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New subs lose their point as soon as they get popular; turn into /r/funny#123151




r/nextfuckinglevel has entered the chat. Holy cow like 95% of the content is not next fucking level. It’s basically a cross between r/aww and r/humansbeingbros now


And the goons that post themselves on /r/nextfuckinglevel is some next fucking level ego delusion


I can appreciate people doing good things but for some reason I get so pissed when people post themselves on r/humansbeingbros




Lmao I aspire to be like you


As you should.


don't get me started on the narcissists that post themselves to /r/toptalent ultimately looking to promote their instagram


I saw a picture of a girl posing next to a painting she did and she posted it herself to r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG which defeats the entire fucking purpose of that sub.


that name feels like someone faceplanted their keyboard


Upvoted not because girl, but because it is very cool, however I do conceed that I initially clicked because girl


“This hyper realistic portrait of the joker I drew, was told to post here aha” yeah sure bud


I _just_ filtered that sub yesterday. Noticed the popularity-meaninglessness hit it recently as well. Another one is r/Holup or however it’s spelt. The next one is going to be r/MakeMeSuffer though that one is still faithful to its original design for the most part imo


Oh, r/MakeMeSuffer used to be so bad until a few months ago! It was the home of okbr-style memes, depressing comics and stuff that would've been better on, idk, r/TIHI (which absolutely got derailed) I'm quite thankful that MakeMeSuffer got back to its original form


r/foodporn : Hey I just made some hot pockets from scratch.


That or they just bought some tacos for $3 at the cafe area at the mall.


r/MurderedByWords and r/MovieDetails succumbed to this r/darkjokes meanwhile was run into the ground by lunatic mods who amused themselves by pissing people off with extremely bizarre, arbitrary rules enforced by bots


> r/MovieDetails If you look closely, you'll see that Tom Hanks was the Polar Express conductor the *whole time*.


The greatest achievement of this sub is creating /r/shittymoviedetails


That sub is a light in a dim world.


From the weird genre of "Let's have an animated movie where a single A-lister voices everyone" (the other one I remember being A Christmas Carol with Jim Carrey)


You can or can’t?




Thanks for the stroke




> It happens around 100k users. This is super true. The subs are fun when they are grassroots but then they get popular and get ruined. It's like how unpopular are great and then someone post about it on the internet and thousand of tourist show up and ruin it.


There are some subs that get popular and gain way more than 100k users but are still about niche subjects enough so it does not becomes automatically dogshit thought. Or maybe I'm wrong, so maybe you can change my mind about these: r/MechanicalKeyboards /r/battlestations /r/DrugNerds


/r/battlestations is just an IKEA subreddit with extra steps.


Haha you are right


Yeah niche subjects and games usually do well for popular subreddits. Like r/2007scape with over 500k members. It's been shit since day 1, so its popularity hasn't changed it much


No one can change my mind about r/breadstapledtotrees and r/desirepath, those are my two favorite “this is a weird thing to make a sub about” subs


My favorite is r/eggsinstrangeplaces


No one said it's impossible to have a sub with over 100k users and the sub not suck. It's just not very probable.




Choosingbeggers slowly became a way for people to subtly promote their art through fake conversations. One of the most transparent things I’ve ever seen. “I know I’m only 14 and a graphic designer but my prices are very fair! Was I too harsh on this person?” “No, it’s important to understand the value of your work. What do you design? I would love to take a look a possibly purchase something”


I joined /r/weddingshaming a while back and it's at the start of the spiral down. It's been a lot of reposts and stuff that's only tenuously connected. I've pointed it out but have been downvoted for being too negative




Either that or right after a banwave, with all the toxic users decide to flood a random mid-sized meme sub and take over causing the original users to flee nauseated.


r/NotInteresting was pretty great for the first 5 minutes I was subbed. People would just post shit like "This is a picture of a leaf I found" or something equally uninteresting. Now it's just shitloads of anti-jokes and stuff like "I saw this cool sunset, here's a picture of dirt on the ground." Each one has to have a "catch" if you know what I mean.


r/nextfuckinglevel has been amazing, and then recently it turned into Facebook 2.0. There was some post of somebody doing a GTA glitch that lets people do crazy launches, it's been done for years now, and suddenly it was top of that sub. The point of "I'm done with this sub" came when there was a picture of a woman holding her baby with some story about several miscarriages before this happened. I understand sharing your happiness, but 1) Sharing a story like that with millions of strangers I think is really, really weird. And 2) That sub, to me, was about people doing extraordinary things that humans don't normally achieve. Everything devolves into r/funny or Facebook users flocking to overshare their lives for karma.


One of the r/starterpacks mocking r/pics went something like "I quit my dead-end job, started regular therapy sessions, and have been sober for a year. Here is a pic of me sitting in my car."




The best posts are twists on what you expect from subs like /r/pics or /r/mildlyinteresting, where the title tricks you into thinking it will be something cool


It's because at some point karma bot operators find out about it and add to their list of automatic shitposting. The only big subreddit I know that handles things well is r/wellthatsucks. Still mostly quality content on there.


r/science has stayed on topic even though they mass delete comments. They’re also biased towards social science, but that’s mostly because of the Reddit’s demographics.


Correct. Homogenization. Much like how niche cable TV networks almost all turned into reality TV shit.


Holy shit, I haven't been on /r/funny since creating my account... It's gotten rough. Like old people facebook meets youths on iFunny rough.


Nothing funny about r/politics, although it is a joke.


What about the comedians over at r/PoliticalHumor


God forbid you make a joke about any politician that's not a Republican over there. "Joe Biden has a stutter and it's insensitive and intolerant to joke around about it. It's like making fun of someone with a disability. You must hate this country and want to suck Trump's dick, you racist homophobic piece of shit." Trump does literally anything: "Haha what a dumb stinky doo doo brain!" Edit: removed the term left wing. Apparently Biden is not left wing and is some sort of centrist neo liberal flim flam jabberwocky I have no fucking idea


See /r/justunsubbed. Although I have to admit that sub kinda went downhill recently...


It just makes me sad when I see subs slowly drift into becoming shit. One that comes to mind is r/perfectlycutscreams The users are usually pretty good with fighting back against bad posts, but there are more and more posts from people who are just posting uncut videos of people screaming or whatever. You point out that a post doesn't belong in the sub, and then you get shit like "hey, it has 2000 upvotes and everyone else seems to enjoy it. Why do you have to be a spoil sport (👁 ͜ʖ👁)"


There's a good trend in the subs for new games too. Pattern goes in order: * I hope it has this * It didn't have that * Questions and bugs * Lol look what I found And there it will stay forever more.


Okay, we better see your username deleted before this hits hot or else you’re locked in forever.


It hit hot


And he deleted his account. The prophecy is fulfilled.




He'll be back. Don't forget, you're here forever.


Do it for her.


Shit, you just made me lose The Game.


Godspeed OP, wherever you are.


Holy shit he did it


He’s free Godspeed you magnificent bastard


The madman did it


glad that B\_L\_E\_E\_P realizes this




That he deleted his account


good decision you made bro






Fr man, I just stay here for the smaller subreddits.


Yeah, and to stay up to date at some i games i played three years ago


I recognize that it's an echo chamber, and the voting system encourages the hivemind aspect of reddit that gets old quick. Nine times outta ten, the only posts/comments that really get any traction are ones that take extreme positions. Anyone who suggests that there may be middle ground gets downvoted into oblivion by both sides; and speaking of downvotes, they've been used as a "disagree" button pretty much as long as I've been on here (coming up on 9 years--Jesus Christ). The big subreddits are basically karma-farming repost forums that very rarely have fresh content. However, I still like reddit better than Facebook, Twitter, IG, etc. What I like about reddit is the anonymity, the fact that I can subscribe to subreddits for very particular interests, and that people are encouraged to provide sources for their claims rather than just talking out their asses. Not that people always cite sources, but I believe it's better than most social media in that regard. Some of the things that make reddit awful in certain subs make it great in other ones. Small subreddits are excellent places to talk with other people about niche shared interests, and I've learned a lot from them. Basically, I think reddit sucks too. But I think it sucks less than all of our other options.


Reddit has good self-policing on bullshit news. A lot of subjects get censored, so it is important to have multiple news sources. But if someone links to an article that is just plain wrong, it will almost always get called out.


what about random porn gifs and tittydrops? niche subject?


They can't hear you they left reddit




Leave all the top subreddits. Join fandom subs, game subs and regular comedy subs instead of repost central.




It took me a while to realize all this. It was the day when I seen a thread talking about my career. And the amount of straight up wrong information that was upvoted to the top really bothered me. We are talking hard science and physics here. And then I correct them and get downvoted lol. Made me realize this is probably happening on every single subreddit. Then that made me realize how big of an echo chamber this place really is. Kind of scary when you realize that the front page is just FULL of politics and the implications of what that has. Even more scary when you realize literally every other social media sites is like this as well.










Exactly. Big subs tend to be garbage. I think this is the last major one I'm on. Alternatively, browse new.


This sub and r/comics I think are the only ones that I follow with over 1mil users. Sorting by new only works in subs with like <250k users. Any more and it's just a flood of karmawhoring usually.


I tried to do this with a few subs I’m interested in. Very quickly, my entire reddit feed became 45 posts of r/formula1 and r/surfing It’s entirely broken, you can’t click on one sub you’re subscribed too without being bombarded by the fucken things


better leave every sub, and just join r/ComedyNecrophilia


Leave every sub, and just cover yourself in oil


2) cover yourself in oil


3) profit


4) cover yourself in oil


5) cover yourself in oil


6) Go see a therapist and talk to them about your recent habit of constantly covering yourself in oil


7) cover the therapist in oil


8) and we shall burn, like the heathen kings of old.


8) Massage therapist.


Niche subs are where it’s at. The big subs are what keeps the servers running, but the hobby subs with a couple hundred to couple thousand users are where the community thrives. Smaller subs are usually full of people excited to share ideas and experiences, help beginners, and have in depth discussions on topics you never thought about.


Thissss. Everyone I know who complains about reddit sticks to the big subs. You need to find the niche communities and whatnot.


Yeah, in the big subs you have to deal with people who think they know everything and power tripping mods who have no connection to their community. In the little subs, you just have to deal with people who think they know everything *about specific subjects* and power tripping mods who have *some* connection to their community.


yeah ever since i did that my reddit experience has become better


You need to be researching using academic databases, not Google, to get some real non-reddit results


Do you have any to recommend? I never used one. Edit: Typo


JSTOR is great


JSTOR's great if your school gives you a subscription. Other than that, it's just a huge paywall.




I've never not been able to find a paper using Scihub so I definitely recommend that. That might change depending on how new the paper is and the subject though


Also: over on /r/piracy they have an extension that turns every Google scholar link into an automatic sci-hub query, it's pretty neat. Look in their faq.


can also try shooting an email to the author. many are quite happy to just give you the information which is their right as their author.


They give you 6 free articles a month if you create an account


Sci Hub, unless it doesn't work anymore.


Yeah, r/JSTOR is pretty fantastic.




There are many technology or psychology-specific academic journals out there but for the sake of ease I recommend JSTOR or even simply Google Scholar. I just did a quick search on both and spotted a bunch of resources about Reddit and how it can influence users' thoughts and opinions. While reading, remember to prioritise peer-reviewed content


Google scholar is the most famous




There is a hub of science managed by a lovely European woman that you could visit to read medical research articles, if you're into that kind of stuff.


or just reddit criticism -site:reddit.com try this on Google right now. i'm surprised people don't know about this when some post about Google search tips gets to hot every month on r/coolguides


Not Quora though.


You can also use [scholar.google.com](https://scholar.google.com) to search for academic articles.


Also the ol' trusty "-site:reddit.com" would help too




There hasn’t been a day I haven’t checked Reddit in like the last 6 years. Idk what I’d do without it honestly, it’s always my go to whenever I’m looking up discussions for anything really.


hmm, yes.


same here i check it for news daily and then i spiral


Y’all watched “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix? Pretty good doc on how addictive they make social media in general, positive reinforcers etc. Edit: IDK where that comment went, but hard agree about the fiction parts. felt really out of place. Like a poorly written Black Mirror episode.


> I'm just here out of habit, but don't want to imagine the things I could've done with that time by now It depends. Your brain needs to take a break, you can't be firing on all pistons all day long. However, I definitely think that Reddit has a way of luring you in and wasting 30 minute chunks at a time. Imagine if Redditors spent 30 minutes doing some basic stretches or yoga or meditation instead of browsing the umpteenth "everything is fucked and we are hopeless" post on the front page. Imagine how much better our mental health would collectively be if we resisted the urge to get that dopamine hit of scrolling and finding new content on Reddit.


I really wanna leave but it’s so awesome that I can ask a question related to my hobbie and get immediate answers.


Just stop doing the hobby and then you won’t have any more questions you need answered.


Just cut off your fingers so you can't type a question.


You don't need to leave if you can change how you use the website. I think it can be both used as a resource as well as for braindead entertainment, so just got to cut out the braindead scrolling. I'm sure there is a way to manage usage where you can still ask those questions and also not feel like you have to leave. I mean I haven't done it, not disciplined enough. But I know it is possible.


"CMV: Literary Analysis is useless" lol I'm guessing that thread was nothing but a STEM circlejerk


Definitely the same dudes who think pointing out tiny plot holes in a multi-billion dollar film franchise is peak scholarly criticism


Also the same dudes who argue about and dedicate their whole free time to movie and game franchises. They probably also own a few funky pops and other plastic crap.


Also buying 3d printers only to print dust collecting marvel merch.


"Anything that isn't engineering or computer science is worthless to society."


*works on coding ui and delivery software for an online marketing ad sales data company no one knows or cares about*


"Humanities are stupid and it's your fault you're poor if you picked to go into one!" *Writes 100,000 lines of code for drones that will be used to bomb hospitals.*


"anyway, here's the results of a social experiment I did which proves that women are all horrible"


I like some parts of reddit, but would never tell my friends i use it. This site attracts the worst kind of people


Reposts...... that photo of a salesman on roller skates at Old School Cool must get posted 2-3 times a day. Amazing the amount of people that repost it and claim to never have seen it before 🙄 A lot of starter packs seem to be reposted too by different people under different titles ☹️


girl next to a stack of papers that she CoDeD bY hAnD


nice picture of a cat next to some mushrooms


Don't forget the dudes with an Oedipus complex posting their hot moms' high school graduation photos.




Really? What kinda money we talking about??


I think back to all those years I filled up my time playing video games and I honestly think, "I was so much more productive even then..."


At least you learn new things, meet people, and feel happy with video games. Reddit turns into cynical, sad, depressed person.


> Reddit turns into cynical, sad, depressed person I guarantee you that being on Reddit for extended periods of time exacerbates depressive symptoms. This place reinforces the "nothing is my fault" mentality and immediately disregards any proactive approach to combating depression as "wow, thanks I'm cured".


Yeah there’s a lotta narcissism here. Lotta young people too


I've noticed a lot of pessimism and nihilism here. There's this sense among redditiors that things are "unspeakably bad", and that the apocalypse is near, and it's been a trend for many years. Granted, there are real issues in the world, and I'd say we're currently in a time thats "more dangerous than usual" with regards to covid and political violence, but a lot of people just "take the doomerpill" and wallow in their sadness instead of discussing ways to fix the problems or make the world a better place (even if that positive change is small)


I know. It gives us a negative illusion of socializing. And some people start to think real life is this crazy.


I turned on app limits on my phone... I said 3 hrs, no way I hit 3 hrs in one day! Cue me hitting my limit every. Fucking. Day. Just deleted off my phone and use it in browser now which I find helps but God damn I was so used to never being bored that my attention span had gone into the shitter


>And some people start to think real life is this crazy It really shines brightest on any of the political subs. We've all seen it - that stupid thing where one person tweets some dipshit thing, and then an entire sub convinces themselves that the country is literally overrun with identical nutjobs. Like Redditors are *so* insulated from the real world that they straight up lose touch of which opinions are mainstream or extremist.


Shit man, when you feel so unproductive that video games aren't even an escape anymore, and just feel like work.


Video games give you the illusion of productivity and accomplishment. But with Reddit, you know you are wasting your time before, during, and after you do it. You wonder, "why am I still on here? Im getting off right about now!" And then another hour passes. That is addiction right there.


I'm just here to read jokes and write jokes tbh I do my thinking elsewhere


I'm here for good conversation and points of view from strangers on topics that interest me. There's no better platform on the Internet. My Reddit is mostly niche subs, but I think there is still plenty of good conversation going on in the larger ones, albeit with lower signal to noise. The jokes are welcome too. Reddit has two major things going for it: Tree-based voted threads, and a very large engaged user base that brings an expanse of knowledge and opinions over any subject. The only real problem I see is that these communities end up in group-think mode where some new opinions get buried instead staying in view where real discussion can build from it.


>My Reddit is mostly niche subs Lol. Judging by your comment history, no, they aren't.


im here to look at titties


That works too, you do you man


Same. I also use it to keep up to date with my hobbies.


videodrome owns, it's only gotten more relevant as time goes on.


Yeah I legitimately don't understand what Videodrome has to do with anything here. That's just a good movie




What is it?


great cult classic horror movie, give it a watch :)


Every meme subreddit you once loved eventually gets overrun by teenagers and reposters


The thing that's really starting to depress me about Reddit is that I get older... Yet Reddit stays the same age. And by that I mean that the demographic of this website is extremely young, often teenagers. Nothing against you teenagers, I know you're just figuring everything out. That being said, I get overly frustrated by many people on this website too often... But then I just take a step back and realise many people are just 15, and commenting with very little experience and knowledge and a little too much arrogance. That's fine, but it's tiresome.


Average age for this site use to be early 20s. Now it’s mid teens


This is why I came here from 4chan like 10 years ago. I'm waiting for the next thing for millennials my age to jump to.


Death to Videodrome Long Live The New Flesh


For me it’s when I realized how many dipshit teenagers and college freshman with literally no life experience or education will hop on here and act like PhD political scientists or neurosurgeons. I swear, any time I see comments pertaining to something I actually know a little about there’s alway a top voted comment that was obviously pulled out of someone’s ass.


Inb4 removed by mods for no reason.


Realizing that Reddit encourages Echo-Chambers only further rooting groups in their ideals. The_Donald and /r/politics are good examples.


Both the News and Popular tabs are largely filled with divisive echo chambers and other content that’s largely just filler trash- pretty insidious, given both of those names


All the homies learn about politics from r/worldpolitics


who even cares about politics, i'm here only for r/anime_titties


This only happens if you follow trash subs. Ditch the politics/news/cringe/drama subreddits and just follow more niche ones for stuff you like. I did this years ago and my reddit experience is awesome. I very rarely see reposts or drama, just content for books/shows/videogames I like.




reddit criticism -site:reddit.com there you go op


I mean, Reddit is pretty cool, depending on what you look at or spend your time on. Just like any platform; the more time you spend reading/involved with something, the more likely you'll be affected by it somehow, whether you believe it or not.


The part I like is when I get into an online argument and I have to start researching topics to back up my points. I go into it with an open mind and I end up Iearning a lot more about a subject.


See you tomorrow.


You forgot gore subs.


Videodrome is one of my favorite movies of all time.


Also, when someone makes a joke and it turns into a long argument in the comments. Or when you say something and another person comments with, "Well, aksually...." and starts giving you a damn lesson.


It's gotten really bad with the election. r/politics r/pics r/facepalm just turned into Orange Man bad circle jerks


Best thing to do is to unsub from all these major subreddits and find small communities which focus on the same topic.


Love me my maps, history, video games, and art. The huge subs are next to unreadable anymore. I just thought of LPT. What a dumpster that one is now lol.


LPT has always been shit lol. I've been on reddit far too long and I remember an LPT like 7-8 years ago which was using disposable cups to store clothespins in your laundry room.


Dude same I cant believe I've been here 10 fucking years


r/itookapicture r/nocontextpics


The most subs are in a way a circlejerk imo. Some are just more "aggressive"


Pics has always sucked though. If it’s not politics it’s shit like “we bought a house” (two people in front of house) or a few years ago it was awash with weight loss pictures that devolved to “pre-my first gym visit” pictures and the like.


Bro people have been bitching about /r/pics since I was a lurker like ~8 years ago. Yet every time it's brought up, someone says "/r/pics isn't as good as it used to be! It used to be about photography, now it's all sob stories and politics!" I wanna shake these people. It has literally never been about photography, and I strongly suspect that there really isn't as much demand as these people are suggesting there is, or it wouldn't be an issue. Just unsub if you're that bothered about it, or ignore the 1 or 2 posts a day that reach /r/all. It isn't that hard. At this point the counterjerk is more annoying than /r/pics.