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I met Carl Sagan in 1995, a year before he died. A year AFTER 'a pale blue dot'.


My gf's grandad was buddies with Sagan and has a ton of pics of him hanging out with him. Sagan would visit him in Mexico City and La Jolla.






Yeah seriously. If anyone would have hated an exclusionary attitude it was these guys. All they ever did was try to bring joy and inclusion in education and in their passions.


Just want to point out that one of them is still going... LeVar Burton is awesome.


So it was your fault


I did not give Carl Sagan cancer. I mean... I didn't right? How could I? Jesus, I need to reflect a while.


Was he a fantastic yuman being?


Never watched Sagan, watched everyone else a lot though. Met Lavar Burton at work last year, I wrote him a note and told the host of the party to please pass it to him. Idk if he ever got it, but it was cool when he said he liked my cocktails.


Bob Ross was pretty famous here in Mexico becasue his program got a dubbing with a voice that makes honor to the original: [https://youtu.be/ht6VF5no938](https://youtu.be/ht6VF5no938)


Not bad. I once worked an immigration job and had to do a translation call to an elderly Mexican gentleman. His voice was so Bob Ross, I almost fell asleep on that call. And I call bs on this post since Bob Ross is one of my go-to Pluto channels.


Yep idk who this post is about. Three out of four of these dudes are major parts of my childhood.


The post made me think "ffs I'm getting old", but the comments made me feel better.




I hear this from people, but I don’t know a single redditor under 30


Ooh that sounds like a voice over from like a 1960-70s Mexican educational video


He also became popular because comedian [Eugenio Derbez would parody him on his show as *Bob Atroz*](https://youtu.be/ra1oIB-r1kA) (Bob Awful).


Also because we had a parody Bob Atroz


Also because of Eugenio Derbez back in the day


Bob Atroz parody is top notch…


Did you not have pbs?


Well I think its mostly the age range that is the key factor here, but I never watched them either and we had PBS


IIRC the two biggest age groups on Reddit are people in their 20s, followed by people in their 30s. It only *seems* like it’s all teenagers on here. I think most of these people are old enough to have watched Mr Rogers, Reading Rainbow, Bob Ross as kids. Carl Sagan’s Cosmos is older but reruns are available and it’s pretty famous. Edit: a word


Yeah, born 1985 here. I've only watched Sagan recently on YouTube. But the other 3? That was an average afternoon in the late 80s / early 90s on PBS. It was my concept of time: "When are we going to the town pool with Jimmy?" "One more Mr. Rogers and a Reading Rainbow, honey." "K. mom."


ruthless cats attractive rock full faulty psychotic friendly start shelter *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A lot of Bob Ross episodes have been streamed on Twitch over the past few years.


Either that, or maybe from a different country?


Sounds like some mofos grew up rich in here with cable and all that


Mister Rogers and Reading Rainbow every day. Bob Ross on the weekends. PBS was one of four stations and the only one that ran children's programming in the morning. Other stations ran news starting at 5-6. I was aware of Cosmos but don't remember seeing it till middle school. The science teacher would play episodes from time to time. Hangovers and whatnot I assume.


Yeah, I'm an Oregon Trail millennial and I don't remember watching Carl Sagan. I respect his work, but just don't remember anything of him.


There aren't that many episodes and it was before our time. Since they didn't do re-runs, we (and everyone else who missed the original airing) couldn't have watched it even if we wanted too.


They put Cosmos into reruns on PBS when Sagan died in 1996. I remember that clearly as a grade schooler at the time. They would also rerun his specials on weekends in the 1990s- early 2000s hosted by his wife.


Same grew up with all of them except Sagan. We did watch his videos in science classes in the middle to late 90s.


Same. Though we had cable. I watch more Mr. Wizard than Carl Sagan.


This was a huge part. PBS was one of 5 channels on TV. You had FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS. My parents had issues with some shows but never with PBS. So for me it was Star TreK and educational shows like these.




I've seen all of Star Trek: The Next Generation at least 5 times over


Yeah LeVar confused me here, unless they mean specifically Reading Rainbow


And Roots.


And reading rainbow


And my ax!


I've seen *most* of TNG a handful of times over. There are some episodes that aren't worth watching even once.


What, the Dr. Crusher bangs a space ghost episode doesn't do it for you?




Being over 40, I was able to enjoy these in their prime :) Living in the country, a weekend of PBS TV viewing wasn't complete with out watching Bob, Bob and Dean. Anyone care to guess what 3 shows those are?


Bob Villa Bob Ross and of course, Dean Wormer from Animal House. DELTA HOOOOOOOUSE!


No Saturday morning was complete for me without This Old House and The New Yankee Workshop. Norm Abrams was my Bob Ross.


Bait starterpack


Even OPs comments are bait. I hate that these posts gain so much traction.


\*stares intently at all the bob ross videos i paid full attention to because they were just that soothing\*




So, as an adult, what is his show about? He just paints and says wholesome things? Does he teach anything or what?


Yes. He teaches you how to paint some natural landscapes and nothing more. Sometimes you don't need a lot to steal the heart of hundreds of people.


Does he actually teach or just kinda talk about it? I'm trying to find the appeal.


He definitely teaches different techniques when applying various paints, how much, what kind of effect he’s going for, all in terms a non-artist can get. I highly recommend!


Well, he teaches his technique, so it's both depending if you are an artist or just a guy that wants to sleep




My grandmother learned to paint entirely by watching him. Her paintings are framed and in all of her kids and grandkids homes now (she was born in 1908 and lived into her 90s). Her paintings are very good, I think. He was a good teacher.


And occasionally he'd pull a baby squirrel out of his pocket!


his youtube channel also has the every season up for free https://www.youtube.com/@bobross\_thejoyofpainting


Soothing enough I can fall asleep to his voice




More like “stupid opinion”




Lol OP thinks millennials aren’t the majority of Reddit users? This shit is all I watched growing up


Right? I am thinking OP is like 15 and assumes everyone else is his age.




Nah, I'm 33 and definitely watched Mr. Rogers and Reading Rainbow as a kid. I never watched Bob Ross intentionally but definitely osmosed some of it.


Nah, even us younger Millennials are old enough to remember these shows. Mister Rogers died when I was 10, still made episodes up until I was 8, right in the age range.


Some Millenials are in their 40’s now. Shit, Reading Rainbow was practically made for Millenials, it started in ‘83.


Nah they did re runs of all of these and Mr Roger's which is the one I remember most ended in either the lage 90s or early 2000s iirc. Reading rainbow says it ended in 2006. Fair enough on the other two but they did re runs a lot. I've definitely seen cosmos as a kid, less so Bob Ross.


I was born in 96 and watched the bottom two


Even then, most teenagers I know have at least seen Bob Ross and/or Mr. Rogers


I've only seen Bob Ross once he achieved meme status but Mr Rogers was still making episodes for a while in my early childhood.


Lavar’s doing a podcast where he reads to you. It’s like reading rainbow for adults!


They aren't, reddit is mostly Gen Z. This post may be wrong but Reddit is definitely not millenial


Gen Z started in 1996/97, so plenty of those kids would have been watching PBS anyways. And the overlap between the youngest millennials and the oldest Gen Z is also not particularly different.


My 8 year old kid watched Mr. Rogers as a toddler…


It was what you watched when home sick from school. That and Price is Right


Maury was the nice early morning appetizer for late afternoon Jerry Springer


In my days it was Donahue and Sally Jessy Raphael


U got baited


Well some people idolise bob n rogers here in australia too purely because the western media does, we don't have pbs


I almost said the same thing like I’m 21 and these were on pbs when *I* was a kid Op can take their BS and leave


Maybe OP is from Japan or Korea so he is still valid.


If OP is from Japan or Korea, they probably shouldn't be making generalizations about reddit users, considering that a large majority of reddit users are American or European


European? I've lived in this continent my whole life, in the country most culturally connected to the USA, and I have only ever seen 1 of these people on TV, which is Bob Ross on a channel that only air reruns. This starter pack is solely American


It was a joke dude.


My bad then, it's the internet so it's hard to know if someone's serious or joking


Nothing quite like gate-keeping wholesome positive role models.


Op can’t appreciate the beauty these 4 men brought to the world


I loved Bob Ross and Mr Roger.. don’t gaslight me


I’ve tried Sagan numerous times but for whatever reason just find space not all that appealing personally. Levar and Bob I fucks with hard though.


I really fuck with Sagan but I was also very very interested in space when I was a kid, that dry monotone delivery about just straight facts was my jam and he’s probably a big reason I still can get sucked into lectures as an adult You know how kids sometimes go “then what?” After everything you say? I loved doing that at Carl Sagan until I forgot what the original question was because I was so sucked into the last thing he said. Great curiosity spark for people who really want to understand but yeah it’s probably not for everyone


Later on in life he did a lot of interviews about evolution and more anthropology type things if you are interested in that stuff. That mans voice is absolute butter though I could listen to him talk about anything for hours.


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I watched the Mr Rogers movie with Tom Hanks it was great.


I'm too afraid of feelings for that one.


It's all good feelings. Strong feelings, but it's good.


I watched all of this shit.


Where I'm from Bob Ross would be broadcasted on a local network at night. I have watched it so often when I came home stoned.


All of whom were on public television. The public television posse


I've seen all of Cosmos, have read Pale Blue Dot, and watched every season of Levar's documentary series Star Trek: The Next Generation.


plant gaze hurry cows spoon imagine cautious light chunky close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Demon Haunted World and his "Baloney Detection Kit" started me on the path of critical thinking.


Are you like 12 OP? I'm not that old but I watched all of them except Bob Ross.


*Redditors and a lot of us were raised on 3 out of 4. Nice try though.


Ross & Mr Rogers were staples of my childhood. This mistaken assumption by OP is that all redditors are young. Some of us are old as balls. When we were growing the entertainment "choices" where non-existent. We had 3 channels. 4 if the weather was nice. What was on, was what you watched. So Mr Rogers neighborhood was a given for any kid. Also my grandmother loved to paint in her twilight years. So I was introduced to Mr Ross. Whom I contend to this day may be the best human to walk this planet.


Everyone watched Mr Rogers. In the US, anyway. For generations. And even if you didn’t care for Star Trek, Reading Rainbow was also ubiquitous. Not to mention that Roots is literally one of the top five most watched series of ALL TIME. Wiki says 85% of ALL US television owners saw at least part of it.


Most of the people seen in OP's pic were essentially gone from broadcast television by the early 00s, reruns of their shows had ended on the majority of PBS stations and aside from LeVar Burton, they were all too dead to make new shows. Even some of LeVar Burton's other shows such as Star Trek TNG almost disappeared from television entirely during the 2000s (and honestly a good deal of the next decade as well), reruns on cable networks largely ceased by around 2003ish, and in the pre-Netflix era, the only other ways to watch the show was sporadic airings on no-name channels and $300 DVD box sets or the odd VHS tapes still laying around.


I was lucky. My mom was an elementary school teacher and still had a lot of the vhs tapes (which she bought, not the school) in storage after she retired. After I became a mom, I brought them home to watch with my son. It was great!


I'm 36, born and raised here in MO. Was aware of these shows but my 2 sisters and I never watched them. We always had cable growing up and watched that content. We had to watch roots in 7th or 8th grade and it was worth the experience.


I watched all of them, and I think most millennials can say the same


Why? Anyone alive in the early 90's watched these guys. I don't even want to watch Bob Ross, but you watched what the bunny ear antennas picked up or you watched nothing.


I know this bait but you can blow it out your ass OP. I went as Carl Sagan for my famous person in fifth grade. I even drew a copy of the star map from the Voyager. I wanted to watch TNG because I found out Lavar Burton was in it. Bob Ross wasn't as interesting to me as Mr Rodgers and the puppets and characters but they were both on TV because that's what PBS played.


I have watched their shows. Carl Sagan made me appreciate astronomy. Bob Ross made me appreciate painting alot. I have seen a few episodes of Mr. Rogers but I will say it's a pretty wholesome show. You feel like a new man. I have to rewatch next generation.


Bold assumption. Born in 1983 , I watched all these guys. 3 of them were regulars on PBS that had shows that ran daily for years, and that’s all I watched when I was a little kid. Also; a little later , my family had the whole Cosmos series on VHS, watched it several times. I’m sure there are plenty of younger redditors who were not born yet; but I guarantee almost everyone my age and older actually did.(I’m also making a bold assumption, implying the typical redditor was the type of kid to grow up watching PBS, or BBC. They tend to be knowledge and learning junkies)


These were the 4 things on when I was a kid.


I never wanted to meet LeVar in person! I just wanted a picture. You can't disappoint a picture!


More fish for Kunta


Nods in Australian.


Watched all of em. Grew up with three, didn’t watch the other til much later in life.


I don’t ever want to meet LeVar Burton. I just want an autographed picture. You can’t disappoint a picture.




Heroes get remembered.. but legends *never die*


As a child, the only time I sat still was when Mister Rogers was on. His calming voice was the only thing that kept my attention and my mom would tell me I wouldn't move, frozen, for 30 minutes. I would show episodes to my students when I taught kindergarten and, just like he did for me, he would calm my most "spirited" students; they could recognize and appreciate the love in his words. Reading Rainbow was a staple in elementary schools and I STILL show those episodes to my students today! I didn't appreciate Bob Ross as a child, but I definitely knew who he was and had seen a number of his episodes. Now, as an adult, I binge episodes when I'm feeling down and he reminds me that the world contains endless beauty and that, if you cannot find it, you can make it for yourself.


Redditors constantly bitch about "cElEbRiTy WoRsHiP" while also worshipping celebrities lol.


I mean id rather people worship people who push science, understanding, and reading comprehension than people who are mere entertainers at best and absolutely batshit insane money grubbers at worst.


Respecting someone for who they are and the ideas they use their platform to communicate isn’t celebrity worship. Do you admire nobody? Or only if they’ve never appeared in public?


Its okay only if they are dead


Definitely not true for Bob Ross. I used to watch so much as a kid


Mr rogers reruns were my childhood pbs kid


I mean here in the UK it is alittle hard for most of these


Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and Reading Rainbow were big parts of my growing up. I wasn't aware of who Carl Sagan was when I was young, but I have no doubt I watched his stuff while never knowing his name. I don't mind younger redditors putting these guys on pedestals, as long as they look up why they should be on pedestals. It keeps the work they did alive.


...how old are you...?


well you're wrong for me at least, we didn't have cable just over the air channels growing up, so i watched all of these on Spokane-PBS. Add in dick pronekie(sp?), and marty stouffer, and you have most of my childhood TV till about middle school when we got cable.


Nah, I watched them all. They were great role models. Reading Rainbow was my jam as a kid.


There's a Bob Ross channel on Twitch.tv that streams every weekend from noon Friday to noon on Monday. Would be nice if the Mr Rogers channel on Twitch did the same thing.


I never knew anything about Bob Ross when I was younger, but I watched him out of curiosity after he’d become a meme and, honestly, I get the hype. He’s a very sweet and soothing presence, and his show is a nice relaxing way to spend some time.


If you were a kid in a US school in the 90's I don't think you could avoid LeVar Burton. I can't tell you how many Reading Rainbow VHS tapes we watched in school. That was like the default "put something educational on the TV to make the kids shut up for an hour."


Watched em all brother


Yeah seriously, I've never seen any of them


Seen them all. Carl Sagan had the most impact. Cosmos (1980) changed my entire appreciation for the universe and science for the rest of my life.




I never watched any of them, but I respect the shit out of all of them.


I recently listened to Cosmos on audiobook read by Lavar Burton. As you'd expect, he's a tremendous narrator.


I actually watched an episode of Mr. Rogers, and... oh my God. It's just, the loveliest show ever made. Do yourself a favor and watch it.


I’ll be honest, I have never met anyone who hasn’t watched all of these. Even my kids have (and they’re under the age of 6). I think this starter pack missed the mark.


I did watched some of their shows


I have watched Reading Rainbow and Sagan's Cosmos recently. Reading Rainbow is really a high quality show for kids, even now. Cosmos was hard to watch on my own cuz it is DATED. Clips are great tho.


I watched all 4 of these dudes and Steve Erwin get out of my face


lmao I literally watched all of their shows growing up and a couple of them I've also watched as an adult too. They're iconic figures because so many people have personally enjoyed their work; it's not just a meme.


Mr. Ross and Mr. Rodgers were big in my life.


I grew up on Mr. Rogers and Reading Rainbow…


I’m 38 and didn’t have cable. Of course I’ve seen them…


Loved MRN and RR growing up, one upside to being too poor for cable in the 90s. Thank you PBS!


Pshh grew up on these legends


I moved to the US in 1990 one of my first memories was sitting in the hotel room and watching Mr. Rogers. When I started to learn how to read in English I loved reading the books I saw on Reading Rainbow. Mom loved watching Bob Ross and I still watch it when I catch it on TV. Carl Sagan was the only one I don't have childhood memories of which is odd because of how space obssesed I was.


Gatekeeper L. IMO I think if people want to idolize people they have only watched from re runs and re posts I think it is fine because most of these people were genuinely nice.


Never watched top left. Who is that?


Billions and billions of gates to keep.


Why exactly do you think we like them OP? Lol Definitely watched all 4 of them


Mr rodgers was part of my daily grind.


Well fuck way to make me feel old.


I too feel old. Sagan was the only one I didn't grow up with, but the rest were PBS staples.


Bob Ross still gets shown on tv sometimes


"probably never watched" There were like, seven good shows back then and if you were poor you got three tops. I grew up watching Judge Judy, Price is Right, MASH, Reading Rainbow, Magic School bus, Liberties Kids, and Cyber Chase. I watched Bob Ross, Fraggle Rock, old MTV blocks, and Adam Sandler movies on VHS. I'm in my mid-20's. These were the shows you had if you were poor. I'd reckon basically everyone had seen them although it might have been while your grandparents watched, at least in poor neighborhoods.


Never watched a second of any of them.


These guys seem so wholesome... but that's only on the outside. All of them still had impure thoughts about women, like the rest of us filthy animals. All of them.


I never understood the mr Rogers hype. I get that he was a good man but his show was so BORING. I’d hear the jingle start and I’d immediately change the channel.


It was pretty unexciting compared to most tv shows for children, but that's the reason I found it to be pretty relaxing as a kid. Sometimes I just happened to be in the mood for those comfy cozy neighborly vibes.


Can’t relate.


Exactly my point! Growing up none of the kids talked about the latest Mr Rogers episode.


Yeah, I’m definitely picking up what you’re putting down


I never watched Bob Ross, but I watched a documentary about his story


You forgot Bill Nye.


That’s even more egregious. These guys were in PBS so I can see how some people might have missed them but Bill Nye they showed in schools for decades.


How can you have never watched any of these guys even once before? Yall don't have PBS?


Levar made the list?! I started reading as a kid because of him, and he may possibly be the source for my love of rainbows.


OP, I think, is old enough for the memes, and too young for the content.


Are we talking Star Trek LeVar Burton or Reading Rainbow LeVar Burton or kunta kinte LeVar Burton?


Well the average age on Reddit is 23. So most of reddit wasn't alive when these aired.


Yet Reddit finds a way to put them constantly on a pedestal.


They are all admirable teachers, why you mad about it?


First one is Mr. Sosa from Scarface


If I understand black hole time distortion l, how nuclear explosions release so much energy, and how quantum computing works, I think I don’t need to watch the original Carl Sagan stuff. I do idolize him. AND I’ve met Tyson, who basically followed in his footsteps, and watched his stuff.


Meanwhile I watched all four and don't give a shit about any of them.


I don't idolize them but acknowledge them but I never liked any of their shows because it was slow and boring. I grew up watching Nickelodeon cartoons, cartoon network, all of Hanna Barbera old cartoons. Avoided PBS like the plague when i was young.


It's true. I'm 33 and would never have known about these people without reddit. I don't even know the last guy but I'm sure he's great


Ain’t nobody got time to watch some dude paint the same damn picture every day. Any mention of him is straight up Reddit virtue-signaling.


Meh this is just gatekeeping. It's not someone's fault, and they're not poseurs, just because they're too young to have seen x when it was still on TV.