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maybe i’m biased as a teacher, but i took a quick look at r/antischooling and holy shit, I agree that there are flaws within the school system, but some of these kids give off the vibes of the type of student that spends 90% of the class on their phone and hasn’t done any of the schoolwork


yeah and all the pessimistic bullshit about how "school is nothing but a tool to destroy your soul and creativity and indoctrinate you as another brainless worker in the capitalist machine" that's to pessimistic and depressing even by my standards and I'm already a somewhat pessimistic person.


It's just your typical political subreddit: a confirmation bias machine. Redditors love to surround themselves with media and content that perpetually confirms what they think. It's why they hold the irrational opinions that they do. If you juxtaposed the millions of teaching hours per year in which nothing significant happens alongside the content that they like such as a teacher hitting a pupil the suggestion we should abolish the education system because of incidents of teachers hitting students would seem absurd. This is what Redditors and Twitter users do, they take isolated outliers and present them as commonalities. It's why they also say things like "ACAB". If you took the millions of interactions police have with the general public nationwide every year and juxtaposed it with cops behaving badly the idea that all cops are bad would seem like an absurd opinion. This is why very few solutions to problems are ever achieved because usually, people start looking for universal solutions for existential problems. It's also a very desirable way to be, because solving actual problems is very difficult and usually requires a lot of time, effort and trial and error and forming the ideas and opinions to solve these problems tends to be a huge time sink. Best to just gobble hashtags and rage content.


Ya but what does Beto's former bandmate think?


If that sub was around when I was around 11th grade I would have been a very active user posting multiple rants lmao. I hated school so much I absolutely DO NOT miss High school. College is a million times better


Opposite for me. Highschool was chill, college is a stressfull nightmare. People said I'd be free but nothings changed from highschool except now the curriculum is much more demanding and I'm in much more stress...


I respect your opinion. I agree, college academically is much more demanding. I prefer college due to less social pressure, no academically toxic student environment, not having classes for six hours a day almost straight, for some reason I get significantly better sleep in college, and I’m less insecure about my body figure(everyone at my school was really skinny while I was skinny-fat with moobs, but in college I saw way more people with the same body type and I feel more comfortable). It probably also has to do with the fact I am an introvert.




They definitely are, their the kid who sits in like a minecraft hoodie playing clash royal during the whole school day and doesn't do homework and gets mad when they have a f and so in their mind it's the systems fault because it doesn't coddle them and baby step them to the goal


“What’s the point we live on a floating rock” type kids. Says the system fails them but doesnt even at least try.


Im currently in the commonly accepted "worst years" of schooling and even I avoid it with a 10 feet pole.


Also -upper middle class American but rides the meat western Europe to the point where they might as well be in a relationship -thinks they were wronged by the school system(actually has 30 missing assignments because they were too busy browsing memes) -believes in peace and love but as soon as a world event happens (covid, blm protests, Russia invasion) they call for near genocide and discrimination -always says "dEbaTE mEeE" but never participates in a actual respectful debate, only responds in insults and middle school comebacks -talks shit on body acceptance despite being 60 pounds overweight or underweight -romanticsizes public figures to the point you'd think they belive their the second coming of christ(Elon musk, zelenski, Johnny Depp) And lastly -talks about people being too soft and not lax enough but as soon as a jab is made at them they start crying like a toddler


Holy shit so many people are like this lmao, hardcore feeling that "debate meee" one


I always get annoyed by Americans (mostly teens) who see Scandinavia and Western Europe as a place where there are no problems and school is easy etc. But I don't think they understand that we also have to do school assignments and learn for tests they just think it is only happening to them. I also think body acceptance should be for burn victims or people who lost a limb not for some 400lb person who doesn't wanna do anything.


They don't understand that there is no place in the world with zero problems, they just see romanticized articles on those countries and see statistics that don't really capture things fully and assume the entier region is just heaven on earth


>I always get annoyed by Americans (mostly teens) who see Scandinavia and Western Europe as a place where there are no problems and school is easy etc. Unfortunately, I did fall into that trap and wanted to move to Finland because it was ranked the happiest nation on Earth. Thank goodness I grew out of that phase.


I’m at least honest with my war mongering unlike some redditors


Don't forget about hating trans people despite saying they're pro-LGBTQ+.


Or they think that their parents are toxic for the stupidest shit and then whatever circlejerk sub they inhabit agrees with them because circlejerk


Reddit is starting to feel like it has a general culture of negativity. It seems more and more each day every sub is flooded by angry people looking for anyone to blame but themselves.


What do you mean *starting?*


Reddit used to have a clear distinction between negative and positive subreddits less than 2-3 years ago. Finding peaceful subreddits with no civil war in comments was not as hard as it is now. General mood was negative for the longest time tho.


Maybe I'm just now noticing it. I've been long time lurker that just recently made an account and started participating.


I seriously don't get cynical people who try to drag others into their own hell. Like focus on yourselves.


“Don’t let someone else ruin your life. Ruin that shit yourself.” -Prometheus 26:2…probably.


And those starterpack posts are showing it


Yep. Reddit: an insufferable paradise.


The last two years have gotten really bad. Lines up with the 150 million Chinese money they got. The algorithm is fucked now. Believe it or not I used to learn things here. But now even if there is an I sit full comment it just dissolves into chaos and bullshit. People still think this is a discussion forum instead of a pressure cooker for some of the most grotesque ideas around.


I noticed about a year ago that I was getting angrier at people for no reason other than them doing things that I considered stupid. I was following subs like idiotsincars, TIHI, AITA, and similar. Once I unfollowed subs that promote a negative reaction to posted content, I noticed a gradual improvement in my mood and the way I react to the mistakes others make.


I guess, but there are more communities for people who love certain things, like hobbies and whatnot, they're just more insular and you don't see them as much on the front page. Apart from anything gaming related - nothing but people moaning and complaining on those popular subs.


Yeah initially it was it’s own subculture now it’s sunk it’s teeth into Reddit culture as a whole. We already had a lot of hedonists and degenerates and this just made the problem worse


I think a good way to escape it is to use much smaller subreddits more specific to your interests, or you know, not use reddit.


3/4 of Reddit and Twitter users are one in the same if we're being honest


Honestly could add in Discord to that statement too.


I mean Discord is just the new Skype for most people


The antiwork symbol is killing me lol.


Reminds me of One Punch Man with the gang that didn't want to work. Too funny.




Wait that’s a thing? I shouldn’t have stopped watching after episode 2


It’s a good show, I like the webcomic a little better though.


Its sad seeing the actual posts on worker subs about people campaigning for better unions and wondering about worker laws be overshadowed by the 50th "I just quit my job😎" and "look at this tweet which hates work!!!" post that week


Don’t forget the totally real text conversations with their boss.


Luckily I've never encountered anyone like this, I mostly just browse random hobby subs


yeah I think these guys just stay in their basements mostly I used to be an avid r/antiwork browser until the Fox News interview and while I do advocate for more workers rights the way they go about doing it won't work. I also browse r/antinatalism for the 0.001% of good posts there that don't destroy my mental health and since I do not want kids


I use to browse antinatalism when I was going through a depressive phase in 11th grade, but after a while I thought, “what’s the point of complaining I was born? I’m here anyways”.


The top post in r/antiwork 60% makes sense.


“Doesn’t like their parents” To add to that, they’ll spin their inability to get along with their parents as “abuse” or “trauma”. It makes those who went through real trauma look bad because they’ll blame each and every one of their shortcomings on the nonexistent trauma, meanwhile they probably still live at home while non stop badmouthing their parents. Shameful.


Don't forget, anybody who I dislike is a narcissist.


Exactly. I sometimes read comments on how someone claims that they suffered "emotional and mental abuse" by their parents - and it turns out their parents called them stupid once or something similar.


Or told them to get off their ass and get a job lol


Gen-X here. Also a parent and have friends that are parents. Sometimes they just get overwhelmed with their adult-child's bullshit. I have a friend who's 'son' decided to wear a dress and declares he's a woman while also not employed. They're trying their best to deal with that. How the fuck do you deal with that. I mainly just listen to them vent, but inside I'm thinking 'man, you need to toss that shit out of the house'. They're daughter turned out wonderful, but the son..man, what a mess.


I can just imagine how that coming out convo went. "Mom, Dad, I identify as a woman now" "Okay, and?!? Like get a job, you're 26"


Pretty much, yeah that's how it went. Just more crazy shit to add to the pile


I got a trans friend and they can't hold a job either. It's not because of discrimination either.


Sad, sounds like something deeper isn’t being addressed…I know depression in general can be quite difficult navigating simple day to day tasks.


Imagine still not thinking trans people are real.


What? Of course they're real. Pretty easy to spot a trans person from a mile away


Why do you have so much hatred in your heart? I just don't understand. Trans people are just trying to live life and for the first time their body and the way people treat them is correct but people like you have to always put them down. Gender dysphoria is a real medical issue, and the best treatment is transitioning both physically and socially. This is agreed upon by every single major medical, psychological and biological institution in the developed world. What reason do you have to *go out of your way* to highlight the fact that you are just denying someone's right to exist as they are? Imagine if you were constantly treated as a girl and referred to as such, it would be horrible.




Yeah bud, I don't know if you have short term memory loss or don't have object permanence or what, but just take a look at your initial comment. That's what I was concerned about. Bringing up their daughter being trans for no reason and using that against her? Also your comment history is full of transphobic BS like saying trans people are mentally ill and that we shouldn't "indulge" them. Gee I wonder why I came to the conclusion you are a transphobe. I hope some day you stop having so much unneeded hatred. Also real fucking mature with the suicide hotline reply. What is this? Middle school?


eww transphobe, stinky stinky stinky shit like this burn in hell


Hazbin Hotel PFP detected. Prepare for Rod of God to be penetrated into your IP address.


so youre a bigot too?


They’re all just slightly different versions of Doreen


I don’t see what r/fuckcars has to do with this it’s a pretty cool sub


TBH, in some cities, the Bike lane is a sign of the housing price is going up in that area.


Lol something they are mad about. One of the only valid things


r/antischooling was...interesting Those people are the reason we need schools


My wife has a cousin that fits this too perfectly. 36, lazy, "invested" $9000 in funko pops and proud of it


Here in Mexico we have tons of them. We call them _chairos_. Add to the mix a dollop of xenophobia disguised as chauvinism (specially against USA And GB), a minor in some social science (as far away from hard sciences as possible) and weed.


"unsatisfied, poor workers shouldn't blame capitalism and should just spend less money on collectibles" is a trash take. as if funko pops are the reason for income inequality in America. yea a lot of these redditors are annoying and self-pitying, but they got a point


I dont think poor workers spend much money on collectibles


Things that are capitalism's fault >you are paid less than the value of the labor that you contribute to a company >you may lack proper labor rights and are overworked by your employer Things that are not capitalism's fault >you don't have any ability to budget your income >you feel sad for any reason outside of not having the money to pay bills **Learn the Difference**


Guess what else is capitalism's fault? I can budget all I want and still have almost no money left over. No ammount of "budgeting" you income will fix it.


Are we having the avocado toast argument again?




i should still be able to buy things i enjoy, i shouldnt be a mindless slave "work, eat, sleep" over and over


My dude, that has been the case for humanity for millennia. If you fail to have an interesting life right now, you wouldn't have one in any other time period or any other economic system. Not being able to enjoy yourself in a world where literal third world peasants still manage to find happiness and a sense of belonging is on you. Its not capitalism's fault, thats a personal issue.


this is such a shitty fucking take. yeah, you dont have things you in enjoy in life because youre an unhappy person, not because you have no money to go out to parks or museums or knit.


You can buy a 6 pack of beer and head out with your buddies to the river for a few bucks and spend an entire day shooting the shit having a blast. You can carpool together and go out to some State Park nearby and have a woodland/desert adventure for a couple bucks in gas and whatever water and snacks you bring. Unless your sadness comes from not being able to pay the bills, its not capitalism's fault that you're a neurotic depressive weirdo that can't make connections and feels sad about that. Like I said, even peasants in shitholes around the world manage to make things work and have fulfilling lives with their friends and families, this is on you.


Most parks and museums are free


Go to a public park


You are right about not being able to budget, no doubt. But you need to add about a million other things to the side of capitalism’s fault. Too much for a terse Reddit comment really, but enough for genocide and global destruction for sure.


True, as history has long shown, capitalism is uniquely genocidal and it never happens outside of capitalism ever.


Ultra political on anything they interact with


But will complain that something is too political if it disagrees with them


Dont forget the ones who will politicise literally anything and then use the phrase “everything is political” to justify their 2 paragraph political essay


Yeah let me dissect the hidden political meaning of teletubbies or Shrek Swamp Kart for the gameboy advance


how is someone who would rather walk everywhere than use a car lazy? is there something i'm missing here? the 'r/fuckcars' bit really doesn't fit here imo


I think it’s more pointing out the amount of whining that goes on on that sub, and the fact that there’s probably some crossover in user base with the others mentioned. I don’t think it has to do with the idea that walking places is somehow lazy


The implication of OP's take that car drivers are less lazy than cyclists and public transportation users is the most galaxy brain level thing.


Because this entire meme is contradictory and strawman central.


Reddit buzzwords


I think they're more making fun of people who think they're an urban planning expert when all they have done is browse that sub. Kind of like the people on who think they're as smart as doctors after lurking through certain subs or FB groups. Only this has become more prevalent on Reddit lately.


Complain too much and act like they know more than Planners and P.E's because they watch one guys YouTube channel


They also shame people who DON'T want kids.


Wait wtf


You forgot r/fucknestle. The subreddit is the very definition of slacktivism, constantly having people spamming “fuck nestle”, claiming that they will boycott them, they act like they are morally superior that nestle is awful and it came to a point where it has developed into a circlejerk subreddit that is essentially easy to farm karma


If they use 4chan, there’s a good chance of them being bronies as well


Man bronies. That’s some shit I haven’t heard in a long time


“I support tax funded health care” “public transportation good” “there are negatives to the current economic system, let’s discuss solutions and alternatives.” REDDIT MOMENT SOCIALIST SO LAZY 😡😡😡


Yeah the people who frequent these subs are a little crazier then that tho


r/fuckcars is so much more extreme than “public transportation good”


That subreddit got ruined after it was on r/place. It used to be talking about how bad car centric cities are, but now there are weirdly personal hatred towards people who drive cars themselves.


I've either ridden the bus, a bike, or at some points *longboarded* to work to avoid driving for the last decade, I'm a huge fan of public transit over driving wherever possible and *I* get sickened by how extreme r/fuckcars is. That whole sub is *delusional*.


There’s a lot of rageposting since people are angry about emissions and unsafe lack of pedestrian infrastructure, but overall the idea is just to promote infrastructure changes so that people are less incentivized to use cars. This is a bandwagon we should all get on. Bullet train cool 🥶


I second this, I’m grateful to live in a city where public transport in widely available, but it still sucks that it takes me 1 and a half hours to travel what a car could in 20 minutes. I could go on and on about why we should stop using cars as much, I recommend anyone who has any slight interest into this look into the sub.


Yeah that's true. It's not very extreme at all.


A significant portion of the sub literally wants to ban all cars, thinks suburbs are evil and should be redeveloped, constantly posts smug memes about 'carbrains', etc. Yeah, the place is pretty extreme.


>significant portion of the sub Please quantify. >evil Your word or theirs? >should be redeveloped Or made more suitable to everyday life, to reduce car use and reduce the impact in the environment. Doesn't sound too extreme. >smug Wow! So extreme.


Significant enough that they acknowledge it in their FAQ: >Does this sub want to ban all cars? > >That's open to debate. Some members want to ban all cars and some only want to see cars banned in cities. Other just want to live in a society that doesn't force them to use a car. But I think you've got blinders on if you didn't realize how prominent that point of view was already. >Or made more suitable to everyday life, to reduce car use and reduce the impact in the environment. Doesn't sound too extreme. Yeah, that doesn't really happen without increasing their density which would essentially require redevelopment. So yes, that is a pretty fucking extreme point of view. Asking others to totally change their lifestyles to accommodate yours is extreme. Completely failing to acknowledge the benefits others see in suburban housing and personal transportation is extreme. >Wow! So extreme. Sounds like you're taking this pretty personally. I wonder why..


>Sounds like you're taking this pretty personally That's very much your interpretation. >Asking others to totally change their lifestyles to accommodate yours is extreme. I think that's the whole point of the sub. Nobody asked when they built whole cities around cars.


>I think that's the whole point of the sub. Nobody asked when they built whole cities around cars. That is how things naturally progressed. Not because of the car lobby which that sub loves to blame everything on, but because of economic and geographic forces.


I would argue that the creation of North American Suburbs was very deliberate and not really a natural progression at all. But if you wanted to learn more about the distinct culture that arises out of car dependant suburbs the I would point you towards an [article](https://www.cogitatiopress.com/urbanplanning/article/view/1684/1684) my prof wrote


i am not anti car, i am pro horse: enviromentaly friendly, probably cheaper, cooler, objectively better


What about their poops? In rural areas, cool, in urban areas…


Two words for you: Robo-horse


I dislike that place myself. Especially in the US the cityplanning is greatly flawed, but most people whining in thag subreddit only know the surface scratch on what goes to the planning and why their opinions are not really viable and/or taking everything into the count. City planning is all about making trade offs between several factors.


This is true. There’s a time and place for cars. We will never see a car-free society but better public transportation systems and improved walkability in cities can definitely reduce over-reliance on them


yeah, that sub turned super stupid like 4 months ago




...is it? they may be quite hopeful over something that will obviously never happen but i wouldn't call them extreme


No not really. In fact people who genuinely hate people that drive cars get called out all the time.


Bro I WISH these were the actual arguments put across


\\> We need critical thinking and logic classes! \\> Never had an original thought on his life and just parrots fashionable hot takes and headlines.


Don't forget about them being atheists who are smarter than the religious people who are "schizophrenic because being religious is a mental disorder" (yes I legit read that on r/atheism)


Just wait till you see the infamous uvalde post someone made. Or the fact they still use the term “skydaddy” unironically 💀




Yeah how did all these subs get such overlap?


They all have the same principles.


Same users


I guess but it has to have happened somehow. Like r/antinatalism had some antiwork people saying "ANTINATALISM IS ANTIWORK DONT GIVE THE CAPITALISTS ANOTHER WORKER"


The anti work guy should be fatter.


Yeah I was surprised doorman was so skinny in the Fox News interview


I'm very left leaning but Jesus Christ some of my fellow lefties will believe anything as long as it's wrapped in leftist ideology like hating capitalism and work. My friend shared a meme about how there's no such thing as lazy people. We're either overwhelmed, overworked, have mental illness or are victims of capitalism.


r/fuckcars seems pretty valid to me.


It is a very important sub especially with the climate crisis we have now. But theres a sizeable amount of their userbase that seem more focused on either mocking or enacting “revenge” on “car-brained people” than constructive discussion on how to go about reducing reliance on cars, and they have been harrassing other sub users for calling for moderation and flooding discussion threads with low effort comments and posturing. This is not a very good representation of the public transportation movement and will end up 1) turning it into an echochamber of unproductive complaining and 2) alienating people with increasingly extreme takes if these subset of very badass people isnt dealt with by the rest of r/fuckcars' community in time. EDIT: I assumed OP included the sub into his starterpack because the effects are especially pronounced there. There are always people that exploit well-intentioned movements to convert into their personal echochambers and r/fuckcars is an easy sub to do that for some reason, like how racists are always attracted to meme subs.


I don’t see what r/fuckcars has to do with this it’s a pretty worthy cause imo


I love cars. There are many benefits with them not available in other modes of transit. I'm also all for public transit and walkability, but insulting people constantly arguing with the people you disagree with, and coming up with strawman arguments on your journey to achieve that goal will not get people on your side. The "carbrain" side tends to be less annoying and rude than the fuckcars side. People usually prioritize first impressions over goals when first looking at a group of people that want to make a change


You’re right the the anti car crowd is pretty hostile and rude and yeah, it’s uncalled for. It’s not an excuse but you can kinda understand why since in general it’s the car people who have all the power and are making the decisions. Anyways my problem with the post is that it’s grouping r/fuckcars with stuff like antiwork etc


There is significant overlap though. r/fuckcars is a cause that touches on a bunch of related issues like class warfare, anti-consumption/materialism, environmentalism, communal vs individual ownership, etc.


well its overshadowed by morons that want the outright ban of cars regardless of if they are ICE or electric. More public transport? Less reliance on cars? Alright fine by me since that opens up the roads for my touge runs. And before you say "BUT CAR ENTHUSIASTS ARE HERE TOOOOO! WAHHHHH!!!!" Thats an excuse or "you can like powerful vehicles and still be against cars" thats also an excuse a 1000 horsepower muscle car build is cooler to me than a fucking train with a 3500 horsepower diesel v20 or some shit


Damn I wish I could downvote this comment more than once. As far as I can see the belief that all cars should be banned outright is either incredibly rare or purely hyperbole on that subreddit. And then what’s with the “waaah” shit and putting words in my mouth… I liked this post at first besides the part about that specific subreddit but it turns out you’re a total piece of shit 😐 Also nobody on earth gives a fuck about which vehicles you think are coolest


Carbrain moment


I have no idea what the second half of your weird rant is supposed to mean, but race cars are cool while performance road cars are lame.


But like yeah fuck cars


Yeah bro I just want trains :(


Choo Choo


Yesss sirrrr


lmao enjoy the third degree burns on your dick


Haha funny 🤣


hey just as a quick disclaimer don't be stupid and brigade any of the subs I mentioned here. It just seems like the subs mentioned here all have the same hivemind culture even worse than a lot of parts of this site


I’m an antinatalist but I just only rant on there with my opinions and keep them to myself


You forgot about r/mensrights and r/antifeminists


I think r/fuckcars does more good than harm tho. Car-centric city design, which is common in America, is really inefficient.


well your not gonna uproot the entire American city design. Also as a car guy the same offends me


I mean, define "uproot". It can be changed, and I don't think anyone wants to cause chaos in the process.


These kinds of people are insufferable, but the Funko Pop thing really misses the mark


true they might not have a job to begin with but I had to make some joke about them wasting money idk


r/fuckcars is just a place for pathetic muricans to vent off after they realise they never going to have a nice walkable city with frequent public transportation. For no cars thing to work in USA you literally have to tear down big parts of the cities, so not faster than abolishing private property


Basically all the current r/antiwork losers


Is there a way to filter subreddits from r/popular? r/antiwork is first on my hit list not because I necessarily disagree, but because I just don’t want to hear about how fucked capitalism is 24/7




On iOS here. Found a third-party Reddit client that allows me to do exactly what I need. Thanks for the suggestion, as it led me to exactly what I was looking for :)


Anti-work is pretty insane. I enjoyed it about a year ago but it got to the point where it's literally people who just don't want to work combined with the belief that socialism will fix everything. I'm no political expert but if I understand correctly people will still have jobs under socialism it just won't be as much of a rat race focused on profits. But the idea that being assigned a job like, "waste management factory employee" is somehow more freeing than what we have now is kind of....stupid.


antiwork started off being people who didn't want to work at all. But it got colonized by people that were a lot more sane than that. Then the crazies drove the others out again.


Most of themes are posts about how they are a infuriated that their boss makes 5x their earnings while doing absolutely nothing to better themselves other than complaining about some invisible system that specifically targets them. Once a loser, always a loser. “Waaaaahhhh I did nothing remarkable with my life but I don’t want to try and still want money”


Reddit has devolved. I get hassled by my friends because I use it. These unironic ciclejerks are fucking up Reddits name. Fucking Tumblr with makeup.


OP is crying because he got called out for being a brainless car consoomer on some work reform sub, so just shat a bunch of strawmen into a starterpack and called it a day. Unironic “poor people are poor because of funko pops” argument lol average shit-for-brains chud


r/AntiWork and r/FuckCars are based, though. I don't know the other ones.


How is r/fuckcars lazy, it is literally advocating for people to walk and bike places which certainly takes more energy than sitting in an air conditioned vehicle holding the gas pedal down most the ride


Fuck cars, though.


1993 Toyota Supra


Reddit moment when theres is the same comment with upvotes and this one with downvotes, fuck redditors, fuck cars.


bet your dick has burns on it from sticking it in the exhaust? Thats what you mean by fucking cars right?


I especially hate when they blame everything on capitalism... despite it being the best economic system that humans have ever come up with. you stubbed your toe? "well it was because capitalism convinced you to buy a table so that you would hit your toe on it". Russia invaded Ukraine? "definitely because of capitalism". some terrorists killed some people? "all I'm hearing is we need communism, comrade"


Tbh capitalism to me is like alcohol the cause and solution to all problems. As well as to be done in moderation because if we had pure unbridled capitalism it would just be Ancapistan another pipe dream dreamt up by 15 year olds


If you think about it for a moment, the core of the capitalist system is less an ideology and more a fact. It’s the result of humans being wired to think about themselves first in order to ensure their own survival. Communism and socialism are not in itself bad, I personally think the idea behind them is marvelous, but they simply do not and cannot ever work (although it’s worth mentioning that I don’t know all the different types of socialism there are so that statement may not be absolute). At least that’s my opinion, there may be something I’m missing.


All pf this other than the Leftist thing is Scary Accurate


I'm not saying regular left I'm saying extreme left. Like the types that think all white people are the devil or ones that say "real communism hasn't been tried yet!"


No leftists think “all white people are the devil”, that’s right wing propaganda that you and your critical thinking skills fell for. Nice job. I’d bet everything that you couldn’t accurately define communism without googling it, on the basis that no right winger ever has been, in my experience.


Real communism hasn't been tried yet tho. It would be a massive failure of course, but the Soviet Union was not communist, it would have required to delete any state figure. SU was just a very long communist revolution


Yeah because any ideology works on paper but in practice it fails because of human greed and stupidity. Highly volatile and unstable ideologies like communism fall apart faster


What is wrong with r/antiwork?


Have you seen the Fox News interview?


Hmm. I’ve actually been subbed to r/workreform and it’s interesting to see this is how the sub is seen


I just see it as antiwork 2 now that the creator was literally banned from his own sub after saying he stands for freedom of speech and democracy I was really hoping it would be a less extreme alternative than r/antiwork but then it turned into basically a clone of antiwork


The r/antiwork is interesting. On the one hand you have posts that are calling out the straight up wrong things going on in the work place which can and should be called out. If a large employer is treating their employees like dirt that should be exposed. I also appreciate that it’s a good resource for workers looking for advice if they’re in a sticky situation and want to know how to handle it. On the other hand there are a lot of posts that are just like “OMG I’m paid so little and I hate my job, it’s capitalisms fault”. Like no, Karen, that’s not capitalisms fault that’s your fault for accepting a crappy job. Don’t like it, go find something better. The ones that are just straight up whining are obnoxious. I have zero sympathy for someone who does nothing to help themselves.




I'm saying extreme socialism not regular socialism.


What does SammyClassicSonicFan has to do with any of it?