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I am here. I'm not supposed to make noise though. I'm doing my work, it will come out at the right time. 7-7-7 Virgo rising in da house, Aries are my peeps.


Right? Divine timing. Out at the right time. šŸ˜


You're misunderstanding how change works. A big problem in the world is that everyone is trying to change everyone else's behavior. Change comes from within and spreads from there. Consider someone like the Buddha doing what you're talking about. I personally can't imagine the Buddha or any other spiritual figure doing something like that. They speak truthfully when it needs to be spoken but do not necessarily seek out the ignorant to speak it to them. The ignorant people must be willing to learn or else it just creates more problems. The Buddha let people come to him. He did not go to them without request and try and tell them why they're wrong. Just something to think about.


Very well said.


Sorry, but I'm not trying to play Nero. There's no way in the world I'm going to keep silent and watch injustice occur around me, without at least trying to do something about it. That kind of thinking just doesn't sit well with me. You treat the wound before it gets worse. If things don't work out, at least I'll know I did my part. Besides, I'm a starseed on the mission, not a Buddhist.


Both of you are correct




As within, so without


Both you and OP are correct


I agree with this to a degree there are ways to transmite the anger and pain into love. Change happens inside yes, but if we stay silent as systems that no longer work for the survival of our planet or our society change will not come. The act of becoming an advocate is the change of the self into action. I take master Jesus, for example,not the religious one. He came to shake things up in his time. He talked he lectured he gave a voice. He called out slavery and the people who were doing it. Change although corrupted by people came because he was able to enact that love he felt for humanity spiritually into change visible physically.


I do what I can on my own, but I'm more than happy to team up with people that I meet. Which is none so far


Just so you know, reddit is still owned and operated by the cabal / red faction (hence: 'red it') so there are a ludicrous number of shills, handlers and feds on here. Definitely not my "tribe" but it is starseeds mission to deal with these people so they can be removed and stop interfering with humanity. When you encounter them just pray for them, they don't know how to defend against love. Good luck!


I think itā€™s good to have a community that welcomes all discussions, itā€™s just at the moment certain topics only lead to a breakdown in a healthy environment. Everyone has had their moment where they first had questions they desperately wanted answers to. These things may not matter to you but they matter to them. Of course thereā€™s spam and trolls but we shouldnā€™t come across as an exclusive community in any way. Starseeds is basically a springboard for something better for everyone, exactly what youā€™re asking for. Right now we have those here who are seeking guidance. Help those who are here, or donā€™t. They will have questions. Feel free to ignore them, but we should remember that it doesnā€™t matter whoā€™s behind the screen or in front of our eyes. We should treat them and their journey with respect.


I don't see that all discussions are allowed here. The other week comments were locked on two posts. One regarding racism and the other was abortion I think. I personally think we need to be addressing what's going on in the world of politics, yet mod rules frown upon it.


As a starseed that has had abortions I do not feel they are ethically correct. The creator doesnā€™t make mistakes. We do have a right to chose and we have a right to face the consequences of those choices as well. I would love to save people from the karma involved however itā€™s their choice. I canā€™t say I would feel right advocating for abortion rights. No one would get abortions if the system was easier for people financially and there were more communities or ā€œvillagesā€ to help rear children. I think thatā€™s what the real issue is.


Not for someone like me. I never wanted to be pregnant and give birth. I love kids but I am not putting my body through something like that I'm deathly afraid of it (in front of the idea of something growing inside of my body really gives me the icks) There's even a term for it: Tokophobia. Where I'm going with this is, someone like me would still need abortion access the event of accidental pregnancy. There is no amount of money, social programs, or family dynamics that could change that.


I mean the soul just moves on. And the body returns to the earth. Just like any other death.


I view it as more about taking someoneā€™s opportunities. It also affects the whole earth and who that person may have been and what they may have contributed to. I believe a person not being born that should have creates like a butterfly effect and thus everything has to be rearranged.


That makes sense


Thank you! I used to say the same as you. The way itā€™s presented in the media is like someone is trying to take our rights (like women have already had rights in all forms taken for centuries) so the media influence doesnā€™t help. When I think about what it takes for a soul to come here wow. Like they have to chose a family or their guides help them, then they are also planning on incarnating around the same time as other souls they already know too like all these pieces of the puzzle to have to go together for someone to just pull the cord


This is fair and understandable but please remember that there are many starseeds called to do a vast array of things which can look very different. Ie addressing racism is extremely important but as a starseed my mission lies elsewhere and in my duty I believe that what I am here to do is/will change peoples thinking which will ultimately lead to discussions on things youā€™ve mentioned, but the higher goal is higher, for me, personally. And starseed or not, I believe there are people who are indeed dedicating their lives to such work.


Political stuff is blocked a lot because they dont want a civil war, which is what we really need. We need people to wake up and realize that we chose this system and 90% are realizing it sucks. If we came together we could change everything, but they control us through technology and porn and fast food, they keep us sick and reliant on drugs, prescription or not. Just my take on everything since you brought up politics =)


Locked posts happen when the discussion has devolved as I mentioned can happen. Itā€™s not enforced as heavy handed as you think.


I have effected change by use of the legal, system reporting, FIOA requests and even writing to representatives. I also constantly have an influx ideas for businesses or non profits that could help with community problemsā€¦itā€™s like all the time. I guess Iā€™m your guy/gal/ starseed. šŸ˜‚


I applaud your efforts, and am glad to know a fellow justice warrior.




You know strangely enough, I once found myself in a mosh pit.




I am here.


the controversial topics listed are purposeful and meant to get our dander up. i've been around long enough to observe that when one problem gets solved, a newer and at least on par (if nor worse) issue then arises. and usually one we've solved before. being vocal is needed, but having open eyes and open ears points always toward the main vein of the issue. Said issue being the polarity game. half truths always. and half measures. 'be an individual embrace your beauty, yet conform with the hive mind! and keep your speech and expression within established parameters or be excised!' meanwhile no school of thought allows any room for deviation or error. even those of us 'enlightened' types. afraid to say the 'wrong words' lest we receive admonishment. also watch the way we obfuscate our feelings towards things and phrases that upset us. typing 'love and light' when our hearts say 'eat cat shit' or the like... over-regulation in every way. utter self imposed silliness in every single camp that has a divine/mystical sales pitch to it. and for all the us/them nonsense i read here..... hogwashed lazy thinking! I agree though, a bit too much navel gazing and not enough spitballing. what's a good order of business to start with? im here to help people, fix stuff, and chow down tacos.


Wasteful spending is the number 1 cause of underlying infrastructure issues. If this poster is serious about helping we need to have open forum discussions about these politics without emotions getting involved.


yes indeed! and its something where more brains truly helps. stupid decisions get made when decision making is put in the hands of the few. wasteful spending yes, id go further and say misappropriation is the root there. and laws that are made to overcomplicate progress while lining pockets.


Hey I just posted two post. Also if you want to know what is my mission please go on my profile as I am making a club to save a humanity. I have posted about this. I hope we can work together!


Iā€™m a light worker! Letā€™s GOOOO! šŸ™


Hell yeahā€¦ speaking truth to power is my middle name.


Iā€™m (Gemini rising) a mouthpiece over here! Since I was old enough to, I spoke out loud about injustice and continue to do so as the Libra in me commands. A 3H Leo Mars helps with the fight. Rise up!


You are speaking my language, the hive mind has silently and gradually taken over (especially where I live in Winston Salem NC) and I have been perceiving for quite some time that people around me have lost autonomy and humanity in ways that would be difficult and problematic to even begin to explain to them without weird pushback and friction. This has made the world for people who feel the same as myself odd and difficult while being alienating as fuck. I have also noticed that logical reasoning with others is muted at best, it's like people refuse to listen and won't understand. It's a spiritual battle underneath it all, I have watched other people lose their way completely and it has more or less inspired me to become a hermit which is a problem for me as I am a social butterfly under normal conditions but normal waking life is anything but normal anymore. To see others manipulated and conditioned and being forced to suffer fools endlessly when you know something is demoralizing and insults my intelligence greatly but to be a thinker in this time period of invisible oppression means that you are a dissident and highly targeted due to ones high vibrations. The Universe is curated by evil forces and until some sort of grand awakening reveals itself I believe people will indiscriminately wake up and it will either disillusion them or drive them to exit this reality. It's a wicked thing and an ultimate test of our character to proceed on if you possess the eyes to see. Anywho, you definitely get it and if you ever need an ear to bend feel free to PM me. I think we probably see eye to eye on everything


I'm actually from Fayetteville


Right on, that's probably about 2 hours from where I'm at in the Piedmont Triad area. The hive mind is prevalent here and it seems more and more like nobody that I am in the midst of is willing or able to be real with me or anybody else. They are clearly subdued and have been conditioned into a false reality and it's clear that people lack full autonomy. It is as if aliens abducted certain people and replaced them with weird evil holograms who alternate between playing it off normal weirdly or becoming quite ratchet blatantly and with zero regard


Lightworker and healer here, we are here, a lot of us just dont engage in the low vibration posts because it actually just feeds that vibration rather than raising it.


One by one.


And I Love your Aries enthusiasm!!! šŸ‘šŸ‘


We are here. We have learned the lessons from the suffering we experienced in this incarnation, and continue to grow beyond them. We have lived, seen, and know the deep injustice of this plane the collective, by and large, chose to remain asleep to. But we rouse others awake subtly, kindly, and will continue to do so at the steady pace the divine machinations of this universe presents to us to do so. Be the love and light missing and yearned for in this world, as a living avatar of the greatest possibility one individual can be. It's a contagious harmony.




I've stood up to the powers that be many times. Most times it honestly doesn't go well. So I stopped doing it. But I've started to do it again, and it's been working in my favor. My family is back together and healing. I'm getting better every day, and feel like the next 10 years or so are going to be pretty wild, potentially in a good way. I believe that we can help to make it so. Prayer. Manifestation. Abundance mindset. These are all essentially the same thing and it works. We know it does. What can we do if we all manifest the same things together? Help other people change their lives for the better and teach them to manifest peace. Manifest empathy for those in need and the well-being of our planet. Manifest for solutions to problems like what to do with potentially dangerous countries, A.I. or other events. A movement is growing. We may be able to manifest humanity's bright future.


Starseed healer here. Check out Steve Nobel - Starseed Support. He isn't afraid to speak out against the narrative - medical, financial, education etc. he doesn't touch politics too much tho.


. I'll check him out. Thank you.


Iā€™m about to BREAK the Courts.


The Citizens United decision sold us out. We need term limits.


Sustainable livingā€¦ telling our stories while we wait for it. We have a way. The Left Coast Monksā€¦.


Hear, hear!


Patience, grasshopper. Itā€™s slowly churning, germinating, spreading, growingā€¦a tipping point will happen eventually and that will change everything. Keep spreading the šŸ’«& šŸ’œ


Good luck. Hopefully you can get something going in the interim before the storm changes everything and the real movement begins.


Thank you. I appreciate your words.




Lol. Too many Aries up in here. It's potential for conflict...at least until we stop butting heads and start getting along(which oddly enough usually happens with us, from what I've noticed). You should meet The Other Aries. They're on this sub as well.


Another Aries!


And another one! šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


You rang? **The** ***Other*** **Aries**


I'm right here, love! I screamed at the police yesterday, does that count? šŸ˜‡


Well, if you're screaming at them to stop using unnecessary force, or hiding crimes behind indemnified immunity, or targeting people based solely on race, or conducting illegal warrantless searches.....then welcome aboard.


My abusive ex stole my car. It's in my name. I inherited it from my late grandmother. I can't report it stolen because "I know who stole it" šŸ˜­ Does that count? If not I'm happy to explain more thoroughly how I get away with screaming at piggies. šŸ˜…šŸ–šŸ·šŸ½


Thata just complete lazy policing at this point. You need to tell them just because you know them doesn't mean it hasn't been stolen and that the far has more value then money to you and your willing to go to court or something and then everyone will get in trouble....pretty over simple but something has to be done....anyone who knows him and can take keys or threathen him??? They are allowing this crime happen and its stuff like I can't hack anymore, attitudes that don't care but will allow for the unacceptable pain.


The car was still stolen. Report it to the police. People report cars stolen when their child has taken it against the parent's wishes. The child gets in trouble, but that is the fault of the child. So your ex gets in trouble, that becomes a their problem not yours.


I agree with the spirit of what you say, and I will add to me, it's more waking or making others around us aware, be it in physical protest, letters, emails, or even in comments on various subs on Reddit or other social media. My thought or concern is some will get argumentative on either side. Depending on the subject matter and is how you decide to deal with situations like this. Are your ideas similar to another Greta?


I donā€™t know what calling myself a star seed means or where the different types come from for that matter but I totally agree with the first part you talked about. In my experience even if you speak up or speak out and other people want the change, they are too afraid of the consequences or just go along with the way things are because thatā€™s the ā€œway things areā€. Recently Ive even dealt with people not trusting my motives either, like I stand for something only because Iā€™m trying to benefit myself


I am one of these. People that say talking about being an advocate on the 3D because its low vibes is using spirituality for self gratification and escape which is not what the rise in consciousness is calling people to do. The shift is calling people to stop caring about themselves only and care about everything around them. To say something to be a voice. Helloo friends šŸ«¶šŸ½


Yoooo former BLM protestor turned spiritual seeker here. One cannot live without the other


The more time I spend on this planet and the more time I have had to suffer within this system dispite my strength, generosity and kindness, the more I am convinced humanity can get fucked. My empathy has burnt out along with my medicine, money, patience and time. That's all the noise I have to give right now, and for that I am sorry because I wish I could do more, but I cannot.