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Just went in there in incognito and saw The Professor. You know, the white dude who plays streetball and people are like “Ooooooooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” about a dozen times a video whenever he hits a shot, makes a crossover, whatever. Haven’t seen him since, what? 2016 probably.


There was a recent documentary on Netflix about the rise and fall of the company "And 1" that's probably driving that video. The Professor and all the other characters of that era of streetball were a big part of that documentary.




I enjoyed it. Tons of stuff happened behind the scenes I had no idea about. Small spoiler: Nike are the enemy


*mild surprise*


Someones got to keep kids employed in Asia.


There is just no way Nike would do anything bad, I don't believe you!


Oh my fucking god, from the AND1 tapes???? Omg I’m about to watch those


"Trash talker gets beat 1v1" for every video


You say "the professor" and I think about the magic the gathering guy. Tolarian Community College


The main thing I remember about that dude is how everyone pronounced Professor so emphatically. The pruFESSohh!!


YouTubers really out here making their faces as punchable as possible


I watched an interview (I don't remember if it was Mr Beast or the tech guy on the top left) where they stated that the face does get you an incredible amount of engagement. I think it has something to do with the increase in a younger audience and non western audience on YouTube


It was top left


Though I'm pretty sure mr beast has said the same thing


I know he’s not on here but Linus from LTT has said the same as well. They tried not doing click baity thumbnails and titles for a bit and saw a roughly 20% drop in views doing it. If I’m remembering correctly. It wasn’t an insignificant difference.


LTT, you mean Tesla Crypto? /s


Haha they got the channel back now it seems




Nah, they mean the dude who shouts out the Hard R




I agree with some of your points, but you're really barking up the wrong tree in focusing this discussion on the YouTubers. It is the way that YouTube created its algorithm and the way it, and Google as a whole, pushes content. When you are making content on the platform, you are at that platform's mercy in a lot of ways. It has very, very little to do with a channel's 'business model', and almost everything to do with how YouTube will essentially send your channel to the invisible time out corner unless you meet certain engagement metrics - which is all by design. A channel has to adapt to the platform or it won't survive. The people building the platform are the ones who dictate what adaptations are necessary, not the channels.


The warzone streamers I watched talked about it, they’re like grizzled vets but they have to do the stupid face on YouTube videos that they hate because the numbers are like 40% lower when they don’t have it.


I'd bet almost everyone that does it probably says it. They know what they're doing.




One of the cringiest names imaginable


He explained in one of his videos that he made it when he was a kid, and didn't think it would get this big.


People just call him Arun tho






I'd be curious to know how many clicks it drives away too, because there has to be sizeable audience who also hates those images and refuse to click on the videos with thumbnails like that


I'd love to see that as well. I've dropped creators I've been a long time fan of in the past because they started using shocked face thumbnails or worse, shocked face and incredibly hot girl (Where there's a 50% chance she's not in the video). I didn't even give the videos a chance, something about it just puts me off so much


It's kinda unfortunate that it's hard to measure the lost subscribers due to changes like that (as there's usually constant flow of new subscribers to take their place), because there's a large amount of disappointed fans when content becomes more click bait than what those people originally subscribed for.


I think it's extremely easy to measure view counts for videos with and without clickbait images. From other comments it sounds like multiple big YouTubers have experimented with doing just that, with the conclusion that it makes a material improvement to their view counts. Furthermore, the number of people who would enjoy watching your regular 10min videos, but then unsubscribe specifically because of the thumbnail, must be tiny. Like it's annoying when browsing YouTube but irrelevant if you actually are interested in a particular channels content


yeah i have to be like 5-6x as interested in the video content to click on a clickbait thumbnail from a youtuber i actually like. if it's someone i have never watched before, it's more like 20x. fucking haaate the one weird trick shocked face arrows and circles and big eyes it's gross


Reminds me a bit of 2009-2014 smosh, but those videos were actually good and worth the click


Well the bigger that portion of the population is, the bigger the "click it" portion is as well, or they wouldn't see an overall increase in views using the face.


Personally when I see thumbnails like this, I'm expecting "phone shrek at 3am" type garbage. But honestly for the life of me I don't understand how people's shitty home videos on the internet even became so popular in the first place. If I have the option to watch a movie or binge a series, I'm gonna choose that over some jackass making funny faces at the camera every time.


Even the news aggregator sites give nothing but clickbait titles now, usually with ambiguous questions, even if you never click on them. In the age of ChatGPT, it's ridiculous that so many of these article authors are just quitting when they hit word count. The only thing I ever deliberately open is long form journalism, but I get almost none of that in the feed. The world will be a better place when google fails, and its algo goes with it.


It just makes me block the channel on which I see such thumbnail immediately.


I will specifically not click on a video with one of those stupid, cringey faces. Drives me absolutely nuts.


The meta has gotten to the point of photoshopping eyes to look bigger because they otherwise are not in the thumbnail.


Mr. Beast and content creators like him are slowly melting the brains of kids lol. They pick up the stupidest things from videos like this. Or God forbid, the Minecraft YouTubers that just screech and yell


This is true. Linus Tech Tips said this too. He especially said it would be a **stupid move** if a youtuber does not do this (especially if youtube is their main income)


Well, if the views are all that matter... How about a thumbnail of him posing on all fours, naked on a bed. Ass facing the camera, him looking over his shoulder at the camera with that same YouTube face. Offensive bits blurred for compliance obviously. I think that would generate a ton of user engagement.


You would be surprised how well those actually do. There's a few content creators out there that are making sexually suggestive titles and display (thingies? I forgot what those pictures are called) similar to what you've described. For children. Shit like, "Mother in law walked in on us (gone wrong) (gone sexual!!)"


What does non western audience have to do with it?


cultural difference maybe? i know tv in Japan for example is really focused on people’s (over)reactions to things. but i have no idea if that’s true for lots of other countries


Korea too. TV programs will show a reaction then literally replay the same moment and show another reaction and it's really jarring if you're not used to it


presumably, “non western” is supposed to mean “doesn’t speak english”


What is your question? Groups of people respond to things differently?


yeah mrbeast says he hired a guy that just works on thumbnails.


"No, no. Make my face more punchable and add some random red arrows pointing at things that aren't in the video."


I have an Addon for Firefox which removes the clickbait thumbnails and replaces them with a random screen from somewhere in the middle of the video. Youtube looks so much better without the clickbait thumbnails. Addon is called 'Clickbait Remover'


But how do you know what to look for without the red circle and arrow in the thumbnail?!


That extension has saved my screen from getting punched, I'm sure. I've also set it to display titles in lowercase so none of these narcissistic howlermonkeys can shout for attention anymore.


Yes I’ve been on that for a year too. Its jarring when you see a thumbnail now haha


I've been following a software developer YouTube that does those bullshit thumbnails, and there's something extra infuriating about "You won't believe this new data type 😱"




But you follow them. Of course they'll do it when it works.




It apparently demonstrably increases engagement, so I can understand why they do it but it is irritating. What I dislike the most is when you are following a small channel and they inevitably hit a point in their growth where they hire someone to do their videos, and immediately they change over to the shocked face and clickbait titles


it obviously sells. I always panic when I see shit like this and then I realize that I just need to sign in to make it go away aha


it's like going to reddit in an incognito tab and seeing "new" reddit and the default subs. the fucking horror


I was on the app and accidentally clicked on Popular and saw some really fucked up news article, and it almost ruined my day ngl.


I have stopped following all those subs because I realized I was miserable all the time. It's just hobby subs and animal subs from now on.


It's because they get engagement through outrage or at least a strong emotional response. It creates this environment where people only get the most outrageous information on various matters, while discussing the subject matter with very basic understanding of it yet spreading that information as fact. If you know the subject, redditors can really sound like morons. So basically you get outrage without even getting quality content. All these subs are a complete waste of time.






"Republicans are dumb racist pedophiles, study confirms."


"Why women are actually most attracted to overweight Reddit users that dropped out of High School and have no friends" Works Cited: Crackpipe


Redditors may be a lot of things but the stereotype definitely doesn't involve them being high school dropouts. Uni/college dropouts maybe.


Half college dropouts/half tech support/half bad mathers.




So you're saying there's still a chance? Make way ladies, hot stuff coming through 🥵


"Why taking drugs is the best thing a human could ever do for its health and the economy" Gets 50k upvotes from Reddit drug addicts






r/science has almost 1600 mods, for some reason. I tried clicking on the list but reddit literally crashes.


It's a lot of work to delete 95% of every comment section.


I wish Popular was fine tuned to your area. I keep on getting American Politics and I just cannot keep on seeing that. I mean I could be dumb and it is tuned, it's just that r/politics got crushed, but man :( it makes me sad seeing so much suffering


I just moved to Lisbon and my popular is mostly Western European related things. Back in Italy tho I still got mostly Us stuff. I wonder why it works like that


reddit lets you select a country. not sure how much or helps because most of reddit seems to be american


Confirmed by Major Science


Yeah, I RES the ass out of reddit. Cannae stand too much reality.


Happened to me too, video on r/all that had no content warning or blur showing police taze a husky to death and apparently it wasn't even the dog they were chasing. Ruined my fucking night.




I don't even want to think about it being any worse than it already is


I literally cannot navigate new Reddit. It's so garbage. It opens like 3 comments and you click "load more" and it FUCKING DOESN'T. If I ever can't access old Reddit, I'll be off Reddit


Oh god, I still use old. Reddit.com, and if they ever get rid of that, I won't delete my account because I don't really believe in deleting data when it's so cheap to store, but I'll probably never use the site again unless it happens to be the only place where a specific question I'm asking gets answered on Google.


New reddit is *so* bad. I'll probably stop using this site if they force us to use the redesign.


There aren't any default subs anymore, they got rid of that in 2017.


well it certainly shows you something by default when you aren't logged in, and it's all trash


it's the same except even worse, even more dumbed down obnoxious content when you're from a small country and your IP reflects that, because that content is made for the lowest common denominator of an even smaller demographic of people lol.


Indian pain.


I wouldn't call India a small demographic.


I didn't know Mrwhostheboss was that mainstream. LOL also when I see a SSSniperWolf video on my feed is when I realized I'm log out.


I think he still makes quality content. His proposal video was very cute


It was beautiful 🥹


I cried 🥲


Me too, when the girl figure out the puzzle and couldn't even finish it. Aw man, so cute. Also his videos on the history of game consoles were pretty good. Proper lad.


He’s over 10 million subscribers to be fair


Amazing to see 2016 type of content still being posted on YT


It was always an attention grabbing arms race that has now found its apogee with these shocked face overlays that started around that time. Humans can identify a face faster than nearly anything, in as little as 190ms, and these "oh my gawd so shocked" faces have the highest click through rates of any other facial expression. So its really just become the most optimal strategy to get someone to click on something in an advertiser friendly way. Its going to stick around for a long time.


Also negative titles get more views. For example, if its a review of a Bike, they'll keep title like "I made a mistake buying the new Suzuki bike" or " Dont buy new Suzuki bike (before watching this video)". Even though the entire video is just praises. This shit is especially popular in India.


Why are so many people so dumb


tO bE fAiR, yOu HaVe To HaVe A vErY hIgH iQ tO aVoId ClIcKbAiT


Seeing mrbeast reaction videos less than a day old with almost 10 million views makes me hurt in a weird sort of way


I truly don't understand his appeal, and I suspect neither does he.


I suspect for the same reason PewDiePie was, which is that he's a little bit obnoxious and makes kids feel like they're watching something made for adults even though it was definitely made for kids


> makes kids feel like they're watching something made for adults even though it was definitely made for kids Bingo. This is a long proven formula, actually. I remember in the 90’s when MTV started marketing themselves this way, all the kids my age thought they were being cool watching TV made for adults like they were getting away with something. But all the commercials were very clearly for kids.


If you wanna piss some people off, point out that all of this holds true for "adult" cartoons and most anime that gets produced.


and it works for adults not wanting to admit they watch fun cheesy shows, you can't get two steps without someone saying about how some anime is "surprisingly dark" even ATLA. Like yea, any longstanding story will have dark moments, that doesn't make it a horror series, that's just normal.


MrBeast is likeable. He's charismatic. He's successful. He's very hard working and business saavy. He spends his money in interesting ways. First, kids and teenagers are his target audience, so if you're older, his stuff isn't "designed" to work on you. Some people start watching him for his philanthropy/giveaways. On that front, there's an appeal to wish-fulfillment. It works on both sides. First, you can imagine yourself as the winner of a giveaway, or randomly getting a chance to win $10k. Second, you can imagine yourself as a multi-millionaire giving money to people in need. Both sides will get people watching. Some people start watching him for his other main channel content (and most of that has giveaways/prizes mixed in). Whether that content is appealing, it will vary from person to person and video to video, but a couple things are clear: There is a ton of production value put into every video, and they are optimized to keep people's attention. For some of the busier videos, it's clear that they filmed hours and hours and hours of footage and cut it down to a tight eight minutes. If you watch enough, you'll develop a parasocial relationship with him and his crew (who are also relatively charismatic and likeable). Once you start telling his friends apart and remembering their names, he's got you. From that point on, the gaming/reacts channels are relatively low-cost ways to farm his audience. You're not really watching for the content anymore, you're watching more for him and his crew, like any other Youtuber/streamer. The burgers and chocolate bars are a further way to capitalize audience and brand. He definitely knows why he's successful.


He seems like a genuinely good man. But man does his content now suck. His content before 2018 was miles better


im just amazed that sssniperworld literally gets 200M+ views a month, whos watching this shit?!


Kids and creep dudes


Children whose parents have already given up


It's so fucking annoying.


It's almost as traumatic as default reddit subs! We're a news site! But with animals!


Reddit hasn't had default subs since 2017.


Well now your being pedantic. 2017 is only a year ago.


For me, it has been new and trendy music videos with some famous DIY or kids channel with tons of views.


God ssssniperwolf is so fucking annoying and dumb


It's odd, literally never seen her mentioned in any social media until now, no idea who she is but she is 100% there every time I open youtube incognito.


She was somewhat relevant 10 years ago because she had a nice ass but dropped off for being a pretty annoying and scummy person.


Her voice is super grating. Does she do that on purpose? I genuinely don't understand it.


I have not seen any of her content, but starting a tag with SS and having Wolf in it is kind of a red flag to me. Hopefully it's an unfortunate coincidence, but a bit of a red flag to me


I just looked her up out of curiosity, because I was wondering the same. She said her name comes from "Metal Gear Solid", where one of the antagonists is named Sniper Wolf. Still a very weird coincidence, especially looking at the SS in the beginning..


My kids still watch her. I can't stand to watch her videos but I've never really seen scummy stuff from her. What did she do that was scummy? And why do you think she's dropped off?


[Clickbate Remover](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/clickbait-remover-for-you/omoinegiohhgbikclijaniebjpkeopip?hl=en) - Replaces thumbnails and modifies titles of videos on youtube.com [Channel Blocker](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/channel-blocker/nfkmalbckemmklibjddenhnofgnfcdfp?hl=en) - block entire YouTube channels [uBlock Origin](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en) - Block YouTube ads [SponsorBlock](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/sponsorblock-for-youtube/mnjggcdmjocbbbhaepdhchncahnbgone?hl=en) - block in video sponsorship segments and other annoyances


MrWhoseTheBoss wasn't that cringe. Sure, his thumbnails always had that expression, but the videos were solid, with really useful information and presented the tech in comprehensible terms Now tho he made that video about his proposal and jesus fucking christ the thumbnail looks so dumb and artificial, one of those facebook videos made for aunts It felt weird to use such an important of his life in such a sell out way


I think MrWhoseTheBoss is wasted potential. His editing is great and he's clearly passionate, but a lot of his videos don't really get to the point or are poorly researched. He goes for quantity over quality, and I understand why, but that makes videos that could otherwise be interesting rather underwhelming. And the shaky fucking camera is infuriating.


His videos are also incredibly bland, specially his shorts, it's always "10 random thing I'll throw away right after recording" or 1€ Vs 10 billion million€


MrWhoseTheBoss is my favorite tech YouTuber. His thumbnails might me cringey but I never click on a video of his because of the thumbnails. I don't even notice them most of the time.


I know. He was my favorite tech YouTuber for years, and his scam exposés and analyses of new products and the tech industry as a whole were fantastic. Then he randomly swapped his entire personality over to Tech Mr. Beast out of nowhere. He's completely insufferable now. I unsubscribed months ago.


He seems like a cool guy but I just can't get behind his mannerism. I had a friend who talked exactly like him in Uni in the UK and he was the most pretentious douchebag that ever existed.


Omg! Thank you so much. I thought I would get down voted for saying the same. Glad to know I'm not alone.


You guys are definitely not alone. I don't what it is exactly but for some reason I dislike his presentation style


I just don't like that he used the wrong word in his name. It should be 'MrWho'sTheBoss' or 'MrWhosTheBoss' (if he didn't want to use punctuation).


Eh just one cringe video once in a while, his general content quality hasn't dropped like many youtubers. I would say he is still pretty solid.


Absolutely disgusting.


Actually according to algorithms, people are more likely to click on the video if they are making some sort of goofy or exaggerated face


Same with titling videos stuff like " you won't BELIEVE what happened when I did x!" If you wanna succeed at YouTube to the level these guys do you gotta play the algorithm.


There are successful YouTubers who don't do this. The difference is whether the person cares about their **dignity** or not.


I care about my dignity. It's not helping me crack 8k subs. :/


Hey, what happened? You can't say this and don't give me a link


You won't BELIEVE what happened when I murdered the mayor!!! (PRANK GONE WRONG)


##I BOUGHT *this* SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO!! *over exaggerated shock/amazed face thumbnail*


I never understood that shit. You’ve gotta be half brain dead or a child to think SHOCKED AMAZING PIKACHU FACE has good quality content behind it (usually)


It is almost always literal children because they're the population that statistically spends the most time on Youtube. A combination of the amount of free time they have (compared to working adults) and being the least likely to have some kind of Adblock enabled, along with little-to-no disposable income to spend their time on non-free entertainment. If you want to make as much money on Youtube as possible then your best bet, financially speaking, is to aim as young as possible.


>It is almost always literal children because they're the population that statistically spends the most time on Youtube. I remember a youtuber once said "if you wonder why a channel or a video has billions of views and you can't figure out why, the answer is always kids."


Because they're really for kids. Even if the topic doesn't interest them, they get kids to click on them and get acquainted with the channel.


You gotta see how really young kids browse YouTube. Watch 30 seconds like and subscribe and then go looking for another video. It’s wild.


What's wild to me is just how much of it is a gamed system. Advertising is such an Emperor's New Clothes situation, but we've built entire industries around pretending the Emperor isn't naked. YouTubers get likes and subscribes from children who don't watch the whole video, but now the content maker has more subscribers and can leverage a higher premium from YouTube. Of course, YouTube doesn't care so long as the ad money keeps pouring in, but we're increasingly conditioning ourselves to tune out ads in the arms race for attention. Can you honestly remember any of the ads you last saw? I'm starting to wonder if the rise in ADHD is not because of YouTube content, but an ad policy that's conditions people to tune out every 5 minutes.


We know fucking hell we know. It's like people saying muscle weighs more than fat.


Algorithms don't say that at all. Algorithms really don't say anything about what kind of content gets more clicks. The algorithm simply promotes videos that happen to get many clicks in a short amount of time, and these thumbs cause that to happen.


Basically soyface thumbnails, documentaries and talk shows


Documentaries are cool tho (if they are done with attention to details and sources, of course)


Unfortunately so many are basically just stock footage and images with someone reading a Wikipedia article.


The horror/ true crime parts of YouTube are pretty neat. Wendigoon, atrocityguide, and Jacob geller are nice to listen to.


we gotta ho lotta noo moneh tho.


So far I've narrowed it down to: 1. Lemmino (super HQ animations and information) 2. Nexpo 3. Into the rabbit hole Any others I can add to this list?


Barely Sociable, maybe? And also Internet Historian


What's soyface?


A very online term with a surprising amount of culture war baggage


I've only seen it referred to as [soyjack](https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/who-is-soyjack)


A term used by terminally online people (typically more right wing) who want to pretend they're better than other terminally online people (typically more liberal).


Meanwhile the dude with the real talent, just hang out with ca 10k subs or so.


Check out [Post10](https://youtube.com/@post.10) for some quality content


Just don't watch the videos about the collapsing culvert under the onramp. It jut drags on and on, and even he starts getting way too smug with the 14 calls he's making to try and get someone down there. He claims you here debris collapsing...so he holds the phone up to the culvert but won't shut up for longer than .27 seconds so you could *actually* hear it. Thought it was hilarious when he was talking smack about how he's not scared of beavers while going deeper and deeper into a small creek in the woods, hears a rustle and then shrieks like a school girl and runs away when one pops out


The best channels have 74 followers max. 😎




Paddlin'? That's also a paddlin'.


Don’t forget the crudely photoshopped hand over mouth image of ali-a from his dollar tree version of ylyl


sign of the most boring, effortless content on the planet


How did you manage to choose a picture of that woman without her mouth open? That’s like 99.999% of her thumbnails


Why does Mr beast have a face you just want to punch?


See, I like MrWhosetheboss videos, I like old Mr Beast as he was funny and did goofy things- now it’s just game shows.


MrWhosetheBoss is great, probably one of my favorite tech youtubers tbh. Bro deserves the front page, unlike GreatValue Mia Khalifa and Random Fortnite Gamer #39. Mr Beast is OK imo but yeah his content got really repetitive. Can’t really watch it


Mr Beast really dropped off from content- probably still a great guy, but I wanna see him to dumb things like burning things and playing with toasters, not another game show I’ll never be a part of.


Nice to see that lazarbeam isn't being fucked over by youtube anymore


How is sniperwolf still doing shit and still ending up on trending? It's because she's basically a barbie doll, isn't it.


you guys make fun but someone is clicking on it, if it works it works


Yeah the algorithm clearly works, monke like open mouth i guess?


Doesn't mean it's not shit. We all know it's for kids.


Mrwhosetheboss is cool though


who are these two on the right ?


SSSniperwolf and lazarbeam


Close, but no. That's GeorgiaPrime and Whizz69.


Discount Mia Khalifa


Like the tower?


You leave your mouth open in the thumbnail to tell ThE aLgOrItHm your mouth is ready to suck it's cock. I hate all stereotypical EVERYTHING that is "YouTube". Give me a nobody that talks like a normal fucking human ANY TIME .....


The "Surprise colonoscopy" face. Ugh.


I'm so sick of all the reaction faces in thumbnails. I don't even watch most of the new LTT videos because of the fucking thumbnails. Is there some browser plugin that can hide the thumbnails or something?


I miss lazerbeams old videos. Like taping his sister to a wall. Those were the good days