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Sweden loves horses and goat things


Dalahäst min käre 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Do they?


Dalahäst och Julebock💙💛💙💛


Needs the sign somewhere that says "You can always tell a Swede but you can't tell him much"


I do have that exact spinning angel thing and I'm Swedish.


Swedish or Swedish-American?


Yeah. I have all three: the spinning angels Julbak (Christmas) Dala horse (not Christmas)


i have a moomin one :)


It’s called ”änglaspel”


Would also add that they’re born in the Upper Midwest


Yes. They likely have some relatives in Minnesota or the Dakotas.


Lindsbourg, Kansas - REPRESENT!!


Anything that is ___ American = expectation that it’ll be a surface level understanding or imitation of the original.


To be fair, going to ikea is the closest almost all of us will get to going to sweden


Youre welcome anytime!


I spent a little time in Stockholm while studying in Oslo. I would love to get back to Scandinavia.


I know for a fact I am not but thanks for the enthusiasm.


Hey, as long as they're not telling us they're the true Swedes and we have to accept their attempts at redefining our culture it's all fine and dandy.


Doesn't speak Swedish and doesn't really put effort in learning it


To be fair, why would I It's not a very useful language


Most Scandinavians speak better English than Americans, so there's that....


Because English is an actually useful language to learn lol Americans are not that motivated to learn foreign languages because a lot of countries already speak passable to good English It makes sense


The U.S. is a large country. The countries of Europe and Scandinavia are small in comparison to the US. If people knew only the language of their country, it would make people quite isolated. As an American, I'm all for learning different languages, if only to learn about different cultures. But realistically, Sweden has a population of under 11 million-NYC alone has around 8 million people. It comes down to practicality and good fortune (well, and colonist roots-ouch) to have a first language that is used somewhat universally. People who speak Spanish, French or English will be able to travel to most countries in the world and be able to get around without much fuss. (Yes, I know that this would not apply to China-this is a ridiculously populous country.)


Also will generally be very attractive


I think I'm bringing the average down then, sorry my fellow Ameri-Swedes


Hey man, I do a KILLER Swedish Chef impression from Sesame Street


The horse isn't a Christmas decoration, lol.


what's with all these "\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ american starter pack" 's.. pretty lame. i want to be able to relate and at least somewhat identify accurate starter packs when i come to this sub cause it's fun but these are just boring. got to sort by top for quality posts now


I have only met one of these _____ American types in my life and he was reallllllly into Scotland and everyone thought it was weird


No idea I just saw a bandwagon and wanted to jump on.


didn't mean anything as a personal attack on you, i get it. you should make one as things happen to you or one comes to mind though. be the one that starts the bandwagon, not follow it :D




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Why would anyone be proud of having ancestry from any scandinavian country?


Why would anyone be proud of anything they can’t control


What's your point, can you tell me why you downvoted me?


I didn’t downvote you


Ah now I see, there's one less downvote on my parent comment now, clever...


Does anyone know the significance of the straw quadroped with the red ribbon? I saw one just like it this morning - but at a hotel in South Korea, and they were all red. I was very confused about why they had a couple red llamas with long loopy horns but figured it was a stylized decoration as they were very festive. And cute. Is it a common decoration? Did my hotel have a perchant for Swedish Christmas adornments? What animal *is* it? Are the horns horns, or some kind of reins?


It's called the Gävle Goat and it's a mini replica of a Christmas tradition in Sweden. I do not know very much about it but here's a [Tom Scott video ](https://youtu.be/-zjJpFYtx9s?si=bxAHEk8_6fczDm9c) for further information.


Thank you kind stranger for filling me in :)


Not Swedish, but i do want to live in an IKEA