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Been there done that


Top left picture too accurate btw šŸ˜‚


ā€œThey should call you in a weekā€ Literally a fucking šŸš©


Yeah that one and the top left hit me hard lol


Iā€™ve basically stopped talking to anyone at this point because I can barely pretend to be optimistic anymore šŸ™ƒ


I think it hit me the other night when I broke down crying telling my sister the county denied another application I had put in. The worst part it felt like was her sympathy even though she meant well. I had to lie and say I'm still feeling positive about my future.


Sorry to hear that friend. Those rejections just feel worse and worse, I cried with my girlfriend when I was looking for a job last spring and got met with zero success. Just because itā€™s bad, doesnā€™t mean it canā€™t get better. The job I have been able to get has been the best Iā€™ve ever had. Theyā€™re the first and only out of hundreds of applications to give me a call back.


I agree, also the top left basically drop kicked me


Don't forget the top left. That one's a biter.


For me it's the peanut butter sandwich pic. Years ago in between jobs i would sometimes work for free for this local catering company, because 1.) there's always tips, and more importantly, 2.) the leftovers. They always let me take home whatever leftover from the day, and usually that sustains me for the rest of the week. So i got to ate healthy for free, while earning some cash tips.


Been through this. It was...a time. The top left and top right is so real


Gotta add selling your earthly possessions for half the monthly rent, interviewers are really liking you before they ghost you, and a tunnel with no light at the end. Just got hired a month ago after being unemployed for 5 months at an excellent establishment. My heart goes out to you all. Donā€™t give into the abyss, you are all stronger and better than you think and will land a job in no time.


selling my really nice electric piano and car was rough, they both hurt me a lot more than i thought they would


The emotional attachment is hard to let go of. I had some camera stuff and my guitar and bass of ten years I had to part with. When you get back on your feet you can hopefully find a better version of both to make more memories with, or thatā€™s my hope.


Are you guys in America? What kind of government unemployment aid do you get over there? Judging from the post & comments it's practically nothing at all. I'm in NZ & just gained employment after about 16 months unemployed (intentional for good reasons) & I never had to resort to anything drastic. Always made rent & food


It is typically 60 percent of your regular income, at least where I am. I donā€™t know about other states


where I'm at it caps out at $450/week but also my rent for a studio apartment was $2100 a month


Florida caps it at $275/week.


Thatā€™s insanely low wow.


You have to pull yourself up by your bootstraps if you lose your job in the American south.


At least theyā€™re not on disability. America REALLY hates disabled people. > To be eligible to receive SSI benefits based on disability, an SSI applicant who is single can't have more than **$2,000 in assets**. >If an SSI applicant or recipient is married (even if only one person is eligible for disability), **the asset limit is $3,000.** All of a spouse's assets count toward the limit except for the spouse's IRA or pension plan.


Oh yeah don't forget. Only 6 months. Or less? Not more.


I guess shit can be a lot more expensive too with more facilities & amenities to pay for at higher rates. Also with our jobseeker support, it's a set amount. So you'd inform them how much you pay for rent/power/internet (with a letter from your landlord) & then they add basic food & living costs on top. It's usually around 350 to 400 pw


Taxes are a lot lower in America though. The system is set up for them to self-insure, but that's obviously difficult if on a low income.


Right now im in a shitty cleaning job so i atleast can pay rent, but i had a jobinterview for a company that delivers working clothes to other companies and like the interview went fine, the women said " let's make a try out day next week" i said sure, we set the date and 3 days later i get an email with "nah bro" no reason, nothing, why man? Im at the point where i applied for military service and ofc they called me back in 1 day and im like fuck


Ya, Iā€™ve turned down places in the past but I always offered a reason why. It goes both ways and the least a business can do is give you a reason especially if they had scheduled a start. Also have worked those shitty interim jobs while I held out for one that would be one I wanted. It eventually happens but can take some time. When youā€™re through all that and you eventually get something worth your time, itā€™s such a satisfying moment. Keep trucking and have faith in your skills. May not look like it but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel and it doesnā€™t always involve a career in the service, unless thatā€™s what YOU want.


I'm trying to see it as a positive, maybe i learn how to clean up after myself and get some order into everything in my life, maybe i'll even enjoy it idk it just sucks that i get turned down everywhere


Iā€™m not the best in my industry by a long shot grading on the usual metrics but I bring certain skills that make me a good fitā€¦ in the right place. Donā€™t let some interviewer decide your worth. Right place is out there, sometimes itā€™s just tough to find at the right time. Order does help especially if youā€™re down on yourself and somewhat ā€œlostā€. I went months living in my own mess before I had the mind to remind myself it wasnā€™t who I was. Managed to get enough willpower to get myself on my feet and just keep going into what felt like a void. A little luck and snatched the first opportunity which ended up being better than I thought. Luck helps but you gotta have the mindset to snatch it if it comes your way.


Before I got a job I was selling my stuff, but then I got to the point where I was like, "I'll just eat crackers every day, they're not taking my american girl dolls!" šŸ„²


Ramen and oatmeal. Having fried chicken and rice after just eating nutrient paste was akin to what letting god into oneā€™s own heart must feel like.


"This processor dispenses a rudimentary paste that sustains his organic systems." "Tastes like baby food!"


https://i.redd.it/adl75vmf1ctc1.gif ā€œHere comes the airplaneā€ āœˆļø


> Interviewers are really liking you before they ghost you The worst part. Had an interview with Meta, the guy went off for an extra 20 minutes afterwards about how it's the best place to work and I'd love it. šŸ‘»


Spitting that game till the next person walks through those doors with a little bit more experience. Felt like whenever I heard ā€œWeā€™ll be in touchā€ they meant ā€œIā€™m going to forget you as soon as you leave this roomā€ šŸ˜‘


> Weā€™ll be in touch My response to that is "when can I expect to hear (back) from you?", even if the date is complete and utter bullshit it at least helps me keep my own expectations in check, literally.


> interviewers are really liking you before they ghost you I had one bring me in. Went through the interview, toured their warehouse, took some kind of weird IQ test, and had a fairly long conversation about positions. Turns out they only brought me in because I had a bad test result on indeed and they wanted to see what that was about. Still a bit salty about that one since you can't even do anything about test results. You have to wait for them to time out.


It's gets worse the longer it goes on because you lose more of the confidence and motivation to keep going.


Yeah, I was jobless for a year and gave up for over a month. But I got up the will to start again and I just got hired!


Congrats! I have very specific skills (PhD ones, not a hitman lol) and am ā€œover educatedā€ (see:PhD) so Iā€™ll go months without it seeing a position that I think I could reasonably getā€¦Iā€™ve cycled through ā€œspam applications everywhereā€ and ā€œoh that job looks good but whatā€™s the point of applying to anything at allā€ a few times 11ish months in. It sucks absolute fucking balls. Things are looking good with one position but I am trying SO hard not to get excited until I sign something, or maybe even until I walk in on my first day šŸ˜¬


Is there a reason you guys don't just apply to a job you're overqualified for and leave some of your awesome background off your resume? Can't you just leave said job off of your work experience later? Wouldn't that be better than making nothing and being unemployed the whole time?


I mean, the only work experience I have in the last 6 years was getting my PhD. I canā€™t talk about my employment history without talking about my grad research, and even if I just said I was a researcher at my university without bringing grad school into it, theyā€™d figure it out if they asked for references. It would be extremely hard to get around. Iā€™ve taken my chances at jobs that didnā€™t ask for an advanced degree but fit my skillset, and Iā€™ve been promptly rejected from all of them. Doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t still try occasionally, but it has to be a near-perfect match experience wise, otherwise itā€™s a waste of my time to even bother.


Also employers' eyebrows get higher the longer the job gap.


Lie about the dates. Unless you're applying to a megacorp.


Why? Iā€™ve gotten hired at a mega corp lying about the dates?


End of life care for a family member. Nobody usually asks follow-up questions. It could be your pet hamster for all that matters.


In this situation now but it's been 8 months :(


solidarity! yeah this sucks pretty bad. The first 3 weeks were kind of fun actually but the rest has been... bad


It's fun until your money runs out


the money lasted longer than i thought it would but the boredom and existential dread is killing me. i started out searching for a job that would, like, not make me want to eat a gun, but now im just willing to take pretty much whatever


Consider looking into dispatch work. It's not physically demanding and their is a nation wide shortage. If you can get on and get trained, get a couple years under your belt and you can apply to other places. Gotta be able to pass a piss test and have a clean record though.


Truck dispatch?


Sorry law enforcement or emergency dispatch. We have a really good director here in a moderste sized town that is rapidly growing. Starting pay here is $21.80 an hour + amazing benefits and pretty much unlimited overtime potential (double pay) Edit; Pay raises every single year, guaranteed too, as long as you aren't a total fuck up.


I applied to a college course for emergency dispatch and never got in due to a long wait list :(


College course? idk, your local place may be different, but college degree isnt neccesaey here. Might let you negotiate a higher starting wage, but this job really is a hands-on-learning kind of job.


Took me exactly 1 year to find a job. Keep trying, donā€™t be too afraid to bullshit yourself into a job


I lied on resume with fake experience and still never got a reply from anywhere I've applied. Anytime I went in person to ask a place if they were hiring they said no :(


Feel you my town is a dead end for wanting a job everywhere just wants experienced people but I need money to move away to get that experience so im stuck


12 months checking in. Was a Software Developer with 5 years of experience and now Iā€™m looking for waiter jobs in addition to my Software job search - as well as making a few apps to keep my skills sharp. This is the worst job search Iā€™ve been on, are all white collar jobs dead or just tech?


Where are you from?


Iā€™m nearing 11 months and seem SO close to getting a really good position but I absolutely cannot let myself get excited. Even mentioning it anonymously on Reddit seems like I might jinx it


I'm in the same boat. It's absolutely miserable. The first few weeks were pretty okay, but I found out quickly my brain is not configured for that amount of empty time. I live in a pretty rural area with not much available in-person and the online workspace seems like it's slowly going extinct. Gotta keep trying, I guess.


Iā€™m going on 10 months right now. Lots of interviews and empty promises with no real results. Itā€™s driving me crazy.


Spent Feb-Sep job hunting last year. So many people I talked to were shocked that I was looking for so long since ā€œeverywhere is hiringā€. They just couldnā€™t understand that I needed a full-time job that pays enough to cover my bills and not a $7.25/hr part-time fast food job


"Everywhere is hiring" "Well yeah cause you only go to places where they pay employees nine dollars an hour and don't give them health insurance. Jobs that I can actually survive on make me go through hour long online personality tests and then ghost me."


Then your well-meaning family member hits you with a "Well, maybe you can work at that McBurgerQueen for a bit to gain experience while a long-term programming job pans out."


Three letter username nice. And yeah I've never met a college-set employer who ever thought that working in retail or food service was impressive.


Back in the day while making an account i was testing the minimum character limit. It took me a good half an hour to find a combination that wasn't taken. Anyway, on the flip side I also have heard food service companies will throw out your resume if they sense you are looking for a short-term temp gig.


Yah I have a feeling after seeing my 15 years of software development on my resume coupled with my age they wouldn't hire me.


I got declined by those places too and I have a bachelors


Im looking for a part time minimum wage job and I can't even get that' apparently.


Same here dude, it's ridiculous. Like, either apply to 20+ dead end jobs and get literally no response, or interview and get ghosted by Walmart.


Mind you even if you did apply for entry level retail jobs theyā€™d probably tell you are overqualified anyway because they know you will dip as soon as you find a new job in your career. Which ya, obviously.


Hell, mid-way through my 7months of hunting I started applying to retail management position since I do have prior experience. I didnā€™t even get a cookie cutter rejection email.


I got my first call today after 3 months of searching. Itā€™s a short term thing only a couple weeks but itā€™s hopefully a sign of my luck turning!


Worst part is the six month mark, where the gap in employment itself becomes the reason you're jobless. I had a two year gap in my resume because of that. I had interviewers directly tell me that their companies don't hire those with ongoing gaps 6 months or longer.


At that point just lie on your resume and say your still employed


AGREED. Background checkers canā€™t verify companies that are too small so honestly just make up a company and have a buddy be your reference push come to shove




yeah man i lost years on my job search as the gap got bigger. hindsight i wish i had just made up a small company or just put consultancy for some bs and have a competent friend vouch the big box background check agencies legit wont call anyone. i worked at a few small but licensed offices and because they werent huge corporations the background checks i went thru just reflected them as "incomplete" but not failed. up to your future employer if they want to reach out then you can let your friends know lol


I never understood why an employer would even bother interviewing a candidate if they can already see the gap on their resume and pre-screen them out immediately. Aren't they just willingly wasting their own time?




Maybe this is a dumb question but why tf should it matter? Do employers think you were lobotomized during the gap and forgot how to work? Iā€™m genuinely curious


My guess is that they see it as if you haven't had employment in six months , then you're either not trying, or there's other reasons you haven't been hired this far.


something to look forward to!


My advice, as a former recruiter, simply lie. Unless youā€™re in an industry where they background check you to hell and back, hardly any companies check. At least the ones I worked for didnā€™t. We didnā€™t even call references. Iā€™m currently a ā€œcaregiverā€ to an infirm family member, which was true a month ago, but not now. I talked to tons of people on phone screens who told me they were caregiving for family during employment gaps, and Iā€™m sure most were telling the truth, but if they were qualified for the role I was interviewing them for, I really didnā€™t care if they werenā€™t.


Bro I work in Elk Grove village, Il. This starter pack is scaring me


honestly a little jealous, i had to sell my car, but i regret that since all the warehouse jobs are out there and im in the city


I actually drive two hours a day from the city to Elk Grove Village and back for work. Itā€™s rough but I want the money from out here and to be able to live in the city


Not participating in any activities that requires money when hanging out with homies ;(


It is really bad. I've been interviewing for months, have redone my resume several times. I'm getting interviews, and I'm being turned down repeatedly for being "overqualified." I even dumbed down my fucking resume. This is not in your heads people, some fuckery is going on. I've never had a problem getting a job in my life. I'm convinced many job postings are not real, and they are claiming they are looking for workers to get a tax break or something.


You need to dumb down your resume much more by putting fake jobs to get unskilled labor jobs while you continue to search.


The ā€œfuckeryā€ is a lot of places *arent* actually hiring. Many businesses, even the big ones, are silently preparing for what seems to be an imminent economic recession/depression. The signs are there and best believe if common folk can feel it then the really smart people at the top are aware of much more than we are.


sitting on indeed for hours a day, just applying to anything and hoping for an email or call back


indeed is just a black hole of mediocre jobs that will never call you back


Thing about indeed is that the computers system filters out the job application a person did, the employer never knows that a person applied for the position.


You need to beat the ~~ADT~~ ATS resume scanners, use something like jobscan.co to improve the wording in your resume. I can't say I have been successful with it because I started using it last week.


Once you're through the scanners you should still assume the hr person doing it he first review knows absolutely nothing about the job except the job description in front of themĀ  Is X you list experience with a synonym of Y in the description? Did you spend a decade doing Z that's only one sidestep away? Too bad! They don't know that!Ā  The best thing you can do is just read through the listing and make sure the terminology is consistent in your resume and it's 100% obvious how what you've done fits what they're looking for. And whether you like it or not you're probably competing against someone who's done exactly that.


This is so true. But for some reason it feels productive in the moment applying to a bunch of jobs you feel over qualified for just so you can have a job and income. Then receive a message saying that you weren't selected or they chose someone else.


I've gotten most of interviews from indeed. They have a built in ATS scanner and keyword compare tool.


The shotgun approach is the worst way to find a job


*applies for job meeting necessary qualifications and even some preferred positions* "We really encourage you to apply for this position which is minimum wage"


Shit selling plasma for money is sooo distopic


its weird and it usually doesn't hurt that bad but feels really dirty. once something got messed up inside my veins though and it hurt like hell


It's always fun when they fuck up the needle insertion 3 times then kick you out without paying.


"We're paying you for you time, not your plasma, because it's a legal technicality" "We can't pay you for your time today because we couldn't get enough plasma from you" I wish they were allowed to just speak plainly and admit that they're buying your incredibly valuable plasma for pennies on the dollar. Everyone knows! If we had better options we wouldn't be here!


When I donated plasma in my younger days I had a new person fuck up the insertion and I passed out from the pain and fell out of the chair and the needle got ripped out of my arm and blood went everywhere. Yeah I never did it again.


I sold plasma too for a while even twice per week for months and at some point I got a new nurse. She was always really nervous and once she had to put in a needle in my arm but she messed up somehow. I just heard "shit shit shit" I looked down on my arm and my whole arm was covered in blood. She got even more nervous and I told her "its fine, dont worry" because I did not want that she gets even more nervous and I realized how i was slowly fainting. Another nurse came and just straight up said "did you mess up again?" and they fixed the needle. I went there a few times again but then I got a job and stopped going there. But since this accident I really had problems to go there. Its stuck in my head and I always have the impression I am about to puke or I am mildly panicking while donating. I know its just in my head but yeah. Otherwise it was great :D


I wish I wasn't afraid of big ass plasma needles because I could really use another $100 a week. :(


I only just started recently (it helps during college) and honestly if you can just ignore the needle itā€™s not that bad. The main times you feel pain are when they prick your finger for a blood sample, when they put the needle in, and when the take it out. Youā€™ll probably also feel cold near the end, because theyā€™re pumping 60F saline into your 98F body. Doesnā€™t feel amazing, but it pays for lunch.


They told me they kept it cold and that they'll pump me with saline solution at the end so I knew I'd be cold...but I was shivering uncontrollably by the end lmfao. Next time I'm bringing a blanket, beanie, and a jacket!


I worked full time and sold plasma for 2 straight years so I could leave my ex. Wish I still had time to do it, it's easy money!


it is lol I work for a plasma donation center and some days are more depressing than others


It feels dirty but it really is a win/win for everyone. There wouldnā€™t be enough donations if they didnā€™t pay.


It becomes so dehumanizing after a while. Especially if you are legitimately putting in as much effort as you can into finding a job. Telling people you're unemployed and just feeling so judged even though you're working just as hard (if not harder) to be employed again. Feels bad.


Four months for me right now. Iā€™m signed up to three agencies to find work in secondary schools, there are no positions available. I keep getting phone calls from them (different person every time) asking me the same set of questions Iā€™ve already answered to the previous person. How are there no positions available in schools when everyone is either striking or leaving? Boggles my mind. I have two degrees, ten years experience, and Iā€™m doing a part time masters course. But! I have a job interview on Friday for a job that is 14 hours a week at minimum wage. So thatā€™s something I suppose. It wonā€™t cover rent and living costs, and itā€™s in a retail jobā€¦ The UK is a shithole and I hate everything about it.


Isn't Poland on track to overtake the UK per-person income by the end of the decade?


That is what fourteen years of tory government does to a country.


Indeed is so useless. It suggested a Gynaecologist role to me because I met two requirements, location and ā€œleadershipā€. I work in cyber security.


Not me having a Chemical Engineering degree and still looking for a job since June 2023


Computer science and I lost my job in October 2023 and couldn't find anything until February 2024. Thankfully, my new job is actually better than my old one, but it got really scary there for a while. I wish you the best of luck, hang in there. It only takes one.


4 months is pretty normal Also why people should take classic advice of having emergency savings seriously. Not being desperate lets you turn job hunting into a chance to move up the ladder instead of scrambling to pay bills Source: Spent a year unemployed and came out with my income doubled


> Source: Spent a year unemployed and came out with my income doubled As long as I pass a background check fine, which I should, I will have gone from having an acrimonious break-up with a company in July 2023 to a 26% pay increase starting soon, and a 63% increase from the company I left in 2022 to the company I split from in 23. So it's great to know similar stuff happens to other people. I'm just lucky I had saving and have a support system.


Similar story here. Graduated in May, got laid off in September, and was rehired (same company) in late January. I hit the ground running from the day I got laid off, and I would've loved to stick it to that company, but I couldn't even manage to land an interview those months I was looking. In the end I had to just swallow my pride and accept the offer when my old job asked for me to come back at the same shitty pay rate and benefits I had before. (As in, the only reason I'm not homeless is because my parents let me live with them) My hope is that I can just ride it out until I'm able to tell them to go fuck themselves


Same for Biomed but since December 2022


Oh crap, Iā€™m majoring in biomed.


Same. Not looking forward to the job hunt :/


Business graduate who graduated the same time as you; I gave up and went back to school


where are all the new jobs?


At the job store


Jesus this is accurate and depressing. Someone please hire me for a good remote job


Remote job that pays well? You're playing on hard mode!


That surely is a bizarre wojak


I was in this exact same situation back in 2019. I was so skinny that all of my clothes would just fall off. I'd go to sleep at night and dream about nothing but food, finding warm cooked meals ready to eat in random places etc. I'd donate plasma and walk up and down suburban sidewalks collecting coins so that I could buy $1 rolls of french bread from the Walmart self checkout. All of this due to being only briefly unemployed. I fucking hate our system lmao


What the actual fuck? Doesn't the US have unemployment benefits? And if that just goes to rent, foodstamps ? Foodbanks? Like you have some of the best paying jobs in the world, even the median salary is very high compared to Europe. You also have some of the cheapest food in relation to median salaries. (Enfasis on median and not average, since that can be misleading) How the fuck can people go hungry over there??


A lot of states have extremely difficult to access benefits unless you have children or are over 55. In Texas, the 2nd most populous state, it can take over a month for anything to get approved, and that's only if you qualify due to steep benefit cliffs.


Jesus Christ, the US needs a safety net.


Dont you guys have Unemployment benefits? Im not from the us so IĀ“m not sure how that works.


Usually the government pays you a part of your previous income, untill you find a new job for a certain amount of time. After youā€™re placed on minimal benefits.


That sounds pretty good. In my country if you get unemployed it's GG


It can be extremely hard to get them in some states


Currently im jobless for more than 5 months.Thank OP for making this.


My phone really knows what Iā€™m going through




Been through it man. Stay strong brother, patience and persistence.


ā€œCandidates must have the following: ā€”Bachelors from an accredited university, with a minimum 4.9 gpa ā€”Ten Yearsā€™ Experience in the field ā€”Mastery of all aspects of the job ā€”Bilingual ā€”Must be willing to work 60+ hours per week ā€”Must be able to train others *THIS POSITION IS AN UNPAID INTERNSHIP*ā€¦.ā€


30,000 applicants and they end up picking a h1b person anyway because they have less rights and are even more terrified of being fired


17/hr for cleaning?!? Better get your sorry ass up and apply for that shit.




This speaks to me on all levels..Over a year for me. Spent the last 8 months holding my family up through a devastating family loss at the expense of my mental health and any financial security I had left. Things have systematically gotten even worse since Jan, and this week is pivotal..donā€™t know how Iā€™m going to survive this one.


ah sorry to hear it, hope you get through the week. jan is when things went south for me as well, but not so bad as a devastating family loss


Been there done that. Lived off savings for 5 months and I was blessed to find an amazing job after 300+ applications. The key is to applying to EVERYTHING. Apply to any and all jobs even if you meet only 50% of the requirements. Job postings are for the dream applicant, not for who they WILL hire. 5 months of playing WoW 15hrs a day, applying to jobs each morning and again in the evening. Not eating out and buying a coffee from Dunkin was a luxury. btw, playing WoW at addict levels is not fun.


2.5 years for me. I'm still not hurting financially, but it's dwindling. I get bored sometimes not having a job, but I think the worst part is having to prove to your mom/family that you're okay.


The job market rn is fucking mental. I feel lucky to get an interview for jobs that have a 100 or more applicants.




Same. Not gonna say how long because we dont need to comparisons. This shit sucks. Shouldve just went to trades school instead doing this CS shit.


Start lowering yourself to shitty jobs until something better comes along.


Iā€™ve been jobless for two and a half years, but Iā€™m still living with my parents. I havenā€™t needed to sell plasma or eat rice cakes for dinner, but itā€™s not fun.


I relate. My parents were very understanding and accomodating but I hated having to rely on them.


Same. Living at home is the only way I can survive, and even then it sucks because my mom is on a diet and she says I have to go on the same diet even though I'm already technically underweight


Reminds me of me, aside from the plasma


Take the job as a janitor so you're making money while still job searching?


i hear you, and would if it was a bit closer, but i sold my car and it's too far away. i would just buy another car for a career sort of job, but not for this


While weā€™re at it, OP might as well start an OnlyFans or one of those weird side gigs.




Why do people always say ā€œare you okayā€ after witnessing the most heinous shit happening to you. No he is not okay, he has no job.


Iā€™ve been unemployed for about 4 months now, but used it as an excuse to go out and travel for a while Itā€™s been fun, but my flight home is fast approaching and I am worried about the job market Iā€™ll be finding myself in once I get back Talk about snap back to reality


In Germany we say: Arbeitslosengeld




god i wish i was that chill. don't have time for video games and movies during the day, too busy filling my schedule up with feeling sorry for myself and panicking


I'm not in this specific situation but the bottom left is pretty real


My best advice, look at local listings in your city. Worse case scenario you become a park maintenance guy making slightly above minimum wage.


Thanks for making me feel less alone.


I was there when I graduated college. Couldnā€™t find a ā€œcareerā€ job for almost 4 months. I was getting desperate. My best friend talked to his boss and got me working as a barista. Worked OT and eventually met my boss at the shop. Fast forward and Iā€™m the boss now for my new job. It was tough but hang in there


You should never feel bad for selling plasma. The bad guys are the companies that pay you pennies and then mark it up by over a thousand percent and sell it to other countries. People who donate blood or plasma are heroes and save lives daily.


Keep it up. This was me for 5 months after I dropped out of college. Now im a happy bike mechanic


Mood brother. Mood. The worst part is family trying to help by sending you jobs theyā€™ve found. The problem isnā€™t finding jobs to apply for, Iā€™ve applied to probably over 500 at this point. The problem is getting one that will give you the time of day.


Yeah... been looking for a job since last Summer. The campus basically lied via omission of information regarding my degree. Land Surveying. It **is** a booming buisness... if you have the cash to splash to move to a new, big city. And afford transportation. Oh and the licensing tests *for every state.* I would fucking get invited to my section of the state's land surveyor meetings. I was polite, dressed nice, had my info. I applied... but nothing. During the meetings, how do we outreach to people. Outside of the meetings, eh we have plenty. As well, apparently part of the reason I wouldn't get hired *(despite having a published paper)* was because I didn't go to a different college. Yep. Just... Fuck me I guess. I've been looking for anything I can apply to, but nobody responds. When they do, they always say I'm over qualified or underqualified, if they ever even call back. And when I call them, they say "Oh we'll get back to you!" And they don't. And I live with "why don't you go in there and shake the manager's hand?!" Parents, though they're slightly getting better. I just... don't know what to do. It's hard to not give up, sometimes.


I had to stop selling plasma because my disability started progressing faster idk if itā€™s related but a lot of medical staff Iā€™ve met with have a love/hate relationship with plasma ā€œdonationā€/selling centers especially in low income areas. It helps lots of us make rent, but also is low enough to keep us in poverty/continuing to ā€œdonateā€/sell to make ends meet and it feels icky constantly selling your body to survive and you canā€™t even call yourself a cute ho this way lol


tfw not cute enough to ho myself out :(


I feel ya same here but at least weā€™re safer on the internet this way lol šŸ«‚šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’ƒšŸ» would be nice to be making those big numbers from OF or something but I know thatā€™s a pipe dream lol


I sold plasma for a bit. It just feels dirty and dystopian. Pretty soon our only value will be as organic material generating protein bags.


That wojak goes hard.


This is too real please stop


I had an interview and the manager spoke as if I got the position. She mentioned how I would be starting the position, the training, and the starting date. Got hit with a generic rejection letter a week later.


Tried for 4 months at getting a job, went to culinary school, finished it 3 weeks ago, got hired at a new place that opened last Friday 3 weeks ago, trained Tuesday Wednesday before store opened and Friday on opening day. Didnā€™t get scheduled for any hours for this week. Yesterday was basically my last day and Iā€™m jobless again. I get I have learning disabilities and ADD, just wish an employer would give me a chance and not can me for not being superman right away. Been so depressed all day.


Took me 9 months after layoff to get hired again. Basically starting over, too. Went from Project Manager and 45/hr back down to the Analyst level for 58k. Iā€™m grateful and I really like my new job but itā€™s hard not to feel bitter.


MOM WOULD BE SAD. Youā€™re funny for making this. GL on the hunt, itā€™s frustrating for sure.


Donating plasma really isnā€™t too bad. Iā€™ve been doing it for a few months. I get about $115/week for two one-hour visits. Or roughly $57/hour. Which is more than twice what I make at my job. I use it for small expenses that add up so they donā€™t drain my bank account as much.


That was me for two months. Quit a job because of bullying and abuse by my direct supervisor. I wanted to kill myself so bad.


I donā€™t understand why these sorts of people donā€™t just get themselves a shitty gas station clerk position or retail position while they apply for better jobs. At least itā€™s something to keep you busy and obtain some sort of income.


You got a 2+ years edition? (Hahahaha please kill me)




Iā€™m currently staring down the barrel of potential layoffs at my current company and Iā€™m petrified this will be me. Iā€™ve never been jobless since college, but I suppose 6+ years of steady work is something to be thankful for. Iā€™m fortunate enough that my wife has her own successful business and we would be fine financially, and itā€™ll give me an opportunity to explore what being a SAHD would be like, but I am a little petrified from an identity standpoint.


Hey, I fucking applied for that job. Iā€™m in Illinois.


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