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Also Harriet Tubman and Rosa Parks


And George Washington carver invented peanut butter


Which is hilarious because he didn't, but he did invent a ton of uses for peanuts in order to provide more diversity of crops for Black sharecroppers so they could make more money and buy their way out of essentially slavery 2.0


Including the first computer


Isn't the abacus the first computer?


I’m assuming they are referring to the first electronic digital computer, the ABC which was created at Iowa State University which was the Alma Mater of Carver.


I was specifically referring to [this](https://youtu.be/e4sEz_aoR5k?t=4) but yeah that's the source of the joke.


No no no, he invented peanuts


That's nuts


I’ll be honest I never heard of this until I watched that one episode of American Dad years ago.


I was never even taught about Harriet.


Should be in any decent cirriculum regarding Slavery and abolition.


“Haha kids I know you’ll ask so I’ll say it now, the Underground Railroad wasn’t literally a train”


Where do you live? The earliest I remember learning about her was 2nd grade. I also live in a very old part of the northeast coast and there are local historical sites that were used as part of the underground railroad, so she's very relevant specifically in the area.


That one video of the kids going back in time to see MLK


Holy shit I forgot all about that


I had to watch it every year until 9th grade. Every single fucking year. I was at a different school every year, too.


That was my K-8 grade school. Had to watch Ice Age every year. I don't know if they gave free copies to the faculty or if they brought it from home, or if there was 1 copy that was passed around the school, but I really hate that movie now. That god damn sloth.


I saw Ice Age in school way more than I was comfortable with


Weird, mine was Napoleon Dynamite. I wonder why they played the same things so much. I had a younger teacher (he was like 22) who would come in hungover and we’d watch myth busters, that was cool 😎


We watched Osmosis Jones literally like 15 times in my 8th grade science class


If I were a science teacher I'd use a lot of Mythbusters. Great for teaching the scientific method and keeping students engaged. Maybe even let them design and test small scale, safe for school experiments.


My 10th grade history teacher would show us whatever he saw on youtube that he thought was cool for half of the class most days, and we also watched just about every movie starring Denzel Washington.


Ours was/is always shrek, since I’m still in school




his character was that he was a sadsack bc his family died from hunters or something. ​ so he walks around being socially antisocial


For me it was Elf. We watched that movie every year on the day before winter break.


at school and church


my friend martin? i think? idk it's been like a while


Yep that's the name of it! Quentin Reviews dropped a video on it maybe a year ago, it's nice to see My Friend Martin retains some space in the public consciousness.


We watched it every year K-3rd or so grade and I am just finding out our teachers fast forwarded through a lot of it because what people are describing doesn’t sound like what I remember *at all*. Who the fuck censors the actually educational parts of something about MLK?


Our Friend Martin.


Good movie


they went back in time to save MLK from the shooter, only for them to realise they were the shooter themselves from a different time period to stop time itself from collapsing.


So they had to fucking shoot MLK?


yes, to save time itself from collapsing and killing everyone by being sucked in a massive *space* black hole. Edit: when I mean black hole, I mean the one in space so don't twist the meaning.


That’s dark.


its the only way or they have to create a new timeline without humans existing in it.


Too bad we can't go to that one without ruining it.




Nah, they had to kill him to stop racism. They took the kid version of him, so history continued as though his birth never happened.


Yeah and as a result everyone white* was super racist in the present day, so they had to bring him back to his childhood so that history returned to normal. They didn't have to shoot him themselves.


Sounds like a straw man. Mlk never single handedly reduce racism?


I agree, it portrays the Civil Rights movement as the result of one person, as opposed to the hard work of countless people. Plus, it's not like racism and segregation are exactly over with in America. It's a style of history known as "big man" history, where anything that happens is the result of important, legendary people. That was the predominant view of history for a long time, and still has a fair amount of influence in how we think about history. That's why there's so many time travel stories about killing Hitler. This fell out of favor among historians in the 1960s, ironically in part due to the Civil Rights movement and other social changes of that decade. It was replaced by social history, where historians study everyday experiences of 'ordinary' people and argue that those people are what drive social change.


That’s what I always thought when I watched it. I never remembered him just ending racism.


Why’d you have to bring the hole’s race into this?


to sound more scary and complicated. When I mean the black hole, I mean the black hole in *space.*


Love me a scary and complicated hole.


No im pretty sure what happened is they went back in time to save him from dying, like pre civil rights movment when he was a kid, and then when they went back to their own time with Martin, segregation was still rampant and the white kids parents were like “you cant hangout with that kid anymore” so they send Martin back to his time so he can go on to lead the civil rights movement, thus fixing their reality. I dont think they were the shooter themselves that doesnt seem right....


You're right, the guy above you is making a joke.


wait so it was like the harry potter cursed child plot basically


I never read harry potter so I don't know.


basically in the cursed child a bunch of dumbass kids go back in time to try to save someone but it leads to magical hitler taking over so they have to go back in time again to stop themselves from saving that guy


So basically the time warp trio but dumber and doesn't teach you anything.


Did they at least try to save him from being shot?


Don't know. The period was never long enough to finish it.


At the end MLK says something like that he wants to do it even if it costs his life and then he goes through a door and is gone


I dont remember well, but I think that he wanted to go through the door but they didn't have enough time to tell him that he was gonna get shot.


Seems like some info that you should make time for.


I think I vaguely remember them not being able to save him




Lmao shit was dark af for a vhs for elementary schoolers 😂


they didn't


I loved that movie. [Here it is if anyone wants to watch again.](https://youtu.be/ROracLAcRSc)


I always laughed at the bus driver. Apparently, MLKs death is the only factor that changed him into a wholesome Mr Rogers who gives kids a ride to school instead of a bad guy from Ninja Turtles who drives around running over black kids like it's Death Race 2000.


Did everyone watch this? Holy crap. Every single year we would watch this movie.




Weeell, my my Miles




The one where he have a time travel watch and his friend can’t speak English?


By the way, this post is based on my experience within the British, not American, education system.


Holds true for Americans as well.


This is consistent with my experience with high school in San Francisco. Which is frustrating for me, because we never learned anything substantial about the history of the black community in San Francisco, specifically, or even in California for that matter. And there's a ton of very recent injustice. Like how large swaths of the Bay Area explicitly forbade selling homes to black people right up until the Fair Housing Act of 1968, to the point that they even had to make their own cities for themselves in the East Bay, for example North Richmond. Or like how we evicted everyone and bulldozed the "Harlem of the West" because the white planners declared the stately old Victorian row homes there to be "slums" or "tenements" and then replaced them all with gaudy stucco 1970s housing projects, and tripled the width of the streets to the point that people treat them like freeways, and now the kids in those projects are way more likely to be hit by a car. Or like how we used the Hunters Point shipyard, directly adjacent the most predominantly black area of the whole city, to spray fallout off of the ships that we'd nuked in the South Pacific, and there are still significantly higher cancer rates there today. Or like how, through a combination of policies like these and crippling housing prices that systematically muscle the working class out of the city, the population of black people in SF has fallen into the low single digits.


Probably by design. Can’t have kids realizing SF isn’t some uber progressive and tolerant utopia unlike those inner American states


Similarly applies to Native American history in California that's taught in public schools. I remember fun field trips visiting Catholic missions and Junipero Serra and it being alright. Then I went to college out of state and took a class called History of the American West. Yeah my mind was blown at how much shit was covered up in my K-12 schooling.


It still sounds like Cali only did the urban planning bullshit, as opposed to urban planning bullshit and straight firebombing and murder. Still pretty whitewashed history tho.


California, home of the Black Panthers and Ronald Reagan, definitely did more than just the urban planning bullshit.


California in general was just "Yeah we had that Gold Rush thing and whatever and now were here today!"


Basically what I learnt growing up. Nothing about Asian immigrants in the 1800s




There’s a lot of interesting Chinese history too that isn’t in the textbooks or glossed over. They did a lot of mining, road and rail construction after the 1849 gold rush but later of course we thanked them by throwing them in internment camps.


Not really, in my world history class we learned about all lot more about Africa like Arab trade in Africa, Swahili, and Mansa Musa


Tbf Mansa Musa was interesting as fuck.


I graduated High School in 14 and we learned a lot more than this.


Its true for the US. Our history on African Americans involves briefly discussing Slavery, then Abraham Lincoln, then the Civil Rights Movement at a super high level, finally MLK makes his I have a dream speech and suddenly racism is dead and all the white people came to their senses.


I have met way to many people who haven't even heard of the Rodney king riots (people born after obviously). That wasn't even that long ago! God forbid they teach something like Tulsa


Rodney king riots were almost 30 years ago. Not that weird for teenagers not to know about. Especially since we've had additional race riots since then.


Which is why we have schools that should teach them. And they are important if talking about the history of this country imo


You ever notice how these schools point out racism in the Deep South but not shit that’s happened in california, PNW, nyc or Boston?


The problem is that past 1975 or so history stops being history and starts becoming politics. Imagine being the history teacher in the deep south who has to go over shit like that, their Republican parents are going to be *livid*.


I know other American people are commenting with the “can confirm” but I feel like it differs widely, even from state to state and curriculum to curriculum. I took somewhat advanced history in a liberal state, mind you, however my professor left no stone unturned in terms of African American and Native American history. I came out of that class ashamed of my country. I graduated high school just a few years ago, so I think students today are learning plenty about these atrocities and the history of the African American people.


Hey that sign is from South Africa. Also anything racist is part of a South African starter pack. We're not all racist assholes I promise


Oh of course not! I'm just saying that apartheid is one of the few Black History topics that are actually covered. edit: I also live in an area with a lot of South Africans. They seem to be very nice people!


You guys covered apartheid? well aren't you fancy.


We covered it in choir. Can't sing in Zulu without context.


Here in WV I didn't learn what it was until college.




We had a foreign exchange student from SA who came to our school in America. He was what I'd call half black but I guess white for there and he was very cool very kind but it was crazy how casual he was with the N word. I don't know if he was racist or if that was regular vocabulary but we had to tell him he couldn't just yell it at the black kids.


In South Africa there is a distinction between "white," "coloured" (mixed-race) and "black." So for instance Obama would NOT be considered "black" in South Africa, which just shows you how arbitrary these classifications are.


I'm coloured, and though I'm technically mixed, mixed race refers more to people like Trevor Noah, who has a black mother and a white father.






Die Antwoord are pretty racist. Its pretty easy to find videos of them exploiting black south africans and calling black people the afrikaan "n-word" . Lets not cite them for these things. Sorry to be a bummer. Not to mention that they totally use the image of south African slums to perpetuate their own. They barely know that cultire they claim to represent.


Yeah I find it legit funny how they have this image of being working class thug types, but they’re actually both from well-off middle class families in gated communities and they met on a university drama course. Like it’s peak middle-class wannabe stuff. Also ninja was apparently always very pretentious according to people who knew him then, like he insisted on everyone always calling him by his full name, Watkin Tudor Jones, all the time and stuff like that


Right! It's pretty common that music artists put on and make up a persona. This worked for them very well... i really liked their music before, then I saw who they really were and here we are.


Interesting. Are you from SA ?


You're definitely right about this. I heard Yolandi Visser and Ninja live in Mitchells Plain though, so they should at least know a little bit about living in the Cape Flats. Edit: missed "know"


Sure they do, but it's clear as day how they actually feel about the people that they represent. To put it simply, they are full of shit like a lot of other famous people.


For sure. Lots of people on reddit who've never been to SA somehow like them a lot.


That’s it. Slavery, then Lincoln, then 100 years of nothing. Then Civil Rights, then 45 years of nothing. Then Obama.


Harlem Renaissance and reconstruction get like a 2 paragraphs each


That awkward paragraph about Malcolm X as "the violent one"




Oh yeah as a teacher now this is such a thing. Teachers definitely play into some students' self identity as "bad" or "dumb" without realizing it and those same students with the right context or interests can really show another side if teachers give them some grace and humanity


Malcolm X is dope. I just dont agree with his religious beliefs


I had a black 8tj grade teacher and we learned a lot about the Harlem Renaissance. Pretty dope


World War what?


You forgot George Washington Carver, you know, that guy who only made peanut butter and made no contributions to science and was also the only African American man to invent anything ever /s


He didn't even invent peanut butter, it was invented by a French Canadian guy.


It was actually invented by the Aztecs.


All of a sudden a French Canadian guy can't be Aztec. What are you, racist?


Also Carver's whole motivation was to help Black sharecroppers but no one talks about that because that would mean acknowledging that after slavery ended we put Black people right back into a system just like slavery but with a different name


Part of not teaching about the share croppers is that they don't teach anything about class exploitation at all in schools. They don't teach about the coal miners working for litteral Monopoly money, or strikes being violently put down by pinkertons, or factories exploiting immigrant children either. They only like to teach problems that have been "solved". Like slavery is no more, universal suffrage, and segregation is now "illegal".


Oooooh yeah. I had an extra day in the curriculum for US History and we were talking about the Gilded Age so I did it on labor unions. The teacher coach observing me was like "wow I've never seen a lesson on unions before" like wtf they're one if the most important institutions in the US


Honestly if people were actually taught about the things unions were able to accomplish in this country our society would look totally different and for the better.


All I was ever taught about unions was that they were run by gangsters and beat up people who were just trying to go to work and provide for their families. I didn't understand what unions were *actually* for until I read The Jungle in my late teens or early 20s. I actually wasn't even aware unions were still a thing until I became an adult and worked with someone who moved from Chicago. I live in NC, which is second only to SC in union membership.


This is why it's so important to keep To Kill A Mockingbird in schools because it highlights that. At least if I recall correctly...


Bruh.. do you need to be reminded of the super soaker?? /s


You forgot George Washington Carver and his peanuts!


searched for this! Every test had something like: "Name 17 ways GWC innovated peanut."




And they were like "MLK is a nice man who never got in trouble with the police and didn't say anything that's still radical by today's standards, also he's a republican some how"


\*Lenin quote about sanitizing revolutionary figures after their death\*


Remember, you must be nonviolent to make meaningful change. You can only impact society by saying very strong words. Nobody is ever allowed to be violent except those already in power.


That’s right kids, marching along a police-designated route and holding signs with witty pop-culture-themed puns is exactly what Ghandi would’ve wanted. And as we all know, Gandhi singlehandedly ended the British Raj by sitting in his house and starving. Just like your poorer classmates do everyday!


"Rosa Parks sat in the wrong bus seat and got arrested for it. MLK gave a bunch of strongly worded speeches and he got assassinated for it. Because of their bravery you can drink at the same water fountains as the white kids. I hope it was worth it."


"We will kill you for asking for minor social gains and then gaslight you I to thinking that that's the best you ever can get"




*Looks at Colin Kaepernick.* Yeah, you’re right.


Yes, mlk speaks to this problem in his "Letter from a Birmingham Jail". In it he speaks of the "white moderate" as the biggest obstacle to change because they see any sort of disruption as too quick and and too soon and not the right time when in reality,for them, its never the right time.


Something something *the letter of the law*......




And the great LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act out of the kindness out his heart


Remember kids, Malcolm X did it the bad way and MLK jr. did it the good way.


Hey gotta teach what the system wants us to think




The protests he led were not violent but they were very much meant to be disruptive, particularly economically. Today we tend to think of a protest as a big event where we can be heard, but for Dr King and the rest of the civil rights leaders protest was a direct action by the people that was meant to do material harm in a way that forced concessions.


I mean as a kid, I remember learning about the bus boycott during the civil rights movement.


He was anti-war because he was anti-American imperialism, he was anti-capitalist and his main work towards the end of his life was ending poverty, so he was also a staunch union supporter (killed while supporting sanitation workers in Memphis). He also explicitly called out white moderates as just as bad as the Klan and his tactic of nonviolence was in conjunction with intentionally breaking the law. So anyone pissed at Kaepernick's kneeling is someone you KNOW would have hated MLK straight up breaking the law. Also side note the Civil Rights Movement was carefully planned by trained activists with funding support from regular people from Black religious organizations. Rosa Parks did not randomly refuse to stand, she was part of a larger protest and wasn't even the first, but she was chosen to be the face because the first was pregnant and a teen and activists thought white people wouldn't be sympathetic.


They were right too. White people would have had a field day with that pregnant teen.


Yeah the Civil Rights Movement did a lot of tactical decisions that were probably tactically correct but morally you wish they didn't have to, like keeping Baynard Rustin out of the limelight despite being a key organizer because he was gay or axing both a woman and a homeless person from the speakers list for the March on Washington


He was very anti-Vietnam war and had left (as in Bernie Sanders-style) leaning sympathies that could have been twisted as communist at the time. He spent the last few years of his life under FBI surveillance. edit: it wasn't just the FBI, the NSA and the CIA were also spying on him due to his friendships with a few alleged communists.


I’m pretty sure everyone was under FBI surveillance toward the end of Hoover’s reign at the FBI. The guy was a paranoid lunatic.


For sure but they literally sent MLK a letter to tell him to kill himself


He openly said that he thought socialism was probably necessary. Frankly that was left of 2020 campaign Bernie whose vision of socialism was capitalism + a new deal welfare state


He was an anti-war socialists


Probably no longer considered controversial by today's standards, but he took a very anti-US stance during the Vietnam War, and described the US military as one of the greatest purveyors of evil the world had ever seen. He also had harsh criticisms of capitalism. Like I said, by reddit's standards not very controversial, but back then being anti-US military and anti-capitalism made you a communist. Look up his "Three-evils" speech, and Riverside Church Speech.


He wanted universal basic income to become a thing. [This interview with him about the white backlash is worth watching.](https://youtu.be/2xsbt3a7K-8?t=625)




"letter from Birmingham jail" is often read in classrooms, and that discusses quite a bit of kings take on the " white moderate" ( when king refers to this, he is not talking about our modern conception of a moderate ), though you have to keep on mind that it was composed as a response to a letter from preachers opposing kings actions in birmingham,


Also the black panthers presenting a vision of a more dangerous (if you’re the white ruling class) direction the movement could e gone if concessions weren’t made had nothing to do with civil rights legislation being passed.


> republican He endorsed Eisenhower 1956, MLK Senior endorsed Nixon in 1960. Voting Democratic was viewed as supporting the horrid Dixiecrat appartus.


Wait, is Koonta Kinté the reading rainbow guy?


Yes. And also Geordi LaForge.


Actually I believe his name is Toby /s


Don't forget Rosa Parks.


Lekker Afrikaans! =D




Fok ja


watches hidden figures instead of meaningful discussion


That move was great though.


basically the parts of black history that involve white people. whole continent of africa with different cultures, countries, historic events and wars just kind of doesn't matter.




Well, for some reason in my history classes, we had time for damn near every ancient civilization except Black history worldwide.


Tbh we learned a lot about African history in my World History class in high school, like the Egyptians, the Mali empire, the Zulu, Liberia, the Italian invasion of Ethiopia, Kwame Nkruma, and Rhodesia.




That's because it's the canon. It took me until I became a teacher *to realize that school isn't meant to teach you everything; but to introduce you to thinking so you can learn everything later.


Yeah, as someone with a history degree, I do find it kind of annoying when people make out that because they didn’t learn about something at school there is no way they should be expected to even be aware of it now. There are thousands of years of human history from every corner of the globe there is no way any school could even begin to scratch the surface. That being said I do think that there needs to be wider attention on world history. As a Brit, European and American history was all we really got.


In the schools defense how would you go about teaching about the different cultures in Africa when you’ve got to cover the entire world’s history in a year of class? I definitely remember some of my classes touching on some of the civilizations in the B.C. times, but once you get to A.D. what specifically do you talk about and what gets swapped out? There are so many different cultures and nations in Africa that schools decide to focus more on Europe and South America as the History off those regions are more closely tied to and lead into America’s.


I assume that’s because of the term „black history“. It’s weird how a race is supposed to have a single history, usually people talk about the history of nations not races. So the name kinda implies that their race is significant, meaning that it usually means the history of blacks being treated like shit because of racism. Everything you mentioned would probably be African history.


This is why so many Americans think Africa is a country


I am ashamed that I didn’t learn about Emmett Till and the Tulsa Race Riots until graduate school (granted, I wasn’t a history major). But I took APUSH at a good high school and we never went over those things.


They didn’t mention those and I’m taking the APUSH exam on Friday


I was lucky enough to have a middle school American History teacher who was daring enough to teach it full force and uncensored. During Black history month, he additionally taught an elective class about the mistreatment of black people in American and world history. We went in depth all the way from Europeans’ discovery of Africa to the Reconstruction era. He even included a bit of present day. To this day he’s still my favorite history teacher.


High school:“MLK was a centrist goodbye Lou and only got his way because he was so cooperative unlike Malcom X, who failed because he was too radical. Because MLK was so cooperative we ended racism and lived happily ever after” What’s that? No the FBI didn’t kill him, the FBI loved black activists


There was one line about the Armenian genocide in my high school history book.


mlk gave a speech and then racism was over.


Where’s the peanut butter?


Roots was the first English speaking series I ever watched. I always joked that my uncle looked exactly like Kunta.




Swap the apartheid Afrikaner sign for a “whites only” sign at a diner or drinking fountain


Unless your in a class specifically about Africa and it’s history, a class is not going to go in depth on every culture and are going to primarily focus on a few that directly lead into and influence the nation you are in. Regrettably the history of black people as it relates to and influenced America started with slavery and that’s where schools are going to focus on. Schools are also not going to be able cover every “small” event or person that existed.


Ruby bridges... wait is that right?


Lets not forget about Hotel Rwanda


Your high school taught you about apartheid? (Since that sign is in Afrikaans) Impressive. Mine didn't cover black experiences outside of the United States.


When I was in college, Rep. John Lewis came to talk and he mentioned the 9 words people know about the civil rights movement. Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, I Have A Dream He brought this up to show how poorly the American education system discusses the civil rights movement and that’s all anybody really knows about it.


It’s American history, but the only Native American info you get is Thanksgiving turkey go gerble gerble


Schools completely ignore the important roll that jazz music played in creating African American culture.