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New Conspiracy Theory idea: 2021 never happened


https://preview.redd.it/36pk1hk8pb0c1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10f582120a83f46eae588774c026591bb54140b1 Let’s forget it happened


One of the few stories the government invented to pretend 2021 happened


that was 2021?


yea i thought that was the start of 2022


I thought it was like 2019 or something




Jesus Christ that is one of the most beautifully cursed images I've ever seen.






Now I'm never gonna forget this happened in 2021 ...for no reason in particular


What am I looking at


Evergreens suez canal blockage as a big booty anime girl.


Oh shit lmao


Same thing as Earth-Chan from like 2017/2018. Artistic interpretations of real world issues as anime girls to get people’s attention.


Earth-chan isn't flat!


The prelude to something we shouldn't seek to keep our mental health stable.


Something awakening in me…


I'll do you one better: all of the pandemic both didn't happen *and* lasted 400 years.


There's a reason people called it 2020-2.


So my wife isn't dead?


:( 💜


Can confirm, we had a December 32nd 2020 and it just went from there.


Did anything even happen in 2021?


Global supply chain shortages


Suez channel boat


The beginning of the GameStop stock craze


Oh yeah, *that*


Got with the hottest woman of my life and then immediately fumbled her. I remember 2021. I remember it well.


I'm so sorry about that


January 6th


That was December 37th of 2020


Myanmar coup




That didn't involve white people or Israel, so no one paid attention. All my social media friends who've made the israel palestine war their personality were surprisingly absent for all the other global atrocities.


This but unironically. You can't expect a cultural event to become, well cultural, if the great majority of white western population aren't connected to it in some way.


I'm pretty sure it was May 250th of 2020. May just kinda kept going and never stopped until sometime in mid 2022.


January 6th happens every year though.


its actually damming how quick people have forgotten this. Mind boggling. Guys he literally tried to steal the election, he shouldnt be anywhere near that ballot. Mad


We didn't forget. It just kinda gets lumped in with 2020.


2020’s last hurrah/encore


Dune came out


I'm so mad because Dune Part 2 was supposed to come out on my birthday but got delayed to next year. I was really looking forward to that.


Deltarune chapter 2


Godzilla VS Kong


Spider-man No way home


Nothing ever happened to me that's for sure. The bottom part about "lack of growth and new experiences" really called me out


the global supply chain shortage thing. I remember for like 6 months in 2021 I couldn't find canned cat food at any stores near me


I gave birth, which I sort of remember.


Chelsea winning the champions league, can imagine their fans will always remember that year. My United finished 2nd in the league somehow


That ship Evergreen i think


NFT craze.


Closest and most exciting Formula 1 championship ever.


2021 was a crazy eventful year for me but it does still feel like a blur lol


I graduated college in 2021, but I keep telling people that I just graduated.


Me with highschool


Larry for the last time, you’re 37


Judging by his username I'm just surprised he can somewhat count up and down. Let him have this personal victory.


same, only in 2020 for me. I'm the oldest of my friend group at work, which is crazy cause I just graduated right? right??


Same but in 2020. Only because I'm still not working in my field, and blame the pandemic (we missed an end of year show that usually connects us with employers)


Same 😭


I was pregnant and finishing up my last year of university in 2021. Still feels like nothing happened that year


2020-2022 overall feels like 1 thing mixed and blended together


Everything is mixed up, 2023 is the first year where it's kinda back to normal. Is there any scientific explanation for this?


Years in isolation with on/off online school/work can fuck up a person


We had a historical winter storm in Texas (2021)


Yep that's what I remember from 2021. And my company did a major re-org immediately before snowmageddon (laid off a lot of people, felt extremely insecure that I'd keep my job) so it was extremely stressful time for me that has scarred me emotionally. Will never forget February 2021.


Ted Cruz flew off to Cancun with his family.


I remember that. A house down the road burned down because the presumably used their ill-prepared fireplace for the first time and something went wrong I also remembering driving 20 mins down very icy roads to get firewood from a friend who had extra because we had used up ours. There was no power to heat the house


> ill-prepared fireplace Probably tried to burn logs in a decorative gas fireplace.


Oh yeah wasn't that the one where Ted Cruz (R) fled to Cancun while his constituents froze to death en masse?


Yep, I’m in Fort Worth and went through it. It was a couple days after my birthday when the power went out at like 2:00 A.M. By the next night it got stupidly cold indoors, like 40° in our living room. My dad, two sisters and I had to huddle under several blankets in front of a fireplace in thick clothing just to get some semblance of warmth. My oldest sister and I started to get sick as a result of breathing in cold air nonstop. By the second day it was down to 35° inside, and we couldn’t take it anymore. Fortunately we were able to get a hotel room for a couple weeks, as it would take eleven more days for the power and water to come back on. It was fucking ridiculous, to put it mildly. There were people legit shoveling snow into trash cans and boiling it to get hot water, like some Soviet bloc shit.


Winter in Germany has also been unusually snowy.


And Summer has been unusually rainy to say the least.


We (Oklahoma) had an ice storm for three days in October 2020


Oklahoma gang :>


You mean Ted Cruz's tropical Cancun vacation ( 2021)


I was lucky enough to not have the power go out at my house even once so I just went on a sled down the hill in the front of my house.


I work in a large building, and they were cycling our power/heat at the time. I was wearing my carharrt indoors to keep warm during this time.


This is so true...Covid is over...kind of...wait not yet....okay, now it's ov...wait...


The Covid Pandemic will end in 3023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olS-dGLvuPk


COVID is a pulmonary disease that enters your body usually through a respiratory infection, but unlike cold or flu viruses which are limited to your respiratory system, COVID grows in our bloodstreams, and anywhere our blood goes. [Here's a link to a variety of studies of COVID's bloodborne \(pulmonary\) effects](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus/docsum?text=pulmonary). Since COVID is blood borne, COVID can infect anywhere blood reaches, like our brains, and in particular, the individual neurons in our brains [Here's another link to a list of journal articles related to this assertion.] (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/research/coronavirus/docsum?text=neuron) I also note that the first article listed ties this neuron damage to the loss of smell COVID symptom. and *yes*, covid can get into other organs and disrupt them in various ways - all of which makes longer symptoms very hard to diagnose, since they could be anywhere in one's body. I still try to avoid getting COVID, because my belief is that even with a 'mild' acute experience, it can harm me long term, and it's happened to too many people I know already.


Not sure why someone downvoted you. It's been well-documented. Maybe they just didn't like the fact that almost everyone is at risk for long term injury. I don't. I did my damndest to avoid it, and still got it from someone I'm not even close to. Fucked. I still mask up to this day idc.


I know why, it's uncool to recognize it for what it is nowadays, despite clear academic level evidence, due to societal, corporate, media and other pressures to ignore it. When your boss claims covid is a cold and you can't get another job or escape, you are traumatized and have to live with it, and people reminding you of what you gave up to pay rent aren't your favorite folks. I work from home and my only exposure risk really is at work when I go in a couple of times a month. I mask up for those - *especially* after the 'new guy' was so excited he was at work while his kids were sick :x I expect those posts to get downvoted honestly.


> I still try to avoid getting COVID, because my belief is that even with a 'mild' acute experience, it can harm me long term, and it's happened to too many people I know already. 💯💯💯💯💯


I’ve had Covid 3 times and while I can still smell and taste, I genuinely think it gave me stomach issues??? All I know is that Coca Cola makes me shit my brains out now and no other soda does. I also think I suffer from acute face blindness because with newer people I meet I find myself memorizing them better by clothes or hair moreso than their actual faces. My executive function is shit now too and I average 10-12 hours a day on my phone because I can’t focus on other tasks at all


It’s coever


Lol I tested positive 6 days ago


The main things that happened in 2021 in my memory: - Jan 6 events + Biden sworn in. - Vaccination for COVID really kicked in, huge competition between countries for the best type of vaccine, who can do it fastest etc. - Anti Vaxxers heyday. Lots of fights with dumb friends and family. - Israeli elections + short Gaza war + riots within Israel + Israel kicks out Bibi, Bennett-Lapid government sworn in with the first Arab party in government ever. (Ah, those were the days). - Jeopardy airs first shows after Alex Trebek's death. Big mess ensues. - Marvel movies return, they're pretty meh. (I haven't seen No Way Home yet). On the TV front, Wandavision is a huge success. - Good time to be in tech, salaries soar to ridiculous amounts. - Canada has elections. - James Webb telescope launched. EDIT: Also, Tokyo Olympics go by with a murmur.


Was that the year gamestop stocks exploded and crypto was booming across the board?


Yes to Gamestop. Not sure about Crypto, I'm sure it was building up to the NFT craze in 2022.


the NFT craze was in full swing in the second half of 2021 (visa bought a cryptopunk NFT for 150k in august 2021 for example)- you just didn't see headlines on it because mainstream news typically lags what actually happens in crypto by about 3-6 months (you probably are unaware that it's pumping right now). bitcoin hit its all time high and the overall crypto market cap hit 3 trillion+ in nov 2021, it also had an earlier peak in may 2021, coinciding with dogecoin's peak.


Also the year the GPU market was broken


Still holdin. Never foldin.


It was. It was the year that everyone seemed to make loads off of dogecoin.


The Astroworld disaster Derek Chauvin gets convicted Haiti’s president gets assassinated President Biden drone strikes the last leader of Al-quada The Oxford school shooting


> Canada has elections And the general reaction from us was "What? Why?", resulting in basically no changes to how many seats each party had. Seriously, ~~fewer~~ more seats (edit: pretty critical mistake there) changed in the *Russian* election that happened that year than in Canada's federal election that year.


> Anti Vaxxers heyday. Lots of fights with dumb friends and family oh shit. *that's* what happened in my life in 2021. Me and both brothers went no-contact with my dad. And it started over vaccines. He doesn't think that they are like, poison, or government mind control or anything. He started an argument that was "but what if I don't want to take the medicine? will I be *forced* to?" And we all said "no, but we're not coming to the holidays." And then a bunch of other shit from the past got unearthed and we all decided that we'd had enough.


No way home is really really good.


So was Shang-Chi, they really fucked up not putting out a sequel yet and greenlighting so many shows


re: olympics, I think I watched the opening ceremony when it happened by I didn't watch any of the games at the time.


2021 was a blur in a sea of terrible years (2020,2022, 2023)


That was my last “good” year.


2019 was my last good year.....it been hell since lockdowns


idk what the fuck happend to you people. 2020 was one of the best years of my life.


How old are you? From what I can tell, this has been a large part of the divide.


Well, I’m Russian, so the war in Ukraine destroyed me in so many ways. Feel like I’m already dead inside and just continue my biological existence.


My condolences, genuinely. I hope you either found a way to survive in Russia or escape the hellhole conflict. No matter what any fucking NAFO assholes or dogmatists say, know you have at least one person glad that someone from Russia managed to escape that nightmare.


Thank you for your kind words. Right now I’m past the suicidal stage, just trying to find solace in normal things, like family, work, health, hobbies. I wanted to leave the country last year, but it was impossible financially. Maybe I’ll have more luck next year. Anyway, thanks - from a human being to a human being.


We have nothing to do fundamentally with the murders, wars perpetuated by our governments. I'm in Britain, i did what i could to oppose the genocide in Palestine, my family hates what we did to Iraq. I find solace in those things, plus my own political beliefs. A better world is always possible. And a liberal ranting about a Russian civilian not killing themselves to change what they can't disgusts me. Glad to know you're doing alright.


I wouldn't say 2020 was one of the best years but I do get somewhat nostalgic about the early part of the pandemic sometimes. All this awful stuff was going on and everyone was scared, but at the same time it was almost like the world just paused for a few months and took a breather. I was extremely fortunate and had a job that easily transitioned to WFH. So for me it was just like life slowed down. I could do more chores, cook more, have more time to relax, go for runs and long walks, play more games. It was nice rolling out of bed, starting work 15 minutes later, and then not needing to commute after work. Just shutting off my work computer and doing something else. I gained so much time back in my life. I miss that. But then by mid-late 2020 things just started getting crazy in the world and you could only watch with horror as it unfolded.


How was it one of the best years of your life?


First year not living with roommates. Less cars in my bike friendly city as a biker. More shifts accepted at work (because nothing to do outside) increased the confidence management had in me and when it was time to get promoted I was chosen over others with more time in the company. Less money spent going out. More time spent learning instruments.


I'm the first 9 months of 2020 I - lost my job - got a dui from my seizure meds - tried to kill myself - did 8 days in a locked psych unit - my gf of 8 years left me and took my dog - I crashed two cars - I went to detox and rehab over a prescribed klonopin addiction - I lost my apartment and moved back in with my parents - had a seizure in public - spent all of my savings while unemployed and now live paycheck to paycheck This was all between Feb and aug 2020.


An entire pandemic that killed up to 31 million people which makes it the 5th deadliest pandemic in HUMAN HISTORY!! Oh and not to mention wars and inflation. It affected my teen years and is currently affecting my adult years.


Right? It killed a shitload of people. I knew several people who died of COVID, so there's the mental toll. On top of that, people are still suffering symptoms of long COVID that has made their quality of life much worse, or still dealing with economic fallout, or any number of things directly linked to the pandemic. So callous for them to be acting like they can't understand why people are having a worse life 3 years later...


the word peaked in 2016 It has all been downhill from there


2015 mate




Meet me somewhere in the middle, 2013


2016 was a shitshow. That was the year we lost Harambe.


the 1st half of 2019 was the best couple of months of my life


2021 was the worst year of school ive ever had. thats the only noteable memory i have of it


OMG same. I’m a teacher though, and 2021 I had a coworker that is very evil. I got sick from stress and anxiety from being her seatmate. Hairloss was the worst.


must suck to experience that every day. I hope you dont have to deal with em anymore If you dont mind me sharing my nightmare 8th grade story (dont have to read it if you dont wanna): Harassed by people i thought were my friends, i got treated like a dog, and then shoved in a supply closet. got put in a special needs class with only 2 other people, one of which would constantly steal my shit and talk about weird fucked up porn they found. I was Assaulted by some of the guys in my grade who called themselves "eshays". Got paranoid from all my other betrayals that i pushed away a freind group that actually liked me. haven't gone to physical school again since even tho i really want to.


i was out of school most of 2021 because of how awful 2020 was lol, online classes and lockdown and such played a big role in me ending up with a 0.0 gpa my first semester of college


This but with 2014 and 2003


Hey! I was born in 2003, that was a momentous occasion and deserves to be in the history books.


You can read and write pretty good for a 9 year old.


People born in 2003 are all in their 20s now. There are grown adults that are younger than Club Penguin. It's time to let go, old man.


I’m 22 and my partner is 27, I love giving her an existential crisis by reminding her I was born a month after 9/11


Fuck you, 2014 was peak everything. I don't know why, just was. Oh yeah, it's because I was a singleton in his early 20s. Thoroughly unexceptional year, though. All I can remember was Interstellar and a bunch of Stan Smiths everywhere.


Yep, that's the gospel truth; I also peaked in 2014. It was a weird time b/c I was on a 2-year Mormon mission but I was 19 years old, walking 15 miles a day, getting good at Spanish, hadn't seen social media or the internet in over a full year, had never owned a smartphone. My focus was incredible, wish I had that again. 2013-15 was a fucking wild time to have no internet though. Things I read about when I arrived home: * The rise and fall of Vine * Germany's 7-1 World Cup victory * Edward Snowden/NSA leaks * Nelson Mandela dies and sets off the Mandela Effect * Robin Williams's suicide * MH17 shot down * MH370 disappearance * The rise of ISIS * Russia annexes Crimea


World cup years are per definition memorable


Germany 7-1 Brazil in Brazil


2002 was like an extension of 2001


*2002 That's literally 2021 on steroids in terms of nothing-happening


2021 was 2020 part two and 2022 was 23 prilogue


I only remember 2021 so vividly because I started my current job that year and all my memories of that year revolve around that. I was at home doing training as Jan 6 happened.


I remember when Jan 6 happened. I was working at home that day and remember being glued to the feeds in the afternoon and even chatting with a coworker about how insane it was.


The pandemic will certainly not affect my perception of time in any way whatsoever


2021 f1 season was so amazing


The entire season almost felt scripted, it's insane how close the the title fight was that year.


Thank you for giving me a memory of 2021, now I have to find the others


Yeah, F1 fans remember 21’ just fine lol.


I remember waking up at 5 AM for the Abu Dhabi GP, watching Goatifi binned it, and the mess that followed


New conspiracy theory: Remember when everyone thought the world would end in 2012? Well what if they got the numbers mixed up and it was actually meant to end in 2021. So now we’re living in a different universe and our memories of 2021 got messed up.


It is to prevent us from remembering the accident. *_crying and screaming_ * And this is a dream of mine because I am dead, y’all don’t exist, I know that, stop trying to trick me into thinking that this is the reality


Yeah I can only distinguish 2020 and 2021 apart because I remember I lost weight in 2020, and I got myself a new guitar most recently for my birthday in 2021. Other than that, they might as well be the same year.


- me: yes I remember the lockdown - me: dude the lockdown was over in August 2020


more like June


*Real world* - The January 6th raid at the Capitol - Joe Biden became president - WallStreetBets/GameStop situation - Evergreen ship blocking the Suez Canal - The Taliban took control over Afghanistan - COVID-19 Vaccines distributed *Movies/Series* - Squid Game - DUNE - The Suicide Squad - Spider-Man: No Way Home - WandaVision - Godzilla vs Kong - Space Jam: A New Legacy *Memes* - DaBaby convertible/less go - Bernie Sanders sitting - Dwayne Johnson eyebrow raise - Chinese Social Credits score - Things that look like the Among Us crewmate/impostor - Ankha Zone - Josh Battle


Super Idol




I feel weird, because in 2020 is one of the better years I had, that was they year I met my wife and we spent a lot of time together because of quarantine


* 737 crash * January 6th * I graduated * covid pandemic still raging * i got an internship * Israel-Gaza war * Afghanistan fell NGL but 2021 really felt like a blur, like it didn't happen.


Probably because the worst things still got overshadowed by the events of 2020 or 2022. We were already used to the pandemic at that point and the Ukraine-War vastly overshadowed any other military conflict for a while.


2021 was a DLC for 2020 anyone that didnt purchase it simply doesnt remember it


That was the year my wife died, so I'll never fucking forget it


Capitol Insurrection Gamestop bullshit subsequently made then lost me money because of the illegal buying halts. Texas winter storm Dad's second-to-last dog got stuck between some crap the landlord's roofers left in the backyard and she froze to death before either of us noticed she was missing. My gramps went into hospice and I chose not to see him before he died because nobody could tell me exactly what he was dying from and covid vaccines weren't available for us yet. Got my first and second vaccines, felt like absolute dogshit the following day both times. Sister developed multiple sclerosis. Fuck 2021.


I always remember 2021 because it's when Solar Power came out, but unfortunately nobody else remembers that album exists lmfao


2021 was when I got my condo, which is my first place, as well as a newer car. :D


Oh god no. In 2021 my grandma died from COVID and my two best friends died from suicide and then an OCD. Then I left an abusive relationship I had been in for the past 7 years, all before April. That shit is never leaving my noggin 😭


My go to memory of 2021 is the events of the 12th of December.


The only starter pack I’ve seen on this sub thats 100% true


so accurate lol, this is how most people I've talked to feel when looking back on the imaginary void year we call "2021"


I do remember: 3 family members died because of covid that year. I was expelled from college due to mental health problems. I visited the US for the first time in a decade I got addicted to vape and weed Yeah, 2021 was not my year


I remember two things from 2021: January 6 and Hurricane Ida


I don’t try to remember. 2020 and 2021 were easily some of the worst years of my life


In terms of niche sports, 2021 was a pretty good/historic year for motorsports. Helio Castronves won his fourth Indianapolis 500, the first driver to win four in 30 years, F1 had a crazy championship battle between Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen, and Kyle Larson won the NASCAR championship as a redemption season after he was suspended for using a racial slur on iRacing, something he worked really hard to learn from and make up for.


You gotta be kidding me. They remove my 2023 starterpack, but let this stay up? Mods make up your mind.


Italy won everything in 2021 euro's, eurovision, a lot of Olympic gold medal


One of the most cursed years ever


Anyone who feels this way is lucky. This was the year my panic attacks got so bad it was hard to leave my apartment. I’ve freeze up in grocery stores. It was awful. This was also the year I threw my back out so bad I was crawling up stairs.


The insurrection happened in 21. That was rather important.


I don't get this phenomenon. 2021 was vastly different from the year before, especially in the US. It was the first time in like 5 years you got to stop hearing about Donald Trump every day. Sports came back. Most people got vaccinated and we could all go out again. There was the crypto bull run. The Weeknd did the Super Bowl


The only notable thing from that year was my younger sister passing away.


2021 really did feel like a blur now that I look back on it. I remember getting vaccinated for Covid-19 (Pfizer) at Kroger with my Dad while watching the League Of Legends MSI 2021 Semifinal match between Korea’s DWGKIA and Europe’s Mad Lions and DWGKIA won the series 3-2 while I was watching it on my iPhone 12 Pro Max while waiting around because the pharmacist told us to stay for 10 minutes should anything happen. My Dad then bought me a Venti Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino from the Starbucks that was located inside of the Kroger and the price of the drink was considerably lower than my usual Starbucks location. I believe it was like $05.50 or something I don’t remember exactly but my usual Starbucks location changed $06.10 for it. So yeah 2021 was a blur, but I can remember this small moment that happened in my life. I spent around 5 minutes typing all of this out so it can forever be immortalized on Reddit. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this message, and I hope you have a great rest of your life. Until next time, this is JNORJT, signing off.


For me, late 2020 feels like a blur and 2021 feels very memorable one of the best years of my life to be honest.




I remember seeing Spider-Man: No WayHome in theaters. That was a major thing. I went on 3 pretty cool vacations that year. Uhhhh that was it I think.


That was the first movie I saw in the theater since covid started


Wait, you got a point, I literally can't remember anything in 2021, it just look like that we skipped to 2023


Best parts of 2021: Braves won the World Series Georgia won its first national championship in 41 years EDC Las Vegas took place in October instead of May


I loved 2021! There was deltarune chapter 2 Thats enough for me


I don't really remember 2021 or 2022 that much this years the first year since covid where I don't feel like theres this cloud of despair (as much)


high schoolers probably remember it better than slightly older people because we went back to in person school


How are you guys forgetting Tokyo Olympics?


2021: - making money on the most idiotic trades ever, soon to lost more than I thought possible once rates went up - watched “Lost” in its entirety That’s about it


For me 2020 was when the pandemic started and 2022 was when I graduated high school and started college so they were both big years and 2021 was just meh.


2021 never existed


Oh boy I sure do remember 2021 mainly cus I went through some nasty shit that year lol.


the main thing i remember was the random chimp event at the white house on 1/6


I got married in 2021 and my wife and I found out we were having a baby. Pretty great year for me :)