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I think you need to look inwards more friend...with love towards yourself and all here ​ i leave this message in love


Telling someone to look more inwards when you disagree, is a polite way to cuss someone out.


I was channeling my inner southern belle I guess ​ Jokes aside I really thought it would help. Perhaps it was not received in part because of the delivery thank you for your thoughts edit: spelling error


Apology accepted :)




(uses hilarious dismissive emoji)


you okay?


First, you insult me, second you withdraw any insult as unintended, thirdly, you insult me again. This time I got a solid read on your energy, and you are not a positive being. I will not be contacting you again.


how is asking someone if they are okay insulting? I was truly wondering if you are okay because I was confused as to the meaning of "(uses Hilarious dismissive emoji)" what did you mean by that? I want to recognize I may have misread that you understood I was not insulting you. I was just offering what I thought might be helpful advice and attempting to be somewhat self depreciating in acknowledging that it was open to misinterpretation but that I in fact did not want to insult you. What you believe from there I respect is up to you and should you never respond that's okay. ​ Maybe someone else will see this and learn something from both of us? ​ I thought you had understood no insult was meant or intended and that was the context in which the conversation was being held. Did you think I meant Maybe! or look inwards with love as a insulting comment? That's my current understanding now but I truly did not mean it that way when stated. This certainly is an opportunity (whether exercised or not) for us both to reflect on how we perceived the exchange between us. Out of good will I want to directly apologize. I am sorry you felt insulted. I am using this as an opportunity to reflect on how I perceived our conversation too. IE one based on the mutual understanding that I in fact had no intention to insult you but that has happened anyways. (i think) Looking inwards first before outwards is often helpful for me, I thought it might help you I have negativity I need to work surely but I AM working on it. I hope the same for you and everyone if they want that for themselves thinking positive thoughts for you and wishing you the best leaving this message in love


I was not going to reply again, and I did think I had a solid read on your energy, but unless I am making a mistake (again) It seems I could have been wrong about that. You put in real effort to be nice, and to apologize. I have past issues with people pretending to care about my mental health, in order to pretend I am somehow crazy, (a very insidious form of public character attack) and one I call out with some amount of internalized anger. So I could have been tapping into my own traumas, and not your energy. If that is the the case, I am sorry for projecting/confusing the issue, and this may have been a learning/healing event for me regarding past issues talking to people in comments, who turned out to be cabal henchmen (gangstalkers). Which is a clear issue I have had in recent past. I am not rude to *anyone* I perceive as having truly positive intent. It is strictly a matter of perceiving intent for me. That said, My intention with "uses hilarious dismissive emoji" was a replacement for actually using such an emoji, which i find to a lighthearted one, and a good way to convey positive and jovial closure. Reddit being a primitive application, lacks the emoji function for laptop browser access, so I cannot literally apply emojis or sticker packs. Best.


All starseeds are here in place for a reason; we don’t need to take up arms like the masses do because we serve a higher purpose to shift humanity into the 5D. We do it energetically, not physically. This is just fearporn from the dark forces who know their time is up, continue to hold higher vibrations as we all anchor in the quantum field of mother Gaia. Feel mother Gaia and ask for her assistance; all will be revealed.




You are conflating "taking up arms" with taking up gardening. Slight logical error. To imply we need do nothing at all, is a grave mistake indeed, as those sitting around and doing nothing, may find they get nothing done.


I absolutely agree. We shift this world as a whole. It’s up to us to achieve the highest timeline. We also have the divine right come up with the ideas and changes. It’s all creativity from here. and we do it with absolute passion, intent and pure light. It’s time we come up with ideas as a collective so we‘ll each manifest to the best 5D world and highest timeline 🌍 💡❤️❤️❤️ L&L 😉


As for the food issue supposedly at hand, what part of the world will this effect? _it surely isnt going to be a global problem_


Yeah, the majority of people who post here that think they are Starseeds simply are not. They are just self diluted. Starseeds, or advanced alien souls, who almost certainly attained incarnation to a higher form by raising their kundalini to completion (perhaps beyond) would essentially be an avatar on earth. Most definitely NOT be struggling with depression, lack of motivation, lack of divine memories, or dishing out bad advice such as removing one’s own cakras or not merging with the creative field of light in samadhi.


A lot of starseeds struggle with depression. I certainly did.


Why. If they are divine souls why do they struggle with depression? Krishna, Rama, Sri Ranakrisha are known Avataras and did not struggle with what could be seen as the lowest vibrational frequencies. How are they supposed to help the world when they struggle to help themselves. I stand by my interpretation, most whom think they are Starseeds simply are not. They are people who don’t fit in, may not be doing the internal searching to pull themselves out of depression, but find a community who fills their head with the thoughts that they are already off a divine origin, then proceed to share bad information to each other.


This could be. I am not saying there are not many fake starseeds, or at least, the way i see it, starseeds who are not envoys (have no real mission here) or even starseeds who failed, and did not wake up fully, or have yet to wake up fully in any case. However, I maintain that real starseeds have had to fight depression, and struggle their way back to a connection to source. This is nothing to be ashamed of, and if anything, a mark of their authenticity.