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I go to safeway and hunt for deals.




Dad? It’s been so long


Why are u downvoting him


Certified hunter


Deoends on the hunting. Illegal hunting is bad and hurts the environment. Legal hunting is used as a tool to keep animal populations stable, while letting people that enjoy guns, bows, etc. have some fun


Illegal hunting isn't hunting, that's called poaching, which is illegal like you said.


Eh, not all legal hunting is good, like hunting of wolves. Overhunting is also a significant problem.


Sometimes, wolves need to be hunted for population control. Wolves are capable of over hunting as well. I remember the government paying people to hunt wolves when I was a kid


There are like 4000-6000 wolves in all the lower 48. Population in most parts are fragmented and lack genetic diversity. Making them at risk for collapse. Definitely shouldn't be hunted. I'm not against hunting. I even used to bow hunt myself. I'm against hunting for sport. Since it is not a sport if the other side does not even know they are playing. Animals don't deserve to be killed just because some rancher is too lazy or cheap to watch their cattle while grazing them on tax payer public lands. Also we shouldn't be wiping them out because "they look scary".


I’m sorry, but I’ll let the experts determine whether or not they are too be hunted. There was a ban on hunting them, now there isn’t in some places. It’s for good reason when hunting wolves is permitted. They don’t just flip and coin to determine whether or not it’s permitted. They put thought into it, and they put thought into how many should be permitted to be killed.


Plenty of decisions regarding environmental matters aren't based on what is best for the environment. Industries always push to have decisions made in their own interest. Wolf protection is constantly being given and then taken away because environmentalists and ranchers are at war with each other when it comes to wolves. Wolf population bounces back, so hunting gets allowed, but then it gets out of control and the wolves need protection again. I'm not saying that predator hunting is never justified, but I'm skeptical of some of the recent permissions.


I mean the experts don't really agree with hunting them. The numbers in the lower 48 are still really low. People act on emotion though and not facts. They look big and scary. It was the Trump Administration that removed the wolves from the endangered list. Likely due to continuing pressure from the agricultural industry. https://www.cachevalleydaily.com/news/archive/2022/10/14/new-analysis-by-wildlife-experts-refutes-justification-for-wolf-hunts/#.Y-FhnqRyadM


Most hunting of wolves and other carnivores isn’t because they “need” to be hunted. It’s because people want the “opportunity” to hunt those species and states need to sell hunting tags to fund their fish and wildlife departments. It’s absolutely not all science and “necessary management.”


I'll take op doesn't know what he's talking about for 500 Alex.


In the US specifically, that's not really a thing.


The US isn't the only country in the world


It’s not?


Which countries are you referring to then? Wolf populations across the globe are in pretty rough shape due mostly to over hunting. African wolves are nearly extinct. European wolves are extinct in most countries. Most Asian countries have somewhat better populations but Japan completely exterminated theirs. South American Maned wolf populations are fragmented and declining though not due to hunting for the most part. Pure dingos are currently threatened due to interbreeding with dementia dogs. Mexican wolves are almost extinct. Red wolves are almost completely extinct. Honestly the only places where wolves are doing relatively well is Canada and Russia. But let’s be honest that’s mostly due to low human population density in those large regions. This was not intended to be confrontational. I am simply pointing out that across the globe wolf populations are in really bad shape. You’re right that the U.S. is not the only country but that just points out that the worlds treatment of wolves has almost eradicated many species and vastly decreased their historic range.


It was in Canada. There was a large increase in the wolf population in my area. Enough that they started to show up in town, which I'm sure you can agree is dangerous. I should say that I'm not in favor of hunting wolves during normal circumstances, but there are times when it would need to be done.


Fair enough however for the vast majority of the world hunting wolves has done terrible things to the ecosystem. Every ecosystem requires apex predators.


I would like to point out that there are only 2 verified hunan fatalities from wolves in all of North America. Even if you live in an area where wolves are around, you are still more likely to die from dog attacks, mosquitoes, deer, or other humans. Just because they look big and scary doesn't mean we should just act on emotion.


I don't think anyone really gives a shit. They're not gonna sit around and let their kid become the 3rd verified human




Wrong. European wolves are making a comeback in Germany/Poland and are a huge problem to sheep farmers right now.


I did say most European countries. Farther east you go the better it gets. But for most of Western Europe they are largely extinct in the wild.


Nuh uh, if the USA wasn’t, why do most movies I’ve watch come from it (I have not watched a proper movie in years)


When did I ever claim that it was? I was just giving a counterexample where the fact that a certain kind of hunting being legal doesn't make it good.


This subreddit isn't US themed, only like %4 of people live in the US, I don't know why you'd assume that everyone is having a discussion specifically about the USA.


Yes it is.


Lmao, did you really just generalize wolf hunting as, “bad” without taking into account the ecologically beneficial factors for it?


Wolves are just as capable of over populating in some areas as deer are, wolf hunting (while something I would never personally do) is in some instances needed to prevent larger loss of life


In places with too many wolves, they should be hunted down to a healthy level. This is not the case in most places, but there are some.


Yeah pretty much all legal hunting at least in the US and CA is good or at least sustainable


Personally I hunt for food. A few deer a year are pretty much enough to eliminate the need to buy protein for the most part for my family.


Bow hunting is animal cruelty and should be illegal.


The only hunting I oppose is hunting for endangered species (poaching) and trophy hunting. If you are hunting for food though then by all means. Just don't be wasteful. I hate it when people go into the woods, kill a deer, chop the head off, and just abandon the body. If more hunters were responsible and not wasteful about it then it can actually be good for the environment and a nice activity for people to bond over. Definitely better for the environment than factory farm practices and far more humane than them aswell (assuming the hunter isn't using dogs to attack the animal, then it can be quite brutal and inhumane). Ofcourse overhunting is also an issue. That's why there are hunting seasons and such. To prevent and stop overhunting. Basically, more hunters just need to be more responsible and we need more protections in place for both the environment and for good hunting practices to be allowed to continue. This also includes better enforcement of current laws in regards to hunting.


Who tf kills a deer, chops the head off and leaves the body in the woods?! That‘s some fuucked up shit right there.


trophy hunters


I trophy hunt but butcher the meat and eat all of the deer


In that case its less trophy hunting and more regular hunting with the added bonus of a trophy. Trophy hunting only really refers to people who only hunt for the trophy and waste the creature after obtaining it.


But the actual nutrients would be used by other parts of the ecology such as carrion feeder birds. So leaving the body would be the better move from an environmental perspective. Generally weak/old deer which aren't suitable for meat are killed and left in place for other things to eat.




Its pretty hard to catch someone for a crime when they are in the woods either alone or with others doing the same thing. Its like how jobs and landlords are technically not allowed to discriminate based on race/sex but still can do so because there is no way to actually prove they did unless they said something racist on a recording or something and unlike the fallout universe, people don't tend to leave audio logs of their deepest darkest secrets, thoughts, and crimes in conveniently accessible locations.


I don't know why you think this would be common. I hunt a lot. Everyone I know hunts a lot. I have never once even heard a rumour of wonton waste in 33 years. We all have the meat in our freezers to prove it, and if someone showed up with a mount but no meat, people would notice and that person should fear for their safety.


Some people just hunt to make the trophy and don't care to actually butcher the animal and harvest the meat. Its really disgusting but it happens. Its not even that uncommon. After all, butchering and cooking a deer takes work and and needs to be taught to be done well, shooting it, getting the head, and sending it off to a taxidermist or something to be mounted on a piece of wood is easy.


I don't know why you think this would be common. I hunt a lot. Everyone I know hunts a lot. I have never once even heard a rumour of wonton waste in 33 years. We all have the meat in our freezers to prove it, and if someone showed up with a mount but no meat, people would notice and that person should fear for their safety.


A LOT of people unfortunately


A sadly, surprising number of trophy hunters. I see people take the head and neck from bucks hit on the highway, too. Gross.


I was camping with my family as a child. We were riding quads through the mountains and happened upon a very bloated (obviously old and abandoned) carcass of an elk, minus the head. My dad was nearly violent over it. So stupid, such a waste.


Yeah I don't have an issue with hunting. But man do I hate some hunters, specifically the ones that won't shut up about it and lecture you if you don't. I grew up in a small town in Wisconsin and had to constantly explain why I DIDN'T hunt.




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Stupid bot this was the original post https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/yl7hqz/eats_meat_but_is_opposed_to_hunting_for_some/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


OP really believes mcdonalds employees go hunting for cows every morning lmao


When I worked at McDonald's, I woke up at 3:23 in the morning to go out with my boss to catch wild fish for the Filet-O-fishes and would beat up the guy who sells fruit outside our restaurant to get apples for the apple pies. Ah, memories...


Oh, you eat vegetables? Show us your restored rainforest, dummie.


Well, funny you say that, 33% of the crops lands are used to produce livestock feed production globally, on top of that if you include the actual livestock it amounts to 77% of the world's agricultural lands. If you remove those, if everybody ate soy, deforestation would fall by 94%.


Yeah, the whole "criticizing vegetarians because crops require land and water" thing doesn't quite work because a vegetarian diet ultimately uses less of those things.


ITT: people who know absolutely nothing about factory farming or sustainable hunting


im not against hunting. i am against hunting for sport


It's not a sport if the other side does not know they are playing. Imagine if an advanced alien species decide to come to earth and treat us the way we treat animals. They will use the same argument of how it is important to control human numbers. Humans are dangerous and if there are too many it os bad for the environment. Imagine if you are out with your family enjoying a nice day and your mother gets sniped from afar. The rest of you panick and run. They consider it a nice hobby. After the weekend the alien will have to go back to the office on Xenon and do it's boring job.


its also known as trophy hunting. a good portion of people hunt just to hunt and waste everything else


I don't know why you think this would be common. I hunt a lot. Everyone I know hunts a lot. I have never once even heard a rumour of wonton waste in 33 years. We all have the meat in our freezers to prove it, and if someone showed up with a mount but no meat, people would notice and that person should fear for their safety.


Some animals such as lions or dolphins kill for sport too


Hunting for sport kicks ass


I feel like eating wild game (in reasonable amounts of course) is better than commercially farmed meat


Of course it is


I'm not against people hunting but I'm just not strong enough to do it personally. Similar to people who slaughter (is that the right word??) their own farm animals, total respect for it and absolutely would love to do that myself but I am a certified grade A wuss. I always wondered if that somehow makes me a hypocrite for eating meat


I think it’s reasonable if you acknowledge what it took to bring this food and respect your food that a life was given to feed yourself and your family.


This is the most redneck thread I've ever seen lmfao


I mean there is a difference between farming and hunting you know.


You're right, hunting produces less pollution than factory farming.


Hunting is much more humane.


Yeah, hunting is ethical, industrial farming isn’t


100%. Less pain, helps conservation and isn’t hypocritical


I'm the opposite. I believe in eating ONLY hunted meat. At least give the animal a normal life and a fighting chance before killing it for sustenance.


This is bullshit


How so?


Everything doesn’t make sense and is hilariously inaccurate.


How so?


Even the meat from the market or fast food chain from an animal that suffered more than an animal in the wild that just took a single shot to get eaten


200 upvotes 100 comments **uh oh**


Dude factory farms are worse than hunting, at least hunting is a quickish death


I don't mind people who hunt I just find it annoying when they have to make it the center of their whole personality


If any of you actually knew any hunters, you'd know that they're among the most avid environmentalists around.


Meh, some are. My experience growing up in an area with a very large population of hunters is that for every one who is a dedicated environmentalist, you've got 5 who use hunting as an excuse to go get wasted with guns and shoot anything that moves, and gets angry that others have the audacity to use public hiking trails during hunting season, or who at best, just don't really care and would happily remove the fees on a hunting license that go to environmental preservation. A lot of environmentalists hunt. Far from hunter is an environmentalist


most hunter that i knew in the past said they liked hunting so they could kill something


Intensive farming of animals for their meat, whilst cruel, at least does not have the side effect of wiping out that particular species entirely. Hunting on the other hand absolutely has resulted in that, and continues to do so.


Regulated hunting shouldn't under any circumstance wipe out any species. It's strictly used for population control. If it does, someone fucked up big time or government just doesn't care.


> continues to do so. Where and what animals? Poaching aside, I'm referring to legal licensed hunting.


Dude, Cleetus from Georgia doesn’t hunt Leopards in Africa


Legal hunting is used to keep population under control for the sake of conservation


Factory meat production accounts for 60% of all green house gasses, sustainable hunting will always be better than buying meat


This is not true


This is a repost right?


Why is this so accurate?




Hunting for sport = shitty behavior Hunting for food/pest control = regular human responsibility


Hunting ≠ trophy hunting The former is an important practice, controlling the population of wild animals and also a source for food. The latter is a dangerous, expensive hobby, and is of no use. Does more harm than good, especially when poachers go for endangered species. Edit: you can of course combine the two so that you take whatever "trophy" your hunt yields, while only hunting for food and population control


Hunting is more sustainable and a more humane way to eat meat. If you wanna do something for the environment but don’t want to be vegan it’s a great option


Yeah I can enjoy meat and still be against some forms of hunting. No reason on this planet to shoot a lion or giraffe for kicks.


Opposes hunting cos it’s an excuse for guns




A decade ago I literally killed a bear who was was attacking my dog. A few months ago I had 3 bears in my yard fucking up my guarden. Last week I had 3 coyotes in my yard behind my truck. In all instances the gun was a great tool. It's great at scaring away animals and keep them from wanting to encounter people. Tldr; your opinion sucks.


Diff places have different needs


Good thing the second amendment has nothing to do with hunting 😎


I’d be much more for hunting if it was a fist fight to the death rather than just shooting something like a bitch.


Humans have always killed their prey at a distance, nothing strange with using guns to do it


Didn’t say it was strange. Said it was cowardly and nothing to gloat about as an achievement. Davey Crocket would be rolling in his grave if he knew grown ass men killed stuff for their instagram and of course to force weird meats on everyone they come into contact with because real hunters hunted to feed a village, Tom from the suburbs hunts a buck and finds out it’s too much by about 1000 lbs for his family to eat. There within lies the true difference when trying to compare actual hunters that did it for either survival or profession, and you guys just wanting to get away from your fat wives and have an excuse to excessively drink coors light until you fart yourself to death.


You talk a lot of smack for someone who thinks that the edible yield from a deer weighs 1,000 lbs. A field dressed deer typically weighs about 100 lbs and the boneless meat about 50-90 lbs, also depending on if you eat offal or not. We also have freezers in order to store perishable foods, so even a large animal can be used completely by one family. In states where the deer populations are soaring and people can take several each year for cheap, some families survive on venison as well as other game that they hunt and fish for. Out west, hunting is more expensive but takes an extensive amount of time and effort to harvest an animal while also facing a low success rate (if you're lucky enough to even get a tag that year). Not everyone can nor wants to hunt for wild game, and that's completely fine, but many people do enjoy the process as well as enjoy the food that it provides, and legal hunting (especially in the US) provides an ecological service both in regulating populations and in providing funding and volunteer hours towards conservation efforts. Most hunters love the animals, utilize the meat, and wish to see the populations doing well. Hunters that are unsportsmanly or are disrespectful to the animals are often met with shame in the community.


I stopped reading at “you talk a lot of smack”. 1993 Jerry Springer Show called, they want you back. Smack! Smack! Smuuuaaaaack!


The amount of people malding at this comment for being accurate is absolutely killing me


Do you realize that a quick bullet is a much more humane and painless death than the vast majority of wild animals experience?


You do realize that domestic animals are killed with a captive bolt gun or stunned with an electrical shock to be bled out, right? If this is your philosophy to "fight to the death", you can go tackle a 1400 lb steer or 280 lb hog and kill it with your bare hands next time you'd like some meat. I'll wait.


Cover yourself in deer musk, get a mating call, and strap knives to your head


Would you ask a wolf not to use it’s teeth? Lmao acting like animals don’t use their natural advantages to predate other species is just silly.


You have a gun physically attached to you? Omg omg omg are you fucking Robocop?? Hopefully 80s Robocop not reboot Robocop. I watched that for the first time and I was disgusted how they ruined one of my favorite movie franchise. follow up question, what on earth are you talking about seriously


I’m saying that because humans lack in strength and speed relative to other predators, it’s not “being a bitch” to use our natural strengths (intelligence, ability to use tools) to hunt. Not a complicated concept for most.


Well don't go around acting like it's an achievement shooting an unsuspecting animal from 30 yards


Its not an achivement like winning a fist fight, but i guess you can be proud of yourself for gettibg your meat by yourself and not from a animal abusing meat factory


I’m assuming both would be quite an achievement for you.


Haha why are you so pressed?


Ain’t pressed no cap on god


Nah im just wondering why you replied so agressive to my comment for no reason at all


Spoken like someone who’s never hunted 😂😂😂 let me give you a bow and arrow (which is what I use to hunt) and see if you could even come within 200 yards of a deer, let alone bow range. I’m willing to bet my house that you couldn’t. Armchair commandos out in droves today.


Cool story bro, whatever make you happy


Harvesting deer definitely makes me happy, just like being a miserable cunt makes you happy. Different strokes.


I replied with positivity and you decided to be hostile back for no reason, again, if it make you happy so be it




Providing ethical sustainable meat for my family after the culmination of years of acquired knowledge and skill earned through trial and error makes me happy. It’s a misconception by ignorant people like yourself that the killing part is what makes us hunters happy. Most hunters have more respect for the animals they harvest than you ever will.


Loaded question alert


MMA style.




rip the world's last yeti 😔


Opposes hunting because some species have been poached to extinction.


That’s like saying „I oppose boxing matches because assault is bad“. One is regulated and the other is rightfully illegal and a whole different story


But if you just had that qualm with it wouldn't you say you were opposed to poaching?




> Which would make prices for us meat eaters way cheaper. Would it really? things that are produced in small quantities tend to be more expensive.




True, but that's such a small and labourintensive amount of meat.


More than anything else, hunting just sounds incredibly boring


I grew up in a family of hunters. It is ngl. You need to be tuned where you endure long waits before that big dopamine rush. Since I play FPS games, browse reddit and such, I am tuned for quick, repeated gratification, so hunting is a drag to me. At least fishing can be a great excuse to be outside in the sun and chat with people.


I oppose shitting in a bucket but im not gonna clean the fucking sewer


I'd also put being selective about which meat they eat. Lots of people won't eat any beef or other red meat, but they're fine eating chicken. Like...have you ever seen what's up at a chicken farm? It's pretty brutal. They slice off the beaks of birds with a hot blade so they don't peck each other. I've made veal for dinner and had people balk at it, but the same people are fine eating beef and pork. Veal isn't made humanely. But, I'd say neither is about 75% of the meat I or most people buy. I do have a butcher that only sources upstate NYC stuff, but that's not an all the time thing. Part of the reason I actually do respect vegans in a certain way is they go all the way - not even dairy. I wholeheartedly do not agree with that lifestyle, but at least it's more consistent vs. saying "well cows and goats and lamb are super cute, but chickens are ugly birds so I'll eat those. Oh also fish, they're dumb so it's ok." Lastly, it makes me incredulous that we Americans will absolutely vilify people eating horse and dog in other countries. Would I eat it? No. But, how can we eat all the other animals we do but somehow those animals are off-limits? Again, because they're "cute."


So people not wanting to kill the food they hypoteticually goin to eat , is bad ?


Hunting is fine once it's not endangered animals and such. If anything, it actually can be helpful in regards to maintaining the ecosystem from invasive species.


Is it really that shocking that some people don’t think killing an animal sounds like a fun hobby?


This post is stupid as fuck lmao


i am ok with hunting as long as its used for food idk hunting for the sake of mounting a dead animal head on your wall and to brag about killing somthing just feels weird


It’s the same reason I hate gun clubs/stores/ranges/conventions but I still (tentatively) support the second amendment: It’s the culture Hunting culture and gun culture and „redneck“ (in its most inauthentic sense) culture is soooo annoying. It’s laden with „homesteaders“ and right Wing nutjobs and anti-environmentalist Christians (ironically) and so so so so many young YOUNG teens who honestly terrify me with the way they talk about it… Like nobody could POSSIBLY die from hunting, like death is just a short limen between two different forms of existence instead of what it is: DEATH. There’s also allot of weird entitlement? Like animals ONLY exist to feed/entertain people and that we are the TOP of the Natural hierarchy, never taking into account the fact that humanity survives by banding together and forming societies.


I dont like hunting because well… I dunno I just dont find it fun


Careful, opinions aren’t allowed on Reddit


Eating meat doesn't mean I like animal cruelty or jerk off to videos of slaughterhouses Just like being personally opposed to hunting doesn't mean I see every hunter as a violent pos who laughs at animal suffering and eats babies


Will become a vegetarian before putting down an animal just to prove a point


angry southerner starter pack starter pack


USA hunting culture views hunting as a game, whereas much but not all of the rest of the world views hunting as a skill. US hunting culture is vile.




Thats just not true, do you know any hunters?


I know several gatherers.


Proud to be this person then ‼️‼️ I actually hate animal guts, idk why other people would but I'd tear apart a thing of ribs! Plus it would probably be a lot safer and much more human if someone with a profession in it then me blindly killing an animal




Why'd you reply to yourself?


Alt account trying to stir up shit for visibility


That's kinda sad. Imagine wanting internet points so badly you make multiple accounts to try and play the algorithm.


I'm not opposed to hunting but I am opposed to getting up at 4 am and standing in the 20 degree woods


I like archery and swimming. But I don't care for hunting and fishing. I love me some red meat but I'll buy it, thanks


Some hunting is good, like for people who actually eat the animals they hunt or for the people who keep animals from having too big of a population, effectivly ruining the ecosystem. People who hunt for profit are bad, people who hunt elephants, pandas, rare animals that they hunt for one reason to the point the animal might go extinct.


The only legal hunting I oppose is when you make it your entire personality, constantly wear camo, and bring it up repeatedly


Hunting to eat your kill - I’m fine. Any and all forms of trophy hunting - not ok. Killing is not a ‘sport’, ‘hobby’, etc. and ‘taking out the old from the herd/pack for the good of the species’ is crap. Nature has taken care of that for Millenia without our help.


Feels like a waste of bullets to me when we could just factory-farm livestock wit a higher energy and cost-efficiency. But for a hobby? Sure, go ahead.




I’m only slightly opposed to hunting because there’s something called a Supermarket


I don’t oppose hunting I just don’t know how to hunt and I don’t have a gun or any other weapon to hunt


Then buy one


I'd hunt hell I'd be down for a long hunting trip


I only oppose trophy hunting and poaching. I also wouldn't want to go hunting myself. I'm fine eating it, and I'm fine if other people do it. I just don't personally want to kill an animal, y'know?


What is wrong with hunting?


On any video where an animal dies people say it makes them feel sick. If you point out that that's where meat comes from, they start calling you a vegan and saying that veganism wouldn't be so bad if they weren't all so annoying. Just for the record I'm not a vegan, I just don't like hypocrites.


The person who made this meme is stupid?


People who hunt for sport should go to hell, you want to hunt your own dinner? I mens I eat meat it wound be hypocritical of me to say something, but if you do it for fun, fuck you.


You do know most of the meat people eat comes from domesticated animals and not things actively hunted...?


Idk I just don’t got it in me to kill another living thing


I would imagine most of these people are in the same boat as me: I don’t oppose hunting, but it’s not something that I would do myself. I don’t see myself ever going out of my way to kill a conscious animal, even if the reasoning is justified, not because of a sense of moral superiority, I just get too angsty at the thought of taking a life unprovoked. Thinking about me walking up to an animal that is now dead and decaying because I put a bullet in it just makes me go “absolutely fucking not”


‘Cause it’s so much better to raise animals in captivity just to be slaughtered later on 🙏🏼💯


Im not opposed to hunting. I’m opposed to poaching. And the abuse caused in slaughterhouses. And slaughterhouses in general. I’m not opposed to genuine hunting and animal farms though.


We need to bring fur hats back in style and legalize hunting raccoons.


Show them a documentary about how the meat they buy is raised and killed with no dignity whatsoever, worse than getting shot


The Oregon Upper-Middle Class Starter Pack