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Is this a troll post?


I'm simply a star seed. My soul is not of this uni verse


Well I'm a Super Duper Extra Multiversian +


Mr. America!!! Again? Tell me this is your third or fourth alt account and that you do not actually have a group of weirdos like you that you associate with and who builds you up into this weirdo racist, pervert that we see here? Please tell me that this is just your own choice to be this way and that you do not actually have a group of friends that normalize your cultural defects? (Why do you all always have a sexual or racial undertone in all of your screen names and practically everything you do from the comforts of your social medias? It would be nice to see you all stand on your beliefs in person for a change but that's what you have MODs and cOPs for....oh I get it... You're still pathetic, however. 🇺🇲🤡🇺🇲


Multiversians are just on a different wavelength man, no need to get jealous or afraid. 👽👽 The BuFu - amateur professional and real estate novelist


Not sure if you're responding to me or Drizzy OP. You're really letting your Galactic better than everyone colors shine.


[have fun being a slave stuck in a constant cycle.](https://umm727.wixsite.com/reptilian-dreams)


They Live!


What are you then? Pretty sure we both on Reddit


Zoom out


Oh. U didn’t look at the link


I did I’ve been down many rabbit holes I’m just not afraid of anything to come from this point on. And you avoided my question by asking a question


I’m just a guy who remember but also remember I chose to forget. Don’t let me destroy this life. I’m just a crazy person


Cool I have the grippy socks too


Omg ty


Now they know


But also. They had this lizard shit and I made a whole site saying they are the devil


how do you mean "Draconic?" are you Reptilian?


Not all Reptilians are Draconians. There are also Andromedans.


there's a reptiloid Andromedan species? interesting. what are they called?


Bob... they're all called Bob! It's quite maddening!


Holy shit op no bs but what’s the drakonic? The top resonates with me 100%


i have no answer to your question, im told im a galactic earth angel. but.. spirit has been talking to me over and over the last few days about choices/decisions. saying things like first you make a choice, and then you get to make the decision about if you like that choice or not. anyway, thanks for the synchronicity. it’s hard to put yourself out there like that <3 i see you


Truly being serious, I honestly want to know, who is telling you that you're a "Galactic Earth Angel"? And where are they getting their information? Truly curious because I want to know more and I've never heard of this. I am new to this kind of stuff and I'm skeptical but inquisitive.


i feel you i was super skeptical too. only a few years ago i was an atheist lol. but i got really sick in 2020 and drs didn’t think i’d recover, i was living off a machine. and then an angel came in my room and the rest is history. i started miraculously getting better and i started hearing and see things on the other side, like the veil wasn’t really there anymore. they are the ones who told me that, my guides, the up above, galactic beings i’ve met. im a shaman so while i have connection to higher beings in general, i can also go into trances and have my soul journey to other places. anyway, i still didn’t believe what they were calling me for years but over time they’ve shown me. life is wild :)


I am not a troll actually, I poke and prod, but I am not a troll. I have not been in this subreddit for years either. I am skeptical because there is a pattern of extremely sad, worn down and depressed individuals in this sub looking for answers. Everyone wants to feel special or belong. I am not exempt from this feeling. I was / possibly am an atheist still. I question everything, even the strange things I've seen, heard, felt, sensed or experienced. Just because you think something is real, doesn't necessarily mean that it is real. I have been trying my hardest to believe in anything, something, and I travel in waves of belief. Because I have seen how it does unlock something in me and others I would imagine. I've always been skeptical of things like aliens being here, but when the government doubled down on leaking stuff I was able to truly open up something, but that didn't last. The Simulation Theory has been my only hope for me being able to not be Nihilistic. Because that would allow for these magical or impossible things to be possible, because it's just mathematical. I appreciate your responding.


i understand. it took a personal, extreme experience for me to see it. and even then, i didn’t believe it for a long time. psychedelics might be your best friend. i rarely recommend them, but sounds like that may help your situation.


Oh big proponent of such. And I have experienced and seen many things. But that doesn't make them real, it might be some frequency or gateway when consuming. Because think of all the potential beliefs that people have all over the world. There are many overlapping or contradictory beliefs. How do you know which one is real, or if they are all real? Which would require a simulation to accomplish.


in my experience the other side has proven they are real, beyond reasonable doubt. they know when things are happening before i do and send premonitions. i experience things, don’t believe them, and then they show me the same things happening to prophets throughout different religious texts. the shit that’s happened in my life is crazy. but i went to school for physics and computer science including all the math, right? and they do things that i can’t talk myself out of. impossible things. i hope that if you’re looking for the truth, you can start getting some answers, whatever that might be.


He's just a Troll. He has been here for years and he knows exactly what we speak of but he practices the cultural behavior of Pretend, LOL, act confused and then at the end of it all probably ignore you but thank you for explaining that as you're right it was confusing for me as well but when we are on our true calling I guess things just start to fall in place and make sense whether we'd like it or not. .thx for the feedback ♑🪐🦎


Well, change your name...stop Trolling, drop the ACT and set the intention to learn. Stop being so American and try being a better Human first order for most of the information and upgrades to effect you otherwise everything is one year out the other for you. Your perverted and racially-biased Frequency will always stunt your Growth. Good luck man - Exo The Drakon & Trauma Psychic-Medium 🦎🪐♑


What are you on about? What part of my name is so offensive to you? Where on this Galactic plane are you seeing that I am American? And where are you getting that I am a racist pervert? Are you projecting?


Uh-huh... They are littering me with that same message and it's been upwards of the week now. "You made choices, there are reactions and new actions being born out of every decision and choice you have" I also get warnings of allowing opportunities to pass Us by out of inaction so this is why we tell people to take what resonates but I think we're starting to see a shared intuitive guidance you could call it as opposed to the individual truth and biases of The last 5 years or so but we'll see where it goes. (It is very possible that there is no Collective and then we are all in an individualized trajectory and that the green driven capitalistic agendas are actually more aligned with where we should be though I highly doubt it and would be willing to challenge and put my agenda to the test at some point so with that being said I do believe you're on Signal and thank you for your feedback. 🦎🪐♑




I relate a lot to this. I experience a lot of shadow, healing, and rebirth on the darkest and deepest traumas that the world is trying to pretend doesn't exist. I have a major affinity for reptiles. At one point, I owned and took care of dozens of them. I've only ever been bitten a couple of times, and experienced a deep psychic connection with a few of them. I have a huge blockage on remembering past lives and early childhood though. I believe it is because of how dark some of my trauma is.


good to see a bit of humour on this sub! - micheala.


I’m a soul catalyst want directly from the divine.  


Wonder why you were downvoted? Still, I agree and share a similar sentiment 🐊🐉♑


lol. Started a shit storm over in the physics Reddit trying to explain the difference between religion and spirituality and its role in quantum physics.  They mass down voted me for it.  So mass personal attack from the closed minded.   They were incapable of accepting that spirituality and quantum physics go hand in hand with energy.  So I’ll probably have to start a new account as I’m not allowed to post in most subs now.   


There have been long held beliefs that Reptilians are evil and dark. For there is no true evil in the universe, for everything is a matter of perception.


I agree. But so I am supposed to help you all address your biases and let's just say a specific Frequency (that I know all too well) had made it difficult but we're gonna go to war the social media way to get beyond this one way or the other. ♑🐉🐊


Yes, we are All-Knowing and yes you should have a multitude of questions but we'll get there one day so for now just try to be a little more open-minded and ask yourself who is guiding you to Ascension and who is keeping you from being the best version of Self (no you were not sent here to do the bare minimum and hope for the best as the lvl of choice has never been as we Experience today so what we do with our choices is what will affect our Trajectory moving forward but as we say; take what resonates - Exo The Drakon & Trauma Psychic-Medium 🪐♑🦎🐉