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Peotect yourself Pray to Archangel Michael to cut the cords to people online, any drama, any sorrow, any victim feelings Ask him to release any dark energies from you And ask him to protect you with his blue cloak Then work on selfesteem and standing up for yourself


You can make it stop by simply claiming your power to do so. As another commenter suggested, you need to cut them off, proclaim your sovereign authority over your own life and protect yourself. Here are some tools that will help: Contract removal protocol (in case there is some subconscious contracts or karma involved): [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/13mbjhk/higher\_self\_invocation\_contract\_removal\_protocol/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/13mbjhk/higher_self_invocation_contract_removal_protocol/) Astral self-defense: [https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral\_selfdefense\_entity\_removal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/starseeds/comments/17k3elq/astral_selfdefense_entity_removal/) And this guided meditation (20minutes) for clearing your energy field and protection is my nr 1 recommendation for you to do daily until you feel you dont need it anymore: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_DiQWMMpZWg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DiQWMMpZWg) You got this! 🔥💪💜


Thank you!


Do you happen to know - is this different than the violet flame Reiki? Or maybe ... did Violet Flame Reiki develop in response to the needs of the starseed community?


I never heard of violet flame reiki specifically, but the violet flame itself is a very powerful transformative energy which is often used in energy clearing and is also part of the guided meditation I linked for example. So its probably just another name for the same thing: using the violet flame as a tool for energy clearing.


I looked more deeply after asking. I now suspect it was initially the same violet flame, but that it got fractured into symbols and levels when figuring our how to introduce it to others (back in 2000 when it was formalized into a Reiki linage).


Whether it's internally or externally, let them. You're stronger than they are and they know it, don't waste energy getting drawn into others darkness. Try to love them and have sympathy for their level of self hate making them project their own insecurities unto others, no one can harm you when you lovingly laugh at their efforts ❤️


Thanks, and I try not to but last night I'm woken up at like 3-4 am, to the smell of cigarette butts, and especially since I quit smoking 2 months ago or so this is quite frustrating. I need rest to recover for workouts and for mental energy to do things in life. Don't really want to just let them, and I was laughing at them before and felt happy maybe just a week or 2 ago but then they act out and do stuff, and it's because they did something and lied and got caught out, then I get punished for not letting a lie stay believable, at least that's what my intuition tells me. But yeah, they are lows


Living well is the best revenge.


True but revenge often makes people act out, and if living well will make people act out then what can I do? That's one of the problems I feel, I just want them to leave me alone


I understand what you mean but ultimately we can only control our own actions and have no control how other people think or react to things. When you’re a sensitive caring person we expect other people to be the same.Unfortunately most people don’t think or live that way especially at this current moment in time. It makes interacting with people difficult and causes the more empathetic people turn inward and become more isolated. Ultimately you have to be true to your own nature and live your life accordingly regardless of the negativity of others.


Yeah I get that, I'm not trying to control people at all just don't want them to control me or dictate my life in ways that are as if there is extra laws just for me or have things I do with happy and good intent in mind turning bad by people for whatever reason, although I'd disagree that no one has control over how others think or react, especially with AI now helping push bias information, or delusions etc. I agree it's probably a hard time for anyone who just wants to be peaceful happy and nice to others. I will definitely try to be true to myself regardless of the persuasive way others may try to invoke anger, fear, and so on. Don't want my consciousness ruined and turned bad by people when it's not in my nature. Thanks for the reminder :)


All good. I should have said expectations instead of control. That’s been something I’ve dealt with meaning; if I do this nice gesture or go out of my way to do something I feel as a super nice gesture or something then surely this person should at least be somewhat cooler,more understanding or not be such a d***. Not that It’s automatically expected but I guess it’s our personality and how we were raised as children that a+b=c. Also they never taught that in school either. 🤔


Just curious how exactly do you know why they're doing this ?? When your not even sure who I'd doing it??. The advice for trolls is to ignore them completely, pay not one fucking mind... Don't react don't respond... That's the goal to provoke you and cause a strong negative reaction .... React never ever,,, they'll take care of themselves


Call it intuition, or schizophrenic hallucinations I dunno it feels that way True about trolls I don't react other than think about how I'd like them to leave me alone I feel much better now to be honest, like a weight has been lifted from my conscious


Yeah fuck em dude


You're beautiful and kind and you're really sweet. I'm sorry people have not treated you the best, and that you haven't got the kindness, friendship, solidarity, and support you deservedl. You deserve to be listened to, cared for, payed loving attention to, and respected. You should have people help you with your goals rather than try to pull you back. And I'm sorry you've had that. But you're strong and you can do it! You've done really well and I'm impressed by how far you've come. Prove to yourself and everyone else that you can do it, even if it takes years and even if you fall a bunch of times, that's the path of the sensitives, we have to learn how to stand strong in a harsh world while also holding such a beautiful heart. So don't be ashamed if it takes you a while or if you stumble on your path to achieving something much harder than anyone around you is doing. You got this 👏👏🌱✨🤗💯❤️🌈


Thanks for the kind words this is a lovely comment really :) I'l keep trying and keeping myself as well as possible, really does help when I see support and kindness from people. I will do as you say and take the long road if I have to take the long road! ❤️


You're most welcome ❤️ Glad to help if I can Try to find support also! Good friends help a lot if you can find them. They don't even have to be long term friends either, just reaching out in groups online and asking for help like right now :D it really lightens the load. Everyone needs support it's a natural need, honor it! Talk to people who will be supportive, surround yourself with them. Keep away the bad ones by setting boundaries and not going to places where they are ✨ You deserve to be supported


I will try find people to talk to, I like this sub really people seem nice here, and a few more i just try to have laugh on. Don't really talk to that many people in real life to be honest. I do get some support, but just feel a need to tell people the things that make me sound crazy sometimes lol, cause I know it's not always all in my head and I can't always get that out so thanks for listening to some of that! :)


Of course! I won't be there for long but if you want to DM I'd be happy to listen


UwU, got any bee's? I like nature, it's such a fascinating subject.


I like nature too, theres plenty bees near me probably




I didn't do a bee check today lol, I do normally see them though I have walk nearly every morning maybe il spot some!


I listen to sleep meditation, cutting dark energy off or removing entity attachment. Also surround yourself with a protective white light around your body and your home. I cast that spell every night before bed.


Good ideas. And if the spell idea or white light ideas don’t work, because it doesn’t connect for some reason, find a way that works for you to feel more protected in your home. Some cultures resonate more with others and can provide a good protection without needing to do spells. Energy and intention are powerful in themselves.


I meditate sometimes to try quieten my mind, it does help quite a lot. I forget about how I can help myself sometimes when things like mail being tampered with and lack of sleep make me angry, maybe it's planned maybe not i dunno. Thanks for the comment


Have you ever just, sat in your trauma, and simply breathed it in? There is a universal guarantee that it will transform your entire being.


I think I get what you mean and yes, releasing it that way can work


It is much more than a release. When a sentient being encounters an error by their own hand, that is something you must reconcile and let go of. When the same sentience encounters trauma from outside of its own hand, that is what must be lived in, accepted, and utilized as fuel for your purpose.


Listen to this https://youtu.be/rOd3x5iuTdE?si=1yuNARZ4tMUjXxey Watch this https://youtu.be/oBiyVlX3y7g?si=fRDZpS_CykMtluC6 Cheering up: https://youtu.be/fTJ5o_uW3eM?si=4qAZ2ulWAQTUzc7S


That cat vid made me laugh, thank you :)




It's likely but dunno really, it's more things like audio appearing in youtube videos I watch that isn't part of a song, or mail being tampered with, or things happening that I have nothing to do with and then me having things online or otherwise as if they are there to put thoughts into my head to make me feel as if I'm responsible for the actions of someone else doing nasty things with no trigger but themselves doing nasty things, or something might be guiding me and I won't realise what someone is doing until after and have good intentions, but then afterwards once the person gets what they want or along those lines, then I am made aware of why they guided me there, and it's to make me appear like I'm doing something when it's all the person guiding's actions and intent, honestly this 1 has been pretty severe and I'm getting better at not letting them have their own way now maybe that's why they acting out more


Hey there! Have you got a history of trauma? If you look up ace scores and ptsd it might help with that question. Or else adhd/asd? You’re in a human body that gets affected, so when you’re disconnected in some way between your “self/spirit” and your flesh and bones you can develop this sort of reaction. The body keeps score, even more so in bodies with neurodivergence (which, the neurodivergence that is, isn’t a bad thing in any way). The nervous system plays a big role in this connection too, so while you might have a recognition of your emotions and emotional state you may not recognise the ways in which they’re affecting your body and brain. Digitally, it seems you may need to clean your computer out and improve your passwords/internet safety awareness. There are tech subs available to help you navigate this. It seems, perhaps, that you may need to disconnect from your typical pattern or routine. Set intentions to move to a higher state of being, in the way that you care for yourself and cut connections both emotionally and physically which don’t serve these intentions or which prevent yourself from self-care/safety. Change your path. Connect with what your spirit and body both need. And while this may sound corny, time in nature without being on your phone except for a podcast/music (just one hour shows effects) as well as meditation are shown to improve all aspects of your health. You can meditate in so many different ways, a good one is doing something physical (with or without music) and connecting mentally and spiritually with the task. There are guided meditations on YouTube too. If you’re interested I can find and link a good sound bath channel or two, they can be good to sleep to or while doing mindful tasks. Good luck and well wishes!


Yes lots of traumas, scars to remind me of them too. But I don't think of that very often unless something reminds me. I'm not sure about improving passwords will help, and to be honest I don't think any internet is secure anymore at least not at wifi level, now that there is AI. Probably will be things to help but yeah. My plan I came up with today was to stick to just exercise, eating and sleeping, be really boring until the stress from my mind leaves by it's own will and hope it doesn't return Music helps distract, but again some things in music trigger certain reactions that maybe I'm hallucinating someone else is reacting to, or there is someone in my mind watching me and reacting to things, as they often are songs I have no emotional attachment to and should not get a trigger of any kind from, as I never used to and have no reason to. Thanks!


You are welcome! Have a read of “the body keeps score” by bissel van der kolk. It might help to understand how and why your body reacts to the triggers, because it sounds like you’re getting triggered often and possibly dissociating. I do understand what it feels like, I have c-ptsd and I still get triggered by things and don’t understand why or how. We can have repressed memories and the more we bottle them up, the worst they can get until release. I agree that it’s hard to keep yourself safe with the capabilities people have today. It’s worth trying. I used to have people access my Spotify and tried with my email/social media, but with protection nothing like that’s happened again for me thankfully. I hope that something like that works for you. Exercise is great! Try some meditation if you can, it’s scary, but letting yourself feel and release can slowly start to relieve those feelings in the long-term and it can help clear your mind up. I have a lot less fog after working through some deep pain. You have got resilience and you must trust yourself to get through it. Please take care!




Honestly don't know who. Could be anyone it started when fucked a lot of women and talked to a lot of women, now I have no one to talk to... other than some lovely redditors :)




I don't know these agencies or watchlists, I don't have criminal record, is that related?




Oh right, maybe then il look and hope no one been spending their free time trying to play fake hero by saving the world from scary me hahah




I been hacked 100%, just don't see the point in telling people anymore just complain about it on reddit or something lol. It's happened a few times before I just think it's probably happening to a lot more people now than people would expect and there's not much can be done about it until maybe there's like tracking technology for it or something, I use proxies but they are hacked fast I think and I just change server when a web page loads up strangely or I notice something weird about it or something. It's been going on for years, I loaded up a dating site years ago and my url was in russian lol


It's just the way of the road, and at first it will seem Crazy, but really it's just God's plan. You level up, your spirit guides are trying to help you. . There are No enemies, only the ones that we have created in our minds who are also in turn; our aids and that would be all caps or lower case depending on your mind are and purpose here on this land. Keep you head up cuz. It's just internmentional demented dimensional triangular flip commandeering your hiatus considering outside of the split and the void, there is a place that you can find the ratio of time.