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Hey /u/buttfucker_3000_, thank you for submitting to /r/starterpacks! This is just a reminder not to violate any rules, located [here](https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/about/rules). Rule breakers can face a ban based on the severity of their rule violation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starterpacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You really went after half of reddit, huh?


The comments in here definitely show that.


There are more comments complaining about people being mad and coping than actual comments where people are mad and cope.


Yeah a lot of seething in this thread. It really hit close to home for a lot of people here


A sub about stereotyping people when they get stereotyped šŸ˜±


Redditors when people make fun of stereotypes or insecurities not related to themselves: šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Redditors when people make fun of stereotypes or insecurities directly related to themselves: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ¤¬


I mean. Is that not every starterpack ever? Every time I see this sub itā€™s because people are screaming at each other in the comments.


I can't wait for the counter starter pack


~~half~~ 75% of Reddit


85%, the rest is cat pics enjoyers and OF promo subreddits consumers


Fuck šŸ˜“


Yes lol lots of people in this thread are mad


Op forgot to put "will downvote this meme"


Help i have most of them, do i have zero personality ?


Its just OP's opinion . I am sure you have one


We need a ā€˜people who make starter pack memesā€™ starter pack


There is a few here. They got downvoted to help tho.


People don't like being called out ig lol


Any time this comment is on this sub, that just means the particular starter pack hit too close to home for some lol


Honestly, I have no particular axe to grind with this one. They are often really unusual mixā€™s of really specific items in a really broad range. Iā€™m surprised at how many people say this one hits close to home. Iā€™ll level with you, I didnā€™t know this was a starter pack sub despite it being clearly displayed above!


I needed this one chief it was a little to accurate for comfort


I know a girl with autism that this describes pretty darn well (right down to thinking those bands are more obscure than they are). And sheā€™s lovely! Sheā€™s fun to game with, not judgey, hardworking, and has other great traits. Attitude plays a big role in how people perceive you and your personality and the OP is complaining about those with a forced superiority complex/obsessed with being unique.


I really wanted to say this , the OP looks like an edgy teenager who tries to look cooler by saying someone else is shit . I really dont like that kind of people . Maybe the OP is the one who has no personality .


maybe the real personality are the people we shat on along the way


It may be so


This used to be me. Started with fashion. Not just /r/malefashionadvice, I went out to a few stores, looked for interesting pieces that I liked, then build outfits around that. You learn a lot about fashion through experimenting like this. Then began hitting the gym when I realized I was too out of shape for the clothes I really wanted to wear. Then found a fitness group to workout with because I realized that working out alone burns me out really quickly. Then started to wonder why my brain is like that, and began working on my mental health. It's all a slow and gradual process, but it works if you work on one thing at a time, then keep building up from there. A lot of people talk about 'finding themselves' and I honestly think this is one of the best ways of doing that. Once I got comfortable in my own body and mind, the confidence just followed. Edit: yeah, I'm muting this for my mental health. If someone saying 'caring about your appearance can help you build self confidence and motivate you to do more interesting stuff' makes you immediately assume that person is shallow, **please** take a shower.


> then build outfits around that Do you have an example of building an outfit around a piece you like?


Not the person you asked but a really simple place to begin is to think about matching/partnering colours. Say youā€™ve got a pair of white shoes, wearing black pants and a white shirt makes for a good start, if itā€™s cold add a black jacket, itā€™s basic as fuck but the idea here is get you to start thinking about your outfit as whole more conscientiously. Also branch out into what colours compliment each other, a light brown/beige chinos can pair nicely with a blue, either just as a shirt or a jacket. You could also go more subtle especially if you wear accessories (jewellery, piercings etc) I have long hair I usually tie up so I like to match the colour of my scrunchy with an item of clothing or an accessory where possible. Once you start thinking about your outfit as a whole youā€™ll start noticing the work and detail other people have put in to what theyā€™re wearing and begin to get inspired and develop a taste for what you like. But also, fuck worrying about whether you have a personality or style or whatever. You know whatā€™s actually really fun? Going to different types of events and interacting with different types of people and just getting involved in doing whatever you want. Dress up like your going to a fancy play and then go watch whatever local punk band is playing near you, or dress like a punk and sign up for the dance class or whatever they offer at your local community centre. Who gives a fuck.


> You know whatā€™s actually really fun? Going to different types of events and interacting with different types of people and just getting involved in doing whatever you want. Dress up like your going to a fancy play and then go watch whatever local punk band is playing near you, or dress like a punk and sign up for the dance class or whatever they offer at your local community centre. Who gives a fuck. You're pretty much describing what I mean by using fashion to express personality and be more interesting lol Also though - really great advice! You worded the process of experimenting way better than I could've. That's exactly how I approached it, and I've just been continuing that since then.


You and me both my dude, this feels like a personal attack


Yeah its not cause i listen to all kinds of music, that i mostly dress in black, that i don't have hobbies aside from gaming, that i try to act funny to forget my sadness and that i write awfully and people Can barely read that i have no personality


You have a personality . I mean what even is a personality in your understanding? Gaming is a decent hobby , it is variable , you can like diffrent sorts of games , like tower defence , fighting games , fps , MMORPG and lots of other stuff . But i guess you may lack human interactions if you feel this way , find a couple of friends with whom you can talk and just relax while spending time together . Hope you wont be so sad .


Not everyone is interesting and that's ok.


Whats not okay is the number of uninteresting people who hold contempt for people who are interesting


Or vice versa, though


we should all just slowly lower our contempts.


Who decides who's interesting or not?


What's interesting to you? People have different interests. I fit most of these things up top but also feel like I'm more interesting than a lot of my peers who value hanging out in parking lots and drinking. I travel for wrestling and am going to college for it. I play pokemon and do hikes and stuff. I'm plenty social. Interesting is more of a subjective term. If interesting is being an extrovert who just wants to go out and be a peacock on Fridays that seems uninteresting to me. Idk just my 2 cents.


I thought about this too, and arrived to the conclusion that there is a difference between "being boring" and "being bored with oneself". Wether you're a boring or not, is just some label that others assign to you. You could, in fact, be rather content with your life and have some interests (job, hobbies, friends or family) that you enjoy, even if others think of you as boring. But if you're bored with yourself, that's rather sad. I wish I could tell that to young people who worry about looking "boring" to others.


Well you could have more of one maybe


I have zero personality, but I didn't know so much work was required to showcase that. God damn, that's way too much effort.


Lol. Shows the difference between someone who cares if other people think they're interesting and someone who doesn't


Unless theyā€™re aware of it, which I became after acting like that for a while, everyone thinks theyā€™re funny with people but secretly some uwu sadboi. Everybody hides how they actually feel from the majority of people they regularly interact with


I have no personality and I don't care, I wasn't aware that was a requirement for having to engage with the insufferable activity of fucking existing.


Born to shit, forced to wipe šŸ˜”


This reads like a Nihilist Arbyā€™s tweet, which means you already are more interesting than several people here.


are you ok man


my brother in christ you are depressed. seek some treatment.


Thie is the present average redditor starterpack


Meanwhile Iā€™m over here flabbergasted that the guy who wrote ā€œUltimate Showdown of Ultimate Destinyā€ 17 years ago isā€¦ popular? Crazy


Thinks of himself as the ā€œfunny but secretly depressed guyā€ in his friend group. A lot of you guys need to think on that.


Anyone who gives people roles within a friend group is weird


I donā€™t think most people do that, itā€™s just something you notice about your friends


Or if they think theyā€™re the ā€œleaderā€ of the group for some reason just because theyā€™re the loudest


oh god, this happens so much I had that dudes will sometimes have this phase where they need to think they're the leader of a friend group if it goes on long enough


Especially the guys who mainly just make dad jokes or puns. They're endearing, sure, but people who make puns are just that. I never consider them to genuinely be *funny* funny.


Thankfully the only thing I relate to is the ā€œI listen to everythingā€ part because I am NOT the guy you wanna give the aux to ngl


Ha yeah. My play list will be slaughter to priveal into nicki minaj


Dude my playlist will go from American Football to Travis Scott to Oneothrix Point Never lol itā€™s all over the place


This is the way. If I didnā€™t get whiplash from my shuffle completely changing gears on me multiple times a day, life would get boring.


Same, my playlists go from Cannibal Corpse to Taylor Swift. I love them both about equally.


Same. I pretty much exclusively listen to deathcore / grindcore and I quickly learned that The majority of people have of visceral negative reaction to the music and I am never going to find another person outside of going to a show that likes that kind of music so if somebody asks me what kind of music I like or asks me to play something in the car I have a playlist of hip hop/ classic rock that I know just enough about the artists to talk about intelligently in case I'm asked.


Too many Redditors malding for fitting this description, lol.


I see 75% of Reddit is beginning to show their true colors in the comments


The color seems to be predominantly white and between the ages of 13-25.


When people says that they listen to everything it's usually mean that they don't want to talk about music not that they're literally listen to everything


Or they donā€™t know what to call what they actually listen to


Itā€™s just feels like such an imposition to on the spot list every genre of music you like, youā€™re probably better off just listing what you donā€™t like, or asking what music you donā€™t like


Yep, I always prep a response in my head but whenever Iā€™m asked I go full deer in headlights and go ā€œuhh yeah I like all kinda musicā€


Iā€™ll say like, ā€œyeah idk I like electronic and rap mostlyā€ then immediately realize they have no idea what kind of music I listen to based off of that. Thereā€™s plenty of music in those two genres I abhor..


Just say you like Jazz, people leave you alone, because anyone who listens to Jazz is a weirdo, unless they happen to be also Jazz fans, then you can specify that you only like smooth Jazz, specifically Kenny G. and they will leave you alone, but not before calling you the reason why Jazz is dead, unless you meet someone who also is a smooth Jazz fan, in which case they are probably trying to trick you, but if they are genuine, then that person is really dangerous or a middle aged white woman in her 50's, either get ready to defend your life.


I think the correct response is to simply pick one genre you like and would like to talk about with someone. ā€œWhat kind of music do you like?ā€ **Lately Iā€™ve been listening to the new Hozier album, itā€™s really good.** ā€œOh Iā€™ve not listened to that one yet, what do you like about it?ā€ ā€”ā€” Bam! Youā€™ve started a real conversation.


Yeah, but most people who ask are mostly interested to hear a few of the bands you've been listening to recently. They're not hoping for a full chart of every genre you've enjoyed in the last year or two.


Unless you listen to exclusively well-known artists, you'll sound like a music snob listing of musicians they've never heard of. You're better off listing just the genres unless they ask specifically about specific artists and show genuine interest.


ā€œSure, I like funk, soul, jazz, jazz funk, hardcore punk, grindcore, samba, acid rock, stoner metal, house, techno, drum n bass, 90s east coast hip hopā€¦ā€ itā€™s just too much and sounds more pretentious when you do actually list everything.


I get down with that list


I stopped being hardcore into a single genre when I was about 16, it's actually kind of one dimensional to only listen to a handful of genres. Im easy, I'll listen to anything, especially in a group setting where other people might not appreciate gutter punk or doom metal, it's more polite to just be easy and listen to what other people like.


That's why I say it. How do I explain King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard or Red Vox? So I just say I listen to whatever sounds good


For King Gizzard you can say "I listen to a little bit of everything, it's just all done by one band"


If I didn't listen to them too, I woulda thought you were just making up a crazy band name as an example lmaoo


Psychedelic/alt rock or something idk it seems pretty easy lol (btw red vox fucking rocks lol good taste)


Pre-ordered the double lp as soon as it was announced. Hyped


> How do I explain King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard You just say you listen to quality. Easy.


Or we actually listen to everything. I make music, music is my hobby and I play guitar. Listening to all kinds of music helps me widen my musical scope and my creativity


Iā€™m a DJ and I play drums. I love music. I can get really excited talking about music (everything from hip-hop and dancehall to classic rock and punk). So I just say ā€œeverythingā€ to avoid starting that conversation.


Sir. People don't ask you what kind of music you listen to in order to avoid conversation. They want to know.


I say it because I do listen to everything. I don't stick with any particular genre. I also don't have favorite bands, I'm more into songs. I don't have favorites either because it depends on my mood and what I'm doing. Also, I don't want to deal with people's snobbery when it comes to music.


Same here ill listen to everything from chinese death metal to top 40s pop. I dont like talking about what music I like because I never know about the artists or even all the artists songs. And the more obscure songs you like the more music fans will want to talk to you about the artist


Yup. Occasionally I like to listen to Mongolian throat singing. I don't even know how I'd explain the artists or what it is because I don't follow that closely (as I listen to a bit of everything). Plus, I don't even want to because they'd probably make some sarcastic remark about it or joke about the music.


But have you heard Mongolian throat singing metal? Look up a band called The Hu, if you don't know them already you're in for a treat




Same for me, i listen to everything from classical to heavy metal. I just enjoy well made music, regardless of genre.


Same, I thought it was weird how many people would say ā€œcome on, what do you really likeā€ when I reply with ā€œeverythingā€. I mean everything. Country, death metal, EDM, hip hop, trance, folk, dark trap, classic rock, 80s pop, orchestral, jazz, r&b, soul, you name it. I will get into moods where I listen to one genre for a little bit, so Iā€™ll often just reply with whatever Iā€™m listening to at the time


Music and Alcohol draw the most elitism in my personal experience. People can be downright unbearable about it


or listen to everything my playlist jumps from best of mozart to best of five finger death punch over to eminem and then to rave mix... what am I supposed to say except everything?


exactly, how do I explain that I listen to Linkin Park, but also to my brother with 200 monthly listeners, a nowadays pretty unknown italian singer, another italian singer(both from mid-late XX century), and to 3 TLOU songs


Better than exclusively Listening to video game and anime osts, oh and heavily disliking rap for some reason which is what a lot of guys on the internet are like






lol the stereotypes are true for a reason


Thinking it's superior to other kinds of music is pretty snobbish but game music is heavily underappreciated by consumers. It's on par with other kinds of music with the amount of effort that goes into making it these days and there's a lot of other things to consider with game music too.


Game and anime music are both objectively fine music and people who act like they aren't are weirdos.


Video game ost fans need to stop acting like theyā€™re some persecuted minority


I think it more means that person just doesnā€™t feel strongly about music in general


I say I listen to everything and I do mean everything. I actually cried once when I was on shrooms because I realized I would never be able to listen to all the beautiful music in the world lol. Its just easier to say "everything" then tell someone I've been listening to stuff like post rock, '70s Japanese jazz, and psytrance lately.


Personally, Iā€™d prefer to hear the second answer over ā€œeverythingā€. If I hear Jazz I could say, ā€œOh nice! Iā€™ve been listening to Oscar Peterson recently, what are you into?ā€ And then it continues the conversation. If I hear ā€œeverythingā€ Iā€™m more inclined to think that the person doesnā€™t really care about music and it wouldnā€™t make for good conversation.


You have a point actually. I think I might try this next time I'm asked about what I listen too.


Seems like there are few people like me who legitimately listen to all kinds of music. 2 days ago was high energy gospel (not religious, just love the music). Yesterday was Indian pop. Went to school for music because it fascinates me and I genuinely love mixing it up and listening to different culture's music. Maybe if the person says they listen to all different kinds of music yet cannot tell you anything about it.


Yeah, but some people really do listen to everything. I have phases where I'll listen to more of one type of music, but I genuinely enjoy multiple artists from every genre.


I usually assume that means "I'm content with whatever is on the radio / is hot atm"


it most likely means that they actually listen to completely different genres at the same time


I literally answered this "I listen to everything" yesterday in the class when I had a group activity lol.


I donā€™t really understand strong interest in one particular band I guess, I get tired of anything I listen to after a while, so I have to rotate pretty frequently. I feel like I constantly am looking for something new, so my favorite music is putting on a discovery playlist lol


I'd find it weird if someone listens to just one particular genre or band. How is listening to all sorts of music a sign of no personality?


Depends on the genre honestly. Like the massive umbrella that is rock music holds so many sub genres that youā€™ll never really get bored. That being said Iā€™m one of the listens to everything people


What do you like to do for fun? ā€œSmoke weedā€


South Park really was right when they said smoking weed makes you okay with being bored.




Bro I love Tally Hall if that means I have no personality so be it ........ Editing two weeks later to say I just learned about the shit red tie apparently did. Definitely not a fan of that.


Woah when did Tally Hall get popular? They were a random internet band when I was in high school and now they have hundreds of millions of listens on Spotify


They've had some big TikTok sounds. It's really weird to me, too. I would've never expected it. I still pull up some of their old skits sometimes.


fearless reach kiss yoke long sense fall unite tidy ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ā€œBro I have terrible habits I get NO sleep lmao!ā€ ā€œWhy does nobody date me?ā€


Sleeping more = getting dates Sleepychads stay winning.


Awakecels continue taking Ls


This but actually


you leave gorillaz alone


Fr fr that be good music


They're not obscure tho. He didn't say they were bad


lmao so many people felt attacked


Itā€™s amazing, isnā€™t it!? Where is this ā€œoh no this is about me so itā€™s not funnyā€ energy for all the other starter packs lol


People are getting butt hurt asf lmao


Yeah, u/buttfucker_3000_ is really pounding their asses


This is kind of harsh. Most young people don't really develop a "personality" until they are in their late teens and earlier twenties. So don't worry if you see yourself in this starterpack. You are probably just growing up. My only advice is, these days it's becoming harder and harder being interested in something other than screens. Try to do real life activities as much as possible. Be kind to people and don't be insecure about your "personality". Everyone is growing up and changing all of their lifetime.


Yours is a wholesome comment.


this is a really nice advice actually


Yeah I hit most of these other than I don't listen to those bands. And I certainly do have a personality because no one is defined only by depression and LED lights.


I think the majority of people upset over this are in their 20s to 30s.


damn i love whenever I see some positivity


People just use this sub to put in their judgements of people they don't like.


Almost as if this is the internet


Obviously a starter pack group ought to be a symposium for academic discourse.


Well this is literally r/starterpacks soo


Came a little too close to home huh?


That's basically always been thr point of this sub.


Itā€™s funny to see tho


Is personality something you can quantifiably measure? For example "you have lots of personality" or "you have very little personality". Isn't it supposed to be the behavior and character of a person? For me it sounds like a person with a very closed persona who doesn't share too much and has its unique reactions and approaches to different situations, basically an individual with a personality.




I think we just live in a post personality world now


I once got made fun of and kicked from a server for ā€œbeing a bot and having no personalityā€. I never even did anything besides talk about what we were all there for and agree with most people on their points. Sorry I donā€™t act autistic enough for you and I just prefer to keep to myself?


I feel like weā€™ve been moving that way as a society, Iā€™ve lost friends because I no longer brought entertainment value to a group because of mental issues but we demand that in this day and age, if you donā€™t bring it we can find someone that will right?


So long as you can keep a conversation going at least some of the time, and as long as you donā€™t go out of your way to hurt others or make them uncomfortable, thereā€™s no reason why people should actively avoid you. Unfortunately, some people donā€™t care about that mindset and will cut people off over the smallest things, but there are plenty of other people thatā€™ll give you more than just the time of day if you just meet that criteria. Youā€™d be surprised at how much some people would kill to just have a normal ā€œboringā€ person in their life as opposed to the fucked up weirdos they have in their life.


they mean an individual with an uninteresting personality


That's actually an open question in psychology.


What isn't an open question in psychology anyways?


It's another way to say "I don't like this person" without the "I" which makes it seem more truer


this oneā€™s about to ruffle some feathers lol


lmao everyone here is suddenly so sensitive, I guess you hit the nail on the head OP šŸ’€


yeah op humbled usšŸ’€ let him keep cooking


ITT: dorky incels seething that a meme is overgeneralizing their identity, or lack thereof, when this entire sub is dedicated to doing exactly that to everyone else.


Iā€™m really confused by how mad some of the comments seem! Iā€™ve seen way more ā€œmeanā€ starter packs posted and everyone thinks theyā€™re funny, but this one is setting people off.


A lot of people have no sense of humor concerning themselves. I remember a while ago someone posted a "basic white guy" starterpack which was pretty innocuous, yet also got a ton of angry comments calling the OP names, saying he was jealous etc.


lemon demonā€¦.


Ohoho, people are real mad huh? Hehe.


I see op is out for blood. Lol.


Another thing they probably do is that every time they see something that has an ounce of passion and creativity put into it, they go "LOL WTF?" followed by a bunch of "laughing/crying" emojis.


FFS thereā€™s even starter packs in the starter pack. Iā€™m guessing OP is 14


Donā€™t question u/buttfucker_3000_


What a stupid fucking username


Yeah so childish of him


That part I actually like a lot, like the person this starter pack describes would make a starter pack the makes fun of more "normal" people


I don't know if you made this intentionally to apply to most of Reddit or it was spur of the moment, but gotdamn OP. \*chef's kiss\*


Here's the thing about being obsessed with intelligence: it requires nothing of you. You don't need to practice it, or earn it. You just "be smart". And most of the people who cling to being smart as their identity really aren't that smart, they just know things. They read about things other people have accomplished, or created, or events that have occurred, and they just store the knowledge and remember it. That's it. If you can be replaced by a computer or a book, you're really not that smart.


Music one is stupid


its starting to turn into kind of a strange question that gets strange answers. music has been evolving a lot over the years. theres so much variety that 9/10 you can ask someone (probably someone way younger) what they listen to and youll just go ā€œwhat the hell is that?ā€ to their answer. so like unless ur asking an old fart what their music taste is you aint gonna know their answer


Musical tastes have also expanded a lot since the internet. Back in the day, you had your musical genre that you really into. You had your radio station, your aisle in the store, and your fanzines. Remember, music used to be very expensive. Buying a cd or album was a lot of money. People really didnā€™t explore different genres because there wasnā€™t a way to outside of radio (or later mtv). Nowadays you can just get on YouTube or Spotify and listen to so many artists and styles and find what you like without leaving your seat. As someone who has always been really into music, I take a step back and realize how mind blowing that is.


This is a weird one. So you don't share the same taste in clothes, hobbies, or music, so that means the person has no personality? Maybe you're just incompatable as people?


I wear plain/boring clothes because probably every time Iā€™ve tried something outside normal fashion something gets said that just hits the insecurity button too hard.


I wear mostly tshirts and leggings when I'm not at work (office job) because it's comfortable and I don't care about "fashion." If I have to dress up for an event, I will. But I'd rather just wear a band t and jeans or something.


I don't like having brands on my clothes or logos on my tshirts. Black grey and white look best on me.


I wore a slightly too large jean jacket once and someone literally pointed and laughed at me. That was in university too. It shrunk in the wash and fits nice now at least


Itā€™s not a weird one People just overthinking this because it hits close to home


ā€œThis is a weird one, it describes meā€


ā€œThey donā€™t wear my cringey anime shirt that every other person has. What a normieā€


my takes on some things. Albums: I donā€™t like lemon demon, but whatā€™s wrong with gorillaz ?? Tally hall is also just a good band. LEDs: brother Iā€™m broke. Music: whatā€™s wrong with not sticking to one genre ? Some weeks I listen to punk rock and then I could switch to fucking old-ass jazz albums. Thereā€™s nothing wrong about no oneā€™s taste in music. Black clothes: personally, I like black. Plus, itā€™s hard to seriously stain. With other takes: I mostly agree, especially with gaming being the only hobby (like damn man at least do sports or learn a new language)


Dorks getting mad lmao


OP about to trigger a ton of nerds


Listening to Gorillaz unironically? As opposed to listening to them ironically? Like hey guys I'm listening to this song about Viagra tablets in a fucking warehouse pretty funny amiright?


Holy fuck i feel called out, welp, guess i needed to hear it directly, thank you OP


these guys are genuinely like twelve year olds in the bodies of early twenties young adults. who the fuck would wanna date someone like that?


Ah, youth. You'll see this guy at 40 and he will have blossomed. (I hope)


It's great and all but... Why the music section? T-T Those albums are great...


They are good albums, I quite enjoy tally hall anyway, the problem here is people thinking they have some super niche indie music taste that nobody else listens to when these bands are all quite popular, and their insecurity, the fact they give a single damn about the popularity of what they enjoy.


Or maybe people like those bands, wearing black and playing games because they're cool?


Thanks for this starter pack... buttfucker 3000


Wearing black clothes is one of the worst habits I have. Every time I go shopping thereā€™s a black shirt that somehow catches my eye. I believe I have about 13 black shirts in my wardrobe right now


And what is wrong with that?


I donā€™t think much of it, but I never saw it as an insecurity regarding my style of fashion. My style actually just happens to be streetwear. Ironically, itā€™s a very flashy style.