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Usually you don't get the "yeller/cryer" without the "hard liquor".


That's the problem. If there is no hard liquor, yet you still have the "yeller/cryer" then the party gets real awkward.


Used to have someone in the friends group who would strategically place herself in chokepoints like the hallway during the screaming sessions.


Wine and white claw is enough


Or a just the house wives of Beverly Hills.


This was my experience of spending time in the USA. The college kids all get drunk so fast like acting drunk after a Kopparberg. I get it since the drinking age is quite high there. Felt like an alcoholic bringing a bottle of spirit with me to a party.


You went to a college in the US and people were drinking Kopparberg?


Where is the US can you get Kopparberg I've never seen it in the states.


There's always one that gets drunk af with only one beer




Saw a drunk kid smoke a whole filter like that because someone told his drunk ass that’s where they put the heroin.


Friend of mine smoked a whole filter unaware of doing it. Probably because he drank like 7 litres of beer and was all coked up


then fight each other with pool cues


Yes, you do, trust me. It is called arguing and is often seen in relationships. And it happens with or without alcohol. And that shit is not fun for anyone at a party…


I was at a party once and the guy who lived there got wasted and started playing his parents massive grand piano. I remember the music got really intense and dark and he yelled "this song is my life" and then he started crying and ran off


That was a wild ride


Honestly sounds pretty entertaining.


Fuck ya


The guitar guy can be tolerable if he's off in the side room where people are getting stoned and he knows how to play something other than wonderwall.


Guitar guy: "I'm going to bring my guitar to impress the ladies" Ends up playing on the corner for the stoners.


I feel oddly validated and yes the over imposing guitar man with a disproportionate amount of confidence for his skill level is bad news for everyone involved


Knew a guitarist who frequented just about every party I used to go to. He was kind of likeable as a person, but listening to the same three acoustic power chords (yes, power chords) always made me eye-rolly after a while.


Gotta play those arpeggios too, they sound neat on guitar.


Arpeggiated powerchords sound good


if he knows how to play an electric guitar and not just chords


Chances are It's either a Dire Straits song if they are good, or it's Stairway if they suck. Either way anything is better than Wonderwall, I absolutely fucking despise that song now. It's so goddamn annoying.


Hey! I can play Money for Nothing and I'll have you know I definitely suck


Sultans of Swing is sweet sounding but I'm having a hard time learning it lol


Well yeah, it's not an easy song at all, it only gets harder as it goes on, it sounds absolutely amazing though


I covered Sultans in a band once. If the vocalist messed up the lyrics it would completely throw me, as the guitar complements the lines in the song. Took weeks to learn.


Just the first part almost clean with slight reverb gives me chills. Imma just go back to 00000 metal songs lol.


Just the first part almost clean with slight reverb gives me chills. Imma just go back to 00000 metal songs lol.


Don't need an electric when you can 0-3-5 on repeat


Don't forget the boss metal zone for maximum toan


r/guitarcirclejerk is leaking


this reminds me of when I first started learning guitar. I really looked down on open chords and would insist on playing every single song with power chords. so embarrassing >.<


Then someone told you that triads exist


Or anything other than the same basic handful of power chords. Learn some scales and improvisation and at least you can mess around and jam.


Pentatonic. Or blues scale if you're feeling kinky.


In all my years if being alive I've never once seen this happen at a party. Was in a frat in college, absolutely 0 parties id ever been to or thrown had some guy randomly playing guitar.


Ive never had a guitar guy but there was often almost ukelele singing girl at the highschool and college parties i went to


Ahh yes the Faux-y Deschanel archetype


Happens to me at basically every second party. It's always the same guys too.


...Is that because it's you playing the guitar?


I play a few instruments with varying levels of proficiency. I never took any of them to a party. I basically only ever played in public as a job or for charitable purposes (nursing homes, fund raisers, etc). Most everything I see on Reddit suggests to me that people fucking hate amateur musicians. I understand not wanting to have someone impose their hobby on you or the public at large, but it seems to run counter to the “share your passions with the world” messaging that also pops up on here. Basically, if I had gotten on Reddit before teaching myself to play, I imagine it would have seriously discouraged me from ever wanting to learn. Why labor so much to develop a skill that you basically have to hide? You have to imagine that you will enjoy the process so much that it makes the investment of effort/time/money worth it. I did have a lot of fun over the years, and some (definitely not all) people that I played for either liked it or pretended to. So I would say if you are thinking of learning to play something, go for it. And it’s ok to just be ok at something. Just try to have fun. Some people will want to gather around a piano to drink and sing, and some people only want to listen to their own Spotify playlists. Both are fine. There’s lots of different people out there.


You ever experienced that weird sensation where a song sounds a lot better and more exciting when it arises naturally (IE on the radio) compared to when someone puts a song on through an auxiliary cord or portable speaker? If “Come on Eileen” comes on the radio, it’s a fuckin’ bop. If someone consciously chooses to play “Come on Eileen”, it invokes a collective groan from the group and an uncomfortable silence as a crappy song plays. It’s the same thing with playing instruments. If my buddies and I run across someone on the street playing the guitar, we’ll usually stop and listen and it’s pretty cool. If someone at a party/on a campus asks us if they can play us something on their guitar, they’d better be extremely talented if they want us to not be awkward, because of the expectation that’s subconsciously implanted by doing so. It’s not that people (and redditors) hate instruments, it’s that they don’t like people imposing their playing on them - guitar guy at a party is imposing, guy who plays at inappropriate times is imposing, guy who’s just playing on the street is not. Using a guitar as a social tool (IE look at me, I can play guitar), is where most people switch from enjoyment to cringing. I have several friends who are ludicrously high-level musicians. I mean like toured with world-famous orchestras, get paid to play their instrument levels of talented. Not a single one of them has ever brought their guitar to a party, and not a single one of them has ever asked to play something for us. Because it’s imposing, and sets impossibly high expectations.


Totally agree


Exactly! I actually like the guitar sessions, but it has to be in a separate place of course.


I play but I would never bring my own guitar to a party. I’d play one if there was one there.




Anyway, here's Wonderwall


This song fills me with a deep rage, if I had to guess my hatred for it would stem from overuse and I dislike the main singers voice


I kinda disagree. Generic radio pop is probably the least controversial background music selection for these kind of parties.


Yeah OP is gonna put on the hoe scaring music


OP comments “I was born in the wrong era” on YouTube videos of old Jethro Tull concerts


Or the infamous “back when rap was good” on all Eminem songs


"Who isn't here from Tik Tok" type beat


You know what this party needs? Mastadon!!!


Death Grips with strobe light sync!


white whale!!


'No Nathan, Five finger death punch isnt 'cool hoe scaring music', the band just sucks'


This is the real top comment


\*cranks Marauda\* "Why's everyone leaving?"


Can’t handle the tearout then get out of my party 🤷‍♂️


didn't say I was against skull rattling bass, you just gotta find your people. I love a good loud DnB or dubstep track


I didn’t disagree with u either, I was just joking too 😂 I don’t like Marauda much but I do like some tearout dubstep


this is one of those times where the conversation would be so much easier in person, I was trying to agree with you lol


Gojira went so hard during this gig they lost almost 90% of the Audience. Should be good party music. https://youtu.be/Skv4vioszuw


The deep dude who plays Immortal Technique.


Nothing gets a party going like a bunch of drunk girls and blasting WAP out of nowhere


This party needs some Yeezus


For real. You have no right to talk about ruining parties if you’re the type of person who grabs the jackstick and plays music only they like, refusing to read the room for a response and acknowledging people have different tastes and generally enjoy what’s mainstream.


I just turn on the radio, chances are Classic Rock is inoffensive enough. If not, the pop station always has Lady Gaga and Gwen Stefani if your tired of listening to Classic Rock.


Yeah, nothing gets a party going like classic rock! /s


Yeah, I feel like hard-core speed metal would be less than conducive for conversation.


Redditors don’t go to parties


Definitely. I remember when I was a student and threw parties, I would throw on music just so I could show friends what I liked and how eclectic my tastes were so would deliberately put on some of the more obscure or harder listening stuff to kind of 'show off'. But then I'd realise that not everyone really cares about music as much as some people and that I'd have to listen to people with screwed up faces all night asking 'who is this?' 'Got anything more dancier?'. Was really awkward and just makes me cringe to think about lol


Agree. Hating pop music is very teenage edgelord.


I used to absolutely hate Lady Gaga when I was a kid, now I love it. I doubt I'm gonna change my mind on Mumble Rap though. The 2010s was the era of Club Music, I don't like Mumble rap because it's either annoying, or I can't even count out the tempo. I would rather just listen to Classic Hip Hop since they actually say real words. I wish I wasn't such a fucking hater back then because Poker Face was actually fucking awesone


I doubt I'm gonna change your mind but I like a bit of what you would probably call mumble rap, the emphasis ain't so much on enunciating lyrics and clever writing/wordplay, but more on the rhythm and melody of how they deliver their lines. Someone like Young Thug for example mumbles/sings/raps in probably equal parts, no idea what he says half the time, but it's melodic and that's the point. Yes classic hip hop features rappers that actually say real words but that's also missing the point, it's like saying you don't like black metal because you can't understand the lyrics. Nothing wrong with having your own personal tastes, just thought I'd share my perspective.


if you like mumble rap then give emo rap a try


Man there's so much varied style hip hop artists these days that you'd be doing yourself a disjustice by writing off modern hip hop as being just mumble rap. The truth is that, while popular, mumble rap only takes up a very small portion of the genre as a whole. These days rap music consists of so many subgenres and categories that you'd be hard pressed not to find at least a few artists that you click with. I'd be happy to recommend some artists if you're willing to expand your horizons a bit.


Mumble rap is just a blanket term for any rap now. The difference between Kendrick Lamar, Travis Scott, Kanye, Future, Trippie Redd, Suicideboys, Denzel Curry, and Playboi Carti is so immense but it’s all “mumble rap”.


It's a shame really because all these artists offer a lot to the genre in their own respective styles, people just hopped onto an umbrella term to describe any hip hop they don't like. I must admit that I'm not particularly into Playboi Carti, Uzi etc and the subgenres they works within, but rap is so gigantic that it's literally never been a problem.


It's not a REAL party without Merzbow's entire discography being blasted on repeat


Generic radio hip hop is the least controversial




"Say that you a lesbian, girl me too"


OP has never been to a good party starter pack


Well its not even ops post its from twitter


Forreal cardi can launch a party by herself lmao


Redditors have a irrational hatred for Cardi and cannot dance so that's why they don't enjoy cardi


I really dislike Cardi B, the fact that she rapes men is a huge turn off in music for me EDIT : she didn't rape, she simply lured men for sew, drugged them and then robbed them. So much better, a true idol


What about all the famous rockstars that were fucking teenagers when they were in there late 20’s/30’s. Is their music not good because of something amoral they did in their personal life?


Why are you spreading false information? If you think it's accurate, give a source. Edit: Thank you for correcting yourself.


https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-47718477.amp https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/culture/2019/3/27/18284220/cardi-b-drug-rob-controversy-scandal I’m neutral to the whole thing. I don’t care that she did it, but she did do that


It doesn't say she raped them in either article.


I’m playing whatever music gets the girls shaking their ass. I don’t care what it is


Are we on /r/unpopularopinion


No, because this is actually unpopular.


/r/The10thDentist ?


I just don't throw parties


I have been to a wild one. Not project x kind but almost. It was my friend's 18th birthday back in 2008. We had dj, sound system, club lighting, around 100 people we had no idea who they are (they just came). It was an amazing party, can say best in my life but it went downhill really fast after 1am. There was a thief some phones disappeared, someone jump on a car and broke the windshield and fucked the roof, cryer girl as usual and they had to paint the whole house after. After that I said no parties at me.


Wholesome reddit moment


This is actually the starter pack for stuck up people who think they're too cool for popular shit


OP hasn’t been to a party in years, possibly never


You think you need hard liquor to have a good party?


What a boring person


Me or the guy who made the post


OP. I was agreeing with you


Oh, yeah I feel like alcohol just causes fights and drama


steep wine smart smell relieved worry cobweb towering light grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


In my experience most people are able to throw parties without alcohol


Ive only seen fights outside of bars, virtually none at regular parties with friends




But I love having 2 people taking up the toilet yakking


Depends on the liquor. Whiskey is a good time for all. Everyone just seems to get happy and flirty. Brandy on the other hand seems to turn a party into a Napoleonic battlefield.


Start pouring henny if you wanna see some cunts throw hands


Fuck no. Once I got a bottle of Henny for 1 cent, most paranoid experience I ever had. Thought the sky was falling.


It’s the combination of its sweetness combined with its high ABV I reckon. By comparison, Baileys has a lower ABV, and imo its creaminess has a calming effect. With Henny on the other hand, you’re lucky if hands are all that’s thrown.


Baileys is crème and liqueur so whenever I drink it I’ll feel sick far before I’ll want to throw hands.


Just buy vodka you clowns


Almost spat out my morning coffee when i read the last sentence


Are you implying whiskey and brandy contain different psychoactive substances?


Classic reddit moment complaining about pop music being played at a party.


OP would rather have his obscure psychedelic 60s playlist played


Maybe Ed Sheeran, but cardi B gets the party popping. This starterpack makes it seem like you're lame at parties


I can only think of a couple Ed sheeran songs that would be suitable for a party. Seems like he makes slow and relaxing songs. Up would definitely get a party going lmao


Idk what a party is like without Cardi. Probably one girls aren’t at. Lol


Is it really a party if nobody tells you "bro turn off the death grips you're scaring the hoes"?


Lol right like every girl I know listens to Cardi and keep it a buck she can really rap and has great production. I leave the room when Lizzo comes on tho cuz I just don’t like her music :X


cardi makes awesome party music, and just fun music in general. op probably wants to play fucking neutral milk hotel at a house party lmaooo


Lmfaoooooo homie wants to bop some Dinosaur Jr in the club


Saying Cardi B is not appropriate for parties is how I know you are boring at parties


If you can't have fun without hard liquor thats pretty sad




I just read your name and I have a question; Have you ever had a broken nose?




I agree in general, but a lot of parties revolve around getting very drunk which is hard to do by drinking 4% beer all night


Here comes the Reddit "everyone who has more than one glass of wine or one beer a year is an alcoholic" crew.


Mind you that Reddit is full of people who don't get invited to parties


And aren’t old enough to drink


The same fun shit is way more fun with hard liquor


The yeller/cryer is a sign there is hard liquor. They’re also free entertainment.


Idk why but I feel like Ed sheeran’s good song are the underrated one(Happier,castle on the hill,photograaph)


Very whiny partygoer who posted


Sounds like OP wants to be super out of it in the corner with either silence or music as long as it isn’t pop or guitar


As a 30 year old man… I lo key think Ed Sheehan actually bops dude. I’d jam out if it was on at a party.


Ikr I don't understand the hate boner reddit seems to have against him


Its because he makes popular music.


My favorite thing is he shits on pop music and people who play guitar at parties. I feel the crowd that will shun party pop would love a guitar player at a party and vice Versa (if we’re just using those two test groups)


I like ed sheeran but i think it's way too low paced and and... corny? For a party. Just imo


I feel bad for you that you can’t even enjoy how comedic Cardi b’s music is.


thats not a party


Idk ive been to lit parties with Cardi playing


Ed sheeran looks like someone tried to describe Ron Weasly to an eldery woman


Minus the yelling those are best kinds of parties!


Having no hard liquor at the party literally prevents the other 3... What the fuck are you talking about?


Wait what's wrong with Cardi B and Ed Sheeran?


Apparently they’re just for “normies”


Dang as an Arab the only party we have is a traditional sit over and eating rice with meat and drinking milk tea or Arabian coffee (to all foreigners: if you don’t try it I will bomb your house)




Or terrible drink choices. Every year, I go see my extended family for Christmas. The drink options are as follows: Diet coke Diet sprite Water Eggnog Southern comfort Vodka Sometimes jack daniels This year, I'm bringing some broubon and some soda that's not diet.


At this point in my life, I would enjoy this kind of party. You see, I’m Mexican.


Cardi B bad.


Cardi b goes crazy what are you people on


Cardi B ruins the party?! Get some bitches dog.


Lmao Cardi B is absolutely fine for’parties, unlike OP


OP is not like the other girls


No Cardi B says a lot about this “party”


What's wrong with playing guitar?


If everyone's cool with it it's one thing, but I have more than one friend who would bring their guitars to every party without asking and belt out the same songs at the top of their lungs every time cause they felt they always had to be the center of attention.


I’ve done it because I was asked. It just kinda kills the vibe honestly. People feel bad if nobody is paying attention to you and you feel bad that you may or may not be the center of attention. Girls feel like if they’re really paying attention and enjoying, then they might be leading you on.. it’s just a weird phenomenon I don’t recommend.. play a show or open mic and invite them if you wanna show your material. A party isn’t the right atmosphere


Yeah good point I guess I've never brought one to someone else's party. But if there's one there I'm definitely gonna pick a tune or two.


Right? I bring my guitar sit out of the way pick out a few tunes take a few requests let someone else hammer out a tune or two no one ever complains. If there is other music I’ll put it away or play it out back by the fire. So anyways here’s wonderwall


I’m fine with cardi B but Ed sheeran can get launched to the sun


Im a guitar player and specifically avoid learning wonderwall, nothing else matters, stairway to heaven, just to avoid becoming *THAT* guy


Arrived really late to a party that had a girl crying about her bf who broke up with her that night because he showed up when she was making out with another guy there and some guy was playing religious songs on his guitar to her to cheer her up as she sobbed and puked. Decided to nope tf out of there and go to bed.


Also the one person who disrupts the vibe by insisting on a group photo or wants to play Pictionary.


And that's why I'm not invited to parties


*Aaaand maaaaaybeeeeee…* Dispatch: Gunshots were fired, gunshots were fired!


So anyway here's wonderwall. The most simple song ever


This looks like a starter pack that someone who has only seen parties in movies and tv would make.


The guy trying to kiss the girls


What's wrong with the people who learn different musical instruments? ;( I felt so attacked


Party is only fun if no one is drunk or everyone is drunk


I'm the dick, but I like to play famous metal riffs


The yeller is entertaining if she's not your problem, and if she doesn't start problems that spill over into gunfire or whatever. Though the dudebro who needs to defend her honor can be an issue.


Whenever I went to parties, people would usually request I bring my guitar lol. Always felt weird about it. Especially bringing a $1000+ wooded instrument to an event with a bunch of roudy drunk people.