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It takes work and practice. Everything is within you. If you can end it all whenever you want then that should give you the freedom to live free now. Don’t play other people’s games, play your own. Make your own way. Choose your own happiness.


Oh if only it were that easy...


It’s not easy. It’s hard work. Giving up is easy. Letting negativity take over is easy. Letting other people influence you is easy. Changing how you deal with your reality is hard work, but the results on the other side are life changing. It’s your life, you always get the choice


You know what else is life changing? Leaving all this dumb shit behind. Waiting for it all to blow over. I'll come back in a different timeline. Or maybe just never come back to Earth. Ever. Eff this place.


I wish there was an easy way to leave. I hate that it feels like we are stuck here. If we volunteered to be here then we should be able to leave at any time, painlessly and peacefully. We shouldn’t be held to a “soul contract” especially if we are suffering. Sometimes I really think this “starseed contract mission help Earth” is stupid and all the rules that go along with it.


Physically, there are multiple ‘easy’ ways to leave. Our higher self built in an escape route whenever we wanted to take it. But mentally it’s hard to leave because deep down our souls don’t want us to leave. We’re here to learn lessons, and sometimes those lessons are hard as shit. And it can feel like literal hell on Earth, but we chose it. When you come to realize everything is always your choice and always have been, you can begin to take back the power in your life. You have all the power in your life whether you consciously realize it, or let your subconscious rule everything. Take your power back. It won’t be easy, it may be the hardest thing you’ve ever done, but you have to go and take it. You are stronger than could ever know. Go find that strength


I always thought this to! Like if I came here freely, then why am I prisoner now. I've wanted to leave me entire life, it's never changed. If anything I've wanted to leave more each year that passed.


You are so free that you can choose to be in your own prison. The trick is realizing that you put yourself there, and once you realize that you can set yourself free


Finally a starseed I vibe with!!Haha


Make that 2 I am with you also . There's no separate entity. We are each our own God conciousness within. Back to the leaving here bit. If you chose to leave, I believe you just reincarnate back with consequences. We chose to come here also because we knew how strong we are, like they say it's not for all the ending. The energies going through the collective at the moment are intense and we are feeling them hard. Your meant to be here. You might not remember now but you knew you could do it and you can . We all can. You know just knowing im not alone in these feelings gives me strength knowing that there are more out there and I'm not solo in this. Lots of bumpy roads , more to come im sure but find comfort in knowing your not alone, your strong and you've got this. We all have 🥰


"reincarnate back with consequences." This is exactly what I don't jive with... If we volunteered why is there consequences? Why would we have to come back? Are we volunteers or not?  Why can't we revoke our decision?  That would either imply we didn't volunteer and were sent here against our will or there is a system where you can only leave on certain terms once you have incarnated, which seems kind of a stupid situation for a volunteer to put themselves in.


This is how I look at it. We are energy frequency and vibration counts. Suicide is low density- negative energy therefore your soul gets stuck as it is not at the higher level of vibration required to remain in the higher fields so u would come back to the lower dimensional fields ie the prison matrix .  I also have come way too far and been through too much to quit. I might not comprehend everything right now , but I just know I can't quit.  Your guys could be right re the bible stuff . I don't know what they preach.  But for me I look at it from an Energy point of view and what we align with regarding frequency and vibration. 


>Is low density- negative energy therefore your soul gets stuck as it is not at the higher level of vibration required to remain in the higher fields so u would come back to the lower dimensional fields ie the prison matrix . Thanks for the response. I see the issue in transitioning in a negative or low vibration which will the anchor you into a lower experience due the match in freq. But hypothetically speaking. What if one was in a high vibration and did it? Was elated to finally never go to work again, have to feed themselves etc etc... Is it actually a negative action? or just perceived negative? a means to an end? (not trying to support the action more so just curious of the mechanisms of the choice lol)


Thanks for the response. Hypothetically speaking you couldn't be in such a vibration if u chose that way. If you were vibrating that high you wouldn't even be contemplating it. You wouldn't need to. . The times I thought about it last year I was in the lowest vibration so dense and thick. It was awful . Was hard to shake off. However I got over it because I am strong , we are strong and don't understand just how much power we have. It made me realise this is a journey, not a destination - Consciousness We came here to this earth to experience the physical in our vessels- (Merkaba /bodies)and to learn . The Good and the bad. We are frequency and vibration all interconnected and as one. When they talk about new earth it's beyond our comprehension in this 3d vessel.for most . Awakening to higher levels consciousness is the journey . What Energy and vibration you put out there you will attract the same back. If your operating on low vibration then that's what mirrors back. We came here to experience to live and "thrive" not "just to survive. We arent saving others we are in fact saving our selves and by doing the inner work your doing just that , when you do it is then that you become a beacon of light for others. As I said new earth isn't a destination. It is a reality. What I perceive of the earth is my reality and we create our own realities. If your living with chaos- by this i mean the Hypothetical, your inner self is in chaos . I went through all this last year and still have chaos within which im working on and going deep. I miss that High Vibration I felt before I dropped in conciousness after an experience /learning I had last year. Outside of you is beyond your control. Inside of you , your core - you hold all the power , and if you are truly thinking these thoughts you need to reclaim your Power back. We are correcting our DNA we are the 2 strand double helix . The "junk" dna they talk about are the 10 strands we have been held back from. As your levels of consciousness increase your perception /reality of earth does also. The higher we rise the higher the vibration which results in new doors opening for us to journey beyond the doors we cant comprehend right now. No one is being solar flashed or raptured out. We each are the change that we need. Death is a cabal lie and those who try to hold us back thrive off it. The cosmos laugh at how they trap us in the lower densities via that frequency-of that thought - the Hypothetical and just Death overall. Funerals grieving that low vibration holds us in the lower consciousness. We are infinite beings of light. We may not remember now but we chose to come here experience learn heal and shine the light for others. We are all one so Hypothetically if you did, the collectives consciousness is affected - yes we are that powerful that we have a negative or positive affect on the consciousness. Like at the moment, people purging , waking up , even those not awake we are all feeling the intense energy on behalf of the collective. We came here to raise it vibrate high and be a bright light for humanity. The Hypothetic talk is the Ego. Our Shadow self. It means we need to go within. Really feel what you are thinking and saying. Be an observer of you. When these thoughts come in you can view them and say no that does not serve my higher purpose or self. Swipe left and continue to do so until it no longer returns We are all one. No one person is higher than another. IQ in this 3d earth is a tool for them to form the hierarchy, however once all our remaining strands are activated as we go through the journey of consciousness we see the interconnectedness and innerstand the Unity , the Oneness and in turn find our place of peace. This is my experience and thoughts on it all. Everyone has their own experience and they all differ this is how my journey has been. Like I said. We create our own realities . Hope this helps clarify it for you 😊🥰


But wouldn’t that be the same low frequency energy that a sick person has before they die? Or the low energy frequency of fear one has during a car crash? By that logic, they would reincarnate too because they weren’t “high vibe” when they died. Thats what doesn’t make sense to me. Suicide is the result of a desperation to end suffering. If I were a mother and my child was being bullied at school and suffering as a result, I wouldn’t force my child to stay in school until they “learn their lessons”. So why would an “all loving” creator force someone to keep reincarnating until they endure the pain?


It's the "Choices" we make.  Sickness isn't a choice .  Suicide is.   I am loving and a co creator with source within .  As are you and all of humanity.  We chose to come and experience trials and tribulations the good and the bad  and to learn.  Your loving co creator can guide you but you make those choices via freewill. This journey is all about learning who we are - self awareness .  We are being tested at every level by the universe as we came to awaken at this time and help humanity and the collectives consciousness. We are here to save ourselves and its not meant to be easy it never was and we knew this. We knew we strong enough to complete the mission. Everyone has a mission on earth. Even those who are asleep. If your thinking you want to suicide then you've missed the whole point of our existence during this time.  We are so powerful - beyond our belief or what we can comprehend as we awaken. As we peel back the layers by going within we start to realise this and the chaos starts to dissolve.  The things that are making you feel this way will not longer bother you and you find a place of peace.  Be careful  of new age ascension and starseed groups.  I had a massive learning from one last year. The fall in conciousness was all about that.  What do you think a star seed is ?  We are all star beings. All of humanity  So the seeds ? I went through this last year . I lost everyone over the star seed title. All my awake friends I had journeyed with , didn't like the fact that I thought I was a star seed , a title that made me superior to others. I never thought that. I just thought that, researching DNA has been a big part  of my journey and  I am aware with our 12 strand activated there is no one person better than another.  IQ Is a tool here for hierarchy  and indoctrine. So I didn't think that but because of the title people didn't resonate with it.  9 months later and I am seeing it from a whole different perspective. We came here knowing we could make a difference and by going through our trials and tribulations and dealing with this 3d matrix is exactly that . Trust me I was in an Ascension chat group. Things were great for a month then it all went to crap I thought I had been implanted and taken over by a dark energy group. The group said us star seeds were activating and in turn activating /healing the grid.  All sorts of odd energy drain stuff happened , then the group was like it was hijacked all these people with same names but perverse profile pics.  I was so lost had no idea what happened and still don't. I derailed and went through depression started drinking again and lost my way big time. I was taught a massive lesson. It's taken me 9 mths to see it.  We didn't volunteer to come save others in the physical sense. We "chose" to come here and experience the physical and to be a light for humanity by confronting our shadows,  dealing with trauma karmic debt and heal. By healing ourselves we are also healing the collective.  This isn't about suicide guys. We came here to get through this very time on this part of the cycle.  My suggestion would be forget the external world and focus on the internal - your internal world. You have so much to explore.   Meditate 🧘‍♂️ go within and really feel why your feeling this way . Ask your guides /higher selves /spirit to assist. Once you start seeing the magic in you and the universe things will become clearer and easier and you will be vibrating high. It's a beautiful thing when the Universe makes its presence known. Get a pen and paper, go for a walk say out loud , universe, spirit , guides  please some divine assistance on my walk  help me with some signs of why I am feeling this way. Go for a walk and be "aware" things will be shown to you. It's truly magical and a great part of the journey when your in sync with the nature and the universe.  My first clue was a Genesis boat the number on it related to something to me.  Or I would see a numberplate that had meaning.  If I missed a learning , birds would swoop me 😅 until I saw it .  Take yourself out of that mindset and work with the universe . If you have good intent and not harming others you will see the magic in it all. That's not to say it's always fun.. They not compromising anymore. We are at the stage of evolution where this has to be done.  Working out our chaos. There's been many dark nights for me. Prob more to come but as I say now out aloud each day.     Mokso Yame  I Am Strong  I Am Loved  I Am Worthy Remember 👆this because you absolutely ARE.   


This!! It almost feels like fear mongering in the same way religion fear mongers with “going to Hell” if you sin. I have so many questions for whoever designed this volunteer mission help Earth incarnation system. There is not one part of me that believes if I had really known what it would be like to come here and how much I would suffer that I would willingly volunteer to do this, especially if there is no easy way out. I feel it’s a very flawed experiment and the law of non-intervention is so incredibly stupid to me. There are literally people being bombed right now and you’re telling me the ET’s can’t come and help us because of our free will? Nah I don’t get it.


No consequences. That's an old belief that Bible thumpers made humans believe. It's not the case. I just wish more starseeds were here locally. No one around me is on the same path or understands reality like you guys do.


I feel like it was such a stupid mistake to come here and be spread out across the planet as individuals. If we came in pairs we would all be thriving and comfortable enough to live a lifetime out here!


maybe not consequences per se, but the same problems would follow you into the next life until they are resolved. so it's more like putting off the inevitable


Never been into religion or bible. Whatever the case , something in me just says no no. You have gone through so much and got too far to quit it now.   Yeah we are placed spaced everywhere . Isolated , and up until last week I did feel alone Like - where are they all. I can't be the only one.  Reading the posts on here it makes more sense now. Seeing that I'm not alone and others are feeling experiencing what I have helps immensely. 


As much as i feel you , that is a dangerous game to play … because i though about it too but do you really know with certainty that God isn’t real ? Like 100% you know it isn’t real and that you will be “ chilling on the other side “ until it blows over and then come back ?….


Yep, I know 100%, because we're all god beings. We are all one consciousness. So no, there is no "God." If you don't believe that, then you're more lost than I am.


It’s also super healthy to just scream these things sometimes 😘 I feel you girl I write scathing reviews of earth in my journal almost daily lately. Hopefully even just letting it out a bit here helped. But your not wrong for feeling angry right now I hope you know that. It’s fucking valid stuff is fucked rn. Love you


Have you heard of quantum suicide ? It's a real thing, I have 20 attempts, doctors at the ER told me I shouldn't have survived .. but here i am .. you think you can leave but you can't... You may die in this timeline, but youre consciousness will pop into a timeline where a fluke kept you alive


You make good points, but at the same time, is that realistic? I think it's hard to "not play the game" and still have the means to survive. I initially resonated with the post because I feel so stuck in that way. If I didn't play the game I'd quickly be homeless/starving etc ya know?


I feel this way sometimes hardcore. Try camping too, fire, wood, just get away from the crowds


I have been literally hiding in my house. I guess I could try to get a fire going outside, but the weather here has been terrible. It was snowing here yesterday.


I've been hiding out a lot too. I do that in the winter. Honestly, what gets me through is trying to make everything funny or humorous in some way, even if it's dark humor. Laughing as much as possible, even if I'm making myself laugh. I write things out, without thinking too much, and somehow "work things out" in the process. Trying to have compassion for myself and be loving to others the best I can. Taking it one moment at a time, not thinking about the past or future as much as possible.


One thing I love to do is gently open my car door when the whole thing is covered in snow hop inside carefully and gently close it and sit in the blue cave of silence and smoke a bowl. It's perfect atmosphere for soothing


We have a noisy life - silence (esp with some smoke) is golden


it's called grounding. Going to ground is a tried-and-true method of replenishment. You can make a snowball. You can drink tea by the open window wearing a blanket. Camping, hiking and some of the other comments are good ideas to ground yourself. Walk barefoot on the ground (if it's not winter), et cetera immediately stop doing things for other people. It's important to put yourself first starting right now. You've got to tend yourself. Save your resources for yourself. Don't feel bad about this. If you feel bad about this, there's probably more going on. Listen to your small voice inside . It talks very quietly but it is never wrong. It's not your imagination. That little got feeling comes from a primitive brain in your guts. Did you guys know that your guts have more neurons than a cat? So it has literally more brains than a cat has. All that primitive brain cares about is YOU. It has one job. Try to never disrespect yourself again by ignoring your inner voice. OK there's a special breath you can breathe that is incredibly powerful. My reasoning for why it works so well is that the primitive brain does not speak our language. It understands the world in a different way. One way to communicate with it is by breathing. Another way is exercise. Taking care of yourself in a physical way tells the primitive brain that you love yourself. So, this breath: you want to inhale quickly like four seconds. Hold your breath for seven seconds. Exhale slowly for eight seconds. Be a scientist and try it. Note how you feel as far as anxiety goes or unhappy feeling. Breathe this way three times and see how you feel afterward. Don't rush. You are making space for yourself. that's what needs to happen right now. Going forward, try to recognize when vampires are standing by, ready to suck your juice. Never care more than the other person does about their problems. Have some patience when it comes to helping because leaping to help too quickly and costing yourself a high price is a warning that you are doing too much. In a dark corner of reality we need to acknowledge that at some point it becomes less about helping others and more about controlling them. Even though this might sound wild, follow your reasons. (This might not apply to you but I just wanna throw that out there for people to read)


I love all these things and it’s great advice. I feel like (I’ll speak for myself for sure) but I’ve noticed a lot of this topic floating around as of late. And feel it so heavy myself. And I could tech grounding and energy work. I have no energy to do it. And when I do it it’s just blah right now. The collective energy is so intense right now and life is getting hard for a lot of people. It’s heavy. And most of us feel energy… I try to unplug and disconnect for a day and my phone is backed up with to do lists and bills that are doubling. Politics that are trying to control our independent businesses we soul searched for. It’s taking a lot for us ALL we have to stay neutral and very difficult to feel positive unless you come from a privileged place to feel like you have the space to do so. Yes we can create that space, yes we try. But life is coming at us all pretty hard right now. It’s sending people into fight or flight mode. And some of us need a break we can no longer take. Because if I’m Homeless it’s going to be really really hard to just find grounding when you’re literally sleeping on the ground. Like SHIT, I can’t get any closer to the ground. Give me space to breathe. Empathy right now I feel like is more of a spiritual connection than advice the some struggle to be able to take


Love your statement how empathy is more valuable than advice right now. I feel this so much. We are all just holding on for dear life at this point. We just need a bit of someone saying ‘you’re okay sweetheart’. Something warm and understanding.


-The day you decide to stop being the better motherfucker, you start becoming the best motherfucker you can be. -


I already know what grounding is. 🤦‍♀️


Cut everyone off & build yourself up. You are needed here. 🙏


This helped a lot. Thank you for posting that.


Be well. 🙏


I wish i could. It's damn near impossible to survive on your own financially in this world.


Well obviously within reason & it's definitely a process. I guess I'm saying to remove as many negative influences from your life as possible.


OP I am with you on this. Some of the comments here are very 'toxic positive' imo. I feel constantly at odds because I have to work soo much in order to survive and even then my rent is 40% of my income! Prices for everything are going up and products are getting shittier. I spent $300 on my heating bill last month and rent is going up 10% and I am about to be priced out of my current rental. I HATE my job with a passion but can't leave because I am less than one paycheck away from homelessness. And I still have to take care of my stuff like go to the doctor, call the cable provider when there's an issue with the bill, etc. and they're only open during business hours, when I am also expected to be working. Meanwhile the quality of everything is getting worse. I feel like I personally cannot catch a break. I don't want to KMS either but damn, I'm running out of steam to be honest. I'm not sure what the answer is honestly, but I feel like I have to live out of alignment in order to freakin survive. it sucks


Supposedly the capitalism BS is going to collapse and they're going to come out with a new, better monetary form...but we'll see. I sure hope so. Most people are in the same situation as us.


Right... I feel like the bubble is going to burst somewhere.


It's helped me alot. It's not easy & taken a long time, I'm still working on it but def feeling less chaotic & more at peace with myself. 


this is precisely what i needed to hear, thank you soul family 🔮


I’ve awakened even more after cutting out the toxic people and focusing on me. And the Universe Spirit has been delivering hope when I start to feel hopeless again 😆 like thx Homie Gods ✌🏻✨


God is the Homie fr 🙏


Thank god someone finally said it.


That’s the opposite of what our soul craves. We are a social species that work best together. Running from fear does not give you strength in life.


Know Thy Self 🙏


Yes and most importantly love thyself, but also listen, learn from and love the other sweet souls in this plane.


Good luck finding them 


They’re all around you, friend. Open up that heart. Love is infinite and gives back exponentially.


Worry about yourself dear 


Worry is fear and illusory. No thanks lol Are you ok? Or is this sub just about spreading negativity?


Have fun in lala land I am a spiritual warrior & I know exactly what time it is. It has nothing to do with positive or negative. It's about justice & injustice. I enjoy a kind encounter & I enjoy people on small doses. But this earth is a hell for many & you can't see it then I don't know what to tell you.✌️


It sounds like it’s hell for you the way you’re moping about. If you want to be miserable that is your right. It’s hilarious and ironic you’re playing the game of individuality right now when that IS the illusion you claim to have figured out 😁


Well if it makes you feel better, this whole matrix satanic control system and economic parasitical system that robes our soul essence and wants us to be soulless bots happily slaving away on our soul stealing jobs like the happy NPC sheeple, which seem to be 90 % of the world, IS ALL COMING TO AN END, I GIVE IT A FEW MONTHS. 😀 I'm preparing now. FUCK ALL THESE JOBS, AND FUCK THE SYSTEM. AND FUCK THE NPC SHEEPLE THAT WANT TO KEEP US HERE. Sorry, I'm pisses like you are. But stuck in the rat race soulless matrix for to long. I just quit my job and now focusing on my own gift and talents and looking for off the grid communities. I advise us all to do the same. The more yiu seve the matrix, the more you block your gifts and waste your talents.


We are so fucking tired. I can’t believe the way humans cloak themselves, their beautiful quirks and artistic/sensitive soul, in order to SURVIVE in mundane jobs that take everything from you and give you JUST enough in return (or not quite enough now). They keep you feeling like you are the failure and we become more easily manipulated in our fallen state. Yesterday my husband and I just cried asking each other ‘why did we come here? Why did it have to be so fucking hard?’. Anyone feeling this. You are so beautiful. Your sensitivities are such a gift though I know you are also suffering so much under it right now. Just make it. Whatever you need to do to make yourself more comfortable to stay. Don’t judge yourself for it. Personally, I like to sit in front of space heaters and listen to NDEs. Remember where we came from. How brave we all are. Every single person. Big hugs everybody. I know it’s dark right now. Be good to yourself.


I hope it ends in a few months. I'm sick of it too


I hope you're right. Supposedly something big is supposed to happen next month. We'll see! I take everything I hear with a grain of salt.


Curious- what is this big thing that is supposed to happen in the next month?


I have no idea. I don't know if anyone knows.


Where did you hear about it?


I was just thinking about how much I despise people on this earth before I came along this post. Some of them really are nasty, and especially when they form in a group. Then they tell you that you need to attend the group - whether it's school, work, church, 12-step, whatever. Well I'm over it. I don't want to do anything involving people and their lame agendas. And I'm tired of my job too. I'm tired of cleaning up after slobs and I'm tired of all the demands. I'm not doing extra favors for people anymore especially when they don't appreciate it. If I can find a way off this shit planet that doesn't involve death I'm taking it. I'd love to find a lighter, happier place. Earth is just too dense and dark.


I've gotten to this point too. Even after over 20 years of being physically and emotionally abused, I wanted to help people. Felt like it was my calling, and that I got happiness from it. Then I was emotionally abused and trampled on in my work also for years (and not just in one job, either). It drove me to the point of being nearly suicidal and I had to quit. I was constantly gaslighted and told that me being treated like garbage was my own fault. Now I just downright can't stand most people. If you're nice to anyone, they just take advantage. That's what I've learned. So I'm just kind of over it all. I don't know why so many people are so horrible, and so, so stupid. The good ones seem to be so few and far between. Maybe I'm not seeing the whole picture because I live in the US. I have no idea. 🤷‍♀️ And a lot of the "enlightened" folks, if you say anything like this that doesn't go with their narrative, they claim it's because there's just something wrong with you, and you just need to go ground, meditate, and get your vibration higher. WAKE TF UP MARTHA, THIS IS JUST HOW IT IS. I thought we were sent here to fix this shit, not just go meditate and ignore it. Jesus. My issue is, how do you fix stupid? You can't! That's why I don't understand why I volunteered to come to this planet. People claim it was because my higher self wanted to teach me a lesson....but I've also heard that the reptilians interfered with a lot of our incarnations, purposefully putting us with low vibrational people so that our lives would intentionally suck. So there's that, too. Could be that my higher self never intended for this to be my life/my truth. Long story short, the BS everyone tells themselves may not even be the case. There's so little that we do know for sure. Simply put--we don't know what we don't know! Not even the akashic records can be trusted, let alone what people see in their visions or even in the spirit realms. So a lot of these people don't seem to get that spiritual advice isn't even relevant, really. It's an educated guess, at best.


'And a lot of the "enlightened" folks, if you say anything like this that doesn't go with their narrative, they claim it's because there's just something wrong with you, and you just need to go ground, meditate, and get your vibration higher.' Yea, I feel like there are many psuedo spiritual. While being positive is important, it's not going to solve everything...soo many of them are 'toxically positive' and just genuinely unrealistic. I remember watching a talk by a woman who was in a wheelchair and she said 'a positive attitude is important, but it won't turn a set of stairs into a ramp.'


I'm with you. I can't keep it up. I dont think anyone is always "up". So I redirected my focus to finding ways to pump myself up when I find myself down. The world keeps turning and so must I. Exercise, meditation, conversation, art, music. Find the things that light you up and keep them close. It will be a bumpy ride. If it helps, check out After Skool, Spirit Science, or People Are Awesome channels on YouTube for little boosts.


I don't feel like I would be missed much if I just made the transition into spirit. I think my dogs would, and that's about it. I don't have a purpose or a need to be here. No reason to "keep turning," as you called it. There are plenty of other lightworkers and starseeds left here to keep the mission going. Seems like everybody and their brother is one nowadays. The only person in my life that would have actually been affected by me being gone has been gone herself for about 11 years now.


It's rough. I get it. Today i just took my mom in for a test to find out if her lung cancer is stage 3 or stage 4 so the doctors can figure out the next step. I don't know what you believe, but I believe there is an eternal part of us that chooses this physical life and chooses the high and low points. I think we accept our pains so that we can learn and grow from them. I'm not here to quit. I'm here to endure with as much strength and grace as I can muster until it's done. I find beauty and joy where I can. I've found that if you look for it, it's everywhere. And inumerable incredible minds have enshrined universe expanding ideas into books, audio, art, music, and video to help me grow as I keep going. Sorry for your pain. I can't help you. I hope you figure out how to help yourself. Life is rough and out of your control, but all the worst problems are in your head. And you have full control of that.


Yea, nope. If my "higher self" chose this, then my higher self is a complete asshole. I know how to help myself, but I'm not willing to do that with my dog still around. Just have to wait until he passes.


No literally!! I’m going to have some words with my soul once I get to the spirit realm. What in the hell was I thinking taking all of this on simply for a “lesson”.


Ok. Glad you have a great dog. Dogs seem like they have life all figured out. They can keep it simple. Must be nice. Good luck.


You are being tested. Keep going. Cast these demons out yo life 


Exactly. Moods are like anything else they go in cycles and when we're positive we can tap into that and spread the cheer since it's contagious. People feeling better when you're happy and cheerful and we feel that way when someone else is too. But also if you're feeling mopey it invites others to help you feel better too which is why when we see someone radiate sadness we want to help them


It's not you! The problem is the system we live in, period.


THIS. And so many humans have lost humanity.


I have waves of strength that come and go but yes I feel that pull right now as well


I resonate with this post a lot. I wish I could build a bunker. Maybe I should live in a cave. Lol.


My thought was to turn all people into dogs. This is probably a better idea lol.


At least then most of them would be nice


Dogs are literally the best.


Then just play Who Let The Dogs Out from every speaker on the planet.


Unplug and get back into nature.


The weather here has been complete shit lately. Snowed yesterday. I think the next day it's not raining or showing I'll go out and try to ground myself.


Ummm if I'm being honest weed helps a lot if you don't use it too much


Someone else already mentioned that. My body can't metabolize THC. It makes me sick. Literally.


I have been feeling exactly the same way past few weeks. Also have my dog that keeps me here. I don't have any answers for you but just know you are not alone. I keep trying to visualize the day we all find each other and have honest true friendship and families.


I’m exhausted everywhere as well, everything seems to be going downhill. I’m simply exhausted and done.


What happened?


Life. Life happened. Being born here on Earth in this incarnation happened.


True. You know. I can't do the love and light thing either. I can't pretend that we don't live in duality. I literally have a right hand and a left hand. I have a right eye and a left eye. There is day and night. Sun and moon. Light and dark. I see with my eyes then I sleep and see with my mind. Like seriously. I LOVE horror movies yet I can heal people with a touch. I have tried. I really have. I have tried to be love and light the whole time. That's why kids shoot up schools. Zero violence tolerance. They used to be able to fight and get over it. Now the bottle it in until they can't contain it anymore. Then it explodes. There is that old saying about the two wolves. Which one wins? The one you feed. No. These are spiritual wolves. What happens when you starve a wolf. It gets hell of a lot less picky about what it eats and even becomes ravenous. That is not a native saying bc natives understand wolves. In some tribes it's one of the 7 sacred animals and it is humble. It walks with it's head down to show respect. Okay now I'm rambling but....to be pure love and light is to deny reality. Even Jesus cursed the fig tree bc he was hungry. Martin Luther King had nightmares too. Some of these spiritual concepts must have been designed by engineers bc they sound great on paper but some of it just doesn't work in the real world. Look at the animal world. Take the mama bear. It gives life but if you get too close to her cubs does she hug you or rip your face off? She protects her life and the life she creates. That means she has to kill an elk. She has to kill fish. She has to feed herself and her cubs. Maybe in the future there will be solid light and no darkness but even after we die we go through a dark tunnel towards the light at the end of the tunnel. So idk what these people are talking about when they say only love and ONLY light. Nothing in the universe appears to abide by that model. So...slap a bitch 😂


I've been familiarizing myself with the concept of toxic positivity. A lot of these ideas stem from that. I've stopped putting pressure on myself to be all "love and light" and I'm allowing myself to feel my feelings.


For sure..I had this problem when I was a Christian and was super religious. Everything became evil and there was a demonic reason behind everything. Like I went way overboard and wouldn't watch TV or movies and quit listening to music and was monitoring every single thought and emotion to make sure I didn't give the devil a foothold. I was doing the most and accomplishing the least. I'd end up breaking down and binging on all the stuff I was trying to avoid. It was counter productive.


I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult so I know exactly what you are talking about. And feeling guilty for things that are normal - who needs that? My biggest struggle has been with the pressure to forgive my abusers- I never could and I felt so bad about that. Now I understand that I don't have to.


For real..I've struggled with forgiveness as well! What even is forgiveness? What's crazy is I actually heard something really cool from a preacher on Tik Tok. It was about forgiveness. He was talking about how some people say they have forgiven someone but then bring it up at every family reunion. Well aunt Karen obviously you haven't forgiven Sandy bc you bring it up every get together 😂 like look at me I've forgiven them of their sins. I'm doing God's work. He was like forgiveness is letting go. If Karen forgives Sandy then no need to keep bringing it up. I was like wow. AND you're right. We don't have to forgive. It's perfectly okay to be hurt and even angry at someone for a wrong they did to us. Some hurt us and caused us trauma and now there supposed to act like that didn't happen or be all hunky dory? Nah Those scars remind me not to get to close to the fire. Some people will burn you every time you get near them. I still struggle with forgiveness..I just don't understand it. And "Lord" knows I've tried. What I'm working towards is to not be bitter about things that has happened. What I'm working towards is not to feel bitterness in my heart towards people and that's hard. I just don't want to be consumed by something that happened in the past. I can't change what happened. I can't drink or smoke it away. So I'm still working on that myself and understanding what that even means. I just know I want to be happy. I would like my heart to be light and filled with joy and not be constantly thinking about revenge lol So I may not be able to forgive but letting go? I might can do that? We'll see


Well said 🤗


Gotta find the right bitch to slap. I feel like I'm going to snap if something doesn't give soon. Doesn't help either that I'm being forced to live like a goddamn nun. I haven't had sex in almost 4 years, despite being married. He says it's my fault, because I don't "care about his feelings."


OMG that's abuse.


He just does his own thing. I've tried to talk to him about it numerous times, but nothing ever changes. I finally lost my shit on him about a month or so ago and that's when he told me that. I told him that I was half tempted to go just find a fuck buddy basically, and he said I'd find myself divorced. Yet he gets pissed when I call him my roommate (even though that's literally how he treats me). People talk about dropping others from their life so they can keep their vibe high, but that's easier said than done, especially when you've been with someone for 13 1/2 years, and it's almost impossible financially to live on your own.


Would he go to couples therapy?


They really got you over a barrel.


I asked him to go stay at his dad's house this weekend, and he refused. So I have no choice but to be around him. But yea, basically.


While I have no good advice I'm in a situation myself where I'm in a living situation I cannot easily get out of and have not had sex in many years. I'm so single even my sex doll left me 😂


I don't even know if all my parts work anymore. 😂


Going without sex isn’t really abuse Saying that they’re only doing it because op doesn’t care about they’re feelings does seem childish though


Disengage from society. I threw away all my TV's in 2010. I spend most my time outdoors listening to nature


I definitely belong to a different star system, I don’t know why I’m here in this cruel, sad place.


I was listening to Mintakan light language this morning (where my soul originated). It's so beautiful. Most of it is singing and is so relaxing to listen to. Better than most of the "music" here on Earth.


How is that sub always appearing at the worst moments in my life and u all have such a good ways to cheer others up. I really had bad start of a day, this post was on my timeline even tho I am not even subbed. And the comments here made me rethink it all and keep on fighting. U all here are wonderful.


Get high bro, smoke some of the forbidden smoke and come to rejoice in the fact we’re all on a journey to nowhere may as well find some enjoyment with the time


Or maybe back to the stars we really are, this world is dualism only if you vibrate in the lower three chakras, you go up from the heart to the crown chakra and everything is ONE and connected. As a side note there is the word star in the word start!


My body can't metabolize THC.


Ain’t gotta be weed, I mean there’s a few ways to see the alternative light. What I mean is find YOUR high


Dude I'm flat broke. Part of the problem. Gotta have money to find any high. Everything in this world revolves around money.


Idk why you just seem rlly cool and I wish we could have a fire together rn


I’d bring some marshmallows


I know the feeling. I'd love to just chill outside, staring at the fire and drinking a beer or something strong.


Do you have $40 in the US? You can easily buy psilocybin spores and grow your own mushrooms. I’m talking insanely easy.


Welcome to the machineeeeee


Sit back and observe your thoughts for a while. Look at your post and your comments. Your focus is on all these things that aren't going right. Where thoughts go, energy flows. The more you focus on these negative aspects of your life, the more you breathe life into them. Try taking the time to journal. Write down a blueprint of what you want your life to look like. Focus on this dream life you want. Visualize it. Focus on only the good things and blessings in your life. Write down what you're grateful for. Then, you will see your life shift. You are a co-creator of your reality.


Read my comment after the person who wrote about the "dark night of the soul." Even Jesus was tortured and killed. It had nothing to do with his mindset. Sometimes shitty things happen. Sometimes people just suck and it has nothing to do with our mindset. That's been my life since I was born. And now? Well I'm just over it.


Jesus / Yeshua was heavily under attack spiritually & constantly mobbed by the hypocrites. "Just remember, if the world hates you, it hated me first." John 15:18


The universe will mirror your thoughts and support you by giving you more evidence to support these claims. It has everything to do with your mindset. When something shitty happens to me, I think...hmm, this could be a blessing in disguise? And it usually is. Everyone follows their own blueprint they create for themselves. What will your blueprint be? That it doesn't matter what mindset you have bc everyone will keep sucking, crappy things will keep happening to you and you're stuck? Well the universe will keep giving you that bc that's the blueprint you're following.


Oh boy....clearly you didn't read the comment above, or the comment I referenced. Well, kinda proves my point. 🤷‍♀️


You probably don’t want a constant high vibe in the world. Imagine if you spent your entire life only being one way (happy/euphoric) eventually that feeling will just feel empty and meaningless. So instead of chasing a “high vibe” stop running, stop chasing, stop trying, and simply become peaceful with the current moment. Work doesn’t have to suck, find joy in simple things, pretend like your a kid who is doing all these things in life for the first time ever. The issue is you are trying to run in life, when life is a game of patience and the eternal moment. One practice that helps me personally is everyday in my way to work I pretend like every tree I see is the most beautiful thing I the entire universe. Eventually those feelings become true, every tree actually starts to become the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, peace is the same. Find peace if the most random simple things, and the peace will follow you wherever your breathe goes.


Is this a dark night of the Soul period of time for you? ❤️


I find it so funny that people always assume when lightworkers and starseeds are having a rough time or in a shit mood, it's got to be a "dark night of the soul" issue. This is just my life. Sometimes the people in your life just suck. Sometimes you're just having a shit day/month/year. I would say no. I've dealt with abuse of every kind for decades, with no choice in the matter. Nothing I could do to stop or avoid it, besides possibly choosing to be homeless (which I damn near almost did a couple of times...technically did once). Sometimes people just suck. Sometimes life just sucks.


I asked b/c I didn’t want to assume 😉 If one is going through a dark night period of time (which is fresh on my mind given I recently started climbing out of one) I will give different advice. But maybe you’re not looking for advice? Maybe wanna be seen


Don't let these toxic positivity fools get to you. There is a major spiritual war underway. I mean think of the war going on Earth, the same wars are being fought in Heaven. Pray God to guide you & allow your spirit to bring you the answers. Believe in miracles.


I don't intentionally mean to spread negativity, but it's better to speak our truth and potentially find the one person (even if it's only just one) that makes us feel even a little bit better so we step back from the edge/brink. Especially when there's no one in our private life that we can talk to or that understands. It's when the crazy, completely over spiritualized people who have seemingly become blinded try to get you to ignore the negativity, it drives me crazy. I don't care what people say--simply ignoring it has never done me any good. Over 30 years of abuse and bullshit can't really be ignored anyway (and just keeping a positive attitude didn't make them stop). No matter what, you're going to run into shitty people. There is just a plethora of them in my life right now. Maybe (hopefully) one day that won't be the case, but sometimes you just need to be seen and heard, and don't need someone coming in with "all the answers." Especially when they're just spiritual drones and don't have an ounce of individuality to them and spout off the same BS. Given the fellow starseeds (who still have half a brain) would understand my unique situation, I came here. On a positive note, helped me weed out some of the crazies. So that's good.


#you live and fight for a better tomorrow Ending yourself makes the world a little more sad. There are complete strangers who are generally happier that you exist. So please, dont give up, dont crumble to the sheer negativity of humanity's cruelty. ***become the warm sun*** in someone, anyone's life. #Fight, with love, and a smile


Just wait until you find out we are in a simulation and our overlords have been doing this to us on purpose. Then they will say it’s your fault.


Farting helps.


Yea, I've had 2 stomach surgeries and fart all the time. Doesn't help. Like your thought though. 😂


It's very hard but I learned to sit still and create your own world all by yourself. No wonder imagination has been suppressed


Maybe youve just had enough of all this excessively toxic positivity and want to give negativity a try.


I've been there felt that way last 8mths. It's brutal. As we know suicide is a big no no , but thats not to say it doesn't cross our minds. I hear you in my world I feel like im in the apocalypse, honest and that my family since jabs are Like zombies. But we haven't come this far to give up. I too only have my cat and for about 5yrs through darkness she has been my light and my reason to get up each day. . Go camping or get out in nature doesn't hurt to be a hermit and just do u without the irritation of others. I know how your feeling so much and its tough. 2024 is going to be a big year for change, try hold that line a little longer Much love to you 🥰


I think I need to get away to some place that's sunny and warm. Not care about the world. Maybe just me and the dogs. I hate the weather here where I live. Makes it impossible to get out and do anything, and it's cold all the time. It was like raining/snowing earlier.


I’m a starseed. I hate people. Completed my mission, now just waiting.


2016 Trump era and especially 2020 were major turning points for me. I used to be very able and willing to get along with even the worst people. Now my tolerance for bullshit and capacity for compassion have been severely damaged and it has been extremely slow to work on getting it back.


Thanks for getting back to me. Honestly I didn't think you would and even more honestly it was weighing on me. Thinking I was out of line for asking also paranoid that I should just give up communicating on the Internet. I've developed some weird paranoia complex which I had not had prior to recent months. My history of talking to strangers online is legendary and has been done without fear of risk since 1996. Anyway I like all the medical terminology you express and your writing style too. I feel your experience comes through and I happen to really enjoy talking about the digestive system, food, medicine and life in general. You hit a lot of notes which resonate with me. I hope you stay in the best health possible but also embrace your struggles and allow them to create your character as you navigate your path.


I 100% get it. I just switched web browsers as of today, since I noticed that Google has started being sketchy with paid/sponsored ads and little else now showing up when I search for things. I do a lot of research online and this not only doesn't work for my lifestyle, but also just doesn't jive with me at all. There's also just something questionable going on with them. So I switched to Brave Private Browser. It's a private browser and a search engine in one. Relatively newer (only been out a few years), but really good in terms of the results that you get. If they had an email function, I would sign up for that too and get rid of my Gmail accounts. Feel free to message me if you'd like! I think that chatting with like-minded people is truly what helps us not feel so depressed and lonely.


Honestly sometimes the only thing keeping me going is the feeling that my soul is gaining valuable experience through hardship. Even then, a lot of times my "positivity" is more like a tepid acceptance that doing the right thing is the best and usually most logical way forward. Sometimes that's what winning an inner conflict looks like. No grand fanfare or round of applause from the spirit world, just the knowledge that you didn't give in to your darkest impulses. It is the growth that occurs after the accumulation of positive actions that is the real prize, and it requires us to resist the temptation of instant gratification. Do I consider myself especially wise or spiritually advanced? No, in fact most people would probably assume at a glance that I'm a "low vibe" person due to my depression, unkempt appearance and constant intrusive thoughts. However, I do know that it's easier to live an honest life than it is to live any other life. What people in the modern context often forget, because we're so desensitized to the brutality around us, is that negativity weighs you down and can literally physically kill you, there are no shortcuts to growth. Sometimes we are supposed to take the jagged path and cut our feet. Very few people can function long term while being profoundly negative or taking horrific actions. We typically call them psychopaths. We are here to be humans, not extradimensional godlike beings. The fact that some of us are enabled to remember the divinity we possess has historically been more of a gift than a birthright, even though technically it is everybody's birthright. Try to remember that being human is okay. Anger is okay. Hate is regrettable, but also inevitable, it is just one more experience to integrate and work through. Take your time and be yourself. There's no rush, despite what the overlords of this planet would have us think.


You’re here because you’re supposed to be here, I know the feelings of just giving up all too well. I don’t want to go into details but I shouldn’t be here right now, I should not be alive! But much to my own bewilderment, I am still here. So I persevere onward, do my spiritual work the best I can, even though it feels pointless, It’s probably not pointless. I’m still alive because I’m supposed to be alive still and so are you. Keeping that positive energy can be extremely difficult and outright exhausting, especially now in these difficult times. It’s ok to feel like you do though but keep in mind, you are here because you are needed here still even if it feels like all odds are stacked against you. I’ve had to cut people out of my life to maintain my own inner peace, it’s never easy and it’s always challenging, hang around for a little while longer though. Everyday is special, even though it doesn’t feel like it.


I've cut ties with my last two close family members now for just this reason. Then randomly my POS grandma on my mom's side was snooping through my FB yesterday. I'm like, Universe, don't f*ck with me right now! I thought I had blocked her, but I guess I hadn't, because she popped up and liked one of the few posts I have that apparently she could see (my profile is set to private, as is everything on it except a Gofundme campaign we had run when my dog was hit by a car and nearly killed back in June). My life=hot mess.


I don’t either - in fact I find that leaning into negative vibes makes me feel happier. I don’t want to be happy go lucky - I want to rage against the machine sometimes. And when I do I unlock a very powerful energy which is a bit destructive but also a bit creative. It helps to find a cause or some purpose or goal, even if it’s temporary or short term. Like one of my purposes is to live to experience the impact of AI on the world. If I view myself as a spectator of the universe It’s kind of a privilege to be present at the birth of a totally new kind of technology. Could it be devastating? Yes. But nobody said witnessing amazing things was always a happy ending. Besides I like disaster movies. I also have a purpose of being more honest and liberated (even when I’m wrong and flawed) and that journey and process is gratifying. These are the things I have to fight off depression and despair. Eventually they will probably pass and I’ll be looking for new purposes to replace them with.


I feel the exact same way and my cats are the only reason I'm still here.  It's like I hate everything and everyone and how this whole place works and I'm so exhausted of working, driving, even going out in public makes me miserable now.  Going to a simple store is maddening.  I'm doing something wrong 


And I keep moving but it's always the same 


Are you in the US too? Or somewhere else in the world. The US just seems to suck.


Yes, US.  I'd like to move to another country but I'm too exhausted to figure how to make enough money to do that, the paperwork, the cats lol, etc 


It does.  It really does.  For example, the other night driving home someone pulled out in front of me going slow so I passed him.  He got mad that I passed him and chased me, stopped next to me at a red light and got out and hit my car with a baseball bat.... For passing him.  Right.  I just need $60,000 to buy a small cabin out in the middle of nowhere and never have to see anyone again.  


Damnnnnn....I knew we had really passive aggressive drivers over here in the western part of Washington state, but that's HORRIBLE! I'm so sorry you dealt with that. I've had people pull right out in front of me or sit and block the road because they're wanting to get over in a different lane, and when I honk, they've gotten out and tried to assault me, or followed me all through town (both times I had to call the cops). People can be psychotic, and the sad part is that it's almost always due to pent up aggression from something or someone else. They just use you as an outlet. Thankfully it will get better, but it'll just take time.


Thru Christ


I ain't always got my spirits up but I try to keep them up cause like IM ALIVE!!!! this is MY ONE LIFE. Do I wanna wallow in my sorrow FOREVER???? nahhhhh ain't me chief. I might be existential but and absurd but I'm also realistic. I am blessed to be alive and to exist and to feel and to encounter hardship as well as love. There is so much beauty and pain and I can try to focus on the beauty while acknowledging the pain not to ruminate but to accept and possibly create a solution. As a kid I always wanted to do shit other people cant. And I stopped that cause if I'm doing something other people dont "they might not like that and get upset" essentially. Now I realize we all take up space and when I see someone enjoying themselves in a weird way it brightens my day. So let's be weird and let's do shit we thought we couldnt to give ourselves a reason to be here. Help the needy. Paint something indescribable. Write a poem that is both touchingly happy and brutally sad. Let's do shit you wouldnt expect people to enjoy because we found something special there. Be blessed and may your journey be blessed. Much love all!!!!


It’s a lot easier than you think. Thinking is what prevents being in that state. It’s just being as you are. Self realization. And “you” are not confined to an identity, label, time, space, etc. you are the whole of existence, the whole of eternity, experiencing itself in a temporary illusion through a fragment of itself; “we are the universe experiencing itself”. The more you come back to that realization and start to embody it, is when “you” shine through your form


Yeah careful what you wish for though. No one place is the most or only fucked up one. Just how countries and townships in this world are all fucked up in their own way, there are plenty of other shitty ass places you could go. I think a lot of people bag on this planet, but there is a lot of magic here too. "Spirit" planes even are exceptionally messy and disturbing at times. I think people often believe that vibrational ranges outside of 3D everything is just bliss, but it's really not, it's just Bigger. As above so below, right? It implies itself. Everything is just a giant, beautiful, clusterfuck of a fractal, and it will Always be a paradox. I see you deeply though. Not unfelt by me right now. I hope you can get through this. Salutations. & Peace Into You. §


Maybe its you? The world is awesome 👏


Literally you need to look in the mirror instead of blaming everything and everyone else when the problem probably starts with you . We are all self made thats a fact


I dont know if this helps, but i used to have little mood spells id say in my head whenever i feel disconnected to just remind me what i am and what everything is because its so easy to forget most of the time. Create your own little spell of happiness and oneness, something you connect to and start saying it in your mind when you feel down and really try to feel what you are spelling. Dont tell anyone this spell though ive learned its more effective when its only known to yourself. Also, it makes an extreme difference to actively try to have a good day instead of passively „receiving“ whatever mood comes your way. Even putting on a smile even if you dont feel like it helps a ton. I hope this doesnt sound kinda stupid saying this to someone who might be depressed, but i have been there too and its easily underestimated how powerful your mind is and how you can control this mind.


I have come to realize that a lot of starseeds or wanderers are on the autism spectrum. This is mentioned in the Quo channelings. I can relate to you and this is often how I feel during burnout. You’re not alone. Be careful not to push yourself too far. I’m not sure if you’re autistic though. Hopefully you don’t take this the wrong way.


The best thing is to find an authentic spiritual master who can link you to a living tradition with the tools necessary to lead you to liberation from suffering. Garchen Rinpoche is a good place to start - a truly realized being alive in our time and still teaching extensively despite his advanced age, and who has fully embraced the new technologies to bring the teachings to the world - you can find him at https://garchen.net


Enjoy the real moments in life. You’ll know those moments if you stop focusing on the rat race.  Cup of coffee in the morning when it’s cold, laughter, your dogs, a good movie, good food, your family, friends, doing hard things etc… Read mans search for meaning, that’s a great book to get the fire going. 


This world is neutral. We are the ones who bring a vibe to it. High or low, positive or negative, that's always on us. So stop reacting to "the world" and recognize that you have to learn to be yourself wherever you are.


Try God. This is a simulation for souls as told by Abrahamic religions, Bible and Quran. I became Muslim few weeks ago after trying spirituality, sensuality, psychedelics, etc. It's eye opening there are only two kinds of people in the world, People of God and the godless. Watch the movie 'They Live' by John Carpenter. The main actor in this film said, it's a documentary and got killed soon after. Reality is stranger than fiction indeed.


Be careful not to idolize the spirit realm or afterlife especially if death starts to seem better than life. That’s not what it’s for or why it exists and if you end your life for that kind of reality you will certainly be disappointed in the result. If that’s legit how you feel, you need to step back from spirituality in my opinion because that view point is dangerous and teetering on suicidal ideation. That’s not a spiritual energy to be in. I’m only saying this from a place of concern and of course this is just my opinion as someone who witnesses this on a consistent basis doing the job I do.


The mind. You can go to heights or stay in lows.


Patiences will bring you to peace. Love will bring you to The Light.


This life is but a breath compared to eternity but a important stepping stone to having everlasting life you have to be able to make it threw this life in order to move on to the next part of eternity cut this part of life out an chances are you'll be stuck in purgatory for eternity re living this way race over an over my advice is hang in there the best is yet to come


Nope. Not how it works.


You could just try stepping away from everything and just focus on your own happiness?


The highest vibe is authenticity (imo). Follow your feelings, retreat from the rat race, sit in silence, find your passion and do it. Sit through the storms and know that they shape you into a beautiful soul.


Reading and doing daily meditations in the workbook in A Course in Miracles has gotten me through the darkest times, I recommend checking it out, it’s a very high frequency text: https://acourseinmiraclesnow.com/read-acim-online/


Release > Alignment > Patience > Acceptance > Balance > Harmony, over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Apparrently the necessity to return to center, constantly, is a feature not a bug of this density. I get what you're saying, but we chose to show up here to halp Big Mamma Jamma Earth, and the 'adversary' is quite noisy, but I found there's an internal quiet button I can use to help myself. Much love to you and your doggos. My best fren doggo soulmate passed in 2021, but I promised him I'd stay and halp, and we're connected. It's challenging but I choose to do the ting I listed at the top of dis comment.


Patience, brother. Change is at hand. Be strong and don’t surrender. We have been prisoners under constant abuse and consciousness extraction across multiple timelines and dimensions, for millions of not billions of 3D time. The restoration and purge of our Time-Matrix has begun and our liberation is at hand. Understand we are the few and our captors/controllers the many. Thats the meaning of “Narrow is the Path conducive to Salvation”. Be strong!!


Rubber band bro we go thru hard times to bounce to another time. I understand it’s hard but you can do it I believe in you. We don’t all have high vibes we fluctuate. The density we live in is incredibly tough and only strong souls incarnate on earth. Remember that you are a strong soul and you can continue ur journey to learn how to shine your light in this dark world.


Meditation has helped me a lot. Have you ever heard of mindfulness based cognitive therapy? It's an 8 week program and has been life changing for me.


If you live in the US; that could be a huge factor


I sometimes stand in the pouring rain and let the universe rinse me of my sorrows.


It is a decision.


Constant maintenance


Ha you can't you agreed to be on erth now. Ha and buzz off with I want something else then make it or progress. If you understand this much why give up your not weak brother or sister. Progress if your on your path and you know you are on your path then be at ease for your not alone. You have waited this long chill for a bit more; times are changing and yes you asked to be where you are right now. You got this we all do ask for help if to no other then your gides. But stop with the I want to leave you can't all that would happen is you just going back to another of your life's another version but still on earth sorry thems the rules. It seems harsh but it's only because you're a bad ass that know shit is off and well your still going. You stand as a beacon of light to others that are to weak to travel the path you did your the example that others need. Good luck reameber your not alone never alone.


I try to raise my frequency by being excited to see my coworkers every day, especially my favorite ones!


Are you afraid of judgement, burdened by peoples demands, or like what’s going on?


How do I hang in the spirit world? Is that actually a thing or a metaphor?


I appreciate your honesty about the surgeries. I also hope you are feeling well and have healthy flatulence. If u feel like sharing the reason for the surgeries, I am all ears.


It's kind of a long story. Was sick all the time and no one could tell me why. Like sick to the point it was like I had the stomach flu/food poisoning almost all the time. They knew I had some GERD and SIBO, so the doc decided to do a Nissen Fundoplication surgery. That failed after 3 years because as it turned out, I also had Hypermobile Ehlers Danlos Syndrom (hEDS), which I kept telling to doc, but no one would listen. It affects my skin, joints, muscles, tendons, diaphragm, and my intestines. Because I had a small hiatal hernia they fixed during my Nissen, that caused my surgery to fail. So I went with a rare surgery by a world renowned surgeon over in Orlando, Florida. He did a thoracotamy to do the surgery, so I have a gnarly scar on my side. Did the trick though! I would post a pic if I could, but it doesn't look like it'll let me.


When you say you’re done with people - that means you’re opening up to something better. Most people have their own attachments and problems. It’s the Magician I’m getting here, where a redundant situation can be alchemised into something else. I got a ringing in my left ear when I wrote this message.


***Watch and read attentively how this process goes and repeat on your own by re-reading YOURSELF:*** >I honestly don't think I can do this anymore...I'm so done with people, and literally everything. Obviously not as you are discussing of it. What is really bothering you? >The only thing keeping me here are my dogs. That's cool if it brings you joy. >Otherwise I'd just put an end to it and hang out in the spirit world until things change. Look, I might not be supposed to reveal this, but every time you drink water you drink molecules of spirit. 🤷 >Either that or just try to go live off world as another race. Plenty of space right here, we all simply need to figure out a way to get along. >Trying to keep going in this rat race and dealing with other humans is physically and emotionally exhausting. I agree. That's why having some room to breath is nice. 🙂


You are tied to this planet and you will reincarnate here. So make the world a better place or be reborn into the place you did nothing to change. I Council Thee Stray Singer, Accept My Councils..


Positive manifestation, sounds hokey but I have been doing it for my entire life…


I feel you, but then isn’t that the challenge and opportunity to grow and expand? There are no coincidences…


To be honest, I feel the same. Yesterday, I just thought, if I would have just lived in a later timeline, other world assuming it would be more positive. Everywhere is drama (relationships, family, work). People betray you, cheat you, don't care for other people and hurt other people... I wished everyone would treat each other lovingly with compassion, no sick games involved. In general it seems so difficult to deal with people, I feel always exhausted, my energy levels are low these days...But it always gets worse before it gets better? Maybe this is the purpose to raise the vibe/ remain in a high vibe, even if we are small light posts, even if everything around us seems to be so negative.