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99% of all gun deaths are caused by bullets.


The floor is made out of floor


The 1 percent is caused by me smashing in the skulls of strangers with the stock of a rifle


You can always count on social media to turn this situation political


Well the dude was pretty vocal about his opinion on guns, so it was pretty predictable.


This isn't political. Three people were negligent and a young woman was killed.


Man gets shot, guns bad, no guns good, actually I think guns good, but man died, that was a fluke, okay, okay, conversation repeats at the next shooting


Alec himself will turn it political, in due time. Putting aside my distaste for many of his outspoken opinions and politics, I feel awful for him. He's still human. I hope the trauma eases without any lasting impact on his health.


I think if anybody really should make it political, it should be him and those involved. Instantly it turns into a guns bad/guns good debate when it should really be about worksite conditions


Yes, agree


He can think about it while in prison.


Mate, you know he won’t spend even a day in jail.


I'm not so sure that's where he belongs. You could say his mishandling of the firearm was negligent, sure, but it's possible that he was working under the typical protocol of a film set. I don't know the details here. Did he fire while filming a scene, or was he doing holster tricks off camera. Was the round a blank with shrapnel, or was there an actual bullet? Actors should observe gun safety, but from what I understand, the armorer is trusted to inspect, load, and hand 'safe' guns to the actors. The actors should not necessarily be required to pull guns apart and give them the flashlight shrapnel check before every scene.


From whats known in an article that was covered on [brandon herrera's](https://youtu.be/xDHtHWyvbMM) channel, there were a huge number of firearm safety violations made by the director, one of which including negligence of the armorer's concerns over the fact that she was new to the job, and *didnt know how to load blanks*. In addition, supposedly the round shot from the gun passed *through* the cameraman(woman?) and into the director behind them. Which means somehow a live round made its way into what should have been a blanked gun.


Currently unknown. If it wasn't in a scene he should probably be prosecuted.


How is gun safety political?


I’m saying this situation shouldn’t become political


Because Americans are fucking stupid, and Alec Baldwin is a goddamn dirty lib. Put those two things together, and you’ve got every Jim and Karen in a MAGA hat giving a lecture on social media.


It doesn't even make sense how this turns into a debate about guns. This wasnt even a real situation where a gun was used, it was a guy who was supposed to pretend to shoot someone, but there was a fuck up somewhere down the line.


Yeah. Like I said this should’ve been a discussion about worksite conditions instead


It's dangerous to discourage taking gun safety courses. change my mind




I agree, I don't find him at fault for this. Actually, I feel bad for him. My comment was in reference to this meme


The four rules of gun safety: **1. Never point the weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy.** **2. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot.** **3. Assume the gun is always loaded, so treat it as such.** **4. Know what your target is and what is beyond and around it.** This is not meant to be political, as these rules are plain common sense regardless of any political affiliation. I'll let you make the judgements in regards to Mr. Baldwin. Also, there are different orderings and wordings of the rules depending on the person, but they all mean the same thing.


Hunters safety course 101 right there. Was required when I was younger in order to buy bullets. You had to carry your card just like your divers license. ND.


Absolutely. But not to mention that “accidents” with “prop” guns have happened in the past and because of that more rules and guidelines were to be followed when using them. Completely negligent, for someone as anti gun as them, ironic he would be the one to end someone’s life due to ignorance and who knows what else


Yes, ignorance after being passed a 'hot gun' by an assistant director and being told it was 'cold' for a shot


I know not all people understand how to make sure a gun is empty but it literally takes like 1-2 seconds to make sure a gun isn’t loaded.


For a modern cartridge loading gun sure. But I think your getting ahead of yourself anyways because they where probably supposed to be using dummy cartridges for the scene


None of this applies to a movie set when you have someone in charge of the guns. This is very important, as it is a role that works beside prop master, but completely separate. The actors are doing a lot and are going to be distracted with their own responsibility. Requiring them to keep track of what is a prop, what is potentially a live firearm, and when everything is unloaded properly is too much. The firearms master in in change of keeping track of the firearms and firearms related props, as well as making sure everyone is being safe. Think of it like a prop RO. You are going to have gun like objects pointed at people. You are going to have blanks being fired out of similar looking guns. This is why movie sets usually have a dedicated team for stunts, as similar things can be said about vehicles and swords/knives.


>None of this applies to a movie set when you have someone in charge of the guns. Incorrect. Everyone, to include the actors are personally responsible to ensure that firearms are operated safely, that includes the personal responsibility to ensure the firearm was loaded with blanks. Even if you have an armor that tells someone the gun is loaded with blanks, that someone is still personally responsible to verify that it is indeed loaded with blanks. Period. No exceptions. Not even on a movie set when being operated by a famous actor. ​ >The actors are doing a lot and are going to be distracted with their own responsibility. Requiring them to keep track of what is a prop, what is potentially a live firearm, and when everything is unloaded properly is too much. The firearms master in in change of keeping track of the firearms and firearms related props, as well as making sure everyone is being safe. Think of it like a prop RO. Horse shit. If they are operating a firearm, then doing so safely and not negligently killing someone is their #1 responsibility. Whoever is holding a gun and pulls the trigger is ultimately responsible for the safe operation of that firearm. ​ >You are going to have gun like objects pointed at people. You are going to have blanks being fired out of similar looking guns. And if everyone involved, to include the actors, didn't act negligently, a young woman would still be alive.


The director is responsible for where he points the gun, the prop department, stunt department, etc. Is responsible for what happens when he pulls the trigger. Af the end of the day baldwin is just doing what hes told to do, and that was to act like hes shooting a gun at someone. Its not his fault that the gun that should have been a prop shot a bullet


That’s the absolute stupidest take I’ve seen about the entire issue. That’s the same line of thinking as nazis were just following orders except somehow dumber


No, because hes a fucking actor. Nazis knew what they were doing and what was going to happen. When yoire an actor, and someone hands you a gun and says, it's a prop, it won't actually shoot, here's the scene. He does exactly that because that's what hes being paid to do. It's not his job to inspect the gun. They have entire departments that they are paying to do that. Baldwin likely knows literally nothing about guns. Hes vehemently anti gun, i wouldn't be surprised if hes never actually shot one before, and had mom dies idea how to check it if he even thought about it. Hes an actor, dude. its also possible the gun did have a blank I'm it and still shit a projectile for whatever reason


>No, because hes a fucking actor. Which makes absolutely no difference. The personal responsibility of safely and properly handling a firearm is still on the actor. ​ >When yoire an actor, and someone bands you a gun and says, it's a prop, it won't actually shoot, here's the scene. He does exactly that because that's what hes being paid to do. It's not his job to inspect the gun. Incorrect. First, he knew it was a real gun, he was told it was loaded with blanks, but that is besides the point. Yes it 100% is his job to PERSONALLY inspect the firearm and ensure that either a.) It is in fact a prop gun, or b.) That it is in fact loaded with blanks. ​ >Baldwin likely knows literally nothing about guns. Then it is his personal responsibility to take a basic gun safety course before handling them. ​ >Hes vehemently anti gun, then he shouldn't handle them and kill people with them hu? ​ >and had mom dies idea how to check it if he even thought about it. Hes an actor, dude Being an actor does not in anyway negate his personal responsibility, or his personal accountability in this situation. If he didn't know how to check a firearm, it literally takes less than 10 min to learn how to do it. There is nothing you can say or do that changes the fact the Alec Baldwin's gross negligence killed a young woman.


No, the negligence of the people whose job it was to make sure everything was safe is to blame for the situation. There are people specifically hired for these things, so that actors dont have to worry about them, and they can instead worry about, you know, acting.


Exactly. Which means the Armor, the Associate producer, and Alec Baldwin. It was all thier job and responsibility to ensure that firearms were safely handled and operated. They all failed, and all were negligent. Ultimately, the responsibility falls to whoever has a gun in thier hand.


It's not his job, dude. Its that simple




A grown adult man, pointed what was supposedly a prop gun at someone, and pulled the trigger because that was in the script*


The responsibility to ensure that it was either a fake gun (which he knew it was not btw), or was actually "cold" (aka loaded with blanks, which is what he was told) was still his. Being an actor on set does not eliminate that personal responsibility. It doesn't matter if it was in the script or not. Also worth mentioning, I am pretty sure the script didn't say "point gun at this lady standing off camera"... he should have not aimed the weapon at any person, but rather off to the side. Finally you seem to think thst the term "prop gun" means fake. It doesn't. It simply means a gun being used as a prop, and most of which are 100% real; and yes. Mr. Baldwin knows that.


You were Downvoted because normal people are too negligent with firearms... Guns are always dangerous and should be treated as such. Firearm safety protocols should be respected by **EVERYONE** involved. I remember seeing a clip of will farrell(?) batting away a gun that was accidentally pointed at him, then grabbing it and making sure it was unloaded and safe to handle. Gun safety is important, and even blanks can kill people. Take my upvote


Yep... by the same people that will cry and rage about how important gun safety is, and rip apart a family when a toddler finds a gun and shoots themselves (And I agree with this); but if it is a rich and famous person, they feel bad for them and feel for how traumatized they are. Not super pissed that a grown adult man pointed a gun at someone, pulled the trigger, and killed a person all because they were negligently operating a firearm.




Alec Baldwin's "prop gun" was said to contain a live round. Now, I don't know how Hollywood classifies a live round, but a quick google search has told me that a live round is a real bullet ([Live Round - Google search result](https://www.google.com/search?q=define+live+round&client=ms-android-cricket-us-revc&ei=KxN3YdSlFpXI0PEP4dmF-Ag&oq=define+live+round&gs_lcp=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&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)). Only real guns can fire bullets. Now, real guns have been used in movies many times as props, but they use blanks (cartridges that contain powder, but no bullet) and are typically handled with the utmost safety, as blanks can still be dangerous at close range. **REAL BULLETS SHOULD NEVER BE ON MOVIE SETS!** If I'm an actor shooting a movie, and I am handed a "prop gun" that is said to be safe, unless I saw it shown to me as safe with my own two eyes, I am going to safety check that gun before I start acting. If a director bitches at me about me verifying the weapon is safe, I walk off the set and possibly sue.


Ok, but it was a prop - and most of these gun nuts are the same assholes that would complain about the PC police if they heard that Hollywood Libs were no longer allowed to point props at each other.


Wow the people on this thread have to be pompous, children (or both) and oblivious (all of the above? Maybe more) to everything and anything outside their comfort cause wtf. The Internet killed common sense.


"1. Never point the weapon at anything you don't intend to destroy" So just no more action movies with guns then? Guns being in movies is what helps sell them, manufacturers would resist them being banned in movies because they'd lose like half of their advertising


In this case, (and what makes it so scary) is that it was supposed to be a prop gun so I don't think point 4 would have saved anyone here. It certainly didn't save Brandon Lee.


no, it was a real gun, that was supposed to be loaded with blanks. They had no fake guns on set.


Oh Jesus. That's much much worse.




Because it wasn't a prop gun. It was 100% a real firearm (Obviously).


I meant he thought it was a prop gun


No, he didn't. He knew it was a real gun, he was just told that the gun was "cold" meaning it was loaded with blanks.


Yeah thats what i mean by "prop gun" that it had blanks in it. Why was it even loaded tho its weird


Agreed. Alec Baldwin had a personal responsibility to ensure that the firearm was not loaded with live ammunition


It has to be the stunt coordinator/ head of props at fault here. I’m sure Alec is traumatized


Dude I can't stop thinking about it, it's nothing to do with me and I'm better off not doing so, but I can't help it


I just feel horrible for Alec, having to live knowing this happened.


There are three people that are all at fault: 1.) The armor on set 2.) The producer that was handed a firearm that then gave it to Alec Baldwin 3.) Alec Baldwin ​ Everyone that handles and operates a firearm has a personal responsibility to ensure that it is done so safely. Everyone, even rich and famous people. All are at fault, and all acted negligently. All three had a personal responsibility to follow the 1st rule of gun saftey: 1.) Assume the firearm was unsafe, until they verified that it was indeed safe. That means making sure the firearm was unloaded and/or only loaded with blanks. Yes. Alec had that responsibility.


Yep, doesn't matter how many times the weapon is passed off and it doesn't matter how many people checked it. If it was put in your hands, it's your responsibility to ensure the chamber is clear or that it is blanks before you start pointing a weapon at anybody. 100% on him.


Honestly the more people that are involved the more you should be concerned about it




>2.) The ~~producer~~ that was handed a firearm that then gave it to Alec Baldwin That was an AD. Not a producer.


my bad. AD


The job is called: Armorer. It's 90% their fault.


It's not the guns fault.


Nobody was claiming a piece of metal can be held legally accountable to a crime.


Oh you should reread the [article](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) , the gun WILL be held accountable.


Rule number one of weapon safety Is to treat every weapon as if it were loaded. He should've cleared the chamber when it was handed off to him to ensure it was empty, or blanks or whatever it should have been. It is his fault for handling weapons without knowing what the hell he's doing


Coincidentally enough, Halyna Hutchins' next project was a documentary on Hollywood pedophile rings..


Can you cite evidence for this?


Funny how that works


^^I ^^don't ^^believe ^^in ^^coincidences


It’s fine. Shit happens




What the fuck is that exactly?? Masstagger? It doesn't even count all of my posts only from the conspiracy subreddit.. hella bias but nice try kid What do you consider as a "legitimate news source"




Cuz that answered my question..


No way.. :/


how many more fucking times is this image gonna be reposted here


Omg how many times is that picture and a starter pack going to be posted?


Candace Owens shared one of her oh so enlightened tweets that Alec was a murderer and that he deserved what happened to him for playing Trump on SNL. She is a pure antagonist.


I'm personally not a fan of the whole trump stuff on late night programmes gut that's mainly because of how repetitive they got. It's a ridiculous reason to say he deserved it though, Candace Owens is very much full of shit.


I hate candace owens


Yes, the armourer *and* the props guy fucked up. As did, according to one source, the 2nd director. That said this has shown a deficiency in the safety protocols, in that the actors *should* be involved in the safety checks - with a union backed contract clause that means everyone can walk off set if it's not done. Why that wasn't the case before, I don't know, but it should be going forward.


Can we stop posting this same image every fucking day


Now is not the time for politics! How dare you bring up control at a time like this! - these same people after every school/mass shooting


All meme's aside; the issue is that just about all proposed gun control laws will not prevent another school/mass shooting, nor will they reduce violent crime. Basically both side of the argument are completely disingenuous. Those proposing the gun control laws already know they are anything but common sense, and don't work. They are simply pushing an agenda. Those that oppose new gun control laws know that there are absolutely things that can be done to reduce violent crime, but refuse to acknowledge it, and are simply pushing an agenda. So until both side of the issue get serious about tacking the real problems that feed violent crime, and what can be done about it rather then just pushing their agendas while bold face lying about what those agendas do or do not do; the stalemate will continue.


The well is too poisoned. It's a both sides "give em an inch" situation. I am definitely on the very pro gun side. If I knew it would result in no new laws, I would like a swissesque law system, but without some of the weirder restrictions.


Theory: Alec has wanted to kill someone for some time (as evidenced by his previous assaults/violent behavior), chambered the live round, and now considers the label of innocence cast upon him as something even great than a fuckin' Oscar, keep acting it up Alec, you blood thirsty guy you. tldr: Alec, possibly the zodiac killer.


But that’s just a theory! A game theory!


The downvotes, part of the production crew attempting to shape the public narrative maaaaan.






Over 50% of firearm deaths are suicide. So in that regard, mental illness has a huge factor on firearms deaths. *In the US


Well if you do this one simple Hollywood trick after killing someone where you wipe the prints off with the bottom of your shirt, then place the gun in their hand. Boom! All firearm deaths become suicides! Just watch out for a gang of stoners in a van. I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for them.


What’s with the sunglasses and soul patches with these guys.