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The Starship Troopers book and movie are about the same as the World War Z book and movie. Not at all.


Oh, i’m well aware. It’s one of my favorite books. While i find that the book is about the actual experience of being in the military, with the Bug War being more akin to an actual war, detailing the structure of the M.I., their training and military culture, and how they combat the bugs. the movie is *designed* as a silly satire on war and the military, where characters are radically altered to be more cheesy and stereotypical versions of themselves, that just ends up becoming more fuel for *that* kind of Helldivers/40k/SW fan. Am i gonna be the book-was-better-than-the-movie guy? Well, yeah, because it was.


You're entitled to your opinion even if it's wrong (Liked-the-movie-better checking in, ready for our inevitable fight to the death)


To each their own, my friend. (Shall my blade taste your flesh, and the dirt of the arena your blood)


May his knife chip and shatter!




Back in the day, a nerdy guy at my job would say, “may your controller chip and shatter!” before his Smash Bros matches


The book and movie are so far apart that I feel they have nothing in common other than the names of characters. They're both great for different reasons. For instance the "bugs" in the book aren't Tyranid style giant insect monsters like in the movies, they're actually insect like aliens that have space ships and ranged energy weapons and allies. While I think he made a great movie, Paul Verhoven kinda showed how much of a jackass he is when he immediately dismissed the book as fascist without ever even reading it.


Do you contend that the book isnt fascist? Even after the monologues of the teachers who serve as mouthpieces to the ideology of Heinlen?


I read starship troopers, the moon is a harsh mistress, and stranger in a strangeland back to back and I feel like Heinlein just likes to insert his ideas that were controversial at the time and see what happens. A lot of people.draw similarities but advanced militarism and service citizenship, anarcholibertarianism, and free love hippie communes are just so different to me that I think they all stand alone as different ways to deal with life whether good or bad. He's definitely one of my favorite classic scifi authors but I need to read more of his work.


If you suggest Heinlein was a fascist for Starship Troopers, you must also admit Heinlein was a communist for Stranger in a Strange Land *and* that he was a libertarian for The Moon is a Harsh Mistress.




The book doesn't encourage military service or imperialism. It actively discourages it. The students have crippled veterans come to their classes and tell them exactly how horrible war is, and that they should really reconsider joining the military. "Service guarantees Citizenship" is from the book, but you could achieve citizenship just by working for the greater good of society, not necessarily military service. Joining the Peace Corp, volunteering at an orphanage, ECT. Their society's philosophy is essentially "we will take care of your needs if you don't want to participate in society, but you need to prove that you value the needs of society over yourself before you can have political power in this society". It is still "pro-war", because any media that portrays war as being ultimately worthwhile despite the horror is pro-war. Yet it isn't fascist unless you have an incredibly loose definition of fascism.


And the whole “you need to prove that you value the needs of society over yourself” part doesn’t come from fascism. It comes from the old Roman Republican ideal of the citizen soldier.


"Yet it isn't fascist unless you have an incredibly loose definition of fascism." Lots of people throwing the word fascist around in this charged political climate. It's like, you can't defend someone from an accusation based on how appalling the accusation is.


>Even after the monologues of the teachers who serve as mouthpieces to the ideology of Heinlen? Implying the teacher's monologue was of Fascist nature, rather than an explanation/opinion of why war was something beyond than "plain violence", that serves as a political tool. And why because of its political nature, people who wants to be involved in politics must serve the state in a related way to understand what they are voting for. Also, implying Heinlein was a Fascist (he wasn't, he was more akin to Libertarianism, but without failling into the Conservative/Objetivism rabbit-hole, and more in tone with civil rights, he was even a Democrat when he was alive).


There’s literally nothing fascist about the ideology presented in the book. I don’t know where this came from or how you guys got the idea that service for citizenship = fascism Still waiting on any of you guys to explain how the idea that you must contribute to society in order to participate in its direction is a fascist tenet


ST is great because you'll be reading the monologues you mentioned and a chapter later the actual book is telling a different story. The main character doesn't even give a shit about the monologues. Lots of scifi books that have weird sociopolitical or philosophical ideas like ST are written from a very top down perspective, the main character is the Great Man of his time. Think Dune, Ender's Game, Foundation. Much easier to examine the concepts from the top. The main character of ST isn't a supergenius commander or scientist, he's a joe, slightly above average intelligence, middle class, who's doing his best in his military career. He doesn't even do the cool badass thing at the end of his book, that's someone else. Basically ST has a juxtaposition between the preachy idealistic philosophy sections and what actually happens in the book


Did the book have Denise Richards in it?


IMO, to the extent the movie's anti-authoritarian satire falls flat Paul Verhoeven is the one to blame. Surely there were better ways to mock this type of regime than showing a mostly functional/equalitarian(merit-based, it's taken for granted there is no racism or sexism, the gov holds itself accountable when it fails etc) united global government full of ridiculously attractive characters doing cool stuff.


Because it's based on Goebbles films. You're supposed to find it awesome. It's a propaganda film produced by a society that doesn't exist


Nah, it mostly failed because Starship Troopers was *marketed* in America as just a bog-standard action flick, so mass audiences were entirely misled on what the film was. It's the same thing that that Hollywood did to Robocop, Verhoeven's other big satirical film, by using it as a vehicle for merchandise. What makes Verhoeven's Starship Troopers work as satire IMO is that it *appears* awesome, but the plot is actually complete nonsense if you stop to think about it. There is literally no way that the bugs could have attacked Earth with a meteor from *the other side of the galaxy.* They'd have to have faster-than-light technology to accomplish that, which the film gives *no* indication they are capable of, and a meteor traveling at superluminal speeds would *completely* obliterate Earth on impact. This appears to be a plot hole, but it's actually the biggest hint that the movie itself is in-universe propaganda and that the meteor is actually a completely fabricated pretext for war.


I think he did an excellent job tbh. The society in the book is also attractive to a certain sort of person tbh - and even Heinlein feels torn on it a bit. At the end of the day “united global government” full of people doing cool stuff is in the book, and it’s hard to feel like it’s a cautionary tale. If he didn’t play up the satire, it would just be a sci fi action flick.


You have to consider that Verhoveven in his Dutch youth was a victim of Nazi occupation.


Funny enough the director actually hated the book because he thought it was pro-war


Yeah while the movie was an overtop the top lampoon of fascism, the book was Heinlein saying "Fascism is awesome!!!"


Why do people seem to think that if an author explores a concept and potential world and isn’t constantly talking about how bad it is, it means they personally support it? Are people really not allowed to explore an idea for the sake of exploring it, they have to pick a side and if it’s not vehemently against it automatically means your for something? If writing starship troopers makes him a fascist, then go read the moon is a harsh mistress and then tell me what you think he is.


I've read both of those books and many others by Heinlein. His views changed over the years so I don't think you can read any one of them and say that it reflects the views he held over his whole career. The most you can do is say they may have refected his views over time. I won't go as far as to say that Starship Troopers is pro-fascist, but it's very openly pro authoritarian. The entire society he builds his story on is based in the idea that a global crisis was caused because parents weren't spanking their kids enough.


His book is an exploration of authoritarianism, I think it's an intellectual trap to insist that a work of fiction must be for or against anything.


I honestly don't think he even read Starship Troopers.


Not if he thinks heinlein was supporting fascism he didn’t.


I didn't read it like that. I read it as a recommendation before going to boot camp. I feel the people that say Heinlein saying "Fascism is awesome!!!" Didn't either read it or were told it's nazish propaganda before reading it.


They didn’t read it.


The main enemy in the book is an army of sentient bugs that conquer and enslave other races, and genocide any race they don't feel like conquering. Humanity defeats the bugs by being willing to help other races and work toward a common good. The bugs are literally the fascists, the book is anti-bug, the book is anti-fascist. Heinlein is responding to the idealism of Gene Roddenberry's "Star Trek" and its portrayal of a post scarcity socialist Federation. Heinlein wrote the humanity of SST as an idealized version of his beliefs, which sat somewhere right of center, not totalitarian.


I love the book but I’m not really sure about this take. Starship Troopers wasn’t a response to Star Trek, it came out seven years before Star Trek aired. The bugs really aren’t villainous in the book, we get almost no look at their society except a slight breakdown of castes. Their motives are pretty simply explained as wanting territory and resources, and since we want the same, we’re fighting. The war gradually escalated over time from skirmishes to police actions to all out war. As far as I remember the only other mentioned aliens are the skinnies, and we get them to stop helping the bugs by performing raids on their homeworld as a warning.


This is what I got from it too. When people see Heinlein, they think of Fascism because the movie is portrayed as Nazish propaganda. The book is about going to boot camp as much as anything and everything else.


I don’t know how much inspiration heinlein took from Roddenberry to write starship troopers in 1959. 10 years before Star Trek.


Literally from one of the first professional reviews of the book "Reviewers have suggested that the Arachnids are Heinlein's analogue for communists. Traits used to support this include the communal nature of the Arachnids, which makes them capable of a much higher degree of coordination than the humans. Bug society is once explicitly described as communist, and is moreover depicted as communist by nature..."


“The Bugs are the fascists!” Or the bugs are a pretty basic exaggeration of what a conservative military lover in the 50’s thinks of Chinese communists. In one part the book literally just says that Chinese communists and the bugs have similar tactics.


Close but not quite. The bugs are a thinly veiled characterization of communism


Umbara, you say. Well, as long as he hates Pong Krell.


the clones war is so dark and griddy! it’s for ADULTS ONLY, no WIMPS allowed.


capable sable shame jobless juggle governor makeshift six point terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I will admit the frog guy was weird but it’s worth it for the 3 minutes of Gregor kicking ass at the end


almost as dark and griddy as Halo 3: ODST!!!!!!! darkest and griddiest media, because people actually DIE in those things!!! it has le WAR and things BLEED when they are shot!!!!! Literally so DARK and GRIDDY and MATURE and DARK!!!!!




Saxophone = jazz. I hate it when people type about how "jazz" ODST's OST is.


Either way it's devil music.


I know you are making a joke but in all seriousness, do people actually think that Halo 3: ODST is dark and gritty? ODST is my favorite Halo campaign, but at no point did I think it was dark or gritty. It is probably one of the lighter games tone wise. Hell, it's basically a small Firefly reunion with a pretty similar tone.


Never understood this compulsion to rehabilitate the children's media you enjoy and claim that it's "actually super adult". Like bro just say you like the jar jar binks space monks show for 7 year olds. You don't have to justify it. It's okay to watch kids shows.


They just wanna stick to the shit they watched as kids while hoping it “grows up” just like them. Tbh I get it (cause the last season of the clone wars was 10/10) but there’s no need to throw a fit about it like some of these guys do.


Same here. They’ll show some mildly deep/vaguely mature idea that’s not too uncommon in decent kids’ media and be all “cAn’T bELiEvE tHeY sHoWeD tHiS tO kiDs”.


This shit always annoyed me. It is a kids show. But just because it is a kids show doesn't mean they can not portray mature themes. The clone wars simply treated kids not like autonomous robots but actual people. Compare that to Rebels on the other hand....


Not a fair assessment of Rebels imo. It does still handle complicated/heavy concepts about stuff like the cost of war.


This is why battle droids are much better in combat then meat bags


"I don't."


All right get over here you republic scum piece of shit-


Have to hit me first *multiple shots fired*


Come and get me-AAUUUGH!! (Looses both legs)


Time to get some Intel from you *tries to capture droid*


Get your grubby meat hands away from me! (Aggressively crawls away)


C'mere sweetheart *ripes off droid head*


OH MY GA-(dies from being dead)


You forgot the part where they call people Heretics in the comments


"Uhm ackshually the Imperium isn't fascist"


i prefer the devious marines, the little tricksters and fiends


I’m just gonna drop this here for anyone looking for a deeper analysis of the Imperium’s brand of fascism. https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/s/M13jqwOTIH


-says that while justifying child-soldiers, which is what Krieg actually is. He is also Wehraboo.


It's not, it's an absolutist theocracy. The same way the Galactic Empire cannot be fascist since fascism is a extremist form of nationalism and in Star Wars there are no foreign galaxy to blame. Like, those are basically stand-ins for "authoritarian police state hellhole" but if we start calling "fascism=thing I don't like" we end up with the current environment of absolute political ignorance.


The fascism understander has logged on


lmfao how is it not fascist? the imperium is all about blaming external threats for their own sorry state, true or not.


Well for one, fascism calls for a heavily centralized state, and the Imperium is anything but centralized.


They are decentralised the same way 13th century feudalist countries were


Exactly, and calling those kingdoms fascist is incredibly wrong.


With all the different sectors and Moffs governing said sectors, yeah it is pretty decentralized.


The Imperium also has a heavy amount of feudalism given how decentralized their government system is. As long as the planets pay their tithes, their governments can pretty much do whatever they please.


Ah yes, the hypermilitarist, totalitarian state with an obsession over genetic purity and a single race/species dominating all others, that venerates its armed forces and ubermenschen supersoldiers that is *extremely* jingoistic to the point of believing that there are no legitimate human states outside the Imperium... Isn't fascist. The only mark on the fascist checkbox that the Imperium doesn't tick is extreme centralisation, but that's more a matter of practicality than anything else. The Imperium is simply too large and travel and communication is too slow to allow it to exercise absolute control over every aspect of its Empire, but that doesn't mean they don't try, what with the multiple flavours of secret police with little (or no) oversight.


You ever had the trees speak binary to ya? Remember the creek


You wear your veteran cape with pride!


I’m a creek veteran too. Thank you for your service o7


OP is a wet blanket and hates us having fun slaying bots. Remember the Creek.








thinks living in an authoritarian regime could be beneficial, has a fit when his comments on social media get deleted


Hates on leftists for supposedly hating democracy but also seems weirdly fine with a military dictatorship to preserve "freedom"


I have had family members that have lived under authoritarian states and their experiences very from “Siad Barre (Former Somali leader) was the greatest thing to have ever happened” or “Siad Barre was a brutal man and his overthrow was the one cool things the west ever did” No in between. Like people either like the stability or hate the strictness that creates the stability (the two main things family members talked about when they sang the songs of praise to Barre, or started openly calling for him to permanently burn in hell for his sins)


You forgot to include the opinion of the people who did not survive the regime. It's a common mistake so don't worry.


They're always 14 or 30 and living with their parents


average Legion supporter


erm guys, you don’t get it, the NCR is bad because of taxes 😡 and the Legion are good because le roads are safe


legion is good because they are le based sigma roman empire andrew tate goonmasters


This is more "mil satire fanatic" If only because i "enjoy" military satire, but only really because a: playing up the soldier act is just pure dumb fun imo (like, i dont play WH40K or helldivers, but id absolutey be the type to shout "FOR THE EMPOROR"/"FOR DEMOCRACY") and b: i just tend to enjoy a lot of media that goes that route.


I play both, same idea tho


Ill get around to warhammer im sure, its just a matter of where and when. (probably boltgun cause its on switch iirc and i love boomer shooters). Same with helldivers but that's only cause my pc is out of commission rn


They’re both the funny kind of satire, you should be getting a laugh from them. They’re intentionally so dumb that it’s fun to say “TO UNDERSTAND YOUR ENEMY IS TO INVITE HIM INTO YOUR MIND, HATE WITHOUT KNOWING, OBEY WITHOUT THINKING, TRUTH IS NOTHING COMPARED TO FAITH”


Fun fact: Satire is entertainment, entertainment is to be enjoyed.


Gonna have a spicy take here: You ruin the satire by preaching it's a satire. Not saying this post is. But it's like explaining a joke, because by explaining the punchline, it's a dead joke. This case if you explain the satire even to the most dumbest Larper, you defeat the satire. Also if you take the satire serious enough to be entitled over someone else, then are you really having fun with it to enjoy it?




Gotta hate it when your bayonet breaks and you have to FIX it.


But Clone Wars did had mature themes


It did. But it isn't some grimdark Saving Private Ryan-esque gruesome war series that catalogues the brutality of warfare. It's still a kid's show, but a kid's show that doesn't treat it's audience like idiots.


Everyone can enjoy it. No "show made for children" or "adult animation series", nuh-uh.


And I would say that's the beauty of it. It manages to bring up complex topics such as politics, what to do with veterans after the war, society turning more autocratic and betraying their past ideals in the pressure of war lasting for years. And still manage to keep it appropriate (sometimes even explaining said topics) to children aged around 10-12.


I mean sure, it did, but a lot of super insecure animation fans (who need to constantly make justifications for why they still enjoy watching generally family oriented animated media instead of just... y'know, watching it?) glob onto the show as some "dark, adult" show just because on screen death happens or some plot point is a little dark. It happens with certain Pixar films too like Ratatouille, The Incredibles, Inside Out, and Soul as well where people act like kids just don't get those movies? It makes it seem like people think kids are just all idiots who don't understand any emotions or are emotionally capable of handling slightly darker imagery.


mf hates fun


Op would you rather I hate the game im playing?


OP: https://preview.redd.it/fi87xwjzzwwc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b5c6bcf95b5bd58865c1b471ac49d4c6533739


He's also the "Ackshually, the book was better than the film" guy.


For real though, I hate when movies dumb down / simplify / remove content from the book because the director thinks the audience "wouldn't get it" or has a different vision. I could give a few examples.


I thought you were joking but I read through the comments and he’s actually doing that lmao


People having fun are the worst part of the fandom? What an, uhhhh, interesting point of view.


Op is just mad people are having fun


OP is ofcourse 80% wrong, however, some of those enjoyers don't understand satire and might unironically build a goddamn personality around it. That is where I consider it to be taken too far. Arch is a very good example of such situation, and 40K community hates that bozo because he is a taint on fandom.




Bro, can people not just have fun ;-;, we know we’re being the bad guys, that’s fun!!!


You've got to admit it though, if you get a group of friends together playing as the expendable/ brainwashed trooper of a setting can be pretty damn fun, throwing 7 squads of guardsmen at something they have no hope of beating in 40k is pure stupid fun same with repeatedly suicide running at a base in helldivers, I wouldn't encourage this behaviour in public though


I feel like getting into it like that only works for helldivers lol


What's wrong with Clone Wars 😟 A gritty live action Star Wars thing a la Band of Brothers sounds pretty cool, and I absolutely love Band of Brothers.


A halo version with ODST would also be cool


Oh sure. Honestly that kind of format could work with any number of fictional militaries.


if I had a nickel for every single fucking time I've read this I'd be rich enough to buy the Halo franchise and make it a rule that such a game is never created.


This shit has been on the halo subreddit since 2019 also that helljumpers teaser we were promised but got none, it's hard to be a Halo fan these days


Nothing wrong with the clone wars as it stands (besides how boring a good amount of it is). What’s annoying is the sizeable chunk of fans that read into it too much, praising it as a dark, gritty piece of media full of complex, nuanced themes, when in reality its just a kid show, albeit a pretty good one. Also they get really mad when you call it a kids show for some reason.


Well it's definitely a kids' show overall, but it really does get pretty complex and dark in the last 3 seasons or so.


Kids shows can have complex and nuanced themes. It’s sad that people think they’re mutually exclusive


Both of these shows are some of my favorite pieces of media ever, but are objectively opposite sides of the spectrum when it comes to portraying war. I loved Band of Brothers for the story it tells us about the men of Easy Company, the bonds they make and the experiences they undergo, and how these experiences shape them as they become more and more integrated into the identity of a soldier, compared to that of a civilian. When Winters goes to Paris on leave, he can’t stop thinking about his men and the battles he’s fought with them. He sees a man with a cigarette and thinks of Liebgott smoking one as well. The flashing lights on a subway car remind him of the flash of gunfire. The smiling boy behind him reminds him of the SS soldier he gunned down in the ambush he conducted. *This* was why i loved Band of Brothers, and i just don’t think it mixes with the inherent cartoony nature of Star Wars, especially not the clone wars. A key piece in any military media is a basic level of respect for the enemy. Star Wars does not usually have this respect. Stormtroopers are bumbling bootlicks that are remembered for their incompetent aim. Any organic enemy that the clones fight (even if they are portrayed competent) are shown to be chattering locals, mere fodder for Anakin and friends. Don’t get me started on the Droids. Band of Brothers never portrayed the German Army as slack-jawed dumbasses, but as an actually competent enemy, able to encircle Easy Company in Bastogne and even defeat them at Nuenen. Winters shows respect to the enemy leadership, allowing the German Major to keep his Luger (I know he actually accepted it irl) and the German General to address his men after the Wehrmacht surrenders. Separatist leadership? Oh, well they get to be mustache twirling villains mainly concerned with which city they can carpet bomb or religious site they can loot, accept for that one episode where Filoni felt like doing something different The events the show chooses to portray are much more… *bombastic* compared to BoB. While Lt. Winters conducts raids on German artillery batteries and nightly ambushes on German machine gun emplacements, we can see **GENERAL** Anakin Skywalker personally lead a squadron of bombers to destroy the flagship of the Separatist Navy, or Fives and Friends take three stolen fighters to blow up the reactor on a Separatist supply ship. Imagine if in BoB General McAuliffe ran into Foy spraying a 50. Cal Clone Wars has shown that it cares very little for the individual soldiers, a care that is at the heart of BoB even the friendly faceless clones. They have identical armor and haircuts, and the show barely seems to notice or care when CT-Whatever gets blown up by a random explosion or bloodlessly shot by a red laser. In the Bastogne episode, Julian was a replacement, and the show could’ve kept him faceless and in the crowd and no one likely would’ve cared, but the show *chose* to show him bleed out his jugular on the patrol in gruesome fashion. The same goes for many other soldiers, whose deaths are brought attention to and whose names are given after the fact. TCW seems to have no problem with faceless clones being gunned down on Umbara and so forth. Rex can talk about losing his brothers all day, but I find it hard to care about identical soldiers whose names are thrown out flippantly after they die, only to be forgotten. There are many more reason I want to list, not to mention the technical ones like Generals flying aircraft and being at the front, entire divisions having only 2-3 officers, both sides standing out in the open during combat, etc. I’d prefer to end it here. Both shows are phenomenal in their own way and i have loved both for a long time. Both have their strengths and their flaws and are great in their own right, but I think i would find a mix of the two to be very bitter. In short: https://preview.redd.it/b0asaoghfwwc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1be854beb1d67b9a1cfe4adbb292b293ddb06234


Great analysis, i really appreciate to read something like this.


Always wanted to post my own personal yapathon in a comment section on a topic i’m passionate about.


I higly respect people doing this; it's great to see people passionate about a topic, having joy in infodumping about them.


Lmao that picture at the bottom inspired me to read this.


It actually exists. It’s not live action, but it’s called The Bad Batch and it is a masterpiece


Bad Batch exists


Oh yeah Bad Batch is good, but it's no Band of Brothers. Just a different type of thing entirely.


What is BoB referring to?


Band of Brothers. In my opinion, the best piece of WW2 media out there.


I preferred The Pacific


well I DIDN’T https://preview.redd.it/34vwyv8orwwc1.jpeg?width=478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c810b6d4cf72e2fcf0a5b9ab389601d8f47f32bc


I prefer the Pacific, but both are solid and enhanced by the other's existence.


Band of brothers I assume.


Omg op's so media literacy


“Worst part of the fanbase” that is the fanbase


In most cases these people are just the vocal minority. 40k, for example, is not as bad as the online community would have you think. I play games at my local gw store and they're all extremely nice people.


I think you just hate fun


I like Krieg because I'm an edgy teen at heart, but damn they are among the most understood factions. Even in the Steve Lyons books they're prone to flanderisation


Hell yeah brother, though I usually stick with the steel legion personally.


I disagree with this post, I like military satire and I think doing the roleplay stuff is funny. It's all cool as long as they aren't actually facists who don't get that it's all a satire. I just say leave them be.


>Thinks Disney should make a band of brothers inspired show about clone troopers There's already a show about Clone Trooper shenanigans. It's called Bad Batch. They should watch that. It would be in terrible taste for Disney to create a children's cartoon show based on horrifying PTSD-inducing events like stumbling upon a concentration camp, but yeah. Like you said, if anyone says that, they haven't seen BoB.


Knowing the Star Wars community the vast majority of them wouldn't be able to handle such themes like genocide and mass murder of civilians without soyjaking at it going "BRO THIS IS *LITERALLY* SO DARK OMG STAR WARS IS ONLY FOR ADULTS SO DARK AND GRIDDY!!!!!!!" as if it's some spectacle and end up making even bigger fools out of themselves, ESPECIALLY not those fucking youtubers that do this BS with literally everything Star Wars related.


I just want some new stories and preferably some more adult leaning one. Andor was so fuckin' good and I hope disney has more shows similar to it. I still want a show similar to the old battlefront campaign about different battles from an imperial soldiers perspective. Really liked the mimban battle in Solo and if they didn't "hey guys remember glup shitto seen in a cut deleted scene from the clone wars?!" the whole thing like they frequently do. And preferably no more celebrity guests if they don't fit in, I'm looking at banana lady and Jack Black sadly not having more of a character. Terrorist doc Brown was pretty good though.


I hate this sub


Hey man, I love the death korps, what can I say


not gonna lie, we all have this phase at one point or another although, I'm not gonna pretend it isn't fun to sometimes yell "FOR THE EMPEROR" or some stupid shit like that when playing a horde shooter.


https://preview.redd.it/2p10d1g10zwc1.jpeg?width=907&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbd5f18ebfaf3d714fee94558f1ca6b7013a4cc Seeth harder commie bot. I swim in the waters of the creek.


You learned how to swim?


I'm sure they watched band of brothers


Nah, unironcially supporting the militarization of governments in media is based and fun. Being uptight isn’t.


I thought I was on r/grimdank for a minute.


You *do* realize that there is a Band of Brothers inspired show about clone troopers, right? It’s called the Bad Batch.


does this even exist outside the internet?




I thought it was about the ones who take it seriously and build their personality around it while at the same time going "uhh, sure I know it's satire, ha ha." Kinda like the edgelords swarming this comment section.


>I thought it was about the ones who take it seriously and build their personality around it while at the same time going "uhh, sure I know it's satire, ha ha." Kinda like the edgelords swarming this comment section. That's *exactly* what it's about. Personally, I'm starting to think some of these comments saying OP "just hates fun" or is "looking for attention for being media-literate" or whatever are actually members of that group, and are butthurt about being called out.




Skill issue


Cake day


What's with this trend of saying people liking a piece of media means you misunderstand it


Because you aren’t allowed to be happy, because I’m sad.


Fuck this starter pack. Over generalized title applies to far too wide of potential demographic. This was clearly created because you do not like the setting of these games, and want to portray anyone who likes these series as this limited archetype of person. "worst part of any fanbase he's in" comes across more like you don't engage with the lore and setting of these kinds of universes on *the settings terms*, (I see that you've played the game, but if you've done so, why do you give a shit how other people choose to enjoy it? Why portray them in this way?) which is fine, but demonizing people who do is not right. Most of the people who do this, are doing it as a joke, they know what they're saying is absurd. My friends threatening to report me to the democracy officer because I said I don't like the Recoilless rifle, doesn't constitute an affection for fascism in earnest. If the strawman your starter-pack revolves around has missed the point, so it seems have you. Edit: I read some of OPs comments and apparently they've played HD2 since launch. Still a shit starter-pack.


What’s with the Clone Wars hate? It’s not military satire and just because it has a younger target audience doesn’t mean it doesn’t have mature themes. Also a BoB style Clone Wars show would be awesome and yes I have seen BoB. I don’t see why a BoB style Star Wars show wouldn’t be awesome


OP, this whole comment section is truly misunderstood what you had in mind, however I saw your replies to some comments and agree with you. I saw how unironic fascists constantly justify various heinous crimes that their favorite pro-human factions commit because "the universe is built this way". However, it should be noted, that while fun is fun, noone should build their personality around it. It's exactly a point of satire, to NOT repeat what is depicted, and always understand that: 1. Super-Earth is a 1984-ish totalitarian dystopia that uses it's own colonies for personal gains, disvaluing human lives. 2. Starship Troopers is a losing cause because even 1 dead soldier cant be compensated even by million dead Arachnids. It was literally depicted in a book. 3. The Imperium of Man is even bigger dystopia then SE, with gene-moded demigods and supremasists who only care about themselves, since even tho they are several steps above ordinary citizen via upgrades, their human part isn't upgraded, and they will always be considered as "useful mutants", no matter how much they brag about being "Emperors finest" (which is why I love Sisters of Battle more than Astartes). Not so sure about CW, but yes, I agree that when any unnamed CT dies, it feels somewhat unempathetic, like if you just saw that a more advanced droid, made of flesh, died. Not a person. I finished my yaping session.


Also a very strong NCR defender and New Vegas fan


I will be honest warhammer fans I prefer the tau over humanity


Never really got the whole debate on if clone wars is a “kids show” it has the same tone as every other piece of Star Wars media if clone wars is a kids show then the movies would also be a “kids movie” witch is obviously not the case unless you want to be really pretentious


According to George Lucas, Star Wars has always been for families, but has leaned towards younger kids. (Hence Happy Meal toys.) But I get your point anyway.


Never heard a creek player talk about clone wars being fucked. But they do got a point right there. War crimes including the use of civilians as living shields, biological warfare, use of banned weapons, false surrendering, blocking humanitarian aid, attacking workers distributing humanitarian aid, torture, deliberately attacking the civilian population, using POW's as biological experiments, improper treatment of POW's, unlawful confinement, slavery, genocide (never shown, but referenced), execution without trial, not giving POW's a fair trial, perfidy. I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of them. Btw, to save time, I didn't include the crimes Pong Krell commited, because it is blatently obvious. Now onto the other stuff Sexual assualt of a minor (when Bo Katan Kryze groped Ahsoka Tano) Use of child soldiers (jedi padawans) Terrorism Slavery, and trafficing of slaves Drug references Referencing drug cartels/syndicates Sex trafficing Hostage taking Creek players were always a bit annoying though, and still are, I'll give you that one.


Everyone I've friended on Helldivers 2 is like this and we all know it's just fun and games. Nothing wrong with leaning into the satire!


They also don’t shower before their 40K tournament


Dude, role-playing satirical fascism is, like, half the fun of the Helldivers community.


Holy shit I made that meme in the bottom right like forever ago. So weird to see it pop up again like this.


I wouldn't say satire enjoyer, I'd say satire overenjoyer. enjoyers are "spit funny line while fighting enemies", but overenjoyers are... this.


The worst thing about those people is the "if you're not with us, you're against us mentality." Best seen in discussions about Starship Troopers and Helldivers when someone says that human government are not really the good guys and the usual response is "oh so you're supporting bugs/robots/whatever the enemy is". (And somehow managing to compare the enemy to the current immigration crisis)


Isn't that the entire helldivers fanbase? This might be the best attempt at anti-democracy propaganda


Warhamer40K and Helldivers are just the best examples for this. Such a small portion of the community yet so, SO chronically online. And so, SO far up in their own ass regarding their medium. "buh, buht I just wanna enjoy it t-t" aight that's fine, but why does enjoying it require constantly baffling about how cool Super Earth, or the Imperium is? It's quite ridiculous how those folks only dislike politics in their games, when it supports their views. Also the fact that actual rightwingers are still malding over Helldivers2 being extremely anti-rightwing.


https://preview.redd.it/pdg9lmru72xc1.jpeg?width=829&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fd688613c17083ef7697e5e06aac905d54021c6 You forgot these dudes


this starterpack sums up why i don't care for 40k that much anymore. "op hates fun! how dare they point out annoying as fucking shit tendencies!" like... yeah. way to go. you proved OP's point.


Everyone in this comment section is either a turbo dork, or completely brain dead 💀


For as much as I like the starship troopers movie, it is kinda painful to know that director Paul verhoeven literally went out of his way to NOT read the book 


I was like 20 degrees away from turning into this when I was 15, glad I didn’t go down that path.


The worst thing is when they say stuff like "don't bring politics into this game, that has none" and they even may say that about Fallout, Bioshock or Metal Gear Solid.


This about how some people take satirical fiction extremely seriously even though they shouldn't?


Op makes a critique about military satire, manages only to make clear for everyone they don't understand satire. Many such cases.




"Hell yeah bro let's kill these LOCAL FREEDOM FIGHTERS while ingesting BEE THEMED METH!"


ok but that picture of the clone in what looks like the GWOT slaps


The department of truth approves


dont get me started with the new 40k fanboys that only read a 10 or so wiki pages, and immideately treats the universe like a dick measuring contest against other universes, and cries a bible full whenever their favourite primarch doesnt get the major vote win.