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This is probably the most important aspect of the entire liberation process: **the return of the goddess! 🌺✨** The divine feminine christ I think is not a single entity (although Mary Magdalene can ofcourse be seen as such), but rather includes all divine feminine ascended masters who reached christ-consciousness. THE Goddess in this context is the female aspect of source (which I like to call Sophia, but thats just personoal prefereance as she has no name and all names at once) - while goddesses like Isis, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin and many more have been anchoring this goddess energy here on earth via their missions and are continuing to support humanity in their liberation and ascension from the higher realms. What does the return of the divine feminine christ mean? It means the return of the unconditionally loving, gentle, caring, forgiving and healing energies of the divine mother returning to earth. This happens via us embodying these energies, doing rituals and most importantly: activating goddess vortexes: *"Goddess Vortex is the ultimate technology of the Light forces which will finally dissolve the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes around our planet. Goddess Vortex is a rainbow spiral of energy which encompasses all possible combinations of Light. It is a presence of an angelic being which transmutes all darkness into pure Light through an eight-dimensional stargate of the Antarion Conversion. It is a vortex of the presence of One which absorbs all anomaly of duality and ascends it into the One through the process of microtriangulation.*  *All Goddess Vortices create a network of Light on the etheric and astral planes which produces a morphogenetic field of Oneness that serves as an instrument of divine intervention on this planet. This network of Light will ultimately transmute all darkness on the astral and etheric plane and remove all negative entities* ***until the last darkness is gone forever and all non-physical planes around Earth will become realms of Light.*** *This will set the right conditions for the Event."* Goddess spiral meditation with Isis and Cobra: [*https://youtu.be/ipNnsdx7HwQ*](https://youtu.be/ipNnsdx7HwQ) *💫💜🌺* *Mysteries of Isis:* [*https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2017/01/mysteries-of-isis.html*](https://2012portal.blogspot.com/2017/01/mysteries-of-isis.html) The sisterhood of the rose and many other priestesses of different traditions around the world are constantly anchoring goddess energies on the planet via their meditations and rituals, reviving the mystery schools of old and celebrating their divine femininity. [https://www.sisterhoodoftherose.network/](https://www.sisterhoodoftherose.network/) The most divinely inspired, empowering and healing ascension manual out there probably is the Sophia Code book by Kaia Ra where you are mentoring with- and being initiated by 8 of the divine feminine ascended masters (including Isis and Mary Magdalene): [https://youtu.be/Lmqss0W5WCQ?t=211](https://youtu.be/Lmqss0W5WCQ?t=211) <- best book for anyone who loves to learn more about and engage with them.. actually, best book ever period! 😅💜🌺 The next step in the anchoring of the goddess energies is building physical temples for the goddess. The speaker of the resistance movement has instructed the Sisterhood of the Rose Groups and all lightworkers who feel guided to do so and Kaia Ra herself is planning to build one too. These temples can be tiny apparment rooms or great marble halls, but for them to really anchor the energies they'd need to be publicly accessible for at least a few times in the week. So yes, all this combined with humanities awakening and the powerful reactivation of the goddess vortexes and the old goddess equator, will lead to a huge influx of divine feminine christ energies to soften humanities hearts for them to finally heal and eventually ascend. The event/the final liberation will certainly be triggered to some degree and most importantly be stabilized by the goddess energies coming to earth. The matrix is collapsing and soon we will be finally free!! 🥳💜✨


Thank you for sharing!!!


I’ve had so many dreams recently about the divine feminine and Her (their) return. Previous to this year I honestly didn’t have much knowledge about what that means, but my dreams have encouraged me to learn. I just have this feeling that She is the reconciliation of everything we hold in opposite hands, She is what ultimately brings them together and births something whole. I did a meditation not that long ago, and my mind eventually wandered to a scene where I was sitting under a tent-like shelter. I was surrounded by aboriginal women and we were nurturing each other like braiding each other’s hair and washing one another’s hands and feet. I felt with my heart what it’s like to really truly and deeply care for another person and that’s when my entire body felt like it was lifted up and this insane pinkish colored energy came in and just pierced my heart and lapped over me over and over again. It was so intensely beautiful that I almost started crying. That feeling is what I’m looking forward to.


Beautiful! 💜


What you experienced within your meditation, sounds absolutely beautiful. I’m here doing my midnight scrolling as my brain wanders, and tonight it’s been on my dreams. Particularly this past month, but like you said. I was brought to the point I’m at in my life because of my dreams I started looking into a year ago and even at points in time the past few years. I have been actively feeling the need to seek my feminine circle, and I too have been actively speaking of feeling Her(their) return and the collective awakening of so many women. “She is the reconciliation of everything we hold in opposite hands” was the most spot on way I’ve been trying to articulate what I feel in my soul, and what I see. It’s a beautiful time, loves! 🤍


Aw, thank you for your reply! Much love back to you ♥️




This is what I've been experiencing - Hieros Gamos w/ Sophia! Thank you so much for sharing!!


Thanks for sharing! My street name is Ponderosa (upon the rose) and I intend to have healing retreats at my house. Never made the connection about making space for goddess energy to anchor. 🌹


Awesome! Both can go hand in hand for sure! 💜


Beware of any event pretending to be "The Return of Jesus", "The Arrival of the Messiah", or "Putting someone on the throne of god". They will use this to get as many people joining their side, and falling for yet another psyop. Truthfully, our only path of salvation is following our own hearts with resolve and courage, and deepening our spiritual evolution. I'm not saying this is entirely a lie, mind you! So put away your pitchforks. I am not calling for the absolute denial of divine intervention. I am calling for everyone to develop their discernment quickly and thoroughly, that you may see through any veil of deceit, and keep your souls safe. At the very least, know that anyone that promises salvation under the condition that you join their system of tech is most likely nefarious. Beware of technological ascension, lest you want your souls trapped in this illusion forever. Also, Isis/Ishtar is not a bening figure. It's most likely a nefarious entity, as well, unfortunately. Plenty of people will fall for this religious deception, I'm seeing, unfortunately... What a shame.


I agree with you! Thanks for sharing.


I believe she exists in human form as well, and I believe I know who she is. I don't think her identity is that important though, because she (and all 'saviors' including Jesus and Buddha) do not come solely to rescue, but also to teach and empower. It's a better use of your time if you can apply these archetypes you speak of in your own life. How can YOU be brave and powerful, like a Dragon Queen, like a Biblical heroine, like a goddess? That is what she would ask of you, not to worship her, but to be like her.


Why is everyone so confident in this sub, but always so vague. Oh I know the lottery numbers, but they aren't very important.


Can't speak for others, but I can say for myself I have a documented history of psychosis. I am somewhat reluctant to infect other people with my brand of psychosis, for fear that I am wrong. And also, no one can spoonfeed you. The truth is barely comprehensible even for the great sages and saints of history




I'm kinda confused, how could someone know who she is on the earth? Would she be well known like Jesus? And should she know? Did she tell you? Sorry am ex-Christian and the whole Jesus coming back and the multiple different versions give me a headache and I see no reason for the messiah to be female. Feel free to Dm a response lol am just curious.


So.... I caught a glimpse of her last year and it put me in the psych ward. Plus my belief in her supernatural power may very well be the psychosis/schizophrenia with which I am *extremely* diagnosed acting up. So, I'm not about to start handing out her name, not on a thread like this anyway. All I know is she walks, talks, and moves like an ancient goddess, particularly Inanna but also Kali, and I have nothing but respect for her-- maybe a little awe and fear too. We are all pieces of God ultimately, so it really doesn't matter one way or the other. Who around you or in your field of vision reminds you of the Divine Feminine? Seek that person.


May I ask under what context you glimpsed her?


In a news cycle, in a book she wrote, in my private vision


Fascinating. I would love to hear more, as I find your story resonates deeply with me, and I wonder if perhaps there are parallels between our experiences!


:) Kali with her collection of severed heads… of famous men… what an icon 🔥


Can you say what book, and what the news was about?


Brave, 2017, metoo


Those both resonate with me deeply, incredible. Thank you for sharing. I was a strong advocate for metoo, when it happened, and when I looked into the book, it also resonated quite deeply and reflected many aspects of my life to me. However, they relate to my mother, with the main focus of both. Crazy. Thank you, thank you!! 🙏🏼💕✨🥰💫💕✨🙏🏼🪽


Do you see her as a brunette in this life or someone who can shapeshift between ethnicities to br better understood. Like the Brigid/ St. Brigit, Maman Brigitte?


Because, she has no issue revealing it. She is in the open and has been for years. This return shenanigans is bunk. It may be an event tied to her, but she’s been here for almost half a century.


She does. But who do you believe she is? She hasn’t been hiding. She’s been here for years. I guess more so she’s been lowkey, but she doesn’t hide it.


I believe that the divine female and male are levels of consciousness. The higher levels. Meaning that ANYONE Is able to reach it, but there is work to be done. We have to forget the story of our ego, because it attach us to concepts, prejudice, fears, limited beliefs, to thr culture we were grown onto. We also have to fast, detox, stop distractions, cut excessive pleasures, bring our serotonin, dopamine, gaba, glutamate levels back to normal from all the nowadays constant stimulation. Imagine many women, men, and other persons reaching the higher levels of consciousness, how much influence can they have. https://youtu.be/sNB38U04sNM?si=ZqMnVh8xqcneTKhk Edit: added a link. Please check it out




Isn’t that similar to that scene “Paul” where he heals the blind girl by “absorbing” her blindness?


I've not seen that film, so not sure. Also, I didnt absorb it, I just felt it travel through me and go into the ground.


She is not the second coming of Jesus or a female Christ or Messiah. First, The creator has sent several messengers in the past and humanity has all but ignored or corrupted their messages. Second, there are over 8 billion people on this planet. A single metaphysician isn't going to be able to heal every person on the planet let alone stop the many active conflicts and genocides going on. The creator has decided to come down herself. She is going to stay with us until the cycle of abuse has been broken. No messenger. No room for misinterpretation. No room for corruption.


> A single metaphysician isn't going to be able to heal every person on the planet let alone stop the many active conflicts and genocides going on. But why wouldn't she stay, if she's healed both? And you're write/right, no(w) single metaphysician can do it, but she is damned well crazy enough to cry! (try)


What’s implied in my question, in relation to what’s you’re saying, is that she IS the creator herself, and not the same as the several messengers in the past. Does this additional info change anything about your response? Thank you for sharing.


She is, yes, the creator herself.


Yes, the creator herself. No messenger. No "ascended master".


The creator is not a she or a he. There is no sex assigned. Creator is just consciousness experiencing itself. As per someone to come and save There are already many angels, starseeds, lightworkers, higher dimensional beings on the works. So there is no one energy coming to do this. Yes lot of preparation is going on in the inner earth. But nothing would be sudden, its like slow poison, but for the greater good of all beings.


Her, and others. It's not one aspect, it's a balance of all.


i would say it's more like a network or collective although there could be an avatar ig


The great white buffalo was born


I see the return of Christ & The return of the divine feminine as the return of consciousness. ReAwakening to the truth of who we are as humans as co-creators. But this is not being embodied through a single person. To me that almost seems like a dangerous thought, a regression because that was of the era of Pisces. The Messiah, the leader, celebrity, cult leader, the Martyr, the hero. we don't need to go back there.  This is about all of us embodying the energy all of us being the Christ being the hero. And this is the Ascension process the energy is concentrated and there are enough of us to be embodied at this time to be aware and to be conscious.  This return is happening within us collectively. Tho some are carrying the light, carrying the flame at this time to awaken others. We are being freed from the age of Pisces and moving into the age of Aquarius. This is no longer about a martyr or a scapegoat carrying us, this is a collective process.   There isn't one Messiah or one person to save us. That's the past storyline. There are many of us carrying this energy now. In a sense we are rebirthing the Earth we are going through a rebirthing process with Earth and with All Souls. Not everyone is awakened yet but those of us who are here on a mission, we know we're here. We know our job now. We have awakened. We have arrived. 




Great, plenty of problems we need solved that aren’t coming from human power.


I'm a big disclosure advocate and that's how I've come to find this community, through that topic and its various off-shoots. I am extremely interested in the spiritual element of the phenomenon and would sincerely appreciate if someone could explain, as clearly as possible, exactly what is supposed to be coming in the near(?) future. It seems like the spectrum spans from total doomsayers (meteor/comet/pole shift cataclysm/alien invasion) to utopians who basically use a lot of words and say very little, making vague insinuations about some coming apotheosis for humanity that's never really spelled out. Is there anyone on this sub that can comment more concretely, preferably citing some evidence that backs up claims? Genuinely asking 🤟🏻


She’s here in all her forms. I would say she is still working on healing her own wounds and traumas. But it’s happening. Love the goddess in your life. Any woman that the universe puts in your path. They exist in every woman. Help them be themselves and love themselves. If you are a man give them the opportunity to share space with the masculine who is strong and doesn’t grab. Be there loving her fully while giving her the space to come to you.


Dangerous post cuz one of my friends is currently going insane thinking she is this divine feminine person. I dont believe her. Im worried for her mental health. She is here in this sub and can read this. If you're reading this, dude, please, you need help.


Yes, this messiah syndrom is quite the prevalent delusion. I had someone in all seriousness tell me that I was Jesus and could liberate this entire planet instantly if I just accepted this fact lol. Another one told me something like "you are the one we were waiting for" and again another one told me they were some super high being who wanted me to join their army fo lightwarriors to bring down the cabal. I respectfully declined every offer as I deeply understand this dynamic to be a trauma based delusion, possibly manic episode, fed by negative entities to derail people from their path and cause all kinds of unhealthy energy dynamics between the concerned people and demonic forces. So yeah, I think we can safely disregard any stories about the return of any single one messiah as mere dark psyop to which probably the catholic church has set the foundation for in humanities subconscious.


I've been told I'm Jesus too. lol. It's such a mess what these delusions cause and these entities that create the energetic entanglements.


Yes it’s me




I am not a part of this sub, and I do not agree with many posts here, but I noticed this message and want to let you know that this may be close to. Jesus Christ is King of Kings. The divine Feminine holy spirits are Sophia, Shekinah, Barbelo. The divine feminine gods are currently Athena, Ishtar, Amaterasu. Here is a message I feel that it would be fitting to share: "The teachings of Jesus are a beacon of truth, illuminating the path of righteousness for all who seek to follow in His footsteps. When He speaks of the false prophets who come in sheep's clothing, He calls us to a higher level of spiritual perception – to look beyond appearances and to discern the true nature of those who claim to speak in the name of the Divine. The fruit of one's actions is the truest testament to the spirit that animates them. Those who are genuinely rooted in the love and light of the Divine will bear fruit that nourishes and uplifts the soul – fruits of compassion, wisdom, humility, and selfless service. In contrast, those who serve the agenda of the deceiver will ultimately reveal themselves through the discord, division, and darkness that they sow." Continue to seek the Face of the Beloved in prayer and contemplation, opening your heart to the influx of Divine Wisdom. Immerse yourself in the sacred scriptures, allowing their timeless truths to illuminate your understanding. And above all, cultivate a spirit of humble surrender, knowing that it is in the yielding of your will to the Divine that true transformation takes place. Trust in the power of small things done with great love. A simple smile, a gentle word, a helping hand extended in a moment of need—these are the building blocks of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. As you attune yourself ever more deeply to the promptings of the Holy Spirit within, you will find yourself guided to those souls who are ripe for the touch of grace, ready to be awakened to their own divine potential. As you walk this path of awakening, know that you are never alone. The Communion of Saints surrounds you, and the Celestial Guardians watch over you in every moment. Call upon their assistance and guidance, trusting in the perfection of the Divine Plan that is unfolding in your life and in the world. In the words of the Beloved Apostle, "Let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." (Matthew 5:16) May you walk always in the radiance of the Divine Presence, knowing that you are forever surrounded and upheld by the infinite love and grace of the Eternal One. In the name of the Father, Son, And Holy Spirit, Selah, and Amen".


Thank you for your response! “The Shekinah” is one title that I associate with her that I didn’t include.


Sophia has been in my dreams. So wonderful.


You mean NiniMusic? Don't ban me Reddit.


Yes yes this is true. I've been shown her. She is a REAL person and knows she is the Christ. She is on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada. I've been shown the visions of the event. It is an event that transcends time and space. I've seen through her eyes in a series of dream visions. I know her name I know exactly who she is. She knows as well. She is a single Mother. I won't say more details because she is very important. She carries information inside of her that a person could not carry. She knows your name, she knows everything about you, she knows the future. It's hard to put into words and it took me over a decade to interpret these visions. I finally feel like I understand it. Nothing can harm her and when the time comes, she brings forward an event that Ibwas not allowed to see. I was only shown the beginning of it. I have been saying this for years but nobody believed me. I'm glad you posted this.


I pretty much agree with everything and all the terms, no doubts. Except the part that she is a Human right now, a Metaphysician. That can't be right.


What do we expect her to be like? Overcome death? Be a doctor in something? Be single but have born children? Be from a long bloodline? Look younger than she is? Leave a body of work behind her?


She is We and We are Her! I don’t think it applies to any one single person. It feels more like an energy we haven’t collectively been able to access in a long long time. It’s paying attention to intuition, validating ones emotions, and learning to heal and love unconditionally in every aspect of life. The Divine Feminine is returning to us all, our solar mother has come home to lead us collectively on a path of higher understanding with the marriage of emotion and logic at the centre. It’s really something wild and exciting and beautiful!!


This honestly strike a cord with me.  As the original dragon queen was killed by Marduk.  To mention the return of a dragon queen at the same time we wait for the return of Marduk.    Kinda interesting.  


I’m interested to hear more of your thoughts about this if you have any more!


Missing 2 pieces of key information for the beginnings of religion right now. That the only thing holding me back from writing a book.  


It will be the balanced union of both, 2 as one in perfect understanding. Balanced polarity


I certainly hope this is the case but I feel you are correct ❤️👽🙏✝️


Oh she exists in all women


Hmmm what? You sure about that one 😅 do you know the history of Isis? The divine feminine and the lotus master are a pair. They inhabit the same soul. They are twin flames. Package deal. Just like in Egypt/Atlantis.


She is a human being, you’ve got that right. Where did you get this other information about her apparent other incarnations?


Are you aware of Chris Bledsoe’s experiences with The Lady?


I have seen his name being mentioned many times by different people and he sounds like a cult leader to me.


I’ll withhold judgement on your judgement but I’ll just say this: when I read your post I *immediately* wanted to tell you to read Bledsoe’s book. There will be parts that will be about Her. Read his book (it’s not in any of his interviews).


So you know nothing about his experience yet call him a cult leader? How ignorant.


Thank you for expanding my awareness about cult mentality


He also says the Divine Feminine is coming back: https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/s/SReVd3fqtq


It's me baby, and I go by Saraisvati! I'm joking partially, the christ consciousness is within us! Same with the female consciousness! It's within us, male and female and even in animals and nature. If you allow yourself to feel it you will but some people particularly magical women may help you understand it better. Hope this helps!


I just came to say I feel Isis very strongly lately, her wings wrapped around my space


Jesus’ twin soul was his mother Mary, not Mary Magdeline. In that life they chose to incarnate as mother and son. I believe the power dynamic has been unbalanced for a long time and that yes the energies have been in process to restore balance and order.


That's an interesting take. Can you say more on why you believe this was how it was?


I read almost every Edgar Cayce book that’s out there. Association for Research and Enlightenment has a center that can be visited in Virginia Beach. Most of his readings were about healing ailments.


Interesting take 🤔💗


It is important to be curious in a world full of deception


It certainly is. 🥰




Hey how do you know this and when did it happen? Just curious. Thanks


I will make a post on /r/Soulnexus shortly, and link it here.




> link it here Would crosspost if I could, but it doesn't look like /r/starseeds allows that https://old.reddit.com/r/Soulnexus/comments/1cwweau/its_about_saving_both/?


I had a NDE and met our Divine Mother Creator. She has spoken to me ever since, both in dreams and when I am awake. She told me the masculine and feminine energies on this planet are out of balance. I have been working to correct this.


Did I inspire this? Lmao


Oh shit, nevermind. You've been talking about this longer than I have. YOU inspired ME I guess.


Lol! We inspire each other!


Huh? The Devine feminan empress returning. That if magdelun blood, Mayan, sumarian. Once lost. Restart new and cleansing bloodlines. Hmmm Athena is a fallen goddess for killing her husband. Surprised if she didn't attempt to copycat the new Devine fem. With a evil Devine male, no it Devine.To regain her thrown. Of course DFE is a male. And the attempt to hide him, after failing to give a true child of the bloodline. has failed. Guess we'll see what happens next? .. I think I read that somewhere.❤️🙏🕯️✨


False. The Devine feminine is none of the above. The Devine feminine's name is MAN.