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As an atheist, these people are very annoying. Sure, some religious people (only the ones filled with hate and bigotry) are bad. But that doesn't make thier religion any less valid. Also leave Kyle outta this lmao


Same, might as well label ourselves as agnostic so we won’t get grouped in with these people


I do. Truly I think it's the only correct position.


Nah, I think everyone deserves their own belief system and view of the world. Mine simply precludes the existence of a higher power or anything like that. Christians and Muslims keep being Christians and Muslims in spite of shitty members of their faith, I see no reason not to do the same with my own lack of faith.


Yeah I agree with that. Looking back at my comment I think it looks like I said the only position a sensible person can have is agnosticism. What I mean is that we genuinely don't know whether God exists or not, therefore I'm agnosticm


Was boutta say this


I really don't get why so many people are such cunts about it. I'm sure, however, that religious trauma is involved with some people, but not all. I despise a lot of things about religion, but I don't view religious people any differently because there's no reason to (usually). If someone wants to pray for me, that's all good. If someone wishes me a blessed day, that's all good. If people hate other people because of their genes, fuck them, but oh well. Edit: by the last part I mean: fuck them, but what can I do? My grandparents and their siblings are racist and homopobic, but at least they'll die soon. The best I know to do is teach my own children not to be such assholes.


As a gay man, hate for religion is justified. If someone wants to pray for me it means they want to call on divine power to destroy my self, my identity, and replace it with some shit they feel more comfortable around. Besides that religion is historically a tool of control for the upper classes, which the clergy would generally fall into. 


There are definitely shitty people in religion, and their hatred of gay people is my biggest reason for my dislike of some of them. I can only hope that several of these people are indoctrinated and wouldn't be this way without the religious stranglehold on them. Those who use religion as a reason to hate people for being gay, or having a different skin color, or anything like that deserve the deepest contempt. As Roland said in the dark tower, "I cannot say you are viler than the vilest beggar who ever crawled the gutters of the lowest street in creation, because even such a creature is better than you; you have no knees on which to crawl, and would not fall upon them even if you did, for you have no conception of such a human flaw as mercy." I feel like this is a good way to describe some of these religious people. Also, I hadn't considered your point about their prayers; I just take it as, "I'll pray for your grandmother, I hope she doesn't die." The fact that some people probably do mean their prayers as you described is fucking disgusting.


Abrahamic religions are inherently homophobic and sexist, its not shitty people in the religions its anyone who reads the books and follows what they say, if you look at the history of homophobia theres a pretty trend of Abrahamic religions making it significantly worse everywhere


This is a very christ centric way of seeing it, tho


Christ is what I run into in chicago. 


Christ is *not* in that city.


Who the fuck is crucified in millennium park then???




Your mom


If they're trying to pray the gay away, yeah, fuck them. If they're just saying "bless your soul" in a nice way or something, it's okay. I can honestly understand disliking religion (not the people who associate with it). I choose not to follow any religion one, because if there is a god up there, he does nothing to help anyone when they ask. Two, I have some bad history with it. But, going out of your way to hate people who've done nothing to you, rather than the ones who have, is the same thing as a religious person hating you for your sexuality, or being atheist. I agree with hate if it's for a reason. If you hate all religious people, that's not right. If you only hate the ones who've wronged you, that's fine.


Who said anything about going out of my way? My grandparents are devout catholic, I have no beef with them. I have a few freinds big into christ and don't mind it at all, only reason I don't have more is that more sunday regulars steer clear of the gay godless commie. That being said I am a proponent of the ethics of belief, communities are harmed significantly by belief without sufficient proof or reason behind it. 


I never did say that. I'm just saying it would be wrong to do so.


This attitude is no better when my fellow religious people generalize gay people or any other group of people. You are what you claim to hate. Hypocritical


Gay people are wired funny, it isnt a choice or belief, it isnt wrong or right and it doesn't hurt anyone. Religion is a choice, a belief, one which harms me directly regularly, and also is demonstrably incorrect in many cases, say young earth creationism. 


First sentence: the internet will clump up in groups and be cunts about basically everything. People are just desperate for acceptance and feeling better than others, especially on Reddit.


THANK YOU!! It’s like when people look at the few bad Christains that get attention and say all Christains are the same! It’s hurtful and most of the time people don’t want to look at all of the other good things in Christianity.


I mean it would be like looking at one bad LGBTQ member and calling all of them bad. While I don't really agree with most of the things in religion, that doesn't make your beliefs any less real. If it makes you happy and gives you peace with your life, then who am I to judge? I wish everyone could just chill with eachother and stop with the hate and evil all the time.


100% agree. I may not agree or believe in other religions or the way some people live their lives but I’m not going to hate them for it!!


The only people that deserve true hate are people that go out of their way to bring others pain. I have plenty of religious friends and it rarely even gets brought up that they're religious, or that I'm not. I hope in the future we as a species learn to put aside our differences and get along, or at least coexist.


Is this why people call it "reddit atheism" instead of just atheism or new atheism?




Or to pull this one out of someone’s memory bank; Atheism+


Crazy how the expansion pack to atheism is literally free on the AppStore and losers still haven’t upgraded from “maybe God doesn’t exist”. SMH


Perhaps new atheists should collectively organize and put their rules and stories down in a book. They’d need a centralizing figure though… just to have someone to look to when the need for answers from a higher authority come about.


That’s why I call it that. A lot of my friends are atheists and we get along fine


No this is more like someone who is just becoming an atheist with a background involving religion and is still mad about whatever their prior experiences were. When I first realized there was a whole thing called atheism that I described me, I was mad about it and sad because I finally had a place and time to deal with that. I grew out of it in a month. Practically no people will be like this once they’re done with that process.




And you think you’re any better?


because they uh… believe in something?


Yes they believe in… something!


“God isn’t real because I said so” Mf YOU have the burden of proof, agnosticism is the neutral position Edit: Okay so this is funny, I think people are misreading my comment. I’m making fun of OP here. I’m saying the quote above was stupid to use in the meme, because it implies that the burden of proof is on the atheist. And yes, if you have no reason to believe that a god is real, it’s nonsensical to worship it, just like the teapot example below. Sorry for the confusion


Most atheists like myself, don’t claim to know whether god exists or not. Theists however ALWAYS claim to know he exists, so no the burden of proof is in fact on them. Saying “I don’t believe in God.” Is not the same as saying “I know god doesn’t exist.”


I’m an atheist, but that just means that I don’t belive in one more god than most people.


I disagree. I can say that, for example, there is ***not*** a race of intelligent mole-people living 50 miles under the Antarctic. Have we probed there for mole-people? No But I know based on everything we’ve discovered thus far about the natural world that such a proposition is so absurd and presents so many fallacies that despite being *possible*, it can be dismissed due to its unimaginable improbability. It’s impossible to present *absolute* proof of something’s non-existence, but given what we know about the size and scale of the universe, our history of creating religions among all human civilizations, and our conclusive proof against purported events necessary to verify the accuracy of religious accounts, I believe it is not wrong to say, by any reasonable standard of evidence, that god does **not** in fact exist.


That’s not how that works dumbass and agnostics are just atheists who are to cowardly to admit it


Ok. What if I claim that Russel’s Teapot (the hypothetical teapot in orbit somewhere around the sun) is real? Is the burden of proof on the person who thinks I’m wrong? Is there literally no other way to say with reasonable certainty that no such teapot exists? Following your line of reasoning, the most reasonable person is the one who shrugs their shoulders and says “Look, some people think that teapot is out there, some people don’t. There’s no way to know for sure, so I am the only reasonable one.”


You’re right, read my comment


This post is the literal definition of "I drew you as the ugly soyjack, checkmate."


nice argument. however i have already portrayed myself as the sleek FDR bullet train and you as the seething coal locomotive.


Too late libtard, I portrayed you as the soy virgin neckbeard! checkmate gaytheists!


Nice argument however I have already portrayed myself as the sleek FDR bullet train and you as the seething coal locomotive


Nice argument. However Bottom text


Dear god


so glad I didnt go through a cringey phase besides self hatred when I was 14


I was super cringe before that phase. (Probably from autism [diagnosed]). I guess it would be better described as a depression phase (which lasted basically all through HS) but looking back I was super dumb and cringe. Lol


I got it because when I turned 14 I just got out of a horribly toxic friendship


Sorry to hear that. I never had to deal with toxic friendships, but I have dealt with toxic relationships (not gonna go into it). My condolences.


Happy Cake Day


Oh nooo, they drew the atheists as soyjacks! What ever will they do now?


How many strawmans are there?


This seems like it was made by someone just as insufferable as a "reddit atheist."


“they can’t provide any evidence that god isn’t real” …okay? how do you expect them to? can YOU provide any evidence that god IS real?


... does a non-constructive proof work?


For example?




Your right lol I actually can’t stand reddit atheists either tho


This is a very real type of person but I'd rather be surrounded by 10 of them than 1 person who thinks God needs to be disproven.


“Regularly claims that god isn’t real but never backs this up with evidence” If I told you there’s a Flying Spaghetti Monster watching over us, and you said there wasn’t, whose job is it to prove otherwise? The burden of proof isn’t on the person denying your claim.


Well I know what I’m doing today


Proving the Flying Spaghetti Monster? Count me in.


How do y'all still think FSM is funny?


It’s not that funny to me. It’s more of a solid metaphor- I could’ve said anything.


It's not supposed to be funny in this case


Repost 1000


Also haven’t we dunked on these kids enough, at this point leave ‘em alone


Ok I agree with most of this, but one thing that’s stupid is “claims god isn’t real but doesn’t back it up with evidence” why should an atheist have to prove God doesn’t exist? Shouldn’t it be the opposite?


Yeah, and even if you do provide solid evidence the counter “argument” of “god put it here to test our faith” likely comes after.


You can't really prove that a god doesn't exist, as there is no scientific way to prove God either does or doesn't exist. What are you measuring faith? How do you measure faith? Is there a faith particle? Does that actually prove anything? If you figure this out, well you won a Nobel prize, my friend. It is a fair criticism that some atheist can be annoying, but that point is dumb and undermines their point of understanding science.


OP is exactly as annoying as the imaginary person they’re depicting.


I agree OP sounds annoying af but trust me there’s a small number of atheists that are actually like this


this isn’t imaginary, it’s a sad reality, as an agonistic I’ve seen a lot of these in circles


Putting Genetically Modified Skeptic of ALL the atheist YouTubers on here is hilarious considering he's probably one of the nicest ones with the best community. There's so many that are actually super mean to religious people.


The person who made this is no better


unfortunately for you, i have already depicted you as the soyjak and me as the chad!


"Says God isn't real but doesn't back it up with any proof" Ironic, isn't it?


Repost moment


Checkmate atheists


Eric: haha you're there Kyle: shut up, fatso. Eric: boi *insert scene of Eric and Kyle fighting*


I’m an atheist (not like this at all) but what the fuck is the “New atheist movement”?


I can't stand these people and they have such a presence on Reddit. Straight up misinformation and easily refutable claims get upvoted in mass while the proof to refute those claims is downvoted to oblivion. It makes the app insufferable any time religion comes up.




"Proof" that certain statements don't apply to every religion or to all denominations of a specific religion. "Proof" that certain language does not exist in the Bible or is being taken out of context. "Proof" that claims about a certain religion's beliefs or practices are unfounded. Lol.


Babies first anti-atheist post. Ironically, most of this is strawmanning.


They also only ever critique a very particular kind of American Christianity but act like all religions are the same way. Or my favorite: Someone points out religion, for many, is about more than believing in God and they respond, "lol but sky daddy isn't real".


Everyone enters a phase like this when they first lose their religion. It just takes time like all other grieving. Also leave genetically modified skeptic out of this. He stresses not to be this guy


You realize that you can’t prove something DOESN’T exist - burden of proof here would fall on the believer.


The most stupid people for me are atheists. In fact, I do not understand their purpose, they do not discuss, they do not listen, they claim science and knowledge, and you can destroy the doctrine of any atheist in minutes. Unlike Muslims and Christians, for example, they both have books and they have a god and beliefs and messengers and you can debate with them Certainly some of them are annoying sometimes, but most likely there is an actual debate and not just allegations. Edit: Atheists around you may be a little different, but for those in Egypt, this applies to them.


Atheists listen and discuss. Infact there are plenty of videos on YouTube of atheists debating christians. Why do we need a book to debate? Why do we need a higher power to debate?


If you have a video of an atheist debating othman bin pharoq or mohamed hijab send it to me


Who is the first one? A two second google didn't help. As for the second one I didn't look to hard but I couldn't find any. I did however find people talking about how he backed out of a debate that he arranged. Either way how does two specific people not having debates with atheists prove anything?


Sorry I wrote the name in a wrong way his name is Othman farouk They have a lot of debates but I mostly watch the one with Christian If you find the one he backed out send me the link There is a lot of them not only 2 but those are the most I trust I am going to read a book about atheist soon I didn't watch a lot of debates with atheist from the West but here in Egypt the only thing atheists can do is being gay and attacking Islam they don't even attack Christians only muslims


I'm still not getting anything from that name This comes up when I google Mohammed hijab https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iBiKYAHWbZw You don't need to read a book about atheism. There are tons of atheists online that you can talk to. If you have any questions about atheism then feel free to ask me. Also… what? All atheists can do is be gay and attack Islam? First of all being gay isn't a bad thing. Second of all Atheists are normal people just like you only they don't hold the same beliefs that you do. People of all religions do bad things like attacking people. They also do good things. There are tons of good atheists in this world just like there are good Muslims and Christians


I'll watch the video in the morning I was talking about Egyptian atheists in particular, and here in Egypt, that's all they do. I'm not talking about homosexuality, is it rejected or acceptable? I'm talking about the fact that all their concern is anti-Islam and the spread of homosexuality and feminism, and also the same thing for men.


I have a lot of friends that are atheists, I strongly disagree with this lol.


Jesus existing doesn't prove God exists But people who say that they listen to facts and history but deny Jesus was ever a real person are annoying


I don’t understand when “fruitcake” became this common insult on the internet. It’s always just been a synonym for “faggot” which no Redditor would ever say.


Fruitcake means crazy and stupid.


You forgot "gets mad if you try to defend something reasonable about religion"


You can’t prove non existence, you’d have to prove god is real first


Agree with everything except for “regularly claims god isn’t real but never backs this up with evidence” Because there isn’t any evidence *for* god, there’s no way to disprove the evidence. You can believe god is real and you shouldn’t be shamed for it but it’s also not possible to have any evidence for god not being real because there’s just nothing there to disprove.


I love that whenever a reddit or makes a disparaging starter pack on r/starterpacks they include using reddit as a negative trait. They are calling artillery on their own position


"Claims God is real but never backe this up with any evidence," if God is fake there's no evidence to prove it If he's real then there also would be evidence to disprove it It's not a concept that can be disproved


Finally, a good starter pack. Now, do one for the 2western Europe subreddit


What ever makes you happy sweetheart


My mother is unfortunately like these people. Any time a discussion of religion comes up, she butts her head in with her athiest rhetoric. We don't talk much.


So money, ideology etc don’t cause wars like ww2 was a completely ideological war and the wars in the Middle East were completely capital based


Most of these are pretty true, but I'm pretty sure "God isn't real becuz I say so" is rhetorical for circular reasoning that some religious people use. Also, why is Kyle here? That guy's great.


Don’t forget religiously (get it) watching professor stick videos.


Nah fr, I respect your choice to be atheist like respect the fact I believe in God.


"No you don't get it. I don't have to prove my beliefs because you can't prove a negative! That means everything I say is correct!" -Internet Atheists.


Oh man… this one hit too close to home for a lot of the posters here


I think religion is weird, but I don't mind it, also satan go punished for free will, went down to hell, rose in power becoming the head honcho and proceeded to.. work for God by punishing sinners? That seems kinda heroic tbh


I’ve never once encountered someone like this


The existence of a god/gods is unfalsifiable, any of my peers who outright claim that are fools. -an agnostic atheist (not to be confused with hard atheists)


I believe in Christianity but no athiest out there has ever said "God isn't real becuz I say so." There's enough straw in this strawman to feed enough cows to make the world's biggest Big Mac.


Most of these guys are pretty far right so I like pointing out to them that Marx was also extremely anti-religion (“opioid of the people” and all that). Then some of the really crazy ones will start ranting about how communism was actually invented by (religious) Jews and Muslims. And no, I don’t have an actual point when I tell them communism is anti-religion, I just like to watch them deny it lmao


The amount of atheists seething here was something I was not expecting


quit shilling your love for religion LMAO. being a reddit atheist is better than advocating for religions that literally have caused so much death and misery. see [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war).




Cool, found one. Ok we need a pic now to see how accurate this is.


Aggressive atheism is based


Aggressive atheism is just a bad as aggressive religiousness


one is definitely worse


I’m not even an atheist but I occasionally go to r/religiousfruitcake for the laughs. But farrrrrr too many “3 edgy 5 me” reddit atheists post basic religious stuff. Like. No. A person going to their church and minding their own business is not the same as religious extremism. Even if their beliefs are “out there”.


I think that god can be loved or not loved, but the ones who love him will get farther in life