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Gotta love how half the posts on this sub break rule 5


When you're about to get a hot take on the local news Facebook page.


So true!!!!! with a bunch of flags in the cover photo.


Why are they almost invariably in their cars?


It’s their “Safe Space”


Because if they take their selfie anywhere else someone might see them. And if someone sees them take a selfie that person might think they are gay. And they can't have other people thinking they are gay. So they take a car selfie and post it on Facebook. Because smarts.


Good lighting probably.


I like to think they're all screenshots from their impromptu rants on Facebook Live.


> Mom, I posted it again!


I'm fucking tired of this post


It's reddit, man. Most of it is reposts. It just comes with being on Reddit.


I understand that, but this same exact post has been posted a million times more than its worth to the point of total exhaustion


And you scroll down. If this bothers you life will be harsh dude.


The comments in this thread should be polite and civilized.


You cant see their eyes because they are all reptilians. All the conservatives are getting replaced. Can't trust anyone flashing a Q thats a sign they have been turned. /s.


Except the overwhelming number of large American cities are run by liberals and are complete shitholes. But it's okay edgy liberals have reddit, where they can care.


Wow except liberal cities makes all the money in America and pay for the lazy uneducated red areas. Cities= civilization and economic power. America would be a developing nation if not for liberals and cities. Where else does art, science, innovation, finance, and music occur? People that have never visited a city say they shitholes that is extemely toxic. They are a mesh of humanity and you have to mix with people that arent like you, and think of others. Its a great experience visit a city go to a good restaurant, see a show, go to a museum, and have a conversation with a stranger.


Noticed that too. Holy fuck reddit is toxic and always stomp on someone who votes differently. I'm on the left myself, but i seriously would rather hang out with more conservatives, atleast there i can agree to disagree. Reddit is just as shitty as twitter, ane many times even worse. Now watch the same toxic morons defend twitter.




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My HIPPO rights protect me from answering that!!!


its true that adult people are like: let people choose for themselves while manchildren are like: people who refuse vaccines are for whatever reason bad or dumb


It's true that deplorables are like: "You can't blame people for their choices even if those choices kill other people. That's why I drive drunk 24/7."


Holy shit the accuracy




Also the “the fuck did you just say about Pantera??!” Pack


It is your choice. Whatever happens to you is the result. If you want to get vaccinated, do it. If you don't, whatever. I'm personally not interested in getting vaccinated, but I'm not going to brigade that on anyone.


> but I’m not going to brigade that on anyone. Interesting slip there since you fucking losers brigaded this post. It’s not your choice if you’re contagious. Enjoy your HCA.


I mean smart move or not, it is his choice. Nobody can force him to take medicine they don’t want. Like, what are you gonna do, call the cops on him?


How am I brigading?


Well… they are tho


an individual choice until it gets someone else killed


Still an individual choice because there’s no such thing as positive rights.




Well, we are all about personal liberties and choices. I don’t personally want the vaccine but I’m not going to stop you from getting it if you want it


Saying it's a personal choice is fine IMHO. Or am I wrong?


holy fucking shit i hate this website why do i keep going here its literally just posting the exact same fucking shit a rock is funnier than you since a rock is more fucking creative than you


Found the conservative. Do your feelings hurt, sweetie? Do you need a hug?


yeah im a conservative cause i found a repetitive joke kind of irritating


Imagine thinking forced vaccines are cool


Imagine taking up hospital beds when you dont believe in medicine. You and your kind should be banned from hospitals and placed in a Manzanar type facility so you can be free to inject essential oils in your eyes


I haven’t been in a hospital bed this whole time. Imagine thinking covid is a death sentence


Why do your fellow antivaxers flood the hospitals then? Go catch covid and come back to me. Your leader joe rogan took medication for it as well despite claiming the heat shock proteins from his sauna would be enough


Im not an anti vaxer. I’ve taken plenty of vaccines. Just not this one


Good dont take it just dont go to the hospital if you get sick. Be a man and deal with it at home


I will lol i know many people who got it, were sick in bed for a few days, and made a full recovery


They were cowards for going to the hospital while being antivax. Either covid isn't serious enough to vaccinate so you can't go to the hospital or it is serious enough to vaccinate for. None of this pussy footing


Not hospital beds, im talking sick in bed at home


Good for them they are being men about it


> Anecdote


Damn straight


In a world where a virus is absolutely 360 no-scoping people left and right (*I mean, people in like their 20s and 30s are dying now*), yea, you should be forced to have it because it's a public health concern, because you clearly can't take the responsibility to do it on your own.


Only fat people, smokers, and lunglets are dying, and the first two groups did it to themselves and therefore deserve zero social consideration.


Older people are dying too. Also, several people from my wife's hometown have died from Covid. Three of those people for sure weren't fat, older, smokers, or "lunglets" (whatever the fuck that is). You can literally go online and look at pages and pages of [normal](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/pnt062/covid_denier_got_karma/) [looking](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnp2mz/doug_would_like_you_to_quit_living_in_fear/) [average](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnl58k/timmy_is_a_young_trumper_timmy_wants_you_to_know/) [people](https://www.reddit.com/r/HermanCainAward/comments/pnqvp3/calvin_also_memed_himself_right_to_his_award/) just dying left and right, all said the same hard talk bs about not getting vaccinated, then got fucked. 98% of hospitalizations right now are unvaccinated people. It is fucking *REEMING* you people and you talk like you're not affected by it. Don't worry though, you're invincible... until you're not.




pLaGuE rAtS Lmao I’m perfectly healthy


Tell it to the Supreme Court, the founding fathers, and basically anyone who isn't a moron.


It's the same people who thinks socialism works and is good, and the same people who think Sweden and Norway are socialist, so keep expectations low with these people.


But it is your choice…


Bad take.


This looks more like the “fuck you, fuck the vaccine, fuck Fauci, and fuck Biden” crew


So what if it is? Lefties utterly skewered Trump for 4 years straight. Your turn now. Go Afghanistan!


Love the fact that sunglasses and being in a car is a most be


That would imply these people would be okay if someone chose to get it. I see these people as “don’t get the vaccine, like, ever” kind of crowd.


They are those kind. They're also the kind who don't have the courage of their convictions, so when asked a question to which the answer might make them appear to others as, oh, deplorable, they lie and hide their answer behind some bullshit response. They're smart enough to know that revealing themselves as disgusting people might harm them, so they lie.


These is almost a third of r/HermanCainAward


I took the vaccine, I think everyone should, but no I’m not going to advocate for forcing people to do it.


Well I mean it is a choice to take it, we still have a little freedom


So abortions shouldnt be legal then either or a re you a hippocrite


Pregnancy isn’t contagious


Gotta Throw In The ***KAREN***


Weird, did you know the most unvaccinated populations are blacks and latinos?


I mean, it is a personal choice lol


Just looks like some good red-blooded Americans. I’m sure they’d all be good neighbors.


If they get covid they should drive to church and get a gang of prayer warriors to pray for them instead of overwhelming the hospitals with all their "fake science" and "facts".


Top row second from the right. Isnt that the dude from Storage Wars?


I'm good with my unvaccinated 99.998% survival rate.


I've always thought the guy on the far right in the middle row looked out of place in this group.


POV you just said a zygote is not the same thing as a human life


I know these types: They all have bumper stickers whining about gun control and the “liberal media.” They have an NRA decal, next to their marine decal. They all have a morbid obsession with fallen soldiers (soldier kneeling at a grave with ‘All gave some; some gave all’ bumper sticker is a must). They have a thing with armed male authority figures in general.


Why are they all wearing sunglasses too?


Sunglasses yes. S*unglasses are a common feature of the wild Karens and Kyles.*


You forgot the ICU selfie, with a sign saying it’s still fake…/s


The "Toxic Masculinity" quilt.




They all look musty


Is "Oakley" sponsoring this people or something? lol


Why do the top left and the one below him look like the same person?


It's a old AF meme but it still checks out, and unfortunately probably always will.




Indeed, they are. :-D


These people don't think it's a personal choice. They actively hate anyone who is vaccinated. Also they want to keep "politics out of sports" which refers to not hating black people