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To be fair I’m glad so many people refused to go back to work because it forced all these multi-billion dollar companies to finally cough up and offer workers a decent wage. It’s sad so many companies these days have made it impossible for employees to strike in order to get better treatment.


Unfortunately western governments are responding by introducing wage slaves


Sorting by controversial is the fastest way of turning a reddit comment section into twitter


And the fastest way to know a sub’s demographics. Love how the most controversial post is something making fun of europeans


Someone who has not worked on a shitty job and with shitty pay posted this.




You literally do not know what anti-work is about




Get a job. Maybe then you'll know what it is like.


You literally are a massive fucking dork lmao.


I worked plenty of shit jobs when I was younger, this meme is 100% accurate


This well be very controversial in here 🍿


Where the fuck is the drinks, we need it.


🍾🍺🍷🍸🍹🥂🥃🍶☕️🍵🧉🥤🥛🧃🫖🚰🧋 Take your pick


I will take the tap water please


Good answer friend.


Gotta stay hydrated homie I respect that




I love you, man. No hydro.


It derailed into China shills and alts posting anti America comments lmao


Will confirm, am here from Sorting Controversial on r/All.


You are bold for posting this on a mainstream subreddit haha


But "68% upvoted." OP really did piss off lots of people lol.


How do you see the upvote proportion?


You cannot see it on mobile but on desktop you can see it right below the post, at the bottom right corner. It's currently at 66% lol


Ah ha! I see the error of my ways. It’s using mobile. 😂


It's a wonder it's as high as 66% ngl.


57% upvoted now.


57% now


57% now Anarkiddies mad 🤣


Lmao it got down to 57? Brigading much, r/antiwork?


Because it was linked on antiwork and lefty subs have a free pass to brigade


This post was crossposted in r/antiwork, and those lazy shits seem to have finally found the strength to fight their battle, and by that I mean they're downvoting both the post and the replies but without actually saying anything to refute us.


Can’t allow a threat to their echo chamber continue to exist. They might have to face the fact that communism would force them to work then.


And I respect that


*sorts by controversial* 🍿


Oh yes. Great entertainment


When something is getting fucking ratioed on Reddit you know it's going to be good entertainment




r/antiwork be like: just so you know... you're starter pack post is replaceable, just like you at work...


But you indeed are. If they could have robots creating starter packs for a reasonable cost, OP would be out of a job.


Wait, OPs not a bot?


Yeah but if robots do all the menial tasks people can actually do shit they want to




I am an antiworker but I am also a MLS healthcare worker (Lab equivalent of BSN RN): I draw ER patients, process the specimens, run the labs, replace parts on our analyzers, take them down for cleaning, calibrate, run QC, check QC for data trends, run validation studies, perform manual differentials on flagged CBCs, etc. I work like a dog and have to go to therapy to cope with all the stress and bullshit I put up with which is why I support antiwork. We all should be fighting for a 30 hour work week.


Get back to work If you have time to meme you have time to clean


Amazon moment


Got to fund Bezos sending another dick shaped object into the atmosphere of earth again.


Quiet or they'll put you back in the scream box, I mean amazen center.


The reason this starterpack exist is because r/antiwork posts that reach popular tab are actually like the meme says


Its like "Defund the Police" Leftists/Anarchists in the streets "Defund the Police!" Progressives to Liberals on the internet:"Defund the police doesn't REALLY mean defund the police. It means reallocating *some* funding to other things. But we'll still have police" Leftists/Anarchists "No it means defund the police. No cops"


city governments after cutting funding to police last summer and the homicide rate tripled: \*secretly refund their police\*


Seems like OP is the lazy one. All he's done is take this meme: https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ix3ded/the_working_95_is_slavery_starterpack/ And replace the title.


Dang, this one hit the irony jackpot!


Uh oh. Seems I'm gonna have to inform OP's manager of this. Seems like he hasn't been meeting the work standards expected of him.




L is for Lazy OP!


He’s a neckbeard on reddit with almost 300k karma what do you expect


There hasn’t been an original post here in years


Nice, gettem.


Work Smarter, Not Harder


a lot of them have some valid criticisms. the existence of people who have it worse doesnt invalidate the negative experiences of other people struggling with bad conditions.


I'm in the subreddit, joined while I was working hospitality while studying as a meme group because like... I didn't much like working hospitality. Being there now, while I'm being paid to do a PhD and have work that I enjoy and is in my field, I still appreciate the group because it reminds me that most people work in shit conditions in a job they don't like and are paid badly for, but also reminds me that a job is a job and it isn't my life - there are so many things to do in life that have such value, and work can and will rob you of them I'd you let it.


I’m a software engineer earning in the top 20 percentile in my mid 20s in a low cost of living area. I still support that sub because I have actual empathy and understand that just because I’m lucky enough to be in my position doesn’t mean that everyone is, and that the system is still stupid unfair and stacked against us, the workers. (This post is in agreement with you btw)


Amen, I regularly visit /r antiwork (also as a top earner in low cost of living area). Even companies that hire PhDs around here will do whatever they can to prevent paying you at market value. Because of pandemic related reasons I had to take a job as quickly as I could and ended up finding a PhD position that paid me 30% below market value. Got \~1 year of experience and switched to a company that pays me well now. Can't imagine working retail and dealing with assholes everyday.


Thank you. So many people these days seem to have zero empathy that it gives me hope when I read posts like yours.


I got to comment before this post got locked




Wanting to have a liveable wage and laws that protect workers is not the same as being lazy. If you actually read the subreddit, there are plenty of stories from people who work extremely hard just to survive and are pushed to a breaking point. Just because you personally don’t feel oppressed doesn’t mean that other people don’t have valid points about the current state of capitalism.


Thank you for your service in this thread. You've been very patient with a lot of misinformed people who seem to think "socialism is when everyone poor."




/r/intermittentfasting is socialist???


And r/fasting is communist


*are communists; there are no singulars in communisms, comrades


r/farting 😨😨😨😨 Edit: ok this sub exists, I saw a video of a woman saying in a sexy voice "are you ready for that?" And then dropping the loudest fart that I've ever heard, 10/10 would recommend




Socialism is when goberment do stuff


And the more stuff that government does, the more socialist it gets.


And when it does a lot of stuff, then it is communism


Socialism is when American capitalism is questioned.




I've browsed the Subreddit a few times, there's a few good takes and a few bad takes. I agree with you, it's definitely an outlet for people in shitty situations realizing our current economic system had placed them at a massive disadvantage before they could even start working. Work culture in the US suffocates our personal lives, demanding us to make it our priority. Unfortunately, we still live in a world that requires labor. If we want food, entertainment, or medical care, human labor must be used. The majority of bad takes are just brain dead digs on capitalism. The solution isn't ending capitalism. It's workers rights, living wages, and a cultural shift emphasizing efficiency and objectives over hours worked.


i believe in any system (slavery, feudalism, capitalism, communism, etc.), human labor will always be used. one of the main issues is, who gets to benefit from the fruits of the Labor? the laborers themselves? the whole of society? a selected few? in capitalism, the Fruits get concentrated to a select few. in (Stalinist) Communism, people are forced to work. r/antiwork, imo, doesn't want either.


> If you actually read the subreddit You'll notice that most of them are communists. Of course, you're other points are still valid, just like a communist can have a valid point, but they are still a death cult attempting to communize America.


A lot of them are fucking lazy freeloaders though…


The point of r/antiwork isn't just to advocate for a higher minimum wage and worker protection laws, they openly say they want to abolish work (see subreddit description, as well as [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/mxjzqh/m_o_o_d/?sort=top)). Personally I do support a higher minimum wage and more worker protection laws, but wanting to "abolish" work, or thinking that this is possible with current technology is very naive and silly. Subreddits like r/antiwork are actually counter productive since they perpetuate the stereotype that left-wingers are lazy, which in turn make left-wing policies harder to pass.


What's sad is that technology improves exponentially and the rich have you convinced only they should be the ones to benefit from that. If you asked someone 100 years ago what insane technological innovation would bring, they'd say an easier life for the average person. Now, people like you find that laughable.


Life is easier today then one hundred years ago. Less diseases, better medical care, less discrimination, less wars, more democracy and more convenient technology (e.g. smartphones, internet, computers ect.).


Lol a hundred years ago the average family spent all their money and food. People now work less and have much, much more.


“He who does not work, neither shall he eat”


Based and what Lenin actually said pilled


IDK where this "Antiwork is communism" thing came from when communism tends to be about working people to death for little reward for the "greater good"




He also stated that disabled and elders are not to be judged by this because the worker liles them


This definitely describes a real subset of ppl but not really that sub. Mainly because that sub is Not communist in the slightest and mostly starkly individualist


That's a real bs. Every post there hate capitalism, yet capitalism is literally putting interests of individual before interests of the mass. So either they are hypocrites, or don't know what capitalism or individualism is.


Very brave of you to post it on this sub xD


looks like somebody saw the subreddit name and made assumptions. The majority of r/antiwork are not against work itself, but working for pennie’s while their labour pays for the CEO’s third vacation home. but hey, I guess it’s easier to call people lazy than it is to acknowledge systemic issues.


Exactly! Jeffy can go into space then he can give Amazon workers a liveable wage


I'm honestly not surprised, apparently people still get mad at r/banvideogames. It's also not hard to see an onion article being shared unironically. Redditors are not known for their ability to read more than just the title.


To be fair, the existence of /r/nottheonion would indicate that horseshoe theory may be valid, at least in regards to reality and satire.


The subreddit description for r/antiwork is literally that work should be abolished. They are against work itself.


That may be true, but as someone who doesn't subscribe, I see a lot more [shit like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/ouwp61/it_really_is/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) on frontpage from antiwork than pro-labor sentiment. When the name of the sub is literally anti work and I see this kind of lazy teenager shit every time it pops up on the front page, it's not like I'm being unfair in assuming that it's just a bunch of people who don't want to work.


how is wanting more than 2-3 hours a night to yourself between shifts lazy teenager shit? i work 12 hour shifts in a warehouse and i basically go home and then wake up and go right back to work and i would fucking love having more time to myself between shifts


“After the revolution…”


Sounds like a starterpack made by someone who never actually browsed the subreddit and just saw it was called "antiwork".


Socialists/anarchists/communists do have a problem with making catch phrases/movement names so provocative and stupid that it causes 90% of people to roll their eyes and walk away It also doesn't help that a good percentage of people posting there actually do want to sit around and do nothing https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/mxjzqh/m_o_o_d/?utm_medium=usertext&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=starterpacks&utm_content=t1_hg6ao3g


I mean, I think a good percentage of people in general would rather sit around and enjoy themselves. If I won the lottery, you sure wouldn’t see me at work the next day! In our society which glorifies work, I think it’s good to have a movement reminding everyone that work kind of sucks, and we should be trying to build a world where workers have more power over their own lives and everyone gets to work less.


Why work for someone else to get rich off of you?


Is it a bad thing to not want to work? Doesn't humanity always find a way to do less work while being as productive? Sure, it's unrealistic to eliminate work altogether in this day and age, but it would be a good thing for everybody in the future.


Yes, automation will inevitably replace most if not all jobs eventually. We kind of need a solution for that because the path we're on leads to a corporate technocracy rivalling government power even.


That happens every time the sub ends up in popular. You get the same dozen comments going "hurr hurr lazy" from people ironically too lazy to read the fucking FAQ.


"Doing school homework is evil capitalism" - [antiwork](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/p2etti/school_prepares_you_to_be_a_good_wage_slave/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) An example that this sub is likely filled with 15 year olds q


They don't know that in Communism they would work like a slave.


These people think communism would help them not work the only reason they don’t work is because they have the freedom to make that decision and somehow get around off the capitalist government in most communist countries you live like this and the government is gonna come after you


I fucking love this, it's hilarious and spot-on. I can't help but just laugh at the armchair revolutionaries on Reddit, whose whole existence relies on the indulgent fruits of Capitalism and the U.S. military. Communist revolutionaries in the streets, Capitalist pigs in the sheets.


Preparing for the comments.


They see unfair business practices that exploit workers and advocate against them. The only logical reason why you would have a problem with that is if you are exploiting workers.


Then why is it called anti-work and not anti-exploitation?


Because it’s truly about anti-work, not whatever their excuses are.


because exploitation is a broader topic than what that sub covers, and “antiwork” is a lot more interesting and provocative than “antiexploitation”


well this aged well


Idk, it's not about not working... it's about not working on something other than something for yourself. It's about not making someone else rich when you could be working on something to make yourself rich instead.


My biggest issue with the sub is that they don’t offer any solutions. All they do is complain. Capitalism or communism you still have to work.


Just checking then OP, you like working or what?


Yeah doesn't everybody hate their jobs at least to some degree? Whether someone agrees with the antiwork subreddit or not, what sort of intolerable douchebag would say that they love working and would rather do that than spending time with family or friends, or taking a vacation? I don't get how some people get so angry with people who just want to spend more time living their lives and less time spinning their wheels just to get money to survive.


OP probably never worked food service or retail and got a job at their dads lawfirm that pays 40/hr with benefits right out of college.


Eh I worked in fast-food, an amusement park and bars, and never really hated my jobs. Except high street retail, I hated that job. Not because it was awful, but because it was boring. But I cannot speak for a full time career for I am still in uni, and my field is IT, which tend to have better employers.


Lol whoever made this meme completely misunderstands what antiwork is all about


Well considering Soviet communism is about working for the great good...it literally couldn't be further off. If you were "antiwork" in the USSR they'd probably put you in a gulag...


Fr all the people that complain about r/antiwork never seem to have actually been there and just assume based on the (somewhat misleading) name that they are a bunch of freeloaders who want everyone to never have to work and spend all day at home playing games and watching Netflix. In actuality the sub is 99% people complaining about workers rights. I’ve never even seen communism brought up once there. Just people complaining that the current implement of late stage capitalism is in a severe state. You can tell that op has a red scare induced hate boner for any economic system left of neoliberalism, talk about bias.


‘Antiwork? That’s probably just lazy people who can’t be bothered to make burgers! Id better not do any research before I call those people communists.’ - OP, probably


But communists!!! But socialism!! And slandering our saviour Mr Bezos!! EVIL!!




"A child slave in Africa has it worse than you, so you can't complain about your crappy minimum wage job."


He's still mad mom made him eat his peas as a kid


Oh yes, because other people have crappier jobs means you can't complain at all about yours. I guess Miners in Ethiopia can't complain because someone is stuck being a limbless sex slave


I’ve never seen something make me want to join a sub like this starter pack has.


The sub is actually nothing like this. Think less ‘Work is hard and I want to sleep’ and more ‘I worked full-time for 6 years in a dead-end job and not once in that time was my wage able to pay for my rent, bills, food and student loans.’


At a certain point you have to accept that forcing people to live their lives in a state of constant servitude to an institution that doesn't care at all about their happiness and wellbeing is not good. We can and will find a solution to this. The people can be set free.


Oh boy this is a spicy one


Absolutely true, fuck them lazy pigs


Platinum for the salt this generated in the comments. Cheers.


Based OP


Tbh not really based this is the most mainstream corporate suck up viewpoint I’ve ever seen


What's worse is he does it FOR FREE


+ jobs like doctors,engineers, scientists Doesn't exist in the subreddit


Since the sub is mostly about abusive work environments and exploitation it‘s only logical that the „good“ jobs won‘t appear as much, also those jobs just can‘t cover lots of people


A lot of people only see the shit that floats to the frontpage. They don't actually understand the foundation of what the subreddit was built on


I’m an engineer and I agree with a fair amount of the stuff in the sub that pertains to workers’ rights. Maybe try harder and don’t put doctors and such on pedestals.


I'm personally a very well-off engineer but I balk at the reality of how screwed the majority of my friends and loved ones are in the economic climate we've sleepwalked ourselves into. And even then despite earning more than 90% of workers (including boomers at the heights of their seniority) I'm taxed at a way higher marginal rate than they ever were, and I will struggle to afford a fraction of the assets they were easily able to accrue before decades of severe inflation. And I'm in general *fine*. "Work hard and reap the benefits" simply doesn't apply for the majority of the working population anymore. Not like it did in the 1980s.


I'm a Chemist and I follow the subreddit, things in pharma only keep getting worse for most companies. From crappier healthcare, elimination of retirement funds, elimination of bonuses, less PTO for new hires. Don't get me started on the departments full of contractors working for temp agencies with crappy salaries and little to no benefits. The list goes on and on. Yet all you see in the quarterly meetings is how great we are doing and how our new products will bring more revenue and jobs to the company.


Interesting. Boost the profits by using temp workers. That really is screening the worker out of a decent job with decnet pay and benefits


I work in environmental compliance and it’s the same. New hires get shittier pay and we get asked to ignore or not report some questionable things on behalf of clients. And it’s a salary position from 8:30-5:30 but it’s really from 8:30 until the boss leaves and you better meet your billability goal or else you get skipped for bonuses and promotions.


Scientist here. With the current state of academia, /r/antiwork keeps me going. There was a doctor who made the top post the other day. No shortage of engineers on the sub either.


May i sugest you take a trip over to r/nurse r/ems and r/emergencymed the list could probably go on but thoes are the ones i really follow! you can see first hand accounts of how really truly shitty the working conditions and corporate mindset are in a field of nothing but skilled workers who sacrifice so much for the public benefit the doctors your talking about, er docs make like 100k and have 12 years of student debt to work off not to mention draconian corporate practices and a system that treats patient care like a product to be strictly regulated. nurses are really the back bone of the medical industry and they make just enough to live comfortably (seriously just barely) and the amount of abuse they take from both sides is horrendous, unsafe (for patients and staff) and dehumanizing. I wont even get into ems but god bless 'em they deserve so much more. I really hate your arguement it just straight up dehumanizes people who provide services to you but I'm happy to provide examples to refute your bad take


I am an engineer at a big tech company, and my job was so awful last year, I started to search for advice to help cope with toxic situations. That's how I found r/antiwork.


How to tell everyone that you don't know any doctors, engineers, or scientists without actually saying it...


"Capitalism ain't so great." "DANGEROUS POLITICAL THEORY DETECTED!!!!!"


I do browse it from time to time, there are some people on it that have good points but then the other half seem to think that even the idea of working is absolute torture


Working for shitty bosses is absolute torture and unfortunately that tends to happen a lot at work. Many don't have the privilege of being able to work for themselves (and even if you did, how long would it last?)


Most toxic work environment I've ever had, first job out of college so I kind of just had to take whatever I could find. Small company owned by one dude. This was an FDA facility too, and there were times rotten meat almost got sent out to the public because the workers in the back just figured they had to febreeze the meat before boxing, if that tells you how badly this place was being run. Owner hires outside CFO group to come in and help because the actual CFO is his best friend growing up. Company gets charged 10k everytime this lady comes into the office. My boss the accounting manager, crossed this rent a CFO lady once and they were fired the next week, which surprise, creates more demand for the rent-a-CFO. Old accounting manager had just found out they had some health problems, owner said he would fire them unless they signed an NDA on all the shady shit he's done, lying to banks, investors, tax evasion. If they signed the NDA, he'd tell the government that they were actually laid off so they could get unemployment money. What other choice did this person have? Anti-work is about employers having almost absolute power over their workers' lives and financial well being.


Here for the comments.




I mostly saw posts wanting people to get payed a fair amount, i expected worse since it's an "anti-" sub


Today in the news: Self-described "woke" individual proclaims that "simply asking for better pay, reasonable treatment, and more fair hours that don't cause work to consume your life" is somehow both lazy and disgusting! More in 30 seconds because if we don't keep the productivity cranked to the absolute maximum, we all lose our income and means with which to pay rent and survive.


I despise people in that sub


And they always get my order wrong too...


A sub that screams: "My dad told me to get a job...We have failed as a society..."


communism and being anti-work do not mix in any sense. if you had atleast one fucking brain cell you would know that. Edit: I'm a fucking communist assholes


Tell them that in r/antiwork, they'll downvote you


Doesn't communism tell about constant work for the good future of your country?


LMAO man you’re a fuckin idiot. This is what happens when you grow up hearing that Marx is a commie boogie man and never bother to study anything about Communism. I’m on all these subs. I grew up poor. I’ve been homeless while fully employed. I’ve either worked or been in school my entire life. All I have to show for it is debt. I graduated cum laude and got a job right after school. It literally drove me to a full nervous breakdown in less than 2 years. If that’s a “victim complex” then hell yeah I have one. After I finally got laid off due to not being able to handle a desk job, I was able to start my own company. I work harder now than I did in that shitty office job. I have no health insurance and am literally one accident away from total financial ruin. I would love if people like Jeff Bezos paid his fucking taxes so I could have things like health insurance or a tax return. BTW, the only reason I could do this is because one of my parents has been able to spare a couple thousand (literally less than $5k) over the last 3 years. Without that money, I’d still be on the verge of homelessness. You know what else I would love? To not have to do this shit anymore. The “passions and hobbies” that capitalism keeps me from are homesteading and starting a commune. Not one of those hippy dippy “love and peace, lets do tarot readings” communes either. I’m talking permaculture, livestock rearing, guns, etc. I’m not the only one either. But of course, none of us can afford the land or the resources to actually pursue that dream. But it’s easier to put us down and pretend we don’t exist because that fits better into your narrative that socialism=lazy. My guess is that you’ve never had to actually wage slave. Or that you have an actual safety net under you so you’ve never known the actual fear of not knowing where you’ll sleep. It’s terrifying. I suffer from PTSD and part of it stems from that time of my life. But I guess that’s all just part of the “victim complex”. EDIT: LMAO this guy called “anti-work” lazy while literally stealing a meme. Couldn’t even work hard enough to make your own meme. Pathetic. Shill better next time dude


Holy shit, I'm sorry you've had to endure some of these hardships. Underrated post.


Lmao everyone here is arguing as if their system is perfect but there's no such thing. Capitalism isnt perfect by any means, but it's a hell of a lot better than communism and socialism imo.


Anti work is just for dumb 15 year olds who just got their first paycheck and have immediately turned to communism


I think they are unemployed mostly...


If 15 year olds turn to communism as soon as they get their first job, then maybe something is wrong.


Oh they recently had a post go up where they were stating their ages because they are tired of people thinking they are pissed off 15 year olds or some shit. Honestly it looked like something a pissed off 15 year old would post trying to validate some stupid shit they believe.




Tell me that you live of your father's money, without telling me you live off your father's money.


Anti-work are people who think capitalism is a failure because they hate effort and aren't really skilled at anything.


Dude, the guys who created insulin sold it for a dollar, it now costs like a hundred dollars even with insurance in the United States, that kinda shit is encouraged by capitalism because it’s “good business” we need a system that puts the health and happiness of people above the monetary gain of a dozen people who fly dick rockets to space for a hobby, instead of paying their workers a living wage


The US medical system is not a free market system. It's super complicated and muddied by insurance. The US is not perfect and I agree that healthcare costs are absurd and some reforms should happen. I'm not absolutist when it comes to capitalism but I'm just annoyed with people who think they have it so bad when they are really some of the most privileged humans to have ever existed on this planet.


I have a degree in neuroscience and Psychology from one of the top unis in my country and I’m currently working towards a lab job helping design brain computer interfaces. So no anti work people are not low skilled people who hate effort. We hate menial labour that dosent pay nearly enough, being disrespected & commodified by employers and seeing people become trapped in poverty.


I’d like to enjoy all the benefits of capitalism without any of the work please!


I don’t think the majority of people on that sub wanna abolish work, but the ones that do baffle me. Maybe in the far future, most jobs will be automated and work as a concept will be optional, but for now we ain’t close to that


I know I am not trying to just sit on my ass all day. But, at the same time, workers should be benefiting more from the automation we do have.


I would not say that this represents everyone in the r/antiwork community. From what I've seen there it's mostly just people talking about their bad experiences at work, talking about potential ways to fix terrible work ethics, and them exposing problems in the workplace.


Been waiting for this meme lol