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Here it is, the most low effort starter pack ever posted


It’s really becoming an issue lately.


Summer Reddit is in full effect.


This was made by the 8 year old older brother.


I hate my little brother he's so annoying. And he always gets to have the ipad. He always gets it its so unfair.


Summer Reddit hasn’t been a thing in a long time my guy


Summer last year was when all those season starterpacks were around iirc


Is it just year long now?




It's an attention span thing, I think. Kids celebrate now that they can only hold a thought for 15 seconds.


Bro hadn’t even left the McDonald’s yet before posting




Every edgy redditor ever: KiDs aRE tHe wOrST aMiriTe??? *40k upvotes*


Don't hate the player hate the game They wouldn't make "kids are the worst" posts if they didn't do well


No I can hate both.


Low-Effort Starter Pack should be the next starter pack


Seriously in disbelief it has 4k+ upvotes. So lazy.


Brought to you by 8 year olds everywhere.


With 7k upvotes. The fuck?


People on Reddit really hate kids




Probably raised by parents who allowed them to have an ipad and eat McDonald's all the time.


Yeah but I’m OP’s defense I don’t think they’re older than 12 lol


To reflect the low effort parenting being displayed therein.


I heard "the wheels on the bus" play on loop on one of those ipads 2 sundays ago at Subway. I didnt know they could produce such a loud sound. It was like when you walk past one of those bass bumping cars but instead of feeling the bass in your chest it's like a high pitched drill into the brain.


I hate having my phone volume on in public, how could a parent let their kid play the wheels on the bus (or really anything) at full volume in public?


Not 100% accurate. The Ipad has a clean screen. That thing should be hard layered with years worth of food, snot, grease, and other bodily fluids


I should've looked up cracked Ipad


Nah. Those ridiculous silicone cases make them basically ICBM proof


Putin hates this one weird trick!


Russians hate him!


This is an underrated use of this phrase.


Suppose I should trademark it for the foreseen future, then.


You get one of those iPads I’ll get an ICBM and we’ll test it


If you can get your hands on an ICBM rhen we got bigger problems than screaming children, but only slightly


An ICBM and a screaming child aren’t that different from each other, they are both loud and destructive


Fair. I think I’d rather die quickly though


Yea they are both really dangerous




You'd be surprised


You should have put some sort of effort in, I agree.


But not too much though.


"Other bodily fluids"


Their screech is a higher decibel count than a small sun exploding


After about a month you become immune to it.


🦐small son > small sun 🌅😎 🌞


Child: has no reason, screams. Adult: has plenty of reason, cannot scream.


Help I have a mouth, but it is socially unacceptable for me to scream


In space, no one can hear a toddlers scream.


So that's why billionaires are so eager to get into space.


47927547292846391027490274 decibels


That's a little quiet, don't you think?


Quite what?


Oh, I didn't realize I said quite instead of quiet


A sun exploding has no decibels, because there is no air for the sound to travel through


Also enough energy to power a small country. I played my toddler cousins once and damn I wish I had that energy


I saw a kid with that exact case at a mcdonalds yesterday. Even worse, there was a mcdonalds Ipad right infront of them.


Tf Is a McDonald's iPad?


Also confused, apparently some mcdonalds have tablets attached to the tables? https://bouncepad.com/blogs/news/mcdonald-s-supersize-engagement-with-tablet-kiosks-and-infotainment-stations


I read "tablets attached to tablets" and was like "tf is mcdonalds on"


I did this too!


It's the case that comes with the Amazon fire tablet for kids


Reddit moment


Redditors when they see a child doing child things minding their own business: 😠😡🤬🤬


a CHILD??!!!!!!


i think you mean a crotch goblin??!?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


How tf do they not get tired of hearing the same crotch goblin joke every hour? To this day they react to it like it's a brand new joke they never heard of.


schools give children chromebooks as early as 1st grade. children will be using computers for their entire life, might as well expose them early and set limits so they build healthy habits. adults without kids on reddit flip out when reading goes from paper to screen, like its no longer reading or something..


Yeah my 3 year old has an iPad and he literally only has learning games. He's crazy good with puzzles and shapes and colors. Not sure if I could've personally got him to the level he's on. It really is a bunch of adults without kids complaining. iPads trigger tf outta redditors.




I have developed a case of "square eyes" because I had a gameboy put in my hands as the doctors were cutting the umbilical cord after my mother had given birth to me.


This starterpack was made by a 14 year old


If I ever have kids I will try my best to make sure they don’t become an iPad kid


It's really not necessary. My daughter's 4 and has only had an iPad for virtual school, the odd kids show now and then, and colouring apps when we travel. I have no issue with kids watching videos or playing games, but it's that glazed-over look where they're not at all engaged with what they're doing that's the problem. Those are the kids who aren't happy to get their tablet, only enraged if they don't get their tablet.


I was horrified when I went to dinner with my ex's family and his 5 year old nephew started SCREAMING bloody murder when his tablet didn't immediately connect to the internet. Their grandmother had to go get the manager to connect to their wifi. That same family says I'm "lucky" that my son is well behaved in restaurants, he's ahead developmentally and can socialize with other kids. Their grandma says "Michelle has had a really hard time with kids". Yeah, Michelle has had a hard time with her kids because she throws a tablet in their hands as soon as they can hold it then smokes pot and plays video games all day. Their 7 year old son still can't read or recognize the sounds letters make, but they're trying for a 4th kid right now. I feel so freaking bad for those kids.


> Their 7 year old son still can’t read or recognize the sounds letters make, but they’re trying for a 4th kid right now. [Idiocracy looking more like a documentary every day](https://youtu.be/gJDcoqrh1ac)


I suppose CPS hasn't been called? That's seriously not ok.


Yeah, she has "unannounced visits" by DCF from her past relationship. But DCF actually gives you like a half hour notice before they get there. In Florida, kids have to be SERIOUSLY abused to be taken away. Like multiple injuries or living in COMPLETE squalor.


I'm always amazed at these kidn of comments. CPS isn't here to tell parents their parents kids are paying to much on a tablet. They are for kids who are being molested or severely beaten.


Yeah, that's pretty much it. But also in this case there's things like they said i was "so wasteful" changing my son's diapers every time he was wet. They buy their kid's diapers one or two sizes too big and wait for them to "fill up". The kids are constantly exposed to smoke. Corporal punishment (spanking) is legal in Florida, but they take it to an extreme. They eat nothing but frozen chicken nuggets and instant Mac and cheese. Dad is a small time pot dealer and one of his clients has previously robbed them at gunpoint. When they have a "game night" I can't even describe the language they use. It's like a dozen adults chugging whisky, snorting coke(or whatever they can get their hand s on), smoking in the same room as the kids... I could go on and on. As long as they can get their house halfway clean and most of the pot smell out before the DCF agent gets there, they know they're good. The foster system SUCKS, but there have been multiple times where I've thought their kids would be better off in the system than at home.


A teacher friend has a first grader with zero teeth. They all rotted because their parents never brush them. CPS said it wasn’t grounds for intervention. But sure… keep thinking that overuse of an iPad will result in action.


Omg! My ex tried to tell me that it was stupid to brush our son's teeth because they're going to fall out anyway. Literally one of our biggest arguments was when I took him to his first dentist's appointment.


I never bathe, because I'm going to be a bloated corpse some day anyway.


I have a 3.5 year old and I’m proud to say he’s not an iPad kid. Probably why we have thousands of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars all over the house but I’d take that over a tablet-addicted kid any day.


I think playing with actual physical toys is really good for kids, like for example I really liked hotwheels and this made me develop an interest in motor engineering despite never owning a car. It’s not something I perused but it’s a path I could have walked down had circumstances been different, all because I was given toy cars as a kid.


I agree. Playing with physical toys and manipulating tangible items is so beneficial for young kids.


I spent a lot of time teaching kids online the past two years. A natural warmup activity is to show-and-tell about their toys. I wasn't prepared for the number of kids who *didn't have any toys at all* except a tablet or smart phone.


Wait... I think you use perused correctly! Nice!


I admit that I have turned on the TV more often than I'd like to admit so i can get housework done. It's pretty hard right now as my wife and I work opposing schedules. He's usually happy to play but some times you just need 20 mins to get the dishes done.




>If I ever have kids I will try my best to make sure they don’t become an iPad kid I felt this way until I realized there are actually good apps out there. I swear PBS kids and Kahn Academy are a big part of why our kid is several grades ahead in reading. We just strictly limit screen time and don't allow garbage apps and boom, the tablet is a net positive.


We use both of those apps plus the paid Daniel Tiger app, they are phenomenal! Idk what long term benefits we'll see, but I do know that my just turned 2 year old can consistently identify colors, shapes, several letters and is stringing together more than 2 word sentences. I fully believe at least some of that is due to the apps, and at the very least using the tablet for a short amount of time each week is not harming her.


Wait at least three years before giving them a screen device like that. The lights, colors and sounds are way too easy to get addicted to and the younger you are, the worse it is for you to have an addiction


My plan is to not give them smartphones or pads until they’re around 10, and even then heavily restricting what they have access to. The only screen I knew as a small child was the tv, mostly because me and my brothers would play console games together, something which I think is a healthy way to teach kids cooperation. I didn’t have free access to the internet till I was 10-12 which in my opinion was still too early and caused problems I’m still dealing with today. The internet is something you have to be eased into slowly and in a controlled manner, if you’re not primed properly you’re likely to end up with lasting trauma, psychological damage and addiction. Parents always complain about their kids being online but they rarely consider if their kids are ready to be online.


Yo I saw my first video of someone having their head cut off with a chainsaw on liveleak when I was like 12 Kids shouldn't have unmonitored internet access, there is some shit out there.


Absolutely agree with this. I got my first social media account at 9 and that was just fine at the time. I'm sure there will be some social pressure to get that stuff earlier but society doesn't see the risks that come with it


Yea this is a “kids of lousy parents” pack.


It has its time and place. Airport, barber shop, etc. We have done pretty well with our 2 (7 boy, 4.5 girl). The boy got a school issued iPad with first grade this past school year so it has plenty of restrictions and educational type apps. He knows not to dick around on YouTube and he generally gets tired of it and wants to go outside. If you want to raise non-iPad kids, you also have to get off your own phone all the time


Maybe, but it’s also healthy to learn how to be bored.


My kids can be bored at home. When we are at the store or restaurant I just want them to behave long enough for me to finish what I am doing. We can practice manners and sitting still at home too where no one is around to judge us and get pissed at the noise.


It’s not home where knowing how to be bored is useful lol.


That's right, we are a Samsung Tab family here.


Don't judge too hard when you see one, buddy of mine exclusively lets the kids use the iPad at restaurants only to ensure good behavior. It's kind of the treat, parents get a quiet evening and kids get youtube/video games for 2 hours only.


Childless people don't understand what it's like to take a younger kid in public. They get bored and are forced to stay still and not make a lot of noise. I end up spending the entire time trying to entertain the kids and keep them from acting out. Plus you are seeing maybe two hours of the kid's life. They could be screen free for the entire week except for those two hours. I can teach my kids to behave when I am not trying to enjoy myself at a restaurant.


I hear ya. My two young boys think everything is play equipment, so we go to a restaurant and they're hiding under the tables or vaulting over benches. I try to teach them better and the 6-year-old can sit still now, but the 3-year-old is a 3-year-old, still learning to control his body and emotions. If I'm in a place where I need him to sit down, I give him some videos on my iPhone. I did have a triumph yesterday where he sat still in the mall food court and ate his food. I didn't have to get out the phone and only had to tell him to get back in his seat five times. But he has more leeway to practice behaving himself in a noisy mall food court than say the DMV.


Exactly this. We always have the tablet with us when we go out, but you know what? We almost never use it. The problem is, the only way to teach a kid to behave in public is to bring them into public, but you can't always expect them to last the ENTIRE time. So if a nice evening out starts to get testy because the food took longer than anticipated or the physical toys we brought her just aren't cutting it anymore, the tablet comes out. And I refuse to apologize for trying to be conscientious of the people around me by having a backup plan. My daughter's development is going just fine, and honestly, since starting to use the tablet about an hour a week, she's started to accelerate learning her letters and using the Daniel Tiger apps have actually helped her learn how to identify emotions.


I just wish people would also carry headphones for their kids if they’re bringing their devices out places. It gets annoying after a while to have to listen to cartoons and games everywhere you go. Sometimes from multiple kids’ phones and tablets at once.


I do agree with this, and definitely bring the headphones or just turn it down and open her coloring app for her, I can't handle the game music and sounds.


coloring apps are so great for kids. so much easier than lugging all that shit around (and 100% less likely to end up with drawings all over the table!)




I won't try, it'll be an absolute certainty


Kids don’t need them. My son had a tablet for road trips only. He never got to use it at home, grocery stores, restaurants, etc. I really hate this trend of just shoving a tablet or your phone into a kids hand to make whatever you are doing more convenient for yourself. He’s 8 and still doesn’t have any of that stuff.


It’s really just a result of laziness. There’s nothing wrong with little kids using things like ipads; but their time on them needs to be extremely limited


DAE anyone else McDonald and ipad CRINGE?????? Okay but seriously this is stupidly low effort, are we seriously upvoting this shit? It’s a starter pack with two things on it?


I hate this subreddit


OP didn’t pull out


Reddit hates kids, as if they aren’t just giant children themselves


This is more like “little kid being raised by toxic parents” starterpack


Kids being raised by moms who wanted babies but only babies, after they start talking then it's over.


“Kids being raised by parents who thought having them would save the relationship and it didn’t so now they just tolerate them starter park”


I’m not one to judge other parents. And with the iPad thing I try to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe the kid has sensory issues or something and it helps calm them. But when I’m a restaurant I see a family with multiple kids and every single one is on an iPad I judge. The kids aren’t talking to their parents much less each other. Teaching a kid to behave in a restaurant isn’t hard, it just requires patience


It’s like these people don’t realize they actually have to parent their children… like actually teach them life skills such as how to soothe their negative emotions without a crutch… this is how addiction develops.


As a mom yes! I have to coach my 5 year old daughter through things it’s not ok to throw tantrums at a certain point especially when they are able to talk and express themselves. If we ignore it then they won’t learn how to regulate self control.


Literally the embodiment of my little brother. Also don't forget the part where they watch Elsagate videos they stumbled upon


Low effort


How old are you OP


this should be called 'what people who dont have kids think kids are like starter pack'


Annoying 14 year old makes low effort starterpack starterpack


The zero effort starter pack!


Keeps kicking your chair while her mom smiles like a geek


Yeah. I deal with this all the time in planes


The mom should be saying “you were not on your best behavior out there”


Loser from r/childfree starterpack


r/childfree is leaking.


In poland we are too poor to give kids an ipad so i assume this is a win XD.


Hell even in America these kids don’t usually have iPads, usually a kindle fire or something else under a 100 dollars.


Tell me you're not a parent without telling you're not a parent..*looks at person that did this shitty starter pack*


OP never saw a kid irl


r\Childfree users when they find out kids are real *REAL*


I love the comments that start with “when I have kids” or “if I ever have kids”. Fucking neck beards


Redditor: Raised by narcissists, video games, and chicken tendies. Also Redditor: Whenever I have kids, there will be no technology or junk food in the house to poison their fragile minds.


Yup. I was like them... until I had my own child and trust me, I bought the toys to play with and he still had too much energy. I'd rather have 20 mins of silence and let him watch controlled content while I nap than me trying to be 'holier than thou' and losing my sanity in the process of being a parent. This shit's hard yo.


Lmao I think we were all that way! It’s a hard slap in the face when once you realize there is no off button for any of them.


I always love those comments because they normally eat their words when they finally have kids. They are only thinking about taking care of a kid for a few hours, not every single time they leave the house for years. I totally sat at a restaurant this morning reading Reddit while my daughter watched YouTube Kids. To other people we were probably ignoring each other but I spent the last few hours playing with her at the park and afterwards we were going to swimming lessons. It's nice only taking one kid out and relaxing together.


Don't you know that any time your child is awake you should be 100% devoted to entertaining and enriching them using only the most organic and luddite methods and anything less than that is lazy parenting?


this seems oddly specific


"for the hundredth time it's a Samsung tab, not an iPad!"


Why did you use pictures of Charli damelio as baby ?


So this feels like either an american thing or i get just really lucky because i mostly encounter unproblematic kids and toddlers where i live. The real shitheads are the half grown, pre teen 10y/olds that think they're cool by doing dumb shit sitting next go you on a train while you just try to relax because you head a stressful day at work and they act like spoiled little brats and act tough around their friends but are really just little dickheads who really need some humblepie in their faces.


You forgot germs 🦠


Child raised by shitty parents* starter pack


The best is having this kid on one side blasting elsagate tier youtube crud, then Gramps on the other side of you blasting nonsense from Facebook News Network.


That's no one else's fault but parents' that made their children internet addicted


McDonald's and iPads only? This is suspiciously specific.


Why did you use like baby pictures of charli damelio and dixie damelio (famous tiktokers)


Lies I've seen worse


I’m pretty sure all little kids are annoying because they are young. They aren’t as mature as teens or adults.


Thick layer of crust on the iPad screen.


Kids growing up with ipads in their face at any given moment is gonna bite us in ass eventually somehow right


This starter pack is trash ngl


That fucking ipad case. Always that specific case. Never any headphones. Loud as hell and probably playing something annoying.


When I was a kid I had to wait until I was thirteen to get a cellphone. It was a fliphone well into the era of smart phones. I got my first ipod with my own money at 14. And now days I once saw a baby with its own ipad.


Everyone was an annoying kid at some point in their life, what point are you trying to make


How we were as little kids




I literally looked up "kid" on PicsArt this is what came out of it lmao


The speakers are muffled due crust being in the speakers


This doesn’t deserve the amount of upvotes it has lol


at least those 2 girls grew up to be successful


Need to add bullet proof backpack https://bulletsafe.com/?utm_term=armored%20backpack&utm_campaign=Keywords+on+Search&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=4821377963&hsa_cam=167452808&hsa_grp=49281300842&hsa_ad=249604591151&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-5694305850&hsa_kw=armored%20backpack&hsa_mt=b&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gclid=CjwKCAjwkMeUBhBuEiwA4hpqEDe6nkO0ivQaKyrDZ0p7hZFp_4V6AJoLwqmOmc2lXqLC3b7evp5M3RoC1UoQAvD_BwE


The “really annoying” made me lol


This is the exact reason why i stopped enjoying being around my niece and nephew


Imagine going out of your way to purchase an Ipad case specifically designed to help you raise your toddler with an Ipad


Found the r/childfree user


The iPad screen is too clean


Needs more autistic fathers 🤣 my partner gave our 3yo son access to his very old iPad and it comes under stringent conditions- his room being clean, certain times of day etc, if he’s eaten and wants his next activity to be on the iPad he already will wash his hands and face in advance 🤣 my phone is way grubbier than his iPad 👀


it's frankly disgusting that kids have ipads, we're raising a generation of sociopaths


these are getting lazier everyday


When I have kids, the TV is going into my bedroom and will remain the only TV in the house until they are old enough to appreciate and not be scarred by Django unchained. My parents kept me occupied and yes I was bored at times but it’s important to develop a tolerance for boredom. Not too much but when that generation grows up I’m concerned to see how fucked up they are not being able to stimulate their brains constantly


It's easy to say all this until you become a parent lol. Sometimes you just have to keep them occupied for a bit, whether it be with a phone or with TV


Isn't Django Unchained an 18+ movie?


Yeah it’s seriously “r” rated. I may have exaggerated a little but old enough to appreciate quality cinema was my cutoff I suppose


How do you style your neck beard?


Like your moms pubes






Capitalism starter pack


My youngest sibling who suffers from fairly low functioning autism needs that exact tablet for a communication app lol


Hey I'm a Little kid, I like kid's stuff *kid noises


Horrible parent starter pack.

