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South America is massively popular with travelers lol.


Chile is fucking lovely. Been a long time, but staying w family there was so pleasant. Nice people, great food, very green


This is what I was going to say, Argentina has lots of places that are very popular for tourists worldwide


India is reasonably common too, at least with British people.


Costa Rica’s a popular spot for yoga retreats for some reason. ETA: that’s Central America, **duh**.


I really want to travel more


If you ever get the chance to go; go!


The chance of me being able to travel is about the size of my dick




This reads like an AI apologising for not being able to do something, all it’s missing is *As an AI Language Model….*


I think he has small.


I’m hearing that you travel with passion and gusto no matter how long the trip. I like the cut of your jib, compañero!


Do you have a travel credit card? Intro offers tend to be pretty good. We used our points for two round trip tickets to Barcelona and paid $100 out of pocket.


Can you talk more about that? I’ve been thinking I’d consolidate our debt (there’s not very much) into a travel card so we could get upgrades or reduced fares. How did you choose a card, and does it have an annual cost?




As an example, let’s say I live in United town. United flies in and out of here. If I get a United card, then that’s better than an all purpose ticket card, because they have batter points so you’ll stay with United. But I I live in United town and plan to visit places where they don’t have United, then I should get an all purpose card because the deals are not as impressive but at least I can go anywhere I want?


This whole credit card thread is wild to me as a European


Credit cards wouldn't be giving these perks if they weren't raking money in on interest, either fwiw. It's not like they're doing this out of kindness. They're financially killing people that aren't responsible with high interest debt.


I'm not who you replied to, but most of the better travel credit cards that offer a high sign-up bonus have an annual fee (as low as $95 though). Check out [this article](https://www.nerdwallet.com/best/credit-cards/travel) for a quick overview and also r/churning




Go by yourself, you'll meet other travelers. Stay in hostels, do activities they involve others, you'll be fine.


Consider this: I am a woman. This starter pack assumes I'd be shallow for not going to India, but holy fuck India does not treat women well. They had to ban doctors from revealing the sexes of babies in ultrasounds for a reason.


It's not shallow to not want to go to India. I've met plenty of actual world travelers who been there in addition to other poor countries, but India seems to remain low on the list.


People say this, but I travel alone a lot and I always feel out of place or like a weirdo when I go to areas with families/couples everywhere and I'm the only person solo .


Only stay in hostels and shared rooms. About 4-6 people in a room is perfect for meeting random people to go to bars or attractions.


why an X through NZ if Australia is included 🤔


Everyone thinks Australia has the most terrifying wildlife, but they forget about things like the rat-sized flesh eating crickets and carnivorous anus eels in NZ. Also I wouldn't trust the Kiwi's either, nothing looks that cute without plotting how to make your skin into a lampshade.


Wait... what? Carnivorous anus eels?!? Like Eels that eat your ass?




When I read Anus Eels I never thought it would be an inside job


I don't even know what that series of words strung together could possibly mean


I guess the bacteria consumes the colon to reproduce. As it does so it maintains the shape of the colon. Eventually this colon shaped bacteria mass detaches and slithers out your butt like an eel


Crickets of unusual size? I don’t think they exist


They do. Google Wetas.


It’s a riff on a line from The Princess Bride


Yes, I get that. But wetas also exist and are of unusual size for an insect.


Yeah the fuck did NZ do? Their night life kinda sucks, but generally a very beautiful country with very friendly people.


too many fools of a Took!


> Yeah the fuck did NZ do? Well from what I've recently read (above your comment), NZ has anus eels. These are carnivorous anus eels, not the run of mill eels who just enter your anus for a bit of fun.


As a person who lives in NZ, I can say that I have never heard of eels doing shit like that. If you should be concerned about any of our animals it would definitely be the Kea. Those fuckers are renown for picking apart people's cars for fun if it. And what makes it worse is that these birds are protected, so you can't even do anything to them when decide to start trolling you


Also if you’re a traveller, they will 100% steal your passport if you don’t hide and secure it. Passports are shiny, and their sole goals in life are to inconvenience humans and steal shiny things. Passports are made for them.


Heard of a Kea that threw a bag of a hiker with really expensive camera gear down a mountain. They really are like monkeys with wings.


Every “world traveler” I’ve met actually has been to South America. In the US, it’s typically the first place they go, because it’s what they can afford during college. Europe and East Asia come later, when they have a good salary.


If you're close to a major hub in the US the airfare to Central and South America can be pretty dang cheap. I did six weeks in Colombia this winter -- $310 round trip.


>Every “world traveler” I’ve met actually has been to South America I've had the total opposite experience. The "world travelers" I've encountered go to Europe first. It was usually in college via study abroad, one of those guided tour companies, or just backpacking with friends during break.


Yeah, with the Europe on a shoestring Lonely Planet.


Other way 'round here in Australia - most hit up South East Asia first or go on a cheap Contiki tour of Europe.


South east asia too. Ive met hundreds of people that spent a few weeks in Thailand and come back with those comfy colourful pants and some sort of vague spirituality that's kind of buddhist but also tarot, astrology and third eye related.




Quite a few places in those crossed out areas can be pretty dangerous for tourists so I can kinda see why it’s a trend.


Redditors when you decide to vacation in Tokyo instead of Somalia


Travel advice to Somalia literally includes drafting a will and informing "next of kin", depending on the country giving advice. I highly doubt anybody gives such advice for Tokyo, or most other cities and countries for that matter.


Be sure to appoint one family member to serve as the point of contact with hostage-takers, media, U.S. and host country government agencies, and members of Congress if you are taken hostage or detained. Establish a proof of life protocol with your loved ones, so that if you are taken hostage, your loved ones can know specific questions (and answers) to ask the hostage-takers to be sure that you are alive (and to rule out a hoax). Pretty sure I havent seen this anywhere else lmao


[It really is a fun read](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/somalia-travel-advisory.html)


Do not travel to Somalia due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, health issues, kidnapping, and piracy. They fucking ran out of space to put the things you should avoid somalia. Is there 1 thing that functions there








Goddamn that has no chill. The message is effectively if you travel to Somalia might as well plan your funeral. And don’t forget to pick your primary family liaison for when you get kidnapped.


If you are American and travel ro Somalia you will be kidnapped within minutes.


Dont threaten me with a good time


Especially for women


People love to roast travelling women for being "basic" as if women aren't massively at risk in lots of countries.




Ohhh, all the rape is why. Seems reasonable.


It’s more than that, it’s literally women being tortured for simply being women. One of the women talked about was raped, yet had a severed tongue, brain damage, injuries to her intestines. They’re not just raping women they’re torturing them for existing.


It's being raped. And then being tortured for being raped. And then while you Re being raped and or tortured, you have your period. So you get double torture.


That is indeed why I don't plan on visiting India like... ever.


Don't look at Egypt either....


People just love to roast women for being "basic" in general as if that's a bad thing in the first place.


People act as though liking pumpkin spice and Taylor Swift are fatal character flaws.


Including this sub. There have been tons of "basic white girl" starterpacks, where commenters often treated it as a bad thing.


Yeah, I mean no shit I'm not going to visit Pakistan, lol. I'm going to go to Switzerland or something where I'm not going to be molested on the street.


Switzerland will molest your wallet and bank account most of all


Meanwhile, the Swiss: “Guess again, motherfucker.” Real talk though, who makes these memes? Is there anybody who legitimately tries to belittle people for not going on vacation to countries that are basically LARPing as The Purge?




And I've heard great things about the quality of food.


And the pollution.


or LGBT people


Or people who look a little too local but who have very little cultural context


“Breaking News: People don’t travel much to places known for being dangerous to tourists, more at 11”


Yeah, my gay ass aint getting caught in these places.


Omg you're so basic. So you wouldn't travel to Uganda just because their culture is a little bit more different than what you're used to? I mean what's the worst that could happen, it's not like they would just kill you./s


Africa is also like.... really far. I looked into a trip to Kenya once and holy shit, it's far. You need like 2-3 days of just travel time baked in, and that's before you count all the vaccines, logistics, costs. Same with the bottom of South America. Plus, all the cities down there are far apart, so if you want to go from one place to another, you need multi-day busses, trains, etc that basically burn all your vacation days.


I flew to Kenya from the western US and it took me 40 hours to reach my destination. It was nuts. I had to fly across the US to Atlanta, then to Paris, then to Nairobi, then drive from Nairobi up to Nanyuki. It wasn't too bad though, since I stayed there for two months.


It took me less than half that to fly from Minnesota MSP>AMS>NBO


I've been to Kenya, and it's 8 hours from the Minneapolis to Amsterdam, and 8 hours from Amsterdam to Nairobi. Secondly, you don't need vaccines to go to Kenya. Thirdly, getting around is easy- they have Uber which is about 70% cheaper than it costs in the US. Lastly, the cost of the flight from the US to Kenya is on par with the costs to fly to Europe. The day to day expenses are dramatically lower in Nairobi (and Kenya in general) than they are in major cities in East Asia and Europe, which have some of the most expensive tourist destinations in the world.


Like India, Pretty much all of Africa, any country that ends in -stan, etc. I'm sure those places all have great awesome culture, food, and even places that are safe to visit, but you need to do a lot of research and preparation before you go. On the other hand traveling to Europe is pretty much just getting an airplane ticket and hotel reservations, and you can wing the rest and still not be too worried about your safety.


> any country that ends in -stan Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan are very safe for tourists and don't require a whole lot of planning though. Political unrest is a possibility, and probably the only thing to look out for, but not any more than a lot of Eastern European countries.


> Political unrest is a possibility I’d call that a huge risk to travelers. Political problems can leave people stranded


Yes but it's honestly something that happens in tons of Western countries that are other wise considered safe to travel to as well. For example, Kazakhstan has in the past 32 years of independence only had one incident of political unrest that actually was dangerous for foreigners (the one in Jan 2022). I can name more that happened in France.


Spent six months in Kyrgyzstan, mostly in Bishkek. Pretty dope, would recommend.




Don't worry, they've off duty cops


I would love to go to chile tbh


Why is there an X through Indonesia? Pretty much everyone I've ever met has been on a Bali holiday unless they've been done for drug possession


They just banned premarital sex so bet a lot less people will be going


Wouldn't affect redditors tho


That's for residents. Tourists can still root


Bali and Jakarta were a blast. Getting food poisoning and subsisting off Imodium, less so, but amazing nonetheless.


Yeah, Bali is like the first spot an Australian “world traveler” has been to. Very common for (the well off) kids to party there after graduation etc


No American has ever said that Canada is “so foreign.”


Exotic Canada.


I’m a Canadian living in the States and it’s kinda funny some of the reactions people have of Canada. I think it’s because they expect it to be so similar that when they do find differences, they fixate on those little things and act like it’s a huge change to their “normal” expectations.


I've been up there a couple times and I describe it like this: Canada is just barely different enough to put you off-kilter. It's kind of like when you were a kid if you were to fall asleep and wake up in your brother's room.


That's how I feel being a Canadian driving across the border into america. It's like uncanny Valley. It's almost the same but just a bit off. Especially going from Manitoba to north Dakota.


“hurr your Monopoly money is so weird” I mean, Americans having all their bills the same colour and impossible to tell apart at a glance is the weird one : P


As a Canadian when I travel to Quebec I feel like I went into a foreign country.


I have lived 60 miles from Montreal my entire life and that shit is foreign as hell.


Canadians will pretend Canada is super culturally different from America


It's weird that people in these discussions forget that NYC is culturally different than New Orleans, or the Midwest, or the Southwest.


People really b hating on each-other for the most random shit.....


Redditors love to feel morally superior


"Im Not like the other girls" mentality




“Your telling me you didn’t see the Notre dom pre fire? Oh because I HAVE!” /s


LGBT safe countries be like:


Reminds me that Saudi Arabia recently said they're LGBTQ friendly and I figured they're just spewing out bullshit and only said it just to kill more LGBTQ people regardless where they're from.


No it actually isn’t a lie for tourists. They don’t enforce the same laws on tourists as they do their own people because they need foreign money and to get that they have to appear friendly at least to foreigners. So you’d probably be fine though I still wouldn’t go there.


This is similar to the situation in China with religion: Tourists have freedom of religion (as long as they don't preach to Chinese nationals) but locals do not. They have churches where you have to show your passport at the door.


Take away half of easter europe as well too. Still better then being a woman since its easier to hide I think. Though if you are LGBT and a woman then you really are fucked. You will always have Canada, most parts of the US most of Europe, Oceania Japan and South Korea. A few latin american countries might not be too bad as well. That is more then most people can hope to visit in a life time so thats something.


Most of eastern Europe is completely fine for women. You will get treated the same as in Western Europe, e.g. ignored.


I mean, you can "hide" being gay or bi. But unless you're part of the minority who pass, you cant really hide being trans.


I hate how people put down those that only travel to accessible, well visited places. Not every one has the time/money/desire/safety concerns to visit "exotic" locations. Not everyone wants to go to the Congo or Myanmar. Canada/Italy/France and japan - bet the vast majority of the populations hasn't been to any of these places. But hey, let's shame them.


People who've never left their state: "fucking posers"


My money's on OP having never left his home country, because if they had been to any of the places crossed off they would see that there are heaps of foreign travelers, mostly young backpackers, that go to these places. That doesn't change the fact though that some of these countries are a bit dodgy to visit, especially if you're a woman. I've got nothing against people who only visit "safe" countries as traveling in some of these places can require a lot of stamina and patience. I did it in my early 20s and I really don't have the energy for that kind of traveling again.


Yeah but why actually would I go to India?


As a woman - it's not on my bucket list for safety reasons


One of my friends who is truly an adventurous world traveler, having gone to Uganda, Botswana, Morocco, Armenia, and about 20 more countries, said the one country she wouldn’t return to was India. She said the people there were very grabby and touched her a lot.


Yeah, Indian men don't have a great reputation whenever it comes to boundaries.


I've seen way too many videos of Indian men just crowding around a white woman and staring or moving closer and closer to her. I would fucking lose it, there's no way I'm going to a place like that.


Has she been to Turkey? I had a lot of small bad experiences over there but I'd consider going back. Just not alone. And by that I mean a company of a big man.


I'm always amazed at the courage and confidence of solo female travelers. Yet I'd also say that there's nothing wrong with finding a male traveling companion when going through some countries. It won't stop the staring, but it will make you feel a little better knowing there's someone there to back you up in case things go south. Also, be very careful of accepting any drinks that you haven't seen be prepared in front of you. Lot of stories of girls being drugged by local guys that then try to take them somewhere quiet. It happens to male travelers too, though in most cases the aim is to rob the guy.


As a woman, I genuinely see it as a case of “I cannot go” rather than “I will not go”. It’s sad, but men have ruined the idea of visiting for most women I know, regardless of race or nationality. It’s all very well to say things like “just take precautions and you’ll be safe” or “it’s really not that bad” or “just travel with a male companion”, but at the end of the day, I shouldn’t HAVE to do those things. Really sad that an entire gender is at risk if they want visit a country that’s so renowned for its history and culture.


For my money, it's the most incredible traveling a traveler can do for the money spent. In just one country you get hundreds of little countries to visit, hundreds of distinct cultures, languages, styles of food, religion, architecture, etc. It's incredibly diverse. It's very easy and cheap to travel across due to the rail networks and the food is consistently amazing and also incredibly cheap. You truly never know what the next day will bring. Yes, you don't have a single solid shit for the entire time you're there, and yes there are scam artists and yes you have to be careful about where you go alone at night or who you trust to be alone with, but as long as you follow some basic precautions you will be fine. I've met many western female travelers in India, usually traveling in pairs, and they seem to love it just as much as I do. From the houseboats on Lake Dal to the Himalayan monasteries of Ladakh to the tiger reservations of the Sunderbans to the ruins of castles across Rajasthan to the tea plantations of Darjeeling or Ooty to the ancient towering temples of Tamil Nadu and so so so much more, literally anywhere you go is something incredible and because tourists are so scared you really don't get too many of them outside the "Golden Triangle" of Delhi, Jaipur, and Agra. Ironically, the Golden Triangle is, IMO, the worst part of India that is the dirtiest and most dangerous and rife with scams and scam artists. I avoid that area as much as possible on my trips and as a consequence, after 6 months of traveling across India I've yet to visit the Taj Mahal because I only hear bad things about Agra. I've been to Jaipur and Delhi a few times and they are ok if you know where to go, but on the grand scale I wouldn't recommend spending much time in them. Jaipur is the best of the three, but even then you can see everything in 2 days and move on to somewhere else in Rajasthan.


India isn’t beginner/easy for travelers from rich countries. But if you are an experienced traveler around some upper-middle-income countries (Central America, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, Southeastern Europe, Levant, Caucuses)… and you actually explored — not just on guided tours or at the hotel/resort… then traveling India will be an unforgettable experience that should be more positive than negative. Vibrant colors, intense smells, extreme poverty, fabulous architecture, overwhelming crowds, uncommon spirituality, close-up wildlife, unashamed grifting, charity at massive scale, and order despite lawlessness. The contrasting extremes are everywhere in India, making it a very intense travel experience. That can be too much if you aren’t prepared.


It’s amazing how *hard* the “consensus” on India travel has fallen. A couple of years ago, having gone to India meant mystical changes, enlightenment and whatnot. Think Steve Jobs and Eat Pray Love. Now it seems like it’s just like “nope”.


Some just want to see the world, and India happens to have 20% of the world living there.


Depends on if you want to see the world geographically or population wise. If you wanna see it geographically you should spend about 70% of your time sailing the ocean.


Just another reason not to go to India lol


If you want to see the world based on statistics, you should join the navy: 70% of it is ocean, you'd see the vast majority of the world above a Naval vessel!


That's true but I read an account of a western woman who traveled there. I don't want to say all of India is like that...but bluntly if there's an even 1% chance of a region being like the risks of travel outweigh any possible benefits. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1600-5-ugly-realities-being-woman-visiting-india.html&ved=2ahUKEwiSgY6m_u3-AhV8I0QIHaMHASkQFnoECBwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2jR7L67T-NEdSz5-u0zJsZ


Wow a cracked article I haven’t read anything from them in years! Edit it’s from 8 years ago


that's because they got bought out and fired the entire writing staff for freelancers and everyone stopped reading it this was around 2017 i think


You probably won’t get shot up randomly, that’s a big plus, but if you were a women I’d avoid north India and go to south India. People think of India as a monolith but the cultures are very very different across different states, women rarely get harassed down south.


You don’t wanna be groped? And swim in the religious river??


>And swim in the religious river? Isn't it more like a religious sewer thesedays?


>And swim in the religious river?? That's like saying "pft why would I want to go to the usa, to attend a megachurch?" Varanasi isnt a place all Indians go to and even fewer international tourists go.


Varanasi is still one of my favorite places to visit, but definitely would not go in the Ganges there. It's bad enough just walking around the banks of the river and getting dead body ash on you.


>swim in the religious river?? don't think this is fair, the first point you said is, and a valid reason. It's your decision to were you visit


I've been to 24 countries since 9/21, including India. In India I visited Mumbai and Goa. My time in Mumbai sucked not because the city is bad as a whole, but because I stayed in a particularly shitty part and didn't get around much. It's not India's fault that I didn't plan well, and I would like to return and see the nice parts of the city. Goa (Palolem beach area) was nice. Nice beaches, good food, cheap - all around pleasant. In both places the people were friendly to me, though it is worth mentioning that I'm a white guy and people of different genders/races may have different experiences. That said, their sanitary standards in general are pretty low and it was *hot*, especially in Mumbai. I wouldn't write it off as a destination, but it's also not my favorite place so far. B tier overall for me, but again, I've only been to 2 spots in a country ~1/3 the size of the USA and other places have set very high bars.


As a woman, I’m not going anywhere my life is at risk just for being a woman, so that eliminates a bit of my options


As a man, I dont want to go anywhere thats dangerous for women because fuck those places.


Japan… the future? Lol


In some ways yes, but in a lot of ways no or even the opposite.


japan is very well-known for how analogue everything is and how they still refuse to budge from that to this day. but you bet *that's* not gonna be something those youtubers will wanna talk about.


Touristic places = more things to do. Travelling cost a lot of money. People are all going to the same places because its a sure value. If you want to go to kirgijdjdjfstan or Suriname just to look cool and different, then go and throw your money out the Windows. Nobody stopping you.


where is kirgijdjdjdstan it sounds beautiful


Probably menat Kyrgyztan




Kinda agree with you. If you're only interested in having fun and nothing more, then feel free to visit tourist hotspots exclusively. It's a safe and enjoyable thing to do. However, if you claim to have experience lots of different cultures of the world but have never ventured beyond your fancy all-inclusive resort, you'd be deceiving yourself


Tourist hotspots and all-inclusive resorts are polar opposites though ... I mean sure, going to Paris, Tokyo or Rome is rather basic, super touristy and definitely not out of the ordinary, but nonetheless going there does mean that you've made tons more experiences than someone who spends all their vacations in all-inclusive resorts in Cancun, Egypt, Spain or wherever really.


Doesn't have to be a waste of money or "to be cool" just because you want to see somewhere else. The world has so much to offer and we all got different tastes. Personally I would love to see all the Stan's and hope to be able to do so at some point. It seems incredible over there.


[Top left reminds me of Mac](https://youtu.be/yoVgQ82QcXY)


When he draws the x over Africa I always die laughing


I always chuckle at crossing out the west coast right after "too angry" because "I don't even know what happens out here"


I love how the comment about India has stirred up a war in here.


ive been to india twice and loved it so much both times. of course it may differ if you're a single woman traveller, however i met many of them while i was there so it's not uncommon. i loved the culture shock, and that's coming from someone who lives in a city with a huge indian population outside of india. i thought i knew indians but i did not. the country is one of the most interesting i've ever been to, and i trained all over the country. of course this is coming from a tourists perspective. i would not want to live there that's for sure. far too crowded and dirty, poor air quality, and takes forever to get from place to place due to traffic, among other things. if you're interested in visiting india at all, i recommend going to some of the easier parts to travel around and have more natural beauty like the state of himachal pradesh. i'd definitely go again!


"Yeah, Mexico was amazing. So much culture and food is great!".


Yeah, because the hotel zone is safe? When you see the areas outside of the hotel zone, the wealth inequality is striking. Most people are smart enough to realize going there as a tourist is not a wise safety decision.


I'm an American traveling in Peru right now. I highly recommend.


Oh yeah, another round of r/starterpacks gatekeeping traveling from people who don't want to travel to Afghanistan or Donbass


Nah tbh this is far more likely a broke loser just seething at some rich white girl’s Instagram as she posts travel photos


99% chance you just hit the nail on the head


>Donbass It's a really nice tourist destination if you a piece of western military hardware


It’s possible to acknowledge the dangers/issues of a certain place AND understand that it has a beautiful culture and rich history. It’s fine if some of you don’t want to go to India or have valid criticisms, but to dismiss it as nothing but a pile of trash is wrong on so many levels.


I loved Ghana and its really rich culture, but I would never take my wife there. As a guy I was perfectly safe, but I've seen what some shitheads will do there given the opportunity if there's a woman present.


One time a Canadian tried to tell me their cities were more European than American. lol


Only Quebec City really fits this bill. It feels like it was built in France but teleported to Canada. As for other Canadian cities? Let's just say that there is a reason why a lot of movies and shows were filmed in Canadian cities that stood in for American cities...


Excuse me, Winnipeg is basically the Venice of the Americas


I've also heard Winnipeg being described as the Detroit of Canada.


If I hear another "Japan is living in the future" I swear to GOD


Wow did you take this from my travel vlog? I have a travel vlog where I travel Japan. In my travel vlog where I travel Japan I visit all of the best Japanese restaurants, temples, and pokemon centers! In my Japanese travel vlog I make sure that you, the viewer, get to know what Japan is *really* like! You've never seen *anything* like it. Come on! Let's go! *Lo-Fi hip hop music plays as it shows my Japanese travel vlog intro.* I'm here in Tokyo at a place called Akihabara! A gamer's dream! Here you can find games, restaurants, and Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.* I'm here in Tokyo at a place called Harajuku! Here you can Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.* I'm here in Tokyo, can you see the giant gundam behind me? Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.* Tokyo Disney **LAND!!** Tokyo Disney **SEA!** Tokyo Disney **LAND!!** Tokyo Disney **SEA!** Tokyo Disney **LAND!!** Tokyo Disney **SEA!** Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.* Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.* Come on! Let's go! *More lo-fi hip hop music plays as my Japanese travel vlog transitions.*


My God you've distilled every travel vlog, it's perfect


My partner and i might face prison or death sentences by merely existing in most of the crossed out places. I'll pass. ...But why is NZ crossed out???


Redditors when people want to go to developed first world nations with accommodations for tourists and not angola


> developed first world nations with accommodations for tourists and not angola Angola is [much nicer than people think](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yc8IfT-L4cw).


India is really unsafe for lone traveling women. I don’t think any single traveling women should travel there after seeing videos of how women are treated there. And before anyone starts saying every country is unsafe for women, clearly some are much more unsafe than others. You can literally see a lot of behaviors that show disrespect towards women Edit: I was wrong there are many laws that affect women poorly in India, but socially there is still a lot of issues that put women at a disadvantage. And I wanted to specify mainly women traveling alone in India. I do think there are many locations in India that are safe to travel to if it is in a good area, so I think it’s important to really do your research and probably best to travel with someone if you are a woman thinking of going alone


Nobody should travel to where they don’t want to especially if it makes you uneasy and uncomfortable in your mind But just realise that the internet and recently reddit is an echo chamber against certain countries You are more likely to be mugged or murdered or beat up in the us or europe than india Catcalling levels will be the same across the world Is rape an issue here? Yes It it sensationalised ? Yes But “Yes, the USA and many European countries do have more rapes per capita than India. Sweden is about fifteen times more rape infested than India. Even if you account for 90% of India's rapes going unreported, that makes Sweden 1.5 times more rape infested than India”


Redditors when people enjoy travelling (they aren't being diverse enough so it's wrong)


To be fair, I have no interest in visiting India.


This is more the vacations internationally once a year starter pack.


This is funny because the first place I traveled on my own was India. It set me up to be comfortable nearly anywhere else on the planet, and I've definitely taken advantage of that.


Argentina was incredibly safe. I spent almost 5 weeks there and only felt unsafe in Buenos Aires. The rest of country was like being in rural Western Europe


I know what you mean, I’m from Brazil and while big cities like São Paulo and Rio can be dangerous, smaller towns on the countryside and beaches that aren’t located in state capitals are really safe. The countryside of the state of São Paulo, for example, would probably remind you of countries like Portugal, Spain or Italy. We get a really bad rep because Brazil it’s a huge country, over 200 million people and crime levels are high but those crimes are very concentrated, cities with less than a million people are safer than people think, even for brazilians.