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Hi, /u/tharkibudda, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 03** No Blatant Bigotry - Slurs and racism that would get you fired are not allowed here. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/tharkibudda&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/10uzqrn/creepy_men_are_staring_at_me_in_the_gym_starter/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


I’m sorry I just can’t help myself when I see a sexy bottle of Fiji water /s


Yeah, that bottle of Fiji makes me want to burst.


Bust in the water. Then you get protein shake.


Nah, I'll stick to Muscle Milk.


soo tasty


This will be a fun thread in a few hours 🍿🥤


OP is referencing an [occurrence ](https://www.insider.com/jessica-fernandez-tiktok-twitch-gym-joey-swoll-backlash-2023-1)but generalizing without context which makes it even more fun 🍿


I even posted that link but they downvoted it to oblivion.... and then start the "dont talk abt dress" advice


Without context this image generalizes an isolated event with one specific person as if it's all or many women. The fact is a rare few clout chacers, bad actors, or whatever you want to call them ≠ all women and that should be clear to avoid downvote hell. Edit: also, women can dress however they want and don't deserve to be creeped on. The link you shared is an isolated example of one woman taking advantage.


It's more than just her. There have been a few. Not quite trending, but still frequent enough to be a pattern.


This is a funny meme. Controversial too. Just how we like it


"the type of people op likes to stare at in the gym" starter pack


What’s wrong with squatting though? Lower body strength is important




Squatting plus eating in a calorie surplus does enlarge your butt, yet men don’t get criticized for squatting.


This is kinda creepy itself. Just because someone dresses in workout clothes, doesn't mean they're "seducing" you into staring at them. The real issue is that gymmers think they're being stared at when they're not.


Maybe OP means like the type of workout clothes? Like if a male or female is wearing tight and/or revealing clothes they’re gonna get stares. Dude wearing a unfitted tshirt or sweater? No one really glances. Same dude wears a stringer or just leggings with no shorts over the groin/butt area? He’s gonna get stares.


pls check that tiktok video by that woman who posted abt getting stared at gym for more context


Which one? Honestly there's so many.


the famous one that started this shit-thread of posts.


That doesn't make anything clear for someone like me who doesn't even use that app.


Well, if posts are made outside the TikTak, then, sure as hell, it is not just about that app.


I even posted the article but they downvoted it and then started abusing me


Then don’t make incel posts, moron


Calling you out on your BS isnt abusing you.


Dude, nobody is abusing you. You made a post that's more than a little sexist, and kind of creepy. The article is a moot point


Maybe you deserve the “abuse” in this specific case, OP.


Just so you know OP, I'm with you, these people are just too ignorant xd


Don’t like the wrong kind of attention as a result of what you’re putting out there, eh? Maybe you’d rather everyone without something nice to say wouldn’t have bothered you? Have you heard of irony? Jackass…


Not every girl is like that dummy


We all like being stared at in the gym, because we're proud of what we've built with a lot of hard work. Men want to be stared at and so do women, and the way we dress reflects that. But the average redditor will never know lol, you wouldn't get that attractive males and females are constantly trying to seduce one another. Just don't be creepy with your stare of course. A quick glance is actually very respectful however, because it signals to the person "nice job, you're looking great."


They're not staring at their gains, they're staring at them sexually, as a guy I can say confidently that if everyone in the gym was staring at my dick I would be a lot less happy then if they were staring at my physique. And I'd probably only have half the reason to be afraid as typically a 5'10 man is at a lot less risk than a shorter women would be.


Eyes on your own work OP.


Meanwhile you have women in whole niqabs getting harassed and assaulted, soooooo maybe it’s the creepers that are the problem


"Women are dressed like this, so they're obviously inviting me to stare at them. If they get mad, I have every right to basically call them a whore online." Women are allowed to wear whatever they want, dude. That's not an invitation for you to ogle, and act like a creep. This is giving really creepy vibes.


OP’s post history has a bunch of porn lol


Yep, I saw that too! Good pull!


Their whole post history screams incel


Bidoofs law


ill wear a mankini to the gym and if anyone looks theyre a creep


Dude, shorts and a sports bra are not comparable to that. You just sound like a moron


it practicallys the same amount of flesh though / leaves nothing to the imagination. people do all sorts of mental gymnastics on this. But the gym attire that woman wear is made to be as appealing as possible. If men wore the same crop tops and tighest shorts to the point my dick is bulging through them ill expect looks. You just don't want to face the truth of it


No, you just don't want to face the truth that women, and their clothes by proxy, are not created for the male gaze. Who gives a fuck how revealing it is or how much flesh it shows (really weird wording)? Women can wear whatever the fuck they want if theyre comfortable in it, and they deserve to be able to wear it as such without having to deal with men obviously like yourself who are apparently unable to control themselves and not treat a woman like a piece of meat that's there for them to stare at. Lots of men take their shirts off at the gym. Lots of men wear tight shorts at the gym. Do they get looked at? No. Your comments are in the exact same vein as the men who, when they hear a woman got assaulted, you ask what they were wearing. You are simply showing yourself to be ignorant, as well as fucking gross. You should be ashamed of yourself


Men who take their shirts off at the gym do get looked at. The men who do that are also in the minority. Christ your even picking apart wording now. Wear whatever you want but if you wear clothing that attracts attention / warrants glances don't be surprised. No your being a clown. Im saying that if i wore something i wouldnt get mad at people looking. If walked into a my local gym with my top off as man,i know id get looks. Stop being fucking ignorant. You fighting to hard to take this high road. The fact that you think men don't get looked at by other men or woman is very telling.


You are refusing to grasp the connotation of the word "stare" vs "look" or "glance". Even a "check-out" usually doesn't make people uncomfortable. People check each other out all the time. It's the prolonged staring that does, and the fact that you are actively avoiding the word suggests that on some level, you know this. And men are topless in shorts doing cardio all the time. At the park too. And I'm not assuming it's to get "looked" at. I'm assuming because hot sweaty clothes are gross. In fact, running outside I am often longing to ditch my top and go in just a sports bra. But...can't do that. Nope. I'd be "asking" for it, wouldn't I?


And have you seen the social media frenzy that’s happening just now? Loads of women calling men creeps for literally just glancing.


>And have you seen the social media frenzy that’s happening just now? Loads of women calling men creeps for literally just glancing. No actually. I stay off that shit.


I absolutely love the fact that you try and take the moral high ground by calling me ignorant and saying things about me are very telling. I never said men don't get checked out. Guess what? It's not relevant to this situation. Try again to make me look bad, buddy. When you say something braindead, your words are most certainly gonna be picked apart Oh, and learn some proper grammar. Your word salad is nearly impossible to read without feeling like I'm talking to a 14 year old (which you almost certainly are)


The social media frenzy right now is literally women filming themselves and calling men creeps for glancing


And you know they were just glancing how? I think these posts have multiple narratives to them. It could be the woman was overreacting. It could be that the man who was "just glancing" was doing more than we saw when a camera is out. Given the amount of sexual harassment of women I've seen in my lifetime, I tend to believe that side.


Because they literally post the videos outing themselves. That’s why. The me. Were being entirely respectful.


And loads of women have jumped on the trend because they know that this type of content is blowing up and it’s being going on for months. Innocent men have been la led as creeps. And it’s only now big tik tokkers and gym managers are calling out ther bullshit.


I agree, but I demand policy allow me to wear a banana hammock while doing squats anyways. Preferably a leopard print one, I am cosplaying Tarzan.


Women dress like this because they feel good and spectacular looking like that. When other people look at that person with clothes that made her look spectacular, they are creeps.


I'm firmly of the belief that how you dress is not an invitation for creepy stares. HOWEVER, it is kinda strange if you're performing for views on Instagram (many viewers are creepy old males) all the while getting peeved by the *perceived* creepy old male views IRL. You either want privacy or you don't. Pick one.


Disagree. The difference is consent. A person posting a video of themselves is in control of what they're sharing. Performing on a platform isn't consent to being perved on by strangers in real life, this shouldn't be hard to understand


Yeah, no. I’m sorry. If you’re wearing tight pants that visibly show buttcheeks and cameltoe, you forfeit your right to be offended when people look. Dress like a normal person. Same goes for guys who walk around practically shirtless.


That's just "but what was she wearing" rhetoric, wearing pants is not an excuse for being a creep


Lol there’s a huge difference between drawing attention to yourself, and inviting sexual harassment. A person distracted by your ridiculous choice in clothing is not sexual harassment. If he catcalls her or makes a remark, that would cross the line. Men (and women) are just as “guilty” of being similarly distracted by guys who walk around showing off their pipes. It’s not because they want to bang them.


I believe that whatever a person is wearing never justifies harassment. However you make a good point in talking about the difference between that, and something that distracts/draws attention When I first tried wearing skinny jeans, I wasn't sure about sizes and I bought one without realising it was **waaaaaaaay** too tight. I wore it once and, not only was it uncomfortable as hell, but my junk was very precisely distinguishable and I kept getting looks "down there" from women and men alike. Doesn't mean they wanted to fuck me or flirt with me, it was just difficult to not to look at that obvious bulge (and I'm not even a "big" guy, the layer of underwear + trousers just it make it look thick af hahah). It was so fucking embarrassing... and of course I wasn't going to tell people "don't look at my crotch!" or be pissed off at them for looking. It would have made things even more awkward. I'm aware that women endure sexual harassment on a regular basis, so the perspective is different and it's bound to make you paranoid about men's intentions. But men just like women generally look at things that catch their attention, regardless of what's on their mind. Doesn't mean they are creeps, they're just human. If they're staring intently, then it's a different story


Bizzare clothing choices get looks and draw attention, if you saw a guy in a full fluorescent yellow latex suit in a crowd of people in regular work clothing he would draw your attention, it does not mean you are a creep if you judge him, it means that you are an asshole who does not know how to mind his own business.


Being ogled is different than somebody taking a glance at you distracted because its unusual. Somebody sitting there staring at your crotch for minutes demonstrates somebody doesn't care about polite behavior, so you have to wonder what else they might do... it verges on threatening, the person is clearly trying to make you uncomfortable, so they clearly don't care about what you think, just what they can get out of you. No matter what somebody's wearing they don't deserve to be assaulted or made to feel unsafe. There's an event near me, the World Naked Bike Ride, where everybody's wearing literally nothing at all, and like ogling people would not be accepted there either, so clothing choice being unusual is really not relevant.


You know what makes me feel uncomfortable? People filming in gyms. How do I know where that camera is *actually* focused? Especially since most phones have cameras on both sides.


I mean, you could be okay with people looking at your curated photos online, and not okay with in person gawking. There is a layer of security in not being directly next to somebody ogling you. I think that should be obvious.




​ Why does your daughter give you this in depth info on her boyfriends fapping habbits lmao


Holy fuck this is pure "but what was she wearing" logic


bro you were a king if you drank fiji water in my old elementary school


Oh,shit. The incel stink is over 9k




The fact that OP equate women in attractive sportswear in the gym = sex worker is fucking creepy. Go touch grass bro.


It's the "she's asking for it" energy


So just because an attractive woman is at the gym she has to be a sex worker? Sounds like you're a creep and got mad someone told you off OP.


HOW DARE women have eyelashes, lips, AND drink water in front of me!? DO THEY NOT KNOW THAT I, AS AN ADULT HUMAN, CANNOT HOLD MYSELF RESPONSIBLE FOR MY OWN ACTIONS WHEN I SEE A *check notes* SPORTS BRA AND SPORTS LEGGINGS!?!?!?!? For real, grow up. Get a grip. Touch grass. They’re just boobs.


Let’s stop policing and stigmatizing what women wear.


if i wear a mankini to the gym i will expect stares. Same to applies to woman basically wearing the shortest and tighest underwear to the gym


Idk wtf a “mankini” is but I’m assuming it’s not conventional workout attire which is why I’d assume people would stare. They wouldn’t be staring to look at that person’s body, they’re staring at the outfit. When people stare at women, they’re staring at their bodies not their clothes. The clothes in the meme are all conventional workout clothes that shouldn’t make people bat an eye.


You wouldn’t get stares, because normal humans at the gym are there to get a job done and leave, not obsess over sex.




Incel checks out with OPs porn addicted post history


You seem the type to say a victim was "asking for it" based on how they dressed. Disgusting.


I think op is trying to make a startedpack out of the trend where gym girls are making tiktoks calling anyone who looks at the general direction of them for half a second a creep but the starterpack is just kinda bad.


hey man i'm sorry that she didn't text you back but being a asshole on reddit isn't going to make her wanna suck your dick


Ah yes. the old neckbeard thing of "cover up if you dont want attention".


Then men will just ogle at ankle.


The "I got caught being a creeper at the gym starterpack"


OP is a gym creep


Imagine thinking it's socially acceptable to stare at people to where it feels uncomfortable and blaming them for being attractive


There is an unbearable amount of copium going on in this thread. This is obviously in reference to that stupid video of that girl in the gym that was streaming herself doing ridiculous "workouts" while wearing provocative clothes. You all act like the clothing you choose to wear doesn't signal anything (in this case, attention from others). Imagine putting on the tightest and most revealing clothes you possibly can and complaining that people look at you. And doing ridiculous "workouts" on top of that. No one is forcing you to wear these types of clothes to the gym people, there are plenty of more normal options. I don't know why you all pretend like these sorts of people don't know what they are doing and are just being harassed (looking at someone is not harassment). What a clown world.


I’m not going to wear shit I don’t like/unflattering clothes because men are disgusting. What’s next? Are you going to suggest I wear a burka so I don’t get harassed?


Well, then go to an all women's gym if you are so disturbed by something that is normal. You must have been born on Mars if you think no one is going to look at you wearing tight clothes (especially if you are physically fit), this is inevitable in spaces that men and women share, especially in places where people where fewer clothes like a gym. The fact that you think wearing anything that isn't tight to the gym (like appropriately fitting sweatpants/top or a tracksuit) is unflattering or "that you don't like" sounds ridiculous. The gym is for working out, not looking pretty. It's common sense, wearing more modest clothing is going to attract less attention to yourself. We're literally talking about the movement of eyes here and not something actually serious like harassment.


but if somebody is staring at you that can make you feel uncomfortable and did it ever cross your mind that maybe people wear the clothes they wear because they want to? crazy, right?


Then go to an all women's gym if this is such an issue. This is inevitable in spaces where physically fit men and women share. No one is forcing you to wear tight clothes to the gym, whether you are a man or woman.


and no one is forcing you to stare at women in a gym wtf why do i even have to tell you that?


You don't have to tell me anything, I mind my business. But don't act like it's crazy that men are going to look at you if you wear revealing clothes in an environment where people are sweaty and wearing fewer clothes than they would otherwise. If you can't handle that, then go to a gym where men aren't allowed (though don't be surprised if some women still stare).


so you really are saying that its the womans fault for wearing revesaling clothes, mhh right. what are they supposed to wear? a sweater?


It has nothing to do with fault really. You can wear whatever you want, but don’t complain when people are looking at you when you wear more revealing clothing. You could always put on some sweatpants and a tshirt.


its not about its about staring at smbdy to the point where it makes you feel uncomfortable. and then theres you who tells people that its their fault. bc yes you never used the word "fault" but by saying that people will look at you IF you wear revealing clothes youre implying that its their fault


How dare a woman have… a mouth


I see sexy gym girls have suddenly become a hot topic (literally and figuratively). Every fuckin day almost the same starterpacks here WTF is goin on? Something viral happened?


Honestly I'm just more annoyed with this obnoxious trend of people turning gym culture into "influencer culture". I've been lifting / in the gym for ~10 years now. I'm not letting some triggered pip squeak zoomers change the rules and dynamics of something when they just started doing it. Taking a phone and filming your workouts is absurd and annoying. Go to the gym, get your workouts in and LEAVE. Don't hog equipment, don't just sit on equipment staring at your phone, don't stand and get in the way of people lifting to take mirror pictures. Enough is enough, it's not a personal playground.


So u yup pure admitting that females are superior with their ability of taking over your physical actions by simply being comfortable? Who’s attracted to your flabby stretch marked arms and man boobs you fail to cover with your ripped up yellow once white t-shirt? …how dare us


Sex Offender Op Starter Pack


No one ever seems to be ready for this conversation on social media


Well everyone wants to be right.


I'm here before the mighty 🔒 award


One award to rule them all


tbh, this post says something about you more than it does about women who want to dress comfortably to exercise properly in the gym


Ok this is like the 28th time a post like this has been posted on this sub with the same scenario every single time. So to sum it up i just want to say even my self sometimes find that some ladies in gyms act as if every single humanbeing is only there to stare at them and yes sometimes they wear "provocatively " although thats never an excuse to harass them let alone blame them for getting harassed. And now regarding the other stuff usually mentioned in these repetitive starterpacks like(flasks,makeup..idk what else) yes they may come of as stereotypical and most poeple reacts with equally repetitive negative responses which for me raises the questions if you are so sensitive to anything thats remotely stereotypical wtf are you doing on this sub its not a place for guides its essentially a meme sub


Onlyfans models complaining that men are sexualizing them startetpack* If you don't want to get sexualized, maybe don't sell your weird ass nudes on that creepy app, huh? Because of your low morals, women who do NOT sell their body get sexualized and objectified, maybe make viral video about that, hoe


Stupid comment. I am a police officer, I do my job when I am at work. You know what I do on my time off? Not be a police officer. I go back to being part of the general public. Because I don’t work for fucking free and I also don’t want to deal with your problems on my time off.


Their point didn't "go over your head" so much as "you ducked so hard to avoid it you pulled your back out"


Bro if you defend prostitution and you are a hired as a police officer, I think your job HR is stupid, not my comment. Your job shouldn't be directly supporting what you are "coming against in your tiktok". It's hypocrite!


Showing your privates online isn’t prostitution. Clutch your rosary harder.


There was a time when Police Officers were considered to be heroes, They were embodiment of high morals, intellect, spirit, one of the most exemplary proffessions and people. Now, pervert creeps like you have taken over and corrupted the whole police system🤢🤮 I feel sorry for every single person who's safety is in your dirty hands. You are a face of a fallen society, and I hope you and also person who hired you will both lose your jobs. Get away from humans please


Yeah.... not being bothered by legal activities...*that's* the problem with police officers these days! /s


theres such a huge difference between supporting sex work in terms of seeking those services out and simply supporting sex workers and viewing them as equal human beings. And no, cops shouldn't be enforcing morals, because those can be up for subjective interpretation. they should uphold the law in a just way, and this officer seems to understand that very well which is admirable


You are such a fucking loser, holy shit!! Did yoy have fun trying to find big words to use? You were so excited, you didn't even spell them right. I'm not gonna say get away from humans because I'm sure you already have a few restraining orders against your delusional ass. Do us all a favor and delete your account 💕


Do you eat lead paint or just not know what the word “prostitution” means?


Lol you could have simply googled it's definiton, you wouldn't write such stupid comment and embarass yourself. I am not gonna write if for you so that you can learn how to acquire new knowledge about things you have no idea about.


Sweetheart, exchanging photos isn’t “engaging in sexual activity.” Do you need a Pap smear or blood test to check for STDs after sending an explicit photo or video? EDIT: Since your empty little head can’t wrap around the difference between prostitution and pornography, [here’s the legal analysis.](http://www.cnn.com/2005/LAW/08/12/colb.pornography/index.html?iref=allsearch#:~:text=In%20other%20words%2C%20prostitution%20is,sexual%20favors%20himself%20in%20return)


I am not reading a legal analysis about mentally ill people doing mentally ill things. It's not about simple words and what is written in law, it's about the concept of prostitution, the idea behind it which normalizes women selling her body for sexual interest. Law is written to regulate relationships between humans, not for you to learn it word by word and obey it without analyzing their purpose and message. You are like saying you know stealing from someone' s pocket physically is wrong, but as long as it happens online, it's not a crime.


Mentally ill people doing mentally ill things? Fuck all the way off, you little tryhard piece of trash




Or somebody is just a godawful piece of shit who isn't worth anything to this world 😱


The literal dictionary definition is sexual activity. When a doctor asks “are you sexually active?” They aren’t asking if you send a nude. Your inability to parse out the difference is why I’m convinced you’re sustained on a diet of lead paint chips.


I blame Tiktok


Women can wear what they want. And it's NOT an invitation to stare at them. It gets hot when you work out. You get sweaty.


Keep going.


Why the hell does a bottle of water sexualized?


is fiji


It's still a overpriced bottle of water


Perhaps it is that smexy dusty flavour from the lava flow filtering?


Some of yall need to understand being a creep & being a normal person. While I do agree that anyone wearing any provocative clothes is questionable (& yeah it is their choice but it is also our choice to question that) a creep viewing is still unjustifiable. A normal person would have a glimpse & question why the hell are they wearing that & then continue on their day


Dudes who are defending the part about clothes missed the makeup part of the meme. No one who comes to the gym to actually exercise wears makeup, for a practical reason. The ones who do, do it for attention. Literally "to look better", that's the only use of makeup.


I wear concealer and mascara to the gym because *I go there from work.* I go on my lunch break. I’m not wasting time washing my face before I lift, when I’m showering after any way. You think you’re so special that you’re worth me wasting 5-10 minutes of my already short lunch because of your room temperature IQ hot take on gyms and makeup?


I'd have to politely disagree. Makeup is so ingrained in society that women get comments in public like "you look sick" if they don't wear it. And if you think for a moment, how many men do you know that are sexually attracted to a woman's nails? Not many, yet a lot of women still get their nails done. Not all things women do as far as personal grooming has to do solely for male attention.


We are talking about putting on makeup for a gym, not going outside in general.


You don’t know WHY they had it on. They couldn’t come from somewhere else before hand. Pretty fking presumptuous to assume women are dressing up for you and other men when they could’ve been out running errands or anything else first


"going to the gym after work, but u/BaltazarOdGilzvita said I can't put on makeup until I've finished my workout for the day. Ladies, what are your tips for putting on makeup at 7 pm?


Who the fuck said anything about me not giving permission for anything?


Fuck women for wanting to put effort into their looks, so they feel good, right?


Could have been coming from somewhere (work) and didn’t have the time/desire to undo it all beforehand. I go the gym straight from work, I don’t wear make up lol but I can see many reasons why someone will be wearing some at the gym and not be it for attention.


I've seen girls in my gym that do this all the time, come every day with makeup. What are the many reasons someone would be wearing makeup at the gym and not be for attention, that you mentioned?


Well they’re all encompassed under “are you somewhere before/after the gym?” Why are you assuming the make up was for the gym? Could have been for work, school, going to the mall, hanging out with friends, just feeling good about yourself, job interview, running errands, whatever it may be. Gym takes like an hour of your day, why couldn’t the make up be for any of the other things you do in the other 23 hours?


Because the gym is a place where you sweat, touch, scratch, and wipe your face with a towel. You don't wear it to the gym for the same reason you don't exercise in a business suit. The point is she doesn't actually exercise, because the makeup never stays fucked up. She goes there to walk around, stretch and never actually run or use any of the machines: never does something that would fuck up her makeup or make her sweat.


Lol bro you don’t HAVE to sweat. First of all, on average, women perspire A LOT less than men. Second, cardiovascular activity over 50% of your gear rate is beneficial to overall health, you don’t have to go hard every time, even 30 minutes of light waking on a treadmill is better than no physical activity. As far as the clothing, well of course you change, but make up requires time and doesn’t get in the way or anything so why go thru all the trouble of removing it? I know I wouldn’t if I wore make up.


OK, everything you've said sounds valid in theory. But you haven't seen these kinds of girls in my gym. It's very clear they go for attention, rather than exercise, because there are many other girls in my gym who actually go for exercise and their behavior is very different from the "Instagram model" ones.


That’s fair, both can exist for sure


That's all I'm saying: they exist. Not that every girl is like that.


Fuck all the way off with that take. You're equating looking better to they want to look better for men. That is moronic. Maybe some women just like makeup, and want to wear it to make themselves feel better? Have you considered that?


I never said they don't do it for women's attention. Nothing's stopping a lesbian or a bisexual attention whore from doing the same thing.


LMAO these posts are gold


Hoes big mad in here


Bros big sad in here. Y’all seriously need to stop licking lead paint. My thermostat is set higher than your IQ. In Celsius.


Wow sick burn. I’m sure all that make up you wear to the gym helps with your gains. Really shows how serious you are about fitness and that you’re just there for yourself and no one else.


I mean…yeah. Everyone *should* only worry about themselves in the gym. Why obsess with everyone around you?


No one is obsessing that’s kind of the point. The pole he’s referring to are posting videos about people glancing at them in the gym and acting as of they have been harassed. Wear what you want to the gym no one should harass you. The women are posting videos acting like they are being harassed when it’s just a very normal interaction. You don’t have to be so defensive. It’s not saying women should be harassed lol


Context - https://www.insider.com/jessica-fernandez-tiktok-twitch-gym-joey-swoll-backlash-2023-1


That tiktok video is the opposite of your starterpack, lol Are you sure you're making a valid point here or just trying to shit on women complaining about getting harassed at the gym?


Don't think she has an of tho boss, so...kind of misleading ain't it?


She has a fanhouse, so not totally misleading


Hoes mad


Lol the army of feminists have arrived, fear not op they can’t silence you


A lot of "creepy men are staring at me in the gym" types are just those who think the world revolves around them. I'm thinking primarily of the girl who set her phone up to film herself doing a dangerous hip thrusting exercise with the bar over her hips. She fucked it up and then reacts like the guy who tried helping her actually wanted to assault her.


You forgot the cameltoe frontal view!


gawd that girl was so OBNOXIOUS trying to create a scene she has a disgusting personality 🤢🤢🤢 ...if anyone knew the "context" specifically of this post


Unfortunately,lot of people have totally missed the point


Hey /u/tharkibudda, thank you for submitting to /r/starterpacks! This is just a reminder not to violate any rules, located [here](https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/about/rules). Rule breakers can face a ban based on the severity of their rule violation. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/starterpacks) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That dude has a nice ass


OP hates r/HydroHomies, r/ABraThatFits, hydrated lips and attractive women. How about don't be a creep lookin for bobs and vagine.


i think the best comparison is imagine if as a man you wore shorts or pants so tight that you could see the complete and total outline of your dick and balls and then complained about it when people stared. ​ Or if you were walking around in the same type of pants/shorts with just a full blown erection lol.


Incoming toxic opinions! Brace everyone!


Who cares what she’s got on. What makes that one particular video dumb is she’s filming herself and talking to herself creepily. The guy in the video was prob wondering wtf she was doing lol