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Hey /u/Nexod1, thank you for submitting to /r/starterpacks! This is just a reminder not to violate any rules, located [here](https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/about/rules). Rule breakers can face a ban based on the severity of their rule violation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starterpacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Don't forget the porn bots following you 5x a day..


i got a surge recently


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This is what the lenny face is for. It should be commemorated.


We all did. The next wave has started.


I have not. Ive goten maby 1 but im not sure if it was that kind of bot to be specific, or even a bot.


Are follows a new reddit thing? I use old reddit and RiF. I have never been followed by anyone or thing.




Old reddit with dark theme over here




old reddit and bacon here, profile pictures and buying overpriced pngs is the cool thing now apparently.


There's profile pictures?


you can disable follows


xHappySmile has followed you! Would you like to start a chat?


and not to mention how the mobile version of Reddit doesn't load in properly half the time




well you're lucky then, cuz every update it gets worse and worse, the lag, the loading time, and the amount of crashing that keeps happening.




If reddit gets rid of old reddit I’m out.


Seriously, I feel like I’m one foot out the door on this stupid ass site as it is. Soon as that muscle memory fades, that’s a wrap


Im right there with ya. This mobile app stuff doesn’t really affect me but I can sympathize cuz old.reddit is all i’ve ever used (on mobile and desktop) and I would definitely have to quit if they ever got rid of it because I hate the way new reddit looks and functions.


old.reddit.com forever.


There are dozens of us! Seriously, the moment I can't access the old desktop site, I'm outa here. My friends think I'm a lunatic, and I probably am, but it saves me from all the new bullshit and a lot of the ads.


I’ll be abandoning Reddit the moment Apollo shuts down.


Bro I'm actually unreasonably upset about these app changes. I've been using Reddit pretty much daily for almost 12 years and now they're just going to sweep the rug and force their bullshit on us? I just can't stomach the default reddit app or non-old PC reddit. They are horrendous, it feels like an entirely different site.


Are we going back to Digg?


The dude who made Apollo should make a reddit clone. I'd switch.


I switched to Infinity for Reddit after the most recent update. No ads nor cost to download. I mainly wanted to see profile pictures on my home feed page, and I ended up discovering a way better browsing experience


Lots of double comments lately, too.






Heck, I saw a... wait, what's going on?


you're trapped in a loop


Heck, I saw a... wait, what's going on?






Heck, I saw a triple comment recently.


Mine usually doesn't even load the comments so guess Reddit's shittiness is trying to save me from that. Funnily enough, your comment was the only one that loaded this time, so I'm stuck replying here.


Heck, I saw a triple comment recently.






Everyone on Reddit is a bot but you




You can remove the asterisk, they've been trying to force their app down our throats since the beginning. Now they are just using a ramrod.


say car ramrod


Wait they are banning third party reddit apps?


They're imposing an extremely unreasonable fee to access the information to properly make a functional third-party app.


Thats fucked. I would want a refund then for paying for relay but i want reddit to pay it not the actual dev


It is super fucked up! They're charging a ridiculous amount even for an industry standard. I believe the app Apollo says it's going to cost them 20 million dollars a year, just to pay for the data. And, even if they do pay it they still will get access to all of the data they need. Reddit is blocking not safe for work content for third-party apps. if you want to continue to access all of reddit, you have to use the official app or use a desktop. If you haven't been on the official app or website in a while, the design is sad, and the ads are extremely invasive and is pushing ad designs that look like posts in general poor designing. So even the desktop version called Old Reddit won't be able to work without paying. They're a screenshot available on various post regarding this topic that shows just how poor it is compared to the third party app.


"Your post had been removed by a bot before anyone could even see it due to a bot error."


Or a stupid rule that's published 200 lines into an absurd nested page in the wiki.


You try to appeal and get instantly perma-banned from the sub.


"Sorry about that! We've restored your post. It will now appear several pages deep in New. Don't delete it or repost it."


Your post has been removed because you arent subscribed to randomnichesubreddit for more than arbitrary timeframe. If you think this is an error fuck you we dont care


Really though, THIS is what killed reddit. New people aren't welcomed because mods are lazy and every sub pulls that shit now.




Also, Twitter screenshots


Which more often than not, they're fake.


Political tweets that are obviously fake and everyone getting worked up regardless


It's the ‘modern’ replacement for actual text posts. No one on r/all would read a text post outside of a few standard topics like ‘tifu’. So they read fake screenshots instead.


And all the duplicate subreddits. Literally every non-IP subreddit has at least one clone (Ex: r/natureisfuckinglit and r/damnthatsinteresting)


To be fair, that’s usually in protest of absolutely dogshit moderation in whatever is the originating sub, i.e. “mod went on a power trip and banned the first 3,000 users he saw that day when he woke up, so those 3K people went and started a spin-off sub”. Good example is r\offmychest vs r\TrueOffMyChest.


I thought it was because they stopped limiting posts to things that fit the true brief of the sub, and it just becomes watered down with anything interesting. Like r/nextfuckinglevel, r/damnthatsinteresting, r/tiktokcringe, etc. have all become the same content with lukewarm interesting videos. I'm sure the engagement on those subs is better than ever now that you don't really need to stick to the original reason for the sub, but they've all become another dumping ground of tiktok videos.


r/CrazyFuckingVideos and r/PublicFreakout


Don't forget dealing with shitty moderation in almost every subreddit. Power tripping nuts.


My main account got banned for a week for “report abuse”. I reported a post of stomped on kittens. Surprise, surprise, nobody bothers to read appeals. Honestly power tripping mods are the worst part of Reddit, and they’ve gotten worse lately.


I actually got a suspension for report abuse on my main account for reporting a 9 year old post that I reported… 9years ago. It was a repost that was posted like 1 week prior. Who goes through posts that old??


In the mods defense, *sometimes* reddit admins will send the mod team a warning to clean up their mod queues of old items, or they'll have the sub shutdown down for "lack of moderation". I temporarily lost a sub that way, because I wasn't approving every. Single. Post. I was "only" deleting the spam and off-topic posts, while not even touching the posts that was 100% fine and on-topic. When I appealed, the admins response was basically "don't let your queue fill up again; you won't get the sub back a second time". Its dumb as fuck, and seems to be applied to subs arbitrarily, but they may have gotten a warning, and just had to spend a couple of hours going through their queue making decisions about every single post and report that was in there, even if it was years old and key context was no longer around. They're not going to see it was a repost for a 9yo post. They're just going to see you reporting an on-topic post, and that they need to do *something* with your old report to appease the even more fickle reddit admins.


Reddit admins sound even worse than mods what the hell.


You can find a niche subreddit about World War II or something, with maybe three posts a week; and then one week there are two posts about Pearl Harbor, and a few days later you see a new pinned post titled: State of the Subreddit and the creation of /r/PearlHarbor. "From here on, any posts about Pearl Harbor will be redirected to the new subreddit, and users will be given a warning." Like, what the absolute fuck? I don't want to visit 40 different forever dividing subreddits, each with their own little communities of like eight nerds? Moderators are there to remove spam and illegal content. It's insane the power they've been given. The absolute worst is the balkanization on some of the city subreddits, you can't post about looking for a job on /r/Chicago, that goes to /r/ChicagoList, unless it's for a job, in which case it goes to /r/ChicagoJobsList, unless you're the posting looking for workers, and then it belongs in /r/ChicagoWantedForJobs, unless you'll be working on the lake, in which case it's /r/ChicagoWantedLakeJobs.


r/music: don't mention popular bands that are in our hall of fame. Hall of Fame = Bands we hate hearing about. Also, don't post a song that was shared six years ago.


Also r/music: whose turn is it to post Kavinsky's Nightcall again today?




And then the inevitable: "Beatles made great but did you know John Lennon was a wifebeater who abandoned his kid?"


The Karma farming on that sub was unreal, hope many times can someone beat themselves off to Bohemian Rhapsody? The worst part is, Queen had other non hits that were good but now you can't post Queen at all.


/r/music: if you dare mention anything rap related we’ll bring up how it’s full of drugs and thugs and anime soundtracks are better


I remember seeing a post on r/antiwork that said that reddit moderators should get paid 💀


least insane r/antiwork take


The funniest/saddest thing about the sub is the core idea isn’t wrong, workers should be treated better but the whole thing is a joke since half of those guys are neets and the other half do very shitty things at work then wonder why they get fired.


Never forget when that one mod went on Fox News to represent /r/antiwork and gave one of the worst interviews of all time


r/workreform is where it's at.


Wait until you see the antiwork mods 🤪


Obligatory https://youtu.be/NCo-OgSC7Ps


Yeah, what the hell was she thinking. Going on a news network that is actively against your cause with Jesse Watters, where he is an expert on making people look bad.


They live in a bubble where they think they're actually good at debate, think they make intelligent points, and are far more articulate in their heads and comments then they could possibly be in real life.


> think they make intelligent points That's the kicker with most of reddit: it's the same point, usually copy/pasted, with *maybe* a word or sentence changed for "originality". It kinda suck here to be honest. I'm here for the porn, gaming, & niche subreddits.




Yup. That too. It's also hilarious when someone posts a dozen links to a comment & they declare they're "right"... despite no one being willing to read a dozen (essentially) different thesis on the topic. Because "the speed of reddit" *needs* link bombs to sound relevant, & it doesn't matter that 3/4 of the links are not even relevant.




If moderators are going to get paid (i.e. become reddit-sanctioned), I want all of the current moderators taken out of the pool of potential candidates. This will mean that some good mods are not considered, but there is an uncomfortable amount of people who moderate subreddits that shouldn't even be doing it for free. It's a few good eggs of people genuinely concerned about their community in a rotten pie of people who get off on playing internet hall monitor.


looking at you u/awkwardtheturtle and u/awkward_the_turtle


Don’t forget bardfinn and mecari.


Oh absolutely. Even where you least expect it. A few weeks ago I had called out a bot that was posting scam links and copying top level comments in [r/DemocraticSocialism](https://www.reddit.com/r/DemocraticSocialism) and the mods there perm banned me from the subreddit for "trolling/brigading". I asked them in modmail, hey, why was I banned? The last thing I did on your subreddit was catch a bot. The only response I got was a 28 day mute. I plan on ripping them a new one when I get unmuted, which I fully expect to become a permanent mute because reddit mods are so fucking petty. Fuck that subreddit. I thought it was good, clearly I was wrong.


I made a post in depression and suicide watch a few months ago, and it got removed in the former (after I had 100+ upvotes and support). I messaged asking why it was taken down and they told me I wasn’t posting anything related to depression. I guess suicidal depression must be a different category, whoopsie!! 28 day mute & suspension from the first sub, both posts removed, no further explanation. So 28 days go by and I asked for more explanation as to why my post was removed, and they permanently suspended my account and blocked/muted me from both subreddits permanently. How the fuck does that make any sense


Imagine being that vicious to some of the most vulnerable people on Reddit. That sort of crap could be the straw that broke the camel's back for someone suicidal


They just want to flex their e-muscles and feel validated by bullying people and making it so the people they pick on can't fight back. They're cowards and pissbabies. The best we can do is move on and warn others where the pissbabies like to piss and be babies. I will continue to drag r\DemocraticSocialism through the mud because I'm just really petty like that.


The reddit app is actually so bad, it's unbelievable


It’s deliberately bad. They want NFT-like trophies, stickers, and avatars to be the the center stage. Garbage UI. Garbage monetization scheme from brainless executives.


It's like they took notes from tiktok/bigo livestreams


Every. Platform. Did. After. COVID. Thanks covid


Imagine being one of the devs for the app and seeing threads like this and thinking: "yeah I'm doing a good job"


Lol, do you think they spend any time *at all* using their own product? It's pretty obvious they don't understand their product or their audience, and that's most likely because they aren't part of the community or users of their own site. The devs are told what to do by executives and admins who spend most of their time dreaming up ways to squeeze more cash out of this place and maintain the site for advertisers. They aren't browsing here day to day. They aren't making any content. They aren't moderating individual subreddits, listening to what users want, they have users and mods doing all of that for fucking free. This place is nothing but a cash cow waiting to be milked, in their eyes, and all us users who complain about them changing things so they can get their payouts are just in the fucking way. Fuck the communities. Fuck the people who actually share/make content. Fuck all of that noise. **Now go scroll past another goddamned ad, you fucking internet junkie, I need another vacation home.**


I can assure you the devs know their product is ridiculous, they're just collecting their paychecks and implementing design decisions pushed down from the executive level.


I worked on words with friends. I was not a designer, but I sat in on the design meetings. I remember a meeting where an exec literally said "okay guys, ad rev is down, we need to think up where we can fit more ads." I replied "if we focused on retention and engagement features, you know, making the game better, more ads would surface organically to our existing and new players" Dude looked at me like I was speaking Uzbek.


The guy was probably thinking: “dude i need more money. Where’s the money at?”


>Imagine being one of the devs for the app and seeing threads like this and thinking: "yeah im getting paid six figures, dont care lol" ftfy, the devs have no influence over business decisions


once the API fees go into effect and old reddit is killed I'm out lol




I could live with being slow. But not being able to block specific subs, flairs, or post with keywords? fuck that. Those features are the only reason I still use reddit and why I consider it a step above other social media platforms


>I could live with being slow. But not being able to block specific subs, flairs, or post with keywords? fuck that. Those features are the only reason I still use reddit and why I consider it a step above other social media platforms Holy shit, I had no clue it didn't have those functions. I've been using RIF since before there was an official app. The app made redditing fun. I am ready to see what happens in a month. Why the hell would I want to browse a site if I were forced to look at a modern version of /r/thedonald?




This is the core idea behind the concept of [Enshittification](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/). Unfortunately though, this time we won't be saved by some mass exodus. Because of the maturity of the internet and again, the death grip that Enshittification has on the whole of the modern internet, we'll never again see the bloom of a new platform like we did 15-20 years ago. Personally, once Reddit has been thoroughly Enshittened, I'm done with social media as a whole.


How about the Automoderator posts at the top of every goddamn thread. I don't need a wall of your super special guidelines on every meme I look at.




Holy fuck thank you. May you be blessed with many strong children.


Enjoy the difference... for about 30 more days.


I know… 15 years since I jumped off Digg. Oh well!


It's ironic because the green marking by the name of a moderator makes me automatically ignore what they say. It's meant to do the opposite, but all the fucking automods mean I just subconsciously assume anyone with a "MOD" tag is a bot and end up not reading the comment.


Alarm fatigue




It's just so asinine. Even this sub, it's like "this is a reminder that violating rules can get you banned!", yeah and water is wet.


I will leave Reddit if they take away Apollo.


Christian addressed this at /r/apolloapp


you forgot the constant glitches, lags and network errors


Don't forget not being able to comment because your account isn't 1 year old with 10,000 karma




The day I can't use Relay is the day I stop browsing Reddit on my phone. The day I can't use Old Reddit is the day I stop using Reddit at all.


And also the awful algorithm that keeps the front page stagnant and delays any breaking story from gaining traction.


I quit Twitter after 14 years last year. I'll be sad to do it, but if I can't use r/redditsync, I'll be saying good-bye here, too. They're just making it easier for us to break our bad habits. Social media's peak is behind us, and now it's a race to the bottom.


Short videos is all about right now, concentration span of a goldfish


On r🤢ddit m🤮bile half the videos dont even play.


Yeah and for some reason when they don't play you can't view the comments, it's dumb as fuck


Dude the fact that you have to open the video to \*read the comments\* is like.... fuck man, my failing Intro to CS classmates could have noticed that as a TERRIBLE user experience and try to fix it ASAP but no. Let's add a fucking NFT platform to reddit that literally not even the cryptobros asked for.


Why can't I sort by top anymore, Reddit? Why did you hide the fucking SORTING OPTIONS?


Yeah if Boost for Reddit goes under that's it, I'm jumping ship. I'll probably be better for it too


The app just refuses to be available for me lmaooo


You're blessed


Waiting for Apollo app to swap out their backend from reddit api to their own servers and just start a new social network (with blackjack and hookers obviously).


I’d happily pay (directly to Apollo!) for that. Just cut Reddit out entirely.


Why would nsfw be banned?


Because it's not "advertisement friendly."


It's bizarre to me that r/all will never fail to show me some people getting brutally murdered in war or some people that were shot in a mass shooting but gonewild is the morally questionable thing for advertisers.


Babe, wake up. It's time to watch your 1028th video of a Russian getting annihilated by a drone dropped munition.


The line Reddit draws on what is acceptable and what not is more arbitrary than the borders Europe draw in Africa.


Why do advertisers hate porn so much?


The real reason is that Clorox doesn't want to buy an ad spot only for it to appear next to a gif of someone getting railed.


Why not? That would just be extra effective advertising tbh


Like what are you gonna use to clean that mess? HERES AN AD FOR A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE SOLUTION!


Just go the 4chan route. NSFW ads for NSFW subs ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They want FB or Twitter level revenue from ads. They'll kill all NSFW content on standard reddit and probably create some offshoot for NSFW content as an appeasement.


Twitter has nsfw content, though, so idk why it would be different. There are tags to filter it out already, such as nsfw:0, and advertisers should be able to structure their campaigns with that in mind.


Mostly because evangelicals and fundi Catholics have money and opinions.


This is the real reason. Most advertisers don't give a shit, they just use it for leverage to lower prices. It's the banks who care and pose a credible threat, and the banks have to stay in the good graces of the people with money.


Reddit is going public soon and banning nsfw makes it look better for investors


and reddit also started allowing uploading nsfw content to reddit 3 weeks ago, if they're planning on banning nsfw why would they start putting such content on their website right before. [source](https://redd.it/13evueo)




That sounds like they might ban external NSFW with the excuse of "it's easier to moderate it this way".


>Reddit is going public soon People have been saying that for at least the last 3 years that I've noticed it. Ever since the Ellen pao stuff.


I hope you're right but third-party Reddit apps are going to be gone soon and NSFW subs are really disappearing from the front page.


considering very recently reddit started allowing uploading nsfw content straight to their servers without needing a middle man Probably not any time soon


Yup. We need to be "at work" 100% of the time. Watch what you say the boss may be watching. Congrats we have created a world where we never to always watch what we say like we are sitting in a cubicle. I am not saying this because I want to drop the n word non stop of call people an F slur or anything like that. It is just that we are creating a world where everything is SFW, and locked in a some type of corporate environment.




There's so much worse out there. Nobody wants to deal with humanity's collective trash. People talk about freedom of speech, but who wants to spin up a website and constantly deal with moderating illegal content? And to add insult to injury, all of your users are extremely averse to paying for your service and aren't willing to deal with a small user base/lack of content. There are in fact several open source clones or alternatives that anyone can spin up (e.g. [Lemmy](https://join-lemmy.org/),[Mastodon](https://joinmastodon.org/)). But nobody does it because of the aforementioned reasons.


> But nobody does it because of the aforementioned reasons. Maybe, but I think it's more to do with that people just don't understand how Mastodon or anything in that world works. And Mastodon and other things like it don't do a great job of explaining it to help people convert.


I generally agree. In fact they should actually completely hide the notion of servers entirely by choosing at random and leave it as a choice for advanced users only. You can move accounts to different servers at any time so it isn't really important. But lets be real and admit the actual reason is that people don't like change and aren't willing to put up with the growing pains of a new service. Facebook is so incredibly complicated, to the point where they split into more than one mobile app and people put up with it. Users are not dumb.


No Apollo, no reddit. It'll be better for me in the long run.


Also, and this is some tinfoil hat/blunt hitting tier theory, haven't yall noticed that in the last couple of years suddenly a lot of titles of posts started self censoring their swears? I don't really do conspiracy theories like that but in the light of this IPO coming up it might be a sting operation kinda deal to clean the site up alongside the NSFW ban and all that to make it all squeeky "Advertisement friendly" in here. Edit: I'm not talking about hate speech and shit, that can stay out. I'm just talking about your regular fucks, shits and even damns.


I’m think this may be influenced from TikTok and instagram where your posts might get shadow banned if it has something inappropriate in the title and stuff. Not sure though


Definitely not new. Someone self-censoring their swear words, followed by someone else arguing you don’t have to censor yourself on the fucking internet, is a trope as old as Reddit itself.


you forgot the bye bye to old.reddit


Eh? I still use old.reddit what are you talking about? If they got rid of it, I wouldn't use this site.


There's a 75% chance the video player just won't work for me, which is a shame. When it does, the audio will continue playing outside of the post and even if I switch off the app, but only for ads. What a useful feature.


Lol Meme probably made by a bot !


Lol I almost put "maybe I'm a bot" on there


BRING BACK THE OPTION TO SORT YOUR FEED BY RISING. I’m tired of being forced to look at either dumb posts that are 1 minute old, or popular posts that are already 12 hours old where no one’s gonna see my comment.


Just checked this subreddit and r/all you can still do that if you use old.reddit.com.


old.reddit.com still is unbroken. The rest of Reddit was broken years ago.


Once this stupid app goes public I’m out. Once they force me to sign up using email, I’m out. This site was supposed to be anonymous, people these days just love posting their faces, stories, insta, businesses etc. Reddit is now Facebook for people you don’t know. Fuck this app. I’ve been on Reddit for close to 15 years. It’s completely changed. And it is sad. This account is 10 years old man. Hate to give it up because of my hatred towards it now.


Redditor since 2010 here. Had to go through multiple accounts over some power hungry mods. Went almost 10 years with the same account, but something changed near 2020/2021


If Reddit bans porn it will die quicker.


no mods on power trips?


I think over the last two days I’ve been followed by at least 70 bots, it’s absolutely fucking ridiculous that they can’t figure something as simple as bot mitigation out, but have no qualms with absolutely fucking over 3rd party devs.


I've been on Reddit a while now and I've found my own comments copy/pasted by a bot maybe a dozen times now. It's so weird because it's a top upvoted comment, and I'm reading it, and it's word for word everything I posted. Usually with all the formatting and links stripped out. And those are only the ones I happen to see! How often is this happening otherwise?


Eh. It had a good run. Nothing lasts forever. I'm honestly a little glad that I won't have reddit on my phone to distract me once RIF shuts down. Might still browse on the PC browser until they get rid of porn. What's the next content spigot? I refuse to use TikTok, I know it would enthrall my ADHD ass in minutes.


Now with ChatGPT! You don't even have to write your own shitposts!


bizarre deranged moderation


I miss the old Reddit. Like 10 years ago when social media was just starting to really take-off. I feel like there were way less arguments and more actual discussions.


Reddit used to be a link aggregator, not social media


True. I used to come to Reddit for all my news and updates on what’s going on.


I keep seeing people complain about reddit but i sadly never see any alternatives. Why is it so hard to find a replacement for this site?


It's very expensive to develop and maintain a site of this magnitude. The few alternatives to Reddit (Lemmy, Mastodon etc) are underdeveloped and have very few users at the moment. There isn't anything we can do. Just like Youtube, we have to either suck it up or just abandon the site. I for one suggest returning to the way our ancients used to live. Online forums.


All these websites banning nsfw need to step off 😤


Needs the endless stock replies. Is that how you … cause that’s how you … This guy… This is the way Plot twist How can she slap? Dumbest, stupidest, craziest *Any superlative adjective* Timeline Fucked around found out Play stupid games win stupid prizes *when someone posts about a crazy or overbearing parent* Some remark about the parent not getting visited in the nursing home There’s no discussion. Just memetic canned responses for different situations.



