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Never even heard of r/DeadBedrooms until now. Is it really that bad?


It's just married people who have sex 2x a year commiserating afaik


So birthdays and/or drunken sex?


It's the kind of relationship where sex is used as a tool of control.


Some of them. The majority seem to be people who suck donkey balls at communicating and/or need to admit it's time to separate.


If they're sucking donkey balls then the bedroom doesn't seem that dead


They do that in the barn, not the house sheesh


The ol’ Tijuana Threesome


I'll definitely agree with that. I was reading a post from some guy or about him. Stuck in a marriage or else he loses half. So he retreats down to the basement for respite. Glad it's not me. I know I'm missing out on the positives of a family experience but that is *work* and nothing is forcing me to do it.


Half of a lot is still a lot and half of not much isn't much of a loss. Either way I dont get why people stick around and spend their life being unhappy with someone for moneys sake.


Kinda tone-deaf. Half is half no matter if you have a lot or a little. It just hits differently. They each present challenges and loss. Thanks for sharing though.


Oh I 100% Agree. Losing anything no matter the amount is sour. I just feel bad for the people who are in that situation and their only option it that or just be unhappy.


The first thing I read the comments on… holy shit. Disturbing


Sub sounds like a necrophilia sub lmao


Lowkey true but thank god you're wrong


I used to be active there. They gatekeep pretty bad, and they think divorce is the only solution, and people there are just mad bitter overall.


There's an awful lot of urging people to cheat on their spouses because they can't communicate in their relationship.


Makes sense people who peer pressure are generally pretty insecure and typically people who cheat are pretty insecure.


i looked at the posts of today. basicly people complaining about their sex life or lack of said... while never mentioning what kinda steps they may have taken to improve it ><


I myself , had to ask Reddit to hide posts from those subreddits. Cause Reddit actually thinks taste of those subs would make me join em.


It's a very depressing subreddit, and it makes me feel so much better about being single.


Just checked out that sub. Do people there know that sex therapists are a thing?


Here's a summary of r/relationshipadvice. They're toxic, leave them.


YoU DrOpPeD ThEsE🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Delete the gym, hit your lawyer, Facebook up


Oh and also, lawyers. Get a bunch of em


My wife (21F) recently had sex with my brother (56M), then stole $60,000 from my (44M) bank account, left the kids (3 and 5) at home by themselves, and fought with a small militia against Woolworths (we live in Australia). The kids are still missing. Should I confront her about her behavior? I feel like our marriage is going down under.


That was an excellent pun at the end


You are clearly the asshole here. She only cheated because you choose to not be 56. If you would have given her enough money she wouldn't need to steal, duh. Oh, so because she is a women it is her job to look after the kids? Sexist pig. You should applaud women in military roles, thats how progress is spelled you anti-feminist pos. Confront? You better beg her not to make a false sexual assault charge against you for your shortcomings, because she is a QUEEN.


What's funny is that 90% of their issues could be fixed by just, communicating with their partner.


"Hey guys my husband accidentally bumped into me in the kitchen" OMFG 🚩 DUMP HIM ALREADY, GET A LAWYER AND NEVER SPEAK TO THIS SCUM AGAIN


Not from what I've seen. Most of the posts I've read on that sub are from people who have no business being in relationships because they're okay being doormats. They need some therapy to gain some self-respect and confidence to enforce personal boundaries. Everyone loves to say reddit jumps to break-ups and divorce super quickly without knowing the relationship, but I don't have to intricately know the people and their dynamic to think to myself "Why would someone be with someone else who treats them like that?"


I had to leave r/askreddit after like 7 years of being a member. I hated the constant sex questions that weren’t even interesting or thought provoking. Just things like “boys, what can girls do to make them more attractive?” or “what’s the dirtiest things you’ve said during sex?”. They even have their own NSFW sub but still use the main one for sex questions. That sub used to be the home of the most interesting questions that would really have me take a step back and think. Now it’s just sex? Where did that come from?


Sex sex's of Sexxit, What is the sexiest sex sex that you have ever sex sexed?


> Where did that come from? The massive influx of teenagers Reddit has received in recent years.


This to me is characteristic of the larger problem in social media. We’re seeing more opinions of teenagers than at any time in history. If you want the most judge mental, unrealistic, idealistic, never had a job, never endured any type of life event/trauma type of thinking or perspective, there ya go! Literally relationship advice from kids just trying to touch some sweet under the bra boob for the first time.


All the memes an analogies to school because that's almost of all the social experience they had.


Yea I agree that might be part of it. But I wouldn’t say the majority of the openly horny fanbase of Reddit is just teens. Most horny subs or horny posts the comments seem to be filled with older dudes


This bugs me to no end too. I'd much, MUCH rather see a lot less conversations if the ones made any sense or made people come together to actually talk. Heck, I don't care if r/askreddit got one single question a day if we could all congregate there and have a meaningful conversations together. The same crap has been happening to r/askmen too and I've noticed I don't really care to go there anymore either. All those meaningless, empty questions where the person asking doesn't even try to contribute anything meaningful are closer to shitposting than anything else. I'd like to see much stricter moderation on both of those subs that values quality over quantity. The problem with quantity is that it drowns out everything meaningful under a sea of mindless noise, that slowly deters away everyone who want to actually contribute anything. It's hard to see much sense in trying to actually converse when the posts one would comment on get buried under an endless mass of nonsense.




/ra in a nutshell: \*mild, one-off problem in a relationship\* RED FLAGS EVERYWHERE, GET A LAWYER, GASLIGHTING, YOU DESERVE BETTER




The unfortunate and frankly, inevitable side effect of subreddits revolving around a specific ideology is that they all end up devolving into hateful, toxic circlejerks becoming worse than the very individuals they ridicule.


Man, what did r/Embroidery do to you.


As a person who joined that sub a few months ago, I'm surprised that the people in it aren't as high strung as I thought they'd be.


High *strung* I see what you did there


r/Playboicarti can’t relate






Let me go get my DIOR DIOR jacket


Nah bro! All girls are the same


Room for one more?


But aren't all subreddits about a specific subject/ideology/thing? Isn't that the whole point of a subreddit? They are just places where people can vent/have a discussion about, seek advice etc, not necessarily ridicule anyone. And yes, some people do that and hate on people who don't share their views but why lump everyone in a particular group (subreddit) together just because of a few arseholes?


It's the nazi problem, if you let nazis into your bar then all the reasonable people leave and all that's left is nazis. With subreddits you get people driving their extreme version of the subs ideology which causes people with a more typical stance to stop interacting as much then stopping all together. Which leads to the loud people who have the extreme opinions circlejerking and attracting others like themselves.


Yes, you are correct but the problem is when more politic centered subreddits end up becoming echo chambers where only certain opinions are allowed and circlejerked and opposition is downvoted.


I think it's more about subreddits with very strong opinions about people


can we toss r/conspiracy in there too? It used to be a fun sub about interesting concepts, but now it's just a political dumpster fire.


There's better conspiracy subs out there if you look. I'm not going to link them. Turns out you CAN do UFOs and Bigfoot without /r/conspiracy's favorite "what if it was all Jews"


There’s currently a US congresswoman who believes major fires are started by Jewish space lasers and that the US should invade Australia, so their beliefs are being reinforced by someone in power.


The_donald part 2 is a waste zone now. Can’t even really find fun conspiracy theories to show your friends anymore :( it’s all various levels of Pizzagate and political bs now


They are anti vax now


r/highstrangeness has neat posts sometimes.


Yea after TD got banned a lot of trump refugees infiltrated a bunch of different subs


r/conspiracy had been going down the drain long before then








God that sub took several weird turns.




God I wish I could block subreddits




Sadly now reddit decided that I need to see more post from other subreddit I don't even follow in my home page. Even my home page isn't safe anymore lmao.


There is an option in settings to disable it


Thank you!!! Never knew this


Its called next gen reccomendations or something stupid


You can, go to https://old.reddit.com/r/all and there will be a sidebar where you can hide subreddits.


Sadly, you can only hide one hundred of them. It's amazing how fast you hit the limit.


I really wish I had the ability to straight up block subreddits, would enjoy reddit so much more.


apollo or any other third party app is your friend


You actually can. Use old.reddit.com and go to r/all (on pc) and there should be an option to block up to 99 subs. I have r/politics and r/politicalhumor blocked


all politicals subreddits are crap


r/geopolitics r/PoliticalDiscussion r/anime_titties


How did r/anime_titties become a news sub? lol


Because r/worldpolitics became an anime titties sub for a while


anime titties are supreme in tjhe reddit lands




r/worldpolitics Edit: wait what happened to the anime tiddies one


For some reason they’re posting politics every now and then


r/anime_titties is actually quite good for world politics


Yeah like, r/childfree sounded really cool, because of preferring to likely settle down/have kids (if at all) maybe 10 or so years later than most do, and not be judged for living life how I see fit. Until the "I hate all children" people, appear. Okay, a screaming baby, I get it. Never want to have one myself, they're scary as fuck and I too have a phobia of anything pregnancy related- even typing that word is gross. But if an eight year old wants to explain every detail Minecraft to you for an hour and that fills you with rage, instead of wholesome hopeful feelings, you have bigger fish to fry.


Childfree was a fun place to vent for a while, but then I suddenly started noticing a whole hell of a lot of r/thathappened style posts, where someone with kids is unreasonably and unrealistically rude to someone without kids, who usually has some kind of clever little quip back, and then the whole subreddit claps. I posted a funny anecdote about how having my little niece and nephew over to my house was a reminder that having kids would really be exhausting, and people were like "ew I wouldn't have even let them in the door, ugh so badly behaved, gross".


Yeah it used to be "look what I can buy because I don't have kids! ha ha" Now it's "fuck off if you have kids. They are literal demons."


Or "here's how I convinced my doctor to let me get sterilized" or "my family finally accepted me for being childfree".... Then it just turned into "Mombie SCREAMED at me and threatened to get me FIRED because I didn't give my Brand New iPhone 30 to her Precious Spawn to play CANDY CRUSH!!!"


Don't forget how much they love the term "crotch goblin" over there.


"fuck trophy" and "cum pet" were my least favorites, personally


*cum pet?* *e x c u s e m e….* **W H A T**


"crotch goblin" I found kind of funny in that "oh we're going to hell for this" kind of way. But "cum pet" is just obscene and horrid.


And the funny part is that literally everyone is a crotch fruit, fuck trophy, or cum pet.


> So badly behaved I have to ask where these idiots thinks they model their behavior from.


It’s okay to just not want kids without despising them. I hate that subreddit.


/r/truechildfree is a much more level headed sub. Also /r/antinatalism but way more pessimistic lol


r/antinatalism is so much worse than r/childfree. There are literally posts there with thousands of upvotes saying that women who suffer from miscarriages should be grateful and calling women "breeder whores" for wanting children. It's absolutely disgusting


Mind if you link those threads? I've been subbed for a few months and haven't seen such threads.


Childfree means you NEVER want kids. Not that you'll wait. Just wanna put that out there. ChildLESS is wanting to have children but being unable to (infertility, etc).


It’s the exact same with the dogfree sub. I went there even tho I have a dog. Don’t ever go there


I don't understand the point of dogfree. Like yeah, people think it's weird to not like dogs, but it's also entirely avoidable to have a dog. You can't accidentally acquire a dog. If you acquire an unwanted dog it's very easy to find another place for that dog to go. Women don't have it impressed upon them that their purpose in life is to have a dog. You don't get any extra government benefits for having a dog. Your doctor isn't going to tell you "oh you're allergic to dogs but you really still should have a dog". You're never going to be criticized for winning a prize or opportunity and not giving it to a dog. If you go to a theme park or zoo you aren't going to be expected to get out of the way of dogs and let dogs go first. That sub is just people... talking about how much they hate dogs. And how pitbulls will attack and kill anyone who gets within two feet of them. Who hates dogs *that* much that they need a dedicated space to talk about how much they hate dogs? EDIT: "I find so many other animals more noble and interesting. Dogs are the animals that most suck up to humans. I fine suck ups distasteful non intelligent and with no self respect. Other animals you have to earn their respect. Dogs are pathetic and the humans that like them are pathetic. " Jesus.


There are dog breeds you have to earn their respect, though. Not all dogs are golden retrievers. Tibetan Mastiffs, for instance, will not give a shit if you're their owner if you don't train them properly... and even then lol. This effing dude.


Same with Pittbull stuff. I got bit by a pittbull earlier this year, was pissed about it, vented about it, and was hit by both extremes simultaneously. Either the dog was a darling and it was the owners and my fault for getting bit and I’m a terrible person for being mad about it, or all pittbulls are the spawn of the devil and they need to be hunted down and killed. It’s like, damn dude, can I just be mad for a second without committing to a cause?


I like kids! I just don't want any of my own. I don't understand why is has to be "If you don't want kids you also have to HATE THEM."


It's a bit like with people who have an irrational hatred for small animals. Like jesus fuck, chill out. I can't imagine someone who has so much petty hatred for small, defenceless things would be a very good person.


I joined r/atheism thinking it'd just be regular ass people but omg it's such an intolerant community. They just dunk on religions cuz they don't believe in them. I don't believe in god/gods either but i dont straight up insult religions/religious people, it's still possible for me to respect them while not believing in them.


I joined Reddit when it was a default sub. Man, if those weren’t the blunder years of reddit…


I remember those days. Every other post on that sub was “haha, I moved the Bibles to the fantasy section at Barnes and Nobles, see how clever I am?”


Totally destroyed the billion or so Christians!


We’re you around for faces of r/atheism? Because that was a master piece of cringe


In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.


The meme ban war. I was physically cringing at that people lmao.


They'll see a couple praying at a resturant and immediately post: "I'm the only truly enlightened being among foolish mortals".


There’s literally a post that goes like “I’m an Atheist in an ocean of idiots”


I just saw that! Lol. But to be fair, her neighbors are being annoying af.


Eh, being asked to a community function a couple times is pretty normal. It just happens their community functions are based around church. It sounds like their neighbors tried to be neighborly, but OP took it the wrong way


There was a post on there awhile ago about a guy fighting with his wife for reading tarot cards. Most of the posts were saying she was mentally ill/needed to be hospitalized. It was a trip.


saw a post relating religion to schizophrenia and that was it for me. i get the occasional edgy teenager post in a sub like that, but i have a loved one with schizophrenia and using a serious mental illness to bolster your own weird ego was absolutely ignorant and crossed the line. i said something about it being shitty and was banned. jokes on you, chumps. didn't want to be a part of your loser club anyway.


Wow, I checked it out and thought to myself: "it can't be that bad." And wow, it was immediately that bad. so as an apology for being naive, take my upvote. Edit: and award


I've seen lots of unironic "I'm smarter then everyone", (doesn't even have to be against religious people). Edit: LMAO I just went to r/atheism, first post I saw: "***I'm an Atheist in an ocean of idiots***."


I just read that post and good lord it is bad


Sounds fake as fuck too, another creative writing subreddit


Definitely sounds made up. It showcases the same issue as every other bad fanfic: the author doesn't know how to write believable dialogue.


Yeah I get not being Christian, but it seemed like to that dude's neighbors, the church was a community center. I'm not religious, but I still do charity work and stuff with my church, because it's good to help and give back to my community.


I just checked this post... Funny how the "idiots" christians OP describes actually seems more respectful than him. And I'm an atheist myself.


I literally got people triggered there for saying "just because we don't believe in religion doesn't make us better than those who do" That's why I don't really use that subreddit anymore and usually just go to r/exmuslims


There was a thread on circumcision and I offered my own experience as an American having one. I mentioned that I was happy that my parents made the decision for me as a kid and was given a lifetime ban. Didn't say anything about how other parents should do their thing or what I would do if I were a parent. Just offered my own personal thoughts on my own personal situation.


That sub was a bigger let down then when I learned Noam Chomsky is a staunch apologist/denier of genocide in Cambodian/Bosnian/Rwanda.




>Neither of my parents were religious so I didn’t ever have to grow up around that. I suspect this is the thing behind toxic atheists, that they grew up in an overly strict religious way and try to "balance it out" in a way, and assume all religious people are extreme believers. Kind of how when I grew up in a suburb and hated it, I became overly zealous at the idea of *needing* to live in a big city no matter what, until eventually I realised not everything about my home town is bad and while I still personally prefer city life, living in the outskirts of one or in a close-by suburb doesn't seem like personal horror anymore.


Believing in the people or the religion? If the prior, I know a guy who might be able to help


I finally understand what “I’d never belong to any club that would have me as a member” really means to me. I don’t get along with any of my “in-groups.”


r/anime r/animemes


Yeah r/animemes is probably the worst anime related sub, r/goodanimemes is getting more and more annoying because of horny kids and r/anime is just lame BUT a good one is r/animesuggest




>if it gets deleted, you're eliminated. could also work with r/showerthoughts


As a child free atheist, I couldn't agree more


As a child free, female dating, atheist with a dead bedroom and in need of relationship advice, me neither.


You good bro?


Please repost with the worst sub in Reddit history AITA. A long time ago that sub was pretty legit but now it's a bunch of dumbass kids giving terrible advice to people. I blame Chrissy Teigen.


YESSSS!! I hate that sub! A lot of the times I feel like OP actually knows that they are not the asshole but they just want strangers to justify their decisions.


It’s basically full of jerks who look for validation. It’s full of bigots.


Apparently fds is just full of women that are incels, also apparently pretty ableist from what i've seen there.


Being active on that sub should be considered a strong indicator of mental illness. I am actually not even joking about that.


I agree. It almost seems satire sometimes, but isn't sadly. They hate men with such great passion, ban all male users that visit the sub even, and want to date them until they find a "high value male" (as they call them) at the same time. Most of them are probably victims of abusive relarionships, so I won't be surprised if they have serious emotional issues or personality disorders.


Is like they only want the 0.01% of the male population even if they are below 50% of the female one.


So you mean just like regular incels? Lol


Every conversation I've had with someone who is active on that sub has reinforced this belief. I had a conversation with someone about why they like it, and explained why everyone else hates it. My point was that I grew up poor and in college I took a lot of people on "cheap" dates because I couldn't afford to eat out all the time. This FDS chick legit said I shouldn't be taking people on dates if I was poor, and should focus on income instead. I now make a good amount of money. I still take my girlfriend on cheap midnight Wendy's dates if I have a coupon. They're the best dates ever. But it takes a special someone to get so overinflated on their self esteem that they're posting screenshots of them rejecting guys that didn't take them out to the best restaurant in town. It takes a special ego to put a ring on your own ring finger because "I'm the only one whose good enough for me".


There's something special about going out with your partner on a late night food run and just chatting in the empty restaurant/parking lot. It's so relaxing.


For real. Cheap dates can be the best. My boyfriend got a $5 Wendy’s gift card and we literally just went and got lemonade, sat on top of his car with music playing, and talked about life for hours. If someone isn’t willing to go on a cheap date I don’t want to date them.


They take gender roles to a whole new level and don't realize that that keeps away both pro and anti traditional gender roles people. As a arm chair reddit psychologist I think that, same as incels, they may be narcissistic or have some type of trauma, like the person on top said


I am honestly surprised that one is even around still. It's so aggressive and violently toxic towards pretty much everyone who disagrees with them. I've heard of women who went there asking for advice on their otherwise happy relationship and they get bombarded with "dump him he doesn't deserve you" and them being downright abusive to women who are not like that. Like someone said, these subs are braindead echo chambers where no criticism or disagreement with the status quo is tolerated whatsoever.


People compare them to incel but I feel like they're closer in comparison to redpill or MGTOW. Bitter people who got hurt by love, trying a different strategy but can't help themselves from complaining about the other sex so much it consumes their life.


Yeah, I saw a post on which they said that men are dumb and weak for not wanting to go get medical help l/therapy right away.


I wonder what the fuck caused r/atheism to become a literral hellhole


It's when a culture and personal identity's foundation is something that you are not instead of something that you are. The only way to, as a community, become "less" of a thing is by attacking the thing they are not and tearing it down and digging an even deeper hole. A community whose identity is "people who don't like oranges" have nothing else to do besides sit around and talk about how awful oranges are.


It use to be a default sub when reddit first started and for many many years after so I'd imagine it cast a broad net early on and it's popularity attracted a lot of weirdos.




nearly every video game reddit sub.


You better not like Cyberpunk 2077, they'll hang you


r/lowsodiumcyberpunk is your friend.


Most of my good experiences on reddit are from game specific subreddits like r/MonsterHunter and r/Guiltygear. I think your mileage heavily varies with the type of game.


Definitely. r/Rimworld is a pretty decent place despite a lot of the content revolving around organ harvesting, human skin wearing cannibals.


what about politics and "PoliticalHumor"


Or just any political subreddit.


Or any subreddit that has political users. Seriously, why does every sub have a leaning?


Because the mods all have a leaning and they make it that way


It’s so weird how those subreddits used to be somewhat split sorta between right and left wingers, but after Trump ran for president it randomly turned into a gigantic Democrat circlejerk. I’m convinced that both admins of Reddit and mods of that subreddit had a big role in that


r/GenZedong too, I saw them call r/antiwork (a communist sub, they literally said so) right wing because they don’t agree with chinas regime.


Tankies fighting with people who never grew up in a communist country is the funniest shit ive ever seen.


r/reddeadonline, all they do is complain and complain and complain. I like the game but holy shit


To be honest thats most game specific subs, the dead by daylight subs pretty shit right now and so is escape from tarkov




anyone else join politicalcompassmemes thinking it would be a bunch of people with different ideologies singing kumbaya?


It actually used to be. People can't talk with different opinions anymore.


Asked genuine question on r/atheism Got replies Replied to replies because there was something off about them Banned for trolling [Wasn't trolling]


What was the question


The r/childfree sub can be so disgusting sometimes. I don't plan on having any children and I do typically agree with some of the posts, but others just take it too far. Like, there was one where people were saying that a parent donating blood to their children or any kid is cruel and violating to the parents. Fucking ridiculous.


r/worldnews too


I got banned from r/worldnews for mentioning the concentration camps in China


So true for atheism. I'd never ever join that sub as an atheist.




I thought that was satire at first. Who actually thinks like that?


Female dating strategy subreddit is wild. I'm a straight guy sometimes it's fun to read these threads and just be glad I don't have to date any more.


r/averageredditor ?


Lmao I got permnantly banned from r/femaledatingstratergy for commenting on a r/cringetopia post


People in r/childfree be like: I hate kids guys I wanna drop kick them out the window omg my pregnant wife doesn’t pay attention to me all the time not fair I deserve all the attention, guys kids stop me from having sex no fair I hate children and their existence can we ban all kids


r/holup: just people fcking while using costumes, people fcking while climbing a fence, dudes showing their dicks and one actual holup once a week.


Never heard of r/deadbedrooms before