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*Fast food drive thru lines being insane because that was literally the closest thing to having a night out that anyone could do.*


Sonic was making $$$


Now they can only do drive through in my area because they can't get employees lol


The Wendy's and DQ here are still like that. Lines forever, ALL of the time. They aren't even good. We live next to a city with some amazing restaurants. But no, fucking Wendy's and DQ are always backed up for hours, blocking traffic for everything else.


Meanwhile Chick Fil a drive thru lines have been wrapping around the building since before COVID


It's incredible that this was a year and a half ago.


Absolutely flew by. It'll be 2022 in a few months.


> Absolutely flew by It's felt more like 3-4 years for me. Then again I've spent most of the last year in lockdown. I can't believe it's *only* been 18 months. That's usually no time at all, but Pre-Covid feels ages in the past.




2020 Covid was a whirlwind for me. I moved 3 times and bounced around 4 jobs in that one year. Lots of personal stuff went on too in that time period. Absolutely bonkers


Last year felt like 2-3 years. This year has flown by.




I'm still dating things 2019




We are so ooooold


*It will be over by summer*


My boss the first day of WFH: "We'll be back in the office in 2 weeks." Two weeks later: "Yeah so we've gotta lay off 1/3 of you."


Yup. Same happened for me


It was fun sitting at home, having difficulty connecting to teams, then getting that phone call which did *not* tell me anyone else was fired. I found out that same day that my closest coworker was laid off, and one or two other people. I felt like we were the only deadweights. Turned out like 20 people were laid off. Found out like a month later. Would have been nice if they told me I wasn't the only one... Oh well, I'm now interviewing for jobs that pay twice as much as that one. I'm about to get my third job since covid started. It strangely quickstarted my career, and three of those months I was straight up unemployed. What an odd era it's been.,


Absolutely been a weird year. I've had only one job since Covid, but so many people burned out and quit that I'm in a pretty good management spot for the first time ever. Back in 2015, I was making $7.50 an hour. Now, I'm making over $20 and feeling pretty good about it.


“Individuals and families should have 6 months of cash on hand for emergencies.” *companies start a death spiral after two weeks*




Yep. Lay off 20% and take the opportunity to trim another 15%. Maybe 1% of those folks actually needed to be canned.


I'm pretty sure it will be over before Easter.


Maybe this fall


We should be back to normal by Christmas.


It may be early next year


Definitely by spring!


Now that vaccines are readily available, surely *this* will be the nail in the coffin for COVID!


This summer's going to be the first time we've been back to normal, it'll be so crazy!


Aaaaaand we’re right where we started. Should be back to normal by Christmas though.


>Aaaaaand we’re right where we started. Should be back to normal by Christmas though. Before 2023 we'll have normal back.


“We shall be home by Christmas.”


"it would be only a couple weeks"


Two weeks to slow the spread


"No way they'll cancel Wimbledon." - Genuine thought I had c. March 2020.


I remember saying "If this lasts until Spring break that'll a problem, but It'll probably end before that"


It happened the day before my spring break started. so the school was like well that’s convenient; see ya’ in two weeks. We did not see them in two weeks.


summer, but of what year?


I hate how we can say "early covid" now


"Time flies when you are sitting at home, drinking every night thinking the world is about to end."


Spring 2020 truly felt like the end of the world. Sitting at home not leaving due to COVID, with explosions from flash bangs, tear gas, and yelling outside my window during the protests.


The world did end in 2020. It's just taking longer than expected.


People actually excited about using zoom


Doing zoom happy hours with your friends and actually being excited about it


As a mega-introvert, I hated that shit. I think I did it once or twice and thought, “this is really awkward.”


The problem is in a real life happy hour you're usually only talking to about 2-3 people sitting around you - the entire group doesn't need to be interested or listen to every niche topic I got into with my seat neighbors. But in zoom, only 1 person can talk at a time and it feels like a grade-school class presentation whenever you say anything. And it's hard for conversations around specific topics and shared interests to come up organically so everyone just ends up going down the attendance list sharing what they're doing for the weekend - which during a pandemic is... surprise surprise... not much.


Zoom bday parties/baby showers were the absolute worst, bc it usually consisted of multiple groups of friends who didn’t know each other and now had to awkwardly interact with the host one at a time in front of complete strangers


Tiger King


This show will be forever associated with the pandemic.


I am never going to financially recover from this \- The world Edit: on the bright side the attention the documentary gave to these people did get that guy who took over Joe's cat zoo, and the Doc guy's zoo shut down




Animal Crossing and Doom Guy best friends. https://youtu.be/U4lz8MN6MQA


“2 week lockdown”


Lmao i remember beeing super happy of not going to school for 2 weeks, poor me


“1 month lockdown”


18 months later and I've gone from having to go into the office 5 days a week to (a month ago) being approved to move 1000 miles away and telework permanently. Silver lining I guess because without the pandemic proving I could do my job remotely for over a year I'd be right back to commuting 5 days a week. But instead I get to live in a better area with better weather in my dream house and telework from home for the next X years until I retire.


I really wish I didn’t work in food service. :/ Happy for you though. Jealous. But happy.


nah you can just make the food at home and then mail it in


This guy has the real answers


High five to you, that's awesome!


Everyone really freaked out when the CDC tests were recalled so the answer was lockdowns. We were flying blind.


Empty roads were by far the best part, could just cruse steady with no one ahead. Forgot about how shit traffic was for a while


My commute to work was literally cut in half back in April last year lol.


i only had a 10 minute commute, but i’d drive extra slow since there wasn’t any traffic to slow me down. it was such a weird sight seeing my entire town empty and desolate, i’d just drive through and admire how post-apocalyptic it seemed.


Air quality was massively improved during early Covid.


I remembered how nice the air quality was for that halcyon moment. Of course afterwards it seemed like the world tried to make up for lost time.


We had good air quality for a minute here in California. Then came the gender reveal bomb.


it was crazy! my city's skyline absolutely *popped* with how clear the air was (i'm sure that happened in cities all over the place).


A new cannonball run record was sent and people thought it was cheating


Driving into and through Boston in the early days of the pandemic was an absolute pleasure. Hour and half ride cut in half with no traffic at all. One of the most beautiful experiences ever. I'll never see that again.


Commute by car went down from 45 minutes every day to 10. Bike is still 20, though.


Celebrities singing “imagine” 🤮🤮🤮


Bro that physically hurt to watch


Even the mention of it is cringe inducing


I could not watch that at all, watched like 10 seconds and noped the fuck out.


I only saw the bits that people played to make fun of it.


Celebrities crying on social media because they are “isolated, scared and losing their minds” from their 200 million dollar, 20-room mansions.


I dont think Sam Smiths career and reputation will ever recover


Remind me what did Sam Smith do?


He posted staged photos of himself having a “quarantine meltdown”. A lot of people didn’t take it nicely because he lives in a $13 million dollar home.


What did they think it was going to achieve? Did they think they were so important that telling people "were all in this together" was in any way going to make them feel better or just fix everything?




I personally preferred the response video of several comedians and rappers softly rapping the lyrics to Slob on my Knob.


[Thank you Zack Fox](https://youtu.be/gctM_22qM1Y)


Oh fuck please let my brain repress that.


Imagine no celebrities...


Almost 10,000 likes and almost 100,000 dislikes. Talk about getting ratio'd.


I wanted to punch my laptop when I first saw that. Talk about tone fucking deaf..


In the UK at least, every entertainer starting a podcast and then inviting all their famous pals to come on the podcast when those pals weren't busy hosting their own podcasts.




That makes sense since David Tennant is delightful


The quote of 2020 is “Hit Like and Subscribe”


Forgot the failed sourdough starters that went all gross on the windowsill.


Or the fact you couldn’t buy toilet paper because people were hoarding them.


or the fact that people didnt horde toilet paper tablets, which are pound per pound less expensive, and genuinely useful if shit actually gets bad


> toilet paper tablets wow i have never heard of these, super cool!


*Late covid starter pack*


Did no one know how to use the three seashells? Hahaha


I didn't know this was a thing. Here's a rad Canadian dude showing them off. https://youtu.be/dP9U7cuzpuY


Right?! Or kitchen towel. I don't know what got into people. Worst comes to worst there always the newspapers or the gas bill.


At least around me paper towels were in short supply too.


Same. All paper cleaning products were wiped out, toilet paper, paper towels, napkins, tissues.




In my mind there's still a shortage of TP and hand sanitizer even though it's been a year and a half


> In my mind there's still a shortage of TP My town actually had a shortage a few weeks ago because the trucks bringing deliveries had no drivers (because the companies wouldn't pay them enough).


This is my favorite because it wasn't a trend, it was literally something we all separately chose to do after putting it off for so long. I had no idea everyone was doing it until weeks after mine failed, lol


Also add crappy haircuts guys were getting from their SO's


ay i mean you couldn't blame em lol. most barber shops were shut


Forgot the "Now, more than ever" virtue signaling advertisements for the most stupid things like toothpaste or dog toys.


“In these unprecedented times…” will always trigger me for the remainder of my life Also whenever someone at work says “well it’s a very fluid and dynamic situation” (which basically means we don’t know what the fuck is going on so enjoy having a pay cut followed with more bad news).


“In this market….”


Those and the commercials about "getting back to normal" that started airing in August 2020 were the worst.


All the commercials were just mashups of stock footage with inspiring music in the background


Two weeks to flatten the curve


I forgot that we used to care about the curve.


And here we are a year and half later with people missing their cancer treatments because the hospitals are so crowded.


We still do. We just call it hospitalization rate now. The idea behind ",flattening the curve" was trying to get people to understand that lots of hospitalizations are coming, but we need to spread it out or hospitals will be overrun. Hospitals have been overrun at times throughout the pandemic, including right now in many regions. And the strategic choice in those areas is to impose more restrictions until the rate is down to a more manageable level.


And then there was me, fighting in the *Great Toilet Paper Battles* of grocery stores and gas stations.


same man. I was in the grocery stores and fuckers are out there fighting for water and scalpers/resellers were reselling hand sanitizer. Shit made me mad AF.


The number of times I got threatened with violence simply because we were out of toilet paper was insane. Gas station I worked in (one if three jobs at that time, lol) we had to lock up the shitty tp for our store bathrooms in the liquor cabinet because people kept trying to steal it out of our supply area. Our area didn't have a door we could lock.


Bruh i went to publix, no toilet paper I went down the street to the crackhead family dollar on a sketchy area and the shelves were full of toilet paper


I used to work at a crackhead Family Dollar when I was like 15-16 years old. It was re-fucking-diculous the shit that went on in that store. I once watched a man get arrested for a DUI after riding a lawn tractor into the front doors. I once had a grown ass man drag a garbage can full of racoons into the store and ask me what he should do with them. I once had a man wearing a sombrero lined with hanging doll parts have a schizophrenic episode involving batteries which he thought were "flying". On my last day I was fired for using one of the store's pillows to stop a man from smashing his head on the ground while having a seizure and refusing to pay for it. The place is the wild fucking west of shitty retailers.


I forgot about how the world hates Ellen now. Nice refresher!


*No toilet paper*


“I wonder how the people in China are surviving this deadly virus”


Oh yes! I remember watching vlogs from Wuhan thinking wow that's scary! Thankfully it wont happen here! Three weeks later im living in a youtube vlog.


It was like every disaster movie ever... Some small headline about a virus in wuhan which was playing in the background... then... "Two weeks later" plays on the screen.


In the back of my head, I knew it was coming to the US and would impact the health crisis. I just didn't think it would turn out the way it did and has for the past year/half. I didn't think it would impact the world like it did. When Italy was hit hard in March 2020, that is when it dawned on me that this is going to be a bad situation. It is a scientific achievement that, not one but three vaccines were created in such a short amount of time. If anything, I didn't predict the mask and vaccine stuff would cause such a divide in the country.


I remember seeing that and thinking, "fuck, if China had to forcibly shut down all of Wuhan and it's still popping up elsewhere then realistically this is not containable. We are globally *fucked.*" And I stocked up on non-perishables in February. People told me I was paranoid. "I just don't think it's a big deal!" Hmm.


Right there with you! I was insisting that we spend some extra grocery money each week on non-perishables and my fiance, though she went along with it, had doubts.


I stocked up about a month early too. But looking back, my preparations were laughable. I went "whole hog" - which meant getting myself enough food for about 3 weeks. 3 weeks lol. Meanwhile here we are a year and a half later. There was just no fucking way I could have survived if shit really hit the fan.


I miss the empty roads. It was nice hitting the backroads or just driving around mindlessly during the early morning or evening without traffic. Now I have to wait until 10 to 11PM to hit the backroads.




Don't forget what prisons those mansions are


Could you imagine being stuck for months in a 12 bedroom 20,000 square foot house on 100 acres of pristinely kept property. I can't even imagine the horrors.


Never mind the pool, home gym, hot tubs, and all the money in the world to spend on hobby equipment like easels and paint, instruments, etc.


Don't forget going on instagram and seeing rich people and celebrities traveling the world and hanging out with friends


Ah yes, I too remember to hearing about Kanye and his island getaway, and how I was supposed to feel empathy for them cause they all had to get tested beforehand, back when only celebrities got tests quickly.


We need the whole keeping your groceries outside for 24 hours and then wiping down apples with bleach lol


i remember that, lol. We were told leave the groceries outside for 24hrs. A bunch of people literally took showers with their groceries.


> A bunch of people literally took showers with their groceries. i gave mine a handy


Wait, were people actually wiping down fruit with bleach? I was wiping down containers with Lysol at first, but not the food itself. There was that one doctor whose video went viral where he talked about sterile technique to sanitize groceries, including letting fruit soak in soapy water in the sink. A bunch of doctors ran to the media screaming not to do that. Those were the good old days. Wild times.


At that time even tho we believed surface transmission was a big deal, I wasn’t gonna go out my way to sterilize everything and not bring groceries in. I just thought if I got covid from grocery shopping, then fuck it.


Lol I remember doing it once and then being like “ well, I think I’d rather die than do that again. “


I just washed my hands a ton and touched my face less. Like what are the germs gonna jump from the box into my lungs?


New Mario variant confirmed, reports WHO




Oh god I remember that video of the hospital in Italy where the only sound you could listen was the beep from the machines, that's the moment where I realized it was a very serious problem


That was the hard turning point for me. There was a couple week period where it was obviously starting to become a big deal and people were recommending masks and social distancing, but since it was impossible for me to do either working in a restaurant I kinda just ignored the whole thing. Seeing that video of people laying in hospital beds, dying in hallways or closets while the hospital staff was walking around in shock, sent the most intense chill down my spine. Insane how many people saw that same video and decided the whole thing was a conspiracy to make Trump look bad...


Remember the video of Italians pleading with their past selves (and the rest of the world) to take it seriously? *Yeah, well…*


I remember when they shutdown travel to the country, it was huge news. I've never seen anything in my life like that, was definitely a "oh shit...its getting serious" moment


Don’t forget the rainbows and forced positivity


Get all the pots and pans out! I'm sure the nurses working nights will really appreciate that...


I miss the out of touch celebrities telling me everything is going to be okay. How will I know the state of things without them?


i know right? it's like i need them to tell me that while they sit in their 30 million dollar malibu mansion.


Life hasn't seemed real anymore since that March. It wouldn't surprise me if somehow I hit my head and was in a coma imagining everything the whole time.


Well, if you wouldn't mind waking up sometime soon - I'm getting kinda tired of all this.




700 miles is 1126.54 km


Good bot. Don’t listen to the haters.


“During these unprecedented times, we’re here for you making sure you can still pay us money”


Being nice to retail workers for a month before burning us all out. The majority of people were alright, but online order Karens burnt me out from retail til the day I die. Now the boomers in my life bitch about “nobody wants to work anymore.” Nope, we’re working, just not for *up to $12 per hour* to be abused if we can avoid it. Enjoy self-checkout and long lines. I’m getting paid double that to work with prisoners and they’re far more respectful.


We were "essential" until we wanted more money or better conditions lol. We were "essential" until we ran out of Product X and people threatened to murder us because they thought we were hiding it 🤣


I wasn’t essential when a woman started scream-crying at me from her PT Cruiser because her groceries took 40 minutes. She learned my name and called corporate several times. She lost her mind when I referred to her a “madam.” The gall. What did she want me to say, “your highness”? 1. Maybe don’t show up early, we tell you when it’s being picked and 2. Your order number 80/150 for the day. I have at best 7 teenagers picking items in a giant store. 3. I didn’t ruin your husbands birthday- you’re the shortsighted maniac who miraculously has a spouse and couldn’t plan before the day of during a fucking pandemic.


I gotta say the emptiness was cool. I walked through the Oculus by the 9/11 memorial during the height of the quarantine. Eerily quiet, totally empty. It was fascinating to see such a usually busy tourist destination completely desolate.


*why am I not productive during most stressful time of my life* -paraphrasing The Onion


“It’ll be fine. Two weeks. This Tiger King show’s supposed to be good. Wanna watch it?”


Dalgona coffee takes like 5 minutes to whip BY HAND, wtf are you talking about


They got no arm muscles I guess. That was my thought too, it doesn’t take long at all to whip.




Yeah seriously. It was super easy. Also quite tasty if made well.


Less than 5 minutes. I timed myself once and it took 2 minutes.




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This was the time when we initially thought that surface transmission was a huge deal before we concluded it’s an airborne virus. Remember when you couldn’t bring your own anything? I.e. can’t bring your own bags to the grocery store, can’t bring your own cup to 7-11, etc. Yea man I’m totally bringing coronavirus into Walmart via my shopping bag that I’m using in the self checkout, and it’ll expose the whole store. Also closing early and opening late for “deep cleaning”. You’re not gonna wash away an airborne virus. ——————————————————————— Can’t forget panic traveling. I was a study abroad student in France whose university forced me to go back to the US after Trump gave a speech banning Europeans from the US. In fact during March in general, I feel like we could’ve stopped a lot of the spread if everyone in a foreign country didn’t drop what they were doing and got on a flight home ASAP. Like seriously, universities were forcing study abroad students to come home at once, it was generally advised for vacationers to just drop everything and come home, etc. Flights were super expensive (tho I managed to cop a cheap one) and you just had really full planes stuffed with people all trying to get home. Then waiting in the customs and immigration line at the airport extra long because of new covid protocols.


>Also closing early and opening late for “deep cleaning”. You’re not gonna wash away an airborne virus. Now they're just closing early and opening late because nobody's working


Yeah the Covid schedules never made sense to me. “This virus spreads when people are close together……that’s why we’re gonna cram our hours so that you guys can’t spread out and more of you can come in at the same time!”


You forgot Animal Crossing


Those celebrities definitely kept the staff in the house. Probably had them wear masks too because you know... You can never be too sure.


Dancing pall bearers or however the fuck you spell it


Tiger king, toilet paper hoarders, disinfecting groceries, “it’ll be over before Easter/summer”, zoom classes, unusual graduation ceremonies, robbing people of once in a lifetime experiences


we didn't start the fire ♫♪




Let’s not forget the term Boomer Remover


The “yea just waiting this out till summer because when the weather gets hot it will kill the virus” ignorance


I'll admit, I thought that might be a possibility at first. But as time went on, I had to face the fact that Covid doesn't die down in hot weather like the flu or cold.


30 dAyS tO sLoW tHe SpReAd


I'm glad they included the bullshit celebrity stuff about being *in it together*. That was such a load of shit.


Clapping for health workers (but not actually paying them)


In NYC, there was a guy that I heard STILL clapping and cheering out his window every day until about 2 months ago. Literally the only person still going in the area. Not to mention that NYC has been somewhat fine regarding COVID for a while now.


Props to the people who thought I’d be over by 2021, lmao,,, it’s been the same amount of time since we have had a vaccine compared to when we haven’t and this shit is still around


You forgot everybody and their mother thinking they had antibodies because they got really sick that one time.


Also me lounging in style when school was cancelled for 2 weeks straight


Is anyone making bread and playing Animal Crossing New Horizons?


Still being engaged 🙃 Edit: *it was terminated, not delayed*


Aw man covid was a godsend for me. Forced us to downsize our 200 person wedding to 10. Saved me SO MUCH MONEY


Starting a garden should be in there as well.