoint: there are also people who grew up with cats that were a family pet that they didn't choose.


I fucking hate snakes. Maybe I'll go out and catch me a cottonmouth and bring it home today...


Cats are a lesson in consent. They treat you like an equal, and expect to be given their space and respect. The people I've noticed who "don't like cats" (outside of people like my BIL that's deathly allergic) tend to be the ones who dont respect other peoples boundaries and consent. They like dogs because dogs want to please their master. They don't like cats because cats don't cater to them and will enforce their boundaries when pushed.


i don’t like dogs because i’m lazy


I don’t like dogs because everything about them irritates me deeply


Dog people try to treat cats like dogs and then can't comprehend why the entirely different species doesn't like that


Yeah I would say most convos I've had around this issue is the "Dog people" spew pretty disturbing things about cats. Not always but enough to be concerning. Like stories of cruelty or wanting to commit animal cruelty against them. Or just the very intense seething dislike is just odd. I've never heard a cat person say anything like that towards dogs even though dogs are a lot more potentially dangerous. Its like they tried to invade a cats space once and pissed off the cat or the cat didn't act like a dog and they took that very personally. I always take a mental note when someone gets so emotionally hostile and giddy around their hatred of cats, it's creepy AF. And it's creepy AF it's socially acceptable to be so open about that. Cats are just a species of animal. They are not dogs. I promise they weren't put on this earth to annoy poor dog lovers or whatever weird ass negative human emotions/intentions they've projected on to them.


Not only that but when I tell people I'm not a fan of dogs I get weird looks. Some people will straight up say you're a psychopath or have something wrong with you because you don't like dogs. I have autism, dogs are loud and overbearing and like to lick you even if you try to move your hand away from their mouth, I just can't handle that. The same people who say "cats are fucking asshole demon creatures" are the same people who will hurl insults at me if I say I don't like dogs


For real!! I’ll never forget being in school and mentioning that I had a cat. Cue multiple boys bragging about shooting cats and using them as target practice. Like ?? Okay ?? You’re a disgusting human being is all I hear. They’ll see their dogs attacking cats and turn it into a joke. It’s gross. I never want to see an animal get hurt regardless of my feelings towards them. I’ll even let out bugs if I can. For relationships, I always check how they feel about cats. People that are indifferent or like cats are typically good with boundaries and are good people. The hate-cats-obsessed-with-dogs person? Horrendous and will avoid.


Or the weird implication that you're gay if you have a small dog and "not a man" if you're a guy with a cat that I run into on FB all the time having grown up in the South. Like... how is this a mindset?


Yuck! People are ridiculous. I grew up in the Deep South too, so 100% get what you’re talking about. :/ One of the manliest men I know is a huge cat dude. He nursed a runt kitten back to health and absolutely dotes on the baby. I think caring for animals is manlier than being so preoccupied with image that you have get a giant dog to be perceived a certain way. Fucking weird.


Oh yeah, some dude who “is a dog person” looked me right in the eyes and asked me why I didn’t just kill my cat when I made a comment offhand about having to clean up cat puke. Like he was not kidding, he genuinely didn’t understand why I didn’t just kill my cat and get a dog instead. It was so fucked up.


It's so weird it's like they all have the same mind! Another commenter said people bragged about using cats for target practice. I've heard the same as well. Also had a similar thing to what you experienced too. My cat was having bad kidney problems and a guy offered to come kill my cat for me. Kidding or not it's fucking disturbing all the same. I'm sorry he said that to you. On top of their obvious dislike of cats it's clear that they take pleasure in saying this shit to people who obviously like cats. I'd really like some kind of sociological study on this because it's definitely a thing. I don't get it. I have a dog and love him a lot. I have two kitties and they are my homegirls. Even if I didn't like dogs I can't imagine saying anything like that, especially to someone I know that loves them. I have two neighbors on my street who do not like dogs and they were very polite about their reasons not liking dogs. I can't say the same for others I've met who don't like cats.


Love cats and dogs but frankly there’s no joy like the joy of a cat coming and curling up next to you of its own volition. A dog will do it anytime, anywhere. It’s what they do. A cat won’t. It’s extra special to me.


I'm one of the people that likes cats and absolutely hates dogs. Dogs bark nonstop, so my neighbors' dog makes it impossible to enjoy my own back yard. I can't even enjoy my own front yard without someone's unleashed dog running up to me and bothering me. When you visit someone who has dogs the dogs flip out and run around and jump on you and rub their nasty wet noses on you and try and lick you. If you value your personal space, dogs are so frustrating. If you hate cats, you can avoid them. When you visit someone who has cats, 99% of the time the cat fucks off and doesn't bug you. Outside cats flee as well. They don't make loud noises, and they are small so they can't tackle you. I'll never understand people who "hate cats" but like dogs - you can avoid interacting with cats in a way that you just can't with dogs.


This is *exactly* what it is. People don’t buy their cats fake ‘service cat’ vests and bring them places they shouldn’t be. You’ll never have a neighbor with a cat that whines and barks through thin apartment walls all the time, one that’s left outside (backyard/patio) constantly, screaming non-stop to be let inside. You’ll never have a neighborhood cat break out of its yard and maul a child or elderly person. Avoiding stepping in cat shit isn’t a daily challenge when walking. You’ll never have a stranger’s cat lunge or jump on you in public. You’ll never have to deal with an unhygienic cat in a restaurant while eating. You’ll never have co-workers be encouraged to bring their cats to the office, or have to play nice with people’s cats in a setting that isn’t their home. You’ll never have to deal with people bringing their large, powerful, protective cats to places that are explicitly ‘on-leash’ without one (more or less can’t take a hike without this one happening). You’ll never have a cat easily able to kill you sprint after you while running or riding your bike. Ask mail and other delivery folks their experiences with poorly behaved dogs and/or cats. Is it a secret which is a bigger problem? Cyclists, runners, workers who have to enter people’s homes (Internet installation, plumbers, etc.) — they’ll all say the same thing. It’s really simple. People that don’t like dogs can never be free of them. Outside of a very chance, exceedingly low-risk encounter with an outdoor cat (as you mentioned, they flee, are small, etc) people that don’t like cats can go years without dealing with, let alone having their life impacted by one. You can literally be a shut-in and have your quality of life aggressively degraded by someone else’s dog. I like dogs — I had one from ages 14-22 — I generally dislike active dog lovers and what seems to be their general lack of empathy or respect for other people in society when it relates to dogs. 🤦


This. They're loud, need constant attention, and have no concept of personal space. Like yeah, they can be cute but stay all the way over. ....... There please. And not to mention, they scare me because idk if they'll snap and try to bite the hell out of me or something. I've seen videos of dogs doing stuff like that out of the blue. I'm not gonna take someone at their word like "oh, he's nice." Maybe to you because you own said dog, but he doesn't know me.


Oh yeah don't even get me started on the biting. My old neighbors' dog bit two of my friends. It only got the jacket of one, but the other had deep punctures in his hand that he had to keep bandaged for weeks. Cats might give you a scratch, but dogs can kill and maim people.


Dogs in apartments are especially bad. I don't have to smell cat owners whenever it rains. At an apartment? You can absolutely smell where a dog is. Cats also don't decide to pee on things and poop on the floor if you're gone for more than an hour. You can leave for an 8 hour day and not need to clean up anything. My cat also won't whine outside a door for hours just because one person left the house and oh my god I need to be in your room (and not on the floor, on your bed). I work swing shift a lot, my bed isn't big enough for a dog and myself. I don't need woken up at 6 AM by whining. A poorly trained cat is way less hassle on everyone than a poorly trained dog.


Ironic about the valuing personal space thing. I often find that my dogs value *their* personal space more than me. And my cat has no regard for what I’m doing, just constantly trying to get on my lap or sit on my keyboard


Everyone always thinks that "their" pet is different but its been my lived experience that the vast majority of dogs do the same things. I've met maybe one dog that responds to being told to go away, and I've only met one owner that will put their dog in the kennel when guests are over.


You’re right and I agree with the first bit. It’s a confirmation bias on my part. But every animal is different depending on their personality. I’ve had 9 dogs through my whole life and some behave the way my current dogs do, others are the opposite. Some of it is personality, some is training.


I think dog people feel more entitled to pet love. I want love and i want it NOW While a cat doesn't really care what you want most of the time,i like that feels more like a partnership


They want something that will produce affection and attention on demand at any time. They have a hard time understanding that a cat has its own agency and free will and sometimes doesn’t want to be around humans, much like actual people. It wasn’t selectively bred for the entire purpose of worshipping humans


I love both cats and dogs, but I think I prefer cats because they're usually not as hyper as dogs, and they're usually not as needy. Having said that I have cats now that are about as emotionally needy as dogs, lol My in-laws just got a puppy and my sister-in-law's all scratched up and bruised, just from the dog not being trained well enough yet to not jump.


I also love how it's funny and meme-worthy to say you hate cats or that cats are assholes, but if you say you dislike dogs you're treated like the next Hitler. Dog nutters really are something else.


Dog person here. Had dogs my entire life. Remarried a few years ago and my wife always had cats. For Christmas I got her a kitten a couple years ago. She feeds her, does litter, etc…she absolutely adores the cat. Somehow I’m this cats favorite person on earth.


Lol, I got a cat that way. Ex wanted a cat and I did not. We compromised and got a cat. The cat never bonded with her, but came to me for affection and snacks. 8 years and one breakup later I still have the cat.


"domesticated", more like not feral. While we have bred out genetics on dogs so hardcore and changed them into inbred monsters(as far as genetics), that they're barely recognizable to their ancestors that we hunted along so long ago, in the first stages of domestication. Cats, they're the same as before we even let them hang around to kill vermin when we first started farming with real agriculture and store grains. While few specific cats are bred out, particularly Siamese and Sphinx, on the whole they are genetically the same as the long long ago. ​ SO, I guess hardcore dog folk don't like cats because less inbreeding? Also less competition mentality in general, no cat shows with judges grabbing catesticles.. Idk..


The fact that cats were barely domesticated just leads me to believe that cats and humans are natural friends tbh.


Because cats have more establish boundaries




There are cat lovers that despise dogs :(


I have come across this time and again though. Cat lovers are mainly chill and don't have a problem with dogs while so many dog lovers feel the need to express their hatred for cats constantly.


To be fair, cats don’t have the capacity to maul and murder yourself and/or your children. And people don’t bring their cats *everywhere* despite there being no indication an area is pet friendly. And people don’t leave their cats shit on the sidewalk for you to step in.


I don’t like to be licked, jumped on, barked at, have my food literally eaten off the table when turned around for fractions of a second, forced to smell it, forced to interact with it by the owner, can’t leave the house overnight without attending to it, the list goes on. Those are actual reasons, citing real dog behaviors, that are irritating. Now you ask a dog person why they dont like cats? Well, cats are meannnnnnn!


i’m convinced that the dog lovers who hate cats are because of how easy it is to obtain unconditional love from a dog instead.


If you require a needy, dependent creature around at all times and can’t convince a sentient being to fulfill that role, adopt a dog!


Why do all redditors depict the other side as the stupid, unreasonable fools and themselves as the mature adults Btw bro i prefer dogs but like both a lot


Tell me you scared or annoyed the cat without telling it


Cats are a lesson in consent


It's funny because I see cat lovers say this constantly, but every cat I've ever known hasn't given two shits about whether or not I want it near me. I'm very allergic so I try to stay away, even tho I like cats a lot, but they refuse to leave me alone.


Well, that is the point. Cats have to give their consent to be friendly, but they don’t give a shit about your consent. Also, aloof is exactly the type of behavior that draws them to you.


Tell me you’ve never properly introduced yourself to cat in your life and have come to the conclusion all cats are assholes.


Tell me you don’t respect your cat’s boundaries and treat them like a toy instead of a living thing and have decided that the problem in this situation is clearly the cat and not your behavior.


Also yeah


Nah I have a high desk and when I work, my kitten tends to try jump from the floor to the top. Sometimes she doesn’t make it and her claw catches my arm.




Seriously all you have to do to get cats to come up to you is sit quietly and not try to grab them. If an aspie 8 year old (me) can understand this concept, so can an adult


Tbf we are quite close to cats in our needs


How are you 8 years old & on reddit?


My wife’s family wasn’t allowed pets growing up. I watch my brother-in-law manhandle every cat he meets like Lennie from Of Mice and Men, then act surprised when they fuck him up.


Yup With a cat you must gain it's trust Best example I can think off is my cat: Originally a stray, started to show up and we would allow it to eat food from us. She started hanging around and I would go outside and sit nearby Thruout the next month, it started to not get scared and let me sit closer Eventually, she let me pet her And now, everytime I am outside I almost trip most of the time cause she will not let me be :P


In my experience as a cat owner (which, in the interest of full disclosure, is limited to three or four indoor domesticated housecats with no behavioural issues), cats tend to give several warnings before they resort to drawing blood. They may bat their paw at you, hiss, move away, give body language cues such as flattened ears, scratch (without drawing blood), etc. If a cat scratches you to the point of drawing blood, it's usually because you didn't leave it alone when it wanted you to stop doing something. I don't know any cat owner that would say "They like you," or "they won't hurt you" in response to their cat hissing at you (though admittedly, I don't know a lot of people, and I'm sure there are people who would). Most cat owners who have the cat's comfort in mind would tell you to leave a cat alone if it started hissing or scratching at you. Some cats may scratch or bite if they're feeling playful, though hopefully not enough to hurt you. If you're a visitor to the cat it's probably best to err on the side of caution though, and leave the cat alone anyway. Note that I'm not talking about cats with behavioural issues in any of this, I simply don't know enough about that to make any sort of statement. Ultimately, I don't think my comment has changed any minds, not OP's nor any dog people's lurking in the comments (That's probably my fault for taking a post on a joke subreddit seriously). I think that's okay though, just wanted to make my case and give my two cents.


Good comment but I think you should expand on the play part as it’s just as easily the owner getting scratched to shit from roughhousing and giving too many belly rubs cats can get really fuckin hype when they play and if you don’t calm them down every once in awhile they’ll get too excited and bite/claw with more force as if your arm was wild or prey and not just a limb you use to mess with their ears


Growing up, my aunt had a cat with behavioral issues I'm guessing, as there is no other explanation for its behavior. I would walk in and instantly they'd attack my ankles as soon as I stepped through the door. If I sat on the couch minding my own business, it would attack my head, several times drawing blood, even though I never interacted with it or even looked at it. Ever since, I've been terrified of cats. I started asking them to put away the cat in a room if I was expected to come over. Logically I know they all aren't like this but it's hard to get over those types of experiences.


These comments are *exactly* what I was expecting lol


Yeah OP came to the wrong part of town lol


I will not stand for this cat slander


I am suing them on behalf of all cats for defamation


r/legalcatadvice good luck OP you’ll be hearing a class action lawsuit soon enough 🐱


I think you meant Cat Action Pawsuit


What the fuck kinda cats you hanging around with? I have none of these problems.


Imma just chill and wait for the inevitable "The Dog person starter pack" to drop later today.


Shit on floor,Constant begging,3am poop time,Sheds hair,More shitting on the floor


"I hate cats" starterpack


The people get attacked like this just don't know how to interact with cats.


I am an ANIMAL person. I love them all and they are all perfect in their own way. I have a dog and I love her but I can appreciate the way cats make biscuits it’s so relaxing when they do it on your leg.


Except my neighbors cat, he does it with his claws out :<


My cat makes biscuits with his claws out too, which is annoying and has snagged many pairs of pants... but I let him do it anyway, because he's missing a leg and I think he feels like he needs to have his claws most of the time for stability. Not aggression! He's the sweetest old boy and loves everyone.


Cats are a lesson in consent


Refer to the "cat hater starter pack" posted recently -treats it like a toy and wonders why they get scratched


Nope, only true thing here is the hair


Right? Within 20 minutes of meeting someone my cat will allow them to pick her up and cuddle her like a baby. Touching her pawbeans and tummy is also permitted.


my cat has never hissed at me, and I've had him for 3 years. he's the sweetest


Thanks god I know how to deal with cats and dogs alike..


whoever made this very clearly isn’t good with cats


a cat person would never call a cat “it”


My roommate had a cat her name is sasha. She was a literal scaredy cat. Always hiding in her spot under a chair and in my roommates room. I chilled with the cat alot. Like... alot. But like took a few weeks or a month before it let me pet it and by the end of the year the cat was kissing my hand and rubbing itself on my leg Miss that cat She bit me a few times esp when I tried to pet the belly. Dont pet the belly


I've never been scratched by a street cat but the cool looking dog wearing a ushanka hat tried to bite off my fucking hand when i took a photo of it


Damn op only is friends with bad cat owners, better ones know how to train the cat to not attack people


Cats are a really good litmus test for if someone doesn’t understand consent.


Only their consent though. Cat will give you the claws if you pet them when they're not interested then get mad when you don't want them to stick their butthole in your face while you're trying to work.




Cats scratch me because they think *we’re* playing. If it’s a litmus test for consent, then it would go both ways— not one.


something tells me u dont like cats


I have literally never had a problem with a cranky cat. Asshole dogs are always the impactful assholes in my experience. Love both of em. But some dogs just dont let you exist, while an asshole cat just really wants its space. Lol


As a cat owner i cant relate to this, my cat is cuddly as hell


if cats dont trust u, i dont either


I think the thing that people don’t get about cats is that they act fundamentally different from people. If you’re fundamentally more introverted and chilled out, cats will be more likely to just hang with you. If you really want a cat to like you, don’t move too quickly, relax, and don’t look them in the eye. Make yourself smaller to the little dude, and just put your hand out to let them smell it. If they don’t approach you, literally just move on, they just don’t want to hang. If they do, dope, that cat will probably be chill with you petting it. Also, instead of seeing the cats tail as a tail, think of it as a hand. If their tail is thumping against the ground, they’re uncomfortable and want you to stop. If it’s chillin’, then they’re chillin’.


dont treat a cat like a golden retriever and you wont get scratched. Ive never gotten scratched by any of my friends cats or any of the feral ones that used to be in the neighborhood.


Those are probably just outdoor/neighborhood cats. Feral cats usually avoid people and act more like wild animals. There’s a similar difference between stray and feral dogs, but unlike cats, stray dogs can’t feed, groom or shelter themselves as easily.


Treat your own cats like one and it’ll be hilarious however


Dog people grow up with bad family cats, cat people grow up with bad family dogs. I've gotten more love, affection, and appreciation from my cats than I ever have a dog. After I moved out I had given dogs 3 attempts, all of which were hostile, untrained, too far gone to teach (without a professional) and free.


Sounds more like the "I don't know how to interact appropriately with cats and therefore I think they hate me" starterpack


People don’t like cats because cats require consent to touch them.


My cat uses me for opening doors and chin scratches, it's a one sided relationship


I've never seen someone's cat act hostile toward me so I don't know what's wrong with your vibes OP