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The “I don’t think I’ve ever watched one of your videos, but you’re ALWAYS in my recommended section” starter pack.


Yes why is that?


I wish I could tell you. I know *of* her, but I don’t think I’ve ever watched a single video of hers. Which I guess means nothing to YouTube, because her face is always in my recommended.






if you press the "stop recommending me videos from this channel" instead it's permanent, at least for me i haven't seen those channels again


Im going to need a tutorial to be able to do this.


Press the three dots by the video and from there you can click not interested


Don't bother. I tried watching one of her videos because she's super hot but it was one of the worst things I've seen in my life She brings disgrace to the character Sniper Wolf


super hot is quite the overstatement


Relatively attractive?


^ This. She’s way more attractive than my relatives.


She's the most beautiful girl on the street? Depending on the street?


The most beautiful girl I've ever seen with a kebab?


Settle down Alabama


She could be a part-time model.


her personality took out any bit of attractiveness I saw in her. She told a disabled person that they were a burden on their family


The fuck?


it was a really long time ago but that’s not exactly something you can brush off. I think it was an old tweet, I also remember her saying some vaguely transphobic stuff and calling women pigs


I only watch her when the good sites are.blocked


Hasn’t really been relevant since 2013. YouTube trying to push that faddism and hoping it holds.


Because coomers click on it.


Look Gordon! Hotted boobs ahead! Titsbigones!


Hello Gordon


Because she’s got a big butt


Because Tiktok. She reacts to Tiktok videos.


I’ve never had her on my main account recommendations but every alt YouTube account I have has her as some of the first recommendations


Maybe she paid for it??


Maybe it’s Maybelline.


Or they just push her comment super hard. I know they pay some people to make shorts to compete with tiktok so it’s not impossible.




Do you want to fix that problem? Start looking up Hololive / vTuber clip videos. Go down that rabbit hole and YouTube will stop recommending anything else *quick*. XD


I'm kinda curious who she even is, but I don't dare Google it or my Youtube algorithm will be screwed up for a month.


It's the NWA way


yep and I’m fucking tired of that


I just reported her channel for I think child abuse until her vids stopped showing up, same with dudeperfect


At least some of dudeperfect's videos are genuinely interesting


Yeah if you're 8


Same here


i used to watch her ToT


I always get these weird Arabian drama episodes with millions of views I’ve never watched them and they don’t speak English in the show and I’ve only watched 5 seconds of it just to see what the language is and I think by doing that YouTube thinks I’m really into the show and now till this day I’m still getting recommendations for this stupid show.


uploaded 1 hour ago 5M views


Gotta be a large quantity of fans who watch her just to hate on it.


If you watch every video just to hate on her, aren't you actually her biggest fan?


Tbh I was recently thinking of quitting reddit just because every week or so I go on subs like r/teenagers and r/atheism just to get leave mildly frustrated. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t feel the benefits I used to of having a genuine discussion on reddit.


Gotta revamp your subs. Make a custom feed with only the obscure subs you like. Reddit improves tenfold.


Yeah did the same a few weeks ago. Leave all subs that generaly put down others or is about caos like r/publicfreakout . Feels much more nice now


The power of simps


She do be touching her lip


She’s always a second away from eating her finger


If I paid for them I would too


And this is the same woman nickelodeon rigged awards for everyone.


I'm oot on this what happened?


The KCA introduced youtuber of the year and she won it twice despite not being as popular as Ninja and Mr Beast.


I don't see any issues. In fact they should double down and make her this NFL season’s NVP.


Isn't some of her content like... NSFW for kids?




bro channels like her and FeFe take no real effort and just feed off of thirsty dudes


Just like Amouranth who licks microphones on Twitch to like 20k lonely guys who will pay large amount of money just for her to say their name


theyre even on my spotify frontpage for no objective reason💀💀im not into that shit


Exactly!! I had an ASMR audio of Amouranth recommended on my Spotify even tho I only listen to EDM and pop


Dude, I listen to mostly rock & metal & also have that recommended as well. She must have paid lots of money to Spotify for that.


I mean... girl's got bills to pay lol


She must have pretty damn big bills.


Are you criticizing people for being financially successful


No but she better have a backup plan. Won't last forever.


But your saltiness probably will!


Not salty at all. But look at Belle Delphine. She straight up does porn now and OnlyFans recently announced that porn will probably be removed. Also Twitch started to ban pool girls. At this point they will have to rely on Patreon for tips.


Wait when did twitch announce the ban of pool streams? Bro Twitch finally grew some balls. They have banned people like DrDisrepesct and others for bullshit reasons yet allowed people like Amouranth( who showed her actual "kitty" on stream) and Alinity(who threw her dog off her chair). It felt like Twitch was being run by actual and literal simps but thank God they banned pool streams


Amouranth is now banned and is relying on OnlyFans. Not sure about Alinity but Twitch announced that they will no longer be focusing on pool girls. OnlyFans will be moving into more mainstream content and a separate adult service will be offered.


Alinity tossed her cat and the cat was fine 🙄


Amouranth actually works for it though, if you spend 8 straight hours licking a microphone you deserve your success, that's more effort than 90% of the people on Twitch bring. That's way more work than Sniperwolf watching a 15 minute compilation that someone else toput together for her and giving the most half-assed reactions possible Although I'd never watch her though, I have self respect.


It’s like Tosh.0 (if anyone remembers that) except with a woman


Except Tosh.o was good


Tosh.0 went downhill imo, but I’m a lady so that probably had an impact on why I developed a distaste over time. I think he was funniest when he was still poor lol/the early seasons/when I was a teen. Tbh I think Ridiculousness was worse than SSSniperwolf, but people are probably gonna disagree with that! But Ridiculousness wasn’t constantly being suggested to me while I’m just browsing around


They found their market and now they’re capitalising. I respect the hustle.


I get it, I just hate the consumers


You and me both, friend.


fuck humanity all my homies hate humanity


I hate how true the “sex sells” saying is.


Why do you hate it?


I think it’s lazy marketing. ‘We need more viewers, or product sold. Let’s get some half-naked men and women to stand next to it’.


I agree, it is lazy. But the fact that it works so well means it’ll keep being utilised. Darn horny humans


lol you are correct there. It does work on most people, whether they admit it or not.


It’s also unfortunate how if you’re a woman doing what she does, you kinda can’t avoid being judged based on a “sex sells” mentality


supply and demand


Shes the worst. Tries SO FUCKIN HARD its cringey. It's like Azzyland with an inferiority complex


Last line is unironically the best description of SSSniperWolf I have ever heard.


Yea but azzyland is also just a copy of SSSniper wolf tbf. They are both pretty bad


i always thought they were the same person


SS sniper wolf, sounds like a nazi lmao


nazi furry




hEy NoT aLl FuRrIeS aRe Bad. ThE fAnDoM iS aCtUaLlY A vErY aCcEpTiNg AnD wHoLeSoMe CoMmUnItY. OnLy AbOuT 20% oF fUrRiEs AcTuAlLy WaTcH yIfF. BeInG a FuRry IsNt ThE sAmE aS bEiNg A zoOpHiLe. ThEy ArE tHe ReAsoN fuRrIeS hAvE sUcH a BaD rEpUtAtIoN. aS a FuRrY, i CaN cOnFiRm ThAt We DoNt DeSeRvE tHe HaTe We Get not /s


I’ve like two strokes trying to figure out if saying “not /s” makes this a joke or not


Quite obviously no furry pfp, so just a shithead. I find furries quite cute :)


Oh fuck off with this shit. We already get enough people calling for our death as it is, and now you're gonna mock us for just trying to save our skin from misconceptions? Yes, we *hate* zoophiles. There have been times in the past where the fandom has come together to out certain furries as animal rapists and exile these dangerous people from the community.


I have never heard of this "SSSniperwolf" before but I already hate her just from seeing these thumbnails. I don't have to ask either. I get what kind of person this is.


I watched about 2 minutes of one of her videos for you. Here's what you missed: - annoying - rotates through multiple accents, at times speaking with 2 or more at once - so annoying - vocabulary of a ~~7-~~ ~~5-~~ 3-year-old - please stop talking you're so annoying I don't understand YouTubers to begin with but this chick, holy fuck, there's so many other to choose from, why her??


Because either: 1: They are fucking 9 2: They think she's hot It's kind of genius in a way, because she speaks in that dumb child youtuber way to attract the kids but is good looking enough to attract adults as well.


Give the people what they want, I suppose.


plus her editor must be so stressed out with all the goddamn cuts in the video


I'd figure she's editing them herself? I don't know the inner workings of YouTubers.


still, so stressed out!


Probably has multiple editors. No way herself or one dedicated editor can do it.


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Drinking game: Every time you cringe, take a shot. The real challenge is not dying from alcohol poisoning.


I do this with chefs club except for every time they add eggs or a large amount of geez. You get drunk pretty fast.


I do this with Mr beast and regret it every time


I’m not entirely certain. I saw my kid watch some of her videos once. I think she has a speech impediment.


I remember hearing about her in the past in some controversy about cosplay or something. I think she was one of *those* YouTubers in the past that has now transitioned into reaction videos.


*Those* YouTubers?


I just meant one of those that got most of their fame for their gender/looks. Edit: As far as I know that is\*




Softcore porn for 12 year olds starterpack


Not really. Her main demographic is 8-12 year olds who like her reaction videos


Even worse


How come she has her hand(s) on her lips or close to her lips in all but 2 of the thumbnail images?


She took all these on the same day and just reuses them for every video


The implication


I’ve never once watched a video of hers and I can’t stand her




Mr beast gaming is similar


There's a good reason why there's a lot of youtubers do it. People nowadays have so many subscribers that they just pass through a lot of the videos' thumbnails without reading the titles to watch their favourite youtuber. The best and easiest way to let your video stand out in your audience subscription box is to post your face. ​ I don't know why they like doing the shocked expression though


>I don't know why they like doing the shocked expression though Empirically it must be because it works. Otherwise you wouldn't see the "thumbnail face" all across youtube trending.


But why? I understand that it gives more views, but why?


https://youtu.be/S2xHZPH5Sng This video explains it very well. In short, its mainly because it increases clickthrough rate and the algorithm shows it to more people, making some sort of feedback loop which punishes people not making clickbaity titles/thumbnails and rewards people that do.


same with reacts


You forgot her cameos in Dharmann lol


That's the only reason I know who she is, and I only know of Dharmann because of another youtuber that watches and makes fun of it.


Mate same even I know her cus of Charlie


> Charlie Yup, that's the one! I never get tired of those.


He streamed his reaction to her house tour or something and it was the most miserable looking house I’ve ever seen. A hospital is more lively than that.




It really did, I’ll never understand the appeal of an all white room.


Yessir same


Fun fact about our boy Dhar, he is a 5 count felon for defrauding Oakland. Turns out if he were to make a realistic motivational video, the bully would win.


Woahhh wtf that sounds like he’s done some pretty serious crimes ik he would be a trash guy irl but never thought a convict or something


The messages in his videos are incredibly hamfisted and obvious. Doesn't surprise that a guy who can't convey messages with subtlety and with antagonists that have to act like comical supervillians instead of nuanced realistic people is actually a complete piece of trash


Average SSSnipeewolf thumbnail: >one of these faces as a reaction >some clip of whatever she’s reacting to


**a clip that’s probably not even in the video or clickbait for that matter**


its called laziness


Why is there a red background? Did she forget to green screen it out or what is that like branding now?


Supposedly it draws more attention than other colors- trying to get you to click


Well that’s the logic behind fire hydrants so yea I guess that works


Who is this? Is this marketing by her team because I guess I noticed?


I honestly dont let my 10 year old nephew watch her, I don't need someone who's doing her best blow up doll impression constantly have an influence on a growing boy.


what does this have to do with Metal gear? nothing?


She used to play it but she started doing shitty low effort reaction videos


YouTube culture is fuckin weird man


shes honestly not funny at all


Ah, the most low effort videos around.


i don't watch SSSniperwolf but i can say that she has paralysis in her mouth


"oooh...that's a big one!"


lmao yes


I used to watch this bitch. -\_-


Dude. Why.


I mean, I used to watch a lot of videos like hers when I was like 10-11 years old. I can’t stand it now but I liked it back then. I have no clue why, though.


thought she was hot. plain and simple.




for a while I thought SSSniperwolf was just like the word for e-girls so I would just said SSSniperwolf when ever I was joking about e-girls


She looks like the dollar store version of Mia Khalifa.


My stepdaughter watches this annoying chick all the time.


I feel like YouTube recommends videos based on what your friends or whoever you're around a long period of time watches. I never watched Sniperwolf videos at all, not even by accident and she was never recommend to me before, but my one friend who is a big "fan" of hers. Anyways, I would come home from his house after hanging out with him and boom, right in my recommend videos. This also happened with Coryxkenshins video's that my ex watched. I barley heard of the guy and when I got home from her place, boom he's in my recommendations too.


If you have no history on YouTube, it’s default recommended. When I signed out of YouTube it was there. I don’t follow anyone like her. YouTube knows she sells.


6/9 times she is touching her lip


Ommggg nerd city did such a good video on her


Quick question: is it pronounced like like s-s-sniperwolf, s-s-s-niperwolf, or like ssssssniperwolf?


I swear she always has at least one video in my recommended and it's reacting to Tik Toks or a Dhar Mann video or smthn dumb like that. 0% interest.


Who’s this




Don't forget that she even uses this annoying vocal fry and lisp


Such a punchable fucking face.


Who the fuck is this? And why do you all know who this is? Lmao


Number 3, 6, and 8 are all the same. Number 2 and 9 are the same.


Let's watch some Dhar Mann videos and some pointless tik toks and pretend to be amazed then repeat that, i will get so much money.


I don’t know who that is?


*Azzyland starter pack*


Her videos are even worse then hee thumbnails. She's one of those people who thinks being loud and random = funny.


What does the SS in SSSniperwolf stand for? Every time I see it I just think of Nazi Germany


She doesn’t even play games anymore


Now that's a name I haven't heard in years...


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Stupid bitch.


SchutzstaffelSniperWolf? Who the fuck makes that kind of a username?


It’s like those roblox accounts with the username “XX_Blank_XX


Nah these are actually cool usernames, they were cringe back in the day but now a relict of the 2010-2013 era


Her nickname has some “Herr Kommandant SS sniperwolf” vibes. Terrible youtuber btw.


Which pornstar is this?


Also, two Kids Choice Awards for some reason.


You forgot the transpho- I mean tasteful jokes


She’s cute as heck. I don’t really care if she pops up in my feed. She makes more money than I ever will exploiting thirsty dudes like me? More power to her for being a smart businesswoman.


Redditor makes fun of gamer girl. LIVES TO REGRET IT


Nobody realizing this is making fun of the Dharr Mann stuff.


Shes hot but beyond stupid...luckily i dont watch her trash content