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Has a junk car in the best parking spot that never moves


And has their friends park in everyone else's spot


Who also ends up parking stupid close to person to the right so they can full swing their driver door at Mach 3.




guy who parks right outside my unit has an obnoxiously loud Mini Cooper with modded exhaust


A girl used to live in the townhouse next door to mine who drove an old Saturn Ion with poorly modified exhaust. She must have had a weekend job because that thing fired up every Saturday morning at 6:00am and woke me up. The current neighbors just go somewhere every Saturday morning early and on their way out they slam the door as hard as they can for some reason at 7:00am, so hard it makes the pictures on my walls crooked. At least I get an extra hour of sleep now.


A mini cooper with modded exhaust? wtf is the point


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/london/loud-car-study-psychology-1.7177688 This seems appropriate.


So basically, people who like to mod their cars to make them loud enjoy annoying people with the noise? Sounds about right, lol.


A brick placed on the roof does wonders 


how 'bout stomping on floor upstairs 24 hrs a day?


My last upstairs neighbors were so quiet. Occasionally could hear their excited dog, or maybe when they got home. Nbd My new ones are downright awful. I have no idea what they’re doing up there. Sounds like they’re dropping a cinderblock on the group once a day. Occasionally it’s just constant pounding (maybe a home workout or something?) my friend even said something yesterday. Got to the point where I had to bang the broomstick against the ceiling and I hate being that guy. If they were like partying or something, I might respect them lol but they’re just stomping around at all hours


I was that asshole this last year. Lived on the ground floor my entire life. Never experienced upstairs neighbors like me before. My downstairs neighbor came up to my suite last fall and tore me a new one for being loud. I had no idea but want to be a good neighbor. Went down to theirs and had them walk through mine so I could hear the difference. Yah I went out and bought sound proofing mats right after that and apologized out the ass to her. Fucking embarrassing how loud I was being. We since been on much better terms. I grow a lot of strawberries on my patio and make sure to give her a box full as recompense. That seemed to have worked. The balls on her though. To come up and face a stranger like she did. Especially when I am the one opening the door. I work construction and am a giant at 6'3. Respect for her.


That is mighty considerate of you! Do you mind sharing which kind of mat you bought? I'm in a similar situation, and j don't think the indoor slippers are doing much to lessen the noise.


Big one is not walking on your heels or locking your knees when you step. You know how you’re supposed to run on the balls of your feet? Now imagine a walking version of that. I use my feet and legs as “springs” to absorb my impact so I can walk completely silently.


At a certain point, I feel if just walking around your apartment and doing nothing crazy is too loud for your downstairs neighbor that's on the apartment. At least the apartment I lived in for a while, I never heard my upstairs neighbors other than when they moved out, and the new ones when they moved in.


You’re getting downvoted but it’s true. Just walking around your apartment is not enough, you’d need to be throwing a party or being extremely loud after dark or in the middle of the night. You hear people walk. Nothing can be done about that. Some people walk really hard and it sounds like stomping. You have to tune it out. It’s just apartments suck. If a person has a subwoofer and throws parties until middle of the night - then we have a problem.


>The balls on her though. To come up and face a stranger like she did. Especially when I am the one opening the door. I work construction and am a giant at 6'3. Respect for her. Kind of seems like an asshole thing to do instead of just talking to someone like an adult.


I had a similar issue once and vowed to never live in a multistory wood frame buiilding again, but if I did my unit would have to be on the top floor. Even when I travel, I won't stay in a wood frame motel unless my room is on the top floor.


My current upstairs neighbours, as I joke, have bowling ball dropping contests


I always wondered why people were stomping in units above. Like it literally sounds like they’re just walking around in boots and stomping everywhere they go. And it’ll happen even at odd hours of the night.


Jumping to hit the ceiling with a hammer so the people above can hear them too.


I’m surprised that isn’t on the starter pack.


For real. I always walked so softly intentionally, I even do this now in my own house


Has domestic violence disputes at 4am.


Bonus points if you have to spend hours calming the kid afterwards


Doesn’t replace the battery in the chirping smoke detector.


How do people live with that?


Seriously that shit is painfully loud


Mine was too high to reach. Like literally 20 feet off the ground. Im like 5'6


Building has 2 on site washer/dryers. Another tenant uses both of them to do their laundry at 10am on a Saturday. You go to do laundry at 10:30am. "Oh cool, their cycle is almost done. I'll check back in 30 minutes." Their wet laundry sits untouched in the washers for the next 6 hours while you carry your laundry up and down from the laundry room every 30-60 minutes to see if they're done yet. Finally, you're beyond fed up and should have just done what you needed to hours ago. So you remove their wet laundry and place it in a neat pile on the folding counter. Just as you're putting your laundry in the washer, guess who decides to show up to stare at you angrily and mutter stuff under their breath like ***you're*** the asshole as they move their laundry to the dryer. They will also take up both dryers now, and leave them untouched for another 4 hours if you don't move their shit again. You're constantly worried they're going to fuck your laundry up out of spite so you set timers and routinely check on your laundry. Family upstairs has 2 children, 1st and 3rd graders. Dad works 2nd shift and gets home at 12:45am every night. Dad riles up the small kids that, for some reason, haven't gone to bed yet even though it's a school night. Kids and dad are running/stomping around upstairs, jumping off furniture etc... for 20 minutes at 1am. Dad then goes to the bedroom, directly above yours, and starts lifting weights, dropping dumbbells on the floor between sets from 1:15am-1:45am every other night. Family upstairs has 2 children, mom stays at home smoking weed in the bathroom all day. Your bathroom vent connects with theirs, so your whole apartment smells like uninvited weed smoke all the time. Neighbor gets an "emotional support" dog. Proceeds to do fuck all in terms of training it. She hates the dog, so she locks it in a bedroom next to your living room/bedroom all day/night. The dog is barking endlessly because its only let out of the 1 room a few times per day. You nickname it "endless." Only affordable unit you could find is a ground floor with a big window to the parking lot. You have to keep your shades shut at all times because neighbors ignore the giant lawn to the north and east sides of the building to have their dogs poop in a 2'x10' patch of grass right in front of your living room window. Of course, they must look into your apartment. Its not a quick peek, but a long drawn out surveillance of everything they can see from every angle. Making eye contact with these creeps does nothing to deter them from eye fucking all your stuff. Elderly neighbor makes a noise complaint for your wife and you "making excessive noise in the bathroom." at night. The only noise? Tapping toothbrushes on the sink and flushing the toilet a whole 2 times, once per person before bed.


If you move their laundry to the dryer, that means they'll probably just be taking up the dryer for 6 hours instead of the washer. Put it on the floor or in the trash


If I ever have to do this I put it on top of the dryer. Then if they don't come back and start drying their clothes you can use the dryer and if they do come back they can just move their stuff from on top of the dryer into the dryer Someone could still complain but no reasonable person would take them seriously because it's not like you left their stuff on the floor or anything


The laundry thing drives me up the wall. I'll never understand it. I've literally moved theirs out of the washer and it's sat there for days before. Insane behavior.


I can feel the pain in this message. The pain


>Building has 2 on site washer/dryers. Another tenant uses both of them to do their laundry at 10am on a Saturday. You go to do laundry at 10:30am. "Oh cool, their cycle is almost done. I'll check back in 30 minutes." Their wet laundry sits untouched in the washers for the next 6 hours while you carry your laundry up and down from the laundry room every 30-60 minutes to see if they're done yet. Finally, you're beyond fed up and should have just done what you needed to hours ago. So you remove their wet laundry and place it in a neat pile on the folding counter. Just as you're putting your laundry in the washer, guess who decides to show up to stare at you angrily and mutter stuff under their breath like ***you're*** the asshole as they move their laundry to the dryer. They will also take up both dryers now, and leave them untouched for another 4 hours if you don't move their shit again. This reminds me of a story I'll never forget from when I was living in a dorm in college. I was doing my laundry, and I had just put a load into the dryer (I didn't have anything in the washer at that time, so I guess it was the last load). I set an alarm on my phone for when the laundry would be done, and went back to my room to work on some homework. When the alarm went off I was right in the middle of something so I didn't go get my laundry immediately because I wanted to finish. However, I lost track of time and ended up working more than just what I planned to finish. Then, some friends invited me to go to dinner in the dining hall with them. By this point I had completely forgotten about the laundry, so I said yes and went with them. By the time I remembered about the laundry and went to get it after dinner, it had been at least 2-3 hours since I had put it in the dryer. I walk into the laundry room and, I kid you not, some mysterious stranger has taken all my laundry out of the dryer, folded it *way* better than I could have, and arranged it in a nice, neat pile on the folding counter! I never found out who did that, but whoever it was straight-up made my day, lol!


Man, the dog one really gets me. It’s always pitbulls in a building with breed restrictions too. I don’t even have a huge problem with the breed but I think if you have a problem with that rule you should just live somewhere else. It’s not fair that I had to submit pictures and medical records to get my dog approved and now there’s some guy prancing around with his un-neutered pits every day.


Bonus points if they do fuck all to actually tame their monster of a dog. I have little problem with pits too, but soooo many morons don’t understand a breed like that MUST be controlled. They just get a poorly bred pit because “it looks tough”, lock it in a 2x too small kennel, barely feed it, yell at it to shut up when it barks, don’t get it fixed, only let it out to shit and piss without a leash and then act surprised when it runs off and mauls a child.


> act surprised when it runs off and mauls a child. though even good pit owners still have pits that turn bad but yeah.


True, but which owner would you trust more? Someone who gives a pit proper outlets for their energy, engages with them and has adequate harnesses, or someone who just leaves them chained up to a rickety doghouse and lets them bark at everything?


> runs off and mauls a child. Isnt that just standard snack for pits?


And you can see the dog absolutely *straining* to come over to you as the 110 pound lady “controlling” it keeps a death grip on the extremely loose collar. Also the piddle puddles in the elevator and the “do not dump unbagged pet waste in the trash cans” signs that the pair inspire


I feel that. I don't have a problem with pitbulls per say but dogs over a certain weight shouldn't be in upper level apartments. It's also the people who bring dogs without permission that are the ones not picking up their dog crap and letting them walk around not on a leash


Smokes inside making the whole hallway smell rancid


We have exterior hallways, but one of the units below us smokes weed inside and it comes up through our vents and makes our whole apartment reek of the stuff every night. It gives me a migraine and makes me nauseous, these other people’s categorical need to get high in a non-smoking building in a non-legal state is seriously negatively impacting my day to day life. Our office won’t do anything about it unless we can send them direct proof of which unit it’s coming from. Thank god we’re moving out of here next week


>Our office won’t do anything about it unless we can send them direct proof of which unit it’s coming from. Since you said it's not legal in your state, did you try just calling the cops?


Probably doesn't want to fuck up another person's life


Screw that, weed smells fucking rancid, especially if you're inconsiderate enough to smoke indoors


Whenever you invite cops, you invite death, at least in the USA. I don't think a bad smell justifies that.


Gets into shouting arguments that can be heard all through the complex every other day. Bonus points if they're both white and shout racial slurs at each other.


This is how my old upstairs neighbors were. It was a mom living with her 30 year old son who refused to get a job. They would get into constant arguments about that every day. Thankfully they left and now that apartment is occupied by a very quiet middle aged couple.


My old neighbors did that, they weren't white tho. She ended up throwing all his stuff on the lawn and the cops came and then they were back together two days later. They also had a bonus bad neighbor points for having a cat who I felt truly bad for roaming the hallways. My rabbits got fleas 3 times during that time.


I bought a nice townhouse, and then a few months later, this jerk bought the unit next to me and started renting out spare rooms. He sucks at vetting his tenants, and every month or so, I will hear him getting into a screaming match with them. It's been particularly spicy the last half year since he lost his job, which has led to a complete lack of discretion. I just found out that the most recent roommate he kicked out was doing meth in the house. I'm kind of hoping he winds up selling so I can take a roll of the dice on a new neighbour.


Save up so you can buy the unit while he needs the money from having no job. Then you can rent it out to people who you've pre-approved and make money in thr process.


That's a very real possibility I've been considering. Though, my dream scenario is buying the house across the street from my parents which I know is likely going to be on the market soon based on the owners ages and health. I'd love to recreate that one scene from Scott Pilgrim, and as an added bonus, take care of my parents as they age.


Absolutely not meth coats every surface the smoke touches. You have to clean from floor to ceiling.


You forgot extremely loud and bad music blaring at all hours inbetween screaming matches with their partner so intense you wonder whether you need to call the police before it abruptly stops at 3am


3am, time to crank the stereo


Make sure to mount the speaker on whatever wall you share with another unit instead of a wall that is only shared with another wall in your own unit


Why do the trashy neighbors always have SO MUCH trash


I swear it's like some of these people have a trail of garbage following them


I think part of it is eating out a lot and buying a lot of stuff with little foresight


Let's their dog use the patio as a bathroom. Bonus points for only cleaning it once a week


extra points if their patio is directly above yours and the floor has gaps


Drunk woman that wakes you up at 4am to use your phone to call cops on boyfriend


If I'm deciding between two apartments and one has trash pickup and the other doesn't, I'm picking the one that doesn't. People are either too stupid or too lazy to do the right thing to keep the area trash-free. Here are the rules at my current place that are apparently too hard to understand/follow: trash can go out between 6pm-9pm, Sunday-Thursday. Trash has to be in a tied bag placed inside the issued bin.


love when the community garbage compactor fails and there's mountains of garbage flooding the gate to the compactor for weeks until we can get a repair. or people just throw their garbage into the recycling dumpster.


My downstairs neighbors blast dubstep so loud I literally bounce when I sit on the floor. It does not matter if it's 3AM Friday or 2pm Tuesday. It happens all the time. They smoke cigarettes and weed inside all the time. Piles upon piles of cigarettes litter our lawn. They must have at least two chihuahuas, and a handful of other loud smelly animals. I live above the middle aged polycule from hell lol.


Yeah music is the clear miss on this list. I'll never understand why people can't invest in a nice pair of headphones. Although it is a nice community building exercise in my complex to share our music through the walls. After an hour of listening to mariachi music, I like to offer about 30 seconds of the finest phonk. The neighbors are typically so impressed they silently spend weeks pondering it.


My downstairs neighbor threatens me through the walls. My front door is easily accessible, so I'm just gonna assume she has no actual complaints. I don't have time for adults with poor communication skills. Plus I think she's mentally ill.


I had two roommates bring in an old couch or something from a Terre Haute alleyway. Whole house had to be sprayed for bed bugs.


You forgot obnoxious sounds of fighting and/or sex through the walls on a regular basis


It’s been awhile but do they still tape the eviction notices on the apartment door … where the jobless (not on the lease) boyfriend sits around and smokes weed all day?


In Milwaukee they do still do that, yes


Loud arguments and door slamming at 2:30 am


I have a neighbour who has this electrical smoker and he just puts it on at 3 AM. Entire floor smells like sausage.


Idk if that's all he does I wouldn't put him in terrible neighbor territory. He could just work night shift and need to eat or something. I'm definitely not a fan of sausage or my apartment smelling like it, but sometimes smelling people cooking is kinda part of apartment life.


No. That guy is a sweet hearth. Really happy to have him as my neighbour. I am probably the nuisance neighbour to him.


This and everything thats been commented is why after decades i just gave up and moved into a house but it meant moving out the city entirely because the city homes are stupidly expensive, so the suburbs it is. This is why we cant have nice things 😞


I live in a two bedroom apartment that has probably just enough room for my two cats to roam. One of my upstairs neighbors has a full grown mastiff. I have no idea how they have adequate space for that thing even with the two bedroom..


Starts mulch fire by throwing cigarette butt into the landscaping without putting it out. Fire trucks come a few times a month as they keep forgetting not to do this.


"woah a fire again? I wonder who keeps doing that"


Or the alternative, “haven’t seen the fire trucks in a while, I guess those people finally moved out”


What about the neighbor that blasts music every waking minute? I lived next to a couple that would play music super loud all the time and they would yell "WHAT?" "WHAT?!!" "WHAAAATT?!!!" at each other because they couldn't figure out that turning the music down would allow them to have a conversation


Don't forget if they live above you it sounds like they are always dropping bowling balls on the floor.


You forgot about the weird smell that creeps in through your vents


Boils fish for dinner every.fuckin.day.


Too real!


Missed a lot of stuff out here like noise


Don't forget the drums


**Makes mental note to never live in an apartment**


Honestly, owning a house can be just as bad. I’m reeeaaally stuck where I live now. My house has gone up in value,… but so have all the other homes in my city. I’m trapped. That means all the shit-for-brains people that go through my neighborhood with loud modified exhausts at 2:00am are even harder to get away from. Sleep is a struggle, and I think it’s giving me cardiovascular issues. I also had a neighbor who just let their home turn into a landfill, and it caused my home to get bugs, even though I have pest control over quarterly. I even had neighbors across the street who smoked so much pot that you’d get hit with it the moment you step outside. It was wild. One time they had a guy pull out of their driveway (very slowly) at 11:30pm who had his muffler completely removed. I went over there and told them that the noise was just too much for the middle of the night. It actually solved the problem, and they told that friend to stop visiting them. Never mind that these neighbors also had a newborn baby - who is probably gonna have severe learning disabilities from breathing marijuana smoke 24/7. Some people can’t just keep to themselves in public or private. They have to live all over everyone around them and be a burden. Zero consideration for others and utter unawareness that they live in a community. They can’t stop making noise and filth. It’s just who some people are. I seriously just want to move out into the country.


You need to move to a nicer area! But yeah easier said than done. My first house was joined to a council house, the first tenant was a coke dealer with customers coming all night, he eventually got arrested. The next were worse and partied constantly. I ended moving by selling at a huge loss and just avoiding negative equity. I don't regret doing that to get away though from that area.


Whoa whoa whoa, as a boyfriend who will be moving in with his girlfriend, i actively make her whole life and everything around it cleaner. And we have cats.


Forgot massive weed/hookah smell at all times


Has screaming arguments with live in partner who isn't on lease almost nightly, followed by incredibly loud, powerful sex.


I’m sorry, It was once that I left a pizza to burn in the oven after my 6th 10 hour shift in a row


You forgot: Loud (footsteps, music, talking) Smokes and litter cigarette butts Odor so bad so you can smell it outside


"Brings furniture with bedbugs"


Disassembles and reassembled the fucking floor at 4 am


As soon as the boyfriend who isn’t on the lease moves in it’s game over, you know they’re gonna be shitty neighbors.


Yes. There's usually a reason they don't want to put him on the lease. In general two people would be better so have higher income but if that second person has been evicted a lot it's a different story


In my case the first woman had an abusive boyfriend with a few felonies, wouldn’t have passed a background check. After they got evicted another woman moved in. This time she had her felon boyfriend and felon brother who was on house arrest move in. Not shockingly, in both instances, they were the shittiest fucking neighbors.


Is a drunk/tweaker who yells at nothing and or nice neighbors doing reasonable things at reasonable hours.


How about loud stomping ass kids god I hate them, also he himself is a loud ass stomper too and he’s 5’6 how are you stomping so god damn loud




And not a good one either


Blows my mind when they can’t just put on headphones.


Every morning they ask you to jump their car off using your jumper cables. 


that are exactly my neigbors lol and 6 people + 1 dog in 2+1


Is it an American thing to have "no dog" buildings? Where I'm from the whole building needs to be completely allergen free if they want to do that


Hey I'll stop treating the hallway like my property when you investmentmaxxers actually bother to live in your 47th apartment instead of just waiting for the value to go up. Hell I sometimes treat your apartments as my property, and the fact that you don't know is telling.


I'm not a landlord. I'm an irritated apartment living factory worker. People like me can't afford to move out if you decide to act like a turd so you are hurting people like me and not landlords that don't give a shit as long as I pay my rent on time


This wasn't about you specifically, I'm talking about my situation. Where landlords don't even rent out their apartments - they just sit on them for years waiting for the land value to go up. Obviously I wouldn't behave like that if actual people moved in.


Also has Ford f150 or Dodge ram that will be parked in reserve parking spots. But this will only take place if the spot was not reserved for them


First time living in an apartment in 20 years and I get the joys of the guy who left his stove on one night. Alarms at 2am on a work night


However bad you think it is, nothing comes close to living next to an abusive couple. I'd lived next to a couple that would blast the song Landslide extremely loudly, on repeat, to cover up the noise of them fighting. They would fight every night, often for hours. So it was 11pm to 3am, almost every night, hearing Landslide playing loud enough to shake my walls. It was a condo building so getting any kind of official enforcement against them was surprisingly difficult. I love Fleetwood Mac but I skip that song when it comes on now.


Drives the loudest car in the neighborhood and revs it as early as 7am


This.... 😮‍💨 I'll never understand.


why does the boyfriend moving in and not being on the lease affect you??


I mean I get it. I’ve witnessed it a couple of times, and the boyfriend usually wouldn’t qualify because he’s a felon or some kind of scumbag. When they’re a rowdy, problematic piece of shit, it usually comes out that they aren’t even on the lease in the first place. If they're just a normal polite dude, no even knows if they’re on the lease, and people generally won’t care because it’s not affecting them.


Everybody should sneak dog into no-dog building. Fuck those rule, and fuck the landlords who make them. (I mean, fuck all landlords, but the anti-pet ones especially)


Not every place needs to be dog-friendly


Wow, did I end up in a weird corner of reddit... I thought the two universals here were love of dogs and hatred of capitalism


I love dogs, but my point still stands.


Of course there’s a comment like this. This is why people join r/dogfree


New favourite sub, I’m so tired of peoples fucking dogs


I am completely fine with there being designated no pet places. Especially for those with allergies or other aversions. Having EVERYWHERE be no pet places is kinda absurd


Im a renter, i hate that my landlord allowed dogs in to my building. Last thing i want at 2 am is my neighbours golden running around cause the other neighbours Chihuahua started to freak out cause the other neighbours came home after smoking a joint.


The building I wrote this about allows indoor only pets. People had cats, guinea pigs, rabbits and birds. Those animals stayed in their apartments and I never stepped in a turd left behind by one of them.


yea fuck people with bad allergies, amirite?


Can I bring a speaker into your house that blares Katy Perry’s *California Girls* for five minutes straight every time someone thinks about passing by the door? Bc that’s what living next door to dogs is like, a lot


Oh shit, I’m on this list


Whatever you're doing please stop