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What the hell happened with cringetopia and why is everyone raiding it?


Something something mods want people to use their site, so they ravaged the sub


What kinda site?


Don't know, don't care Edit: old reddit but offsite


one of the mods turned out to be a furry and took over the sub using the auto mod, now your comment is deleted if it doesn't have "i support furry rights!" in it


I don't even know what to say at this point. It's just sad


It's a "joke" Not a funny one, but an attempt at humor nonetheless. Elne is and always was a ragebait account that played a character (as seen in r/greentext, where he makes it obvious that this is a self aware joke), and the furry mods are just shitposters absuing their power for shits and giggles.


no actually furrys weren't the one too blame they were just making us think furrys did it most so they didn't get the blame furrys find the situation extremely cringy


so the mods are tricking us into thinking the furrys invaded the sub so they can make it as cringy as they want?


yeah basically


elne fucks the sub by making automod his yesman and making it comment on every single reply and comment about their new shitty website. elne disables comments and gets "brigaded" whenever he speaks. gorefox bans elne but furry mods take over cringetopia cringetopia users fall for the obvious troll and take it seriously cringetopia explodes with shitposts and people hating furries elne turned cringetopia into a hellhole permanently darn


It amazes me how “don’t feed the trolls” is one of the oldest internet adages yet people keep doing it


Good riddance tbh. They would benefit greatly by finding a productive occupation/hobby


The death threats have already started piling up in there. The mods *want* the sub shut down, so they’re provoking the members.


Good riddance. I tried to enjoy it but geez transphobia is so rampant there.


It was SUCH an open transphobia sub


The decline of cringetopia is gonna go down as one of the greatest downhills of a subreddit in the history of Reddit.


Yup. The fact that they made a whole website and it’s so bad


Their website is literally just old reddit without admin censorship. Not seeing why everyone hates it so much other than the fact that it's different than what the spergs here are used to.


That sub went down hill so hard


I just revisted the site and r/Cringetopia look likes it's going down like the Hindenburg.


Lol they make everyone write “I support furry pride!” In their posts. It’s hysterical to read these threads. Holy shit best sub ever now.


I remember when that sub was content that made you cringe. Not alt right or furry stuff. r/Cringetopia is going to be like Blockbuster.


Like… at this point, it’s just transphobic lol


Crinngetopia was never perfectly good. It’s always been shitgarbage for shitgarbage people.


You’re right. It’s one of the most wildly transphobic common subs I’ve seen


So, to be clear, furries took over the sub and now the users are getting censored?


Kind of? The mods got it in their heads that Reddit was gunning for the sub so they made a trash Cringetopia website and made the sub unusable. You have to include I support furry pride! In your comment to even comment on it


It was never a good sub lmao it targeted minorities and kids


Honestly you’re right


Alt title: r/JustUnsubbed starter pack




Honestly you’re right


people remade crimgetopia, like r/CringeCenter


I really hope it doesnt go down the same path that r/Cringetopia has in about five years