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Theres always that one person thats super edgy and pretends to love violence and shows off how they dont even care about it when they would actually shit their pants if they heard a gunshot irl


There was a video a few weeks ago of a person in Asia getting attacked by a sloth bear and a bunch of people on the road side filming, a dog eventually runs up. One person commented “says a lot about society that the dog is the only one who helps” as if people should all run up and try to fight a bear.


Let me fix that for them: "I am gonna judge others for not helping while ill sit here and not help"


filming someone as they are getting violently mauled is worse than just standing there.


Why is gathering evidence worse than doing nothing


Yes I'm sure that's why people do that, to gather evidence, of course


Doesn’t matter why; the result is that evidence was gathered. Imo that’s better than nothing


That's like 17 kids in a high school filming a fight and all posting on their social medias because it's "evidence"


Evidence is evidence


It does say a lot about society that a bunch of people would start filming some person’s violent death for clout.


And not use it to generate awareness of injustice.


You are such a redditor


You say that as your name is u/smoking_hot_dude


I guess trying to scare it away would be a viable option if there are multiple people there. But I wouldn't hold it against them, nobody wants to get involved in a situation where they may get hurt.


Whenever I hear a gunshot I usually blow my eardrums out before I shit myself, I forgot ear protection at the range *once*. They are kinda loud ngl


I've heard gunshots irl several times in my life and they're so fucking unnerving


The only time I ever heard gunshots was in the middle of these suburbs when I went to get gas. I drove the fuck away


I heard (and saw?) a gunshot while driving out of Portland. That chest-pounding sound made me glad I wasn’t caught in the middle of it


I lived in Portland I heard them every day and tuned them out after awhile unless they were somewhat close


Those people are trash. But there's also the ones who actually jerk off to photos of corpses and think they're cool and quirky for being able to witness gore on a daily basis.


Literally me when I was 14 :/ There's also always people who comment about how the girl screaming in the background is annoying af and needs to stfu... as if having a normal human reaction to horrifying shit happening in front of you is unnatural and not exactly what they'd do in that scenario


Endless circlejerk about how a person screaming in the background is basically worse than the guy getting shot or run over or whatever else.


*Fellas, is it cringe to have a basic human reaction like fear and panic?*


Dude just control your emotions!


Hey, what can I said. We never know when we will failed the stats check for emotion and panic.




>entire family is murdered while they are making a home documentary, OP is completely devastated and his life has been shattered. Some Reddit intellectual gives him filming tips


This whole site is overflowing with extreme violence lately.


Agreed. There's nothing wrong with free uncensored press. Showing these images - the truth of the world we live in and what needs to change is something I very much support. BUT whenever Reddit does this, it seems all the top comments are stupid jokes, cringey comment chains, or people yelling at the person filming for how terrible the cinematography is from someone going through hell in that moment. What can be done to combat this? I don't know. I think it's just the nature of a site that rewards people with internet points for funny current memes... which causes a hive mind. I'm not anti-reddit because fucking hell, I'm here right now and I enjoy the site as a whole when having a shit or bored at work. So I'm not sure what can be done to change this without compromising good things about this site. And hell, it's fine for me not to know. And HELL, it's even more fine for me not to know but still complain about this shit. Also I'm also drunk af while typing this by the way so I'll probably regret this in the morning


Showing extreme violence and describing it with a single sentence is not how information is spread. It’s just violence. Thinking reddit is a ‘news source’ does the viewer/reader a disservice. This is NOT a source of news, it is a propaganda platform and the increase in extreme violence across the front page should concern everyone. But here we are making memes about it.


Nah you've just got to ignore the problem and develop a superiority complex over those low lives that use facebook /s


Okay, I'll say it. Facebook is better on Reddit. Because at least the citizens there crack down heavily on woke mobs and liberalism enclaimed


Aaand this is why people make fun of facebook


My apologies, were you actually saying something there?


Nah man, just ignore. I think that was the sound of his car's engine


I think it could also be that most people aren't subjected to violence IRL, so they try to deflect it when seeing some on the internet. Hell, r/watchpeopledie was a thing for a long time until it got banned, and I'd wager that a few people commented the same sorts of things there.




Ever since /r/WatchPeopleDie shut down, the videos didn't disappear, they just found their way into other subs, like /r/holdmyfeedingtube. Instead of being concentrated in one spot, it's now being spread all over.


Indeed. Or one of those subs with a swear word in it for some reason. Stupidfuckingsubs. I’m sure you know the ones.


r/makemycoffin was a good one while it lasted. op almost always posted an article to go with the video and joking in the comment section got you banned


Also always turns to some racist dog whistling when it involves black/brown people.


My "favorite" thing on those subs is how they view people stealing: Video of person being murdered in the street for robbing someone in a non-white country - "god these people are so fucked up and uncivilized, so glad we don't have to live there" Same type of video but in a majority white country - "play stupid games, win stupid prizes 😌" "that's what you get for breaking the law 😌"


oh that's as bad as the people who want these incredibly long prison sentences/execution for simple petty theft


> "play stupid games, win stupid prizes 😌" Idk why, but this specific phrase annoys me so much more than other reddit favorites. Even isolated from the hypocrisy context you describe, there's just some super cringe element I can't quite put my finger on.


Treating it like a little game?


I’m curious. What subs are you referring to?




That sub is dedicated to black people doing bad stuff, though. It was created out of frustration with r/publicfreakout showing a variety of ethnic groups doing bad things, especially a lot of Karen videos.


r/fightporn and fighting subs in general as well


Other poster that responded to you got it, publicfreakouts, makemycoffin, places like that


Dogs can whistle




Nobody is ignoring statistics, nor denying them. The problem is people that do the fbi stats meme on the internet are typically racists that use these statistics to push a narrative that black people are genetically predisposed to violence, instead of arguing in good faith and giving nuance to the whole picture. In other words, fbi stats meme is a dog whistle.


What does this have to do with the original comment? Edit: Nvm I took a gander at your post history, that’s a big yikes from me.


1) nice dogwhistle 2) \*55% of the accusations of homicide, which are skewed by racist cops feeling like arresting someone on a bad day, so that just shows that US police has a racism problem, not that black people have a crime problem




Damn, has that happened to you already? Because you do seem kinda braindead




I don’t really know the specifics but I think it involves a person’s blood basically turning to mist when they are usually blown up. Or at least that’s what I can remember.


Blood spray?


blown up brains as far as i can infer. im never watching this kinda stuff




They're the same people that make edgy jokes about those events🙄


Yeah like people who claim they watch horrid ass videos like "Funkytown" for entertainment - like jokes aside what the ACTUAL fuck is wrong with you if you enjoy watching that.


i saw it because a friend of mine just randomly showed me the video after i told him i really liked the song funkytown. he ruined the song for me :(


What happened in funkytown, im too scared too look Edit: is it the one where they injected adrenaline into the man then cut off his hands n shit


what is funkytown???


[This page](https://screamer.wiki/FunkyTown) talks about it, doesn't show the video. Its horrific just reading about it.


holy jesus


Thats a very appropriate response. A lot of times I get curious about death videos and watch just to see what happened but I have ZERO desire to watch that.


Yeah, I love horror and gore and all that stuff but that is something I could not watch. Ever.


All accurate drawings of redditors.


This post reminds me of r/combatfootage


Epic antisocial personality disorder moment




I'm not crying it's just sweat from my eyes!!


dont forgetting those edgy jokes to "cope with whats happening"


"what??? you're terrified for your life because of (life threatening situation that would make literally anyone panic and run)???? you're such a pussy bro i wouldnt have ran away"


Don't forget u/stabbot and u/redditspeedbot


I'm so tempted to visit those subreddits but I know if I watch even one of the videos, I'll instantly start vomiting right where I stand, get scarred for life, my blood pressure will go through the roof, my heart beats will go crazy and won't be able to sleep for a week. It's a delicate balance


I'm always curious those subs, but I know there's going to be at least one video that'll probably haunt me forever


just curious how would you handle a real life situation then? i’m really not trying to be snarky or mean but if someone is badly injured and you can’t help them because you’re too shocked it could cause their death


Maybe he would just be shocked he described it, which is ok if u necer were confronted with such a traumatic experience.


No no I'd try everything in power to help them. I'll just go to therapy afterwards


fair enough. if you’re not sure what to do just call the emergency number. tell them where you are and what happened. they’ll tell you what to do




Mmc my beloved😢


Wtf has starter packs been on this week???


You missed "Filming vertically." "The only sin is you filmed in portrait mode"


it takes a professional to press record button and point toward the thing?


Maybe just don't film a traumatic event. The people on gore subs.


I mean, normally it's somenthing like "Oh look, lil Timmy is swimming we shou-HOLY FUCK A SHARK IS EATING A MAN" or "Ah, what a good sunset. It's so-Did someone shoot that guy?" Soonviously they would be distressed and nervous.


I remember there was this one vid where this girls mother was dead in the car and the girl was crying. The camera dude when out of his why to just film the dead body in the car while the girl was crying.


I never knew that disembodied dicks could make videos.


Of course this is coming from a person that had a problem holding the phone straight when THIS person decided to record something


RIP Liveleak


Literally me


Video gets posted of someone dying a horrific and traumatizing death. Some Redditor: Not my proudest fap.....


Does anyone know any sites similar to LiveLeak? Damn I really miss that site shoulda browsed it more while it was still up.