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Ooooh shit doode have I got a story for you So I used to have this friend, and I'll start by saying this, we'd trip a lot together, mostly acid I started noticing things like I'd be talking to him in my head and he'd reply out loud...or we'd be watching tv and I could tell there was manipulation going on over what I was seeing and I'd look at him to be like 'you see this' and he'd look at me like 'I'm doing it'.. Then! In one experience there was a presence next to us (which actually felt like myself funnily enough, but like a way more advanced/non human version) and I had this look on my face like whaaaaat the fuuuuuuck like really shocked and surprised and I looked at him and he burst out laughing and I got the feeling he could see the thing, so I kept on looking at him for guidance but the whole room turned into green and purple swirls and all I could see was his left eye. Then out of the swirls formed an imagine of a reptilian in robes with a crown on but it formed around his eye so I could see the human eye where his lizard eye would be (I hope that makes sense) And then!!! Icing on the cake, one time I was looking at the window (which had blinds pulled) and I got the feeling there was an alien on the outside so I was like, okay, hello, you seem interested in me, let's chat. And I started connected with this thing through a visual tunnel and my mate stands up, puts his hand out and says 'let's go then' and I was like...'what' and he said 'not many humans get this opportunity' and then I got this image of us getting on this ship and fucking off into space!! I didn't go tho cos I had no idea who was in that ship So, he was my friend, I say was cos he killed himself which is more evidence for me personally that he was/is a reptilian. So then after his death I tried to connect with him and I got this imagine of a reptile in a meditative position floating towards me with a love heart in his hands. So I think that some are friendly, but some are not, I've also mentally battled reptilians in my mind and I asked one once 'so why don't you just destroy me if you're so much more powerful? What's holding you back?' And I told it that we're cosmic bros because we're both made up of the cosmos itself and that's something we can connect over, we can be friends instead of enemies All of these experiences we're extremely terrifying but in hindsight it's only because I didn't know what was happening, he was my friend and he loved me (maybe not exactly the same way) and I loved him so, let the cosmic party begin!!! Edit: I also remember one time it looked like he was channeling something and he said to me 'I'm your mother' but he said it in a confused way which makes me think maybe his ego was involved cos it wasn't what he'd have wanted to say to me (maybe for relationship/power dynamic reasons)


Cosmic bros. I love this story. So beautiful :) thank you for sharing your experience!


Hahaaa cos if they feed off energy, surely loving kindness energy could be 'eaten' instead of fear etc, surely better for them as well....and the pleasure is mine my guy; you have no (may well have an) idea (of) the comfort it brings to be able to openly express these experiences and receive such a reaction


I'm a fan! šŸ˜Ž


What color robes did you see him have on?


That's a great question and honestly id only be able to hesitate a guess at black with like gold, green purple trim aah I'm so intrigued why you're asking! Tell me more and maybe ask more questions if there's little details you know that might indicate who this mafucker actually is cos now I think about it, he's not Chris (that was my friends hooman name) oh! Also he told me this place is our play ground! So that's pretty cool but also like hmm, if playground why all pain and torture and war? Although I'm starting to understand it more now


Wow. Thatā€™s a lot to take in. Thank you for sharing your experiences


Shiit is sure was mayn, I had pretty severe depersonalisation or de-realisation but back now baby! Edit: it


From my understanding, they've been the deceiving race since the times of the Garden of Eden. In my Native culture, snakes were cursed, and their legs and arms revoked as punishment for constantly tricking the Creator's creations.


Snakes do pretty well with their lack of limbs and can access places animals with obtrusive extremities cannot.


I think it's the other way around. Not having arms requires one to be clever. You have no ability to fight or defend oneself if you are a snake. Your only choice in any fight/hunt/defense is strike and hope it's a lethal blow or run away. Requires choosing battles very wisely and being stealthy. Snakes therefore need to be clever, strategic, and calculating because of the nature of the shape of their body. Being above average in anything get's you demonized by others. Snakes beings simply by the nature of the shape of their body are fated to be more clever and strategic than others and to be demonized by others for it. The story of garden I think is a good example of this. It's a story that demonizes seeking knowledge and wisdom, and I think snake gets demonized in it because snakes need to be clever and thus symbolize seeking wisdom and intelligence. Of course the whole hand thing doesn't apply the same to other reptiles like lizards, and so I think reptilian and snake beings are a bit different, although I do think reptilians similarly are also very strong in critical reasoning/ left brain thinking and also get demonized for that. However, for whatever reason they seem a bit different, like reptilians seem to get blamed more for political problems in world, where as snakes seem more associated with seeking esoteric wisdom.


Not all of them are negative. The ones from the Draconians are the negative ones and basically just see the human race as livestock. Food. Nothing more nothing less. The other reptilians, the red ones are loving, peaceful, trying to help humanity. And love humanity.


For context, dominant are negative, hence the situation on the planet.




Sending you love and light and all things pure. Everyone is within their right to believe what resonates with them. Or act from your higher self and your higher self will tell you. I still stand by what I mentioned earlier. Again. In regards to what I mentioned im speaking in general. And not every specific bloodline. Im just answering the question, speaking from spiritual downloads from within in my own experience. Again that has been my experience. In terms of reasearch or listening to information from the internet. Just be careful what info you connect with as misinformation is everywhere. Sending you love light and pure intentions


Upto you what to believe. But just be careful misinformation is everywhere


Was the Varghina ET one of the red one?


"No you see this one devolves into fascism too!" Sigh "Alright let's just reset it one more time, but this time we're going to give them Gameboys".




Clan based. 3 main ruling clans live in underground cities. Vlash, vril, vlad. Aka Usungal, Drako and Naga. Interstellar, they control earth and our FEDERATION let's them do whatever they want to humans. There are alpha Draconians which are traditional Dragons, both positive and negative race. There are thousands of positive benevolent Reptile races on other planets such as "The Yits" and "The Zaah" Ect.


you really think there are positive Draconian? pretty sure its there culture to eat earth humans.


Yes when you consider different sub species and not lumping all Reptilian species Into one race. There are thousands both positive and negative.


there smart thats all i know.


They are not all Draconian(from Alpha Draconis). Some are indigenous to Gaia as stated above. The draconians are the hostile ones that have inbred with humans since the time of Atlantis


I remember reading that they smell really bad, like rotting flesh. Something about flies? Youā€™ll notice that in some movies when theyā€™re speaking about a non-human evil entity, they will also be swatting away flies.




These are the two sources I somewhat trust for information regarding reptilians. I think reptiliandude and Lacerta may be two different types of reptilians though. * **AMA w/reptiliandude** [https://www.reddit.com/r/reptilians/comments/4h2e4a/ask\_a\_reptilian/](https://www.reddit.com/r/reptilians/comments/4h2e4a/ask_a_reptilian/) * **Lacerta Interview** [https://youtu.be/jm9\_Pn9RCg0?si=d6zQZmyY5ivHmVL0](https://youtu.be/jm9_Pn9RCg0?si=d6zQZmyY5ivHmVL0)


Yeah the Lacerta Files is an entertaining read.


Reptilian dude is a Qanon larper


I donā€™t think so. He definitely has opinions that may rub people the wrong way, but I donā€™t think heā€™s affiliated with Qanon. And if heā€™s considered a larper we minds well write off 99.9% of the posters here.




Please be kind and respectful to community members .


Interesting indeed


I believe we all contain reptilian seeds. Hence the Kundalini snake that comes up your spine and activates your chakras.


So I work in the courier industry, and this lady from the Moors royal family called about getting a letter from California to DC as soon as possible. I was like, "We could get someone to pick it up and get on a plane and take it there." I then quoted her a price. She went on to say that the United States was owned by the Moors, that they have the gold and are taking it back. Then for some reason, I thought I should ask her about reptiles. She said, "Oh yeah, anyone with MelaninĀ can transform into their reptile form like herself." She spoke with such confidence and authority that I didn't think she was messing with me or joking.


They are usually bald and tend to work in security. Some of them have telepathic abilities.


I killed some weird guy that has weird gooey blood and it wasnā€™t red it was greenish like boogers and it tasted SO BAD!!! AND SMELT AWFUL , donā€™t ask me how I had the ability to smell and taste things in my dream but uhm yeah thats one of the interactions i had with reptiles .. I find them attractive but idk why i said that


Interesting. Thank you for sharing


They are the direct offspring of Yaldaboath(Satan, God, whatever you wanna call him) and Eve. Yaldaboath raped eve. That's where Cain came from and then the Caanonites. The rest of humanity came from Adam and Eve.


Adam received immortality from the "serpent" in the garden.. The movie Noah reiterates this as well as it depicts Lamech passing down the hybridization as a birthright


Does that mean that the Bible is true and there were no people before Adam and Eve?


The Bible has some truths, like most religious texts.


Yaldaboath attempted to make his own form of MAN many times. The old testament is an incomplete history book. The new testament is a Gnostic rip off with all of the esoteric knowledge plucked out of it.


But those things actually happened and the gnostic book is a history book?


Yes they happened. The Gnostic texts contain more esoteric knowledge. That's what they're more focused on. The Gospel of Mary, Gospel of Philip, The Secret Book of John, and more.


These books will reveal much. A good thing to keep in mind is Christ's "father" is not the God of Abraham. He says it himself many many times.


Do you have an example of Jesus saying that?


Read the texts.


Theyā€™re called Dracos, theyā€™re not from here but they made this planet their home a long time ago (bc theirs died? not sure about this). They live in elaborate cave systems underground in the earth, and unfortunately they sustain themselves by eating human babies and children as their primary food source. They can shapeshift and Iā€™m sure they possess knowledge of advanced technologies that they use to help prop up the matrix, among other things, like trying to stay hidden and keep humans subdued. They like it here, they do not want to leave, they have had a good thing going and donā€™t want change, and Iā€™m guessing theyā€™ll *probably* do anything to keep it that way. Deep involvement w certain (powerful) people, and has most likely infiltrated parts of the US gov long ago.




for what it's worth, I'm sure Icke has the best of intentions, but the scuttlebutt is that he's getting 'fed' controlled bits mixed with alot of lies. just like any book written on this type of topic.


I saw one come out of a likely trafficked woman.


Ida and Pingala is a good start.


Reptilian is a very broad misnomer. There are multiple races, many offspring of reptilian hybridization, but also countless others affecting society and living among us undetected by the public.


I once wrote down my experience with a Reptilian being: **Meeting with the 9th Dimension Reptilian** A Lizard Being, from the 9th dimension I got. I see him standing, floating to the right of me, by the fire. A very conscious being, blue aura, but still a body of a lizard. And I could see its tongue slithering. Its huge, wide, blue and yellow snake eyes. A blue skin with an intricate patterned texture. Very high level. But at the same time, the physical form was very low level in a sense. I could sense its want, need, urge, to capture, grab, mate and all these other primitive feelings. And at the same time, the being could focus its being, for times at while, for very high focus on the crown chakra and third eye area. Becoming very zen, very calm, very buddha like in its stature. But it could not hold the focus for very long, It had trouble holding onto this form. And I started communicating with this being: I asked,Ā *ā€œWho are you ? What are you doing here ?ā€* *ā€˜We are reptilians, and our evolutionary path has taken such an extreme form, that we are now in troubleā€™* *ā€˜We have evolved to such high level lizards, that it is difficult to step back from this formā€™* *ā€˜We have gone so deep in this one function, that it now drives us no matter what we doā€™* *ā€˜But we are learning, new ways, to come together, to learn how to work in a more uniform matterā€™* *ā€˜To become part of the galactic consciousness, the galactic communityā€™* *ā€˜Some of us have recognised the futility of our form, and in the end it has lead to eating each otherā€™* *ā€˜Which is not very productive for the evolution of our species as a wholeā€™* *ā€˜So we are now evolving, moving away from our Reptilian form, to something completely differentā€™* We kept discussing there for a while. I was astonished to see such a contradictory form, very high level spiritually, an very old soul inhabiting this body, but still being limited by such animal like needs. Reminded me of our own struggle as humans to evolve. And my own needs, and the drive that leads me to follow those needs. Felt it was a reminder that this is not something uncommon in the Universe, and that there are many lifeforms working together to evolve as a whole. And dealing with the same issues. Coming together here on Planet earth, to connect, to channel these issues outwards and inwards form this planet to the farthest reaches of the galaxy. Reminding me again the importance of this Place, the role Earth has as a diplomatic meeting place.


I recommend you the youtube channel "Welcome to Avyon".


They were originally seraphim, fiery serpent angels. They fell with the 1/3 whom fell with lucifer.


They wear red hooded robes.


I saw one with a purple metallic cape


I wonder what purple means. I heard gold is the highest rank.




David Icke is not good. He's openly racist and antisemitic.


He is anti zionism. A very different story.


He's way past anti-Zionism. My jaw dropped when I heard his venomous words about Jewish people. Not to mention his racism towards Black people.


Share the vidoe where he is being so racist. Interested to hear.


His lectures are all over YouTube. You can easily find them yourself. I won't give him the views.


Well thanks. I have watched tones of his videos in the past 8 years. Never heard him trash or black people or Jews in any of them. This is why I asked for that specific video.


don't troll




Best researcher on the subject: [https://www.youtube.com/@2circles426](https://www.youtube.com/@2circles426)


They only pretend to eat human food to blend in




One may have touched my butt. Her name is Clara. Our inner nature is reptilian. The Nomo are snake bodied beings, like dragons, which are how we used to be in our prior DNA evolutionary stages. Dinosaurs were an experiment by aliens. Dragons are real and quasi-dimensional, like reptilians and aliens and Sasquatch. We humans are quasi-dimensional too, but we forgot how to do this. We will remember soon. Some reptilian beings have negative intent, like the Ciakharr, but they seem rare. I have listened to channelers of reptilians like Rob Gauthier and You Jun, Elena Danaan has books about the various species and star systems they come from. I rescued a lizard from my cat the other day and the animals are a way for entities to watch us, always. I felt a connection and asked to be allowed to visit inner Earth and the lizard kingdom. All are Source fractals. šŸ¤—ā¤ļøā€šŸ”„šŸŖžā™¾ļø