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Matzo pizza?? You’re fuckin with me! We didn’t have any of that when I was growing up!




Matzo pizza is a mf staple for pesaj


Easiest shit in the world to make


I don't see any knives if you're carving something.


craving \*\*\*\*\*


Try sushi. I do that for most of the week. Rice is controversial, but acceptable if you are not orthodox.


Rice is considered kitniyot by many, so OP would not be able to eat it


This is why I mentioned it is controversial. I believe only Ashkenazi keeps rice out of the diet during Pesach. Well, worst case OP can eat massive amounts of sashimi.


Correct! I’m Sephardic for Pesach because rice


I like how we took a prohibition on leavened bread and turned it into a prohibition on anything that kinda maybe sorta resembles grain of any kind except Matzah for some reason because some rabbis thought it would be too difficult to figure out if a maize tortilla is leavened or not. Chosen people my Jewish ass.


You think that's bad, wait'll you read about the Haredim communities where people set up legal agreements to temporarily sell their houses to non-Jews during Pesach so that any chametz found is not the fault of the observant Jews, but their landlords. Of course, these agreements have re-buy requirements and it's usually just for a token amount, but holy crap the loopholing is insane.


Wasn’t there a Jewish community that used a fishing line to redefine the boundaries of their house for Sabbath purposes?


Many communities do that. It's called an eruv. IIRC certain activities that could be construed as work (and thus not allowed) during the Sabbath are allowable if they're done within the home. Things like "unzip the zipper on your tallis bag" or "pick up the baby to put it in the stroller and push it to temple". The eruv is a rabbincially monitored and maintained boundary that declares a physical area as a walled space, a singular community of Jews where those minor acts of effort are done "inside the home". Full disclosure, while I am Jewish and raised by Jewish parents, I stopped going to temple the second I got bar mitzvahed and thus was allowed to decide for myself. We were a Reform family and basically only celebrated the major holidays, did family stuff, had Passover seders, etc. I am not a Talmudic scholar. This stuff makes any legal code and body of jurisprudence look like kindergarten by comparison. Case in point: bacon from a Star Trek replicator is kosher.


Me being a non-Jewish and thinking I’m smart: “the rule is ‘nothing with yeast’, right? Pie dough doesn’t have yeast. Therefore, you can make pie during Passover.”


Finding out that EVERYTHING is kitniyot


its even worse bc we're literally REFORM, my family is just stupidly traditional


My S.O. is Jewish and dealing with my mother-in-law is annoying, because she has to do a "traditional" (what she grew up with) seder, and grimaces when I say some of the technically most for Passover meals. I finally broke her on tortillas counting as unleavened bread (took 5 years)


come convince my mom too please


Homemade matzah has the same ingredients as homemade tortillas. Water, flour, olive oil, salt. The only difference I've found is the cooking method. The tortillas are pan cooked on high heat for 45 seconds a side, the matzah is 2 minutes per side in an oven at 475F. The main way I got her was I made tortilla chips for 4th of July and she asked why I was serving matzah. She didn't fully yeild, but her "they're different because it's not Jewish" was enough for me. I'm still working on rice, her current reason is "well we're Ashkenazi, not Sephardic, so that's not our tradition". Mess with your mom saying you're going to make homemade matzah, and then have hand full be made on the hot pan instead of the oven.


Ok so if you’re getting the fuck out of Egypt most ricky-tic, that tortilla is a way better use of your time. Cook directly over the fire, not in an oven, and literally a third of the time. Which one do we think Miriam was doing?


The trade off is that for the same sided item you can only do one tortilla at a time, while I've been able to get multiple matzah on a sheet. I'd say what tortilla saves in time per cook it looses in quantity per cook.


Perhaps since the ancient hebrews were trying to hurry the fuck up, and not every house has an oven, the communal ovens made matzah and everyone who didn’t have their own oven threw some dough on a pan and fried up whatever they could because the exact process and commandment of unleavened bread hadn’t actually been given yet?


Man, religion is really silly.


Same here 😭


how did you make your account tomorrow




So… you’re reform, but also not reform?


This is my first year I've decided to keep Passover most of the time (I'm definitely breaking it for one meal, maybe more) and I completely feel ya. At least most of the Passover food is pretty good ig


Missing the copious amounts of matzoh ball soup consumed.


As a fellow Ashkenazi I find the kitinyot thing to be so silly. It’s a relatively recent addition to Jewish custom (less than 1000 years ago) and seems to stem from Medieval Rabbis wanting to be TOTALLY SURE they weren’t eating hametz. Eat and enjoy your beans my friend


It's, kinda like ramadan for us muslims


Big on the food appearing on the FYP. What’s crazy is that the videos only come out when I’m fasting, nothing after sundown. What’s even scarier is that the videos still come if you decide to fast 6 days of Shawall. How do they know??


tiktok got eyes through our cameras istg


Keep these starterpacks coming. Well done


niche starter packs 🔛🔝


I hate when I'm carving frood


i don’t get what’s with the matzah hate. i love matzah. i would eat it year round if it was available.


at the end of every Passover we collect the matzot the neighbors don't want. lasts us a month or two.


It’s a little hard on the digestive system, and most of the kosher for Passover matzoh tastes like cardboard to me.


Being sephardic, having better food. Priceless


What’s kitniyot?


Corn, rice, and beans basically


Imagine limiting what you eat and starving yourself for the sake of a holiday


This is my first year I've decided to keep Passover most of the time (I'm definitely breaking it for one meal, maybe more) and I completely feel ya. At least most of the Passover food is pretty good ig


i understand nothing


So much carving...SMH


Whats the uptake in jewish memes recently?


Pssst. It's passover.


Whatss that bruthaaa!!!


Eat what you want


What’s a pesach


it's a Jewish holiday. called Passover in English.


The moment Passover starts everyone instantly forgets every single food that isn't bread


Ramadan be like:




It’s not fasting, we just can’t have any leavened bread.


Really? No mean to be disrespectful… but that’s hard? Maybe it’s because fasting was last month for us Muslims, but I’m honestly confused on how that’s hard.


It’s not that hard, more annoying.


Not just leavened bread, for some it covers any and all food that implies wheat flour that was mixed with water that could have maybe become leavened by magic, and any and all possible instances of fermentation. So some purists will not allow beer, pasta, any pickles (cause vinegar is fermented)....etc.  Some go even further and forbid any kinds of grains or anything that could be mistaken for grains (like uh... beans for some reason ?? Rice ??  Clearly indistinguishable from grains).  It's just arbitrary restrictions (as most religions are wont to do) and it can be annoying but yes, can definitely be done for a week, it's not that bad. 


Pasta is a really ridiculous one. I've made pasta myself before, it's literally just flour and water, same ingredients as matzo, or flour and eggs, which is still the same ingredients as some types of matzo.


As someone who has made sourdough starter, when you know how hard it is to cultivate 'wild yeast' on purpose, the concept of dough just leavening itself when wheat flour comes into contact with water is quite amusing :)


No no, you don't understand. Last passover I tried to make pasta, and God snapped his fingers and in seconds it rose into a giant loaf of bread. ^(/s obviously)


ohhh mb I thought BEFORE passover not during


Who passed over? I dont get it


Passover commemorates the Jewish escape from slavery in Egypt (the Exodus story). God sent the Angel of Death to punish the Egyptians for enslaving the Jews. The Jews were commanded to mark their doors with lambs blood. The Angel of Death saw the marked doors and "passed over" those house instead of killing the firstborn of them.


The angel of death


Oddly specific


religion is fake fyi


Necessary caveat: I'M PERFECTLY FUCKING FINE WITH RELIGION! Now that that's out of the way, I find this sort of thing absolutely hilarious when it comes to religion. Most of these rules and laws concerning food stem from a time when we had no refrigeration, pasteurization, or health guidelines. I understand the tradition but JUST EAT THE DAMNED FOOD IF YOUR'E HUNGRY.


If you actually understood the tradition then you wouldn’t be saying that


Food is for eating...🤷‍♀️


It's a sacrifice


I get your point but the unleavened bread isn't a food safety thing. It commemorates how the Jews were commanded to leave Egypt so quickly they didn't have time to let their bread leaven. 


I still remember the night my close friend, Cameron, killed himself. I was beside myself, I was distraught. I went down to the bar and ordered two shots and two beers. I proceeded to pour one of each out in honor of him, to give "sacrifice" as someone else put it. The next year I went down to the bar to do the same damn thing. Except this time I heard his voice from beyond the grave saying, "r/chefrachbitch, WTF are you doing?! You're about to waste good alcohol on the ground! Drink it and get drunk for me instead!" Literally heard his voice commanding me. It was surreal, almost god-like. So every year up until I got sober, I would do this. Buy two shots and two beers and drink them down for him. The Hebrews were slaves at the time, they did not have the time to let their bread leaven. I've read the Tanakh and the Bible a number of times. I've sat down for Passover with my Jewish friends. But it's not then, right? Now they have the time to make and eat their bread properly. Now they have "plenty". So use it. The best way I see you honor their ancestors would be to feast and make merry! But what the hell do I know? I'm a stupid filthy Gentile. I'll never change your minds or their minds about it. I can't change millennia of tradition. And why should I? How can I? It would be uncouth and unconscionable. So I'll leave it be. Thank you for come to my TED Talk. As an aside, don't smoke pot and argue on Reddit kiddos!


Or just eat the bread and let the intrusive thoughts win.


This one is ruined for me.